E 450 food additive harmful or not. Influence on the body of E450. The effect of the E450 stabilizer on the body

In the manufacture of food products, many enterprises use food additives. And this is no accident. They allow you to keep the presentation for a long time, enhance the aroma, give a more saturated color, improve some product qualities.

Food supplement E 450: what is it?

Such an additive refers to stabilizers. Substances of this type are inorganic compounds that allow you to maintain the structure of the product for a long time. When using stabilizers, goods remain fresh and ready to eat for more than one week. At the same time, the products do not become viscous and slippery over time. They last longer on store shelves.

This component is obtained by oxidizing a solution of sodium pyrophosphate. The process is carried out using hydrochloric acid. As a result of oxidation, liquid is removed from the solution. At the same time, the resulting substance retains moisture well. Food additive E 450 is found in most foods.

Areas of use

E 450 additives are used in the manufacture of many products. In the food industry, this substance is added to canned meat, cheese and dairy products, some confectionery, juices and minced meat.

The properties of this component allow it to be used as an antioxidant and degreaser. Therefore, pyrophosphate E 450 is often used in the production of household chemicals, preparations intended for the destruction of harmful insects. This substance prevents the ignition of building combustible materials. E 450 is used in the production of anti-corrosion compounds and various paints.

Features of the substance

Is food additive E 450 dangerous or not? If we consider the substance from the point of view of chemistry, then these are esters, as well as salts of pyrophosphoric acid. The component is designated by the following formula: H 4 R 2 O 7.

Similar substances are used as stabilizers. In addition, pyrophosphates can be used as water-retaining agents, baking powder, complexing agents, emulsifiers, and acidity regulators. Under the microscope, additive E 450 appears as a powder with a crystalline structure or as white granules.

In the meat processing industry, pyrophosphate is used to increase the volume of muscle fibers. Because of this, the mass finished products is getting bigger. Additive E 450 is added to all semi-finished meat products. This is not prohibited according to GOST R55054-2012.

What is it used for?

In addition to increasing the mass of muscle fibers, food supplement E 450 is used in industry for:

  • imparting uniform color to products;
  • consistency improvement;
  • freezing of oxidative natural processes;
  • increasing the shelf life of food products;
  • improving the taste properties of products.

These qualities of the supplement explain its popularity. E 450 has special chemical properties. Potassium and sodium pyrophosphates bind various elements together, forming a single consistency. In addition, the substances are able to inhibit the growth of bacteria, as well as keep food fresh for a long period.

Is it dangerous?

Pyrophosphates are on the list of permitted food additives in Russia and Ukraine, as well as in some EU countries. An exception is dimagnesium pyrophosphate: E 450 VIII. In European countries, this substance has not been used for a long time. However, in our country it is not prohibited. All salts and esters of pyrophosphoric acid have a third degree of harmfulness. This suggests that substances can harm the body.

The use of additive E 450 in small quantities may not cause damage. However, each person's reaction is individual. Pyrophosphates can lead to the development of allergic reactions, poor digestion, increased blood pressure, and can also reduce the level of digestibility useful components from food.

Therefore, it is important to exercise caution when buying and using products that contain such a stabilizer.

Calcium and fluoride imbalance

Is the food additive E 450 harmful? In the food industry in the US and the European Union, this compound is prohibited. However, in Russia this preservative is actively used. The E 450 marking can be found on almost every food package. Regular use of such a substance can adversely affect human health.

First of all, it is manifested by an imbalance of calcium and fluorine. Because of this, serious diseases develop. An excess of fluoride leads to problems with the absorption of calcium. The concentration of one substance in the blood is constantly increasing, and the second is decreasing. Calcium is simply flushed out of the body. This leads to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common is osteoporosis. With such an ailment, the bones lose their stability and strength, become brittle. Therapy of the disease is to follow a strict diet and nutrition rules. At the same time, an increased intake of calcium and vitamin D is recommended.

This imbalance affects the cardiovascular system. A lack of calcium causes relaxation of the heart muscle and its rhythmic contraction. In addition, the substance is necessary for the formation of insulin.

