Complete cat. Your cat's sex life Getting sexually active in cats

Females of all animal species are subject to cyclic behavior in the field of sexual relations. They are regulated by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus instantly responds to changes in the hormonal level in the animal's body, and also responds to external environment e.g. the length of the day. The main goal of his work is to prepare the body of the female for the mating itself, and then for the period of pregnancy and childbirth. Under the direction of the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, works and secretes the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Typically, inactivity in relation to sexual behavior in cats lasts about four months. It depends more on the daylight hours than on the body temperature of the animal. This suggests that if the cat lives in a house where the lighting is artificial, then the period of activity can last a very short time. Typically, a cat experiences two or three peaks of anesturus (sexual activity) per year. Such periods fall on the segments from the onset of spring to the onset of the summer cycle and from the end of summer to the end of autumn in the northern hemisphere of the planet.

The proesterus (or preparatory stage) precedes estrus. At this time, the female behaves affectionately, but does not bring matters to sexual contact. In the room, the animal walks back and forth, may begin to rub against furniture or people, roll on the floor. There is often copious urination. Swelling of the vagina is also possible, but there is no discharge, unlike dogs. Within three days, the esterus period begins, during which the cat prepares for mating. The restless behavior escalates, the cat rolls on the floor and howls. Such howls are called conscripts. Siamese cats were especially successful in this. The animal behaves so unusually that it can even scare the owners. They, thinking that the cat is ill, may even seek help from a doctor. But one has only to caress the female, as she immediately takes a position suitable for the mating process. At the same time, she bends her front legs, and raises the back of her body. The tail is held pressed to the side, and the animal begins to stomp with its hind legs. At this time, the cat does not eat and urinates heavily. In addition, you may notice a strong desire on her part to go outside. This will also be noticed by street cats, who will start guarding the cat under the windows of the house. Speaking of cat ovaries, ferrets, rabbits and minks immediately come to mind, because they do not ovulate if mating has not yet taken place. It begins after a day or more after mating. After mating, the signs of esterus disappear. This happens within one or two days. Otherwise, it may take up to twelve days. Anesturus disappears during pregnancy, and if not, then a period of calm begins, lasting from seven to twelve days, which is replaced by a new peak of activity. It turns out that ester cycles appear after twenty-one days, but the older the animal, the shorter the cycle lasts.

Notably, some cats don't have a break and may show a desire to mate in six to ten weeks. Animals suffering from nymphomania, about twelve percent.

As for males, it is impossible to determine by their appearance whether they are active or not. But it has been established that the peak of sexual activity in cats occurs in the spring. Of course, this depends on the number of females that would like to mate.

The cat is an extremely fertile creature, millions of kittens are not born every year due to the extreme frequency of pregnancies and the large number of kittens in the offspring, as the owners limit their reproduction.

Therefore, before you get a cat, think about this aspect of owning a cat, because you will have to take responsibility for the future of her kittens or doom her to infertility and sterilization.

But if this does not scare you, or you are an experienced cat breeder, let's see how to properly carry out such a complex process as mating cats.

Mating cats may seem simple to the casual observer: cats mate loudly, often and indiscriminately, the cat gets pregnant quickly and gives birth to a bunch of kittens. The truth is that not everything is so simple and easy, and the owner often has to suffer for a long time before the process ends with pregnancy.

In addition, the physiology of a cat has a number of funny differences from other mammals. For example:

  • Did you know that cats don't ovulate until they mate with a male?
  • Or that a cat can give birth to five kittens, each from a different father?
  • That the penis in cats has spikes that make it easier for a cat to ovulate, but at the same time cause her great pain?

P grooming cats before mating

It's not uncommon to get a cat and within a few months you'll find that she's showing signs of mating! You wonder: how could she ripen so early? This is especially piquant if you wanted to sterilize her, but put it off until later ...

A kitten can become a "mother" as early as 4.5 months!

So don't fall for that old trick of "wait six months to get spayed" tips. In addition, if once the cat began to show signs of readiness for mating, this will be repeated regularly and forever!

If you are a registered or amateur breeder and decide to breed your cat as a carrier of the breed, it is important to have your cat checked by a veterinarian prior to mating. She must be at least 12 months old, in excellent health and fully vaccinated.

Otherwise, the risk of deviations and poor quality of offspring increases. Earlier matings of cats should either be drug limited or avoided with a quality male. The partner must pass similar checks.

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Both cats should be screened for feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus prior to mating. The animal should be examined for the presence of invasive, fungal, viral, infectious diseases. It is highly desirable to check and rid the animal of worms.

So that during mating the cat and the cat do not injure each other, they should cut their claws. Bathing a cat is not recommended - this will wash away the natural smells of readiness for mating.

