What kind of water is used for central heating. Central heating: classification of systems and their installation. How to improve the centralized scheme

It’s hard to believe now, but once upon a time there was a time when people heated their apartments on their own. There was no central heating radiator, there were no self-government bodies that demanded money from us to pay the huge costs of heating the house. But, of course, the central heating that exists today is much more better than that that they arranged on their own. In the distant times of the USSR, people were forced to achieve heat in their own homes with the help of stoves, heaters and other not very useful devices.

But do we really like today's central heating system? In apartments, residents of the upper floors are always unbearably hot, while residents of the lower floors are constantly cold. What is the reason? Why isn't the government fixing this? We will try to figure this out, and perhaps even find a way out of this situation. After all, few people want to overpay for extra temperature, which some don’t even reach.

Just keep in mind that if you try to do something with the existing heating on your own, you will encounter fierce resistance both from the heating pipe itself and from the authorities that protect it. If you try to regulate the heat supply to your apartment by changing anything in the system that has existed since the times of the USSR, you simply cannot do anything. Everything can only function as it is. Therefore, if you want to achieve a normal life, make your own heating system.

But first, let's figure out why the heating conditions in our homes are so terrible. Are we being deliberately tortured? No, of course, there is a system defined by law that binds everyone hand and foot and which neither utility workers nor anyone else can violate. It only seems complicated, but in reality everything is simple. During the time of our grandparents, a central heating system was built, which was quite acceptable for that time.

Today it is outdated, but switching from it to a new one is very problematic (although there are new and quite adequate heating systems in new buildings). Therefore, let's study the principle of operation of what we have, and then consider ways to solve the problem, be it installing your own pump or abandoning the centralized heating system.

Operating principle of central heating

Scheme of a closed single-pipe system in an apartment building.

The air temperature is measured in the CHP department. It is by this that utility workers determine the moment at which hot water supply is needed. Sometimes this is done on calendar dates (there are certain times of the year at which local governments are required to turn on central heating). But it also happens that cold weather comes much earlier than the deadlines established by law. Low temperatures are often ignored by local authorities, but if it gets too cold the central heating is turned on ahead of schedule.

From this same thermal power plant, water flows into separate boiler houses attached to apartment buildings. There it is heated taking into account how low the temperature is in a given location. Of course, all apartments are heated from one boiler, which poses a problem. The liquid becomes extremely hot and only then goes down the pipes. This is done so that residents of the last houses can receive water that has not yet been completely cooled. Of course, thanks to this approach, the temperature is distributed in a strange way. Residents of those apartments through which water runs first have to endure unbearable heat. They cannot open the windows because it is minus outside, and quite low at that. But it is impossible to keep them closed, because the air becomes so dry that even plants die. It's a tough situation, isn't it?

I wonder why, if everyone is so hot, school and hospital employees constantly complain that they always have low temperature water? It is not known why, but in accordance with the procedure established by law, hospitals are supplied with minimum temperature water. It's not just about data municipal institutions, but also everyone public places, which are maintained at the expense of the state. Simply put, the more budget the premises, the less is spent on its maintenance.

Of course, after reading everything said above, you may decide that there are no advantages to this method of heating our homes. Of course, this opinion will be wrong. After all, it still functions and is beneficial. Let's look at the most important advantages that central heating has.

The benefits of central heating

Home balancing system "Autobalance".

Let's say right away that there are not many positive aspects and some of them are very controversial. For example, cheap fuel. Indeed, when using central heating boilers, only energy resources are used, which do not require large amounts of energy. Money. Sounds funny, doesn't it? It seems like they heat us with coal, fuel oil and other cheap means, but they charge us money as if for gas, or even gasoline. But, whatever one may say, there is such a plus. Although it is beneficial, for the most part, not to us.

However, there are also points of interest for residents of apartment buildings. Well, for example, high reliability. Seriously, think for yourself, after all, having installed your own boiler, for example, in a private house, you will have to constantly monitor it. What if there is a gas leak or some kind of breakdown. Or maybe it’s central heating, which is under the supervision of housing and communal organizations. Although, of course, nowadays everything is possible. The bureaucratic apparatus has become so lazy that sometimes it takes money but does not carry out repairs. Therefore, if you think about it, this plus can also be called controversial.

And again it seems that centralized heating has no positive aspects. But there is still something. It's about sustainability! Well, think for yourself, can the above fuel sources be dangerous? Of course not! But what difference does it make whether the state boilers will use them or our own? After all, if we are talking about heating a cottage community in which centralized heating predominates, then you can independently install economical boilers that run on coal and heat the owner separately from the general system. And if we talk about apartment buildings, then. We will tell you below what can be done for apartment residents.

So, now it becomes clear that supporters of the idea of ​​leaving general heating from the state have only one argument. It's simplicity that lasts. After all, all that is required of you is to pay large expenses. Everything else is supposedly done by the housing and communal services sectors. But it’s very, very unclear why such a lot of money is being taken.

Differences between one-pipe and two-pipe systems.

Where does the money paid for heating go?

We have to pay exorbitant amounts of money for heating that doesn’t turn on at all when it’s needed and doesn’t heat at all the way we want it. It would be interesting to know what they spend on. Well, of course, all this is explained quite clearly by the state itself. Housing and communal services waste our funds on renovation work and salaries for these persons:

  1. Accountants who calculate all the further paths along which your money will run.
  2. To engineers looking at everything possible ways for installing new pipes and looking for breakdowns in old ones.
  3. Ordinary repairmen.
  4. Bureaucrats working in local governments.