Formation of cholesterol plaques

The negative impact on the body of the food additive E 450 has been proven for a long time. The constant use of products that contain this stabilizer causes the formation of cholesterol plaques in the lumen of blood vessels. Recently, studies have been carried out that have proven that pyrophosphates are carcinogenic substances. In other words, such additives cause the development of malignant tumors.

What products contain the most

To reduce the consumption of the E 450 supplement, you need to know which foods contain it most often. In the meat industry, it is added to many semi-finished products. These are sausages, sausages, a variety of dumplings, sausages, minced meat and all kinds of delicacy cuts.

The dairy industry does not do without this additive. She is very popular here. E 450 can be found in some dairy products, as well as processed cheeses. Often this component is found in the composition of cheap low-quality cottage cheese.

Unfortunately, many bakery manufacturers have begun to add pyrophosphates to their products. This allows you to make the goods heavier, while reducing the consumption of flour and other baking components. Therefore, do not be surprised if the bread does not go stale for a whole week.

Food additive E 450 is added to many popular and common food products: fruit and chocolate ice cream, quick-frozen potatoes, carbonated drinks, liquors, crab sticks, butter, dry cereal, herbal teas, soups and broths fast food, sweet buns, syrups and so on.

How to avoid problems

It is even difficult to imagine the food industry without the E 450 stabilizer. After all, consumers want to see products on store shelves that have a sufficient shelf life. After all, this allows you to stock up for the future.

Despite its widespread use, the E 450 stabilizer remains a dangerous additive. Excessive use of it threatens the emergence of many serious diseases, which are very difficult to cure. To reduce health risks, it is recommended to reduce the amount of semi-finished meat products. It is better to use natural poultry, beef and pork.

It is also not recommended to frequently purchase processed and sausage cheeses. As for bakery products, it is better to buy them from trusted manufacturers who do not add chemical components to their products.

In the modern food industry, many additives are used that give products color, aroma and certain qualities necessary to maintain their presentation.

Stabilizers are inorganic compounds with which manufacturers can maintain the structure of the product for a long time. When using these substances, goods can be stored longer in a ready-to-eat form. The product does not become more slippery and viscous over time, so it can last longer on the store counter.

This additive is obtained by oxidizing a solution of sodium pyrophosphate. Hydrochloric acid is used as an oxidizing agent. As a result of this reaction, water is removed from the solution, and the resulting compound is able to retain moisture. The E450 stabilizer can be found in canned meats, some dairy and cheese products, minced meat, juices, and confectionery.

The properties of the stabilizer allow it to be used as a disinfectant and antioxidant agent.

Pyrophosphate E450 is present in many detergents, insecticides and flame retardants. It is used for the production of various paints and anti-corrosion compounds.

The impact of E450 on the body

The use of this compound in the food industry of the European Union and the United States has long been banned. In Russia, no one introduced a ban on this preservative. Therefore, the E450 label can be seen on every second product package offered in our markets.

However, regular use of this drug causes serious disturbances in work. human body. First of all, scientists note a serious imbalance of fluorine and calcium in the results of a survey of people who often eat foods containing pyrophosphate E450. Exceeding the allowable amount of fluoride in the body leads to difficulties in the absorption of calcium. As a result, the concentration of fluorine in the blood increases, and unabsorbed calcium is washed out of the body.

The lack of this mineral causes the appearance and development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The main one is osteoporosis. Such a diagnosis is made to people whose bones become brittle, lose their strength and stability. The treatment of this disease is laborious and difficult. The main doctor's prescriptions will be proper nutrition, a strict diet, increased intake of vitamin D and calcium, and general strengthening physical exercises.

Calcium deficiency affects not only bone, but also cardiovascular system. Thanks to this substance, rhythmic contraction and relaxation of the heart muscle occurs. Calcium is also needed for the formation of insulin.

The constant use of products containing E450 affects the appearance of cholesterol plaques in the lumen of blood vessels. Recent Research proved that the E450 stabilizer is a carcinogen, that is, it contributes to the development of malignant tumors.

Now in Russia there are a lot of foreign food products. And not all the best are brought to us. And it is often difficult for our buyer to understand the quality of the product. One of the indicators of quality and safety for consumption is what food additives are contained in a particular product. Indeed, to give the product certain qualities, various substances are added to it, which are sometimes poisons for the body. Moreover, some manufacturers "honestly" warn the buyer about this by placing a list of food additives in the ingredients using a special code (the so-called INS - International Numerical System) - a code of three or four digits, which in Europe is preceded by the letter E. Here we wanted talk a little about these supplements.