From 5 to 8 days every quarter, the cat will be in search of a cat. The mating season in cats is activated by a number of factors, including the number of hours of daylight. In the northern hemisphere, this is usually between March and September, during southern hemisphere during the period from September to March. But due to the fact that cats live in apartments, this schedule can be greatly shifted.

Cats are not picky about mating, and a female in heat will mate with any male (or multiple males) available, which includes her father or brothers.

When a cat is ready to mate, she will show certain behaviors, such as:

  • increased vocalization (in other words, a heart-rending meow)
  • hyperactivity and attempts to leave home
  • loss of appetite
  • lack of interest in the owner
  • specific body movements (if you pat on the back, the cat assumes a pose of readiness for mating)
  • increased aggression

In cats, there is also a loss of appetite and hyperactivity, as well as "note" the territory with their secretions.
If these signs are obvious, it's time for your cat to have a date!

Preparing for mating cats

It is better to schedule a date between a cat and a cat for 3-5 days of estrus. If it takes place on someone else's territory, take a carrier and a bowl of food with you, so the cat will be calmer and you can hide from the cat, in case the date fails ...

It is advisable to choose an experienced cat, since cats can often greatly impede intercourse, which becomes an insurmountable obstacle for a young cat.

The mating process itself lasts half a minute, but cats can repeat it up to 8 times, but the preparation and mutual tuning can take hours!

The process of mating cats

On average, cats during the mating season are not sensitive to external factors and mate on their own, at the first opportunity. However, it is wiser to close partners in a separate room so as not to frighten off the mating process.

Sometimes, it happens that the cat rejects the found cat and then, by aggression towards him, you can understand that the date was not successful and the gentleman is not good enough. But at the same time, aggression before, during and after mating on the part of a cat is a normal reaction, so you need to give the cat some time and one more chance to force the cat to copulate.

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The cat will signal its readiness to mate in a unique posture: head down, front legs bent, back of the torso elevated with tail raised to the side of the body. Her hind legs will move rhythmically, as if the cat is trying to walk in place.

This is a signal to the cat that his chances are highly valued! The cat leans on the cat from behind, holding it by the back of the neck with his teeth. This is done both to ensure the cat's obedience, and to stimulate her brain to give a command to ovulate - this is fixed by evolution. Ejaculation occurs within 15-30 seconds and is accompanied by a low cat growl and a loud cat meow from the spike on the cat's penis.

Sometimes a cat attacks a cat right after mating and a fight can happen. Mating may be repeated after a few minutes or several hours later. In general, a cat can mate up to 30 times during her estrus period.

cat pregnancy

After 30-50 hours, the process of fertilization of the cat occurs (or does not occur). And about three weeks after mating, the first signs of pregnancy will already be visible.

Cats are extremely fertile creatures and pregnancy almost always takes place. The gestation period for a cat is between 63 and 54 days. Symptoms usually appear in the second week of pregnancy when her nipples turn pink. By 3-4 weeks, your veterinarian may be able to feel the kittens (you don't have to do this at home) by feeling the abdomen.

The piquancy is that a cat can get pregnant even if she feeds her offspring! But that's a topic for another post...

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Copulation of cats occurs at night, and sexual intercourse lasts several minutes. More time is spent on familiarization and search for a suitable territory. If reproduction does not occur at home, but outdoor conditions, then the female can select a partner for several hours.

Copulation of pets of various breeds is recommended to be carried out on the territory of the cat. In his home, the animal feels more confident and sexual intercourse takes place faster.

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    Sexual hunting in cats

    Puberty in cats occurs within 8 months after birth. If the animal has not been castrated before, then in the process of the onset of sexual hunting, it tries to leave the master's house as soon as possible. This desire is accompanied by nocturnal loud cries. The nature of the cat in such a period can change markedly. The animal may show undisguised aggression.

    The cat is clearly sexually active. Imitation of sexual intercourse with soft toys and woolen clothes is possible. Deterioration in behavior is especially pronounced if a walking cat appears in the olfactory zone. It is difficult to keep a cat at such a moment in the house.

    The first mating is best done with a cat that has already given birth. It is more difficult to carry out the act in animals without the experience of reproduction. For the first 3-4 months, it is recommended to lead a cat for mating no more than once a month. Then knitting is allowed from two times a week.

    How to tell if a cat is ready to mate

    In cats, the first estrus occurs at 9 months of age. The animal at such a moment requires special attention to itself, becomes more affectionate towards the owner. A walking cat is easy to identify by its mannerisms. She starts fawning over the cat, getting up in a specific pose. A constant trembling caused by excitement passes through the body of the animal. The cat is able to mark the territory in the house, rub against furniture, objects, leaving their smells.

    The need for reproduction in each breed is manifested individually. Domestic cats walk in duration less than yard cats. This factor also depends on the conditions of detention and time of year. In winter, estrus appears for a short period of time from three to five days. In the warm season, it lasts up to several weeks. It all depends on the breed.

