When, how and what kind of sports nutrition is better to take for weight gain. Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass Sports nutrition how to take

When, how and what sports nutrition is better to take for weight gain? Learn how protein, creatine, BCAAs and other supplements affect recovery and growth.

Even serious athletes often have times when their progress in the gym slows down or stops. Or even worse, regression begins. Then you need an additional impetus to growth. Properly selected sports nutrition can help you get the desired results again.

Whey Protein for Gaining Muscle Mass

Protein is the backbone of any sports nutrition regimen.obvious: it is convenient to take with you, it is easily digestible and effectively covers the body's need for protein. Protein comes to the rescue in those moments when you don’t have time to cook or just don’t feel like eating another meal. chicken breast or steak.

Protein should be used at a certain time in the indicated dosage (the dosage is calculated for an athlete weighing about 90 kg):

20 g immediately after waking up: your body has been hungry for 8 hours or more, so it's wise to have a protein shake as soon as you wake up. This will take you out of the catabolic state and start the mechanisms of muscle growth. In the morning we don't need complex carbohydrates or fats, enough fast-digesting protein and some simple carbohydrates. The body will thank you for the influx of amino acids into the blood.

20 g pre-workout: at this time, again you need to raise the level of amino acids in the blood. Taking protein before a workout will provide your muscles with an influx of amino acids throughout your workout, due to which the recovery process will be much more productive.

40 g post-workout: at this time, the body needs fast-digesting protein and about twice as much simple carbohydrates (80 g). Drink this cocktail no later than half an hour after training. This will raise insulin levels, which will stimulate protein synthesis by supplying glucose and amino acids to muscle tissue.

Creatine for Strength

Creatine is an equally common sports supplement. It is converted to creatine phosphate in the muscles, due to which they are supplied with energy during training. Also, creatine promotes a greater flow of water into muscle cells, which leads to the creation of an anabolic environment for increased protein synthesis. This is the best supplement for the set. muscle mass and increase in strength.

3 5 g pre-workout: this amount, taken with a small amount of complex carbohydrates and 20 grams of protein, will replenish the body's stores of creatine.

3 5 g post-workout: within half an hour of finishing your workout, take creatine along with 40 g of whey protein and 80 g of simple carbohydrates. You will receive a cocktail containing everything you need for further growth. After a workout, your muscles need nutrients - why not give them to him? The insulin spike from simple carbs is guaranteed to send creatine straight to your muscles.

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Casein for better sleep recovery

Casein is a slow-digesting protein that will enter the bloodstream for a long time. Whey protein is used when the body urgently needs protein, but casein is needed in other cases: in between meals or when you do not have the opportunity to eat for a long time.

20 g post-workout: take 20 g of casein along with the rest of your sports nutrition. Whey protein will be quickly digested, and casein will nourish the muscles with amino acids for a long time, which will lead to better recovery. It will also help you stay full until the next full meal.

20 g in the middle of the night: Since casein is slowly digested, you will benefit from having a smoothie with it in the middle of your sleep. This will give your body the protein it needs to repair itself. During sleep, the body starves and because of this falls into a state of catabolism. Taking casein about 3-4 hours after you go to bed will help you gain mass. So set your alarm!

Glutamine is an amino acid that promotes recovery

The effect of taking glutamine is not as strong as taking creatine, but glutamine is not without its advantages. As one of the most abundant amino acids in the body, glutamine is actively involved in recovery by helping muscle cells store glycogen after exercise. It also helps to increase the level of growth hormone and supports immunity. Plus, glutamine reduces workout fatigue so you can last longer.. Glutamine is also needed for the functioning of the digestive system: if you do not take it additionally in the form of sports nutrition, the digestive system will take it from your muscle tissue.

7-10 g immediately after waking up: should be taken with a small portion of protein, as we wrote above. This is necessary in order to bring the body out of the catabolic state in which it was at night.

7-10 g pre-workout: this will allow you to train longer at high intensity.

7-10 g post-workout: this will help glycogen flow into the muscles, which will put the body into an anabolic state and speed up recovery.

7–10 g 30–60 minutes before bedtime: this will protect your muscles from breaking down while you sleep. Together with a small dose of catabolism, this will prevent catabolism.

