Mayevsky crane for aluminum radiators. Mayevsky's crane: the principle of operation and the need for installation. How to release air from the heating system

A very common problem in is incomplete warming up. But not everyone has the necessary information to solve this problem on their own. Many call specialists every time a breakdown of this plan occurs, others cope with the help of an adjustable wrench and a basin for water. And the rest, after reading this article, will install a Mayevsky crane for themselves. The principle of operation of this device is described below.

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What is a Mayevsky crane, the principle of operation

In 1931, an unknown plumber-fitter S.A. Roev from Minsk developed a special device that allowed air to be bled out by combining two parts with a gasket between them. In 1932, this crane was tested by users and recognized as a working device. But 1933 showed the world the inventor Ch.B. Mayevsky, who improved the device with improved sealing, a cone-to-cone valve design, and a safe key to actuate it. Since then, Mayevsky's crane has been used to this day, although official name device, which is indicated in GOSTs and SNiPs - a radiator needle air valve.

The device is based on the principle of spontaneous release of air from the battery. The valve is designed in such a way that when it is opened, the shutter needle rises, which, in turn, opens a special hole with a diameter of 2 mm. Through this hole, all excess air that has collected in the battery exits. The square head screw moves the valve's operating port.

Important! During operation of this valve, it is necessary to turn off the circulation electric pump for more efficient air bleeding. In the event that your boiler is equipped with a built-in liquid circulation pump, it must be disconnected from the mains.

Photo of the Mayevsky crane and a description of its varieties

Each project has a different arrangement of working bodies (batteries and a heated towel rail), so the design does not always allow placing the Mayevsky crane in an accessible place for maintenance. Which led the developers to create several types of valve.

Crane hand model

The most common modification, since it has a fairly reliable mechanism, the main thing is that access to it is free, since the tap is opened with a flat screwdriver or a special four-sided key for the Mayevsky tap. The needle mechanism works in two varieties, horizontally opening the shutter to allow air to pass through, and with a hole in the nut body.

Mayevsky crane

How automatic air vents work

The principle of operation of an automatic air vent for heating is the presence of a float. The float supports the needle valve through a spring, the system is set to a certain air pressure in the radiator, as soon as the air becomes more than the allowable value, the valve will open and bleed all excess air through the hole in the center of the faucet head. When the pressure returns to normal, the valve will close. The installation of this version of the device applies only to hard-to-reach nodes. On an industrial scale, other devices are used to eliminate the airiness of batteries.

Mayevsky crane automatic

Faucet with safety valve

This is an improved Mayevsky manual crane, supplemented with a high pressure sensor. The essence of his work is to prevent breakage heating system and its working bodies in case the pressure exceeds 15 atmospheres. The valve will open and drain excess water from the battery. Excessive may be created due to water hammer.

Why does air accumulate in the system?

Air lock is a malicious enemy of the heating system. The more air in the batteries, the worse they heat, because the air does not allow the coolant to completely fill the heater, and it does not heat up at full power. Causes of air ingress:

  • Depressurization in progress repair work riser or batteries.

  • If a complete drain was made from the system. In this case, the presence of air pockets in the pipes is inevitable.

  • If damage has occurred at the junctions of individual parts of the structure.
  • Poor assembly of the heating system, expressed in inadequate fixation of one or more nodes.

There are a number of other reasons for oxygen to enter the pipes, but they occur very rarely.

Important! In the process of regular airing, the metal of the heating elements undergoes corrosion, since oxygen negatively affects the structure of the material, destroying it. Such a system will last much less than heating with a rare ingress of air into the radiators.

Installation of a crane in the system

First of all, you need to carry out preparatory work. Their list varies depending on the . As for general recommendations, before starting work, it is necessary to drain all the coolant from the system.

Installation of the device in a cast-iron battery

Initially, the old modification does not imply the presence of a special hole for additional devices that improve heating performance. Therefore, you need to sweat a little so that Mayevsky's faucet is adapted for cast-iron radiators.