    The first intercourse of a cat is done with great reluctance. Some domestic breeds may not let a cat near them at all and behave aggressively towards him. Often this is noted in Scottish cats and sphinxes. The possibility of childbearing in cats is always on top, it is noted that they are able to give birth upon reaching 8 years.

    Cat behavior during heat

    Sexual activity in cats is regulated by hormones. The passive breeding season is characterized as anestrus. Its duration is quite protracted and ranges from 4 months. Anestrus usually occurs in the afternoon or morning. Domestic species are more susceptible to the early end of the passive period. Living quarters are equipped with an artificial light source, which affects the hormonal cycle of the animal, so the estrus stage is more common in domestic cats than in street individuals.

    The initial phase, in which the hormonal background changes, preparing the cat for possible mating, is defined as estrus. At this moment, a number of pathogens are produced in the body, due to which the behavior of the animal changes. The female emits the loudest meow to attract nearby cats. In this case, the animal rolls on the floor, demonstrating the location and readiness for mating. If you touch the cat at this moment, then it instantly freezes in a position characteristic of mating: its stomach is pressed to the floor, its tail is moved to the side, and it is actively trampling with its hind legs.

    In some cats with a special structure of the body, the period of estrus can be delayed for a very long time. long time. There are individuals in which it ends only during ovulation and bearing kittens. Such cats breed often, especially if they do not live at home.

    How street cats breed

    During sexual hunting, a certain secretion is released from a cat, the smell of which attracts all the cats in the area. The males gather around her and begin to fight among themselves for the cat. The female always has freedom of choice. She can choose the cat she likes, but often the one who wins is allowed to mate.

    The cat chooses the right tactics for himself in order to get closer to the object of attention. After defeating each opponent, he gets closer to his goal. In order not to cause discontent on the part of the cat, the partner tries to appear indifferent if her gaze falls on him. When he is as close as possible, he starts screaming over the cat's ear. If the response was not negative and she continued to lie in the same position, then mating is performed between them.

    Why do cats scream during mating?

    Cats are engaged in fertilization within five seconds. At the most crucial moment, the lover grabs his girlfriend by the scruff of the neck as tightly as possible. Sexual intercourse sometimes ends tragically, especially for a cat. An angry cat is easily able to grab his throat, after which the chosen one hastily disappears from her field of vision.

    Scientists have long tried to find an explanation for this, and after long anatomical studies, the reason was nevertheless revealed. The fact is that during intercourse, the cat experiences terrible pain, which is why animals yell during intercourse. More precisely, the cat yells from pain.

    The cat's genitals are covered with hardened scales, which resemble thorns in their structure. Penetrating into the cat's vagina, they tightly dig into the walls of the uterus. Only then does fertilization take place.

    Cats do not get any pleasure from what they have done, the spring call is accompanied by short-term torment. At night in spring, the sounds are not heard of cats fighting among themselves, but screams made by a cat from severe pain.

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    A nulliparous female during the first mating may behave too aggressively and cause serious injury to her partner. Therefore, its owner must initially take into account this fact and think carefully whether it is worth exposing his pet to such a risk. For successful mating, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions:

    • A separate room is needed in which the female must spend several hours alone with herself, this is done to develop a new territory.
    • The house should have a portable cage in order to place an aggressive animal there in an emergency.
    • If this is the first mating for a cat, then a mating partner must be selected with breeding experience.
    • The period of estrus should not come to an end, otherwise there may not be copulation.

    The ideal time for mating is the first three days of estrus. At such a moment, the mating process will not take long. Some cats experience stress when they leave their home. Because of this, the estrus is able to stop for a while. In this case, the cat needs to be stroked more often in order to return to its previous state. It is best to stroke the animal in the tail area. The most important thing is to arouse the interest of the cat with the help of smell.

    If the cat resists and does not allow the partner to approach him, then the animals should be left alone for a certain period of time so that they get used to each other. For a quick introduction, they need to be fed together, so they get used to it much faster. Dating days should not be delayed, a maximum of a day is given for this, so that the cat has time to fertilize the partner before the end of estrus.

    When mating cats of different breeds, it is important to note that improper crossbreeding can lead to a mutation in the fetus. The lop-eared breed can only be bred with a cat that has straight ears. Otherwise, genetic deformities are possible.

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    An experienced partner is able to fertilize a female from the very first time. But this may not be enough for a cat, because after copulation, estrus will not be stopped, and a perfect sexual intercourse will cause even more excitement. An animal may require a cat even when pregnant.

    Therefore, you should leave the cats together for a few more days. In this case, the cat will be satisfied when returning home and will calmly bear offspring. The time of joint stay of animals should not exceed five days. Otherwise, there is a risk of giving birth to premature, dead kittens. In general, mating should last no more than three days.

