Admissions Committee May. MPEI: Institute of Power Engineering and Mechanics. Are there already orders for transferring to the budget? Information about the possibility of passing entrance tests conducted by the organization independently, in the language of the republic of the Russian Federation, in t

We invite you to study at International Institute Economics and Law (MIEP).

Advanced teaching methods, distance learning educational technologies will allow you to receive a decent higher education at a capital university, being in any region of our country and beyond.

Today MIEP is:

  • thousands of students and successful graduates
  • leading teaching staff from Moscow and foreign partner universities
  • modern scientific and educational base; incl. active cooperation with foreign scientific organizations and educational institutions

MIEP maintains bilateral contacts with educational institutions Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, France, Finland and Switzerland. The Institute cooperates with the cultural and educational departments of the embassies of these and other countries in Moscow.

MIEP operates on the basis of a perpetual license from the Russian Federation. Upon completion of training, graduates are issued documents on higher education of the established form.

2. List of specialties and areas of training for which the organization announces admission to training, indicating the conditions for admission

3. List entrance examinations for each individual competition, the minimum number of points for each admissions test for each competition, information on the priority of admissions tests when ranking lists of applicants based on the results of admissions tests, on the forms of admissions tests conducted by the organization independently

Code Direction of training Entrance tests by priority Minimum number of Unified State Exam points Minimum number of points for internal entrance tests Forms of admissions tests conducted by NOU MIEP independently
(including for persons permanently residing in Crimea)
on the basis of secondary general education based on vocational education
General category of applicants (school graduates) Certain categories of applicants (see clauses 21 and 21.1 of the Admission Rules) General category of applicants (with higher education, secondary vocational education)
Bachelor's degree
38.03.01 Economy 1. Mathematics 27 27 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
2. Social studies 42 42 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
3. Russian language 36 36 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
38.03.02 Management 1. Mathematics 27 27 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
2. Social studies 42 42 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
3. Russian language 36 36 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing 38.03.04 1. Mathematics 27 27 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
2. Social studies 42 42 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
3. Russian language 36 36 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
40.03.01 Jurisprudence 1. Social studies 42 42 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
2. History 32 32 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing
3. Russian language 36 36 Unified State Exam Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing Unified State Examination or internal entrance examination in the form of testing

When admitting students to undergraduate programs, the results of each entrance test conducted independently by MIEP are assessed on a 100-point scale.

For the general education entrance test, the minimum number of points used is the minimum number of Unified State Examination points established by the federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of education.

The minimum number of points for the general education entrance test for certain categories of applicants is equal to the minimum number of Unified State Exam points for the corresponding general education entrance test.

When applying for training one at a time educational program the list of entrance tests, the grading scale and the minimum number of points cannot differ when admitting students to study at the National Educational Institution MIEP, for various forms of study, for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services. The minimum number of points cannot be changed during admission.

Code Direction of training Internal entrance examination in the form of testing Minimum points
Master's degree
38.04.01 Economy Economic theory 50
38.04.02 Management Management theory 50
38.04.04 State and municipal government System of state and municipal government 50
40.04.01 Jurisprudence Theory of Government and Rights 50

For admission to master's programs, testing is carried out on a 100-point scale with a passing assessment score of at least 50 points.

4. Information about the possibility of passing entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently, in the language of the republic of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the organization is located

5. Information about the special rights and benefits granted to applicants when applying for undergraduate or specialist programs

1. The following have the right to admission without entrance examinations:

  • 1) winners and runners-up final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren (hereinafter referred to as the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad), members of national teams Russian Federation who participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and were formed in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as members of national teams of the Russian Federation), according to areas of training corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or an international Olympiad - for 4 years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad;
  • 2) winners and prize-winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads, members of Ukrainian national teams that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects, in areas of training corresponding to the profile of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad or international Olympiad - for 4 years following the year of the relevant Olympiad, if the specified winners, prize-winners and members of national teams are among the persons specified in Part 3.1 of Article 5 Federal Law N 84-FZ;

2. Preferential right of enrollment is granted to the following persons:

  • 1) orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;
  • 2) disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II;
  • 3) citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita family income is below the subsistence level established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens;
  • 4) citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and who are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation of May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant”;
  • 5) children of military personnel who died while performing their military service duties or who died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or diseases received by them while performing the duties of military service, including when participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other activities fight against terrorism;
  • 6) children of deceased (deceased) Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory;
  • 7) children of employees of internal affairs bodies, Federal service troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, those killed (died) due to injury or other damage to health received by them in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of an illness they received during the period of service in the specified institutions and bodies, and children who were their dependents;
  • 8) children of prosecutorial employees who died (died) as a result of injury or other damage to health received during their service in the prosecutor’s office or after dismissal due to harm to health in connection with their official activities;
  • 9) military personnel who undergo military service under a contract and whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, as well as citizens who have completed military service by conscription and are entering training on the recommendations of commanders issued to citizens in the manner established by the federal executive body authorities in which federal law provides for military service;
  • 10) citizens who have served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or other troops, military formations and bodies in military positions and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "b" - "d" of paragraph 1, subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs "a" - "c" of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service";
  • 11) disabled war veterans, combatants, as well as combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1-4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”;
  • 12) citizens who directly took part in the tests nuclear weapons, military radioactive substances in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons underground, in exercises with the use of such weapons and military radioactive substances until the date of actual termination of these tests and exercises, direct participants in the elimination of radiation accidents at nuclear installations of surface and submarine ships and other military facilities, direct participants carrying out and ensuring work on the collection and disposal of radioactive substances, as well as direct participants in the liquidation of the consequences of these accidents (military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, military personnel and employees of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation Federation, persons who served in the railway troops and other military formations, employees of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the federal fire service of the State Fire Service);
  • 13) military personnel, including military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, employees of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the penal system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, who performed tasks in the context of an armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and adjacent areas in its territories classified as a zone of armed conflict, and the specified military personnel performing tasks during counter-terrorism operations in the territory of the North Caucasus region.

3. The winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren's Olympiads, held in the manner established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education (hereinafter referred to as schoolchildren's Olympiads), are provided with the following special rights for admission to undergraduate programs and (or) areas of training corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren:

  • 1) admission without entrance examinations to undergraduate programs in areas of training corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad;
  • 2) be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of Unified State Examination points in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad, approved by order of the Ministry of Science and higher education Russian Federation dated August 28, 2018 N 32n “On approval of the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren and their levels for 2018/19 academic year"(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 13, 2018 No. 52149) (hereinafter referred to as the right to 100 points).
The special rights specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of this paragraph may be granted to the same applicant. If provided special right specified in subclause 2 of this clause, the applicant is given the highest result (100 points) of the corresponding entrance test(s).

4. The persons specified in paragraphs 29 and 31 of the Rules are given, during the periods specified in paragraphs 29 and 31 of the Rules, an advantage by being equal to persons who have scored the maximum number of Unified State Examination points (100 points) in a general education subject.

5. To provide winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads with special rights and benefits specified in paragraphs 31 and 32 of the Rules, NOU MIEP establishes for which levels of Olympiads and (or) for what list of Olympiads each of the specified rights and benefits is granted, and also establishes for each Olympiad (for each level of the Olympiads), for which classes of study general education program the results of the winner(s) must be obtained to provide the corresponding special right or benefit.
For Olympiads for schoolchildren of the same profile (if a list of Olympiads is established - within the established list):

Special right or advantage granted to winners or winners and prize-winners of Olympiads schoolchildren III level, is also provided accordingly to the winners or winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren of levels I and II;
A special right or advantage granted to the winners or winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads of the second level is also granted, respectively, to the winners or winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads of the I level.
The special right or advantage granted to the winners of the school Olympiad is also granted to the winners of this Olympiad.

6. To provide special rights specified in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 29 and paragraph 31 of the Rules, and the benefits specified in paragraph 32 of the Rules, NOU MIEP establishes the compliance of the Olympiad profile with the areas of training, as well as the compliance of the Olympiad profile (champion (prize-winner) status in the field of sports ) general education subjects.

7. When admitted to study in one educational program, the special rights provided for in paragraphs 29 and 31 of the Rules, and the advantage provided for in paragraph 32 of the Rules, cannot differ when admitted to study at NOU MIEP, when admitted to various forms of training in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

8. Special rights specified in paragraph 31 of the Rules and the advantage specified in paragraph 32 of the Rules are granted to winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren’s Olympiads (with the exception of creative Olympiads and Olympiads in the field physical culture and sports) if they have Unified State Exam results not lower than the number of points established by NOU MIEP:

to use the special right specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 31 of the Rules - in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. The specified general education subject is selected by the NOU MIEP from among the general education subjects corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, established in the list of Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, and if in the specified list the general education subjects for which the Unified State Exam is conducted have not been established - this is established by the NOU MIEP independently;
to use the special right specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 31 of the Rules, or the advantage specified in paragraph 32 of the Rules - in a general education subject corresponding to the entrance test.

NOU MIEP establishes the specified number of points in the amount of at least 75 points.

