Professional competence of the teacher in the context of the implementation of the fgos. Pedagogical Council. formation of professional competence of a teacher in the context of the introduction of fgos: problems and solutions. Professional competence of a preschool teacher

The implementation of federal state educational standards for general education involves the creation and maintenance of educational institution developing educational environment adequate to the tasks of achieving personal, social, cognitive (intellectual), communicative, aesthetic, physical, labor development of students. The conditions created in the educational institution should:

comply with the requirements of the Standard;

ensure the achievement of the planned results of the development of the main educational program of the educational institution and the full implementation of the educational programs provided for in it;

take into account the characteristics of the educational institution, its organizational structure, the requests of participants educational process in basic general education;

provide an opportunity to interact with social partners, use the resources of society.

An integral and most important component of the system of conditions for the implementation of the main educational program is the staffing of the educational institution with pedagogical personnel who have the necessary qualifications to solve the problems defined by the main educational program and are capable of innovative professional activities. Teachers working with students should have a set of professional competencies that meet modern requirements for their activities.

Competence in this case, we consider the emerging in the process of professional training and practical activities a system of values, knowledge, skills and abilities that allow the teacher to adequately solve the functional tasks that make up the essence of his professional activity. Competence same advocates as a qualitative characteristic of the implementation by the teacher of the competencies formed by him.

Professional Competence - the quality of the employee's actions that provide an effective solution to professional and pedagogical problems and typical professional tasks that arise in real situations of pedagogical activity, using life experience, existing qualifications, and generally recognized values.

The basis for developing a list of basic professional competencies teaching staff educational institutions are the requirements for the results and conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs, enshrined in federal state educational standards for general education, taking into account scientifically based ideas about the goals and patterns of education in modern society and the priorities of state educational policy Russian Federation. The content of the proposed list embodies the requirements for the qualification characteristics of teaching staff, established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n “On Approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, Section “Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Educational Workers”. On the basis of this official document, general educational institutions should develop and adopt updated job descriptions containing a specific list of job responsibilities of pedagogical and managerial employees, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of work and management, the rights, responsibilities and competence of employees participating in the educational process.

However, the concise formulations of a legal document, of course, cannot serve as a sufficient basis for designing the processes of a teacher's professional development. For these purposes, it is necessary to have a more complete and meaningful description of the composition of those competencies that determine the ability of a teacher to successfully solve not only the usual, but also new professional tasks that arise in connection with the introduction of federal state educational standards.

To meet this need, TOGOAU DPO "Institute for Advanced Studies of Educators" has developed the followingmodel of basic professional competencies of teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard . In its formation, materials were used prepared under the guidance of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Psychology, Director of the Institute for the Content of Education of the Higher School of Economics V.D. Shadrikov as part of the development of a methodology for assessing the level of qualification of teaching staff (2010).At the same time, the positions contained in these documents were critically rethought, corrected and supplemented in the context of the analysis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Characteristics of competencies

Formation indicators


1. Professionally significant personal qualities

1.1. Faith in the strength and capabilities of students

It is a necessary basis for the orientation of the teacher to the disclosure of the potential of students, the readiness to provide comprehensive support for their personal development.

- ability to find positive sides for each student and to build the educational process based on these aspects;

- creating situations of success for students;

- the ability to carry out pedagogical assessment, mobilizing educational and cognitive activity

1.2 Empathy

It consists in the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to determine his emotional state on the basis of external manifestations (facial expressions, actions, gestures), as well as in the ability to empathize and respect the inner world of others. It serves as a necessary condition for building subject-subject relations with students, for the implementation of pedagogical activities based on the individual characteristics of students.

- the ability to characterize the student, adequately reflecting various aspects of his inner peace;

- the ability to find out individual preferences, the student's abilities, the difficulties he faces;

- the ability to show the personal meaning of learning, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student's inner world;

- the ability to provide emotional and psychological support to students and work colleagues;

- all students fearlessly turn to the teacher for help, faced with difficulties in solving a particular problem.

1.3 Socio-reflection

It manifests itself in the desire and ability of the teacher to look at himself through the eyes of others, to evaluate himself from the outside, in openness to accepting other positions. The ability for socio-reflection gives the teacher the opportunity to analyze their own actions and actions, as well as to better understand the actions of other participants in the educational process. This position is an important source of self-development of the teacher, helps to resolve various difficulties in the work.

Openness to accept other positions suggests that the teacher does not consider his point of view to be the only correct one and is open to dialogue with others. He is interested in the opinions of others, in cases of sufficient argumentation he is ready to correct his own position.

- interest in the opinions and positions of others;

- the ability to look at the situation from the point of view of others and reach mutual understanding on this basis;

- the conviction that there can be more than one truth;

- taking into account other points of view in the process of assessing students

1.4. General culture

Leaving an imprint on the nature and style of pedagogical activity, it largely determines the position of the teacher in the eyes of students and, accordingly, the success of pedagogical communication.

- orientation in the main spheres of material and spiritual life;

- awareness of current changes in social life;

- knowledge of the material and spiritual interests of youth;

- demonstration of one's own interests, outlook in situations of communication with students, including as part of the management of additional education, extracurricular activities of students;

- conformity of behavior, speech, appearance teacher ethical and cultural norms.

1.5. Emotional stability

Significantly affects the nature of relations within the educational process, in business interaction with colleagues, administration, parents, determines the effectiveness of class ownership.

- maintaining calmness in difficult, emotionally stressful situations;

- maintaining the ability to objectively assess in a situation of emotional conflict;

- the ability to find productive ways to resolve conflicts

1.6. Positive orientation to pedagogical activity

and self-confidence

It is a necessary element of motivation for pedagogical activity. Promotes the establishment of positive relationships with colleagues, students, administration.

- awareness of the goals and values ​​of pedagogical activity;

- positive mood, desire to work;

- high professional self-esteem, belief in one's own effectiveness

1.7. Self-organization

Provides the ability to effectively plan and implement the plans, the optimal allocation of resources for the implementation of professional tasks, the ability to self-control, effective work without constant external control.

- the ability to rationally plan their own activities to solve professional problems;

- active orientation to achieve the set goals;

- the ability to quickly adjust the ways to achieve goals and current tasks in accordance with changing conditions;

- timely and responsible fulfillment of the obligations assumed;

- ensuring the rational organization of their own workspace;

- maintaining order in the necessary documentation.

2. Competence in setting goals

and tasks of pedagogical activity

2.1. The ability to set pedagogical goals, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students

It forms the basis of pedagogical goal-setting - the formation of an ideal image of the future result, for the sake of achieving which the joint activities of the teacher and students are organized and carried out. Orientation to the student when setting goals is expressed in the fact that the teacher knows and puts into practice information about the age characteristics of children, about their individual differences, is able to work with students as a group, including children of the same age, and with each individual student.

- the presence of ideas corresponding to the concept of the Federal State Educational Standard about the planned results of the development of basic educational programs;

- the ability to determine the system of intermediate goals based on the planned results of the development of educational programs;

- the ability to reasonably set learning goals in the subject, the goals of personal development, education and socialization of students, taking into account the age of students, the characteristics of the class;

- the ability to adjust the goals and objectives of the activity depending on the readiness of students to master the material;

- the ability to build individual educational trajectories of students based on the planned results of mastering educational programs.

2.2. The ability to translate the topic of the lesson into a pedagogical task

It is a necessary condition for the implementation of the subject-subject approach, which puts the student in the position of an active subject of activity. The pedagogical task is a result achievable in a given period of time under certain conditions.The translation of the topic of the lesson into a pedagogical task assumes that the teacher takes into account the real conditions of activity, the possibilities of students and formulates tasks for the children in such a way that they will certainly lead them to achieve the planned result.