So remember! The letter "E" is Europe, and the digital code is a characteristic of a food additive to the product.

A code starting with 1 means dyes; 2 - preservatives, 3 - antioxidants (they prevent spoilage of the product), 4 - stabilizers (preserve its consistency), 5 - emulsifiers (support the structure), 6 - flavor and aroma enhancers, 9 - anti-flaming, that is antifoam agents. Indexes with a four-digit number indicate the presence of sweeteners - substances that preserve the friability of sugar or salt, glazing agents.

Are these supplements harmful? Food experts believe that the letter "E" is not as scary as it is painted: the use of additives is allowed in many countries, most of them do not side effects. But doctors often have a different opinion.

For example, preservatives E-230, E-231 and E-232 are used in the processing of fruits (that's where oranges or bananas on store shelves come from, not spoiling for years!), And they are nothing more than ... PHENOL! The one that, getting into our body in small doses, provokes cancer, and in large doses it is just pure poison. Of course, they apply it for good purposes: to prevent damage to the product. And only on the skin of the fetus. And washing fruits before eating, we wash off the phenol. But do everyone and always wash the same bananas? Someone only peels, and then with the same hands takes on its pulp. That's phenol for you!

In addition, there are food additives that are strictly prohibited in Russia. Remember them: E-121 is a dye (citrus red), E-240 is an equally dangerous formaldehyde. Powdered aluminum is coded under the E-173 sign, which is used to decorate imported sweets and other confectionery products and which is also prohibited here.

But there are harmless, and even useful "E". For example, the additive E-163 (dye) is just anthocyanin from grape skins. E-338 (antioxidant) and E-450 (stabilizer) are harmless phosphates that are essential for our bones.

But doctors still insist on this conclusion: even those food supplements that are made from natural raw materials still undergo deep chemical processing. And so the consequences, you know, can be ambiguous. So it's better to eat what is grown by one's own hands without any chemicals and preserved without preservatives. The only pity is that not all of us are gardeners and gardeners ...

Food additives prohibited for use in the Russian Federation:
E121, E123, E240
Food additives not allowed for use in the Russian Federation:

E103, E107, E125, E127, E128, E140, E153-155, E160d, E160f, E166, E173-175, E180, E182, E209, E213-219, E225-228, E230-233, E237, E238, E241, E252, E253, E264, E281-283, E302, E303, E305, E308-314, E317, E318, E323-325, E328, E329, E343-345, E349, E350-352, E355-357, E359, E365- 368, E370, E375, E381, E384, E387-390, E399, E403, E408, E409, E418, E419, E429-436, E441-444, E446, E462, E463, E465, E467, E474, E476-480, E482-489 E491-496 E505 E512 E519-523 E535 E537 E538 E541 E542 E550 E552 E554-557 E559 E560 E574 E576 E577 E579 E580 E622- 625, E628, E629, E632-635, E640, E641, E906, E908-911, E913, E916-919, E922-926, E929, E942-946, E957, E959, E1000, E1001, E1105, E1503, E15 21.

Some characteristics of other nutritional supplements:

List of chemical designations of food additives in alphabetical order:

O - dangerous; Z - prohibited; P - suspicious; P - crustacean; RK - intestinal disorders; VC - harmful to the skin; X - cholesterol; RJ - indigestion; OO - very dangerous; RD — arterial pressure; C - rash; GM - genetically modified

Classification of food additives:

Agar-agar, 1) RK RJ

Sodium adipates

Potassium adipates

Adipic acid

Azorubin, carmazine WITH

Allura red AC ABOUT

Aluminum (powder-like) ABOUT

Aluminosilicate ABOUT

Calcium aluminum silicate ABOUT

Potassium aluminum silicate ABOUT

Sodium aluminum silicate ABOUT

Sodium aluminophosphate ABOUT

Ammonium alginate ABOUT

Potassium alginate ABOUT

calcium alginate ABOUT

sodium alginate

Alginic acid ABOUT

Alpha tocopherol

Amaranth OR Leads to lime accumulation in the kidneys!

