Hare is a kind of detachment. Hare - species where it lives, description, color, what it eats, reproduction. Lifestyle and social behavior

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Appearance. Body length 44-74 cm. The tail is in the form of a fluffy white ball, the tips of the ears are black. The rest of the color is brownish or gray in summer. (1) and pure white in winter (2) . Fur "skis" grow on paws in winter. The ears are longer than the head, the tail is white below, the coat is soft. The tail is small, but still clearly visible. The skin is fragile and weakly attached to the body, so often shreds of skin remain in the teeth of a predator, like a lizard's tail.

Spreading. It lives everywhere, except for the south of the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, in tundra (usually shrubs), forests (usually coniferous), birch groves, floodplain willow forests, overgrown clearings and burnt areas, sometimes in steppe shrubs. For feeding, it often goes to the fields and the steppe, but it is only under the protection of trees and bushes. In winter and summer, it tramples a network of trails from places of fattening (feeding) to haul-outs (3) . Tundra whites partially migrate to the taiga in winter.

Biology and behavior. In winter, they arrange lying under the protection of snowdrifts, in snow holes and niches, and sometimes closed shelters in the snow, from which, in case of danger, they suddenly jump out, breaking through the ceiling. In summer, beds are arranged under the bushes. (4) or open. The sweat glands of hares are concentrated between the fingers, and their tracks smell strongly (a good hunting dog takes the track even after 8-9 hours). Therefore, before going to bed, they usually confuse the tracks, making loops, doubles, and sweeps. Such a trail, a hare malik, as hunters say, is a tricky puzzle for both a person and a dog or fox. Although hares do not have permanent shelters, they usually live in a small area and travel less than 2.5 km per day. Burrows are usually not dug (except in the snow), they spend the day under the bushes (4) , in a shallow hole, less often in rodent burrows. They are active mainly at dusk and at night.

Footprints. Traces are wide, rounded (5) , the prints of the hind feet are only slightly larger than the front ones. The hind legs are much longer than the front legs and are carried far forward when moving. (6) . The length of the trace of the hind paw is 12-17 cm, the width is 7-12 cm.

Nutrition. In summer they feed on herbaceous plants, in winter - more often bark and shoots of trees and shrubs. (7) sometimes mushrooms. Hares often lack mineral salts, so they eat snow that has been contaminated with urine.

Reproduction. The breeding season lasts 2-4 months. In the middle lane it usually breeds twice during the summer, in the north - once. Pregnancy lasts 48-51 days, the young become adults only after wintering. The main rut in spring is accompanied by fights between males. Fighting males stand on their hind legs and "box" with their front legs. At this time, trampled patches come across on the edges and glades - hare dance floors (8) . Hares lose their caution and catch the eye more often. By the way, in many European countries the expression "March Hare" means the same as we have "March Cat". Hares (1-6, rarely up to 12) are born sighted, with thick fur, and at first they sit motionless in the grass so as not to leave marks, and the mother comes to feed them 1-2 times a night. At the same time, she feeds not only her rabbits, but also strangers. In places where there are a lot of hares, all hares sometimes become, as it were, common. In late spring, little rabbits climb into dung heaps or rotten haystacks to protect themselves from the cold. But you should not take a hare found in the field home: the hare usually manages to grow it, but people are unlikely. After 8-10 days, the hares begin to eat grass, but they feed on milk for up to 20-30 days.

Economic value. An important object of commercial hunting, especially in the north.
The number of white hare varies greatly from year to year, especially in the north. In years of high abundance, hares sometimes severely damage young trees in forests and make mass migrations. Such "hare" years in the tundra usually occur once every 10-12 years, in the taiga - somewhat more often. The term for the change of summer fur to winter and vice versa in the hare of each region is associated with the average long-term dates of the establishment and disappearance of the snow cover. In the case of late autumn or early spring, white hares become easily visible against a dark background, which makes them easy prey for hunters and predators.
Hares in nature are sometimes infected with tularemia, a serious infectious disease that is also dangerous for humans. You can become infected when removing the skin or butchering the carcass of a hunted animal. In places where foci of tularemia are known, hunting hares is quite risky.

Systematics. Squad Lagomorphs(Lagomorpha) in Russia includes two families: the family Hares (Leporidae) and the family Pikas (Lagomyidae).
hare family in Russia it includes two genera: the genus Hares (Lepus) and the genus Bristle Hares (Carpolagus).
Genus Hares(Lepus) includes three species in Russia: white hare (Lepus timidus), European hare (Lepus europaeus) and tolai hare (Lepus tolai).

General features biology , behavior , nutrition , breeding And economic importance lagomorphs are given in the description of the detachment of the order Lagomorpha.

On our website you can also find a guide to anatomy, physiology and ecology of mammals: general characteristics of the class of mammals, anatomy and physiology of mammals: size and weight, skin and hairline, skeleton and muscles, digestive organs, respiratory and circulatory organs, excretory, reproduction and internal secretion organs, sensory organs and nervous system, adaptive types of mammals: mammals of open landscapes, forest animals, mountain mammals, burrowing animals, aquatic mammals, main features of mammalian ecology: diurnal and seasonal life, shelters, food, reproduction and population dynamics.

