What do they drink and eat whiskey with in different countries?

In order not to spoil the delicate bouquet and not to lose the exquisite notes of taste, it is customary to drink whiskey in its pure form. However, a lot depends on the type of drink and the personal preferences of the taster: it’s one thing to dilute aged scotch, and quite another thing to dilute cheap American bourbon. Next we will figure out how and with what they drink whiskey in different countries.

Scotland. Single malt whiskey does not tolerate impurities; the most you can afford is a little mineral water, and the water should be served in a separate decanter, and not poured directly into a glass. Blended varieties are cheaper and simpler; they can be mixed with water (plain, carbonated or mineral), cola, and ice.

Ireland. In this country, whiskey is also drunk with water, ice or cola, it is also added to espresso, and heavy cream is poured on top, resulting in the famous Irish Coffee coffee cocktail.

Irish coffee: 80 ml hot coffee, 40 ml whiskey, 30 ml cream, sugar to taste

USA. Local bourbon can be diluted with both ice and cola. It is not forbidden to even add cranberry or lemon juice to corn whiskey - this will only benefit the bouquet.

Drinks for whiskey

1. Water. For the most expensive varieties, just a few drops of pure spring water (optimally the same as the basis for which the whiskey being tasted is made) is enough to reveal the bouquet. Cheaper types can be diluted with soda (be careful, “sparkling” cocktails are absorbed faster by the body, causing intoxication, and can cause a severe hangover). Water temperature - room temperature, proportions - to taste, from a few drops to 50 to 50.

In elite whiskeys, water is added with a spoon or pipette, precisely balancing the taste

2. Syrup (equal parts water and sugar). Mixed with any whiskey in a 1:4 ratio, you get the classic Old Fashioned cocktail.

3. Sweet vermouth. When mixed with whiskey (proportions 1:2) it gives the Manhattan cocktail.

4. Lemon or cranberry juice, the usual ratio with whiskey is 1:2.

5. Cola, Sprite or any other lemonade. Suitable for cheap bourbons and scotch, which are difficult to drink neat due to their harshness. You can dilute it as you like, especially since soda completely neutralizes the taste of alcohol.

Whiskey and cola is a great combination to get drunk quickly

6. Ginger beer. This is a non-alcoholic carbonated drink with a rich ginger flavor. Proportions with whiskey – 1:2. A popular combination in the USA with an interesting, difficult to compare taste. I recommend trying it at least once.

Ginger lemonade is very popular in America

7. Coffee and tea - whiskey is added to a hot drink to taste. Usually this is a few drops for aroma or 1-2 teaspoons to tone up.

How to properly eat whiskey

The most strict connoisseurs will say that nothing - good whiskey is beautiful in itself, and bad whiskey is not worth drinking at all. However, not all dishes for whiskey drown out the subtle bouquet of the drink; there are snacks that only emphasize the nuances of taste.

  1. Cheese. “Smoky” scotches with peat notes go well with fragrant cheeses like Roquefort. Softer varieties are served with sweeter Irish whiskey - Brie, Camembert. Gouda, Cheddar, and Swiss cheeses are also suitable for any whiskey. If you are planning a long evening, it is better to put together a cheese plate so that each guest can choose an appetizer to suit their taste.
  2. Chocolate. The darker the better, ideally when the mass fraction of cocoa exceeds 80%.
  3. Fruits. Contrary to popular belief, citrus fruits are not suitable; it is better to stick to apples or pears.
  4. Salty snacks like chips, fleece, peanuts, breadsticks, etc. It doesn't look very respectable or noble, but goes well with bourbon.
  5. Fried pork ribs. A tasty and satisfying snack that doesn’t allow you to get drunk quickly.
  6. Smoked fish or meat. Pairs well with tape.

Smoked meat perfectly complements the “peaty” taste of Scotch whiskey