Kittens enter puberty at seven to nine months of age. But depending on the conditions of detention, characteristics of the breed and external factors puberty in cats it may come earlier or later.

Factors affecting puberty

Cats and cats reach puberty at different ages. in cats it comes later than in cats, which matures with the first estrus, starting at 5-6 months. But the timing of puberty can vary. It depends on certain factors:

  1. Belonging to the breed. Representatives of oriental breeds: Siamese, Thais, Orientals, Burmese and - belong to the category of early maturity.
  2. The structure of the skeleton. Cats and cats of graceful build with thin bones enter earlier than their powerful counterparts.
  3. Seasons. Kittens born in winter or spring enter puberty in spring or summer, and in later litters, sexual maturity is delayed.
  4. Conditions of detention. Compliance with the regimen and quality of feeding, as well as comfort and convenience, accelerate the growing up of a pet.
  5. Features of the habitat. Surrounded by adults (in a nursery or pride), young felines mature earlier than their peers from city apartments.
  6. genetic predisposition.

When overfeeding a pet and being overweight, puberty in cats is delayed and can occur by one and a half or two years.

Manifestations of puberty

Behavior at the onset of puberty in cats and cats varies. In females, this period is accompanied by secretions from the genitals - estrus. External signs of approaching estrus are manifested in an increased desire to fawn, rub against legs and furniture, and when attacked, the cat's behavior becomes more defiant: it begins to meow invitingly, rolls on the floor, and takes its tail to the side, demonstrating sexual desire.

Puberty in cats is accompanied by more aggressive behavior. The mustachioed begins to meow loudly, attracting females, marking the territory, and his urine during this period has a sharp, unpleasant odor. The nature of the cat is also changing - it can peel off furniture and walls, show increased playfulness, and its games are similar to scenes of hunting for a victim.

With the onset of puberty of the animal, the owner must decide whether he wants offspring or not. If the owner is aimed at breeding cats, then you need to find out if the pet has breeding value and select a candidate for mating. All events can be held in clubs of cat lovers or take advice from a trusted cattery or from an experienced breeder. And it should also be understood that puberty and the physiological maturity of a pet differ in terms: the latter comes closer to the age of one.

If no one is going to knit a cat or a cat, then right decision castration or sterilization. This will be more humane to the animal and safer than drug regulation of estrus.

The best time to knit

Everyone has heard how the March cats begin to sing with the beginning of spring, but not everyone thinks about why this happens. And the fact is that March - best time for the conception of future offspring, and it is at this time that sex hormones begin to rage, because all summer and autumn are ahead for the successful feeding of babies: it is worth warm weather, no need to go far for food and leave the cubs unattended for a long time. Although in the conditions of the city, March cats can continue to sing both in summer and in autumn, because it is warm and cozy in the basements, and there is enough food in the garbage chutes to live on.

The intensity and loudness of the cries of cats during the mating period directly depends on the number of rivals in a given territory. The more competitors, the more heart-rendingly the mustaches meow, hiss and growl, proving their superiority over the ladies and trying to win back the territory from rivals. Such duels can go on for days, which cannot but irritate the apartment dwellers. And when cats find their cats and can satisfy the need to mate, then the screams stop.

Causes of cat screams

At home, cats do not have the opportunity to mate freely and there is an accumulation of testosterone (male sex hormone), the excess of which leads to rutting - the cat yells at night, becomes aggressive, marks corners and desperately tries to find a cat for mating, and therefore screams, not giving rest for the owners.

If a cat and a cat live in the same apartment, have reached childbearing age and can mate, or the cat is spayed and the cat is neutered, and the night cries continue, then the owners should visit the veterinarian. Cat screams can be caused by hepatic or renal colic, which is accompanied by urolithiasis. The development of the disease contributes to an unbalanced diet, as a result of which stones form in the genitourinary canals. And when an adult cat goes to the tray when needed, he feels a sharp cutting pain and starts screaming heart-rendingly.

Ways to prevent cat cry

If the cat is healthy and lives alone in the apartment, then cat cries can be prevented by following the advice of experienced breeders:

  • castrate a pet - in the absence of testicles, testosterone is not produced, which means there is no sexual hunting;
  • tie a cat with a cat;
  • give your pet more physical activity;
  • do not let sleep during the day - this suppresses the instincts of a nocturnal predator;
  • arrange active games with the cat so that he sleeps at night like a baby;
  • monitor the nutrition of the pet - the cat must receive selected foods and meat so as not to feel a deficiency of nutrients. The mustachioed begins to be lazy, and the hunting instincts are dulled.

Some cats are talking breeds and will require communication. Do not ignore such conversations, and then the animal will be more calm and satisfied. If the option of obtaining offspring is considered, then you should have a pair of pets. A cat and a cat in the same apartment will not let each other get bored and will save the owner from heart-rending screams during the festivities.

If reproduction is not included in the plans of the owner, then you need to think about castration.