6. Information on the procedure for recording individual achievements of applicants; information on the possibility of submitting documents for admission to study in electronic form

7. Information about the peculiarities of conducting entrance tests for persons with disabilities and people with disabilities

8. Information on conducting entrance tests using remote technologies

1. According to the Admission Rules for the 2019/20 academic year and the Admission Rules for the 2020/21 academic year, MIEP can conduct entrance tests using remote technologies subject to the identification of applicants when they pass the entrance examinations.

2. Entrance examinations are carried out in the form of testing.

3. Entrance tests are conducted in Russian.

9. Rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the organization independently

10. Information about the need (or lack of need) for applicants to undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination

11. Admissions test programs conducted by the organization independently

12. Number of places for admission to study according to various conditions of admission

Number of places for admission to study at NOU MIEP for the 2019/2020 academic year
Code Direction of training
Total Reception check digits Under contracts for the provision
Special quota General terms
Full-time Correspondence Part-time Full-time Correspondence Part-time Full-time Correspondence Part-time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
40.03.01 Jurisprudence 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500
38.03.01 Economy 530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 30
38.03.02 Management 530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 30
38.03.04 State and municipal administration 530 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 30
40.04.01 Jurisprudence 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
38.04.01 Economy 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
38.04.02 Management 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
38.04.04 State and municipal administration 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0

Number of places for admission to study at NOU MIEP for the 2020/2021 academic year
Code Direction of training
Total Reception check digits Under contracts for the provision
paid educational services
Special quota General terms
Full-time Correspondence Part-time Full-time Correspondence Part-time Full-time Correspondence Part-time
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
40.03.01 Jurisprudence 2550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 2500
38.03.01 Economy 1050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 50
38.03.02 Management 1050 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000 50
38.03.04 State and municipal administration 550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 50
40.04.01 Jurisprudence 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
38.04.01 Economy 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
38.04.02 Management 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0
38.04.04 State and municipal administration 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0

Good afternoon. Speciality. 11.03.02. The original has been submitted. There are still 26 places in the ranking. Today after 6 pm, if he is on the list for enrollment in the 1st wave, then we can assume that he has already been admitted or tomorrow everything may change again. ?

It's unlikely that anything will change. The order will be published on August 3rd. You will be fine.

01.08.19 Artem-> Sergey Krylov

3. There is more than enough programming practice in PM. It should be taken into account that PM and PMI have exactly the same curriculum for the first year and very similar plans for the 2nd year. This was done, among other things, so that students could freely switch after the first year from PM to PMI and vice versa. They actively take advantage of this opportunity. Therefore, if the score in physics is low or you haven’t taken it, but you want to study at the PMI, then feel free to enroll in the PMI and switch to the PMI after the first year. This is a common procedure. We specially made different sets of entrance tests for different areas of training.

25.07.19 Elena-> Sergey Krylov

Hello. Submitted documents for admission to MAI (copies). But as the judgment date approached, questions arose. How and when to apply for admission. It is submitted at the moment when the applicant passes the budget places and definitely intend to enroll in this university? Are the people who submitted it a priority? I didn't understand the ENROLLMENT mechanism very well. Thank you in advance.


Consent for enrollment and the original document on education are submitted before the “judgment date”. You must assess your chances of being admitted to a particular specialty (field of training), and submit the original accordingly. If you find it difficult to independently assess your chances of enrollment, please contact admissions committee or ask here. When assessing your chances, you should take into account that almost all applicants submit copies to several places, so your position in the rating list of copies should be divided by 6-10, depending on the specialty.

24.07.19 Alexander-> Sergey Krylov

Hello, I am enrolling in the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science major with targeted training. Please tell me, if I pass the target, the enrollment order will indicate that I have been allocated a place in the dormitory. Or a hostel for targeted students is allocated on the basis general competition with other state employees? Those. If I enter the target, am I guaranteed a place in the dormitory?

Lida Panikovskaya


Those who are not included in the quota were already known on July 29

1.1. According to the training programs “15.03.01 Mechanical Engineering” 1.1. According to the training programs “15.03.01 Mechanical Engineering”

Without a place in the hostel

1. Al-Zayed Kamal Mohamad Adib born in 1991 (188)

2. Baryshnikov Yaroslav Alekseevich born in 2000 (186)

3. Boymurodov Firdavs Burkhonovich born in 1999 (186)

4. Vladimir Igorevich Vasiliev, born in 1999 (198)

5. Georgy Alexandrovich Gertsovsky, born in 1999 (192)

6. Davletshin Artur Ilgizovich born in 1999 (196)

7. Zakirov Sukhrob Ravshanovich born in 1999 (185)

8. Kutuzov Igor Olegovich born in 1999 (212)

9. Pavlov Egor Nikolaevich born in 1999 (190)

10. Potemkin Valery Sergeevich born in 1999 (201)

11. Reshetnikova Victoria Vladimirovna born in 1999 (195)

12. Yakimenko Daria Yurievna born in 1999 (196)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Anastasia Bordenyuk born in 1998 (224)

2. Maya Derivolkova, born in 1998 (224)

3. Dmitrienko Denis Yurievich, born in 2000 (244)

4. Oleg Vladimirovich Lyshov, born in 2000 (215)

5. Mehralyev Habil Shakir ogly born in 1999 (217)

Lida Panikovskaya


1.2. According to the training programs “03/15/06 Mechatronics and Robotics”

Without a place in the hostel

1. Saveliy Andreevich Kovalev, born in 2000 (237)
2. Alexey Nikolaevich Kosogorov, born in 2000 (240)

3. Nosenko Alexey Yurievich born in 1999 (223)

4. Evgenia Maksimovna Khatsanova, born in 1999 (225)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Aguryanov Yan Stanislavovich born in 1998 (236)
2. Vladlen Antonichuk born in 1997 (247)

3. Bagamatov Hasan Zurabovich, born in 2000 (243)

4. Gordienok Ekaterina Evgenievna born in 1999 (259)

5. Grinevich Ilya Konstantinovich born in 1999 (229)

6. Dagiyanov Osman Makhsudovich born in 1999 (237)

7. Oleg Sergeevich Korovin, born in 1999 (236)

8. Mordin Anton Evgenievich born in 1999 (282)

9. Svetlana Alekseevna Rachkova, born in 1999 (238)

10. Timofeeva Tatyana Andreevna born in 1999 (226)

11. Khodko Denis Dmitrievich born in 2000 (222)

12. Khokimova Alexandra Vyacheslavovna born in 1999 (241)

13. Chinchenko Anna Mikhailovna born in 1999 (227)

1.3. According to the training programs “03/15/03 Applied Mechanics”
By competition (indicating the number of points scored) By competition (indicating the number of points scored)

Without a place in the hostel
1. Vsevolod Timofeevich Bondarenko, born in 1997 (189)

2. Golovanov Danila Alekseevich, born in 2000 (201)

3. Arseniy Dmitrievich Demchenko, born in 1999 (185)

4. Dikarev Daniil Sergeevich born in 1999 (213)

5. Zhigareva Angelina Nikolaevna born in 1998 (202)

6. Zhidkov Kirill Vladimirovich born in 1999 (199)

7. Kosyrev Grigory Evgenievich born in 1993 (209)

8. Michkaev Dmitry Vitalievich born in 1999 (233)

9. Pantsyrev Vitaly Viktorovich born in 1999 (219)

10. Sakilov Tsebek Borisovich, born in 1999 (196)

11. Ekaterina Yuryevna Trubnikova, born in 1999 (216)

12. Tyabuskin Daniil Andrianovich, born in 1999 (219)

13. Yumatov Vyacheslav Konstantinovich born in 2000 (208)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Kaipov Nurtugan Bakhytovich born in 1996 (209)

2. Maradzhabov Islomjon Ilkhomdzhonovich born in 1999 (216)

3. Shuvaev Fedor Andreevich, born in 2000 (228)

1.4. According to the training programs “03/13/03 Power Engineering”

Without a place in the hostel

1. Belilnikov Anton Olegovich born in 1998 (194)

2. Belousova Anastasia Alekseevna, born in 2000 (194)

3. Belyaeva Maria Yurievna, born in 1999 (185)

4. Galina Pavlovna Voroshilova, born in 1999 (203)

5. Gladkikh Daniil Vyacheslavovich born in 1999 (199)

6. Guboglo Maxim Vyacheslavovich born in 1999 (189)
7. Zhukarev Andrey Evgenievich born in 1999 (190)

8. Ivanov Vladimir Denisovich born in 1999 (182)

9. Kalachev Konstantin Sergeevich born in 1999 (195)

10. Klepatsky Artem Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (193)

11. Kryzhinsky Alexander Sergeevich born in 1998 (182)

12. Andrey Vladimirovich Kudinov, born in 2000 (200)
13. Kuleshov Sergey Nikolaevich born in 1998 (218)
14. Lebedev Gleb Dmitrievich, born in 2000 (220)

15. Levanovsky Ilya Alexandrovich born in 2000 (187)

16. Vladimir Anatolyevich Makarov, born in 1999 (184)

17. Dmitry Vladimirovich Makarov, born in 1995 (203)

18. Malysheva Tatyana Viktorovna born in 1999 (222)

19. Astemir Aslanovich Maremkulov, born in 1996 (204)

20. Mochalov Dmitry Yurievich born in 1999 (187)

21. Potapov Maxim Andreevich, born in 1999 (202)
22. Pulikov Ivan Sergeevich born in 1999 (228)
23. Razorenov Yaroslav Andreevich, born in 1999 (182)
24. Sergeev Konstantin Ilyich born in 1997 (204)