  1. Completely disconnect the connected pipes from the battery. Remove it from the wall hooks and completely drain the rest of the water through the bottom hole.
  2. Determine the side that is opposite from the side where the hot water enters.
  3. Now you need to drill a hole in the center of the top plug, the diameter of which matches the faucet you bought (it is better to buy the minimum thread diameter so that it is easier to make a hole for it). Having made an entrance, you need to cut the thread in increments of 1.5 mm.

  1. Everything, you can screw the faucet into the finished hole.

Note! Frequent water hammer occurs in the central heating system, so you should buy a faucet with safety valve. In such systems, the installation of an automatic air vent is impractical due to the principle of its operation and the contamination of the coolant. The drain hole will often become clogged. Cleaning it is quite simple: you need to take a needle and clean the hole to full release from dirt.

Installation of a Mayevsky crane in modern systems

Radiators of the new generation are by default designed for the installation of all kinds of taps. Therefore, installation is much easier.

  1. Drain all the water.
  2. Remove the plug that sealed the hole you need. If the connector has an unusual diameter, then you need to completely unscrew the core, and having bought a suitable one, assemble all the elements.
  3. The faucet itself must be screwed in such a way that the drain hole looks from the wall and down at 45 degrees from the horizontal. This is the ideal position for the location of the container needed when draining the liquid.

Nuances in the process of operation

In order for the process of bleeding the accumulated air in the system to occur without undesirable consequences, the following is detailed instructions all manipulations.

  • If the movement of the heat exchanger is due to, then it must be turned off. This is done 15 minutes before the start of work. This is necessary so that the air stops mixing with water and accumulates at the top of the battery.

  • Stock up on a dry rag and an empty bucket, because when you open the valve, you need to wait until the air stops hissing, water will follow. You can close the valve only when the water begins to flow in an even, uninterrupted stream.
  • What to do if the air does not stop bleed? Look for breakdown or loose twisting in the area of ​​the battery being serviced. You can do this with a piece of paper. Leave the valve open and move the paper from a distance of 1 cm over all possible places on the radiator and suitable for it. Having found the place of air leakage, replace the damaged element.
  • When the air vent system has not been used for several years, the valve threads can become sour. You will have to use a WD-40 type lubricant, after which, with a light tap on the tap, try to unscrew it.

How to choose the right device

To date, there is a wide range of modifications and design of the Mayevsky crane. There are certain nuances that you should pay attention to when buying. The main indicator of durability is the brass base. In addition to the metal itself, you need to pay attention to the quality of the thread, the ease of use of the mechanism for opening the valve, the presence of sealing gum on the fitting. Inlet pipe size extends to 1, ½, ¼ inches.

Modern devices are equipped with a ready-made plastic valve, which saves the owner from using improvised means. But such models are not entirely practical in rooms where children are often.

For an illustrative example, the table shows models from different manufacturers with prices

Image Manufacturer Type of modification price, rub.

JSC "BAZ"Manual ½"35

Santeh worldAutomatic 1"449

Thermo houseManual ½"310

RBMManual ¾"352

Carlo PolettiManual ¾"318

"Delta"Automatic fuse335

Mayevsky crane

Alternative replacement options

  • Cranes are water folding. Often they are placed at the end point of the heating system. Such a faucet is used to fill pipes with water and to drain it. If the heating is autonomous, they put such a tap at the beginning of the system, so that it is possible to conduct an audit for the presence of air jams. A water supply is connected to the initial tap, and a certain amount of time is drained from the final tap to expel all the air. Such a system is fundamentally different from the Mayevsky crane and the principle of its operation.