Castration and indications for surgery

To castrate a cat means to deprive him of the gonads, that is, to completely remove the testicles through surgical intervention. Together with the gonads, the cat loses the ability to reproduce offspring, testosterone stops being produced.

The best time for castration of a cat is its sexual maturity and readiness for reproduction - from eight months to one and a half years. The readiness of a cat for mating can be determined by the smell, because during this period the animal begins to mark the territory. The operation itself is quite simple, does not threaten the pet's health and does not require special postoperative care. But before the procedure, you should decide where to castrate the cat, undergo an examination and pass the necessary tests, including the tolerability of anesthesia.

You can castrate a cat for several reasons:

  1. Medical indications - for injuries, pathologies, orchitis.
  2. Reduced aggressiveness during sexual hunting.
  3. To eliminate or prevent an unpleasant smell from a cat in an apartment, because a cat deprived of sex glands will not mark the territory.

Experts recommend castrating those cats that will live in city apartments and will not be able to walk on the street and satisfy their sexual needs. Often this applies to thoroughbred animals from which they do not plan to have offspring. This procedure will help the owners avoid the consequences of a riot of hormones: the appearance of shoots and pet attacks. It is also useful for the animal itself: the cat will not suffer from unsatisfied sexual desire and will avoid the development of prostatitis, prostate tumors and adenomas of the prianal glands.

If the cat has the opportunity to move freely and satisfy its needs, then castration is undesirable, because the animal becomes passive and will not be able to fully defend itself. And this can lead to injuries from yard relatives during walks.

Location of the operation

You can castrate a pet both in a veterinary clinic and at home. The second option is more preferable, because the animal will avoid additional stress from transportation and contact with sick animals.

It is important that the veterinarian has experience in carrying out such operations and a set of necessary tools. Do not trust unqualified specialists - such a step can adversely affect the health of the pet or lead to his death.

If a castration service at home is not available, then you should contact the clinic.

Maintenance and nutrition of the cat after surgery

Within two days after the procedure, the animal needs to create the most comfortable conditions. It should be identified in a warm safe place and lay a soft bedding. It is not necessary to place the rookery on a hill, because after anesthesia the animal's coordination of movements is disturbed and the cat may fall and be injured.

As for feeding, it is forbidden to feed the animal twelve hours before the operation and a day after the procedure. Starting from the second day, they begin to give the pet food in small portions.

It should also be borne in mind that there is a tendency to obesity and the development of urolithiasis, so animals should not be overfed and limited in fresh water. Best Option will be the use of balanced

Similar actions are permissible in relation to cats - they can also be sterilized, that is, deprive of childbearing function. But when making such decisions, it is necessary to think through everything carefully, because it will be impossible to correct the situation.

Cats are like people. Their whole life consists of several periods: birth, childhood, youth, maturity, old age, death. On the chart, any life looks even simpler: rise, peak of activity, decline.

Yesterday's wonderful cheerful docile kitten suddenly begins to experience indistinct languor, yelling at night, throwing himself at doors and walls, an indescribable smell of cat maturity appears in the house. The time has come - the sex hormone has gone into the blood, and appealing to reason, conscience, and cultivated skills is practically useless.

The instinct of procreation, the ancient call of the body will determine the entire peak of the life of an animal (and not only an animal) - youth and maturity. Not much time will pass, the body will get tired, the hormones in the blood will become thinner, the opposite sex will worry less and less, old age will come - it's time to comprehend the mistakes made. And there is a stone's throw...

One should not try to ignore this important problem in the life of any living being. If you decide to take a kitten into the house, be prepared that the kitten will grow up and declare its needs in full voice, in the truest sense of the word, without asking your consent.

Puberty in cats occurs at 4–6 months, and body maturity at 8–12 months.

The maturation of cats in the company occurs much earlier than in lonely kittens (as well as in human cubs). Pedigree cats mature later than outbred cats.

Changes as it matures appearance, behavior, external and internal genital organs increase, sexual cycles occur.

In females, regular stages of arousal are recorded - estrus.

This is a sign of maturation of the follicles - the cat is very restless, refuses to eat, some scream in a bad voice. There is no discharge from the vulva during estrus in cats (unlike dogs).

Ovulation occurs only after intercourse. The egg is capable of fertilization within 18 hours. When all the necessary conditions are met, pregnancy occurs.

In the spring, daylight hours lengthen, and the production of the sex hormone begins in cats. The March “catavasia” is a direct consequence of the universal cat heat, cats and cats lose all their sanity, and cat rock concerts can drive an entire microdistrict crazy.

When the female hormone is just beginning to appear in the blood, the cat is interested in: “Well, where is he?”, But does not take decisive action. Proudly refuse the proposed connection.

When a sufficient amount of the hormone is produced, the cat shamelessly (cats “have no shame”) offers itself to everyone. Often, if the “prince” is too late, she makes calls to everyone in a row: to the owner, to the hostess, etc.