25. Sysoev Dmitry Olegovich born in 1999 (181)

26. Ushanov Sergey Viktorovich born in 1997 (235)
27. Fatkulin Maxim Maratovich, born in 2000 (200)

Lida Panikovskaya


With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Bolshakov Valery Maksimovich born in 2000 (219)

2. Demchuk Kirill Vitalievich born in 1999 (214)

3. Kozlov Sergey Valerievich born in 1999 (213)

4. Perminov Yaroslav Vadimovich born in 2000 (209)

5. Podtekaev Maxim Vadimovich born in 1999 (207)

6. Sergey Vitalievich Starodubtsev, born in 1998 (236)

7. Mikhail Dmitrievich Charkin, born in 1999 (225)

8. Chebrikov Vsevolod Leonidovich, born in 2000 (228)

Lida Panikovskaya


Institute of Thermal and Nuclear Energy (021)
training programs “13.03.01 Thermal power engineering and heating engineering” 1.1. According to the training programs “13.03.01 Thermal power engineering and heating engineering”
By competition (indicating the number of points scored)
Without a place in the hostel

1. Balukhin Semyon Mikhailovich born in 1999 (239)

2. Belonenko Danila Dmitrievich born in 1999 (203)

3. Bovkun Kirill Vladimirovich born in 1999 (203)

4. Dmitry Andreevich Bozhanov, born in 1999 (197)

5. Bokareva Anastasia Pavlovna born in 1999 (237)

6. Boris Alexandrovich Bortsov, born in 1999 (229)

7. Mikhail Dmitrievich Grigoriev, born in 1999 (222)

8. Gusev Alexander Denisovich, born in 2000 (204)

9. Dorodnov Sergey Valerievich born in 1999 (238)

10. Zhuravlev Ilya Igorevich born in 1999 (211)

11. Elina Aleksandrovna Kamaeva, born in 1999 (218)

12. Ksenia Antonovna Kobzeva, born in 2000 (214)

13. Kravchuk Artem Nikolaevich born in 1999 (193)

14. Krutitsky Andrey Nikolaevich born in 1999 (203)

15. Veronika Fedorovna Kurkina, born in 1999 (195)

16. Logvinenko Valentina Ivanovna born in 1999 (224)

17. Lukyanov Danila Vladimirovich born in 1997 (250)

18. Manaenkov Kirill Olegovich born in 1999 (193)

19. Ksenia Olegovna Matsko, born in 1999 (210)

20. Timur Ilshatovich Mingazov, born in 1997 (211)

21. Novikov Alexey Sergeevich born in 1999 (194)

22. Palagitsky Sergey Miroslavovich born in 1999 (201)

23. Petko Vladislav Andreevich born in 1999 (199)

24. Anna Eduardovna Pikhenko, born in 1999 (212)

25. Polshikov Alexander Alekseevich born in 1999 (221)

26. Ivan Pavlovich Protasov, born in 1999 (220)

27. Prokhorovich Ilya Andreevich born in 1999 (227)

28. Saipudinov Rashid Hiramagomedovich born in 1999 (223)

29. Seleznev Pavel Olegovich born in 1999 (194)

30. Sinyakov Alexey Konstantinovich born in 1999 (206)

31. Solovyov Roman Yuryevich born in 1999 (191)

32. Anastasia Aleksandrovna Suslova, born in 1999 (196)

33. Sydykov Aktan Rysbekovich, born in 2000 (198)

34. Cherkashina Victoria Olegovna born in 1999 (204)

35. Chernetsov Stanislav Sergeevich born in 1999 (192)

36. Chertkov Ilya Mikhailovich born in 1999 (203)

37. Chikanov Maxim Andreevich, born in 1999 (227)

38. Chumakova Victoria Ilyinichna born in 1999 (217)
39. Yana Olegovna Shabanova, born in 2000 (198)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Regina Raisovna Abdrakhimova, born in 1999 (237)

2. Elena Eduardovna Astaeva, born in 1999 (220)

3. Babicheva Maria Aleksandrovna born in 1999 (229)

4. Voronova Ekaterina Sergeevna, born in 2000 (254)

5. Pavel Viktorovich Gatalsky, born in 1998 (208)

6. Sergey Vladimirovich Ivanov, born in 1999 (207)

7. Vladimir Sergeevich Kireenko, born in 1999 (193)

8. Korlyakov Andrey Mikhailovich born in 1999 (216)

9. Anastasia Dmitrievna Moiseeva, born in 1999 (205)

10. Novikova Varvara Romanovna born in 1999 (226)

11. Orlov Igor Andreevich, born in 2000 (211)

12. Vadim Yurievich Sorokin, born in 1999 (250)

13. Sukonkin Vladislav Sergeevich born in 1999 (206)

14. Suleymanov Tagir Maratovich born in 1999 (218)

15. Sonny Ilya born in 1998 (217)

16. Maria Alekseevna Khromova, born in 1999 (206)

17. Elizaveta Olegovna Shilina, born in 1999 (226)

18. Erkinbekov Baymyrza 1997

Lida Panikovskaya


1.2. According to the training programs “03/14/01 Nuclear Energy and Thermal Physics”
By competition (indicating the number of points scored) By competition (indicating the number of points scored)
Without a place in the hostel

1. Abakarov Avraham Magomedgadzhievich born in 1987 (214)

2. Amelin Anton Ivanovich, born in 2000 (224)

3. Yaroslav Vladimirovich Asenskov, born in 1998 (223)

4. Ataeva Alexandra Maratovna, born in 2000 (220)

5. Bazulin Igor Alekseevich born in 1999 (205)

6. Nikita Evgenievich Balabaev, born in 1999 (203)

7. Evgeniy Vitalievich Balla, born in 1999 (204)

8. Belyakov Maxim Dmitrievich born in 1999 (204)

9. Birulin Nikolay Andreevich born in 1999 (210)

10. Anna Vyacheslavovna Vinogradova, born in 1999 (213)

11. Nikita Romanovich Vorobyov, born in 1998 (216)

12. Maxim Aleksandrovich Ganichkin, born in 1999 (202)

13. Ruslan Maratovich Garipov, born in 1999 (200)

14. Grigoriev Ivan Sergeevich born in 1996 (256)

15. Danilov Alexey Arsenievich born in 1999 (230)

16. Dmitriev Sergey Alexandrovich born in 1996 (207)

17. Donskaya Alina Dmitrievna born in 1999 (200)
18. Donskikh Alexander Alekseevich born in 1999 (219)

19. Dubrovin Grigory Alekseevich born in 1999 (211)

20. Dmitry Vladimirovich Elistratov, born in 1998 (219)

21. Ermachenko Nikolay Alexandrovich born in 1999 (213)

22. Erpulev Alexey Alekseevich born in 1999 (202)

23. Zaitseva Natalya Viktorovna born in 1999 (217)

24. Zenin Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (216)

25. Kadiev Malik Nurdinovich born in 1997 (199)

26. Kiselev Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (204)

27. Natalia Olegovna Klochko, born in 1999 (215)

28. Nikolay Sergeevich Kochetkov, born in 1995 (222)

29. Kuznetsov Egor Vasilievich born in 1999 (219)

30. Yaroslav Dmitrievich Kuptsov, born in 1999 (238)

31. Lee Robert Andreevich, born in 2000 (211)
32. Lyaukin Alexey Valerievich born in 1999 (202)
33. Malygin Vladislav Vladimirovich born in 1999 (203)

34. Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Matsenko, born in 1997 (256)

35. Nikita Dmitrievich Medkov, born in 1998 (206)

36. Monakhova Sofya Petrovna born in 1999 (252)

37. Myazin Alexey Sergeevich born in 1999 (222)

38. Nikita Sergeevich Olkhov, born in 1999 (202)

39. Paevsky Denis Evgenievich, born in 2000 (224)

40. Plyuiko Igor Vladimirovich born in 1999 (227)

41. Prosyannikov Dmitry Romanovich born in 1999 (211)

42. Protasov Danila Alekseevich, born in 1999 (218)

43. Alina Vyacheslavovna Pudova, born in 1999 (255)

44. Sarvira Mikhail Alexandrovich born in 2000 (217)

45. Semenkov Vladimir Vladimirovich born in 1996 (201)

46. ​​Sivakov Nikolay Igorevich born in 1999 (212)

47. Alexey Valerievich Simonov, born in 1998 (209)

48. Stupnikov Alexander Romanovich born in 1999 (210)

49. Alexey Alexandrovich Teremov, born in 1999 (202)
50. Tereshkov Andrey Olegovich born in 1998 (213)
51. Tupotilov Dmitry Andreevich born in 1999 (203)

52. Nikita Andreevich Khryastov, born in 1999 (218)

53. Evgeniy Konstantinovich Khubiev, born in 1998 (200)

54. Tsalko Alexandra Olegovna born in 1999 (204)

55. Chernev Ilya Fedorovich born in 1999 (237)

56. Chibisov Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (207)

57. Nikita Konstantinovich Shmonin, born in 1999 (204)

58. Yalandaeva Karina Viktorovna born in 1999 (201)

Lida Panikovskaya


With the provision of a place in the hostel
1. Elizaveta Anatolyevna Alexandrova, born in 1999 (206)