BCAAs to restore and reduce catabolism

Leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are part of the BCAAs, are used as fuel during intense workouts. They protect your hard-won muscles from decay. The rest of the time: Improve protein synthesis and reduce levels of the catabolic hormone cortisol.

5-10 g immediately after waking up: morning intake of BCAAs helps to get rid of catabolism after an overnight fast. The body will use the BCAAs for energy and the protein and glutamine will fuel the muscle tissue.

5-10 g pre-workout: this will help supply the body with energy and protect muscle tissue from decay. You will start the anabolic processes necessary for growth.

5-10 g post-workout: this will increase protein synthesis and suppress the production of the catabolic hormone cortisol, which causes muscle loss and limits the effect of testosterone on muscle growth.

Arginine to improve muscle blood supply

Arginine is converted in the body to nitric oxide (NO). This is a supplement with many useful properties. Arginine increases blood flow to the muscles, as more nutrients(amino acids and glucose), as well as hormones such as growth hormone, testosterone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). Also, a stronger supply of water to muscle cells increases protein synthesis, which leads to rapid muscle growth.

2-3 g immediately after waking up: at this time, arginine will dilate blood vessels, which will improve the supply of other nutrients to the muscles.

2-3 g pre-workout: this will increase the natural production of growth hormone before training.

2-3 g 30-60 minutes before bedtime: it will also help increase growth hormone levels.

Tribulus to increase testosterone levels

Tribulus increases the level of testosterone produced from cholesterol. It also increases your strength in training, so it is worth using if you need an additional source of energy before strength training.

250-500 mg pre-workout: A jump in testosterone levels before going to the gym will do you good.

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ZMA for Enhanced Hormone Production and Recovery

ZMA (a combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B) has been proven to 6 ) leads to an increase in the production of insulin-like growth factor and testosterone. Zinc improves recovery while magnesium calms nervous system so that it is easier for the body to relax. The better you sleep, the more room for your body to grow.

30-60 minutes before bed: 30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium and 11 mg vitamin B 6 .

Vitamins and Antioxidants for Better Health

Antioxidants help the body scavenge free radicals that are produced during times of stress, such as after strength training. Should, to cope with stress and keep the body in a state of anabolism.

500 mg of Vitamin C with a post-workout meal: Vitamin C helps keep joints healthy and supports immune function.

150-300 mg of vitamin E with a post-workout meal: vitamin E reduces damage to muscle cells and improves recovery. This antioxidant is also important for skin, nail and hair health.

Sports nutrition schedule

Times of Day

Sports nutrition products

Right after waking up

20 g whey protein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

5-10 g BCAA


Protein shake with 20 g whey protein and 20 g casein

Before workout

20 g whey protein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

3–5 g creatine

5-10 g BCAA

250–500 mg tribulus

After training

40–80 g simple carbohydrates

20 g whey protein

20 g casein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

3–5 g creatine

5-10 g BCAA

Together with dinner

500 mg vitamin C

150–300 mg vitamin E

30-60 minutes before bed

20 g casein

2-3 g arginine

7–10 g glutamine

ZMA (30 mg zinc, 450 mg magnesium, 11 mg vitamin B6)

middle of the night

20–30 g casein

Now you know how and when to take sports nutrition. However, if you are still a beginner, start with whey protein and then gradually buy other sports supplements. This way you will know what works best for you. We are all different, and the choice of sports nutrition is a subjective matter. stick proper nutrition, because without a competent diet, there will be no benefit from supplements. Get complex carbs from potatoes, durum wheat pasta, rice, and oatmeal, and protein from lean beef, turkey, chicken, eggs, and fish. So you will quickly achieve the desired result.

The diet of people actively involved in sports includes not only the usual menu, but also a special group of products called sports nutrition, which allows you to achieve certain goals set for the athlete. Sports nutrition helps to get rid of extra pounds or, conversely, gain weight, increase the relief of muscles, increase endurance and strength. All this works only when the food is properly and correctly selected.

The peak of bodybuilding popularity in the CIS countries came in the first half of the nineties, when gyms were everywhere equipped in basements and semi-basements. These times were distinguished not only by the equipment and location of the rocking chairs, but also by the underdeveloped sports nutrition industry. It was possible to buy separate Twinlab and Vader products, Belarusian proteins “Atlant” and “Arena” packaged in plastic bags. Without much difficulty, you could buy a variety of steroids.

