Man in the system of economic relations briefly social science. Economic man - brief description. Model of economic man. Self-test questions

Man in the system of economic relations. Economy of Russia.

IMan and property relations.

By entering into economic relations, a person throughout his life has the opportunity to experience all their diversity. In property relations, a person exercises the rights of ownership, disposal, and use. The scope of these rights depends on the form of ownership: general, private or mixed.

It should be emphasized that the influence of forms of ownership on economic behavior person is not unambiguous. For example, private property, on the one hand, separates people and alienates them from labor, but, on the other hand, is a necessary condition for their economic independence and independence. Common (or public) property, to a certain extent, helps to overcome sharp property and social inequality, according to economists, does not create sufficient incentives to work and cannot sustain economic growth.

The right of property is recognized as one of the natural and inalienable human rights.

IIMan and work.

The most important economic role of a person is his participation in the labor process. Objective characteristics of human labor activity are productivity, efficiency and place in the system of social division of labor.

Its assessment is determined by the degree of compliance with the most important requirements imposed on it: the requirements of professionalism, labor, technological, contractual discipline, as well as executive and initiative.

In modern times, the character there is influenced by N.T.R.

IIIMan and business.

Entrepreneurial activity in modern conditions is becoming one of the important forms of human participation in economic relations. Entrepreneurship or business is considered to be carried out on one's own initiative, at one's own risk and responsibility, and as an independent activity aimed at making a profit.

It places special demands on a person: ingenuity, deep knowledge, willingness to take risks, firmness, the ability to independently make responsible decisions, and loyalty to one’s word. Failure to meet these requirements turns an activity that looks like an entrepreneurial activity into deception and fraud.

IVPerson – income and expenses.

Finally, a person is a participant in the relations of distribution and consumption.

Various forms of distribution of the product produced in society are known: wages, bank interest, ground rent, dividends. Income inequality depends on a person’s position in property relations, his level of education, qualifications, profession and other factors. Inevitable in conditions market economy The reserve in the context of the income of individuals and groups of the population in modern conditions is intended to be compensated by the state (social programs, benefits).

By entering into a consumer relationship, a person uses the income he receives to purchase the goods and services he needs and satisfies his existing material and spiritual needs.

VRussia is on the path to a market economy.

The transition to a market economy in Russia began in October 1991. At the same time, the first program of radical economic reforms was prepared. Its main directions were: the transition to free pricing, denationalization and privatization of state-owned enterprises in industry, trade, and services. With the help of these measures, the authors of the program hoped, on the one hand, to ease the existing economic crisis, eliminate the deficit, and on the other, to create a new class in Russia - the class of owners.

The results of economic reforms are contradictory; the most serious problem that the government had to face at the beginning of the reforms was the problem of new system values ​​and formation in citizens of the qualities necessary for an entrepreneur.

In addition, the transition to free pricing led to a sharp decline in living standards. Depriving the population of accumulated Money led to certain consequences during privatization - the process of transferring state property into private hands.

Privatization can be carried out:


rent with subsequent purchase

transformation of state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies

buyout of enterprises on a competitive basis.

The goal of privatization - the creation of a wide layer of private owners in the country - has not yet been achieved.

The following can be considered a positive result of the ongoing reforms:

1) formation of market infrastructure. ( commercial banks, stock and commodity exchanges, auctions.)

2) the legal system of a market economy is being regulated.

3) a number of strategic tasks have been resolved. (inflation stopped, financial stabilization achieved, etc.)


To prepare this work, materials were used from the site

Man is an extremely complex creature that combines the biological and the social.
As a biological phenomenon, man is a unique product of nature, a thinking being, endowed with a set of physical and mental abilities that allow him to interact with nature and live according to its laws.
Man as a social being acts as a part of society, lives in society, has multifaceted relationships with other people (economic, political, national, family), fulfills and obeys legal laws, observes certain moral norms and rules social behavior, accepted in society, i.e. is a reasonable person (Homo sapiens). In the dialectical interaction of the biological and social sides of man, the ability to use natural and economic laws in his activities lies the deep essence of man as a biosocial being (Fig. 3.14).

Man is studied by many sciences, including economics, which studies economic essence man, his place and role in the economic system, needs, interests, economic behavior, i.e. economic man (Homo economicus).
Economic man is the main creative subject of a market economy, who has freedom of choice and adopts economically rational and optimal zeal, taking into account all available opportunities and conditions, according to his personal
interests, goals and priorities.

