Children's fairy tales online. Man solves riddles

A man was sowing a clearing near the main road. At that time, the king was riding, stopped in front of the peasant and said:
- God bless you, man!
- Thank you, a kind person! (He didn't know it was a king.)
- Do you get much benefit from this clearing? the king asked.
- Yes, with a good harvest, there will be eighty rubles.
- Where are you going with this money?
- I pay twenty rubles in tribute, twenty - I pay a debt, twenty - I lend, and twenty - I throw out the window.
- Explain, brother, what debt you pay, to whom you lend and why you throw it out the window?
- I pay a debt - I support my father, I give a loan - I feed my son, I throw it out the window - I feed my daughter.
- Your truth! - said the sovereign.
He gave him a handful of silver, declared himself that he was a king, and commanded: without his face, do not say those speeches to anyone:
Whoever asks, don't tell anyone!
The tsar arrived in his capital and called the boyars and generals:
- Solve, - he says, - a riddle for me. I saw a peasant along the way - he was sowing a clearing; I asked him: how much benefit does he get and where does the money go? The peasant answered me: with the harvest I get eighty rubles; I pay twenty in tribute, twenty I pay a debt, twenty I lend, and twenty I throw out the window. Who among you will solve this riddle, I will bestow great awards, great honors.
Boyars and generals thought, thought, could not figure it out.
So one boyar took it into his head and went to the peasant with whom the tsar was talking, poured him a whole pile of silver rubles and asked:
- Explain, explain the royal riddle!
The peasant coveted the money, took it and announced everything to the boyar; and the boyar returned to the tsar and now explained his riddle.
The king sees that the peasant did not keep the commandment, ordered him to get it in front of him.
The peasant came to the tsar and from the very first confessed that he had told the boyar.
- Well, brother, blame yourself, and for such a fault I will order you to be executed by death!
- Your Majesty! I am not guilty of anything, because - I told the boyar in front of your royal face.
Here the peasant took out a silver ruble with the royal person from his pocket and showed it to the sovereign.
- Your truth! - said the sovereign. - This is my persona.
He generously rewarded the peasant and let him go home.

Man solves riddles

One peasant in the village needed bread. And they had a gentleman, he loved men who were quick-witted. He comes to the barin. Barin asks him:

What do you need, man?

To your mercy, sir! There is no bread - there is nothing to eat! Would your grace give me some bread?

Barin answered him:

And here's the thing, man! Solve me a riddle, then I will let you go and bread! Here: what is faster in the world is not?

The man said:

There is nothing faster than thought!

Well, that, he says, is true! Well, guess what is stronger in the world?

There is no worse weather!

Well, yes, and this, - he says, - is true! Tell me: what is sweeter in the world?

There is nothing sweeter than sleep!

The master poured him a cartload of bread. The man comes home. They had a rich man in the village, and he was so envious. Comes to the man, asks:

Where did you get the bread?

Thank you, the gentleman poured me a whole cartload!

Why did he hit you?

He told me a riddle, and I told him. He gave me a whole cart for that.

The rich man thought: “I’ll go too: and maybe I’ll figure it out!”

This rich man had three good horses.

Comes to the bar. Barin asks him:

What do you need, man?

Yes, I've come to your mercy! Will you give me some bread?

I'll let you have some bread, just solve the riddle for me! When you don’t guess, then your triplet remains with me!

Perhaps, - he says, - I will figure it out!

Well, tell me: what is faster in the world?

He points to his colt.

Here, my foal, I'm tea, there is nothing faster!

Barin says:

No that's not true! Here, tell me more: what is stronger in the world?

I am tea, master, there is no stronger bear! - speaks.

And this, he says, is not true! What's cuter in the world?

And what, barin? I love nothing more than my wife!

The master said to him:

You have a lot of your own bread, you don’t even know how to guess!

So there is nothing to do, the man went home. And the three horses remained with the master.

Carefree Monastery

Many years ago, a sovereign passed by a small town. He really liked the monastery located here - it was clear that he could not stand the need. The king wanted to see the monastery inside, but even here he found everything in order. He was met by the abbot, and the king asked him:

What is the name of your monastery?

The abbot replied:

Our monastery is not quite a suitable name: it is called carefree.

The emperor laughed and said:

If it is called carefree, then I will put sadness on it.