- the ability to formulate the objectives of the lesson, taking into account the planned results of the development of ongoing educational programs;

- the ability to concretize the topic of the lesson to a complex of interrelated tasks;

- the ability to determine the criteria for achieving the objectives of the lesson;

- the ability to formulate the objectives of the lesson in a form understandable to students;

- the ability to correlate learning outcomes with the goals and objectives set.

2.3. The ability to involve students in the process of formulating goals and objectives

It determines the ability of the teacher to make the goal of the lesson a goal for the student, to ensure its acceptance and filling with personally significant meaning. From the point of view of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, this skill is absolutely necessary for the teacher to form regulatory universal educational actions in students.

- the ability to organize the involvement of students in the process of setting goals and objectives of the lesson, the results of upcoming activities, ways to achieve them;

- systematic use of appropriate techniques during training sessions;

- providing the teacher with checking the students' understanding of the goals and objectives of the lesson.

3. Competence in the field of motivation of educational activities

3.1. Ability to create situations that ensure success

in educational activities

It is the basis of the teacher's competence in motivating educational activities by creating situations that form and strengthen the student's faith in their own strengths and the ability to achieve the required results.

- knowledge of the capabilities of individual students;

- the ability to differentiate tasks so that students can feel success;

- demonstration of student progress to parents, classmates

- emphasizing even minor successes of students

3.2. Ability to create conditions for providing positive motivation


It consists in the teacher's ability to create motivation for learning activities based on the correlation of the proposed material with personal (subjective) experience and the area of ​​interest of students. If the information received in the classroom is based on the child's experience, and at the same time contains new, personally meaningful knowledge, then it itself acquires a motivating potential, contributing to the creation of a setting for a positive perception of educational activities.

- the ability to build activities in the classroom, taking into account the existing level of educational motivation;

- the use of a diverse range of materials and tasks that can arouse interest in different topics the subject being taught;

- use of knowledge about the interests and needs of students in their teaching activities;

- the ability to show the role and importance of the studied material in the implementation of personal plans;

- the ability to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the classroom;

- the ability to activate the creative abilities of students;

- demonstration of the practical application of the studied material;

- encouraging students' curiosity, going beyond school curriculum when performing tasks;

- providing the opportunity to independently set and solve problems with a high degree of freedom and responsibility;

- creating conditions for involving students in additional forms of cognitive activity in the subject (olympiads, competitions, etc.)

4. Competence in the field of ensuring the information basis of activities

4.1. Competence in the subject of teaching

It reflects the theoretical literacy of the teacher in the field of the subject being taught, fluency in its content, understanding of the relationship between theoretical positions and life practice, the ability to show this relationship to students.

- knowledge of industry content scientific knowledge, underlying the taught subjects, the scope of their application in various fields of human activity;

- active use of additional materials in preparation for the lesson (books, Internet resources);

- organization of work with students based on the knowledge they received earlier in the study of other subjects;

- demonstration of the possibility of applying the obtained subject knowledge to explain social and natural phenomena;

- possession of methods for solving various problems characteristic of this subject;

- the ability to freely solve problems of the Unified State Exam, GIA, subject Olympiads.

4.2. Competence in teaching methods

The ability to adequately select techniques and methods of work within the framework of a training session, a cycle of classes is a necessary criterion for the competent work of a teacher. A competent teacher is able to flexibly adapt teaching (education) technologies to the age characteristics of students, their level of preparedness, their interests and other specific conditions. He prefers methods that encourage reasoning.Competence in teaching methods plays a decisive role in ensuring the effective assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills provided by the program.

- knowledge of modern pedagogical technologies(developing, problem-based, differentiated learning, project method, modular pedagogical technology, health-saving technologies, portfolio technology, etc.);

- knowledge of private methods that allow realizing the content of the taught subject;

Application in the educational process of personal-activity methods of education and upbringing;

- the ability to choose and effectively apply educational technologies, teaching methods that allow achieving the planned results of mastering educational programs;

- application of methods and techniques that ensure the organization of independent (including research and project) work of students in the information and educational environment;

- making timely adjustments to teaching methods depending on the current situation;

- possession at the advanced user level of modern information and communication technologies and their reasonable use in the educational process

4.3. Competence in the subjective conditions of activity (knowledge of students and educational teams)

The professional activity of a teacher involves the manifestation of attention to the study of psychological and physiological characteristics, capabilities and limitations of students, fixing in the process of work the most effective ways motivation of individual students and the class as a whole. Competence in this area allows for an individual approach to the organization of the educational process and serves as a condition for the humanization of education, and allows for the motivation of educational activity.

- the presence of modern psychological knowledge about the student as a subject educational activities and the ability to use them in the design of the educational process;

- availability of necessary knowledge in the field of physiology, school hygiene, health-saving technologies;

- the ability to design, on the basis of the conceptual provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard, a social portrait of a student and to diagnose the formation of socially demanded personality traits.

- possession of methods of psycho-pedagogical diagnostics (in cooperation with a school psychologist), sociometry;

- orientation in the social situation of the class, in particular the relationship between students;

- the use of data from psychological, social, medical diagnostics in the practice of pedagogical activity, including in the development and implementation of individual development trajectories of students;

- the ability to draw up a characteristic of the student, which is distinguished by validity and good knowledge individual features;

- reflection by the teacher of their own individual characteristics and taking them into account in their professional activities, communication with children

5. Competence in the development of the program, methodological and didactic materials and making pedagogical decisions

5.1. Ability to develop a curriculum, select textbooks and study kits

Competence in the development of educational programs, the choice of textbooks and educational and methodological complexes, the ability to develop their own didactic and teaching materials in many ways play a key role in ensuring the achievement of high educational results of students. Without the ability to develop educational programs in modern conditions, it is impossible to creatively organize the educational process.

Educational programs act as means of purposeful influence on the development of students. Competence in the development of educational programs allows teaching at various levels of learning and development of students, taking into account individual educational needs and opportunities

- knowledge of GEF, othernormative documents reflecting the requirements for the content and results of educational activities,sample programs;

- knowledge of the composition and features of educational and methodological kits recommended (approved) for use in the educational process;

- possession of the skills of analyzing programs, educational literature, digital educational resources, the ability to make their informed choice;

- the ability to develop work programs on the subject and programs of extracurricular activities that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and other regulatory documents, the age characteristics of students, the specifics of the conditions of the educational process, the requirements for the continuity of education;

- the ability to develop (correct existing) didactic and methodological materials that ensure the achievement of the planned educational results;

- implementation of a systematic analysis of the effectiveness of ongoing educational programs, used training materials

5.2. Ability to make decisions in various pedagogical situations

The teacher has to constantly make decisions in situations dictated by practice: how to establish discipline; how to motivate cognitive activity; how to arouse interest in a particular student; how to ensure understanding, etc. The resolution of various pedagogical situations is the essence of pedagogical activity. The teacher should be ready both to make standard decisions based on certain rules, norms, regulations, and to develop creative, intuitive decisions, often in situations that do not give much time for reflection.

- knowledge of typical pedagogical situations that require the participation of a teacher for their solution;

- possession of a set of decision rules used for various situations;

- possession of techniques for analyzing alternative solutions;

- the ability to effectively formulate goals and criteria for their achievement in various situations;

- knowledge of typical conflict situations and their resolution;

- development of pedagogical thinking

6. Competence in the organization of educational activities

6.1. Competence in ensuring understanding of the pedagogical task, educational material and methods of activity

To achieve an understanding of the educational material, mastering the methods of educational and cognitive or practical activities is the most important task of the teacher. This understanding can be achieved by incorporating new material into the system of already mastered knowledge or skills, by demonstrating the practical application of the material being studied, and in other ways.