Currently, anabolics of synthetic origin are banned and equated to narcotic substances. This in no way affected the choice of sports nutrition, since today the athlete has free access to a huge number of products that are of natural origin. On the territory of Russia, they belong to dietary supplements - biologically active additives. The expansion of the range of sports nutrition was facilitated by the emergence of foreign and domestic companies actively using advanced technologies.

A large selection, of course, makes life easier for an athlete, but it requires a clear understanding of each product presented. This will allow you to choose a drug that ideally matches the goal set for the athlete, as well as their own individual characteristics.

There are a huge number of different nutritional active additives, but most widespread received the following:

  • protein concentrates;
  • gainers;
  • creatines;
  • L-carnitine;
  • amino acid complexes;

Each drug has its own purpose and features of use.

Protein shakes are the most popular way to fuel your muscles. The term "" means "protein". It is he who is the main material for the growth of muscle tissue. The amount of pure protein in protein concentrate is about 70-90 percent. No other product can boast of such a composition.

Another merit protein shake is that it is not only qualitatively, but also quickly absorbed by organisms. If the assimilation of meat after eating takes 2-3 hours, a protein shake - 30 minutes. To obtain a pure concentration of protein isolate, natural products such as whey, eggs, meat, milk, chickpeas, peas, and soy are processed and evaporated.

The most popular protein concentrate in the world is whey. This is the best dietary supplement for active muscle growth. Whey protein, in addition to quick and easy digestibility, contains amino acids. The latter play an important role in the construction of relief muscles, since they maintain the tone of existing muscle tissue and contribute to the synthesis of a new one.

They represent the best sports nutrition for people with an ectomorphic - lean physique, for beginners who do not have muscle mass, which is the "base" for building a muscular massive body. This is what makes a supplement different from a protein shake.

Consists of a concentrate of methylguanide-acetic acid. It is present in small amounts in fish and meat. The action of the supplement is aimed at increasing endurance, stimulating recovery processes in the body after the next training.

This type of sports nutrition is actively used by both beginners and professional athletes during periods of repeated stagnation. For bodybuilders, the use allows not only to increase endurance, but also is a kind of incentive to further development push.


Popular food supplement for losing weight, with a pronounced fat burning effect. Levocarnitine is produced in the human body in the liver, but in small quantities. Emitting the process of its synthesis in the laboratory began in 1960. The substance stimulates the process of destruction of body fat, during which energy is released. This allows you to take not only for the purpose of losing weight, but also in order to turn the existing fat into muscles.

Amino acid complexes

They are an additive that optimizes metabolic processes so that all the substances used by the athlete are absorbed by the body correctly and efficiently, that is, they do not turn into body fat. In addition, of the existing twenty-two amino acids that ensure proper metabolism, nine are not produced in the human body, but come exclusively with food.

Their lack negatively affects the training process. The best way to provide them in the required amount for the athlete is amino acid concentrates. They are available in both capsules and liquid form. This allows you to choose the most convenient form for use.


It is a complex consisting of such as valine, isoleucine and leucine. It stimulates the efficiency of metabolic processes that allow you to increase muscle mass, serves as an additional source of energy for better and more productive training, as it significantly increases strength.

They are preparations based on minerals and vitamins. They are taken before playing sports in order to increase the overall tone of the athlete, give freshness and vigor, increase endurance. This has a positive effect on the quality of training, making them as useful and productive as possible.

Intended to be taken before training, it contains psychologically and physically active stimulant substances: geranamine, beta-alanine, caffeine. Some products may contain BCAAs and creatine.

Nutritious Protein Bars

They serve as a source of quick replenishment of energy, include in their composition: compressed flakes, milk (casein) or egg white, muesli or nuts. Bars are great for both pre-workout and post-workout to eliminate the "protein window" effect.

Arginine and other nitric oxide donators

Muscle tissue continuously produces nitric oxide. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for the development and growth of muscles. Donors have a similar principle of action. They stimulate the active production of testosterone and growth hormone.

Supplements to strengthen joints and ligaments

Necessary for bodybuilders and those who work with lifting heavy weights. This group of drugs is represented by additives such as collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin.

How to take sports nutrition?