  • If for some reason the owner does not want to install the Mayevsky crane, the following procedure can be performed. Loosen the threads on the top pipe coming out of the radiator. So, air will come out, and at the same time it will splatter everything around.
  • In the case when the system does not involve the use of a pump, it means that the water flow rate is small. In this case, you can organize a natural removal of oxygen. So, a vertical outlet with an empty expansion tank at the end cuts into the upper part of the battery in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pipe.
  • When using an ion boiler with a closed water circulation system, the Mayevsky tap will not last long. The fact is that a brine solution is added to the coolant for greater acceleration of ions in the boiler. When air is bled, salts will be deposited inside the valve, which will lead to a quick breakdown. For ion boilers, special devices are provided that are resistant to salts.

Important! Any alteration of the design of the heating system, which is not fixed in the GOST or SNiP standards, must be coordinated with specialists public services regarding heating appliances. Otherwise, you endanger not only yourself, but also all the people around you.


Of course, each owner of heating devices based on a liquid heat carrier has the right to decide for himself how best to modify his system and whether to do it at all. But I would like to note that the use of the Mayevsky crane, firstly, will increase the efficiency of the entire installation, secondly, it will facilitate battery maintenance, and thirdly, it will not take much from you Money, because, as you noticed, the table given in the article demonstrates the cheapness of products. Now you know what a Mayevsky crane is, the principle of operation and the nuances of operation.

Together with the coolant, dissolved air enters the heating system. Accumulating in significant quantities, oxygen creates plugs that prevent the normal circulation of the fluid. This reduces the quality of the heating of the building. To eliminate the airing of the system, a Mayevsky crane was designed. The principle of operation is simple and understandable, therefore such a device is installed everywhere - whether it is a multi-storey building or a modest cottage.

Appointment of the Mayevsky crane

Air is lighter than water and therefore accumulates at the peak points of the space heating system and radiators. This happens for several reasons:

  • pipes do not fill up quickly enough with water;
  • the fed system was partially empty;
  • There is a lot of dissolved oxygen in water.

Sometimes the accumulation of air provokes a special arrangement of the heating system, when loops of pipes are formed in some areas, turned upwards.

In 1931, the State Planning Committee decided that conventional taps should be installed on the systems for the purpose of removing air during low-level wiring. But through them, the inhabitants of the houses not only eliminated air congestion, but often drained hot water, which in this case acts as a coolant, and then used it for household needs - for example, to wash the floors. This was unacceptable from the point of view of sanitation and the technology of central heating of buildings. Therefore, Mayevsky cranes began to be installed on radiators, which greatly complicated the task of inappropriate use of the coolant.

How the Mayevsky crane works

The device was developed in 1933 by an engineer from Leningrad, Cheslav Bronislavovich Mayevsky. Officially, it is called a radiator needle air valve.

According to some historical data, the crane from Minsk S.A. Roev first appeared. It consisted of two parts separated by a gasket. The devices were tested in 1932. A year later, Mayevsky improved this design by improving the sealing of parts. In a more modern interpretation, the engineer connected the parts in a cone-to-cone manner.

The crane consists of the following components:

  • frame;
  • taper cap screw;
  • turning part;
  • air inlet and outlet.

The air outlet device drives the locking screw. The latter is controlled by a screwdriver or manually, depending on specific model. In the modern version, a special key is already installed on the crane, so using the device has become easier.

Benefits of installing a Mayevsky crane:

  • increasing the efficiency of the heating network;
  • simplification of maintenance of radiators;
  • affordable cost of the node itself.

But such a crane, despite the listed advantages, has a drawback. Since the quality of the coolant often leaves much to be desired, blockages often occur in the tap during operation.

Depending on the execution, there are three types of crane:

  • radiator- it is intended for heating devices;
  • traditional- is established everywhere, is equipped with an external carving;
  • complete- is a ball valve with KM.

According to the method of unscrewing, there are such devices:

  • under a screwdriver;
  • turnkey four- or six-sided;
  • with a handle that does not require a tool.

Various materials and their combination are also used for manufacturing. There are KM:

  • steel;
  • brass;
  • cast iron;
  • stainless steel;
  • plastic.

