What is the difference between neutering and spaying dogs? An intimate question: castration and sterilization - good or bad? Is castration always necessary?

At the veterinarian's appointment, it becomes obvious that pet owners are sometimes not well informed about the castration and sterilization of their pets. Most often, our visitors believe that only cats and males are castrated, but females - cats and bitches - are sterilized. In this article, we will figure out what the difference is, how castration differs from sterilization, and why it is needed.

The difference between castration and sterilization

So the term castration" means the complete removal of the gonads from the animal's body - in males (cats and males) these are the testes, in females (cats and bitches) - the ovaries. Castration provides the effect of complete sexual rest for the rest of your life. After the operation, the animal will not have any needs, desires and opportunities to carry out full sexual activity. In most veterinary clinics, this procedure is carried out, even if for some reason it is labeled as “sterilization” in the price list.

Sterilization(from the Latin "sterilisatio" - barren) in veterinary medicine of small domestic animals it is used extremely rarely and mainly for some experimental developments. The procedure is the ligation (ligation or soldering) of the oviducts in females and the spermatic cords in males. After that, the animal becomes unable to reproduce its own kind (due to the inability to give an egg or sperm during external environment during coitus), but remains as active in terms of sexual hunting.

Sex hormones continue to be synthesized in the gonads, released into the blood, and all manifestations of sexual behavior (bleeding in bitches, screaming cats, increased activity or aggressiveness in males and cats) remain unchanged.

From the point of view of the convenience of family life and the health of the animal, the operation to sterilize the animal is absolutely meaningless. Therefore, when the owner at the veterinarian's appointment asks to sterilize a cat, we always discuss the nuances of the operation and decide that the gonads (in this case, the ovaries) should be removed.

Khomutinnik Ekaterina Igorevna Chief Veterinarian. Specialization: soft tissue surgery, abdominal and thoracic surgery, endosurgery.

How is castration going?

The essence of the operation is that the gonads (gonads - ovaries in females or testes in males) must be completely removed by the surgeon. This can be done in the standard way, by cutting the abdominal wall with a scalpel and extracting the glands outward, or endoscopically.

During laparoscopic castration, access to the internal organs is carried out using the ports of the endoscope. A camera with an illuminator and endoscopic instruments are inserted through the ports into small openings on the abdominal wall. The surgeon performing the manipulations watches the image of the progress of the operation on a television screen.

Endoscopic castration, along with other endoscopic procedures, belongs to the category of minimally invasive (low-penetrating) operations. Unlike classical castration, after laparoscopic castration, there is not a long seam left on the abdominal wall of the animal from the incision with a scalpel, but two or three small holes. Sometimes one suture of thin threads is applied to them, sometimes they are sealed with special medical glue.

Endoscopic castration - modern way, which allows to reduce surgical risks and the duration of the postoperative period to a minimum. This method is especially relevant for females of large breeds, which have a fairly deep abdominal cavity - it is physically difficult for the surgeon to pull a large uterine horn into the cavity of the surgical wound in order to remove the ovary, while there is a strong tension of the ligamentous tissues and the risk of surgical bleeding increases. In endoscopic operations, such problems do not arise, because surgical instruments can be brought to any organ of the abdominal cavity without changing its natural position.

Preparing for castration

Regardless of which method of surgical intervention the owners of the animal have chosen, you need to prepare for castration. First, any animal must be hungry for at least 10 hours. This is due to anesthetic risks. In anesthesia, the contents of the stomach can enter the respiratory tract, cause suffocation and aspiration pneumonia (inflammation of the tissues of the lungs due to the ingress of foreign substances). Secondly, if an aged animal is sent for castration, or has a history of some organ pathologies, as well as dogs and cats of certain breeds from the risk group (brachiocephalic, toy breeds, British, Persians, Maine Coons, etc.) , we recommend a preliminary study of the function of cardio-vascular system at the appointment with a cardiologist.

Preliminary clinical examination allows you to identify all anesthetic risks and prevent unpleasant consequences.

Postoperative care

After castration, we recommend that owners carefully monitor their pet for a week and limit physical activity.

After surgery, bitches and cats are put on a special fabric blanket made of breathable materials in the clinic to prevent the sutures from licking. Males are recommended to wear a plastic collar. It is necessary to wear such protection for 7-10 days, depending on the temperament of the animal and on the individual characteristics of the organism that affect the healing of the sutures. Cats do not usually need to wear a protective collar.