- knowing what students know and understand;

- knowledge of typical difficulties in the study of specific topics;

- fluency in the material being studied;

- thoughtful inclusion of new educational material in the system of knowledge mastered by students;

- demonstration of the practical application of the studied material;

- the ability to provide support for sensory perception of the material;

- the ability to adapt the features of information transfer to the age and level of training of students;

- the ability to organize the search for additional information necessary to solve a learning problem

6.2. Competence in the formation of ways of mental activity

It characterizes the level of mastery of the teacher and the system of intellectual operations and his ability to form various types of universal and subject learning activities for students

- knowledge of the system of intellectual operations underlying educational and cognitive activity;

- confident mastery of these intellectual operations;

- the ability to purposefully form universal learning activities for students;

- the ability to organize the use of training activities that are adequate to the task being solved

6.3. Competence in pedagogical assessment

Provides processes for stimulating learning activity, creates conditions for the formation of self-esteem, determines the processes of formation of the personal "I" of the student, awakens creative forces. Competent pedagogical assessment should guide the development of the student from external assessment to self-assessment. Competence in evaluating others must be combined with the self-evaluation of the teacher

- knowledge of the functions and types of pedagogical assessment;

- knowledge of what is subject to assessment in pedagogical activity;

- possession of methods of pedagogical assessment;

- the ability to reasonably use different methods and assessment procedures for various purposes;

- the ability to carry out a competent selection / development of control and measuring materials that are adequate to the tasks of assessment;

- the use of modern methods of assessment based on the use of information and communication technologies (electronic testing, conducting electronic forms documentation, including electronic journal and diaries of students);

- argumentation of grades, highlighting achievements and shortcomings in the work of students;

- the inclusion of students in the assessment process, the systematic formation of their skills of self-assessment of educational activities;

- the ability to analyze the results of pedagogical assessment;

- the ability to adjust the educational process in accordance with the results of the assessment;

- ability to carry out professional reflection and self-assessment of professional activity

6.4. Competence in the use of modern teaching aids

Provides an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process based on the use of the potential of modern teaching aids

- knowledge of modern teaching aids and their didactic capabilities;

- knowledge of modern requirements for equipping classrooms and for organizing the information and educational environment of an educational institution;

- ability to apply modern technical teaching aids;

- the ability to use teaching aids adequately to the tasks, the level of preparedness of students, their individual characteristics

7. Information and communication competence

Provides the ability of the teacher to effectively navigate the information space and use information for professional purposes, including for their own professional self-development

- the ability to search for information to solve professionally significant tasks, including using ICT tools and Internet resources;

- ability to understand the information presented in different forms(text, visuals, graphs, charts, tables);

- the ability to interpret and critically evaluate information;

- the ability to structure information;

- the ability to present available information in various forms and on various media;

- the ability to adapt information to the peculiarities of the pedagogical process and didactic requirements;

- effectively use ICT tools for systematization, presentation and processing of information - text and graphic editors, spreadsheets, presentation programs, e-mail;

- the ability to use the resources of professionally oriented network communities, distance education for the purposes of professional development

8. Analytical and predictive competence

It determines the possibility of effective analysis by the teacher of his professional activity, identification of the problems existing in it and making decisions that ensure their optimal solution.

- the ability to carry out logical operations of analysis, synthesis, generalization;

- the ability to compare and classify on the basis of independently developed criteria;

- the ability to establish causal relationships;

- the ability to establish analogies;

- the ability to determine the problem based on the analysis of facts related to the field of professional activity;

- the ability to correctly formulate tasks aimed at solving identified problems;

- the ability to build a hierarchy of problems and tasks;

- the ability to make a reasonable choice of the most effective ways to solve problems, depending on specific conditions;

- the ability to determine the resources necessary to solve the tasks;

- ability to predict possible consequences and performance

9. Communicative competence

Provides effective building of interaction with students, their parents, work colleagues, administration as a condition for a productive educational process. Allows you to develop a strategy, tactics and technique of interaction with people, organize them joint activities to achieve educational goals.

- the ability to establish cooperative relationships and conduct a dialogue with students, other participants in the educational process;

- competent knowledge of oral and written speech, the ability to adequately use speech means to solve various communication problems;

- possession of methods of persuasion and argumentation of one's position;

- the ability to saturate communication with positive emotions and feelings;

- the ability to create a working atmosphere and maintain discipline in the classroom;

- ability to diagnose the causes of conflict situations;

- possession of ways of productive conflict resolution;

- the ability to involve other people in solving problems;

- the ability to interact productively with group members in solving professionally significant tasks;

- the ability to publicly present the results of their work, to choose adequate forms and methods of presentation;

- possession of ways to effectively resolve conflicts;

- ability to communicate effectively using modern ICT tools (e-mail, chat, forum, video conferencing)

10 Multicultural competence

Ensures the readiness of the teacher for life and the effective implementation of professional activities in a multicultural (multicultural) society. The demand for this competence is due to the expansion and complication of intercultural interactions in modern society, which is experiencing the processes of globalization and complex cultural transformation. In the context of these processes, the problem of mutual understanding and interaction between representatives different cultures. Its solution within the framework of the school space directly depends on teachers, requiring them to adequately perceive cultural differences, tolerance, readiness for intercultural dialogue, and the ability to effectively build it. Only in this case, education will be able to fulfill the tasks assigned to it, related to the consolidation of Russian society, the formation of an all-Russian civic identity, and the harmonization of social relations.

- tolerance, acceptance of ethnocultural differences;

- awareness of the peculiarities of traditions, mental attitudes of ethno-cultural groups, with representatives of which the teacher has to interact in the course of his professional activity;

- interest in the peculiarities of traditions, customs, value orientations, patterns of behavior, the history of various groups of a multicultural society;

- the ability to take into account ethno-cultural and confessional features when interacting with participants in the educational process, others;

- knowledge and understanding of the goals, principles, basic ideas of multicultural education;

11. Legal competence

Provides the necessary orientation in the legal field of professional activity, allows you to effectively use the norms fixed in legal documents to solve the problems of pedagogical activity

- knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, official documents defining priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation, laws and other legal acts regulating educational activities and legal status participants in the educational process, local acts of the educational institution;

- the ability to search for the necessary legal information using reference information and legal systems;

- the ability to competently apply knowledge of legal norms in specific situations that arise in the process of educational activities.

12. Competence in the field of innovation

It ensures the improvement of the educational process based on the introduction of innovations, is an indicator and an important factor in the professional self-development of teachers.

- interest in advanced pedagogical experience, innovations in the field of education;

- positive attitude towards innovation;

- the ability to critically analyze the content of innovations, taking into account the specific conditions of activity;

- the ability to correlate changes in one's own professional activity with current and future trends and needs for the development of education and society as a whole;

- the ability to search and systematize information related to the direction of the planned innovation activity;

- the ability to generate new productive ideas in the field of professional activity;

- possession of pedagogical design skills;

- the ability to involve colleagues, administration in support and participation in innovative projects;

- the ability to monitor the process and result of innovation;

- initiative participation of the teacher in the development and implementation of pedagogical projects, experimental activities, various kinds of professional competitions

Methodology for assessing the level of qualification of pedagogical workers. Ed. V.D. Shadrikova, I.V. Kuznetsova. - M., 2010.


to the professional and personal qualities of the teacher (in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO).

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,

The ability to give everything

Leave for a long feat and torment,

And in this to see the light and grace.

Obviously, before talking about what should change in the activities of the teacher in connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, it should be determined whether it is possible to implement the standard without changing the requirements for the teacher?