There is nothing difficult in taking dietary supplements. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer, adhere to the recommended dosage. If the instructions for a gainer or protein concentrate indicate a dosage of 1.5 grams for every 1 kilogram of the athlete's own weight, this is the amount of the drug that is required per day.

Increasing the dosage will not adversely affect health and will not bring any side effects. All excess drug that is not absorbed by the body is simply excreted, that is, it comes out naturally.

Gainers for ectomorphs and proteins best consumed directly on days of sports activity. They are taken an hour before training and immediately after the end of the lesson. Cocktails are recommended to drink on rest days, no more than once a day.

Creatine and pre-workout supplements should be taken when the inevitable "stagnation" in training occurs, characterized by a decrease in motivation for sports. These drugs allow you to get the right push to continue moving towards achieving the desired result. They need to be consumed in limited quantities. If you overdo it with the reception, they will cause addiction, that is, they will cease to bring a pronounced effect from the reception.

This sports nutrition regimen is designed for experienced bodybuilders. Beginners who have started training require a slightly different approach. The first months of playing sports, it is enough to take a gainer or protein.

The nuances of choosing the right sports nutrition

Both foreign and domestic manufacturers produce biologically active supplements for athletes. Imported drugs are much more expensive. And if the athlete is faced with the question of choosing which manufacturer to give preference to, he should be guided by the fact that the best was and remains the products of Optimum Nutrition, Twinlab and Weider. These companies have an impeccable reputation.

Don't be tempted to buy cheap products. Underestimated cost is a sure sign that the buyer is facing either a low-quality product or a fake. Saving on your own health, results and effectiveness of training is highly discouraged. It is best to choose food from trusted manufacturing companies. To buy a truly original drug, and not a fake, you need to make all purchases exclusively in specialized reputable large chain stores.

Is protein harmful? How much is absorbed at a time?

When buying sports nutrition, many athletes have a question about how to use protein, gainer, creatine or BCAA correctly and at what time in order to get the maximum effect from training in the future. In this article, we will point out the main recommendations that should be considered when using sports nutrition throughout the day.


It is desirable to mix various proteins with milk. If milk is poorly digested, then it is worth mixing with regular milk. drinking water. You can drink protein in the morning, at night, between meals and after training, depending on the type of protein and your goals.


Also miscible with milk or water. Gainer must be drunk after training, as well as between meals and in the morning. Eating a weight gainer at night can lead to unwanted fat gain. The amount of gainer you need to calculate based on how many calories you need to get per day.


Contrary to the statements of some manufacturers that creatine should be taken with food or protein, creatine is best consumed separately and in a separate form, i. not as part of a protein or gainer, but in a separate form or together with a transport system. or with the transport system it will be learned many times better! Creatine is better to drink separately from everything between meals, stirring it in grape juice, 5 grams of creatine per 1 glass of juice. If creatine comes with a transport system, usually a mixture of carbohydrates, then creatine can be mixed in water, since carbohydrates that come with creatine will replace grape juice. Creatine is drunk separately from everything, so that in the process of digestion it does not collapse and turn into a useless product, the transport system and grape juice are used for the same.

Amino acids

Amino acids can be drunk with water, juice, any liquid, both in the morning and in the afternoon, and between meals, and at night, as well as with food, before eating food and after, i.e. at any time, they will be assimilated always and at any time.


BCAAs or BCAs are best taken before, during and after your workout, this is the ideal time to take them with water, juice or any other liquid. You can drink them with food, protein, and just about anything. In order for the effect of BCAAs to be felt, you need to drink about 5 grams at a time. In general, they are consumed from 5 to 20 grams at a time. Naturally, there will be an effect from 1 gram of BCA, but not what you expect from them.


A very gentle and unstable amino acid, glutamine must be mixed with water and drunk immediately. Glutamine is best taken separately from everything between meals or morning and night, but can also be mixed with protein or a gainer or regular food. The dosage of glutamine should be from 5 to 20 grams, since most of it is destroyed in the stomach without entering the bloodstream.

Vitamins, minerals

Vitamins can be drunk with water at any time of the day, but preferably with food, either immediately before meals or immediately after meals, since they are less irritating to the stomach with food and are better absorbed. Dosages of vitamins should be looked at depending on the manufacturer and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Fat burners

Fat burners should be taken with water, as directed by the manufacturer, or half an hour before training.