After castration, we recommend treating the seam once a day with a solution of Chlorhexidine and blotting dry, removing the crusts, with an ordinary gauze cloth. Thus, postoperative care is reduced to a minimum. If the surgeon has made a removable suture, the ligatures (suture threads) must be removed 10 days after the operation. If the suture is intradermal, it is made with self-absorbable threads and there is no need to go to the clinic to remove the sutures at all.

After castration, the level of sex hormones in the blood decreases quite quickly, causing all the manifestations of sexual desire, which caused inconvenience to the owners. Animals become calmer, more accommodating, males tend to be less aggressive towards other males, cats have a reduced tendency to wander. The only thing to remember is that neutered animals gain weight more easily. This can be easily avoided by transferring your pet to special feeds for castrated animals and clearly regulating the daily feeding rates.

It is desirable to carry out castration before the first manifestations of estrus (6-9 months). This maximally prevents diseases of the reproductive sphere in males (prostatic hyperplasia, orchitis) and females (endometritis, neoplasms of the mammary glands). But if, for some reason, this is done in early dates failed, in any case, you should not delay the operation for a long time - castration and postoperative period in the first years of an animal's life, it is easier to tolerate by the body.

We believe that a dog or cat of any breed, whose owners do not plan to breed or in principle not of value for breeding, should be neutered by the end of the first year of life. This makes it possible to prevent diseases of the reproductive sphere of pet animals and reduce the number of homeless animals in our country.

Dog after sterilization in a homemade blanket

I noticed that for several articles I start with a small story that happened to me in practice, this post will not be an exception. Today I will tell you about Antonovna - this is my old friend, who has a small dog of an incomprehensible breed, but her grandmother is sure that her girl is of pure blood. It doesn't make much difference to us if she's purebred or not, because the breed has no effect on what happened to her.

You may ask, what does the grandmother and the sterilization of the bitch have to do with it? The fact is that Antonovna makes a round of the territory every morning and every evening, walking with her companion in the neighboring yards. When a dog goes into heat, the grandmother always fastens the leash and arm herself with a vine to drive away the stubborn males.

During the next walk, during estrus, in spite of the precautionary measures, a disaster happened. Grandmother met her friends, began to discuss the latest important news and did not notice how the groom crept up behind. When the dog was noticed, it was already too late - the dogs "clinged". Probably, people around have not heard such a variety of real Russian words for a long time, and the dog has never received so much in a soft spot.

As a result, after a couple of months, Antonovna once again became a grandmother. The puppies were not drowned or thrown into the trash, they were raised and housed, but, unfortunately, as you understand, this rarely happens.

This little story tells only about one case of undesirable dog behavior during the mating season. And there can be a lot of similar situations and not a single dog owner is immune from this. The author does not agitate to sterilize all bitches indiscriminately, but I hope you will be interested to know what it is, why this operation is done and when.

Spaying a bitch in questions and answers

My friends have a lot of questions about the sterilization of a bitch, in order to understand this topic, I specially wrote this article. I did not become original, inventing a bicycle, but took a list of frequently asked questions on the forums and simply answered them.

What is sterilization?

Sterilization - surgery after which the female loses her ability to reproduce. Of course, you can write abstrusely, using Latin and various multi-story terms, but we do not make a presentation at the symposium, so we will try to be simpler.

There are many options for this operation, for example, you can remove only the ovaries or ligate the oviducts. But, in my opinion, if you do the sterilization of a bitch, it is better to cut out the genitals in a whole block: the ovaries, oviducts, uterus and part of the vagina. In this case, there are fewer complications, then it will not be necessary to re-climb into the abdominal cavity.

Misconceptions or myths about dog spaying

1. Most often, people are afraid that the dog will quickly gain weight after the operation. Yes, if you do not follow her diet.

After sterilization, the bitch does not need to look for a mating partner, so she will spend less energy, which will lead to the appearance excess weight if you don't watch your diet.

But look - people successfully feed their pets that have not been under the surgeon's knife. In any case, it is necessary to feed animals rationally, taking into account their energy needs.

2.For health, a dog needs to give birth at least once. Pregnancy is a physiological process during which the body has to take additional resources from somewhere. Nature is so conceived that at first the fetus is provided with everything necessary, and then the mother.

Now imagine that a dog eats food with an insufficient amount of microelements or she has diarrhea and these microelements did not reach their intended purpose, and the fetus needs them now. Then the mother will give the necessary components from her body. That is why, after pregnancy, diseases appear or worsen.

Moreover, early sterilization of the bitch, before the first estrus, will save her from the appearance of malignant tumors. Rather, the likelihood of a tumor to be significantly reduced, to about 0.5%, in comparison with dogs that have already been in heat.