Of course, it is expensive for you to maintain such a large bureaucratic apparatus. And therefore I would like to relieve myself of these responsibilities. But will it be possible to do this, because it is not at all profitable for the officials to let you go. By allowing you to disconnect from the general heating system, repairmen will be left without income coming from your pocket. But the amount of work for them will not decrease. After all, you will still have to monitor the condition of the central heating in your home, as well as your own pipes, since they are a common part of a large system. That is why, when you come to a local government organization to disconnect yourself from the general heating, they will tell you that this is impossible. But there will be no truth in this refusal. So, we are slowly approaching the main question: how to act correctly in order to go free swimming?

Single-pipe wiring diagram apartment building.

A legal way to disconnect from the “common boiler”

So, the local government organization refused to disconnect you from the centralized water heating. What to do now? It's simple, you need to act according to the law. Since you cannot confirm the fact that the housing and communal services did not explain anything to you about how to properly refuse central heating, there is no way to hold them accountable for this. But you can force everyone to fulfill their duties. To do this, you just need to find a way to resolve the issue according to the law. This is entirely possible, but there is a small catch.

Central heating can only be abandoned by a general meeting of residents. The fact is that if you are the only one who wants to log out of the system, no one will agree to let you go. Of course, the law provides for the possibility of independently heating just your apartment. However, this is a troublesome matter, unprofitable for you, and also requires permission and assistance from local governments, which they are unlikely to provide to you.

Therefore, try to explain to all other neighbors that it is not profitable for them to remain on state heating. And here it doesn’t matter whether you are a resident of a village or an apartment. The rules are the same everywhere, by which living is not very convenient and expensive.

So, let’s imagine that your neighbors have made the decision we need. In this case, it is necessary to collect signatures from residents confirming their decision to disconnect from the general heating of the village or apartment building. After collecting signatures, prepare new plan, through which your own heating system will pass. Then this protocol must be submitted to local government authorities, which will decide whether to refuse or allow your request in accordance with a number of rules.

And here it doesn’t matter at all whether housing and communal services workers like your idea or not. It is much more important that they cannot make a claim against you that your plan may be damaged existing system heating After all, it is a large chain, which includes many links. If you remove one link from a chain, it may fall apart. Therefore, the links must be replaced correctly or not touched at all. It follows that you (or the organization you find to perform this task) will bear the burden of responsibility for the operation of all central heating pipes.

Independent heat supply.

Take care not to overload power supplies and gas lines. You will need to install an additional line to replace your pipes that have left the system. With a plan for how you intend to implement this, you need to visit heating networks and gas distribution organizations. There you will hardly encounter problems, since they only need to approve the protocol.

The local government organization will provide you with a list municipalities, which you must visit in order to obtain permission from them.

Having resolved all the bureaucratic red tape, you can get to work. As soon as everything is ready, a consolidated commission from heating networks, gas companies, as well as other responsible organizations will inspect the finished separate heating system.

Residents of the cottage community face a slightly different task. It will be a little easier for them.

What should country house owners do?

How to refuse central heating as a resident of a cottage village? Of course, the question is quite reasonable. After all, there are a huge number of private homeowners who live quite well without knowing what a general heating system is. And they, of course, can install any boilers they want, be they gas, fuel oil, coal or wood. So why are you worse than them? Is it really impossible to save money on this? The answer is yes! There are two ways to do this: either the above-described collection of residents who agree to abandon the common pipe, or independently disconnect from it.

Yes, you heard right. You can refuse centralized heating if you live in a private house. But this is not at all necessary, since the problem of lack of heat in some parts of the house can be solved differently. Inserting the pump into the heating pipes will help with this. The insertion is carried out by you independently and does not require any permission. It will help get rid of problems such as cold pipes in some rooms and slow set of the desired temperature.

Why is a pump better than a new heating system?

Inserting a pump into old pipes will allow you to significantly save on dismantling and installing new heating structures. Seriously, do you really want to spend money on new pipes? Of course not. We resorted to this only because we did not have the opportunity to adjust the old ones. Still, when it’s cold in one room and warm or even hot in another, whether you like it or not, you’ll spend money on a boiler. But this only applied to apartments, and in private houses it is easy to install a pump.

The pump will allow the temperature in the room to level out, reach a certain value, and remain constant throughout the house. This will happen due to the fact that it will drive the coolant through the pipes, pumping out all the air pockets that interfere with the movement of gas or water.

Moreover, the house will become much warmer. The pump can increase the effect of the heating circuit, which will significantly increase heat retention. So decide for yourself: change the old pipes or install new ones, but attach a pump to them.

Central (or centralized) heating - heat supply system large quantity residential properties.

It is most often used for heating apartment buildings, office buildings, and industrial facilities.

Understand essence, structure and principle of operation This article will help you understand the types of central heating systems.

Central heating: what is it?

The structure of district heating is several interconnected elements among themselves.

Heat source and heat exchanger

Can act as a source of thermal energy CHP or boiler rooms Heat and power plant heats the coolant due to the thermal energy generated by steam from water in steam turbines.

Using a heat exchanger, the already heated water transfers heat cold water. In boiler houses, thermal energy is obtained from hot water.

It is believed that one thermal power plant can replace several boiler houses, but the latter also remain in demand.

Heating networks

Represent system of interconnected pipelines for heat transfer to residential buildings. Heat supply networks can be located both underground and above it, and thermal insulation measures must be observed in both cases.

Heat consumer

This equipment for heat production and distribution throughout the facility.