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The white hare is a separate species of the hare genus. The habitat of these animals is extensive. White hares live in the Asian part of Russia, in Scandinavia, Great Britain, Ireland and in the northern part of Eastern Europe.

Also, representatives of the species are found in the northern part of Mongolia and in Kazakhstan. In addition, the hare comes across on the Japanese island of Hokkaido and in the northeastern regions of China. These animals feel equally comfortable both in mountainous areas and in the Arctic tundra. So a separate population chose the Alps as their home.

Appearance of a white

The white hare is a large representative of the species. Its body length varies from 45 to 65 centimeters. Weight ranges from 2 to 5.3 kilograms.

The length of the tail is 4-8 centimeters. The largest hare hares live in the arctic tundra, while the smallest live on Far East, in China, Yakutia and Japan.

Males are slightly smaller than females. The length of the ears is 7-10 centimeters. The paws are wide, they are covered with hair from below, thanks to which the animals easily move along the loose snow cover. This moment is very important during the flight from a predator.

The hare is a fairly large animal.

The color of the fur depends on the season. In winter, the skin is white, and only the tips of the ears are dark. Summer fur has various brown shades. The upper part of the body is much darker than the lower. The white hare is notable for its tail - it does not change color throughout the year and remains white. Only in hares living in Ireland, in summer, the upper part of the tail becomes dark gray. The coloration of males and females is the same.

Hare behavior and nutrition

These animals lead a solitary lifestyle. White hares are active at night, sometimes in the early morning or late evening. During the day they rest in the grass, crushing it. In the tundra they make oblong burrows in the snow, in case of danger they hide in them. During the construction of holes, it does not throw out snow, but tramples it. They go to feeding places only by a proven route, and return to the den, confusing their tracks, while the hares jump to the sides and turn back.

White hares are herbivorous animals.

If the food is bad, then the white hare makes seasonal migrations. Mostly northern representatives of the species migrate. These animals can move hundreds of kilometers. Hares migrate in groups of several individuals, having reached a more fertile area, again lead a solitary lifestyle.

The diet consists of plant foods, but it differs greatly depending on the habitat of the animals. In summer, hare hares feed on plants, berries and mushrooms, and in winter, bark and branches of shrubs are used. In addition, white hares eat hay and cones.

Reproduction and lifespan

White hares living in the northern regions and, especially, in the tundra, make only one brood per season. But the southern brothers have time to make 2-3 broods. The mating season in the north begins in May, while in other regions the first rut occurs in March, the second in June and the third in August. Males fight each other for females.

The gestation period is 45-55 days. The female does not make a den, but gives birth to rabbits right on the ground, choosing a small depression. There are 2-8 babies in the brood. The number of hares depends on the habitat - northern hares have more cubs than southern hares.

Belyaki are objects of human hunting.

The weight of newborns is 100-120 grams. Their bodies are covered with fur, their eyes are open. The mother feeds the offspring with milk for a month. Already on the 3rd week, the hares become independent. Puberty they come at 10 months. Life span in wild nature averages 5 years, and the maximum representatives of the species live up to 15 years. But such centenarians are found only in captivity. In the tundra and in the forest, an old individual cannot survive, since it is an easy prey for a predator.

Relationship with a person

People have always hunted white hares. These animals value both meat and fur. Animals cause damage to vegetable gardens and orchards. Sometimes the number of the species is significantly reduced as a result of various epidemics. And in fertile years, the population is growing rapidly. Such bursts occur, as a rule, 1 time in 9-12 years. Whites are not afraid of people, they can let them in at a fairly close distance. Often white hares settle next to human habitation.

white hare

White hare Sokolov V. E. Five-language dictionary of animal names. Mammals. Latin, Russian, English, German, French. / under the general editorship of acad. V. E. Sokolova. -- M.: Rus. yaz., 1984. - S. 205. - 10,000 copies. (lat. Lepus timidus) is a mammal of the hare genus of the hare order. A common animal of the north of Eurasia.

scientific classification














white hare

Latin name

Lepus timidus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Large hare: body length of adult animals from 44 to 65 cm, occasionally reaching 74 cm; body weight 1.6--4.5 kg. Average sizes decrease from northwest to southeast. The largest hare live in the tundra of Western Siberia (up to 5.5 kg), the smallest in Yakutia and the Far East (3 kg). The ears are long (7.5-10 cm), but noticeably shorter than those of the hare. The tail is usually all white; relatively short and rounded, 5--10.8 cm long. Paws relatively wide; the feet, including the balls of the fingers, are covered with a thick brush of hair. Load per 1 cm? the area of ​​​​the soles of the hare is only 8.5--12 g, which allows it to easily move even on loose snow. (For comparison, in a fox it is 40-43 g, in a wolf - 90-103 g, and in a hound dog - 90-110 g).