3. My dog ​​will not tolerate anesthesia. Yes, there is a risk of complications during anesthesia, but if the animal is young and healthy, if the doctor does everything right, then the risk is minimal. Let's just say that you risk exactly, as with other abdominal surgery.

4. The dog will become lazy after the operation. Indeed, sex hormones play a big role in the life of an animal, including their behavior. But behavior is more dependent on the dog's temperament, and then on hormones. If your animal had a playful disposition, it will remain so, hormones can only enhance the manifestation of character.

Remember how puppies play before puberty, when the ovaries are not yet working at full capacity, one can shake the whole litter with their mother, and the other does not touch anyone, constantly thoughtful and loves to take a nap.

5. You can not deprive a dog of the joy of motherhood, it is not humane. Do not worry, no one will blame your girl for not having children and she will not bother about this.

Animals are more guided by instincts, they do not plan their family life, do not think how many children they will have and how to feed them. And we, people, should think humanely or not to drown newborn puppies, leave them on the street?

Here is another live example

In the photo, the operated dog in a home-made blanket made from the owner’s T-shirt, of course, you can buy a special one, but a home-made one is no worse.

After surgery in a blanket made from a T-shirt

After an operation such as sterilization of a bitch, it is imperative to close the sutures, otherwise the animal may remove them ahead of time. Also, in order to avoid complications, you need to treat the wound daily, which can be done on your own without the participation of a doctor. In our case, the first days we used the usual 3% peroxide solution, and the threads were moistened with green paint.

Seams treated with green

When the wound dried up, they wiped it with peroxide once a day, dried it, and then applied the levomekol liniment.

Two weeks later, the stitches were removed, here in this photo you can see the tummy after the bitch was successfully sterilized.

Finally got the stitches out

You can continue this post on this topic for a long time, but in order not to tire readers, I will tie it up, in conclusion, we will list what benefits we will get after sterilizing a bitch.

Why do this operation?

  1. We will get rid of unwanted pregnancy, which can happen even if you protect your girl, remember what happened with Antonovna?
  2. We will not have behavior problems during estrus, when the female loses her head and thinks in a completely different place.
  3. If we remove the ovaries before they start working, that is, before the first estrus, then we will subsequently save our animal from malignant tumors.
  4. Sterilization helps to completely get rid of a false pregnancy, which happens very often.
  5. In addition, this operation is necessary for certain diseases, for example, pyometra or uterine torsion.

As I have already said, the author is not campaigning for the universal sterilization of bitches, everything must be approached reasonably and act according to the circumstances. If your dog is not causing you trouble during heat, if you can control his behavior without the use of hormones, then you can do without surgery.

But if your dog's mother or grandmother showed strong sexual instincts, they had tumors and you do not need offspring, then it is better to operate. I look forward to your questions or additions regarding the sterilization of the bitch in the comments.

This question worries many pet owners. The main reason is her seeming cruelty and unnaturalness, as well as violence. They are sure that after such a procedure, the dog's life gets out of the usual rut. So can these arguments be considered valid? Is it necessary to castrate a dog and how useful or harmful is it? Let's figure it out.

What it is?

Castration is a manipulation during which the gonads (testicles) are removed. As a result of such interference, hormones that promote reproductive function cease to be reproduced. The operation is not dangerous and does not differ in complexity compared to sterilization.

By the way, many dog ​​breeders think that castration is indicated mainly for males, and only females are sterilized. But this is not true. Sterilization involves ligation: for some, the fallopian tubes, for others, the seminal ducts. In medicine, this technique is called a vasectomy. In sterilized individuals, the genital organs remain intact, which continue to produce hormones. They remain endowed with all reproductive functions, except for the ability to have offspring.

This surgery is performed under anesthesia. The dog in front of her should not eat anything for 12 hours and be healthy. Manipulation lasts about 20-40 minutes. It is practically safe, negative consequences after it happen infrequently.

As for the harmfulness of such a procedure, you need to know that dogs, by their nature, are called to live in a pack. And the reproductive functions there are not predetermined for everyone, but only for individual individuals. Therefore, scientists argue that the use of such a technique does not at all have a negative impact on the psycho-emotional and physical development of the dog.

Important! Such a technique as castration, in addition to reducing sexual activity and changing the behavior of the dog, no longer has any effect on its body.