The operating principle of a central heating system is based on: principle of circulation of hot water (or steam) through supply and return pipes, which can be with top or bottom filling. Both of these pipes can be located in the basement of the house, or you can install the water supply pipe in the attic or a specially equipped technical floor, and the return pipe in the basement.

When can a bottom or top spill scheme be installed?

Pipe system with bottom filling is a pair of risers connected by jumpers. Such a system can be installed either on the top floor of the facility, or in the attic.

Pipe systems with top filling installed on technical floor.

Must be connected here air vent and special valves, which would allow each individual riser to be blocked.

This option is considered more advanced and in demand when installing central heating, but has a number of nuances:

  • As hot water moves downward, its temperature is decreasing, which means that it will be colder on the lower floors of a heated building than on the upper ones. Therefore, when installing such a system, you should think about increasing the number of radiators or the area of ​​convectors.
  • When discharging hot water from a specific riser, you must first detect and block this riser is on the technical floor, and then also find and turn off the valve this riser in the basement, which is considered a rather complicated procedure.

However, the top-spout system allows you to start heating quickly. You just need to open the valves and the vent on expansion tank. After this, heat will begin to flow to the object.

Principle of operation

First, the residential property that needs to be provided with heat is connected to the heating network from the boiler house or thermal power plant. To do this, they install in the pipelines of the facility valves, from which the thermal units come. Then they put mud scavengers— devices that will prevent the accumulation of dirt and metal oxides in the pipeline.

After installing the valves and mud traps, the main unit of the entire heating system is installed - elevator. Its function is cool down overheated water from thermal power plants before optimal temperature.

The fact is that the water entering the thermal power plant for heating is overheated to too high a temperature - 130-150 degrees Celcius, and so that the liquid does not turn into steam, optimal pressure is created in the heating network. Therefore, it became necessary to cool the overheated water using an elevator.

Photo 1. This is what an elevator looks like - a mixing unit for heating a house, which works as a circulation pump and mixer.

Based on the condition of the elevator, you can also determine the level of temperature difference in the heating network: when this happens, the elevator nozzle changes diameter.

The heating elevator is followed by another valves, with the help of which the heating in residential buildings is turned off and on.

Installation of discharges- another important detail of central heating installation. Resets are special valves, intended for restart the system. Last but not least, heat meters are installed to determine the amount of heat transferred to the object.

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Connection on a balcony or loggia

Connecting a central heating system on a balcony or loggia - a very controversial phenomenon. The fact is that the connection work plan will need to be agreed upon with the BTI. In addition, freezing water in pipes is also not pleasant. For heating a balcony it is better to use electric heater or do heating floor.

Garage installation - no polypropylene

It is possible to install central heating in the garage if it is equipped with heating system line. If there is no highway, then you can equip it.

It is important to choose the right material for the pipeline. It is not recommended to use polypropylene as a material for pipes.

But this is possible when the garage is attached to a residential building. If the garage is a separate building, then it would be appropriate to build next to it autonomous boiler room, which will heat his premises, however, this will take a large amount of money.

Advantages and disadvantages

A centralized heating system has both advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages are:

  • reliability and quality of service due to constant monitoring of the system by technical services;
  • relatively inexpensive fuel;
  • environmentally friendly equipment;
  • simplicity in use.

As for the disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • pressure drops in the heating system;
  • dependence of the work schedule on the seasons of the year;
  • expensive equipment;
  • inability to independently regulate temperature on heating devices;
  • colossal heat loss during its transportation through pipes and units.

On what basis is water heating divided into types?

Depending on certain factors, there are several types of centralized heating systems.

  1. By consumption mode thermal energy:
    1. year-round- requires constant heat supply;
    2. seasonal- requiring heat only in the cold season.
  2. By appearance coolant:
    1. air- a system that not only heats the building, but also ventilates it; due to expensive equipment it is used extremely rarely;
    2. water— intended only for heating a residential property; widely used for heating apartment buildings and is easy to operate;
    3. steam system— provides the building with heat and water vapor, and is actively used in industrial facilities.
  3. 3. By connection method heating:
    1. independent— a heating system in which the coolant heats water in a heat exchanger;
    2. dependent— the coolant is heated in the heat generator and immediately supplied through the heating networks to consumers.
  4. 4. By connection method to the water supply system:
    1. open— a system in which hot water is supplied directly from the heating network;
    2. closed— water is supplied from the water supply and then heated in a heat exchanger.

Is it possible to abandon the centralized system and connect an individual one?

Disable centralized heating system in your apartment it’s quite possible if you do this legally, in compliance with the law, which, by the way, does not prohibit this.

There are several reasons for disabling:

  • impressive bills for heat consumption;
  • quality services (there are often cases when heating is too weak or may be stopped altogether);
  • users' desire to connect to autonomous heating system.

Turning off central heating in an apartment building is not an easy procedure.

The fact is that this is a closed system, and the release of any element from it leads to its destruction. In the future it will be necessary complete reconstruction of the system.

If you live in an apartment building, then you probably have a centralized heating system. Unlike autonomous systems, it provides heat not only to your apartment, but also to all apartments in your house, therefore there are a number of features in its functioning.

Claims are often made against centralized heating, considering it ineffective. In our article we will look at the operating features of this type of heating, and also formulate recommendations on how to make central heating less costly.

Batteries don't always heat up!

General information about central heating

Features of operation

First, let's look at the fundamental points that determine the operation of heat supply according to the scheme described here.

Schematic representation of the system

  • With centralized heating of apartments or private houses (yes, such options are also sometimes implemented), heat is generated in a room other than the one in which it is consumed.
  • The place of thermal energy production is a thermal power plant or a district boiler house, from which the heated coolant is supplied through pipelines to the apartments of heat consumers.