Answering this question, it should be said that the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO makes somewhat different requirements for the conditions of education. It is simply impossible to fully implement the declared system-activity, especially the competence-based approach, without changing the existing system of the traditional school. Just as it is impossible to form key competencies in students, working only in the classroom-lesson system of education. And therefore, it is quite obvious that it is not possible to implement the Federal State Educational Standard in the previous conditions.

And this means that the decision modern tasks will require not only the implementation of a number of activities, such as:

Development and approval of the main educational program of primary general education;

Alignment with GEF requirements NOU and new tariff-qualification characteristics job descriptions employees of an educational institution;

Determination of the optimal model for organizing the educational process, which ensures the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities of students;

Determination of the list of textbooks and teaching aids used in the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education;

Providing financial, logistical and other conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of primary general education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard,

but also, unequivocally, serious teacher training.

In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the teacher acts not only as a teacher, but also as

Instructor (a person who systematically conducts individual-group work with schoolchildren on the development, coordination, evaluation of the progress and results of the implementation of educational work);

A mentor (a person who knows how to provide targeted assistance to a child, not relieving him of a problem situation, but helping to overcome it);

Manager (a person who owns such management technologies as pedagogical analysis of resources, the ability to design goals, plan, organize, correct and analyze results);

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, he (the teacher) is a wise educator, an ally of a psychologist, a social pedagogue, he is fluent in team, joint, collective and paired forms of work.

The student becomes an active participant in the educational process, who knows how to think, think, reason, freely express, and if necessary, prove his opinion.

Thus, with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the responsibility of the teacher, which has always been exceptional, will double.

The introduction of GEF cannot be implemented without a clear answer to the question “how to teach?”. In other words, the teacher must know a specific and understandable algorithm of his activity, which, firstly, would not in any way destroy personal practical experience, and secondly, would fit into a new idea of ​​what is good for children and what will help student to become successful in the modern world.

What changes in education will require new competencies from a teacher, and how do the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation differ from those standards that regulated the work of the school in the past?

First of all, these are new requirements for the results of education. Suffice it to recall that earlier the task of elementary school was to achieve basic level mandatory minimum content of education.

According to the new educational standards, primary school graduates should be active and active, inquisitive, enterprising, open to the outside world, friendly and responsive. They should have a positive attitude towards themselves, self-confidence, self-esteem, interest in research, respect for the environment and skills of self-organization and healthy lifestyle life.

The new standard for the first time fixes the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of several levels and three types - these are, firstly, subject results, or knowledge in subject areas: Russian language, mathematics, natural science, literary reading; and so on.

But in addition to subject results, the Federal State Educational Standard also imposes requirements on meta-subject and personal results. First of all, about the meta-subject results, since this is really the most significant innovation in the standards. And also because the personal result, in contrast to the results of subject and meta-subject, according to the Federal state standards, is not measured, that is, children will not be assessed according to the degree to which they achieve personal results. This is true, because it is not so easy to evaluate personal achievements. On the one hand, this is an additional burden for the teacher, and on the other hand, perhaps there is some kind of threat to the free personal development of the child.

If we summarize the requirements for meta-subject skills, we can distinguish the following groups of them.

First, it is the ability to plan one's own activities. That is, the child himself must compare the task with the conditions in which the task is presented, be able to correlate the content of this task with his own skills, evaluate his own actions and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Another meta-subject result is universal learning activities associated with work in a group, the student's ability to correlate his actions with the actions of others, and perform various functions in a group. That is, in other words, the ability to effective interaction when solving various problems. Group work (according to GEF IEO) is not just a random meeting of children or their joint pastime, it is a special educational situation in which collectively distributed activity takes place.

The idea of ​​organizing group work is that any action, any skill, firstly, exists in the process of interaction between people, and in the process of learning this skill becomes the property of each child.

Another group of universal educational activities is associated with mastering computer literacy, the ability of schoolchildren to use data from the Internet to solve problems.

That is why, within the framework of the new educational standard, rather serious requirements are imposed on the computer equipment of schools, including the availability of free access to the Internet. Now it becomes necessary to use and use computer tools and tools and resources of the Internet not only in preparation for classes, but also in the classes themselves.

What, strictly speaking, should a teacher be able to do in order to form universal learning activities in children?

First of all, the teacher must master the technology that contributes to the development of children's reflection - the ability to plan and evaluate their own actions.

1. Be able to assess the current state and dynamics of the child's mastery of the main educational program.

2. Be able to set goals for success in the subject area of ​​the student.

3. Be able to set goals for students to achieve meta-subject results.

4. Be able to adequately assess the current state and dynamics of the intellectual, moral, volitional development of the child.

5. To be able to correctly determine the reasons for the child's insufficiently effective progress in mastering the educational program. (He knows how to correctly (adequately) highlight the difficulties in mastering educational subjects that arise for each student.)

6. To be able to assess the formation of students' learning activities (UUD).

7. Be able to analyze existing programs, compare them for different reasons (goals, means used, etc.).

8. Be able to choose and apply modern educational technologies and assessment technologies that are adequate to the goals set.

Another point that cannot be ignored is the activity-based nature of learning. The activity approach that forms the basis modern education assumes that the student will learn to plan (to ask himself the question: "What do I need to learn?") and to design ("How can I learn this?"). To be ready for this, the teacher should not only comprehend the idea of ​​a system-activity approach, as the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, but also learn how to build educational and extracurricular activities within the framework of this technology, design learning based on learning situations, problem tasks, project teaching methods. The teacher must be an active user information technologies, communicate freely in the information space.

Undoubtedly, everyone understands that in a short time you will not train, you will not bring to automatism the universal educational actions and skills of children in solving problems. learning objectives. This is a large, systematic work. In order to teach children all this, to develop in them special learning skills, the teacher himself needs to have competencies.

It is known that competence does not exist in finished form. Everyone has to create it for themselves anew. You can learn someone's discovery, a rule, a method of learning, but not competence. Competence must be created as a product of individual creativity and self-development. Is it because the main indicators of the quality of professional training of a teacher today are such personal characteristics as:

- readiness and ability for self-development, self-improvement.

– motivation to work with students;

- the ability and willingness of the teacher to apply the acquired knowledge in professional activities;

- knowledge of the psychology of the child, the ability to analyze his actions, deeds, the provision of psychological support and assistance, especially during age-related crises;

- possession of modern educational technologies, including ICT;

Basic educational plan includes a program of education and socialization, which permeate all educational, extracurricular, extracurricular activities of an educational institution. Now the teacher needs to build the learning process not only as a process of mastering the system of knowledge, skills and competencies that form the basis of the student's educational activity, but also as a process of personal development, acceptance of spiritual, moral, social, family and other values.

Of paramount importance for the spiritual and moral development and education of students is not only the ability to educate children, but also the morality of the teacher himself, the moral norms by which he is guided in his professional activities and life, his attitude to his pedagogical work, to students, colleagues. And although this requirement is not something new, special, however, it acts as a component characteristic of a modern teacher, as a requirement for his personal qualities. No educational programs and actions will be effective if the teacher is not an example of moral and civic personal behavior. In addition, in the modern world, adults, including parents, do not want to raise a child on the traditions of the family and the people, and sometimes they themselves do not own the most important life values.

However, it should be recognized that it is most likely simply impossible to provide a full-fledged spiritual and moral development and education of students to a teacher without social and pedagogical partnership. To solve this problem, it is necessary to build pedagogically expedient partnerships with other subjects of socialization: the family, public organizations and traditional religious associations, institutions of additional education, culture, sports, and the media.

The organization of socio-pedagogical partnership can be carried out by coordinating socio-educational socialization programs based on the national educational ideal and basic national values ​​prescribed in the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Education and Personal Development of a Russian Citizen. This is possible provided that the subjects of education and socialization are interested in the development and implementation of such programs.