Conversely, an unneutered dog is more stressed when a physiological need is not met. In addition, this condition can provoke certain diseases of the genital area. But too much activity can be harmful. So, homeless females usually reward males with venereal sarcoma.
Often dogs undergo such an operation in connection with traumatic lesions, tumors and other ailments.

At what age is this done?

If we talk about the physiological health of the pet and its age, then it is important to know what time you can castrate the dog. So, with early manipulation (under the age of 3 months), then the pet, although not always, can grow more frail than its uncastrated relative.

With the timely operation, and the best time for its implementation is the beginning of puberty, no changes are expected. The favorite will be the same as without castration.

Females are usually castrated before estrus, at 6-9 months of age. Proper operation will prevent the development of dangerous tumors in the mammary glands.

Important! The time favorable for castration also depends on the breed of the animal. For representatives of short breeds, this is 7 months, for large breeds - a year and a half. But at the same time, the behavior of an individual pet should be taken into account.

True, it must be admitted that castration in early age has its preferences. The young body recovers faster, and the little dog herself will quickly forget the stress of surgery. However, the risks of manipulation in puppyhood are greater:

  • difficulties in determining the doses of anesthetics;
  • the possibility of formation of deficiencies in the genitourinary system;
  • the occurrence of unforeseen complications from the body, which has yet to grow and develop.

In addition, early neutering increases the risk of developmental disorders in dogs. hip joints and the formation of bone cancer. The reason for this is that their reproductive hormones play an important role in correct formation bones and joints. If you deprive the dog's body of these hormones early, they will not have time to finish their work.

To determine at what age the sex hormones managed to cope with the task, it is easier not by the breed of the pet, but by its weight:

  • dogs that weigh up to 15 kg should not be subjected to such an operation before 9 months;
    15-25 kg - earlier than 12 months;
  • more than 25 kg - before 15 months.

As for bitches, there are no age restrictions for their castration.

Important! Experts are convinced that the main indication for surgical intervention for the removal of genital organs in dogs is their well-being, and not age. Therefore, it is better to castrate an overgrown dog, but healthy, than a young, but sick one. And the owners of “aged” males should remember that such animals definitely need a consultation.

good and bad

However, castration has the good side, and certain disadvantages. So, what are the pros and cons of neutering dogs?

I must say that the operated pets, regardless of gender:

  • become much more acceptable for living in an apartment;
  • dogs show calmness, do not get involved in fights, show less aggression and do not mark territory;
  • gradually lose passion for members of the opposite sex;
  • they are no longer interested in disappearances and running away from home;
  • aging, become not prone to cancer;
  • get rid of the possibility of catching genital infections.

In addition, castration helps to increase the appetite of the pet and its good sleep. He becomes playful and good-natured.

But you need to know that such an operation does not affect the temper of a four-legged friend, it only corrects it a little. Cardinal transformations can be achieved only with the help of training and training. And it happens that degree to dogs comes only in old age.

Some people mistakenly claim that this technique leads to a decrease in the guarding abilities of the dog. This opinion is wrong. When your dog has excellent watchdog abilities, he will not lose them after castration.

Although there are a lot of downsides to such an operation. Most importantly, the hormonal balance is disturbed, which may not have a negative imprint on the pet's body. Therefore, neutered dogs may experience conditions such as:

  • hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function and the level of hormones that it produces;
  • bone cancer - it is proved by statistics that it appears mainly in dogs that have been subjected to such manipulation;
  • obesity is the result of an increase in appetite in those who have undergone such surgery, and, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, and this is already serious.

In addition, in elderly dogs, which at one time were subjected to resection of the reproductive organs, deviations in behavior may be observed.

Important! When your pet is naturally phlegmatic, after the operation, it may show even more isolation and inactivity. In this case, he should be given more attention, try to make him move, encourage him to play.

The lack of testosterone over time will definitely affect the coat of the animal - the hairs will become softer. This surgery is performed under anesthesia. Dogs tolerate it more difficult than humans. Therefore, it is important to calculate the correct dose of anesthesia. If it is small, then it will not be enough until the end of the operational process, and excess can cause cardiac arrest in the animal.

Consequences of castration of males

Separately, it should be said about the castration of males. This is mostly thought about when they "play hormones." They disappear for a few days, looking for a mate, get into a fight with their own kind, whine, howl. This period is dangerous for the pet with increased injuries, and even worse, it may be under the wheels of a car.

In such cases, the dog should be given special attention and understand the reasons for such behavior and the possibilities of training. After all, castration is always an irreversible process, therefore it requires a thoughtful approach. This is exactly the case when you need to weigh the pros and cons of male castration well.