It is not customary for cats to hide their feelings. It is difficult to confuse the reflex behavior of a cat's suffering love with anything else: the tail looks to the side, the butt is raised, the back is lowered, the cat squats back and forth and at the same time yells heart-rendingly and invitingly. A spectacle - definitely labeled "children under 16" and not for the faint of heart. But, nevertheless, faced with this for the first time, many owners in dismay run to the veterinarian for help, believing that the cat has at least a broken back (veterinarians love to tell such stories).

Estrus usually goes away in a week, but can last up to three weeks. If the calls were not heard or the pregnancy did not occur for some other reason, then this entertainment can be repeated in a week or two.

The nursing mother is completely occupied with children, but 3-4 weeks after weaning the kittens, estrus will resume. After a miscarriage, estrus will most likely resume in a week.

The childbearing period in cats is 1–7 years.

Of course, there are young mothers, and very lively old women who refute the statistics. Usually, up to a year and after seven years, estrus, if there are, is not so frighteningly regular.

The mating season stretches from January to October.

March is the high season (probably, southern and northern cats do not react to the beginning of spring at the same time, but let phenologists study this). The nerves of the owners can not stand it, and the queue to the veterinarian for castration of cats also has a seasonal tide schedule.

With the onset of puberty, cats begin to solve the problems of their own territory (marking the territory), position in society (fights) and the search for a female.

The maturation of a cat in the company of a female or other uncastrated cat is faster.

A lone cat, who has never seen relatives, is nevertheless not spared from the action of sex hormones, he may not mark the apartment, but he suffers from uncertainty and understatement.

The mark is the spraying of upright objects with urine with "personal" odorous substances.

The animal raises its tail and lets a small stream of urine back. In the wild, cats (sometimes cats) mark their territory with a mark, and it is quite large. The mark is placed after a few meters and is regularly updated, otherwise competitors will quickly capture the site.

Cats and cats during estrus release pheromones (substances that attract a potential marriage partner), leaving their "marriage announcements" everywhere.

When an animal rubs its head against your legs, this is not only an attempt to "get into confidence" and beg for a tidbit - you have been marked with your smell (there are glands behind your ears), you are now not ownerless, but a cat's owner. You will be the feline ambassador wherever your marked feet take you, and all cats and cats you meet will know it. Do not be surprised if those who are interested follow you, because in that “ad” there could be a specific proposal - they say, there is someone who would not mind ...

Naturally, a cat that once felt like a man and at the same time lives in an apartment begins to diligently mark the entire apartment. The apartment acquires a persistent specific smell, and it is almost impossible to get used to it. Castration at this stage is already useless, the cat will continue to do its job.

In a stressful situation (the appearance of a new animal) and cats castrated on time can begin to fight in this way for their rights. Therefore, it is not necessary to provoke internecine skirmishes.

The sire cat is sure to mark its territory, so they are often kept in a separate outdoor pen where no one will worry about the unbearable smell.

In order not to make decisions in a hurry under the pressure of urgent circumstances (spring general castration), we will try to consider possible solutions to this burning issue.

So your choice:

way, A - just do not take a cat into the house: no cat, no kittens, no problem;

way B-let her live as she wants: do not interfere or help, accept everything as it is, including constant absences and kittens;

path B - cat marriage: arrange her personal happiness, attach "to people" regularly appearing kittens;

path G - contraception: active personal life, but (with certain manipulations) without kittens; this also includes the suppression of sexual desire by various means;

path D - castration: asexual and problem-free existence;

path E - sterilization: active personal life of a permanently sterile animal.

The easiest way - not to take the animal into the house - way A.

Why complicate life with conflicts for yourself and the cat, if from the very beginning everything seems unbearably complicated? After all, there are electronic toys in which virtual animals have their own virtual problems. These problems do not smell, do not scratch the heart, you can safely forget about them if you wish. Rehearse the role of the owner, not everyone needs a live cat. “Think for yourself, decide for yourself - to have or not to have!”

If you still need a cat, then the most natural (but not the easiest) way is to let her live as she pleases: you leave - “Happily!”, you come - “Hi!”. In this case, the cat itself solves its sexual problems - way B.

This method is widespread in villages, small towns and country life. Your problems: open and close the door (see section "Laz"), wash the reveler after returning, treat caught sores, wash the battle wounds of the cat and open a maternity hospital for the cat, feed and house kittens that regularly appear (and the cat can produce many kittens, let's not scare records).

Children see the whole cycle of life in all its glory, and this is the best guide to biology and sex education. By the way, explain to them in advance the whole process and subsequent events so that they have their own idea and know the rules of behavior, otherwise, if they begin to interfere, and they cannot (yet do not know how) to be passive contemplators, both children and cats will get it.