Under these conditions, the independence, and at the same time the responsibility of the teacher is to:

Development of a development and education program for your class

Introduction of a new form of cumulative assessment (portfolio).

The ability to choose appropriate, specifically for this class, teaching materials,

Development (adjustment) of work programs for academic subjects

Selection of methods and means of forming UUD among students (analysis of textbooks, selection of a system of tasks)

Development (selection) of control materials, processing the results of diagnostic and complex work.

It is obvious that not immediately, and perhaps not all teachers will be able to reorganize in changing conditions. And therefore, in my opinion, the main thing for every teacher, OU as a whole, is today:

Acceptance of major GEF ideas,

Adaptation (maximum, productive) to changing conditions of activity;

Determination of the ways of the most constructive professional and personal development,

Comprehension of various aspects of one's activity (in terms of ideas about oneself, one's mission, one's position between the child and society).

The competencies of an elementary school teacher, due to the Requirements for the structure of the main educational program:

To carry out a personal-activity approach to the organization of training;

Build individual student development trajectories based on the planned results of the development of educational programs (hereinafter referred to as PROOP);

Develop and effectively apply educational technologies to achieve PROOP.

The competencies of an elementary school teacher, due to the Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program:

Have the relevant concepts of the Federal State Educational Standards, ideas about the planned results of development and basic educational programs, be able to decompose them in accordance with the technology for achieving intermediate results;

To have modern ideas about the student as a subject of educational activity and be able to design an appropriate model of his activity, depending on age characteristics and the specifics of the subject.

To have scientifically substantiated knowledge and skills that allow to design a social portrait of a student (values, motivational, operational, communicative, cognitive resources) and to carry out an appropriate diagnosis of the formation of socially demanded personality traits.

Competence of an elementary school teacher, due to the Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program:

Effectively use the conditions and resources available at the school, its own methodological potential for the implementation of the tasks of the new content of education, namely:

Achieving the planned results of the development of educational programs;

Implementation of education and socialization programs for students;

Effective use of health-saving technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Individual assessment of educational achievements and difficulties of each student, diagnostics of the formation of universal educational activities;

Own professional and personal development and self-development;

Effectively apply your skills in the process of modernizing the infrastructure of the educational process of an educational institution.

A teacher implementing the basic educational program of primary general education must:

In general education

A) know the basics of modern concepts of nature, society and the technosphere;

B) have the skills of an advanced user of information and communication technologies;

In vocational training:

A) possess key professional competencies, such as professional communication, the ability to solve professional problems, information competence;

Philosophy of education, philosophical and cultural concepts underlying educational paradigms;

Age and educational psychology, fundamentals of psychology deviant behavior, the history of pedagogy, pedagogy, state of the art and trends in the development of education systems in Russia and abroad, the main directions of regional educational policy;

Methods for assessing indicators of the intellectual, moral and volitional development of the child;

Methods for assessing the degree of social tension in a child's relationship with environment;

Indicators of the formation of a person's civic maturity;

Principles of organization of the educational environment, including educational and information-educational;

The essence of modern pedagogical technologies and methods, such as developmental, problem-based, differentiated learning, the project method, modular pedagogical technology, health-saving technologies, portfolio technology, as well as pedagogical technologies and methods recognized as priorities for the education system of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the medium term (5- 7 years);

Legal norms of relations between participants in the educational process;

Assess the current state, resource and development potential of the student and offer evidence-based methods to improve their effectiveness; take into account the individual characteristics of students in the educational process;

Choose and apply modern educational technologies and assessment technologies that are adequate to the goals set, including those that ensure the intensity and individualization of the educational process;

Apply didactic methods and organizational techniques independent work students in the information - educational environment;

Organize interactions with children and adolescents, joint and individual activities of children;

Implement management functions in their activities, such as the development of modules of educational programs, including those implemented in extracurricular activities, as well as the formation of individual educational trajectories of students;

Use the data of professional monitoring (psychological, social, medical) for planning and implementing pedagogical activities;

Use modern methods of assessment activities, correctly apply a variety of assessment scales and procedures, form the assessment independence of students;

To use modern resources to ensure the educational process various types information carriers;

Carry out professional reflection;

Maintain documentation;

D) own:

Specific methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics;

Means of evaluation and formation of a system of positive interpersonal relationships, psychological climate and organizational culture in an educational institution;

Modern technologies for designing an educational environment, including methods of support, support, compensation, creation of educational and training programs, projects of business and interactive games, active learning methods;

Methods of organizing the collection (individual, group, mass) of professionally important information, data processing and interpretation;

In subject preparation:

A) find out:

Private methods to implement the content of primary general education;

The composition and features of educational and methodological complexes and didactic materials, including on electronic media;

Use private methods;

Analyze programs, educational and methodological complexes and individual didactic materials;

Develop programs for extracurricular activities;

Develop didactic materials

3. From the history of the development of pedagogy: Ya.A. Comenius, K.D. Ushinsky are the founders of classical pedagogical theory.

A look at pedagogy as a science and art

Developing the foundations of scientific pedagogy, K. D. Ushinsky creates a full-fledged, comprehensive theory of education - didactics, in which he reveals all the main issues of education based on the psychology of the child, logically and strictly defining their essential characteristics.

In didactics K.D. Ushinsky, you can get answers to the most difficult questions: about the logical foundations of learning; about the stages of knowledge (scientific and educational); about the stages of the learning process as an interaction between a teacher and a student; ways of knowledge; psychological aspects of cognitive activity; educational functions of training; the role of the school and the teacher in upbringing and education, etc. And in all matters, the main thing is the personality of the child, his readiness for learning, respect for his mind and feelings.

He advocated the consciousness and activity of students in learning.

Based on the data of psychology, K.D. Ushinsky distinguishes two sides of the learning process: the transfer of knowledge and the assimilation of knowledge. At the same time, he notes the interconnection and unity of both sides of education.

At the time of K.D. Ushinsky widely discussed two theories: formal and material education. Some believed that it was enough to develop the mind of a child in order to prepare him for life, while others argued that the main thing was to communicate the amount of useful knowledge, and mental abilities would develop by themselves. K.D. Ushinsky criticized both extremes. He wrote that one should not stuff a student's head with unrelated useful information. To the same extent, it is dangerous to be carried away by the development of reason, which does not care about acquiring positive knowledge.

Genuine pedagogy should be based on experimental psychology: genuine education “...should enrich a person with knowledge and, at the same time, teach him to use these riches; and since it deals with a growing and developing person, whose mental needs are expanding and will continue to expand, it must not only satisfy the needs of the present moment, but also make a reserve for the future.

K.D. Ushinsky considers pedagogy as a science and pedagogical art in unity, as two sides of a single complex process of education. Ushinsky warns against opposing practice and theory. He wrote that “pedagogical practice alone without theory is the same as quackery in medicine.”

Attention to the personality of the child in education and upbringing

In the learning process, Ushinsky distinguishes the following stages: live perception of the material; processing in the mind of the received images; systematization of knowledge; consolidation of knowledge and skills. “Skill in many ways makes a person free and paves the way for a further process.” Training K.D. Ushinsky considers it as a means of education and distinguishes two types of learning: “... 1) passive learning through teaching; 2) active learning through one's own experience. He talks about the relative importance of each and the need to combine them in a single educational process.

That is why in the process of teaching it is important to take into account the main didactic principles - timeliness; gradualness; organicity; constancy; hardness of assimilation; clarity; self-activity of the student; lack of excessive tension and excessive lightness; moral; utility. All these conditions relate to the subjective and objective aspects of learning.