It is important to decide for what purposes this surgical intervention will be carried out. Is it really necessary and to assume its consequences?

When a dog constantly “plays blood”, he marks the territory, disappears from the house, makes cages, reveals aggression towards his relatives or members of your family, such an operation is indicated. This will improve his behavior, calm him down. You should be aware that if such pet “brokes” are not based on hormonal surges, then castration will not help solve the problem. There should be more educational process.

But if we do not talk about behavioral changes, then such surgical intervention remains an effective way to prevent many animal ailments based on hormonal activity. In addition, such a procedure is indicated for ailments of the genital area - it will help the dog recover.

Important! The advantage of the myths about the dangers of castrating dogs are invented by their owners. So, it is argued that such pets reduce their working abilities. As a counterbalance to this - excellent work in teams of huskies in the North. They are not inferior in their activity to the leader of the pack.

Why is it worth doing it?

Often, dog owners treat this operation as something incompatible with their lifestyle, not really knowing what castration of a dog gives. But you need to know, the dog will in no way suffer from the fact that he will not have a sexual desire. On the contrary, the operation will only bring benefits, it will allow the pet to devote more time to games, walks with the owners. This technique, with proper and timely application, has only positive solutions.

Here are a few reasons why you should castrate a dog:

  • it has been proven that castrated dogs live longer than those who have not had this operation - after all, unsatisfied sexual desire is one of the most effective negative stresses for the body;
  • there is a positive impact on the behavior of the animal - dogs behave much calmer, become more obedient. Those that are castrated among them are more willing to acknowledge the authority of man;
  • on the part of such males, aggressive behavior towards their own kind decreases, or even disappears altogether;
  • the calm behavior of the operated patients minimizes the risks of a threat to their health - they do not run away from the owner during a walk, smelling a “girl”, do not get into fights and do not fall under the wheels of cars;
  • in such dogs, serious diseases of the reproductive organs are excluded.

As for the last point, it should be especially said about uncastrated cryptorchids (these are individuals in which one or both testicles have not descended into the scrotum). In such males, oncological diseases occur much more often than in ordinary dogs, so animals with such a pathology are always subject to castration.

When is an operation needed?

From the foregoing, it follows that surgical intervention for the removal of genital organs in dogs can solve many problems of both the animal itself and its owner. However, this procedure cannot be applied to all four-legged pets in a row. The physical condition of the animal, the level of its hormonal levels, even the breed of the dog should be taken into account.

So, the decision on whether to castrate a dog is necessary together with a veterinarian, a dog handler, who, taking into account all these features, will give professional advice and suggest the best way to solve the problem.

To rid a pet of the ability to breed usually follows:

  • if she is a mongrel - after all, it is difficult to attach outbred puppies, and not everyone can leave them to their own will or drown;
  • when the dog is not planned to be shown at exhibitions (the operated one can simply be rejected);
  • in case the dog is not planned for breeding;
  • when a male is characterized by aggressiveness, uncontrollability, which are especially manifested when he has sexual desires;
  • with all ailments in the genitourinary system;
  • when the male is cryptorchid (as mentioned above).

For females, everything is clear. She will stop attracting males to her, rushing "headlong", being in danger. The main thing is that you no longer have to think about where to attach unplanned "offspring".

Thus, it should be recognized that the castration of dogs is a useful and necessary procedure in certain cases. It helps to prolong the life of the pet, relieving him of many serious diseases. Especially it is not necessary to refuse this manipulation if it is offered by a veterinarian for certain indications.

Many believe that the difference between castration and sterilization of dogs lies in the difference between shaggy dogs by gender. Castration - for males, sterilization - for females. And here it is not. Sterilization is a surgical intervention applicable to individuals of both sexes. Only in females, the fallopian tubes are tied, and in males, the testes. Animals can lead an active sexual life without offspring. Castration is the removal of the four-legged genitals. In dogs, both testicles are removed; in females, the uterus or ovaries are removed. After castration, complete deprivation of sexual functions occurs, and many dogs do not even show a desire to mate. Let's try to figure out which operation to choose, and how it will affect the behavior and health of the pet.