There is a pronounced seasonal dimorphism in coloration: in winter, the hare is pure white, with the exception of the black tips of the ears; summer fur color various parts range - from reddish-gray to slate-gray with brown striation. The head is usually colored somewhat darker than the back; the sides are lighter. The belly is white. Only in areas where there is no stable snow cover, hares do not turn white for the winter. Females of hare are on average larger than males, they do not differ in color. There are 48 chromosomes in the hare karyotype.

A hare is an animal that belongs to the class Mammals, order Lagomorphs, family Hare, genus Hare ( Lepus). Contrary to popular belief, they do not belong to rodents and are far from being so harmless. In case of danger, they show aggressiveness and resist the attacker. Since ancient times, the hare has been a desirable trophy for hunters due to tasty meat and warm fur.

Hare - description, characteristics, appearance. What does a hare look like?

hare body slender, slightly compressed from the sides, its length in some species reaches 68-70 cm. The weight of a hare can exceed 7 kg. characteristic feature hare-shaped are wedge-shaped ears, reaching a length of 9 to 15 cm. Thanks to the ears, the hearing of the hare is much better developed than the sense of smell and vision. The hind limbs of these mammals have long feet and are more developed than the front ones. In the event of a threat, the speed of a hare can reach 80 km / h. And the ability to suddenly change the direction of running and jump sharply to the side allows these animals to get rid of the pursuit of enemies:, etc. Hares run well up the slopes, but you have to go down head over heels.

hare color depends on the season. In summer, the fur of the animal has a reddish-gray, brown or brown tint. Due to the dark color of the undercoat, the color is uneven with large and small "spots". The fur on the belly is white. Hares change color in winter, their fur brightens, but only the white hare becomes completely snow-white. The tips of the ears of all members of the genus remain black. all year round.

How long does a hare live?

The average life expectancy of males does not exceed 5 years, females - 9 years, however, there are recorded cases of a longer life span of a hare - about 12-14 years.

Types of hares, names and photos

The genus of hares is diverse and includes 10 subgenera, divided into several species. Below are several types of hares:

  • Harehare(Lepus timidus )

The most common representative of the genus of hares, living in almost the entire territory of Russia, in Northern Europe, Ireland, Mongolia, South America and in many other countries of the world. This species of hares is distinguished by characteristic seasonal dimorphism - in areas with stable snow cover, the color of the fur becomes purely White color except for the tips of the ears. In summer, the hare is gray.

  • hare(Lepus europaeus )

A large species of hares, some individuals of which grow up to 68 cm in length and weigh up to 7 kg. The fur of the hare is shiny, silky, with a characteristic waviness, of different shades. Brown, white rings around the eyes. The habitat of the hare covers the European forest-steppes, Turkey, Iran, the north of the African continent and Kazakhstan.

  • Antelope hare(Lepus alleni )

Representatives of the species are distinguished by very large and long ears, growing up to 20 cm. The auricles are designed in such a way that they allow the animal to regulate heat transfer at too high a temperature of the habitat. The antelope hare lives in the state of Arizona in the USA and 4 Mexican states.

  • Chinese hare(Lepus sinensis )

The species is characterized by small body size (up to 45 cm) and weight up to 2 kg. The coloring of short, hard fur consists of many shades of brown, from chestnut to brick. A characteristic black triangular pattern stands out at the tips of the ears. This species of hares is found in the hilly areas of China, Vietnam and Taiwan.

  • tolai hare(Lepus tolai )

Medium-sized individuals outwardly resemble a hare, but differ in longer ears and legs, as well as the absence of crimped fur. This hare is a typical representative of deserts and semi-deserts, lives in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and in the Russian steppes - from the Altai Territory to the south of the Astrakhan Region.

  • yellow hare(Lepus flavigularis )

The only population of yellowish hares inhabits the meadows and coastal dunes of the Gulf of Mexico Tehuantepec, hence it has a second name - the Tehuantepec hare. Large individuals, up to 60 cm long and weighing 3.5-4 kg, are difficult to confuse with other types of hares due to two black stripes running from the ears to the back of the head and along the white sides.

  • broom hare(Lepus castroviejoi )

The habitat of this species of hares is limited to the scrub wastelands of the north-west of the Cantabrian mountains of Spain. In appearance and habits there is a resemblance to a hare-hare. Due to extermination, predation and violation of the natural ecosystem, the species is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book of Spain.

  • blacktail(California) hare (Lepus californicus )

The species is characterized by long ears, powerful hind limbs, a dark stripe running along the back, and a black tail. It is considered the most common species of hares in Mexico and the United States.

  • Manchurian hare(Lepus mandshuricus )

Small representatives of this species of hares grow up to 55 cm and weigh no more than 2.5 kg. Ears, tail and hind legs are quite short, due to which there is a clear resemblance to a wild rabbit. The fur is hard and short, brown in color with black ripples. A typical representative of deciduous forests and shrub plains can be found in the Far East, in Primorye, as well as in Northeast China and Korea.

  • Curly hare (Tibetan curly hare)(Lepus ioostolus )

The species is distinguished by small size (40 - 58 cm) and a weight of just over 2 kg. characteristic feature considered yellowish wavy fur on the back. It lives in India, Nepal and China, including the mountain steppes of the Tibetan highlands, from where it got its second name - the Tibetan curly hare.