Most often, the assembly is made from brass, which is resistant to corrosion, which threatens materials due to adverse operating conditions. Often unscrupulous sellers give out cheap silumian for brass. But this material is unreliable, products from it quickly fail.

Attention! Children love to play with different objects. Therefore, in their room it is better to install a tap that opens with a screwdriver. If the baby opens the faucet on his own, he will get burns.

Automatic KM

Automatic KM are convenient in private homes with individual heating, because they eliminate air congestion and regulate the pressure on their own. Inside this node there is a chamber, inside equipped with a float. That, in turn, is connected to the needle valve located at the top of the assembly.

When the air gap exceeds the set limit, the valve opens for a while, allowing air to leave the system. Then, due to the action of the float, it returns to its original position again, preventing water from flowing out.

The main advantage of AKM is that in order to remove the air that has got inside the pipes, it is not necessary to substitute a container, since water does not flow out. The tap is automatically blocked as soon as the coolant level rises. However, automatic models are more expensive than mechanical ones.

Air vents are:

  • straight;
  • corner;
  • radiator.

Video - Mayevsky Crane: what it is and how it works

Where to install the device?

The device is installed at the highest points of the premises network. However, in addition, the installation scheme of the heating system is taken into account.

The vertical method of supplying the coolant requires that the KM be equipped with each radiator located on the top floor, where there is a lower supply in the presence of a return line.

Air vents are also needed everywhere on appliances where the connection is completely or partially below the level of the upper connection axis. Then the natural elimination of the oxygen plug is difficult. With a horizontal version of the KM scheme, it is placed on each heating radiator.

Air valves are also installed in areas where there are bends in the pipeline. So, for example, when a pipe is sharply bent upwards, followed by a short downward descent, a pocket is formed. In this area, air will constantly occur. The crane is installed at the top of the site.

The "warm floor" system in most cases also requires the installation of this equipment. The air release is most effective on the collector group, which rises above the floor level.

Underfloor heating systems are rapidly gaining popularity among owners of private suburban housing and city apartments. IN we will tell you whether it is possible to connect a “warm floor” from heating.

Mayevsky's taps are also equipped with a towel dryer in the bathroom. This is necessary when air is regularly introduced into the system. Under the valve in heated towel rails connected from below, the manufacturer provides a hole. With a lateral connection, this section of the pipe is slightly modified. Then a tee with the desired thread parameters is implanted into the supply zone. Install the device, directing the outlet away from the wall.

It is important! If air constantly accumulates in the pipes, then during the next repair it is worth purchasing models of towels that are already equipped with a Mayevsky tap.

What to look for when buying an air outlet faucet?

Heating systems are subject to water hammer. This rarely happens, but it is a possibility. Therefore, it is better to choose models with a safety valve that is sensitive to pressure drops. When the indicator reaches critical levels, the valve opens and the water leaves the heating circuit.

Reference. Water hammer is a pressure drop that is caused by a sharp change in the speed of the coolant. This phenomenon leads to the formation of cracks, ruptures of pipes, radiators, as a result of which the coolant flows out of the system and floods the premises. Most often, PVC pipes are damaged.

It is better to choose products with gaskets made of rubber or silicone. There are also paronite gaskets, but they proved to be worse. Additionally, the thread can be strengthened with linen tow or fum tape.

When choosing a tap, take into account its location, the design of the heating system itself.

Universal are manual models of cranes. When buying them, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the pipe on which the valve is installed to the wall. The distance is left such that you can use the tool, especially if this requires a screwdriver, pliers.

Automatic machines are not very suitable for centralized heating systems. There, the purity of the coolant raises questions, so the unit is often clogged. Such models are not very suitable for cast iron radiators. In the latter case, manual models in a brass case have proven themselves better. They can also be used in steam heating systems.

But AKM are convenient in tight spaces and places with difficult access. They are also used in underfloor heating systems, since it is difficult to detect the formation of an air lock.