Learning proceeds faster when the ready-made truth is communicated by the teacher himself. Another thing is when the student independently finds it. K.D. Ushinsky emphasized that thought "will never become such a complete property of the student as when he himself develops it, only by paying attention to the similarity or difference of ideas already rooted in him."

A true teacher "will try to make teaching entertaining, but never deprive him of the character of serious work requiring effort of the will."

“Teaching is labor,” he wrote, “and must remain labor, but labor full of thought.”

The activity of students in learning is achieved through the entertainment of teaching. K.D. Ushinsky distinguished two kinds of entertainment - external and internal. “The older the student becomes, the more internal entertainment should crowd out the external one.” The means of activation include the Socratic method, visual aids, timeliness and gradualness in learning, the absence of excessive tension and excessive ease in studying the material.

Of no less interest are guidelines"teachers of all Russian teachers." So, the purpose of initial education is to equip students with skills in reading, counting, writing. Thanks to the habit, the conscious forces of the child are released for other "more important mental processes." In the survey methodology, a special place is given to the attention of all students in the lesson. “It is very useful for a class teacher to acquire the habit of first saying a question, and then, after a little delay, the name of the person who should answer this question.” K.D. Ushinsky was not only an outstanding theoretician of pedagogy, but also a remarkable practitioner. This was especially evident during the years of his work at the Gatchina and Smolny Institutes.

Education, according to K.D. Ushinsky, defines the meaning of life, it is the core of human dignity and human happiness.

“If you want to make a person completely and deeply unhappy,” wrote K. D. Ushinsky, “then take away his goal in life and instantly satisfy all his desires.”

The primary task of education is moral education. The basis of moral education is formed by the pupil's ideas about a person. The content of moral education consists of such qualities as unshakable love for one's Motherland and one's people, sensitivity to people, a humane attitude towards them, honesty and a thirst for useful activity.

K.D. Ushinsky pays great attention to the means of education, to its main factors, while distinguishing between intentional and unintentional educators. Unintentional educators, in his opinion, are: nature, family, people and their language.

The leading role in upbringing should be played by a “deliberate educator” - school, change of activities, rest.

By means and methods of moral education, according to K.D. Ushinsky, is the correct organization of work and rest of pupils, a game that educates learning, an exchange of thoughts between mentors and students, beliefs, moral instructions (without abuse).

The teacher-educator is the central figure of the educational process

Konstantin Dmitrievich assigns a large role to the personal conviction of the teacher: "The educator can never be a blind executor of instructions: not warmed by warmth, his personal convictions will have no power."

K.D. Ushinsky highly appreciated the role of pedagogical tact in education. This is a kind of compass in determining the correct solution to the issues of education in each specific case pedagogical activity. The educator should never express impatience towards children. Pedagogical tact presupposes an equal treatment of the educator, the even life of an educational institution, but does not exclude exactingness.

Demanding does not mean keeping pupils in fear. K.D. Ushinsky sharply condemned "lovers to give fear to children." The consequences of such upbringing are lies, pretense, cowardice, slavery, weakness.

“Seriousness should reign in the school, allowing a joke, but not turning the whole thing into a joke, affection without cloying, justice without captiousness, kindness without pedantry and, most importantly, constant reasonable activity.”

K.D. Ushinsky developed a system of views on the training of a national teacher, Russia owes him the creation of domestic pedagogy.

Pedagogical heritage of K.D. Ushinsky is a very important source of understanding the leading ideas of the theory and history of pedagogy, philosophy and history of education. By right K.D. Ushinsky today can be called the founder of the direction of pedagogical humanistics in scientific pedagogy.

Shaken by social cataclysms, the era of Comenius is the period

formation of European science - knew such people - Galileo, Descartes,

The era of Comenius survived the English bourgeois revolution and

experienced the tragedy and horror of the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). IN

depths of this contradictory era, pedagogy stood out in

independent branch of human knowledge, and the creativity of its creator

Ya. A. Komensky, who was far ahead of his time, was filled with

spirit of the highest humanism.

The activities of the great teacher fell on one of the most

dramatic periods in the history of his homeland - the Czech Republic, which became

epicenter of one of the longest and bloodiest wars ever

Europe knew - Thirty years old, which made him a lifelong

a wanderer who left homeless, ruined his entire family,

that destroyed his manuscript, but did not harden his expiring

Professional competence of a preschool teacher

Good afternoon dear colleagues!

In accordance with the new law "On Education in the Russian Federation", preschool education for the first time became an independent level of general education. On the one hand, this is the recognition of the importance of preschool education in the development of the child, on the other hand, the increase in requirements for preschool education, including through the adoption of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

But no matter what reforms take place in the education system, they, one way or another, are limited to a specific performer - a kindergarten teacher. It is the teacher-practitioner who implements the main innovations and innovations in education. For the successful introduction of innovations into practice and the effective implementation of the tasks set in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard, a teacher requires a high level of professional pedagogical competence.

The professional and pedagogical competence of teachers is not a simple sum of subject knowledge, information from pedagogy and psychology, the ability to conduct classes or events. It is acquired and manifested in specific psychological, pedagogical and communicative situations, in situations of real solution of professional problems that constantly arise in the educational process.

What are the requirements for the personality of a modern educator and his competence?

In the system of preschool education, the process of interaction between the teacher and the child is a priority. Modern processes of modernization of preschool education bring to the fore not the formal affiliation of the educator to the profession, but the personal position he occupies, providing an attitude to pedagogical work. It is this position that guides the teacher to understand the ways of interacting with the child.

At present, not just an educator is in demand, but a teacher-researcher, a teacher-psychologist, a teacher-technologist. These qualities in a teacher can develop only in the conditions of a creative, problematic and technologically organized educational process in a preschool institution. Moreover, provided that the teacher is actively engaged in scientific, methodological, search, experimental, innovative work, learns to look for his "professional face", his pedagogical tool.

Today, each teacher needs to acquire and develop competencies that make him a creatively active participant in interaction with children:

    Humane pedagogical position;

    Deep understanding of the tasks of preschool education;

    The need and ability to take care of the ecology of childhood, the preservation of the physical and spiritual health of pupils;

    Attention to the individuality of each child;

    Willingness and ability to create and creatively enrich the subject-developing and cultural-information educational environment;

    Ability to purposefully work with modern pedagogical technologies, willingness to experiment, introducing them;

    The ability to self-education and conscious self-development of the individual, the willingness to learn throughout the career.

Currently, the "Professional standard of the teacher" is being finalized, which was supposed to take effect on January 1, 2015. However, the All-Russian The trade union of education sent a letter to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation with a request to postpone the date of its introduction to January 1, 2018. According to the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, the hasty introduction of a professional standard can cause numerous legal conflicts, and therefore the official postponement of the date for the start of applying the professional standard of a teacher to a later date can be a reasonable, balanced and objective step on the part of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

So, in the professional standard in paragraph 4.5 are listed professional competencies preschool teacher (educator).

1. Know the specifics of preschool education and organization features educational work with kids.

2. Know general patterns child development in early and preschool childhood; features of the formation and development of children's activities at an early and preschool age.

3. Be able to organize the leading types of activities at preschool age: object-manipulative and play, ensuring the development of children. Organize joint and independent activities of preschoolers.

4. Own the theory and pedagogical methods of physical, cognitive and personal development of children.

5. Be able to plan, implement and analyze educational work with children of early and preschool age in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

6. Be able to plan and adjust educational tasks (together with a psychologist and other specialists) based on the results of monitoring, taking into account the individual characteristics of the development of each child.

8. Participate in the creation of a psychologically comfortable and safe educational environment, ensuring the safety of children's lives, maintaining and strengthening their health, supporting the emotional well-being of the child.