2. Alekseeva Ekaterina Andreevna, born in 2000 (241)

3. Badmaev Sanji Alekseevich, born in 2000 (210)

4. Bakin Artyom Valerievich born in 1999 (207)

5. Bezrukov Roman Vyacheslavovich born in 1999 (210)

6. Vladimir Arturovich Bereznikov, born in 1999 (233)

7. Berezutskaya Anna Maksimovna, born in 2000 (216)

8. Borisov Pavel Alexandrovich born in 1999 (237)

9. Elizaveta Vladimirovna Bukharova, born in 1999 (216)

10. Mikhail Pavlovich Vaulin, born in 1999 (224)

11. Vergolasov Artem Andreevich, born in 1999 (232)

12. Vereshchagin Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich born in 1999 (207)

13. Maria Antonovna Vyrupaeva, born in 1998 (233)

14. Nikita Aleksandrovich Glazyev, born in 1993 (213)

15. Artem Alekseevich Glushchenko, born in 1999 (209)

16. Anton Timurovich Gorevoy, born in 1999 (207)

17. Elena Alekseevna Grebneva, born in 1999 (247)

18. Gryazev Igor Dmitrievich born in 1999 (212)

19. Maxim Kirillovich Gushchin, born in 1999 (216)

20. Pavel Petrovich Domukhovsky, born in 1999 (210)

21. Drey Maxim Igorevich, born in 2000 (217)

22. Dubakov Danila Evgenievich born in 1999 (228)

23. Evko Evgeniy born in 1999 (238)

24. Epishkov Vladislav Sergeevich born in 1999 (220)

25. Eremin Vadim Evgenievich, born in 2000 (206)

26. Ermichev Vladislav Valerievich born in 1999 (207)

27. Zhabin Artem-Daniil Vyacheslavovich born in 2000 (206)

28. Elizaveta Borisovna Zhukova, born in 1999 (227)

29. Zaporzhin Kirill Veniaminovich born in 1999 (214)

30. Zakharov Andrey Alexandrovich born in 1998 (214)

31. Ivanov Gleb Nikolaevich born in 1999 (248)

32. Ivanova Ekaterina Sergeevna born in 1999 (245)

33. Ignatiev Vadim Alexandrovich born in 1998 (209)
34. Kalkaman Aibar Kalkamanovich born in 1999 (217)
35. Kamaletdinova Aigiza Azamatovna born in 1999 (252)
36. Kantor Daniil Dmitrievich born in 1999 (209)

37. Kayumov Timur Rafisovich born in 1999 (224)

38. Koichumanov Daniyar Kubanychbekovich born in 1998 (218)

39. Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Kolesnikov, born in 2000 (224)

40. Nikita Andreevich Kolpanosov, born in 1999 (208)

41. Konotopchenko Artem Nikolaevich born in 1999 (241)

42. Alexey Alexandrovich Konkov, born in 1999 (230)

43. Ilya Arslanovich Kornyakov, born in 1999 (206)

44. Kotelnikov Alexander Vyacheslavovich born in 1998 (229)

45. Artem Vladislavovich Laptev, born in 1999 (209)

46. ​​Levin Sergey Alexandrovich born in 1999 (243)
Sheet 5 of 5

47. Lobyntsev Vladislav Vyacheslavovich born in 1999 (228)

48. Malyutin Maxim Anatolyevich born in 1999 (240)

49. Masharipov Saddam Zohirdzhonovich born in 1999 (220)

50. Mikhailov Roman Vasilievich born in 1998 (225)

51. Ksenia Evgenievna Myakshina, born in 1999 (252)
52. Nikonova Karina Viktorovna born in 1999 (217)
53. Nikulin Boris Igorevich born in 1999 (247)

54. Novikov Mikhail Mikhailovich born in 1999 (220)

55. Osipov Dmitry Pavlovich born in 1998 (217)

56. Pavlov Nikolay Vladimirovich born in 1999 (210)

57. Palamarchuk Maxim Genadievich born in 1999 (241)

58. Rogozin Konstantin Andreevich, born in 1998 (227)

59. Ryazanov Sergey Vladimirovich born in 1997 (242)

60. Sarachan Anton Vladimirovich born in 1999 (237)

61. Sakhapov Riat Ramilevich, born in 1999 (227)
62. Seleznev Dmitry Romanovich born in 1999 (235)

63. Sergeeva Daria Alekseevna born in 1999 (229)

64. Sergienko Alexey Andreevich born in 1999 (230)

65. Ekaterina Yurievna Skotarenko, born in 1999 (226)

66. Slastnaya Vasilina Yuryevna born in 1999 (241)
67. Stakheeva Maria Alekseevna born in 1999 (232)

68. Stupakov Vladislav Aleksandrovich born in 1998 (227)

69. Stupakova Alena Vasilievna born in 1999 (226)

Lida Panikovskaya


70. Filippov Alexey Yurievich, born in 2000 (221)

71. Melania Aleksandrovna Khomyakova, born in 2000 (244)

72. Tsakoev David Akhsarovich, born in 1999 (214)

73. Churilov Kirill Sergeevich born in 1998 (215)

74. Shvydskaya Angelina Vitalievna born in 1999 (244)

75. Artem Vladimirovich Shevardin, born in 1999 (242)

76. Shevelev Kuzma Vladimirovich born in 1999 (215)

77. Schneider Ekaterina Vladimirovna born in 1999 (240)

78. Yun Vitaly Vyacheslavovich born in 1999 (248)

Lida Panikovskaya


Institute for Energy Efficiency Problems (031)
Funding from budgetary allocations
1.1. According to the training programs “13.03.01 Thermal power engineering and heating engineering” 1.1. According to the training programs “13.03.01 Thermal power engineering and heating engineering”
By competition (indicating the number of points scored)
Without a place in the hostel

1. Arinin Fedor Kirillovich born in 1999 (217)

2. Vadim Andreevich Arkhipov, born in 2000 (198)

3. Bekbulatov Renat Muratovich born in 1999 (203)

4. Belyalov Renat Rafekovich born in 1999 (200)

5. Burdonos Dmitry Alekseevich born in 1999 (196)

6. Sofya Sergeevna Gorodnicina, born in 1999 (255)

7. Gusev Artem Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (198)

8. Andrey Olegovich Drigalin, born in 1999 (196)

9. Evdokimova Natalia Andreevna born in 1999 (197)

10. Ekimenkov Egor Olegovich born in 1999 (229)

11. Zhuravlev Ivan Vadimovich born in 1999 (199)

12. Vladislav Alekseevich Zakarzhevsky, born in 1999 (202)

13. Zelinsky Tikhon Andreevich born in 1999 (198)

14. Zenkova Anastasia Alekseevna born in 1999 (201)

15. Kazennikov Alexey Yurievich born in 1999 (197)

16. Kalinin Andrey Viktorovich born in 1998 (200)

17. Kovaleva Varvara Sergeevna born in 1999 (199)

18. Anna Vyacheslavovna Kosyreva, born in 1999 (200)

19. Krylov Nikita Aleksandrovich born in 1998 (204)

20. Likhatsky Sergey Viktorovich born in 1997 (197)

21. Artem Dmitrievich Lopatkin, born in 1999 (202)

22. Mazaev Vladislav Olegovich born in 1999 (203)

23. Malafeeva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna born in 1999 (205)

24. Maslov Daniil Dmitrievich born in 1999 (202)

25. Mingaleev Igor Valerievich, born in 2000 (203)

26. Muchnik Vladimir Alexandrovich born in 1999 (223)

27. Sergey Sergeevich Nekhoroshev, born in 2000 (199)

28. Anna Dmitrievna Pavlova, born in 2000 (257)

29. Pargunkin Kirill Maksimovich born in 1999 (221)

30. Yulia Viktorovna Pekina, born in 1999 (221)
31. Anna Vladimirovna Petrova, born in 1999 (237)
32. Pushkarsky Alexander Viktorovich born in 1999 (197)

33. Roganov Vadim Igorevich born in 1999 (201)

34. Artyom Denisovich Romanenko, born in 1999 (202)

35. Ryzhikova Evgenia Vladimirovna, born in 1999 (234)

36. Savelyeva Sofya Vladislavovna born in 1999 (206)

37. Artyom Evgenievich Savostikov, born in 1999 (205)

38. Salishcheva Alena Sergeevna born in 1999 (195)

39. Ksenia Evgenievna Sverchkova, born in 1999 (199)

40. Sergeeva Anastasia Vitalievna born in 1999 (196)

41. Serova Kristina Mikhailovna born in 1999 (201)

42. Vladimir Konstantinovich Slakaev, born in 1999 (204)

43. Slizunov Maxim Nikolaevich born in 1999 (195)

44. Stepanov Ivan Alekseevich, born in 2000 (199)

45. Farrakhov Bulat Rustamovich, born in 1999 (200)

46. ​​Ferdman Nikita Igorevich born in 1996 (246)

47. Khaibulin Artem Limarovich, born in 2000 (202)

48. Tsagolov David Kazbekovich born in 1999 (201)
49. Tseplyaev Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (225)