When buying, pay attention to the parameters of the thread. You should also find out the type of seat on the radiator. On sale, manufacturers offer KM models equipped with a handle with a side outlet, which are more convenient than those located in the traditional way.

Also, when choosing a node, the following characteristics are taken into account:

  • allowable pressure;
  • working temperature.

Step-by-step instructions for installing KM into the system

At the first stage, preparatory work is carried out. It is advisable to carry out the installation in the warm season, when it is realistic to remove the coolant from the heating system. Often in old radiators there is no special hole for the KM, so it must be drilled.

  1. At the first stage, pipes are removed.
  2. Remove the radiator from the hooks and completely drain the water.
  3. On the opposite side from the pipe inlet, a hole is drilled in the upper plug, the diameter of which corresponds to the purchased KM.
  4. Inside, a thread is cut according to the one used on the KM. It should be borne in mind that the tap has a right-hand thread, therefore, the cork has a left-hand thread. Another option is to replace the entire cork at once.
  5. Then install the crane, as indicated in the instructions for the device.
  6. The battery is returned to its place.
  7. At the last stage, the pipeline is connected.

The tap outlet is directed slightly down. This makes it easier to collect the water that needs to flow from the faucet.

When installing the device on plastic heating pipes, a fitting is required.

Attention! Valves with manual control are usually installed horizontally, automatic - vertically. The correct installation must be clarified in the instructions.

Video - Equipping a heated towel rail with an air outlet valve

How to release air from the heating system?

If the coolant is driven circulation pump, it is turned off. A minimum of 15 minutes must elapse between stopping the equipment and starting to bleed air. During this time, oxygen will rise up.

Prepare a container that will be needed to collect water. With a screwdriver, a wrench, or turning the handle, unscrew the tap until a characteristic hiss is heard - a sign that air is leaving the system. However, simply waiting for the hiss to stop is not enough. Water needs to flow. This means that the cork got rid of. The jet should be smooth, flow without interruption. Only then is the valve closed.

Attention! Sometimes, even after repeated bleeding, air pockets still form. Then the cause may be a breakdown or insufficient twist.

Features of operation of cranes

With proper use of the device, the entire heating system will work correctly, undesirable consequences will be minimized.

Faucets last a long time. The problematic side of operation is that they are often clogged. Then the equipment is cleaned. Use a needle for this.

A problematic place can be found independently at home without the involvement of a specialist. The method is quite simple, and all you need is a piece of paper. The valve is left open to let air out. They take a sheet of paper in their hands, and at a distance of 1 cm they pass it through all the places where there are connections and along pipes, radiators. In an area where there is no seal, the paper will stick.

This area is carefully inspected and the cause of air leakage is established. Then the system is serviced, the failed element is changed.

It happens that the air vents have not been used for a long time. Then the thread of the tap may oxidize, as a result of which it is impossible to remove air from the heating pipes. To get rid of rust, use WD-40 grease or similar products. Then lightly tap the surface and try to open the valve.

Is it possible to do without air vents?

It is possible to get rid of air bubbles when water is brought to the upper battery plug from above. However, the velocity of the coolant should not exceed 25 cm/s. With faster handling, a Mayevsky crane will be required.

When water is supplied from below, sometimes the risers continue behind the last battery of the last floor with pipes connected to common air collectors. The implementation of this model requires large material costs due to the increase in pipe footage.

Devices have been developed that can replace the Mayevsky crane.

Table 1. Faucet analogues

Device namePeculiarities
Water tapsThe device in design and application is significantly different from the Mayevsky crane. Through the taps, the system is filled with water and emptied. The initial tap serves to supply water, the final one - to remove it from the network.
Vertical outlet with empty expansion vesselSuch a device is installed when the pump is not in use. Expansion tanks are a container that is designed to flow there excess water formed during the expansion of the coolant due to heating. Expansion tanks are open and closed.

Reference. They try not to install Mayevsky cranes on ionic systems with closed circulation. To speed up the circulation of the coolant, a saline solution is added to it. When the air is released, salts will settle on the parts of the assembly, so the service life is reduced.