Note! The average operating radius of a district boiler house is about 3 km. This distance is determined by the amount of heat loss when transporting hot water through pipes.

To increase the distance between boiler rooms, it is necessary to use better pipe insulation.

  • Heat supply systems can be water and steam; accordingly, steam or hot water boilers. Boilers are heated by burning fuel - gas, fuel oil, coal, wood waste, etc.
  • After the coolant (water or steam) reaches the required temperature, it enters the pipeline system, through which it is transported to the heating radiators in consumer apartments. The water is cooled in the radiators, after which it returns through the return circuit to the boiler room.

Boiler room with modern equipment

Boiler houses and thermal power plants also have a procedure for chemical water purification. Dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide are removed from the coolant, and water hardness is also reduced. This is done in order to minimize the formation of scale inside the pipelines, as well as to reduce the intensity of corrosion processes.

Pros and cons of a centralized scheme

Despite the fact that the centralized heating scheme is considered by many to be ineffective (and we will see why below), it has several quite objective advantages:

  • Firstly, the cost of producing thermal energy on a large scale will be lower than with individual heating. In this case, you will not need to purchase heat-generating equipment, install it yourself or with the help of specialists, perform settings, etc.

Photo of a hot water boiler

Note! The high price of heating equipment is one of the factors hindering the development of individual heating.

  • Secondly, central heating installations can run on relatively cheap fuel, which further increases the economic effect of their use.
  • Boiler houses use fairly reliable heating equipment, which quite often allows the use of fuel different types. This increases the level of system fault tolerance.
  • Since heat generating enterprises are located at a distance from the heated facility, residential apartments are not polluted by fuel combustion products.

However, against the backdrop of these advantages, there are quite significant disadvantages:

  • Central heating is characterized by impressive volumes of heat loss both during the production of heat and during its transfer to the point of consumption. During the passage of a multi-kilometer pipeline, the water has time to cool, so to maintain comfortable temperature In an apartment, you need to spend significantly more fuel than in the case of autonomous heating.
  • It is almost impossible to control the temperature in the room: all adjustments are made in the boiler room itself. So, either a situation with underheating or the opposite situation may arise, when, at a completely acceptable external temperature, the heating radiators heat up excessively.

Also, do not forget about financial issues. The dynamics of heating tariffs in our country are very difficult to predict, which is why many people prefer to decide for themselves when they need to heat their home and how much they are willing to pay.

Ways to improve efficiency

How to improve the centralized scheme

Very significant heat losses during transportation from the generator to the consumer require special measures aimed at optimizing the central heating system. And here, by by and large, only two approaches are possible.

The more effective the thermal insulation of pipes, the warmer the house

The first approach can be implemented if both the boiler room and the pipelines are under your control. In this case, to improve the operation of heat supply it is necessary:

  • Install more advanced heat generating equipment with high efficiency levels. The consequence of this will be a reduction in fuel consumption, and therefore a reduction in costs.
  • Provide high-quality thermal insulation for all pipelines, thereby minimizing heat loss during transportation. Our website contains video instructions that clearly demonstrate how to arrange such thermal insulation.

Note! It is advisable to invest in the development of a heating network in any case, but such investments will be most effective for centralized heating of cottage villages or private apartment buildings.

The second approach is to account as accurately as possible for the thermal energy provided to the consumer from the boiler house or thermal power plant. This approach involves the installation of heat meters - individual or communal. Installed meters are registered with the heat supply organization, and payment for heating is calculated based on their indicators.

Household meter

Avoiding central heating

If the situation with the centralized scheme categorically does not suit you, then there is an opportunity to abandon it and switch to individual heating.

True, in this case you need to be prepared for bureaucratic obstacles, since governing bodies are very unfavorable towards such ideas.

  • Firstly, in most cases, permission to install individual heating is given only when the entire house is disconnected from the heating network.
  • Secondly, in case of unauthorized shutdown, payment for heat will still be charged.
  • Thirdly, despite the existence of legislative grounds for such a refusal (Article 546 of the Civil Code Russian Federation), you will have to prove your right to disconnect early in court.

Alternative to central heating

But if you succeeded, and you are no longer “tied” to the central network, you need to design autonomous heating as efficiently as possible.


It should be noted that although decentralization of heating is the most effective way optimization of costs (both financial and energy), it still cannot be considered as a universal measure. A centralized scheme has advantages that should not be completely abandoned.


Heating: central and autonomous

Today there are two types of heating: central and autonomous, or local systems. The first are distinguished by the fact that heat is generated outside the heated room, and is supplied to it through pipes or other communications. This type of heating is most common in cities, for example, in multi-storey buildings or non-residential premises.

In rooms with a small number of floors, this type of heating is not very convenient or profitable, since the heat consumer is too far from its source. It is for this type that autonomous heating exists. That is, the heat generator is located downstairs, in the basement of the room that needs to be heated. It is used to heat a single building, but can also serve to heat water or even food.

Now we can see how poorly public services are provided and people are not provided with normal heat precisely because of the inability of centralized heating to function properly. Due to such poor quality work, human casualties may even occur.

It is not surprising that in this regard, the issue of autonomous heating becomes relevant; the issue of this is especially acute in cities. Indeed, with centralized heating, there is a large loss of heat, sometimes up to thirty percent (although in the West - only two), it’s cold in the houses, and people waste money. The way out of this situation is to create a local heating system in each home. Which can have a positive impact on residents’ budgets.

This method of solving the problem is also used in the construction of cottages and country houses.