Annato, bixin, norbixin



calcium ascorbate

Sodium ascorbate

Ascorbic acid

Ascorbyl palmitate

Aspartame 2) OO GM

Acesulfame potassium

Potassium acetates

Calcium acetates

Sodium acetate

Acetylated distarch adipate

Acetylated distarch phosphate

Acetylated starch

Sucrose acetate isobutyrate

1) Natural, vegetable gelling agent from red algae. Indigestible. Prevents the absorption of minerals by the body. In large doses, it has a laxative effect.

2) 200 times sweeter than sugar. In Japan and the USA - genetically modified! With poor cleaning and in high dosage, it can be hazardous to health! The allowable dose per day is 40 mg per 1 kg of body weight. In a person weighing 60 kg, this dose is already achieved after consuming 1.2 kg of Light yogurt or 8 cups of aspartame-sweetened coffee. For a child weighing 25 kg, 600 g of Light yogurt is sufficient.

Gamma tocopherol

Hexamethylenetetramine C 2) - red caviar

guaiac resin

ammonium hydroxide

Potassium hydroxide

calcium hydroxide

magnesium hydroxide

Sodium hydroxide

Hydroxypropyl Distarch Phosphate

Hydroxypropyl Starch

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

Hydroxypropylcellulose RK - If more than 6 gr!

Potassium hydrosulfite

calcium hydrosulfite O - Dangerous for asthmatics!

Sodium hydrosulfite RJ O - Dangerous for asthmatics!


calcium glutamate OO - Crispy potatoes, flour products!

Magnesium glutamate ABOUT

Glutamic acid ABOUT

Monosodium glutamate I-substituted ABOUT

Potassium glutamate I-substituted ABOUT

Ammonium glutamate I-substituted ABOUT

Ferrous gluconate A - No more than 20 grams per day!

Potassium gluconate A - No more than 20 grams per day!

Calcium gluconate A - No more than 20 grams per day!

Sodium gluconate O - No more than 20 grams per day

Gluconic acid A - No more than 20 grams per day!

Glucono delta lactone A - No more than 20 grams per day!

Calcium guanylate

Guanylic acid

Guar gum WITH

gum arabic WITH

2) An artificial substance, made from ammonia and formaldehyde. IN Western Europe allowed only in Provalone cheeses. Applied in medicines, for skin and urinary tract disinfection, and as a preservative in cosmetics

delta tocopherol

Dipotassium guanylate E628

Dipotassium inosinate

Distarch Phosphate

dimethyl dicarbonate

Disodium 5"-ribonucleotide

Disodium guanylate

Disodium inosinate

Sodium diphosphates RKO - Destroys calcium, magnesia, iron!

Diphenyl C O 3)


dimethyl dicarbonate ABOUT

Silicon dioxide amorphous (silicic acid)

carbon dioxide


Sulfur dioxide OO - Dangerous for asthmatics!

Titanium dioxide

dodecyl gallate WITH

3) Allowed as a preservative against mold and fungus for the treatment of citrus peel, can be transferred with fingers to the pulp of the fruit itself. It is recommended that you wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning. In animals in high doses causes internal bleeding and organ changes.

Locust bean gum WITH

karaya gum ABOUT

Guaiac gum P

xanthan gum

Tara gum WITH

gellan gum

Xylitol A - No more than 50 grams per day!

Carrageenan About RK

Carbamide (urea)

Dye blue brilliant

Dye black VC

Food coloring orange-yellow "sunset" OS

Food coloring green-S

Food coloring "gold"

Food coloring "indigo-carmine"

Food coloring canthaxanthin Oh - Deposits in the retina!

food coloring curcumin

Food coloring riboflavi

food coloring tartrazine OS

Food dye alkanet (alkanine)

Quinoline yellow food coloring WITH

Food dye carmine (from scale insects!) C

Food coloring azorubine (carmoisine) WITH

Food coloring amaranth WITH

Crimson food coloring WITH

food coloring erythrosin Oh - For the thyroid gland!