50. Andrey Evgenievich Shapovalov, born in 1999 (209)

51. Shapovalova Maria Evgenievna born in 1999 (203)

52. Shikinova Irina Igorevna born in 1999 (197)

53. Evgeniy Alekseevich Shishlakov, born in 2000 (217)

54. Shumeev Evgeniy Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (198)
55. Sergey Aleksandrovich Shchukin, born in 1999 (197)

56. Yasko Anastasia Vasilievna born in 1999 (228)

57. Yakhshiboev Asror Alizhonovich, born in 2000 (197)

Lida Panikovskaya


With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Avdeev Sergey Eduardovich born in 1999 (217)

2. Adamyan Liana Vardanovna born in 1999 (229)

3. Boltysheva Margarita Igorevna born in 1999 (248)

4. Bondarenko Lyubov Vladimirovna born in 1999 (212)

5. Gilmutdinov Rifkat Sergeevich, born in 1999 (226)

6. Nikita Olegovich Gordin, born in 1999 (224)

7. Gusev Timofey Alexandrovich born in 1999 (217)

8. Drozdov Pavel Sergeevich born in 1999 (229)

9. Zhigailov Semyon Evgenievich born in 1999 (208)

10. Leonid Yurievich Zimarev, born in 1999 (249)

11. Isinbaeva Ekaterina Sergeevna born in 1999 (208)

12. Kalinin Daniil Denisovich born in 2000 (216)

13. Kutukov Evgeniy Yurievich born in 1999 (219)

14. Leonov Vladislav Viktorovich born in 1999 (208)

15. Malashina Daria Sergeevna born in 1999 (223)

16. Dmitry Nikolaevich Markidanov, born in 2000 (218)
17. Mikhnevich Vladislav Dmitrievich born in 1999 (280)
18. Murtazin Roman Erikovich born in 1999 (217)

19. Nemchinov Vadim Dmitrievich born in 1998 (205)

20. Nikolaeva Anastasia Nurgunovna born in 1999 (247)

21. Nogovitsyn Egor Egorovich born in 1999 (208)

22. Pakhomova Alena Akimovna born in 1999 (225)

23. Perepelitsa Roman Ruslanovich born in 1999 (204)

24. Samodelkin Ivan Igorevich, born in 1999 (224)

25. Sartbaev Torogeldi born in 1997 (206)

26. Ilya Pavlovich Svetlorusov, born in 2000 (216)

27. Sergeeva Kira Dmitrievna born in 1999 (211)

28. Daniil Alexandrovich Skripin, born in 2000 (205)

29. Anastasia Nikolaevna Stepanova, born in 1999 (220)

30. Sergey Alexandrovich Stoychanov, born in 1999 (206)

31. Valeria Yarotskaya, born in 1999 (275)

Lida Panikovskaya


Electric Power Institute (061)
training programs “13.03.02 Electrical power and electrical engineering” 1.1. According to the training programs “13.03.02 Electrical power and electrical engineering”
By competition (indicating the number of points scored)
Without a place in the hostel

1. Andreeva Sofya Alekseevna born in 1999 (257)

2. Arkhipov Daniil Vladislavovich born in 1999 (256)

3. Belova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna born in 1999 (270)

4. Bonev Georgy Alexandrovich born in 1999 (232)

5. Glezer Maria Semenovna born in 1999 (232)

6. Gribov Vadim Sergeevich born in 1999 (237)

7. Davydov Kirill Igorevich born in 2000 (253)

8. Danilov Oleg Igorevich born in 1999 (232)

9. Dobrovolskaya Antonina Sergeevna born in 1999 (237)

10. Karimov Nikita Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (243)

11. Mekonnen Elizabeth born in 2000 (252)

12. Vita Aidarovna Salakhova, born in 1998 (236)

13. Nikita Vladimirovich Shutenko, born in 1999 (250)
With the provision of a place in the hostel
1. Abdulzoda Faramasi Zohir born in 1999 (245)

2. Arkhipov Alexey Grigorievich born in 1999 (247)

3. Biryukova Maria Vladimirovna born in 1999 (237)

4. Blinova Karina Alekseevna born in 2000 (254)

5. Boykov Kirill Alekseevich born in 1999 (249)

6. Boyarkin Nikita Sergeevich born in 1999 (237)

7. Voronkov Andrey Sergeevich born in 1999 (279)

8. Gorbunov Sergey Ilyich born in 1999 (258)

9. Gusachenko Andrey, born in 1997 (254)

10. Artur Kazbekovich Dzhanaev, born in 1999 (255)

11. Amir Gennadievich Dolgatov, born in 1989 (244)

12. Zatsepin Mark Alexandrovich born in 1999 (235)

13. Zokirov Nekruzjon Zafarovich born in 1999 (260)

14. Ivanov Alexander Vladimirovich born in 1999 (234)

15. Kardash Dmitry Sergeevich born in 1999 (255)

16. Mikhail Vladimirovich Kiselev, born in 1999 (235)

17. Arina Andreevna Konstantinova, born in 1999 (248)

18. Korzh Ksenia Petrovna born in 1999 (262)

19. Korolev Maxim Romanovich born in 1999 (242)

20. Artem Igorevich Kostikov, born in 1999 (235)

21. Kostina Daria Sergeevna born in 1999 (241)

22. Kryukova Alexandra Egorovna born in 1999 (247)

23. Kurochka Kirill Vladimirovich born in 1999 (240)

24. Vadim Andreevich Larionov, born in 1999 (245)

25. Lobach Fedor Sergeevich born in 1999 (251)

26. Logvinov Fedor Dmitrievich
27. Malorod Maxim Evgenievich born in 1999 (262)
28. Martynushkin Alexey Yurievich born in 1999 (250)

29. Molchanov Artem Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (242)

30. Valentin Vadimovich Nazarov, born in 1999 (236)

31. Nikulina Alina Antonovna born in 1999 (233)

32. Obukhov Dmitry Konstantinovich born in 1999 (238)

33. Orifov Umedjon Abdukodirovich born in 1996 (232)

34. Ekaterina Evgenievna Pashkovskaya, born in 1999 (249)

35. Perepelkin Kirill Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (234)

36. Polyakov Stepan Nikolaevich born in 1999 (241)

37. Prokopyev Ilya Stanislavovich born in 1999 (244)

38. Andrey Aleksandrovich Putimtsev, born in 2000 (260)

39. Raitskaya Yana Vladimirovna born in 1999 (272)

40. Remizov Sergey Valerievich born in 1999 (235)
41. Rodionov Maxim Konstantinovich born in 1999 (248)
42. Savchenko Igor Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (236)

43. Georgy Mikhailovich Saratovkin, born in 2000 (249)

44. Sattarov Alisher Abdulatifovich born in 1998 (260)

45. Elizaveta Sergeevna Sokolova, born in 2000 (240)

46. ​​Sorokin Andrey Sergeevich born in 1998 (239)

47. Spiridonov Nikolay Alexandrovich born in 1999 (258)

48. Spitsyna Maria Vladimirovna 2000
49. Uyanaev Allahberdi Azretovich born in 1999 (251)

50. Khachalov Omar Magomedovich born in 1999 (233)

51. Khromov Vladislav Vladimirovich born in 1999 (243)
52. Khudoberdin Radik Rafikovich born in 1999
53. Khudyakov Dmitry Alekseevich born in 1999
54. Shish Konstantin Vadimovich born in 2000
55. Shmakotin Artur Evgenievich born in 1999
56. Yurkov Egor Dmitrievich 1999
57. Yurtov Nikita Olegovich

Lida Panikovskaya


Institute of Electrical Engineering (051)
preparation programs “11.03.04 Electronics and nanoelectronics” 1.1. According to the training programs “11.03.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics”
By competition (indicating the number of points scored)
Without a place in the hostel

1. Sofia Vladimirovna Abramova, born in 1999 (197)

2. Avetisyan Karina Karenovna born in 2000 (199)

3. Antonova Varvara Sergeevna born in 1999 (226)

4. Vasiliev Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich born in 1999 (187)

5. Kasatsky Nikolay Nikolaevich born in 1999 (203)

6. Krysanov Danila Igorevich, born in 1999 (216)

8. Nikitin Semyon Vyacheslavovich born in 1999 (199)

9. Pankov Alexander Alekseevich born in 1999 (196)

10. Nikita Sergeevich Samokhin, born in 1998 (209)

11. Shrynov Vladislav Vladimirovich born in 1999 (213)
With the provision of a place in the hostel
1. Asatullaev Bobur Sherzodovich born in 1998 (225)

2. Dedushkin Mikhail Sergeevich born in 1999 (211)

3. Elizaveta Sergeevna Zabelina, born in 1999 (227)

4. Loshakov Vladislav Tarasovich born in 1999 (222)

5. Elena Konstantinovna Mityukhina, born in 1999 (220)

6. Pushanov Viktor Nikolaevich, born in 2000 (224)

7. Rukhlyadeva Polina Vladimirovna born in 1999 (222)

8. Alexander Ivanovich Svistkov, born in 2000 (277)

9. Yaroslavtseva Elizaveta Valerievna born in 1999 (231)
1.2. According to the training programs “13.03.02 Electrical power and electrical engineering”

Without a place in the hostel
1. Avdeev Andrey Nikolaevich born in 1999 (214)