Water heating- the most common in Russia, although the name does not accurately describe it, because in addition to water, any other liquid that conducts heat can be used. This type is often called “traditional” precisely because of its widespread and commonplace nature among many cities.

In this system, a heated liquid, which is most often aerated water, flows through a system of pipes and transfers heat to the air in the room. This method has a number of advantages, such as the low cost of consumables, because water heating requires much smaller diameter pipes. We also must not forget about the high heat capacity of water, which is four thousand times higher than the heat capacity of, for example, hot air. But, of course, this system also has disadvantages, for example, such a system is not so easy to install and subsequently operate. This is because the creation of this system is possible only during construction or during a major renovation of a building and requires a large amount of work. Also, uninterrupted operation of the generator is necessary to constantly heat the water, and the generator must be monitored. And many problems will arise for those who leave home for long time, especially if this happens in winter - all the water needs to be drained before the trip, otherwise, when the water freezes, the pipes may burst. But the absence of water in the water supply system gives rise to corrosion, which becomes more intense in the air space.

There is also direct electric heating, in which electrical energy is converted into heat without any intermediaries.

This type is most popular in Europe and would be well suited for Russian cities, but it is not so common on its territory, due to the fact that electricity is quite expensive, and in Russia there are frequent interruptions in its supply to residents. Therefore, heating only using electrical energy is ineffective and irrelevant in our country.

But the high cost of electric heating is still exaggerated. In fact, with a more careful calculation, one can see that economically such a system is even more profitable than the traditional one, so it should spread to Russia too. And besides this, it has a number of other advantages. This is: the ability to easily and quickly regulate the heat supply, depending on natural conditions, which is suitable for the current changeable weather, the lightness and convenience of this system, the small size of the devices, which also do not require the same maintenance as water ones, the hygiene and environmental safety of this type of equipment and the noiselessness of the system - after all, electric heaters do not need circulation pumps water.

Environmental friendliness electrical system heating is a particularly important factor in modern world, especially since almost all other types pollute in one way or another environment emissions after use. Diesel fuel, gasoline, coal, after combustion they all leave waste, which then needs to be disposed of, and combustion products also enter the atmosphere. Electricity does not use any external materials, so the cleanliness of the house and nature will be guaranteed. There will be no leakage of gas or other fuel, and the harm caused by solid fuel disappears when using electricity. All this speaks in their favor, which is why they are the best for buyers.


Central heating: types, options, what it is, photo diagrams, how to disconnect from it

It’s hard to believe now, but once upon a time there was a time when people heated their apartments on their own. There was no central heating radiator, there were no self-government bodies that demanded money from us to pay the huge costs of heating the house. But, of course, the central heating that exists today is much better than what we arranged ourselves. In the distant times of the USSR, people were forced to achieve heat in their own homes with the help of stoves, heaters and other not very useful devices.

But do we really like today's central heating system? In apartments, residents of the upper floors are always unbearably hot, while residents of the lower floors are constantly cold. What is the reason? Why isn't the government fixing this? We will try to figure this out, and perhaps even find a way out of this situation. After all, few people want to overpay for extra temperature, which some don’t even reach.

Just keep in mind that if you try to do something with the existing heating on your own, you will encounter fierce resistance both from the heating pipe itself and from the authorities that protect it. If you try to regulate the heat supply to your apartment by changing anything in the system that has existed since the times of the USSR, you simply cannot do anything. Everything can only function as it is. Therefore, if you want to achieve a normal life, make your own heating system.

But first, let's figure out why the heating conditions in our homes are so terrible. Are we being deliberately tortured? No, of course, there is a system defined by law that binds everyone hand and foot and which neither utility workers nor anyone else can violate. It only seems complicated, but in reality everything is simple. During the time of our grandparents, a central heating system was built, which was quite acceptable for that time.

Today it is outdated, but switching from it to a new one is very problematic (although there are new and quite adequate heating systems in new buildings). Therefore, let's study the principle of operation of what we have, and then consider ways to solve the problem, be it installing your own pump or abandoning the centralized heating system.

Scheme of a closed single-pipe system in an apartment building.

The air temperature is measured in the CHP department. It is by this that utility workers determine the moment at which hot water supply is needed. Sometimes this is done on calendar dates (there are certain times of the year at which local governments are required to turn on central heating). But it also happens that cold weather comes much earlier than the deadlines established by law. Low temperatures are often ignored by local authorities, but if it gets too cold, the central heating is turned on ahead of schedule.

From this same thermal power plant, water flows into separate boiler houses attached to apartment buildings. There it is heated taking into account how low the temperature is in a given location. Of course, all apartments are heated from one boiler, which poses a problem. The liquid becomes extremely hot and only then goes down the pipes. This is done so that residents of the last houses can receive water that has not yet been completely cooled. Of course, thanks to this approach, the temperature is distributed in a strange way. Residents of those apartments through which water runs first have to endure unbearable heat. They cannot open the windows because it is minus outside, and quite low at that. But it is impossible to keep them closed, because the air becomes so dry that even plants die. It's a tough situation, isn't it?

I wonder why, if everyone is so hot, school and hospital staff constantly complain that their water temperature is always low? It is not known why, but in accordance with the procedure established by law, hospitals are supplied with a minimum water temperature from the central heating battery. This applies not only to these municipal institutions, but also to all public places that are maintained at the expense of the state. Simply put, the more budget the premises, the less is spent on its maintenance.

Of course, after reading everything said above, you may decide that there are no advantages to this method of heating our homes. Of course, this opinion will be wrong. After all, it still functions and is beneficial. Let's look at the most important advantages that central heating has.