Red food coloring WITH

Food coloring red "charming" (Allura) WITH

Food dye blue patented

Food coloring indigo carmine

Food coloring blue shiny

food coloring chlorophyll

Food dye copper complexes of chlorophyll

Green food coloring S

Food coloring simple sugar colors

Food dye sulfite sugar colors

Food coloring sugar ammonium colors ABOUT

Food coloring sugar colors ammonium sulfite ABOUT

Food coloring black shiny

Color food charcoal vegetable

Food coloring brown FK WITH

Food coloring brown HT WITH

food carotene dye

Color food extracts of annatto

paprika oil resin food coloring

food coloring lycopene

Food coloring beta-apocarotene aldehyde

Color food esters of beta-apo-8`-carotenic acid

Flavoxanthin food coloring

Beet red food coloring

Anthocyanin food coloring

Food coloring calcium carbonate salts

Food coloring titanium dioxide

Iron oxide food coloring

Dye food aluminum ABOUT

Silver food coloring ABOUT

food dye gold ABOUT

Food coloring litholrubin BK WITH

Tocopherol concentrate

Carboxymethylcellulose sodium salt With RK - If more than 5 gr!

Paprika dye, capsanthin, capsorubin

Sodium carbonates

Potassium carbonates

ammonium carbonates

Magnesium carbonates

Alum sodium-aluminum ABOUT

Alum-potassium alum ABOUT

Alum aluminum-ammonia ABOUT

Sodium pyrosulfite RJ O - Dangerous for asthmatics!

Potassium pyrosulfite

Pimaricin (natamycin) O - Dangerous for asthmatics!

propionic acid ABOUT

Sodium Propionate ABOUT

Calcium Propionate ABOUT

Potassium Propionate ABOUT

propyl gallate ABOUT

Boric acid ABOUT

Polyoxyethylene sorbitan tristearate ABOUT

Pyrophosphates ABOUT

Triphosphates ABOUT

Polyphosphates ABOUT

Polydimethylsiloxane ABOUT

Polydextrose ABOUT

Polyvinylpyrrolidone A - No more than 90 grams per day!

Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone O - Can be found in wines!

Saccharin ABOUT

Sorbic acid

Potassium sorbate

sodium sorbate

Sulfur dioxide OO - May be found in white wines!

sodium sulfite RJ O - Dangerous for asthmatics!

potassium sulfite RJ O - Dangerous for asthmatics!

calcium sulfite RJ O - Dangerous for asthmatics!

Sorbitol and sorbitol syrup

Salts of fatty acids


Sorbitan monostearate ABOUT

Sorbitan tristearate ABOUT

Sorbitan monolaurate, SPEN 20 ABOUT

Sorbitan monooleate, SPEN 80 ABOUT

Sorbitan monopalmitate, SPEN 40 ABOUT

Sorbitantrioleate, SPEN 85 ABOUT

Hydrochloric acid

Sulfuric acid ABOUT

Sodium sulfates

Potassium sulfates

calcium sulfates

Ammonium sulfates

aluminum sulfate ABOUT

The article describes a food additive (moisture-retaining agent, complexing agent, baking powder, acidity regulator, stabilizer, emulsifier) ​​pyrophosphates (E450), its use, effects on the body, harm and benefits, composition, consumer reviews

Functions performed


complexing agent

baking powder

acidity regulator



Legality of use




What is food additive E450 - pyrophosphates?

Pyrophosphates are sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium salts and esters of pyrophosphoric acid, which are also known as food additive E450.

The term "pyrophosphates" in relation to food additives combines a group of eight substances, among which:

  • disodium pyrophosphate (disodium diphosphate) - E450i;
  • trisodium pyrophosphate (trisodium diphosphate) - E450ii;
  • tetrasodium pyrophosphate (tetrasodium diphosphate) - E450iii;
  • dipotassium pyrophosphate (dipotassium diphosphate) - E450iv;
  • tetrapotassium pyrophosphate (tetrapotassium diphosphate) - E450v;
  • dicalcium pyrophosphate (dicalcium diphosphate) - E450vi;
  • calcium dihydrogen pyrophosphate (calcium dihydrogen diphosphate) - E450vii;
  • dimagnesium pyrophosphate (dimagnesium diphosphate) - E450viii.

Pyrophosphates are obtained chemically by dehydration or acidification with hydrochloric acid. Pyrophosphates are a powder consisting of white or transparent crystals with good solubility in water.