2. Ilya Evgenievich Agashkov, born in 1999 (228)

3. Artemenko Ivan Alekseevich born in 1999 (220)

4. Babyshkina Daria Maksimovna born in 1999 (226)

5. Batueva Natalya Maksimovna born in 1999 (221)
Sheet 2 of 4

6. Bobyr Kirill Vitalievich born in 1996 (211)

7. Andrey Aleksandrovich Vorobyov, born in 1999 (226)

8. Gureev Anton Nikolaevich born in 1999 (219)

9. Zolotarev Timofey Alexandrovich born in 1999 (227)

10. Artemy Ruslanovich Zolotov, born in 1999 (230)

11. Zuev Stanislav Dmitrievich born in 2000 (241)

12. Ibragimov Marat Rustamovich born in 1999 (222)

13. Anastasia Pavlovna Ilyanova, born in 1999 (228)

14. Denis Mikhailovich Korsikov, born in 1999 (224)

15. Kurilko Ekaterina Maksimovna born in 1998 (214)

16. Lungu Nikolay Evgenievich born in 1999 (225)

17. Evgeniy Anatolyevich Mokhort, born in 1999 (212)

18. Nekrasov Alexander Mikhailovich born in 1999 (226)

19. Okhlopkova Zinaida Vasilievna, born in 2002 (219)

20. Petrov Mikhail Sergeevich born in 1999 (221)
21. Rozhdestvensky Evgeniy Igorevich born in 1997 (236)

22. Safonov Alexey Mikhailovich born in 1999 (218)

23. Smirnov Alexander Mikhailovich born in 1999 (211)

24. Alexey Petrovich Teleshov, born in 1999 (226)

25. Viktor Dmitrievich Titov, born in 1996 (224)

26. Nikita Andreevich Travkin, born in 1999 (221)

27. Anna Vasilievna Khodina, born in 2000 (247)

28. Cheremushkina Alisa Vyacheslavovna, born in 1999 (214)

29. Oksana Vladimirovna Chishkun, born in 2000 (223)
With the provision of a place in the hostel
1. Akaemov Ivan Evgenievich born in 1999 (226)

2. Acosta Andrey Ankhelevich born in 1999 (214)

3. Beletsky Dmitry Pavlovich born in 1999 (212)

4. Bragin Anton Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (217)

5. Ildar Rinatovich Vakilov, born in 1999 (215)

6. Veronika Ivanovna Valieva, born in 2000 (234)

7. Ventserev Mikhail Sergeevich born in 1999 (226)

8. Vitels Nikita Vladimirovich 1999
9. Volkova Daria Dmitrievna born in 1999 (213)
10. Nikita Andreevich Voronchikhin, born in 1998 (234)

11. Gamanov Alexander Dmitrievich, born in 2000 (216)

12. Gorodnov Danila Romanovich born in 1999 (226)

13. Danilova Angelina Eduardovna
14. Dmitrenko Valeria Viktorovna born in 1999 (218)
15. Dobrodeev Sergey Nikolaevich born in 1999 (260)

16. Drokov Maxim Mikhailov
17. Dubrovsky Bogdan Vladimirovich born in 1999 (232)

Lida Panikovskaya


18. Dushkevich Kirill Alekseevich born in 1999 (226)
19. Egorov Alexander Vitalievich born in 1999 (221)

20. Zhivodrova Yana Sergeevna born in 1999 (227)

21. Zhukov Andrey Valerievich born in 1999 (215)

22. Zagainova Ekaterina Petrovna born in 1999 (217)

23. Zenko Evgeniy Dmitrievich, born in 2000 (241)

24. Imankulov Kubanych born in 1997 (213)

25. Kaplienko Sergey Yurievich born in 1999 (227)
26. Ulyana Aleksandrovna Kapustnikova, born in 1998 (243)

27. Karmokov Zalim Zaurovich born in 1999 (221)

28. Ilya Alexandrovich Kiselev, born in 1999 (236)

29. Kodzhakov Rasul Khanapievich, born in 2000 (224)

30. Kozmenko Andrey Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (227)

31. Valery Andreevich Kolesov, born in 1999 (228)

32. Andrey Viktorovich Kondrashov, born in 1999 (229)

33. Nikolay Dmitrievich Krapivin, born in 1999 (223)

34. Kulbuzhev Mikail Muratovich born in 1995 (281)

35. Kulikov Oleg Alexandrovich born in 1999 (234)

36. Vadim Igorevich Kurguzov, born in 1999 (246)

37. Pavel Dmitrievich Kuteynikov, born in 1999 (230)

38. Maksimova Maria Sergeevna born in 1996 (226)

39. Malsagov Magomed Sultanovich born in 1999 (216)

40. Sergey Alexandrovich Mishatkin, born in 2000 (227)

41. Momunov Medetbek born in 1996 (219)

42. Danil Vyacheslavovich Morozov, born in 1999 (215)

43. Musin Marcel Maratovich born in 1999 (240)

44. Anastasia Vasilievna Nafanailova, born in 1999 (228)

45. Nurgaliev Damir Ravilevich, born in 1997 (288)

46. ​​Otrashkevich Vladislav Germanovich born in 1999 (224)

47. Palkov Stepan Viktorovich born in 1999 (235)

48. Perezyabov Anton Andreevich born in 1999 (213)

49. Petrov Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (232)

50. Polyansky Rodion Sergeevich born in 1999 (224)
51. Pchelkin Viktor Ivanovich 1999
52. Roslyakov Maxim Konstantinovich born in 1999 (222)
53. Ryabov Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (220)

54. Sibikin Dmitry Vladimirovich born in 1999 (225)

55. Arina Alekseevna Skvortsova, born in 1999 (227)

56. Soin Ivan Sergeevich born in 1999 (216)

57. Svetlana Alekseevna Sorokina, born in 1999 (212)

58. Tattibaev Danar Anuaruly born in 1997 (217)
59. Tyurikov Ivan Sergeevich born in 1999 (225)

60. Tyuryakhin Evgeniy Olegovich born in 1999 (235)
61. Furaev Vladislav Vadimovich born in 1999 (229)

62. Margarita Dmitrievna Kharaburova, born in 1999 (218)
63. Valeria Alekseevna Khomyakova, born in 1999 (220)

64. Denis Aleksandrovich Tsirulev, born in 1999 (212)
65. Mikhail Alexandrovich Chistyakov, born in 2000 (218)

66. Sharov Sergey Alexandrovich born in 1999 (224)

67. Shakhbazov Rashid Enverovich born in 1999 (218)
68. Nikita Evgenievich Shvarev, born in 1999 (231)

69. Shekhmus Ivan Sabrievich, born in 2000 (222)
70. Yablokova Yulia Andreevna

Lida Panikovskaya


Institute of Automation and Computer Science (071)
“03/09/01 Informatics and computer technology” 1.1. According to the training programs “09.03.01 Informatics and Computer Science”

Without a place in the hostel
1. Arinushkin Artem Maksimovich born in 1998 (248)

2. Belova Irina Mikhailovna born in 1999 (232)

3. Birman Alexander Alexandrovich born in 1999 (242)

4. Budykin Alexey Sergeevich born in 1998 (230)

5. Voskanyants Nina Kirillovna born in 1999 (252)

6. Gavrilov Alexander Andreevich, born in 1999 (274)

7. Gvasalia Georgy Davidovich born in 1999 (238)

8. Gromov Mikhail Nikolaevich born in 1999 (223)

9. Gulko Anton Artemovich born in 1999 (229)

10. Dlyutrova Irina Dmitrievna born in 1999 (249)

11. Erilin Roman Igorevich born in 1999 (224)

12. Zhuravlev Anton Aleksandrovich born in 1998 (222)

13. Zagainova Maria Dmitrievna born in 1999 (241)

14. Zadorin Sergey Andreevich, born in 2000 (228)

15. Kasatikov Egor Sergeevich, born in 2000 (234)

16. Nikolay Andreevich Kovalev, born in 1999 (224)

17. Dmitry Dmitrievich Koreshkov, born in 1999 (220)

18. Krasavina Daria Dmitrievna born in 1999 (239)

19. Kukin Vadim Alekseevich born in 2000 (228)

20. Alena Andreevna Larionova, born in 1999 (222)

21. Limanov Alexander Pavlovich born in 1999 (221)

22. Nadezhda Dmitrievna Lipatova, born in 2000 (223)

23. Lyalin Nikita Igorevich born in 1999 (258)

24. Vera Vladimirovna Marchenkova, born in 1999 (225)

25. Marchuk Oleg Nikolaevich born in 1999 (248)

26. Matveev Alexander Nikolaevich born in 1999 (243)

27. Melnikov Sergey Konstantinovich born in 1999 (223)

28. Noyanov Alexander Yurievich born in 1999 (234)
29. Danila Denisovich Ozernoy, born in 1999 (232)

30. Podkolzin Artyom Andreevich, born in 1999 (223)

31. Slonova Anna Sergeevna born in 1998 (242)

32. Sumin Egor Romanovich born in 1999 (222)

33. Maria Sergeevna Trankova, born in 1999 (225)

34. Andrey Igorevich Turlyuk, born in 2000 (225)

35. Mikhail Gennadievich Uzlov, born in 1999 (226)

36. Ulanov Anatoly Valerievich born in 1993 (285)

37. Falko Alexey Romanovich born in 1999 (243)

38. Frolov Sergey Alexandrovich born in 1999 (221)

39. Anton Dmitrievich Chesnokov, born in 1999 (221)
With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Avilov Dmitry Sergeevich born in 1998 (252)