Some craftsmen with experience in maintaining heating systems do without air vents at all. They eliminate the formed gas locks through the thread of the top connection. However, such work takes some time and requires the development of professional skills.

Do I need an air vent in the heating system or can I do without it? You can understand this by examining the network. If it is obvious that oxygen is collecting and cannot go outside, a valve will have to be installed.

One of the most common causes of malfunction of the heating system is the accumulation of air. The formation of a cork does not allow water to circulate freely. As a result, the radiator with accumulated air does not perform its function, the efficiency of the entire system decreases. More than eighty years ago, the Mayevsky crane was invented, which makes it easy and convenient to “air out” the heating communication. Despite its simplicity, this device is efficient and reliable, which is why it is used in systems today. Let us consider in more detail its structure and principles of operation.

The device of the Mayevsky crane and the principle of its operation

Mayevsky's crane is a plumbing device called only among the people. IN state standards it belongs to the category of shut-off valves, called needle radiator air valve.

Now the industry offers multiple designs Mayevsky crane. This allows you to choose the most convenient option, taking into account the location of its installation. The classic design is a device of two parts:

  • conical screws;
  • corps.

The elements fit snugly together due to calibration, so when closed, the valve securely holds the coolant. The air bleed hole is located on the side of the body.

Mayevsky cranes are made most often from brass. This alloy has a high degree of corrosion resistance, which guarantees a long service life. Depending on the type of design, the Mayevsky crane can be opened with a special ICMA key, a screwdriver or a hand.

In a vertical heating system, consisting of a lower water supply pipeline and an upper coolant outlet thread, all devices located on the upper floor are equipped with such elements. Mayevsky cranes selected by diameter and are screwed into the upper futorki radiators. In a horizontal heating system, these devices are installed on each battery. For side connection heated towel rail in the bathroom used tee. It is mounted in a vertical position, the tap opening must be directed away from the wall. Installation of Mayevsky cranes on radiators, convectors is necessary if the heating system has sections located lower than the upper axis of the device connection. In this position natural venting is not possible.

Mandatory deaeration is carried out immediately after the installation of the heating system, since at the beginning of work in radiators, plugs accumulate in any case. Such work is required when system is turned on after summer. Subsequently, local problems may arise due to the suction of air into the system, which occurs during its operation, the presence of air bubbles in the coolant. The reason for the accumulation of air is the release of hydrogen in the process of corrosion of the metal parts of the communication. Aluminum radiators without a specific coating of the inner surface constantly release this element into the coolant, entering into a chemical reaction with it.

Before work you need:

Mayevsky's manual crane is usually not used in large highways, where air congestion is constantly accumulating. For such systems, other gas exhaust structures are used.

Mayevsky manual crane easy to operate, there are no difficulties with it even for those who have never been involved in the maintenance of heating systems. But in places where airing of the system occurs regularly, it is advisable to install an automatic air vent. Such a problem can happen if the installation of heating pipes was carried out with violations. Faucet with automatic function of removal of air eliminates the need to manually perform this work on a regular basis. This option is convenient for installation in hard-to-reach places.

The designs of automatic air vents may be different, but their principle of operation is the same. The housing has a hollow compartment with a plastic float. He with a checkbox presses on the rod with a spring, access to the atmosphere opens, air comes out. When the cavity is filled with coolant, the float presses on the rod, closing the hole, preventing water from escaping.

For ease of repair in the event of a malfunction or replacement of a worn-out crane, the device is equipped with shut-off valve. It is screwed into the heating system, then the air vent is screwed on. The crane presses the flag in the valve, excluding the leakage of the coolant. Automatic air vents in stores are presented in a large assortment. They can be special, radiator, straight, angular. Therefore, you can choose such an element for any heating system.