9. To be proficient in the methods and means of analyzing psychological and pedagogical monitoring, which makes it possible to evaluate the results of the development of educational programs by children, the degree of formation of the necessary integrative qualities of preschool children necessary for further education and development in primary school.

10. Own the methods and means of psychological and pedagogical education of parents (legal representatives) of children, be able to build partnerships with them to solve educational goals.

11. Possess ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementation and evaluation of educational work with children.

What is the role of competency assessment in the professional development of teachers?

Today there is a serious discrepancy between the real and required level of professional competence of teachers.

How it manifests itself in practice:

    The educational and disciplinary model still prevails in the work of preschool educational institutions, and teachers are not always able to build subject-subject relationships with children and their parents. In order for the child to become the subject of the educational process, he must meet the subject in the person of the teacher - this is the whole essence of pedagogical work;

    Many teachers, especially experienced teachers with a long work experience, are focused primarily on the performance of official duties. And today, educators who are able to independently plan and build an expedient system of work are more in demand.

    There are many teachers who, having once received a specialized education, are limited to attending refresher courses. At the same time, the realities of today require professionals to engage in self-education throughout their lives. Therefore, one of the significant indicators of the professional competence of an educator is his readiness for self-education and self-development, as well as the ability to creatively apply new knowledge and skills in practical activities. The effectiveness of his work directly depends on the teacher's awareness of the need to constantly improve the level of professional qualifications.

Regular assessment of the professional competencies of preschool teachers will stimulate their desire for self-education and professional self-improvement (and self-assessment of the teacher).

Today, preschool teachers are required to be actively involved in innovative activities, in the process of introducing new programs and technologies for interacting with children and parents. Under these conditions, a comprehensive and objective assessment of the professional competencies of preschool teachers is of particular importance.

Formation and development of professional competencies of a teacher

Based on modern requirements, it is possible to determine the main ways of developing the professional competencies of a teacher:

Work in methodological associations, problem-creative groups;

Research, experimental and design activities;

Innovation activity, development of new pedagogical technologies;

Various forms of psychological pedagogical support, both for young teachers and for teachers with experience, mentoring;

Open views and mutual visits to classes;

Pedagogical rings - orients teachers to study latest research in psychology and pedagogy, methodological literature, helps to identify different approaches to solving pedagogical problems, improves the skills of logical thinking and argumentation of one's position, teaches conciseness, clarity, accuracy of statements, develops resourcefulness, a sense of humor;

Active participation in professional competitions of various levels;

Generalization of own pedagogical experience at city events and in the Internet space;

The work of teachers with scientific and methodological literature and didactic materials;

Organization of practical seminars, practical classes, general education;

Trainings: personal growth; with elements of reflection; development of creativity;

Psychological and pedagogical drawing rooms, business games, master classes, etc.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence. To do this, it is necessary to create conditions in which the teacher is aware of the need to improve the level of their professional qualities.

It should be noted that the formation and development of professional competence, improving the level of skills of teachers is a priority activity not only for the administration of the preschool educational institution, but also for the socio-psychological service as a whole, since it occupies a special place in the management system preschool and represents an important link in a holistic system for improving the professionalism of teaching staff, since, first of all, it coordinates the work of preschool educational institutions in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Thus, modern kindergarten a teacher is needed who will not be a “teacher”, but a senior partner for children, contributing to the development of the personality of pupils; a teacher who is able to competently plan and build the educational process, focusing on the interests of the children themselves, but at the same time not be afraid to deviate from the planned plan and adapt to real situations; a teacher who can independently make decisions in a situation of choice, predicting their possible consequences, as well as capable of cooperation, possessing psychological and pedagogical knowledge, modern information and communication technologies, capable of self-education and introspection. The higher the level of professional competence of teachers, the higher the level of quality of education in the preschool educational institution, and a well-constructed system of interactive forms of work with teaching staff leads not only to the development of professional competence of teachers, but also unites the team.

Mishkhozheva Lera Khasanbievna

math teacher

MOU secondary school No. 1 s.p. Islamey

Email: misch. [email protected]

Russia, KBR, Baksansky district, village Islamey


In modern conditions, the main principle of building the educational process at school is a focus on the development of the student's personality, arming him with ways of action that allow him to study productively, realize his educational needs, cognitive interests and future professional needs. Therefore, the task of organizing an educational environment conducive to the development of the student's personal essence is put forward as the main task of the school.

The solution of this problem directly depends on the professional competence of teaching staff. As stated in the "Professional standard of the teacher": "The teacher is a key figure in the reform of education. In a rapidly changing open world The main professional quality that a teacher must constantly demonstrate to his students is the ability to learn.

Therefore, an important condition for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in a general education school is the preparation of a teacher, the formation of his philosophical and pedagogical position, methodological, didactic, communicative, methodological and other competencies. Working according to the standards of the second generation, the teacher must make the transition from traditional technologies to technologies of developing, personality-oriented learning, use technologies of level differentiation, learning based on a competency-based approach, "learning situations", project and research activities, information and communication technologies, interactive methods and active forms of learning.

An integral part of the professionalism and pedagogical skill of a teacher is considered to be his professional competence.

What is it, how do we imagine it and will be discussed.

Competence is the ability of a teacher to act in a situation of uncertainty. The higher the uncertainty, the greater this ability.

Under professional competence is understood as a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical activity.

The structure of a teacher's professional competence can be revealed through his pedagogical skills. The model of a teacher's professional competence acts as a unity of his theoretical and practical readiness. Pedagogical skills here are grouped into four groups.

1. The ability to "translate" the content of the objective process of education into specific pedagogical tasks: the study of the individual and the team to determine the level of their preparedness for the active mastery of new knowledge and designing on this basis the development of the team and individual students; allocation of a complex of educational, upbringing and developing tasks, their concretization and determination of the dominant task.

2. Ability to build and set in motion a logically completed pedagogical system: integrated planning of educational tasks; reasonable selection of the content of the educational process; optimal choice forms, methods and means of its organization.

3. The ability to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action:

creation of necessary conditions (material, moral-psychological, organizational, hygienic, etc.); activation of the student's personality, the development of his activity, which turns him from an object into a subject of education; organization and development of joint activities; ensuring the connection of the school with the environment, regulation of external non-programmed influences.

4. Skills for accounting and evaluating the results of pedagogical activity: introspection and analysis of the educational process and the results of the teacher's activity; definition of a new set of dominant and subordinate pedagogical tasks.

professionally competent one can name a teacher who, at a sufficiently high level, carries out pedagogical activities, pedagogical communication, achieves consistently high results in teaching and educating students.

- this is the development of a creative individuality, the formation of susceptibility to pedagogical innovations, the ability to adapt to a changing pedagogical environment. The socio-economic and spiritual development of society directly depends on the professional level of the teacher. Changes taking place in modern system education, make it necessary to improve the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, i.e., his professional competence. The main goal of modern education is to meet the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state, to prepare a diversified personality of a citizen of his country, capable of social adaptation in society, starting work, self-education and self-improvement. And a free-thinking, predicting the results of his activities and modeling the educational process, the teacher is the guarantor of achieving the goals. That is why at the present time the demand for a qualified, creatively thinking, competitive personality of a teacher, capable of educating a personality in a modern, dynamically changing world, has sharply increased.

One of the modern requirements for a teacher, the school determines the main ways of developing his professional competence:

  • Advanced training system.
  • Certification of teaching staff for compliance with the position held and qualification category.
  • Self-education of teachers.
  • Active participation in the work of methodological associations, teachers' councils, seminars, conferences, master classes. Demanded forms methodical work are theoretical and scientific and practical conferences, rallies, congresses of teachers.
  • Knowledge of modern educational technologies, methods, pedagogical means and their continuous improvement.
  • Mastering information and communication technologies.
  • Participation in various competitions, research works.
  • Generalization and distribution of own pedagogical experience, creation of publications.