As a tonic, you can drink L-carnitine at any time of the day with water or with food. As a fat burner, you need to drink 30 minutes before training, starting with a dosage of 1 gram and, depending on your feelings, gradually increasing it. Usually L-carnitine is already well felt at a dosage of 1-3 grams.

Pre-workout complexes

It is necessary to drink 15-45 minutes before training, stirring in water or juice. Pre-workout complexes must be drunk on an empty stomach, i.e. before using the pre-workout complex, you should not eat for at least 1 hour, but preferably 2, since the ingredients included in the complexes are destroyed in the stomach and the complex no longer works as it should work.

L-arginine or nitric oxide

Drink before training on an empty stomach, as well as a pre-workout complex, or in the morning immediately after sleep, while eating should be started half an hour after taking L-arginine so that it can be absorbed. L-arginine is very gentle and breaks down easily, hence the need to take it on an empty stomach.

Products for joints and ligaments

And using my 12 years of coaching experience (and 25 years of self-training experience), I will make you an expert in sports nutrition. Lesson one - never use the phrase "sports nutrition". These are supplements, “supplements”, and this word is more consistent with the main task of such products - to close holes in your diet, the lack of certain vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other things (trust me, everyone has such gaps). I would conditionally divide consumers of sports supplements into two groups:

1. You have been training for a long time and hard (3-4 times a week without skipping) for the sake of a specific result - for example, you dream of shaking a barbell weighing 150 kg or running a marathon 42 km 195 m. You can and need a lot of what will be discussed below. I will offer specific sets of sports supplements for each task (see "Recipes").

2. Beginners, even if they train hard, - in the first six months you should get by with only both types of proteins: “quick” before breakfast, “long” at night. They make up for the protein deficiency that any Russian man has. I will recommend the same diet to those people who go to the gym once a week, “for themselves” (true, if you have excess weight- Check with your dietitian first.

Well, I recommend taking both categories (after consulting a doctor) with cardio- and chondroprotectors, regardless of the training program. Let's move on to the powders and bars. If any product known to you is missing from this material, it means that I consider it unnecessary.

1. Protein

Release form: powders

Why: Protein is often drunk right after a workout, saying: "Muscle mass, muscle mass!" But without carbohydrates, which everyone forgets about, protein powder in the matter of instant muscle building is practically useless. Use it just to make up for a general lack of protein. The body will find where to attach it, for example, make testosterone out of it. Proteins are "fast" and "long". The former are more biologically available and instantly provide your body energy and building materials. The latter give the protein gradually, over several hours. It is not difficult to distinguish them: any whey (whey) is “fast”. Any combination containing casein protein (casein) is "long".

How to take: "Fast" protein is consumed in the morning (1 serving 20 minutes before breakfast) and immediately after fat burning workouts. In general, I am a staunch supporter of a predominantly protein breakfast, this allows you to gently raise blood sugar levels after a night's sleep and further spin up your metabolism. “Long” drink 30-90 minutes after the last meal, at night, so that the body has proteins at hand even in a dream.

Recommended: Of the sports supplements that my clients have come across, I can recommend VPX's "quick" Zero Carb for breakfast. For the night, I wholeheartedly recommend "Infusion" from SAN. True, it is more than protein - such products are called "meal replacement". It includes different types protein (which are absorbed at different times and therefore provide your body with nutrition all night long), as well as vitamins and a dosed amount of carbohydrates that does not harm the figure.

2. Complex amino acids

Release form: capsules, tablets, caplets

For what: I strongly doubt that there are a lot of amino acids in products with such names. Rather, it is the usual "fast" protein, only in convenient packaging. On the road or after a long night in an ambush under the nose of the enemy, where you can not get a shaker, this is a good replacement for a protein shake.

How to take: In any training regimen, except for hypertrophy, - 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day, as a replacement for protein powders. And in the midst of a long hypertrophy program - 3 tablets twice a day, you can with food or a gainer, and you will also drink protein.

3. Gainer

Release form: powder

Why: My favorite product! The combination of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates contributes not only to rapid weight gain, but also provides a hurricane of energy before training, and also significantly speeds up recovery after.