At all stages of the development of society, man was at the center of all economic processes and phenomena. In the economic system, a person acts as a worker, as a subject economic relations, as a consumer, as a carrier of the ultimate goal social production(Fig. 3.15).

A human worker in an economic system acts as labor force.
Labor power is a person’s ability to work.
The success of production at all levels is determined primarily by the people involved in the production process. All other factors of production do not act on their own; they are set in motion by man. Man, his work, has a central place in production, not only as the most active factor of production, but also as the source, creator of other factors of production - material, research and organizational and managerial.
In historical terms, the human producer passed through in his development the stage of an individual (single-person) worker and the stage of a collective worker.
In the early stages of the development of society, when the social division of labor and ho-

economic CONNECTIONS (in conditions of subsistence farming and small-scale production), when things were manufactured from start to finish by one worker, the latter acted as an individual worker.
In the future, as the social division of labor deepens, specialization and cooperation of production develop, the labor of each producer acts less and less as the individual labor of an independent, economically isolated commodity producer, but is part of the total labor, and the individual worker is part of the total worker.
An aggregate worker is a collection of workers of different specialties who are participants in the joint production of a certain product based on the division of labor between them.
In modern conditions, the main figure in economic life is not the individual, but the collective worker, who is involved in the social production process through the cooperation of labor. Nowadays, almost any economic benefit is the result of the work of not one, but tens, hundreds and thousands of workers employed in different areas of production. Modern car It is assembled from an average of 15 thousand parts, the production of which employs thousands of workers from a huge number of large and small supplying enterprises. The American Boeing 748 aircraft consists of 4.5 million different parts, which are produced by workers of 16 thousand companies.
The collective worker is a new productive force of cooperative labor, capable of solving problems that are beyond the power of the sum of isolated individual workers.
The level of development of the total workforce can be characterized by certain quantitative and qualitative indicators (Figure 3.16).
In the context of the development of scientific and technological progress, the requirements for the level of training of workers are increasing. Without a constant increase in the level of education, cultural qualifications, health promotion, maintaining psycho-

logical state, workers are not able to effectively interact with other progressive elements of the productive forces - new technology, advanced technologies, management systems and production organization. Therefore, in a modern developed society, investments in “human capital”, i.e. in the development of knowledge, abilities, in strengthening human health, are considered the most effective and humane investments.
In Ukraine on modern stage number of employees with higher education vocational education became significant (Table 3.2). It is these workers who are the main

Table 3.2. Level of education of employees in Ukraine by type economic activity(at the beginning of 2006)

types of economic activities

Number of full-time employees, thousand people.

Of these have higher education

incomplete and basic higher education | full higher education

Total, thousand people

Total, thousand people

To the number of employees, %


11 574,5

2 855,6


3 154,1


Agriculture, hunting and forestry






Fishing, fish farming







3 370,9











Trade and repair services






Activities of hotels and restaurants






Transport and communications

1 000,7





Financial activities






Real estate operations, rental, engineering, provision of services to entrepreneurs






Public administration







1 705,1





Health and social care

1 329,6





Providing utility and individual services; activities in the field of culture and sports






a fundamental basis for effective economic development and an important element of the country’s national wealth.
Man as a subject of economic relations
Economic man realizes himself in the economic system thanks to certain economic relations into which he enters with other subjects in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods.
The subjects of economic relations are the individual, family, collective, and state. The basis of economic relations is property relations, which characterize the way the worker connects with the means of production.
The organic combination of two characteristics of a person: a person as a worker and a person as an owner forms the economic essence of a modern economic person.
Individual private property, which forms a single whole of the human worker and the human owner, corresponds to human nature to the greatest extent. It is the basis of his economic independence and freedom. Other forms of ownership (collective, cooperative, corporate, etc.) to a greater extent reflect the social essence of a person, revealing his place and role in society.
Today at developed countries around the world, corporate (associated) forms of ownership are becoming increasingly widespread, which combine individual and collective principles of production management and income distribution.
The role of man as a subject of economic relations also lies in the fact that objective economic laws are identified and implemented through his economic activities.
Man as a consumer
In this role, a person realizes himself through the satisfaction of his various needs. Human needs can be varied