Mayevsky crane installation and maintenance

Installation of the Mayevsky crane does not require experience or high qualifications. You just need to choose the right device for the size. These plumbing fixtures are available in 1", ¾", ½" threads. The valve is located in the upper part of the radiator, on the side opposite to the coolant inlet. Before installing taps, the water from the heating system must be drained. Then in the radiator cap the plug is unscrewed and a crane is installed in its place. These devices are equipped with rubber o-rings, but it is advisable to use the winding during installation. For safety sealing, FUM tape or flax fiber is wound on the thread.

In modern radiators in traffic jams are provided tap holes which makes the job easier. If the battery has a different type of plug that does not have an air vent hole, it can be replaced. The faucet must be mounted in such a way that the hole is on the side opposite from the wall, was directed slightly downward. This will allow you to substitute the container when bleeding the air and carefully collect the water. The choice of a manual or automatic air vent depends on personal preferences and the characteristics of the heating system.

Older cast iron radiators may require some preliminary work for installation of Mayevsky's crane. Wherein need to know the following:

  • for installation in a cast-iron old radiator of the Mayevsky crane, you need drill a hole in the top cap, cut the thread, then screw in the air vent;
  • it is not recommended to install Mayevsky automatic taps on such radiators in the central heating system. In such communications, the coolant can be heavily contaminated, so the air vent need to be cleaned frequently. In addition, heating is sometimes turned off in houses and air jams are often created;
  • V central systems heating is sometimes observed hydraulic shocks, up to 15 atmospheres. Therefore, special automatic air vents OMEC or MS-140 are required, which are able to withstand temperatures up to 150 degrees.

Mayevsky crane is different high reliability, has performed its function well for many years. But, if there are impurities in the coolant, the opening of the device may become clogged. In this case, it needs to be cleaned. It can be located directly in the brass case or in a special plastic lining. In any case, the accumulated contaminants easily removed with a regular pin or needle.

If necessary replace For a damaged Mayevsky faucet, you need to stock up on an adjustable or gas wrench, clamp and hold the radiator cap, as unscrewing the faucet will weaken it.

Installation of Mayevsky cranes on radiators of the heating system will not require serious financial costs, a lot of time and effort. But such an addition is significant will simplify the operation of communication and increase its efficiency.

Mayevsky crane efficiency (video)

The appearance of air pockets in the battery radiators worsens the heating of the premises and can lead to malfunctions in the heating system. To prevent this, you need to bleed air. The task can be simplified by equipping difficult places of the thermal circuit with a Mayevsky crane - a special device for venting air.

An air lock prevents the coolant from moving along the circuit and entering remote parts of the batteries, which leads to a decrease in heating efficiency, an increase in pressure in the pipes and malfunctions of the heating system.

The gradual release of air from the hot water circulating through the batteries is a natural and inevitable process. The rate of air pocket formation increases for the following reasons:

  • air entered the system at the stage of installation, repair or replacement of individual sections;
  • during purging and subsequent filling of the system during seasonal maintenance, the coolant was supplied with insufficient pressure;
  • the tightness of the pipe joints is broken and air is leaking;
  • corrosive processes occur - oxidation of the material of pipes and radiators, in which oxygen is released.

Having found a cork, you can call a plumber who will release the accumulated air. If the system is prone to airing, then the calls of specialists will have to be paid regularly. You can solve this problem simply and effectively, and most importantly, cheaply by installing a Mayevsky crane in places where air jams form.

What is a Mayevsky crane

Attempts to solve the problem of air locks in heating systems were made as early as the beginning of the 20th century. For this, taps were actively used - they coped with the task of venting air, but they were often used not only for their intended purpose, but also to drain water from the heating circuit for other purposes.

Uncontrolled discharge of the coolant caused damage to the heating network, as it could cause the formation of additional air locks and a change in pressure in the pipes. In addition, due to the high temperature of the water entering the radiators, people using it could also suffer.