The benefits of central heating

Home balancing system "Autobalance".

Let's say right away that there are not many positive aspects and some of them are very controversial. For example, cheap fuel. Indeed, when using central heating boilers, only energy resources are used, on which large amounts of money are not spent. Sounds funny, doesn't it? It seems like they heat us with coal, fuel oil and other cheap means, but they charge us money as if for gas, or even gasoline. But, whatever one may say, there is such a plus. Although it is beneficial, for the most part, not to us.

However, there are also points of interest for residents of apartment buildings. Well, for example, high reliability. Seriously, think for yourself, after all, having installed your own boiler, for example, in a private house, you will have to constantly monitor it. What if there is a gas leak or some kind of breakdown. Or maybe it’s central heating, which is under the supervision of housing and communal organizations. Although, of course, nowadays everything is possible. The bureaucratic apparatus has become so lazy that sometimes it takes money but does not carry out repairs. Therefore, if you think about it, this plus can also be called controversial.

And again it seems that centralized heating has no positive aspects. But there is still something. It's about sustainability! Well, think for yourself, can the above fuel sources be dangerous? Of course not! But what difference does it make whether the state boilers will use them or our own? After all, if we are talking about heating a cottage community in which centralized heating predominates, then you can independently install economical boilers that run on coal and heat the owner separately from the general system. And if we talk about apartment buildings, then. We will tell you below what can be done for apartment residents.

So, now it becomes clear that supporters of the idea of ​​leaving general heating from the state have only one argument. It's simplicity that lasts. After all, all that is required of you is to pay large expenses. Everything else is supposedly done by the housing and communal services sectors. But it’s very, very unclear why such a lot of money is being taken.

Differences between one-pipe and two-pipe systems.

We have to pay exorbitant amounts of money for heating that doesn’t turn on at all when it’s needed and doesn’t heat at all the way we want it. It would be interesting to know what they spend on. Well, of course, all this is explained quite clearly by the state itself. Housing and communal services waste our funds on repair work and salaries for these individuals:

  1. Accountants who calculate all the further paths along which your money will run.
  2. Engineers considering all possible ways to install new pipes and looking for breakdowns in old ones.
  3. Ordinary repairmen.
  4. Bureaucrats working in local governments.

Of course, it is expensive for you to maintain such a large bureaucratic apparatus. And therefore I would like to relieve myself of these responsibilities. But will it be possible to do this, because it is not at all profitable for the officials to let you go. By allowing you to disconnect from the general heating system, repairmen will be left without income coming from your pocket. But the amount of work for them will not decrease. After all, you will still have to monitor the condition of the central heating in your home, as well as your own pipes, since they are a common part of a large system. That is why, when you come to a local government organization to disconnect yourself from the general heating, they will tell you that this is impossible. But there will be no truth in this refusal. So, we are slowly approaching the main question: how to act correctly in order to go free swimming?

Single-pipe wiring diagram for an apartment building.

A legal way to disconnect from the “common boiler”

So, the local government organization refused to disconnect you from the centralized water heating. What to do now? It's simple, you need to act according to the law. Since you cannot confirm the fact that the housing and communal services did not explain anything to you about how to properly refuse central heating, there is no way to hold them accountable for this. But you can force everyone to fulfill their duties. To do this, you just need to find a way to resolve the issue according to the law. This is entirely possible, but there is a small catch.

Central heating can only be abandoned by a general meeting of residents. The fact is that if you are the only one who wants to log out of the system, no one will agree to let you go. Of course, the law provides for the possibility of independently heating just your apartment. However, this is a troublesome matter, unprofitable for you, and also requires permission and assistance from local governments, which they are unlikely to provide to you.

Therefore, try to explain to all other neighbors that it is not profitable for them to remain on state heating. And here it doesn’t matter whether you are a resident of a village or an apartment. The rules are the same everywhere, by which living is not very convenient and expensive.

So, let’s imagine that your neighbors have made the decision we need. In this case, it is necessary to collect signatures from residents confirming their decision to disconnect from the general heating of the village or apartment building. After collecting signatures, prepare a new plan for your own heating system. Then this protocol must be submitted to local government authorities, which will decide whether to refuse or allow your request in accordance with a number of rules.

And here it doesn’t matter at all whether housing and communal services workers like your idea or not. It is much more important that they cannot make a claim against you that your plan may damage the existing heating system. After all, it is a large chain, which includes many links. If you remove one link from a chain, it may fall apart. Therefore, the links must be replaced correctly or not touched at all. It follows that you (or the organization you find to perform this task) will bear the burden of responsibility for the operation of all central heating pipes.

Independent heat supply.

Take care not to overload power supplies and gas lines. You will need to install an additional line to replace your pipes that have left the system. With a plan for how you intend to implement this, you need to visit heating networks and gas distribution organizations. There you will hardly encounter problems, since they only need to approve the protocol.

The local government organization will give you a list of municipalities that you must visit in order to obtain permits from them.

Having resolved all the bureaucratic red tape, you can get to work. As soon as everything is ready, a consolidated commission from heating networks, gas companies, as well as other responsible organizations will inspect the finished separate heating system.

Residents of the cottage community face a slightly different task. It will be a little easier for them.

What should country house owners do?

How to refuse central heating as a resident of a cottage village? Of course, the question is quite reasonable. After all, there are a huge number of private homeowners who live quite well without knowing what a general heating system is. And they, of course, can install any boilers they want, be they gas, fuel oil, coal or wood. So why are you worse than them? Is it really impossible to save money on this? The answer is yes! There are two ways to do this: either the above-described collection of residents who agree to abandon the common pipe, or independently disconnect from it.