I will go further, and I will give you, before my arrival here to you, to solve three riddles: since you are close to God with your prayers, then count all the stars in the sky for me; second - rate me for what I'm worth; the third - what I now think.

The abbot obeyed. And after the departure of the king, the monks gathered every night in one room and tried to solve the riddles, but they did not succeed. One day, as usual, they are sitting in the room, and the cook comes to them to ask the abbot what to cook tomorrow. Upon receiving the answer, he said:

I dare to ask you, brethren, why do you wear yourself out so much every night?

The abbot told him everything. The cook says:

I will solve these riddles if you allow me to meet the sovereign and put on your clothes.

The abbot agreed. After a while, the king arrives, and the imaginary abbot came out to meet:

What, did you solve the riddles?

Yes, I guessed.

Well, how many stars are in the sky?

A trillion trillion, a billion billion and a million million.

Is this true?

If you don't believe me, then take the trouble to count!

The second riddle: what am I worth?

You are our earthly king, and we also have a heavenly one, and he was sold for thirty pieces of silver, then you can be sold for half.

Now what am I thinking now?

You think you are talking to the abbot, and meanwhile - to the cook.

At these words, he took off his clothes. The king rewarded him and made him hegumen.

master blacksmith

The master alone envied the blacksmith.

You live, - he says, - you live, someday there will be a harvest and you will wait for money, and the blacksmith will knock with a hammer and - with money. Let me run the forge!

Started a forge; ordered the footman to inflate the bellows. Worth waiting for customers. A man is driving by, he wants to order tires for all four wheels (the whole camp).

Russian folk tale

one peasant in the village needed bread. And they had a gentleman, he loved men who were quick-witted. He comes to the barin. The master asks him: "What do you need, little man?" - "To your mercy, master! There is no bread - there is nothing to eat! Will your mercy give me some bread?" The master answered him: "But what, little man! Solve me a riddle, then I will let you go and bread! Here: what is faster in the world?" The man said: "There is nothing in the world faster than thought!" - "Well, this," he says, "is true! And guess what is stronger in the world?" - "There is no stronger weather!" - "Well, yes, and this, - he says, - is true! And tell me: what is not nicer in the world?" - "There is nothing sweeter than sleep!"

The master poured him a cartload of bread. The man comes home. And they had a rich man in the village, and such an envious one! He comes to the peasant, asks: "Where did you get the bread?" - "Thanks to me, the master poured a whole cart!" - "Why did he pour you?" - "He gave me a riddle, I solved it. For this, he poured a whole cartload of bread for me."

Ogach thought: "I'll go too - and maybe I'll figure it out!" And he had three good horses. He comes to the barin. The master asks: "What do you need, little man?" - "Yes, I've come to your mercy! Would you let me have some bread?" - "I'll let you have a loaf, just solve my riddle! If you don't solve it, then your three will remain with me!" - "Perhaps," he thinks, "I'll figure it out!"

The master asks: "Well, tell me: what is faster in the world?" The rich man points to his foal: "There is nothing faster than my foal!" The master says: "No, that's not true! Tell me more: what is stronger in the world?" - "There is nothing stronger than a bear!" - "And this is not true! And what is not nicer in the world?" - "And what, master? There is nothing sweeter in the world than a wife!" Master to him: "You have a lot of your own bread - you don't even know how to guess!" Well, there is nothing to do, the man went home. And the three horses remained with the master.

The man don't be bad and says:

I had three. The first gave a feather, the second - two, and the third - as many as three.

Voivode and tongue bit; I started asking what it means. And the man smiles, he knows:

Here you are, governor, the local king, that means. You, therefore, need to be smarter than everyone. And you're asking a simple man!

One peasant in the village needed bread. And they had a gentleman, he loved men who were quick-witted. He comes to the barin. Barin asks him:

What do you need, man?

To your mercy, sir! There is no bread - there is nothing to eat! Would your grace give me some bread?

Barin answered him:

And here's the thing, man! Solve me a riddle, then I will let you go and bread! Here: what is faster in the world is not?

The man said:

There is nothing faster than thought!

Well, that, he says, is true! Well, guess what is stronger in the world?

There is no worse weather!

Well, yes, and this, - he says, - is true! Tell me: what is sweeter in the world?

There is nothing sweeter than sleep!