In the conditions of a big city, only residents of the first floors can afford such a cat's freedom. If otherwise the cat behaves like a domestic cat (sleeps on the bed, loves stroking and close communication), then one should not forget about the diseases that it can bring from the street (see the section "Zooanthroponoses").

Be mentally prepared for the fact that one day she will not return, and you, most likely, will never know what happened to her. This is her right.

Increasingly, cats are becoming absolutely indoor, that is, never leaving the apartment.

They are completely dependent on the owner in matters of food, toilet, communication and, of course, the arrangement of their personal lives. This is where the opinions of the owners differ. Some are busy looking for a suitable partner (feline marriages - path C), others are trying the latest feline contraception (path D), others radically remove the problems of sex once and for all by castration (path E).

Cat marriages - way V.

Choosing a suitable partner for pedigreed cats is a very responsible procedure, the function of a matchmaker is usually taken over by a cat club. Particularly deserved animals have to "work hard" and enter into "marriage" even without a great desire for it - the demand for especially thoroughbred kittens is always quite high, and the "factories" work diligently, saturating the market.

There is usually no demand for purebred kittens, but the owners unite according to their interests in order to somehow bring down the heat of passion in their homes and unite the thirsty "+" and "-".

Interestingly, the pair is formed only in the territory of the cat.

On its territory, the cat-lady perceives someone else's cat not as a “wealthy gentleman” with serious intentions, but as an invader, and the matter ends in a banal brawl, and the lady usually wins.

The cat, it should be noted, usually does not care at whose apartment the date will take place. On the other side, in parallel with courtship, he will have to spend his energy on territorial showdowns with local cats, and on his own, he can fully focus on the current romance. But these are all such trifles, as the Zero group sings: “A real Indian is always good everywhere!”

Cat couples are formed for a short time, unless they are settled together, there is, of course, no choice.

The cat remains faithful to the cat only during a short, tumultuous love affair while this particular estrus continues. After the cat is engaged in its games of "daughter-mother", and the cat looks around in anticipation of a new beautiful stranger.

Cats usually do not suffer from paternal feelings.

Cats are not interested in the further fate of offspring, and small kittens can, on occasion, be mistaken for a food product, especially since a cat that has lost kittens returns to the role of a lover faster than a respectable nursing mother.

Respectable domestic couples who live together for a long time are forced to raise kittens together. A bored house cat can also favorably accept a kitten and take care of it.

The cat-producer must have the appropriate skills that do not arise by themselves and without which all his titles will become a fiction.

It turns out that for this the cat must grow up in the company of peers and go through all the stages of sexual games, and at the beginning of his career, he must receive practical skills from an experienced lady, who will bless him for further exploits. A cat that grew up alone is unlikely to become a real producer.

There are also very demanding persons of both sexes in the cat tribe, who do not agree to anything, but demand a “prince” (“princess”).

As you know, “you won’t be forced to be nice,” and the owners are knocked off their feet in search of a suitable candidate that meets the requirements of the breed and the whims of a capricious pet. This is a problem of purely indoor cats, which are deprived of free choice.

Pedigree cats often have complete indifference to the lady, in which outbred cats are not seen. Linear crossing significantly reduces the vitality and viability of offspring, while free choice increases it. This general rule applies to all living beings.

Neutered cats can “play an entry” into certain relationships and stop, not knowing how to proceed, and some may enter into these relationships (obviously, the age of the cat when the castration was made is important).

A cat may imagine that she is pregnant (see the section “Only cats will be born quickly. Pregnancy. Childbirth”), and for all 9 weeks allotted for normal pregnancy, the owners can take a break from her screams. Of course, there will be no kittens from such a relationship. A similar method is sometimes used to rest a thoroughbred cat (and her owners) between lambing.

With the onset of a normal feline pregnancy, the owners have a short rest.

True, a cat needs to be fed intensively, prepare a nest for her (see the section “Only cats will be born quickly. Pregnancy. Childbirth”), be a midwife if necessary, take care of a flock of kittens, feed them and attach them to good hands, but for almost three months the cat will be busy with its own affairs and will not yell about its unresolved female share.

If heterosexual uncastrated cats live in the same apartment, is it any wonder that they quickly find mutual language and kittens appear there with enviable regularity.

Usually cat weddings take place at night and are accompanied by wild cries.

The whole district hears the screams, but few people know what is happening there, but this is what is happening there.

A cat that seeks adventure publicly declares its intentions. This is a call to the female, advertising yourself and a threat to competitors. If there is even a faint sound or smell from the cat, the cat will go there in search. They will meet.

The cat is the first to take the initiative: sniffing the lady from all sides, rubbing his nose. At the same time, an indescribable grin (flehmen-reaction) is on his physiognomy, his nose is wrinkled - all receptors are working hard. A short meow means his determined readiness.