Pyrophosphates, E450 - effect on the body, harm or benefit?

With constant use food products with pyrophosphates in their composition in the body, a disproportion in the content of calcium and phosphorus can occur. In this case, the process of calcium absorption is likely to be hindered, which can lead to an undesirable accumulation of calcium and phosphorus in the kidneys, which will contribute to the development of osteoporosis. Especially if your diet contains foods that are also a source of phosphorus.

In addition, the food supplement E450 helps to increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood and can have a carcinogenic effect on the body. Given all of the above, consumers need to exercise caution when purchasing foods that include pyrophosphates.

Dietary supplement pyrophosphates - food application

Pyrophosphates are multifunctional food additives with many properties valuable for production. Additive E450 can act as a stabilizer, emulsifier, synergist for antioxidants, acidity regulator, color fixer, water-retaining agent, prolongs food shelf life, can also be a baking powder, complexing agent.

When used in the meat processing industry, pyrophosphates increase the moisture-binding capacity of meat and meat products, while increasing the yield of finished products, improve and retain color and appearance product, maintain organoleptic properties, inhibit oxidation processes.

Pyrophosphates are also used as special melting salts in the manufacture of processed cheeses, and can also be found in various dairy products.

When buying meat for cutlets, processed cheeses, bread or sausages, the consumer wants to know that he is getting a safe product. However, in reality, everything turns out to be the opposite, since here the level of various food additives is often even higher than in sweets. In particular, the additive E 450 is often found, the harm and benefits of which are actively discussed by experts.

Pyrophosphates of potassium, sodium and calcium salts - to add a group of these substances under a single code "E 450". Or, more correctly, salts of pyrophosphoric acid: potassium, calcium or sodium, depending on the specific type of substance. Among themselves, they are further subdivided into 2-substituted, 3-substituted and 4-substituted. All these elements are of synthetic origin, based on phosphoric acid, which is affected by hydroxides, oxides or hydroxides in the process of dehydration. At the finished substance White color, structure of crystalline fine powder. There is no smell, the taste is slightly sour.

Food supplement E 450 is an emulsifier used as a leavening agent, pH regulator (acid-base balance) and also for liquid retention.

The greatest prevalence of salts of pyrophosphoric acid was acquired from manufacturers of household chemicals: almost no detergent compositions with antibacterial properties can do without them. The same quality was appreciated by companies involved in the food industry, as they paid attention to the antioxidant qualities of pyrophosphates. Mostly sodium salts are used here, which can be found in the following products:

Product group Purpose of using food additive E 450
minced meat, sausages starting the process of protein swelling, retaining moisture, increasing the juiciness of the mass
young cheeses, processed delamination prevention
bakery sweet products, confectionery, syrups preservation of consistency, inhibition of the crystallization process
vegetable cream, spread, margarine structure stabilization
soft drinks, fruit preserves, loose leaf teas for brewing acidity regulation
unsweetened bakery products, flour improving the structure of the test
cocoa-based drinks prevention of turbidity, stratification, sedimentation
raw frozen potatoes prevention of surface darkening (oxidation), preservation of density during subsequent heat treatment

According to this table, the harm of the food additive E 450 cannot be assessed, but one can imagine how popular it is with food manufacturers, as well as what a wide range of properties it has. In some moments, it is related to polyphosphates (additive E 452), and it is considered less dangerous, but it still cannot be called a healthy substance.

The permissible norm of this substance (for humans) is 70 mg / kg, while more than 9 g per each kg of the mixture is not directly introduced into food products, excluding sports nutrition, where 20 g/kg are possible. For this reason, doctors believe that it is difficult for most consumers to exceed the safe dosage, which means that there is no need to actively avoid products in which pyrophosphates are introduced.

According to studies, this food supplement has a 4th hazard class, i.e. it is relatively harmless to the body. However, not all nutritionists agree with this and argue that the food supplement E 450:

  • has carcinogenic properties, and therefore can cause malignant neoplasms;
  • not in the best way affects the work of the digestive tract;
  • can cause an imbalance of vitamins and minerals, washing out some important salts from the body, which is primarily dangerous by reducing bone density;
  • increases cholesterol levels.