The master poured him a cartload of bread. The man comes home. They had a rich man in the village, and he was so envious. Comes to the man, asks:

Where did you get the bread?

Thank you, the gentleman poured me a whole cartload!

Why did he hit you?

He told me a riddle, and I told him. He gave me a whole cart for that.

The rich man thought: “I’ll go too: and maybe I’ll figure it out!”

This rich man had three good horses.

Comes to the bar. Barin asks him:

What do you need, man?

Yes, I've come to your mercy! Will you give me some bread?

I'll let you have some bread, just solve the riddle for me! When you don’t guess, then your triplet remains with me!

Perhaps, - he says, - I will figure it out!

Well, tell me: what is faster in the world?

He points to his colt.

Here, my foal, I'm tea, there is nothing faster!

Barin says:

No that's not true! Here, tell me more: what is stronger in the world?

I am tea, master, there is no stronger bear! - speaks.

And this, he says, is not true! What's cuter in the world?

And what, barin? I love nothing more than my wife!

The master said to him:

You have a lot of your own bread, you don’t even know how to guess!

So there is nothing to do, the man went home. And the three horses remained with the master.

Many years ago, a sovereign passed by a small town. He really liked the monastery located here - it was clear that he could not stand the need. The king wanted to see the monastery inside, but even here he found everything in order. He was met by the abbot, and the king asked him:

What is the name of your monastery?

The abbot replied:

Our monastery is not quite a suitable name: it is called carefree.

The emperor laughed and said:

If it is called carefree, then I will put sadness on it.

I will go further, and I will give you, before my arrival here to you, to solve three riddles: since you are close to God with your prayers, then count all the stars in the sky for me; second - rate me for what I'm worth; the third - what I now think.

The abbot obeyed. And after the departure of the king, the monks gathered every night in one room and tried to solve the riddles, but they did not succeed. One day, as usual, they are sitting in the room, and the cook comes to them to ask the abbot what to cook tomorrow. Upon receiving the answer, he said:

I dare to ask you, brethren, why do you wear yourself out so much every night?

The abbot told him everything. The cook says:

I will solve these riddles if you allow me to meet the sovereign and put on your clothes.

The abbot agreed. After a while, the king arrives, and the imaginary abbot came out to meet:

What, did you solve the riddles?

Yes, I guessed.

Well, how many stars are in the sky?

A trillion trillion, a billion billion and a million million.

Is this true?

If you don't believe me, then take the trouble to count!

The second riddle: what am I worth?

You are our earthly king, and we also have a heavenly one, and he was sold for thirty pieces of silver, then you can be sold for half.

Now what am I thinking now?

You think you are talking to the abbot, and meanwhile - to the cook.

At these words, he took off his clothes. The king rewarded him and made him hegumen.

The master alone envied the blacksmith.

You live, - he says, - you live, someday there will be a harvest and you will wait for money, and the blacksmith will knock with a hammer and - with money. Let me run the forge!

Started a forge; ordered the footman to inflate the bellows. Worth waiting for customers. A man is driving by, he wants to order tires for all four wheels (the whole camp).

Hey man, stop! Come here!

He drove up.

What do you want?

Yes, sir, you need tires for the whole camp.

Okay, now, wait!

And how much will it cost?

Yes, one and a half hundred rubles should be taken, well, yes, in order to graft the people, I’ll take a hundred in total.

The master began to kindle a fire, the lackey - to blow into the furs; took iron, let's forge it, but he doesn't know how to forge. Burned everything.

Well, - he says, - little man, it won’t work out for you, not only the whole machine, but perhaps one tavern.

Well, okay, - he says, - a tavern is a tavern.

Forged, forged master and says:

Well, little man, not even one tavern will come out, but if there are any coulters coming out.

Well, all right, - says the little man, - at least the plow.

The master knocked with a hammer, he also spoiled a lot of iron and said:

Well, little man, not even a vomer will come out, but God forbid that a kochedych comes out.

Well, at least a kochedychok, - the man says.

Only the master did not have enough iron for a stump: he burned everything. Worked, worked and says:

Well, little man, not even a kochedyk will come out, but one little bump will come out. (When the hot iron is lowered into the water, it will sizzle).

Okay, - says the man, - how old are you?

Why, I told you, fool, that a hundred.

Not with me now, I'll go for the money.