divided into the needs of a human worker and the needs of a human entrepreneur.
The needs of a human worker are related to the reproduction of his labor power, i.e., personal consumption.
In the process of working, a person consumes labor that needs to be restored. To do this, he must have a set of economic benefits to satisfy his physiological, spiritual and other needs. By satisfying these needs, a person recreates himself as a worker.
The needs of a human entrepreneur lie in the reproduction of material factors of production. In order to restore the machines, machines, equipment, raw materials, materials, fuel, electricity, etc. consumed during the production process, the entrepreneur must purchase them on the resource (factors of production) market.
The needs of a human worker and a human entrepreneur are closely intertwined, forming the common needs of people, the satisfaction of which ensures the restoration of personal and material factors of social production.
Man as the ultimate goal of social production
Man in his integral essence is the main criterion for the development of social production and its main goal. The social product, passing through the phases of production, distribution and exchange, completes its cycle in the consumption phase. Without consumption, production cannot exist; it has no meaning. Satisfying the diverse needs of a person is the purpose of any production. In this aspect, a person with his needs is the natural and ultimate goal of social production and at the same time the main factor in its functioning.
thus, the functioning and development of any economic system it is impossible to evaluate outside the existence of a person, his work activity, relationships,
needs, interests, motivations. Man is the central element of the economy, an active participant in economic activity as a hired worker, and also as a consumer subject entering into economic relations for the sake of production and consumption of vital goods.

Can a person be independent of the economy? How to increase your income? What does it mean to manage wisely?


About labor in material production and economic activity.

Each person enters into various economic relations with others. She creates goods or services and receives compensation for them; has more or less property; acts as a seller or buyer.

Money allows her to receive a share of the material and spiritual benefits created by society. In a person, as if in a focal point, the invisible threads of economic ties and relationships converge.


Western scholars have long considered human rights to be sacred and inalienable. industrial society the right to acquire property, own it and make a profit from it. No matter how poor she may be, she still owns something and values ​​this little in the same way as the owner of capital values ​​his wealth. A person’s property includes shoes, clothes, household items; many have their own house, dacha, or car. A person considers his body, his knowledge, skills, and ability to work as property. A person's property (intellectual) is her inventions, her music, or her scientific work.

A citizen of Ukraine can be the owner land plot, residential building, funds, shares, bonds and other securities, enterprises in various fields of business activity, vehicles, and other property. This property is created in accordance with the law, at the expense of labor income, entrepreneurial activity, running one’s own household, income from funds invested in shares and other securities, and the acquisition of property by inheritance.

In all of the above cases, a person is the real owner of the means of production and products of her labor available to her; she can use them at her own discretion, sell, give, inherit, and dispose of them as she sees fit. Normal person cares about the preservation and expansion of his property, its careful use.

The situation is more complicated with enterprises where a person works for hire. When there was a subsistence economy, people used their own tools to create a product that they themselves consumed. Subsequently, with the development of a commodity economy, the product of labor “went” from the producer, although the artisan and peasant had their own economy, their own means of production. The transition to capitalism led to the dismissal of the mass of producers from the means of production. Both the means of labor and the product of labor began to belong to the capitalist. For the worker they are strangers, someone else's property. Thus, capitalism has noticeably increased the alienation of workers from the means and product of production. Work, too, has now ceased to be work for oneself, it is work for the owner of the plant, factory. Hence the worker’s attitude towards such work as something alien that they want to get rid of.

Nowadays, in Western countries, the feeling of alienation of workers from the means of production is to one degree or another removed by distributing shares, participating in production management together with property owners and managers (managers). IN Western Europe Workers' representation in factory production committees is almost universal. In a number of countries, workers are represented in the administrative bodies of enterprises. This became possible, on the one hand, as a result of the struggle of workers' organizations, and on the other, thanks to the desire of enterprise owners to overcome the negative consequences of alienation while maintaining private ownership of the means of production.

In our country, with the establishment of Bolshevik power, slogans were proclaimed calling for overcoming alienation from the means of production and the results (products) of work: “Land to the peasants, factory workers.” However, the administrative-command system that has developed in the country, declaring the national character of property, approved universal stateization, which placed all participants in production in an alienated position from the means and results of their labor. The perception of public property as one's own, "nobody's" gave rise to indifference to its fate, laziness, and irresponsibility. Disinterest in the results of labor led to complacency and the onset of general stagnation of production.