Pros and cons of castration

The main purpose of castration is to get rid of unwanted offspring, except for cases where surgery is necessary for medical reasons. Many veterinarians believe that castration is not necessary unless indicated. After all, if a female individual does not attract flocks of "boyfriends" and endanger himself, then the male after castration, on the contrary, will drastically change his behavior. Due to the lack of hormone production, many males become aggressive, attack passers-by (especially children), mark their territory, can mess things up at home, react sharply to females in heat and chase them. Due to a hormonal imbalance, the quality of wool changes (frequent molting is possible), side diseases occur: hypothyroidism, bone cancer, obesity, kidney and adrenal diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

The undoubted advantages of castration include the fact that most dogs, both male and female, become calmer. Even males become lethargic and do not cause much trouble to the owners: they do not gnaw on furniture, they are less mischievous, they do not fight with other dogs, they do not seek to escape and wander, in 50% of cases they do not even shit. Also, the operation prevents the development of cancer and genital infections in more adulthood. Castration in no way affects the protective qualities of dogs.

Castration is contraindicated in inflammatory processes in the genital organs, cancerous tumors, infectious diseases(especially in males). In these cases, it is more prudent to replace castration with sterilization. But any intervention in nature is fraught with consequences. Dogs, unlike solitary cats, are pack animals. They do not have such an urgent need for frequent mating. There are different breeds of dogs, many of which do not even "think" about getting carnal pleasure: watchdogs, hounds, hunting dogs. Such pets do not need to eradicate sexual functions. Most veterinarians advise not to deprive quadrupeds full life. According to them, a dog should give birth once a year.

When and how to castrate?

The age of castration is of fundamental importance for males and females. Males are advised to castrate no earlier than six months of age, otherwise they may stop in physical development. Females are best castrated before their first estrus at 5 to 6 months of age to avoid breast cancer.

The operation is performed in a veterinary clinic. 12 hours before the start of the operation, the dogs stop being given food, 6 hours before the operation - water. In addition, many veterinarians advise taking a course of antibiotics, which is very important. Castration is performed under general anesthesia. Pets do not tolerate it well. Many come out of anesthesia ahead of time, which complicates the operation. Lethal outcomes are possible.

The operation to remove the genital organs is performed under sterile conditions. For males, hair is locally removed, the incision area is disinfected, incisions are made on the scrotum, the spermatic cord is pulled and the testes are removed. The duration of the intervention is no more than ten minutes, the removal of sutures is not required subsequently. In females, the procedure is more complicated, since penetration into internal organs. For this you need to cut groin and remove the ovaries or uterus. The operation takes more than half an hour, stitches are applied, on which bandages and a special blanket are put on, so that the animal does not lick and scratch the sore spot.

How to care after surgery

After castration, while the pet comes to his senses after anesthesia, it is necessary to cover him with a warm blanket, since heat exchange processes in the body are disturbed. Involuntary urination also appears, so you should worry about oilcloth or absorbent diapers in advance. After being transported home, the dog must be kept warm, but not near the battery. Constantly monitor the pulse, evenness of breathing, the condition of the mucous membranes. If they become pale and cyanotic, then the animal is not all right.

Every half an hour it is necessary to turn the pet over and change the bedding regularly. Only when the dog is fully recovered from anesthesia is food allowed to be taken with extreme caution. Food should be light: chicken bouillon, oatmeal. Also, suitable food during the recovery period of the dog can be selected on the website of the Krasnoyarsk online pharmacy Pharmmed.

If your dog is vomiting or having diarrhea, you should consult your veterinarian. Be sure to change the bandages, give restorative drugs as prescribed by the doctor. Do not leave your pet alone in the postoperative period, as any negative reaction of the body can lead to irreversible complications.

Neutering of dogs

Although part of the population, sterilization seems to be a gross intervention in the nature of the shaggy, this procedure, according to experts, is still preferable to castration. After this operation, the animal does not lose its natural propensity to reproduce, but due to the loss of reproductive function, it cannot reproduce. In addition, sterilization will protect the pet from unwanted diseases, including infectious ones, often sexually transmitted. Also, you will forever protect your pet from sarcoma, breast cancer, pyometra.

Advantages of sterilization

In addition to the above benefits, sterilization prolongs the life of the animal by 1.5-2 years. It becomes calmer, more obedient, marks the apartment and houses of neighbors less. Reduces the likelihood of hormonal diseases and malignant tumors. The pet is devoid of stress, but at the same time does not lose its natural ability to play, hunt, and train. A dog does not have such a great need to have offspring as a cat, so sexual intercourse does not affect health too much. The female will not suffer due to the lack of children, saving the owners from the need to attach puppies.

Cons of sterilization

Any surgical intervention has negative consequences. One of them is the difficulties associated with the transfer of anesthesia. Various complications after surgery are possible: heavy bleeding, hernias, inflammation and ruptures of sutures, infections. A neutered dog gains weight significantly due to metabolic disorders, which leads to diabetes. The quality of the coat changes in the pet, abundant molting occurs. 5-7 years after surgery, many sterilized dogs experience involuntary urination, which can cause chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.