Inventor Ch.B. Mayevsky, after whom the air vent is named, did not come up with the faucet for air release, but a way to seal its parts. Mayevsky proposed to connect the parts of the crane cone to cone. This made it possible to maintain the tightness of the heating network unit in the closed position. In addition, this design made it inconvenient to collect water from the heater.

Air locks inside the heating system inevitably appear in the following cases:

  • when a new heating system is being installed;
  • in case of repair of the system and removal of water from it;
  • when installing new radiators;
  • when air is sucked into the system during its operation;
  • when there is a gradual release of air bubbles from the water, which is a natural physical phenomenon;
  • in the presence of corrosive processes, which are accompanied by the release of a certain amount of air. Aluminum radiators are especially susceptible to such processes in city apartments.

When choosing a device model, you should consider some features of radiators:

  • For centralized heating systems, the best solution would be to use manual taps, which can be vented at any time. It is undesirable to use automatic taps in apartments or houses where central heating works. The coolant in such systems has increased contamination, as a result of which the tap hole will be constantly clogged with dirt;
  • Cranes with automatic control are good in private homes with autonomous systems, because the purity of the coolant is maintained there. It is also recommended to install automation in places with difficult access;
    Battery operated automatic air vent
  • If the heater is installed in some kind of recess or niche, then access to its end may be limited. In this case, it will be impossible to unscrew the screw with a conventional screwdriver. Therefore, it is recommended to use Mayevsky's automatic crane for such a radiator. Or use a special key, which is located in the same plane with the battery;
  • old style cast iron radiators are still used in many rooms. In this case, it is possible to install a Mayevsky manual faucet for cast-iron radiators, but it is better to use special automatic air vents made of brass and having considerable strength.
    Mayevsky manual tap on a cast iron heating battery

Consider how to use the Mayevsky crane. To do this, it is advisable to substitute some kind of container under the battery and stock up on a dry rag. Using a wrench or screwdriver, the locking screw is turned counterclockwise a quarter or half a turn. Air will hiss out of the system. When it comes out completely, water will flow from the tap. It is necessary to wait until the water begins to flow continuously. After that, the locking screw can be tightened.

Knowing what to do, bleeding air from the radiator is very simple.

If the air was successfully bled, and the battery remained cold, then this is a sign of clogging. To clean a clogged battery, you will have to resort to the help of plumbers.

If the faucet hole is clogged, it can be cleaned with a needle or other sharp object.

If the valve has not been used for a long time, the rotation of the adjusting screw may be difficult due to the formation of corrosion on it. If this situation occurs, use WD-40 lubricant spray. Just a few minutes after applying it to the screw thread, it can be easily unscrewed. At the end of the heating season, it is advisable to lubricate the adjusting screw with silicone grease. In this case, the thread will not be destroyed by the effect of the coolant on it.

If it is necessary to replace the Mayevsky crane, use two adjustable wrenches. With one key, you need to hold the plug on the radiator, and with the second - unscrew the tap. If this is not done, then unscrewing the tap can loosen the plug and lead to loss of its tightness.

We have dismantled how to bleed the Mayevsky crane from the system on our own and how to operate the device with automatic control. If you provide the necessary care for this device, check and clean it in a timely manner, the device will last a long time without causing any problems to its owners.

The price of a Mayevsky crane depends on its type, material of manufacture, diameter, and starts from 30 rubles.

Mayevsky's manual crane is a self-sealing device. The product set includes a sealing ring made of rubber, so there is no need to use any additional sealing materials.

Traditionally, the installation of air vents of this type is performed in tandem with radiator fittings (1 dm x ½ dm; 1 dm x ¾ dm). As an installation tool, a spanner wrench specially designed for working with fittings and plugs is used.

Plumbing wrench for installation of radiator fittings and plugs. 1 - ring wrench, 2 - radiator cap, 3 - radiator cap. This tool and parts are often operated when installing faucets that remove air

The operation of Mayevsky cranes (air vents) is permissible only at certain pressures and temperatures. These values ​​are determined technical specification devices.