The cat, in turn, either abruptly rejects his proposal, if the estrus has not entered an acute phase, and leaves, or takes a frank pose (see above), and this means an unconditional "yes". Cats do not have rape, they respect their own and others' freedom, so everything can happen only by mutual agreement.

Having received the necessary “yes”, the cat grabs the cat by the scruff of the neck with its teeth, climbs on top. The rest is a matter of technique, everything happens completely silently. At the end of the process, the cat pushes the gentleman off of itself and seriously beats him with a clawed paw to defeat. Perhaps (and everyone thinks so), the cat causes her severe pain (his penis is covered with a hundred keratinized spines), perhaps this is what causes ovulation. Only the cat knows why she does this, but she just never tells anyone anything. The whole script takes about four minutes.

The cat, habitually dodging, retreats a little to the side and carefully licks his household and paws. The cat does the same. After 5-15 minutes, everything can start all over again. Usually 4 acts are enough for ovulation, but some get carried away and make 10-12.

Often other cats participate in the orgy, their order is determined by the previous fight, so kittens in the same litter may have different fathers (this phenomenon is called superfecundation). Sometimes, having received a bashing, applicants remain only spectators of someone else's "love story". At the end of the event, everyone disperses in different directions to their homes, to restore balance. That's all love.

Sexual behavior disorders in cats (and others) are possible in stressful situations and in certain diseases.

Contraception - the way G.

They try to remove the powerful effect of sex hormones with the help of medicines also hormonal. A variety of cat contraceptive pills appeared in pet stores. With the right dosage and selection, they should eliminate sexual desire or the onset of pregnancy. There's a lot of talk about homeopathic remedies for bored, lonely, motherhood-hungry cats. If you believe the annotations, with the right medication, the cat will “forget” about his unresolved personal life. Some of those offered for this purpose are simply sedatives - tranquilizers that reduce the cat's nervous activity. Others affect the level of sex hormones in the blood.

Preparations for non-neutered cats are in significant demand. Their range in the drug market is constantly updated, and it is best to consult with several sellers and always with an independent knowledgeable veterinarian.

Please note that all hormonal drugs have a fairly broad effect, and a variety of side effects for example, the risk of diabetes increases. Similar tablets for dogs can be simply poisonous for a cat.

Abroad, studies are already underway on the action intrauterine device in cats. The spiral, like a foreign body, causes the signal “the uterus is busy!”, And the fertilized egg, not having received permission to intrude into the wall of the uterus, passes by. The principle of operation is exactly the same as that used in female gynecology spirals.

Castration is the most radical and irreversible way to solve sexual problems - the way of D.

This measure frightens off many, not everyone considers themselves entitled to deprive the animal of "nature", this is a normal human reaction. But the full-blooded life of an animal within the limits of only an apartment is practically impossible, few people are capable of turning their own life into a nightmare because of a cat, and filling the neighborhood with homeless unfortunate cats is just a crime. So choose your own from all the evils.

Before the onset of puberty (the optimal age for cats is 4-9 months, cats - starting from 3 months), the hormone-producing organ is surgically removed, and the animal lives a calm asexual life much longer than its restless, full-fledged counterparts.

In cats, early castration can cause more serious disturbances in life, and late castration may not give the desired result, the cat may already begin to mark the territory. Veterinarians have different opinions on this matter.

Castration changes the appearance and behavior of animals, they become more lethargic and friable, they may have metabolic disorders more often, since the hormonal status is seriously disturbed.

In the feline hierarchy, castrated animals are always pushed lower, they have less territory. At exhibitions they participate separately in the class of castrati. Castrates are always cheaper than full-fledged thoroughbred animals.

Castration is carried out by any veterinary clinic. Prices, preparation conditions, pre-registration - all this is better to find out in advance, at least by phone.

Castration of cats is easier and cheaper since everything is outside; often not even. put stitches; castration of cats is a cavity operation with triple sutures (ovaries are removed).

Do not confuse castration and sterilization of the female, you can often hear the opinion that cats are castrated, and cats are sterilized, meaning the removal of the ovaries.

Sterilization of cats is carried out quite rarely - the way E.

During sterilization, all hormone-producing organs remain in place, and ligatures are applied to the fallopian tubes in cats and the spermatic cords in cats. The animal retains its appearance and all manners of behavior (including all the delights of puberty), but cannot produce offspring.

Abortion - the artificial termination of pregnancy - is a purely human invention.

Unfortunately, this approach is being applied to the cat. An injection of prostaglandins after the 40th day, which stops the production of progesterone necessary for a normal pregnancy, causes a miscarriage.

They start talking about "morning injections" for a cat - after a stormy night, an injection of estrogen is carried out, and pregnancy does not occur.

So there is no limit ... In his dispute with nature, man not only went very far himself and, it seems, got lost, but also drags the rest along with him, distorting their lives in his own image and likeness.