First of all, if you take a thoroughbred pedigree dog, which has every chance of winning in show rings. Such individuals are very expensive, and, of course, it makes sense to use them for breeding in order to obtain purebred offspring. If you need a friend, then it is not so important whether he has a pedigree and what titles his relatives had. Therefore, long before you have a pet, think about what plans you have associated with it, so that later there will be less disappointment.

What the future owner needs to know

Try to seek advice only from competent dog handlers or veterinarians. By asking for advice from your comrades on the paddock, you run the risk of listening to various speculations that are not true. In particular, the opinion is very often conveyed among dog lovers that a bitch, for her health, must definitely whelp at least once in her life. In fact, this is a completely baseless assertion. Moreover, if the owner of an adult dog over six years old heard it and, frightened, decided not to hesitate any longer, such complications are fraught with much more serious complications than spaying dogs. Only a competent doctor should tell the pros and cons of this procedure, so do not trust the health of your pet to non-professionals.

The second common myth is familiar to dog owners. You will definitely be strongly advised to untie the dog as soon as possible, so that he acquires a heavier frame, becomes stricter in guarding the house, that is, from a cheerful puppy he turns into a formidable and stern guard. In fact, mating will not help here, males usually mature after two years, and the skeleton depends solely on genetic characteristics. But you will definitely have more problems. An unleashed male will search for a female all his life, tiring the owner with the pursuit of any bitch. Therefore, if such individuals are not breeding animals, from which it is important to obtain offspring, then sterilization of dogs will be a good way out for you. We will consider the pros and cons in detail so that you have a good idea of ​​​​the consequences of your decision.

The main advantages of sterilization for the owner of the bitch

Of course, every loving owner worries about his pet and wants to collect all the information about the upcoming operation. This is the right approach, because we alone are responsible for those we have tamed.

So, sterilization operation. Of course, first of all, the decision must be made by the attending physician on the basis of an examination of the animal and a conclusion about its state of health. What are the advantages that can be identified if a decision is made in favor of the operation?

First of all, the problems associated with the dog's pregnancy and subsequent childbirth disappear. And, what is especially important, the owner will not have to think about what to do with unwanted offspring (in modern realities it is difficult to say what would be more humane - to destroy or "distribute to good hands”, condemning many to a homeless life). The financial aspect is also important. The operation is not free, but it relieves the owner of the care of a pregnant and whelping bitch and puppies, which is much more expensive.

animal behavior

Walks on the street become much calmer, males lose interest in the sterilized individual, as she stops estrus. The risk of developing breast tumors is several times reduced. This is not the only health problem that this operation can solve. In some cases, this reduces the risk of various diseases of the genital organs, including malignant neoplasms, to almost zero. in Moscow, this operation is performed at the highest level, excluding the likelihood of complications. It will be especially effective if carried out before the first estrus.

An additional plus is always noted by city dwellers. Breeding puppies in a cramped apartment is a very difficult task, and therefore many easily agree that it is much better to avoid such an experience, and most effective way is sterilization of dogs. The price of this operation is not so high, everyone can afford it. In addition, this measure immediately solves the problem of cleaning up after the bitch during estrus.

The main advantages of sterilization for the owner of a dog

In fact, only in relation to bitches can the term "operation" be applied. Sterilization of dogs may not be cavitary when it comes to males. In this case, the whole procedure is reduced to the removal of the testicles. After the rehabilitation process is over, the animal becomes less prone to attacks of aggression, which means that it will be less likely to fight with relatives and get injured. You can no longer be afraid of venereal sarcoma, which is sexually transmitted and leads to the formation of tumor growths.

A sterilized male will not run away from home, driven by instincts, and the owner will not have to look for him. There is no need to quarrel with neighbors, the dog becomes calm after sterilization, it does not howl and does not rush about in search of a partner, does not urinate in the wrong places, and practically does not react to relatives suitable for a walk.

A common plus for dogs of both sexes: spaying increases your pet's lifespan by almost 20%. Moreover, in some cases it is noted that almost until death the dog remains playful and mobile. If you do not want to engage in professional breeding, give your pet 3-4 extra years of life, because they do not have so much time measured out.