How to take: On training days, 30-45 minutes before training and immediately after. On rest days, 1 serving in the afternoon. In endurance training mode, you can three times a day: before and after training, as well as at night. And never eat a gainer for breakfast! The mass in this case will grow only on the sides.

Worth remembering

No amount of creatine with protein will ever correct technical errors or help sleep deprivation. Also, be aware that no supplement can replace a complete, regular, and healthy diet. And do not forget that even harmless and certified products, if used thoughtlessly and beyond measure, can cause irreparable damage to health. If you suffer from food allergies, metabolic disorders, diabetes, chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver or gastrointestinal tract, then before taking any sports nutrition, you should definitely consult an adequate, qualified doctor.


Release form: tablets, capsules, powder

Why: BCAAs are also amino acids, but only three: isoleucine, leucine and valine. According to a number of studies, skeletal muscles have the most of them. I use BCAAs (and I advise you to do the same) to lose much less muscle during your "fat-burning" or endurance-building period.

How to take: When training - 5 capsules before and immediately after training. On rest days, 2 capsules with regular meals.

5. L-carnitine

Release form: tablets, capsules, ampoules

Why: Carnitine makes it easier for your body to access fat stores. I'm not ready to say that L-carnitine helps to lose weight, but it really increases stamina and has a beneficial effect on health. of cardio-vascular system.

How to take: 1 tablet 2 times a day with food when training endurance or strength. And with any type of training, if you feel that the heart is experiencing a lot of stress (for example, on a hot summer day).

6. Creatine

Release form: powder, tablets, capsules

Why: Creatine is a precursor to creatine phosphate (CP), one of the main sources of energy for muscle work. CF provides an exceptionally short-term power nature of the work (the first 3-5 repetitions in the bench press, for example). It is generally accepted that taking creatine-containing supplements allows you to increase strength. For some, this is true, but for others, this supplement has no effect. Try it - suddenly this food is in you.

How to take: 2-3 g once a day, you can along with a gainer. Just be sure to drink after at least three glasses of plain water. Creatine has an unpleasant ability to absorb fluid, which can lead to spasms, bloating, and even trauma to the connective tissue, for which normal hydration is critical.

7. Glutamine

Release form: powder, granules, capsules

Why: With heavy physical exertion, glutamine reserves in the body are depleted, and this negatively affects the immune system and reduces regenerative abilities. Therefore, if you have more than 5 training hours per week, you should use this supplement.

How to take: At a dose 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening 15 minutes before meals - and you will recover normally, it is easier to endure stress and get sick less.

8. Energy

Release form: "jars", powder

Why: Another favorite product of mine! A high-quality energy drink at the same time whips up your mood, sports enthusiasm and healthy aggression. During strength training, such a product is of paramount importance. Just keep in mind - these are special sports energy drinks that are sold in special sports nutrition stores! They contain practically no sugar, but there are substances that support the health of the cardiovascular system. They have little in common with supermarket energy drinks.

How to take: Just half a small bottle, drunk 30-45 minutes before training, - and you are ready to break any records! However, I do not recommend drinking energy drinks before every workout (maximum 1-2 times a week), and in no case drink more than one piece per day.

What to mix powders with?

Proteins and gainers can be mixed with ordinary non-mineral and non-carbonated water, freshly squeezed or packaged juice, as well as milk. For gainer the best option- water, in combination with juice or milk, the amount of carbohydrates and calories in the mixture will greatly go off scale. Protein powder will tolerate any of the liquids listed above, except that milk should be selected with the least fat. By the way, if your intestines do not tolerate milk, you can safely interfere with the protein on ... kefir. But all other powders, especially creatine, can only be mixed with water, and they must be drunk immediately - in liquid form, additives are the least chemically stable.

9. Testosterone Boosters

Release form: capsules

For what. To supplements that increase testosterone levels, the attitude of doctors and laymen, as a rule, is completely negative. Obviously, because they are confused with hormonal doping. However, boosters do not pump you with extra hormones, but only gently increase the secretion of internal, your own testosterone. From the point of view of physiology, this means “becoming younger” by a few years, especially if you are over thirty. If you are 17-22 years old and you are healthy, you can safely do without this supplement - hormones in you are already in bulk!