Can economic reform overcome the alienation of a person from property, the conditions and results of his work? An important direction of change is denationalization and privatization of property. In his own enterprise, in a cooperative, a joint-stock company, where a person works, he is the owner or co-owner of production: together with other employees, members of the cooperative, joint stock company she decides issues of production and income distribution, and her personal income directly depends on business results.

Another direction to overcome employee alienation is the democratization of enterprise management, expanding the rights of the workforce, and attracting enterprise employees to participate in management.

And another way to remove alienation from labor and its results is to humanize working conditions, change its content, and enrich it through the growth of creative principles in it. These changes are directly related to new equipment and technology.

IMan and property relations.

By entering into economic relations, a person throughout his life has the opportunity to experience all their diversity. In property relations, a person exercises the rights of ownership, disposal, and use. The scope of these rights depends on the form of ownership: general, private or mixed.

It should be emphasized that the influence of forms of ownership on human economic behavior is not unambiguous. For example, private property, on the one hand, separates people and alienates them from labor, but, on the other hand, is a necessary condition for their economic independence and independence. Common (or public) property, to a certain extent, helps to overcome sharp property and social inequality, according to economists, does not create sufficient incentives to work and cannot sustain economic growth.

The right of property is recognized as one of the natural and inalienable human rights.

IIMan and work.

The most important economic role of a person is his participation in the labor process. Objective characteristics of human labor activity are productivity, efficiency and place in the system of social division of labor.

Its assessment is determined by the degree of compliance with the most important requirements imposed on it: the requirements of professionalism, labor, technological, contractual discipline, as well as executive and initiative.

In modern times, the character there is influenced by N.T.R.

IIIMan and business.

Entrepreneurial activity in modern conditions is becoming one of the important forms of human participation in economic relations. Entrepreneurship or business is considered to be carried out on one's own initiative, at one's own risk and responsibility, and as an independent activity aimed at making a profit.

It places special demands on a person: ingenuity, deep knowledge, willingness to take risks, firmness, the ability to independently make responsible decisions, and loyalty to one’s word. Failure to meet these requirements turns an activity that looks like an entrepreneurial activity into deception and fraud.

IVPerson – income and expenses.

Finally, a person is a participant in the relations of distribution and consumption.

Various forms of distribution of the product produced in society are known: wages, bank interest, land rent, dividends. Income inequality depends on a person’s position in property relations, his level of education, qualifications, profession and other factors. The inevitable reserve in a market economy in terms of the income of individuals and groups of the population in modern conditions is called upon to be compensated by the state (social programs, benefits).

By entering into a consumer relationship, a person uses the income he receives to purchase the goods and services he needs and satisfies his existing material and spiritual needs.

VRussia is on the path to a market economy.

The transition to a market economy in Russia began in October 1991. At the same time, the first program of radical economic reforms was prepared. Its main directions were: the transition to free pricing, denationalization and privatization of state-owned enterprises in industry, trade, and services. With the help of these measures, the authors of the program hoped, on the one hand, to ease the existing economic crisis, eliminate the deficit, and on the other, to create a new class in Russia - the class of owners.

The results of economic reforms are contradictory. The most serious problem that the government had to face at the beginning of the reforms was the problem of the population mastering a new system of values ​​and developing in citizens the qualities necessary for an entrepreneur.

In addition, the transition to free pricing led to a sharp decline in living standards. Depriving the population of accumulated funds led to certain consequences during privatization - the process of transferring state property into private hands.

Privatization can be carried out:


rent with subsequent purchase

transformation of state-owned enterprises into joint-stock companies

buyout of enterprises on a competitive basis.

The goal of privatization - the creation of a wide layer of private owners in the country - has not yet been achieved.

The following can be considered a positive result of the ongoing reforms:

1) formation of market infrastructure. (commercial banks, stock and commodity exchanges, auctions.)

2) the legal system of a market economy is being regulated.

3) a number of strategic tasks have been resolved. (inflation stopped, financial stabilization achieved, etc.)


To prepare this work, materials were used from the site

I Man and property relations. By entering into economic relations, a person throughout his life has the opportunity to experience all their diversity. In property relations, a person exercises the rights of ownership, disposal, and use. These volumes