2. Alaev Musost Askhapovich born in 1999 (224)

3. Andiev Oleg Kazbekovich born in 1999 (225)

5. Babayan Sergey Ashotovich born in 1998 (223)

6. Ksenia Sergeevna Barkhotkina, born in 1999 (236)

7. Arslan Yurievich Bilalov, born in 2000 (249)

8. Bogdanov Egor Alekseevich born in 1999 (223)

9. Bogodukhov Elisey Dmitrievich born in 1999 (251)

10. Dmitry Vadimovich Bosakovsky, born in 1999 (241)

11. Bystrov Alexander Olegovich born in 1999 (251)

12. Vasiliev Egor Mikhailovich born in 1999 (227)

13. Vasiliev Igor Sergeevich born in 1999 (223)

14. Anna Olegovna Vasilyeva, born in 1999 (257)
15. Vasilyeva Tatyana Nikolaevna born in 1999 (229)

16. Vlasova Olga Mikhailovna born in 1999 (223)

17. Vyushkin Fedor Maksimovich born in 1996 (224)

18. Gavrilov Evgeniy Alekseevich born in 1999 (230)

19. Galanin Georgy Yurievich born in 1999 (230)

20. Gil Ivan Viktorovich born in 1999 (227)

21. Vitaly Evgenievich Dementiev, born in 1999 (251)

22. Zhidkova Alexandra Alexandrovna born in 1997 (232)
23. Zinovkin Alexander Yurievich, born in 2000 (244)

24. Ignatova Anastasia Ilinichna born in 1999 (243)

25. Karimli Heydar Alovsat ogly born in 1998 (221)

26. Kim Dmitry Alexandrovich born in 1999 (221)
27. Klimenko Andrey Valerievich 1999
28. Dmitry Alekseevich Komarov, born in 2000 (233)

29. Alena Yurievna Kon, born in 1999 (235)
30. Kuzhaniyazov Andrey Olegovich 2000
31. Anastasia Leonidovna Kuznetsova, born in 1999 (228)

Lida Panikovskaya


32. Kuprienko Grigory Sergeevich born in 1999 (226)

33. Alena Alekseevna Kurushkina, born in 2000 (254)

34. Lazarev Zakhar Olegovich born in 1999 (249)
35. Lebedev Alexey Dmitrievich, born in 2000 (237)

36. Makarov Evgeniy Sergeevich born in 1999 (227)

37. Maksimov Roman Anatolyevich born in 1996 (239)

38. Farid Eldar Mamedov, born in 2000 (232)

39. Olga Sergeevna Makhalova, born in 1999 (229)

40. Mineev Artem Dmitrievich born in 1999 (255)

41. Mikhtinev Ivan Olegovich born in 1999 (222)

42. Movile Ekaterina Sergeevna born in 1999 (231)

43. Mukanova Alexandra Renatovna born in 1999 (245)

44. Neganova Valentina Sergeevna born in 1999 (231)

45. Nikitaev Dmitry Vladimirovich born in 1998 (265)
46. ​​Olimov Saidzhon Rustamovich born in 1999 (260)

47. Orlov Ilya Andreevich born in 1998 (229)
48. Paykov Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (245)

49. Pankratov Alexey Alekseevich born in 1999 (238)
50. Podkholuzina Maria Andreevna, born in 2000 (246)

51. Pozdnyakov Anton Sergeevich born in 1999 (227)
52. Vsevolod Nikolaevich Reshetnikov, born in 1998 (248)

53. Samsonov Mikhail Evgenievich born in 1999 (248)
54. Sigacheva Viola Konstantinovna born in 1999 (236)

55. Sirotkin Nikolay Nikolaevich born in 1999 (230)
56. Solovyova Olesya Vadimovna born in 1999 (255)

57. Suryev Denis Aleksandrovich born in 1999 (240)
58. Sukhorukov Matvey Dmitrievich, born in 2000 (253)

59. Timofeev Daniil born in 1999 (250)
60. Tishchenko Alexander Valerievich born in 1999 (227)

61. Uspenskaya Ekaterina Olegovna born in 2000 (251)
62. Ilya Sergeevich Frantsuzov, born in 1999 (223)

63. Khudyakov Konstantin Sergeevich born in 1999 (236)
64. Chelyshev Eduard Arturovich, born in 2000 (239)

65. Vladimir Dmitrievich Shesterkin, born in 1999 (229)

66. Shibitov David Valerievich, born in 1999 (223)
"12.03.01 Instrumentation"
1.2. According to the training programs “12.03.01 Instrument Engineering”

Without a place in the hostel
1. Bezruchkin Nikita Sergeevich born in 1999 (179)

2. Boltunov Alexander Sergeevich born in 1997 (196)

3. Nikolay Andreevich Vorontsov, born in 1999 (183)

4. Grigoriev Sergey Razmikovich born in 1994 (182)

5. Danilchenko Sergey Alexandrovich, born in 2000 (191)

6. Drozdov Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (184)

7. Efimovskaya Anastasia Andreevna born in 1999 (191)

8. Kozlov Maxim Andreevich, born in 1999 (183)

9. Komarov Danil Nikolaevich, born in 1999 (188)

10. Krylov Alexander Sergeevich born in 1997 (205)

11. Medvedev Leonid Viktorovich born in 1999 (193)
12. Moskovskaya Daria Sergeevna born in 1999 (186)
13. Plotnikov Alexander Olegovich born in 1999 (209)

14. Ryzhechkov Yaroslav Sergeevich born in 1999 (185)

15. Marina Aleksandrovna Smolentseva, born in 1999 (210)

16. Starchik Sergey Andreevich, born in 2000 (178)

17. Mikhail Anatolyevich Strizhnikov, born in 1999 (187)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Litke Maxim Antonovich born in 1998 (212)

2. Radjabov Emil Vagif ogly born in 2000 (258)

3. Senikova Tatyana Yurievna, born in 2000 (227)

4. Shevyakova Maria Dmitrievna born in 1999 (209)
1.3. According to the training programs “01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”

Without a place in the hostel
1. Alieva Irada Ilgarovna born in 1999 (229)

2. Artem Aidarovich Babenov, born in 2000 (235)

3. Baykov Yuri Vadimovich born in 1999 (249)

4. Ilya Olegovich Boguslovsky, born in 1999 (242)

5. Bozhenko Alexey Evgenievich 1999
6. Bolshakov Vitaly Alekseevich born in 2000 (262)

7. Evgeniy Andreevich Volkov, born in 2000 (229)
8. Vladislav Borisovich Gladkikh, born in 2000 (260)

9. Ibragimov Salman Vazrailevich born in 1999 (243)

15. Nabieva Olga Yuryevna born in 1999 (267)

16. Dmitry Sergeevich Rylov, born in 2000 (233)

17. Semenov Artyom Sergeevich born in 1999 (232)

18. Raisa Vadimovna Serova, born in 1997 (235)

19. Syrbu Denis Mikhailovich, born in 2000 (248)

20. Dmitry Igorevich Syrmakeshev, born in 1999 (231)

21. Timokhin Dmitry Andreevich born in 1999 (233)

22. Trofimovich Mikhail Alexandrovich born in 1999 (264)

23. Chernyshev Georgy Sergeevich born in 2000 (240)

24. Shlenova Alena Dmitrievna born in 1999 (248)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Aksenov Daniil Igorevich born in 1998 (233)

2. Svetlana Mikhailovna Artemyeva, born in 1998 (245)

3. Akhmedov Akhmed Isaevich, born in 1997 (236)

4. Bernadskaya Alina Andreevna born in 1999 (234)
5. Bondar Ekaterina Leonidovna born in 2000 (237)

6. Nikita Andreevich Burov, born in 1999 (231)

7. Vlasova Marina Igorevna born in 1999 (237)

8. Gorshkov Viktor Sergeevich born in 1999 (231)

9. Dudareva Tatyana Yurievna born in 1999 (252)

10. Ermakova Angelina Aleksandrovna, born in 1999 (232)

11. Zhalybin Alexander Sergeevich born in 1999 (239)

12. Zadorozhny Dmitry Maksimovich born in 1999 (236)

13. Ivanov Timur Alexandrovich born in 1999 (238)

14. Kerimov Dmitry Valerievich born in 1997 (250)

15. Klyagin Anton Olegovich born in 1999 (241)

16. Anna Andreevna Kozlovskaya, born in 1998 (274)

17. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Koshchin, born in 1999 (248)

18. Krapivina Anna Alekseevna born in 1999 (238)
19. Ksenia Olegovna Krizhanovskaya, born in 2000 (251)

20. Elena Alekseevna Kudryavtseva, born in 1999 (238)

21. Mikhel Konstantin Sergeevich born in 1999 (251)

22. Stepan Ivanovich Morozov, born in 1999 (236)

23. Nazarov Shakhzod Khurshedovich born in 2000 (231)

24. Artem Andreevich Nemtsev, born in 1998 (244)
25. Nurmatova Asel Abasovna born in 1999 (232)
26. Pavlov Evgeniy Alekseevich born in 1998 (234)