The process of self-education of teachers became especially relevant at the stage of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards due to the fact that the main idea of ​​the standards is the formation of universal educational activities in the child. Only the teacher who himself improves all his life can teach to learn.

Self-education is carried out through the following activities:

  • systematic professional development;
  • study of modern psychological and pedagogical methods;
  • participation in seminars, master classes, conferences, attending lessons of colleagues;
  • watching TV, reading the press.
  • acquaintance with pedagogical and methodical literature.
  • use of Internet resources;
  • demonstration of own pedagogical experience;
  • attention to your own health.

A special role in the process of professional self-improvement of the teacher is played by his innovative activity. In this regard, the formation of the teacher's readiness for it is essential condition his professional development.

If it is enough for a teacher working in the traditional system to master the pedagogical technique, i.e. a system of teaching skills that allow him to carry out educational activities at a professional level and achieve more or less successful learning, then the teacher's readiness for innovation is decisive for the transition to an innovative mode.

The innovative activity of teachers at the school is represented by the following areas: approbation of new generation textbooks, the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, the development of modern pedagogical technologies, social design, the creation of individual pedagogical projects.

Development of professional competence is a dynamic process of assimilation and modernization professional experience leading to the development of individual professional qualities, the accumulation of professional experience, involving continuous development and self-improvement.

Formation of professional competence- the process is cyclic, because in the process of pedagogical activity, it is necessary to constantly improve professionalism, and each time the listed stages are repeated, but in a new capacity. In general, the process of self-development is biologically determined and is associated with the socialization and individualization of a person who consciously organizes his own life, and hence his own development. The process of formation of professional competence also strongly depends on the environment, so it is the environment that should stimulate professional self-development.

Thus, we see that the goal of methodological work at school in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard is to ensure the professional readiness of teachers for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard through the creation of a system of continuous professional development for each teacher.

It is clear that the solution of the main tasks of general education primarily depends on the professional competence of teachers - the main executors of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. One thing is clear, that only teachers with high professionalism can educate a person with modern thinking, who is able to successfully fulfill himself in life. At the same time, the concept of "professionalism" includes not only the professional, communicative, informational and legal components of the competence of educators, but also the personal potential of the teacher, the system of his professional values, his beliefs, attitudes, in integrity, giving high-quality educational results.

In modern conditions, the requirements for the professional competence of a teacher are imposed not only by the new educational standard, but also by the TIME in which we live. And each teacher is faced with a difficult, but solvable task - "to be in time." For this to happen, everyone who has chosen the profession of a teacher must periodically recall the very important and correct words of the Russian teacher, the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky, on which I will end my speech: “In the matter of education and upbringing, in all school affairs, nothing cannot be improved without the teacher's head. The teacher lives as long as he learns. As soon as he stops learning, the teacher in him dies.”

The educational standards of the new generation place high demands on the teacher. In order to educate a worthy citizen of Russia, capable of self-improvement throughout his life, the teacher must himself be an example to follow. At the same time, today the teacher is not a translator of knowledge, but a person who is able to design joint activities with students, is ready for cooperation, and is open to communication. Great importance has a willingness to learn and improve their skills in a search mode, to discuss problems in a dialogue form, to "test" the knowledge and experience gained by direct practice, to reflect on their own and others' practice, to theoretically comprehend existing and formulate new problems.

In accordance with the changes that have taken place in society, the teacher must also change. The development of the professional competence of the teacher is becoming more and more obvious. This is a necessary condition for changing the modern educational process. What kind of professional pedagogical competencies does the teacher himself need to possess in order to achieve the educational results of the child in his activities, formulated as key competencies in educational standard? Competences are the competencies of an employee, the range of issues in which he is well aware. Thus, competence is a given requirement for the level of pedagogical skill, and competence is a measure of compliance with this given requirement.

In pedagogical science, the concept of "professional competence" is considered as a set of knowledge and skills that determine the effectiveness of labor; scope of skills to complete the task; a combination of personal qualities and properties; a complex of knowledge and professionally significant personal qualities; direction of professionalization; theoretical and practical readiness for work; ability for complex, culturally appropriate types of actions; knowledge-based, intellectually and personally conditioned experience of social and professional life activity.

Today, the following professional and pedagogical competencies are distinguished:

  • subject competence (knowledge in the field of the taught subject, subject methodology);
  • general pedagogical (knowledge in the field of individual characteristics of psychology, psychophysiology and cognitive processes of the individual);
  • professional and communicative competence (practical possession of effective communication techniques);
  • innovative (possession of modern technologies of developmental education);
  • research (possession of the skills of research activities);
  • reflexive (the ability to generalize one's work);
  • information and communication competence (knowledge of the basics of ICT to serve the needs of the educational process).

The requirements for the competencies of teachers are dictated by the professional standard of the teacher. If a teacher does not have the competencies required by modern society in general and the Professional Standard in particular, then he will not be able to cope with the tasks assigned to him by the modern Federal State Educational Standard and the Law on Education.

A modern qualified teacher should not only have knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of their professional interests but also to have a broad outlook, an active life position, the need for self-education, psychological readiness to decision-making in difficult production situations, to be sociable. Professional competence is defined as the readiness to carry out pedagogical activity is determined by knowledge, skills, experience.

There are levels of formation of professional competence:

  • unconscious incompetence ("I don't know what I don't know");
  • conscious incompetence ("I know that I don't know");
  • actual conscious competence (“I know that I know”);
  • consciously controlled competence (professional skills are fully integrated, built into behavior, professionalism becomes a personality trait).

Stages of formation of professional competence:

  • introspection and awareness of the need;
  • self-development planning (goals, objectives, solutions);
  • self-manifestation, analysis, self-correction.

The educational process is so dynamic and changeable that it is impossible once and for all to master all the secrets of pedagogical work. What works flawlessly today, tomorrow turns out to be insufficient or even unusable. Professional competence allows the teacher to constantly improve himself, seek new knowledge. He should not be a translator of knowledge, but a person who is able to design the educational environment of a child, class, school. Not to mention the fact that he must be an active user of information and communication learning technologies. "Mature" professional competence will make it possible to change the position of the teacher from leading to accompanying. The higher the level of reflection of the teacher, the higher his readiness and ability to change the system of attitudes in an adequately changing situation. Thus, the teacher can achieve pedagogical competence in the changing conditions of modernity, and self-education will be a means of developing professional competence.

It is possible to develop the professional competencies of teachers in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the following ways:

  • acquaintance with pedagogical and methodical literature;
  • regular use of information from the Internet;
  • study of modern psychological and pedagogical methods;
  • advanced training courses, incl. remote (at least once every five years);
  • certification of teaching staff for compliance with the position held and qualification category (1 time in five years);
  • self-education;
  • active participation in the work of district methodological associations, teachers' councils, methodological and problematic seminars, webinars, conferences, master classes, open lessons;
  • usage modern techniques, forms, types, teaching aids and new technologies, incl. interactive;
  • participation in various competitions, research works;
  • generalization and dissemination of experience, creation of own publications.

Of course, competence is related to experience. Volitional efforts in professional and pedagogical activity are supported by the awareness of previous experience, the teacher consciously organizes his activities aimed at the planned specific result. However, it cannot be argued that competence is the higher, the more experience a teacher has.

Professional qualities of a teacher:

  • Interest and love for children, passion for teaching
  • Hard work, honesty, integrity
  • Emotionality, optimism
  • Expressiveness of speech, pedagogical tact
  • The creative beginning of personality
  • Organizational skills
  • Sense of humor
  • Perseverance, discipline, etc.