Sterilization as a social necessity

Today the problem of the abandoned is becoming especially acute. The shelters, organized by donations from the townspeople, cannot accept all four-legged animals that need help. Therefore, animal advocates carry out actions of a district scale, sterilizing and treating them, and then letting them go back. Booths are set up in some yards, and local residents feed their inhabitants together. Is sterilization of dogs humane in this case? The pros and cons are obvious. Of course, this does not solve the problem, the animal remains on the street, but it will not bring puppies twice a year, which means that the population of stray animals will become smaller, not larger.

Contraindications for sterilization

Despite the apparent ease, this procedure is a surgical intervention that leads to irreversible consequences. Veterinary clinics in Moscow offer you a full range of services, from primary diagnosis and examination to postoperative rehabilitation. If you turn to professionals, the recovery process after the intervention will pass quickly enough, but the doctor will definitely warn you about a number of contraindications.

Due to the structural features of the body, there are breeds for which this operation can result in serious complications. Usually they include pugs and bulldogs. Carefully choose an experienced surgeon, he will be able to tell you in detail, dogs. The price in this case is not a guarantee that you will be able to avoid complications. The doctor will have to evaluate medical contraindications, take into account cardiovascular insufficiency and impaired renal function, therefore, animals over 5 years of age are primarily at risk.

The main disadvantages that a loving owner should be aware of

Like all surgical interventions, spaying of dogs has its drawbacks. Reviews of many owners say that the most unpleasant consequence is urinary incontinence. Indeed, this happens quite often, and this complication develops some time after the operation, so that, at first glance, it is not associated with it. In fact, everything is easy to explain if we turn to physiology. The uterus and ovaries are removed from the abdominal cavity, which forms a cavity into which the bladder is displaced. As a result, diseases of the urinary system of varying severity develop. In addition, hormonal changes also contribute to the development of this complication. But for the most part, this is true for dogs of large breeds, weighing more than 30 kg. Hormonal changes, in turn, lead to the development of obesity, so now you will need to carefully monitor your pet's diet.

The operation itself is a risk factor. The seam in a dog after sterilization can fester or disperse, there is a risk of bleeding and infection, inflammation, and hernia. We must not forget that sterilization is carried out under general anesthesia, which puts a strain on the pet's body. The heart is especially at risk. Finally, there is evidence from cynologists that conditioned reflexes in sterilized dogs are developed somewhat worse, which means that you need to think about when to sterilize a dog.

Surgical spaying of bitches often has minimal health risks and no additional complications. But for a male, this operation always leads to disturbances in the health of the dog, regardless of the age at which the operation was performed.

Optimal age

For medical reasons this operation can be done throughout the life of the pet. However, if we talk about the prevention of diseases and pregnancy, as well as the correction of behavior, it becomes clear that it is better to expose young dogs to it. And this is where opinions differ. They veterinarians believe that it is optimal to do it to puppies at 2 months of age. Others argue that in this case, the development of the pet slows down, growth lag is possible, as well as learning difficulties. Therefore, it is believed that it is best to prepare an animal for surgery that is 12 months old. It is at this age that dogs are best sterilized. The age of one year is usually marked by the first estrus, just after it ends, you can go to the veterinarian.

After operation

We have already touched on the topic of the cost of the operation. In clinics in Moscow, you will pay from 1000 to 2000 rubles for it, which is not so expensive, considering all the advantages that sterilization of dogs gives. Caring for a pet after surgery is quite troublesome, you will have to be patient. You have to do dressings every day, monitor the condition of the animal. If you notice suppuration or an unpleasant smell under the bandage, this is an occasion to immediately go to the doctor. The animal may be lethargic for the first days, but if the pet has completely refused to eat, this is also an alarming sign.

As the dog's condition returns to normal, it's time to get life back on track. So, again you need to walk a lot and be sure to eat right. It is best to make rice, white meat and fish the basis of nutrition after the operation. The sutures are usually removed 10-12 days after the operation. By this time, minor physical activity is already allowed. Then life slowly returns to normal.

What to pay attention to

Even a professional doctor cannot always foresee all the nuances, therefore it is quite rare, but complications do occur. What should be alerted after the sterilization of dogs has been performed? Estrus is nonsense for a sterile bitch, but such phenomena do occur. This suggests that the operation was carried out with some violations. An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity is necessary so that conclusions can be drawn about the condition of the pet and the necessary further treatment. Sometimes there is another phenomenon: a sterile bitch continues to knit. It also speaks of the unprofessionalism of the doctor who performed the operation. Therefore, before entrusting the life and health of your pet to doctors, collect reviews about doctors and clinics, weigh the pros and cons, and only then draw conclusions.