How to take: Most useful quality I consider testosterone boosters to have a stimulating effect on glucose metabolism. Therefore, in my opinion, it is most reasonable to use them when you are trying to get rid of excess fat. 2 capsules 2 times a day with meals.

10. Protein Bars

Form: you will laugh, but these are candy bars!

Why: Perhaps the most convenient source of protein and carbohydrates: no need to stir or drink - tore open the package and eat to your health! Use to quell hunger between main meals.

How to use. A couple of high-quality bars consistently beat off interest in food for exactly 3 hours, even for such an eternally hungry swallow like me. But daily rate, according to my observations, no more than 2-3 bars. If you exceed the dose, problems with appetite may begin!

* "Fast" protein - before breakfast and after training

** "Quick" protein for breakfast, "long" protein before bed

to health

There are a number of sports supplements and near-medical products that you can use in your diet, regardless of the goals that you are pursuing at a certain point in time.

cardioprotectors They should be taken before training during the hot season and during periods of endurance training. These include the L-carnitine already described above, as well as preparations containing potassium and magnesium - substances responsible for the smooth functioning of the heart. For example, potassium and magnesium aspartate.

vitamins and minerals I do not agree with the opinion that prevails among athletes and a number of coaches about the need to take increased doses of vitamins. Therefore, as a trainer, I prefer trivial pharmacy multivitamins in a normal dosage. As a rule, this is one serving immediately after breakfast. For taking additional vitamins supposedly useful to the athlete / pitching - C, E and B separately - I don’t advocate. More than enough multivitamins!

chondroprotectors American coaches have a good saying: “If you don’t play sports, you will go to a cardiologist. If you go in for sports, you will get to an orthopedist! So that the last part of this wonderful phrase does not touch you, regularly take chondroprotectors - additives that facilitate the regeneration of cartilage tissue and the restoration of the ligamentous apparatus as a whole. Even if you rarely go to the gym or don’t go at all, chondroprotectors are worth drinking to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. How often? This information should be in the instructions for use.

Most people involved in bodybuilding or fitness simply do not know how to take sports nutrition. Most often, they are interested in what kind of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass should be taken and the best (correct) way to do it. This article will tell you when to take some popular supplements and how to get the most out of them.

How and when to take sports nutrition

There are 3 types of well-known and proven supplements for gaining pure muscle mass and strength, namely:, and. But what is the most best time to take these supplements?

Protein Powder

  1. The most important time to properly consume protein powder is immediately after training 40-50 grams. Muscles are like sponges, they need instant nutrition to recover and grow.
  2. The next most important time for protein intake is before 20-30 grams. You will sleep for about 8 hours. That's a long time without protein.
  3. As soon as you wake up, take 20-30 grams of protein 30 minutes before a full breakfast. This will help stop the catabolic action that your body has undergone during the night's sleep.
  4. Be sure to take 20-30 grams of protein half an hour before going to the Gym. This will help reduce the catabolic effect of your strength training.

Above is the best time to take protein. And it doesn't have to be protein powder. If you have the opportunity, you can get all the protein you need from regular food. But a protein supplement is better absorbed. The choice is yours! Without missing any of the four cocktail receptions, you will feel the changes for the better.

How to take Creatine

I think everyone knows the benefits of using creatine. It hydrates muscles to aid in protein synthesis, which helps improve recovery between sets and workouts. Take creatine 30 minutes before and immediately after your workout with juice or protein. Such a mixture will create an anabolic state for the muscles and help prevent their breakdown (catabolism).

Apart from these two important points taking creatine, you can add a couple more doses throughout the day. I recommend 25-30 grams of creatine per day during the loading phase (lasting about five days) and then moving on to the maintenance phase of 10-20 grams of creatine per day, which will last about a month.

How to take Glutamine

As one of the most abundant amino acids in muscle cells, glutamine aids in recovery by strengthening the immune system. Therefore, it is imperative to take glutamine immediately after training (10 grams) along with a post-workout shake. Also, most studies show that 5 grams of glutamine before bed significantly increases growth hormone levels.

Taking all three of these popular supplements together is fine, but it will make it harder for you to figure out which supplement works best for you and which one is a waste of time. Everyone's metabolism is different, so be patient and give the supplement time to do its job! Use one supplement for 4-6 weeks and document your results. Over time, you will understand what suits you best for your specific goals.