And left. And the master says to the footman:

You, when he comes with money, stop and say: add, they say, add!

Okay, he says.

Here the peasant grabbed a whip at home, came to the smithy and let's fry the master, and the footman stands and says:

Add more! Add more!

Fired it up and left. The master attacked the footman:

What are you, scoundrel? I ordered you, if he brings money, to say this, and you see, they beat me, and yell: “Add more!”.

The master nailed the lackey, broke the smithy and did not take up the blacksmith's craft anymore, but envy the blacksmith.

Once upon a time there were two brothers, Thomas and Yerema. The guys took it into their head, advised to plow the arable land. They plowed up the arable land, threw in rye; rye was born good, vigorous, eary, fibrous. Ear from ear - do not hear the voice; a sheaf from a sheaf - they threw sticks; wort from wort - driven by hauls. Even here, guys, we didn’t get carried away, we didn’t get carried away.

The guys thought of it, they advised me to trade with the bargain. Yerema sat down with bast shoes and a rake, Foma sat down with wheat and tori. They don’t sell from Yerema, they don’t take from Foma. Even here, guys, we didn’t get carried away, we didn’t get carried away.

The guys thought of it, advised me to go to God's church. Yerema stood on the kliros, Thomas - on the altar. Yerema sang, and Foma roared. They will look, smile: “Isn’t a dashing sexton with an elm batog running after us?” Still here, guys, we didn’t get carried away, we didn’t get carried away.

The guys thought of it, they advised the fishermen. Yerema got into the boat, Foma got into the botnik. Yerema drowned, and the devil dragged Foma.

Nevertheless, it is pleasant to read the fairy tale "Riddles 2" even for adults, childhood is immediately remembered, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. Main character always wins not by deceit and cunning, but by kindness, gentleness and love - this top quality children's characters. Of course, the idea of ​​the superiority of good over evil is not new, of course, many books have been written about it, but every time it is still pleasant to be convinced of this. Each time, reading this or that epic, one feels the incredible love with which the images are described. environment. A small amount of details of the surrounding world makes the depicted world more saturated and believable. Charm, admiration and indescribable inner joy are produced by pictures drawn by our imagination when reading such works. Once again, rereading this composition, you will certainly discover something new, useful and instructive, and essentially important. The fairy tale "Riddles 2" is certainly useful to read online for free, it will bring up only good and useful qualities and concepts.

A peasant was sowing a clearing near the main road. At that time, the king was riding, stopped in front of the peasant and said:

God help, man!

Thanks, kind person!

Do you get much benefit from that clearing? the king asked.

Yes, with a good harvest, there will be eighty rubles.

Where are you going with this money?

I pay twenty rubles in tax, twenty - I pay a debt, twenty - I lend, and twenty - I throw out the window.

Explain, brother, what debt you pay, to whom you lend, and why you throw it out the window?

I pay a debt - I support my father, I give a loan - I feed my son, I throw it out the window - I feed my daughter.

Your truth! - said the sovereign, gave him a handful of silver, declared himself that he was the king, and commanded - without his face, no one should say those speeches: - No matter who asks, don’t tell anyone!

The tsar arrived in his capital and summoned the boyars and generals.

Solve, - he says, - a riddle for me. I saw a peasant on the way - he was sowing a clearing. I asked him: how much benefit does he get and where does the money go? The peasant answered me: with the harvest I get eighty rubles. Twenty - I pay in tribute, twenty - I pay a debt, twenty - I give a loan, and twenty - I throw it out the window. Who among you will solve this riddle, I will bestow great awards, great honors.

Boyars and generals thought and thought, could not figure it out. So one boyar took it into his head and went to the peasant with whom the tsar was talking. He poured him a whole pile of silver rubles and asked:

Explain, explain the royal riddle!

The man coveted the money, took it and announced everything to the boyar. And the boyar returned to the king and now explained his riddle.

The king sees that the peasant did not keep the commandment, ordered to bring him to him. The peasant came to the tsar and from the very first confessed that he had told the boyar.

Well, brother, blame yourself, for such a fault I will order you to be executed by death!

Your Majesty! I am not guilty of anything, therefore I told the boyar in front of your royal face.

Here the peasant took out a silver ruble with the royal person from his pocket and showed it to the sovereign.

Your truth! - said the sovereign. - This is my person. He generously rewarded the peasant and let him go home.