Yes, you heard right. You can refuse centralized heating if you live in a private house. But this is not at all necessary, since the problem of lack of heat in some parts of the house can be solved differently. Inserting the pump into the heating pipes will help with this. The insertion is carried out by you independently and does not require any permission. It will help get rid of problems such as cold pipes in some rooms and slow set of the desired temperature.

Why is a pump better than a new heating system?

Inserting a pump into old pipes will allow you to significantly save on dismantling and installing new heating structures. Seriously, do you really want to spend money on new pipes? Of course not. We resorted to this only because we did not have the opportunity to adjust the old ones. Still, when it’s cold in one room and warm or even hot in another, whether you like it or not, you’ll spend money on a boiler. But this only applied to apartments, and in private houses it is easy to install a pump.

The pump will allow the temperature in the room to level out, reach a certain value, and remain constant throughout the house. This will happen due to the fact that it will drive the coolant through the pipes, pumping out all the air pockets that interfere with the movement of gas or water.

Moreover, the house will become much warmer. The pump can increase the effect of the heating circuit, which will significantly increase heat retention. So decide for yourself: change the old pipes or install new ones, but attach a pump to them.


Yesterday and tomorrow of centralized heating systems

Heating a private home » Heating installation

Central heating system

It is difficult to imagine residents of high-rise buildings heating their apartments independently. For these purposes, since Soviet Union There is central heating. This cannot be said to be an ideal option, since during the heating season it is impossible to adjust the temperature in the house at your own discretion. However, the fact that you do not need to worry about energy reserves, the serviceability of heating mains and many organizational issues compensates for this disadvantage.

Significant flaw in the system

The name of the heating system indicates that its operation is controlled centrally. Sometimes according to the calendar, but more often, depending on the air temperature, hot coolant begins to be supplied from thermal stations into the centralized supply pipes. Typically, hot water transfers heat. It goes to district boiler houses, from where it is sent to each home.

The thermal minimum is usually taken to be the amount of energy required to heat the largest building in the sector. This is both good and bad at the same time. Buildings that are remote from the boiler room are provided with a sufficient amount of heat. At the same time, residents of nearby houses suffer from too high temperatures. Exactly the same principle is used when supplying thermal energy to a particular house - it should be enough to provide heat to the most distant riser.

As a result of an unregulated central heating system, there is a clear imbalance temperature conditions. Residents of some buildings complain about an excess of thermal energy, while apartment owners in other buildings clearly do not receive enough kilocalories. Installing a control valve on your own is prohibited, and employees of heating mains are in no hurry to respond to statements about professional installation of shut-off valves.

Their behavior is quite predictable. Nobody wants to have many additional joints in their house that can leak at any moment. Yes and regulatory documents this is not provided. In other words, the principle of operation of centralized heat supply systems can be expressed as follows: we suggest using what is available.

Positive sides

However, it is worth recognizing that central heating has more positive aspects than negative ones. Among them:

  1. Use of relatively cheap fuel. Most boiler houses burn fuel oil or coal. Some stations have been converted to gas or waste from the woodworking industry. In any case, they use the most accessible and inexpensive coolant for a particular area.
  2. High degree of reliability. A very important factor, which is based on the maintenance of heat generators and networks by qualified specialists. Provided that all preventive and scheduled work is carried out in a timely manner, heating systems never fail even under extreme operating conditions.
  3. Only environmentally friendly raw materials are used as energy carriers. Thanks to this, a stable environmental situation in the region is maintained. And it is much easier to control the work of several large enterprises than to inspect thousands of small boiler houses.
  4. Easy to use. Consumers do not need to monitor the operation of heating equipment. Radiators are constantly heated to the desired temperature so that the home remains comfortable.

Today's realities

Modern glass radiators for central heating system

When constructing new buildings, modern approaches to organizing the heating system are used. It is designed according to the principle of regulated consumption. Users are given the opportunity to independently determine their needs and create a payment budget utilities.

The heating unit itself is also different. Now it is a technological system aimed at saving energy. A high level of automation and programmability create the prerequisites for optimizing the entire process. Such complexes are usually called automated individual heating points.

They are equipped with modern boiler models that analyze the temperature of the coolant not only at the outlet, but also at the inlet. Depending on the results, the devices automatically increase or decrease productivity. The indicators of external temperature sensors are also taken into account. Analytical nodes can provide on-demand daily reports on load patterns for the day or other period of time.

It is an undeniable fact that central heating is undergoing major changes today. A major reconstruction of the main components of the giant mechanism is taking place, and work is underway everywhere to improve the heating lines. In the near future, centralized systems will be in no way inferior to autonomous schemes.

Many people living in apartment buildings, usually have centralized heating - this is the option that operates from a common network. The operation of such a system has a number of features and differs in many respects from the system autonomous heating used in private homes.

Many believe that centralized heating is an ineffective method of heating a home. Therefore, it is important to consider in detail the technical features of this type of heating, as well as understand how the connection to central heating should be made and how you can save your money.

This method of heating a room in an apartment has a number of features:

  • Central heating in a cottage and apartment involves creating heat in a room other than where the heating is performed. The place where heat energy is obtained is usually considered to be a local boiler house or thermal power plant. It is from there that the coolant, heated to the required temperature, enters the apartments through a pipeline;
  • There are two types of central heating systems - steam and water, which explains the presence of steam and water boilers in boilers. The source of energy in this case is Various types fuels (coal, wood waste);
  • after the temperature of the water in the central heating reaches the required value, it enters the pipes, from where it subsequently goes to the heating radiators. In these devices, the water is gradually cooled and then returned back to the heating point.