27. Pavlov Ivan Sergeevich born in 1999 (238)

28. Anton Eduardovich Pasynkov, born in 1999 (236)

29. Polyakov Denis Sergeevich born in 2000 (235)

30. Popov Vladimir Andreevich born in 1999 (241)

31. Dinaf Raufovich Rakipov, born in 2000 (237)

32. Rakhimov Firuz Abdukhalimovich born in 1999 (245)

33. Roshchupkin Alexander Dmitrievich born in 1999 (244)
34. Sevostyanov Sergey Alexandrovich born in 1999 (240)
35. Seliverstov Ilya Dmitrievich born in 1999 (237)

36. Anatoly Andreevich Sesin, born in 1999 (239)

37. Sidorov Kirill Olegovich born in 1999 (241)
38. Takhirov Amirjon Abdukarimovich born in 1999 (267)
39. Temnikov Dmitry Yurievich born in 1999 (251)

40. Trushin Daniil Nikolaevich born in 1999 (239)

41. Kharchenko Yaroslav Alekseevich born in 1999 (242)

42. Khizhin Vadim Vyacheslavovich born in 1997 (230)

43. Anna Vyacheslavovna Khromova, born in 1999 (233)

44. Chibinyaev Roman Viktorovich born in 1999 (236)

1.4. According to the training programs “03.27.04 Management in technical systems”
Without a place in the hostel
1. Alymova Anna Vyacheslavovna born in 1999 (221)

2. Glinsky Alexander Alexandrovich born in 1999 (218)

3. Gorichev Sergey Dmitrievich born in 1999 (217)

4. Kristina Gennadievna Grishina, born in 1999 (227)

5. Dabaghyan Alexander Egisheevich, born in 1999 (210)
6. Sergey Evgenievich Ivanov, born in 1998 (220)

7. Kokarenkov Vladimir Sergeevich born in 1999 (224)

8. Anastasia Andreevna Korshikova, born in 1999 (244)
9. Kuznetsov Stepan Olegovich born in 1999 (211)
10. Mikhailov Artyom Denisovich born in 1999 (212)
11. Nikolaev Vladislav Ruslanovich born in 1998 (219)
12. Petrosyan Aram Mesropovich born in 1999 (214)

20. Ilya Dmitrievich Tumanov, born in 1999 (215)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Askerov Emil Ibrahim oglu born in 1998 (216)
2. Daria Bindyuk born in 1997 (213)

3. Bugaev Sergey Andreevich, born in 1999 (217)

4. Ksenia Yurievna Bulenok, born in 2000 (223)

5. Vasiliev Andrey Vasilievich born in 1999 (211)

6. Vishnyakova Anastasia Dmitrievna born in 1999 (235)

7. Galiev Bulat Rishatovich born in 1999 (219)

8. Lidiya Vladimirovna Gudkova, born in 2000 (247)

9. Gusev Egor Alexandrovich born in 1999 (215)

10. Andrey Gutsu, born in 2000 (216)

11. Evsenkina Alexandra Evgenievna, born in 1999 (219)

12. Zaitsev Alexander Alexandrovich born in 2000 (220)

13. Nikita Aleksandrovich Kapustin, born in 1999 (246)

14. Alexander Igorevich Korotkikh, born in 1999 (221)

15. Manzhikov Arltan Konstantinovich born in 2000 (210)

16. Sergey Ruslanovich Maslikhov, born in 2000 (216)

17. Vladislav Andreevich Novokhatsky, born in 2000 (208)

18. Savitsky Valentin born in 1999 (247)

19. Roman Yuryevich Sadovnikov, born in 1999 (256)

20. Samokhin Daniil Borisovich born in 1999 (219)

21. Safin Shakhim Ilmirovich born in 1999 (233)

22. Semenov Konstantin Sergeevich born in 1999 (226)

23. Liliya Andreevna Kharchenko, born in 1999 (212)

24. Chernykh Demid Olegovich born in 1998 (232)

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (081)
“11.05.01 Radio-electronic systems and complexes” 1.1.
By competition (indicating the number of points scored)
Without a place in the hostel

1. Bakholdin Nikita Vladimirovich born in 1999 (205)

2. Boriskov Alexander Leonidovich, born in 1999 (208)

3. Nikita Stanislavovich Elovsky, born in 1999 (202)

4. Andrey Yurievich Korobkov, born in 1999 (201)

5. Koshelev Oleg Andreevich, born in 1999 (193)

6. Kuznetsov Alexander Alexandrovich born in 1999 (192)

7. Ilya Dmitrievich Mednikov, born in 1999 (187)

8. Mikhailov Ivan Olegovich born in 1999 (245)

9. Nikolay Sergeevich Muratov, born in 1999 (189)

10. Shilov Alexander Vladimirovich born in 1998 (201)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Golovachev Viktor Sergeevich born in 2000 (213)

2. Vladislav Alexandrovich Kuksin, born in 1999 (231)

3. Olimov Shokhrukhdzhon Sokhibdzhonovich born in 1998 (221)

4. Tsymbal Grigory Romanovich born in 1999 (228)

"09.03.03 Applied informatics"
By competition (indicating the number of points scored)

Without a place in the hostel
1. Gvantseladze Elena Vakhtangovna born in 1999 (257)

2. Zagorodnyuk Pavel Anatolyevich born in 1999 (251)

3. Vitaly Igorevich Naumenko, born in 2000 (264)

4. Galina Mikhailovna Pestryakova, born in 1999 (267)

5. Smirnov Igor Vitalievich born in 1997 (280)

Institute of Engineering and Economics (100)

By competition (indicating the number of points scored)

Without a place in the hostel
1. Dmitry Arkadyevich Donetsky, born in 1999 (256)

2. Parheta Sergey Sergeevich born in 1999 (269)

3. Polyakova Alena Sergeevna born in 1999 (260)

4. Vera Dmitrievna Serova, born in 1999 (249)

With the provision of a place in the hostel
1. Oleg Ruslanovich Ambalov, born in 1999 (251)

2. Baranova Anastasia Stanislavovna born in 1999 (254)

3. Maksimets Dmitry Alexandrovich born in 1999 (278)

4. Nasridinov Safarmurod Mukadisovich born in 1997 (284)

5. Dmitry Pavlovich Nosach, born in 2000 (252)

6. Maya Alekseevna Pasova, born in 1999 (270)

7. Roznyuk Marina Dmitrievna born in 1999 (251)

8. Yakovleva Sandaara Dmitrievna, born in 1999 (277)

Institute of Engineering and Economics (100)
"10.03.01 Information Security"
By competition (indicating the number of points scored)

Without a place in the hostel

1. Akhapkin Ivan Andreevich, born in 2000 (252)

2. Brovkin Ivan Ivanovich born in 2000 (248)

3. Denis Sergeevich Gordeev, born in 1998 (239)

4. Kasho Vladimir Alekseevich born in 1997 (229)

5. Evgeniy Dmitrievich Lakhno, born in 1999 (232)

6. Serezhenkov Egor Mikhailovich born in 1999 (255)

7. Shitov Kirill Aleksandrovich born in 1997 (232)

With the provision of a place in the hostel

1. Alekseev Evgeniy Yuryevich, born in 2000 (230)

2. Gareeva Alexandra Vadimovna born in 1999 (251)

3. Gorbachev Vladislav Ivanovich born in 2000 (227)

4. Gleb Vladimirovich Legotin, born in 1999 (237)

5. Lomako Dmitry Olegovich born in 1999 (227)
6. Mamakov Kirill Olegovich born in 1999 (238)

7. Saveliy Valerievich Morozov, born in 1999 (248)

8. Rasskazov Danil Andreevich born in 1999 (238)

9. Marina Andreevna Chistilina, born in 1999 (231)

Institute of Engineering and Economics (100)
Information security" 1.1. According to the training programs “10.03.01 Information Security”
By competition (indicating the number of points scored)
Without a place in the hostel
Without a place in the hostel

1. Abdulazimov Alexander Viktorovich born in 1996 (262)

2. Anna Aleksandrovna Guryanova, born in 1997 (260)

3. Zhadigerova Gulmira Bulatovna, born in 1993 (250)

4. Zakharchuk Vladislav Dmitrievich born in 1997 (267)

5. Kryvokrysenko Maxim Aleksandrovich born in 1993 (251)

6. Evgeniy Grigorievich Samokhin, born in 1996 (272)

7. Khavpachev Azamat Aslanovich born in 1998 (259)

8. Anna Denisovna Khanina, born in 1997 (253)

1.2. According to the training programs “03/09/03 Applied Informatics”
By competition (indicating the number of points scored) By competition (indicating the number of points scored)
Without a place in the hostel

1. Druzhinina Daria Borisovna born in 1995 (270)

2. Ionova Ekaterina Nikolaevna born in 1997 (258)

3. Ismansky Alexander Sergeevich born in 1998 (257)

4. Mushenko Egor Sergeevich born in 1995 (247)

5. Natalya Nikolaevna Sosnina, born in 1997 (266)
6. Sumnitelnov Ivan Pavlovich born in 1995 (273)

7. Svetlana Alekseevna Shishigina, born in 1997 (245)