Many boiler houses pre-clean it with special chemicals before supplying water to the apartment. In this case, the hardness of the coolant decreases. Moreover, the remaining oxygen and carbon dioxide leave it. The purpose of this treatment is considered to be to prevent the occurrence of scale and corrosion inside the pipe system.

Central heating in an apartment building

Despite the fact that many consider a centralized heating system to be ineffective, this method has significant advantages, including the following:

  • This type of residential heating costs much less than autonomous heating. Moreover, there is no need to buy expensive devices that create heat, or do the installation work yourself;
  • devices that heat the coolant before supplying it to homes can run on cheap fuel, which greatly increases the efficiency of the system;
  • many boiler houses are equipped with special devices that operate on any type of fuel, which has a positive effect on the reliability of this heating method;
  • Before abandoning central heating, you need to remember that this heating option is considered environmentally friendly, since no harmful combustion substances enter the apartments.

But this heating method has some disadvantages:

  • heat losses in such systems are considered high. When the coolant enters an apartment, it travels a long distance, during which time it has time to cool down. Therefore, to maintain the optimal temperature in the house, it is necessary to use much more energy compared to autonomous equipment;
  • it is impossible to control the heating temperature, which is characterized by complete control by the boiler room. Situations of lack of heat or excessive overheating often arise, which negatively affects the microclimate in the apartment;
  • You cannot disconnect from the central heating yourself, as such actions entail legal proceedings;
  • Due to the increase in tariffs, many owners decide to install autonomous system heating, but, as mentioned above, before turning off the central heating you need to obtain special permission.

Everyone knows that the coolant passing through a pipe system loses most of its temperature, which characterizes the need to optimize the operation of the heating system to reduce heat loss.

This problem can be solved using one of several options. The first method will be suitable if the boiler room and the entire pipe system are fully regulated by the owners themselves. In this case, improvements could be as follows:

  • installation of a more modern and efficient unit with high performance productivity. As a result, the pressure in the central heating system will change, fuel consumption and cash costs will decrease;
  • the ability to provide the system pipeline with high-quality insulating material, which will reduce heat loss as it moves to the batteries. Moreover, the thermal insulation material will protect the entire structure from possible freezing, which is very important in cold winter conditions.

The essence of the second option is as follows: thermal energy, which is supplied by a boiler room or thermal power plant to a specific living room, is strictly controlled. Typically, this option involves installing special energy-saving meters. All further payments for heating services will be reproduced solely on the basis of their readings.

Possibility of switching to autonomous heating

If you don’t like the operation of a centralized heating system, then there is a way to switch to autonomous heating of your home. But, as mentioned earlier, such work has a number of obstacles: it is especially important to obtain appropriate permission to carry out such work, since any replacement of central heating pipes must be under the control of special authorities of the housing and communal system.

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We consider the pros and cons of each type of heating in a new building.

Some 30 years ago, almost all houses in the USSR were connected to a centralized heating system. However, today the buyer has the opportunity to choose between several: centralized, autonomous or individual apartment-by-apartment. In this article we will look at the features of each of the systems.



Photo from the archives of the residential complex "Wings"

Pros of a central heating system:

Possibility of using inexpensive fuels;

Lower cost when buying an apartment;

No operating costs;


Disadvantages of a central heating system:

The system operates according to a strict seasonal schedule;

Impossibility of individual temperature control of heating devices;

Heat loss during transportation and heating in an apartment building;

Deterioration of networks leads to frequent accidents and interruptions in energy supply.


Photo from the archives of the residential complex "Wings"

With this type of heating, the heat source is located directly in the apartment (usually a gas boiler).

Advantages of apartment heating:

Possibility of regulating the temperature in the apartment up to complete shutdown;

With constant attention to gas equipment, compliance with all operating rules and clear accounting, savings are possible;

Guaranteed stable heat supply.

Disadvantages of apartment heating:

Higher purchase cost;

High repair or replacement costs gas equipment;

The need for constant monitoring of the serviceability of the gas equipment used;

The need to independently organize repair and maintenance work related to the operation of gas equipment and chimneys;

Entrance and basement spaces are not heated, since some developers do not equip common areas with heating systems;

In the absence of permanently living neighbors, their apartments are not heated, and accordingly your heat loss is increased;

Increased water consumption: it takes time to heat hot water in the circuit, so you will drain part of the volume while waiting for hot water from the tap;

Increased risks of accidents due to improper operation of equipment (by any of the residents).


Photo from the archives of the residential complex "Wings"

IN last years An increasing number of developers prefer this type of home heating. With this type of heating, the heat source is located in a dedicated room (on the roof, such as in or in a separate building). As a rule, one autonomous boiler house supplies heat to one house or a small number of houses.

Advantages of an autonomous boiler room:

Guarantee of stable heat supply;

Complete absence of operational concerns related to heat generation and gas facilities on the part of the owner;

You only pay for heating your apartment, not heating the street;

Low cost of repairing boiler room equipment per apartment;

Heat in common areas;

Safety - the possibility of smoke and open flame entering the premises is virtually eliminated;

Increased safety guarantees due to the planned routine maintenance work.

Disadvantages of an autonomous boiler room:

Inability to completely turn off the heating in the apartment (eliminate heating fees);

Higher cost of an apartment compared to a centralized one;

If the boiler house runs on imported fuel, heating payments are high.

ATTENTION! Whatever the heating system, the apartment will not be warm if the house has poor thermal insulation! We will talk about the nuances of construction technology in one of the following issues.

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