Why is sodium benzoate added? Food supplement E211 - sodium benzoate - its harm to the body. Sodium Benzoate with Ascorbic Acid

Name: E211, sodium benzoate
Other names: E211, E-211 (Sodium Benzoate)
Group: food additive
Kind: preservative
Effect on the body: forms carcinogenic compounds
Allowed in countries: Ukraine, EU countries, Russia (RF)

Description e211

The preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) exists in two forms - natural and artificial. Natural sodium benzoate (preservative e211) in not in large numbers found in the fruits of plants such as cranberries and apples, dried grapes (raisins) and spices such as cinnamon and cloves. Artificial preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) is small crystals white color, almost odorless or barely perceptible smelling of benzaldehyde, sweetish in taste.

The preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) is used to make ready-made foods (sealed, frozen or prepared for consumption) long time kept their freshness. The preservative e211 does not allow bacteria and fungi to multiply, from which the products do not deteriorate for a long time.

Sodium benzoate is a water-soluble substance with a heat-resistant structure, which is destroyed only when the temperature exceeds 300 °.

Application of E211

The preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) is used in the production various kinds food products with a long shelf life. Such products include semi-finished products from meat and fish (canned food, caviar), shrimp and crab sticks. And canned fruits, berries and pickled vegetables (as well as olives). As a food additive, the preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) is added to purees, sauces, mayonnaises, sweets and soft drinks (lemonades and juices). Before adding to the prepared products, the preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) is dissolved in water or in another liquid (1/2), and then with the main composition.

Sodium benzoate (preservative e211) has antiseptic properties, for this reason it is used in pharmaceuticals in the manufacture of cough syrups. Preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) protects tobacco and cigarettes from mold.

The preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) in itself is not very harmful, much more harmful human body applied by mixing different properties of preservatives, dyes, oxidizing agents, stabilizers and thickeners. Together, these food additives form carcinogenic compounds. Sodium benzoate (preservative e211) is used in the manufacture of chemicals, added to dyes and adhesives, as well as polymer stabilizers.

The effect of e211 on the body

It is advisable not to combine the preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) with ascorbic acid (vitamin C, found in citrus fruits or berries). In the process of oxidation, heating and bright light, acids and salts combine and form a substance with carcinogenic properties - benzene, which damages liver cells (liver cirrhosis may begin to develop). The preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) is allowed to be used as a food additive in many countries of the world in the production of canned food. But there are some countries where the preservative e211 is banned as a food additive.

But the use of sodium benzoate (preservative e211) is limited: no more than 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. With frequent or abundant use of products containing the preservative e211 (sodium benzoate), the risk of allergic reactions or the development of cancer cells, malignant tumors increases. Direct inhalation of sodium benzoate (preservative e211) or on the mucous membrane of the eyes is hazardous to health. Smokers are at risk because of the carcinogen benzene in cigarettes (tobacco). It is advisable for young children not to give products containing the preservative e211 (sodium benzoate) because of the negative impact on their nervous system and intellectual development.

Marking E211 denotes a preservative additive, which has the full name sodium benzoate or sodium benzoate. On appearance, it is white granules or crystalline powder, with a slight taste, almost odorless. Is a combustible product. Does not break down when boiled. Keep no more than 2 years.

The composition of E211 is the sodium salt of benzoic acid. It does not exist in its natural form, it is a completely synthetic product. His made from benzoic acid which is also an additive, code E210, but occurs naturally, for example, in:

  • plums,
  • carnation,
  • raisins,
  • apples
  • mushrooms,
  • cranberries.

It is moderately soluble in ethanol and highly soluble in water, unlike E210, and therefore has received more widespread use.

Important. The additive is a fully synthetic product that does not exist in its natural form.

A bit of history and geography of use

For the first time this preservative was obtained at the end of the 19th century. This synthetic substance kills microbes, acts as an antibiotic. This is not surprising, for this purpose it was created to be used instead of salicylic acid.

However, it found its application in food production, first in the United States, and then throughout the world. Over time, some states recognized negative impact substances on the human body and banned for use.

Russia, the EU, Ukraine allow the use, so in these countries it is widely distributed for good preservative properties and inexpensive cost (80 rubles per kilogram). In our country, they are even added to children's food.


According to INS ( international system) considered chem. the compound belongs to a group of substances called "Preservatives", having numbers from 200 to 299. This group has the properties:

  • extend the shelf life
  • sterilize chemically,
  • inhibit the activity of fungi and bacteria.

On a note. Among all groups of E-additives, preservatives and antioxidants are among the most harmful.

Why is it used?

E211 has a negative and positive effect, which depends on how a person uses it. It stops the reproduction of fungi, bacteria and mold, slows down redox processes.

However, its effect is so strong that it can not only prevent decay, but also “refresh” the taste and color of products that are already losing their properties. The main danger lies in the carcinogenic effect.

For example, interacting with vitamin C, it turns into the strongest carcinogen - benzene, which is the cause of cancerous tumors. The additive may cause cell cancer.

Despite the fact that E211 itself is a strong preservative, it is often used in combination with lactic acid or with greater effect inhibition of microbial activity. Often it is used together with stabilizers (group E400-499) and dyes (group E100-199).

Effect on the body

The substance accumulates in the body and can have an extremely negative impact on health, ranging from allergies to cancer. The greatest harm is caused by interaction with tartrazine () and vitamin C ().

World Organization Health (WHO) recognizes it as relatively harmless only at negligibly small doses. According to the WHO, it can lead to dermatitis, exacerbation of asthma (CICAD26, 2000).

According to GOST 12.1.007 E211 belongs to the 3rd hazard class, moderately hazardous substances. It continues to be actively investigated for harmfulness to human health. Even the WHO admits that it is not fully understood. There are already a number of studies confirming its negative effects, the most harmful of which is the effect on people's DNA.

For example, the scientist Peter Piper proved that sodium benzoate can lead to Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease, cirrhosis of the liver and other diseases. The preservative generates free radicals that damage the mitochondria of cells and accelerate their “aging”.

Some studies have found a link between the use of this chemical compound and childhood development. For example, in 2007 the Food Standards Agency in Britain determined the effect of a preservative on hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder in children.

Permissible dosage

The safe dose according to IPCS (International Program for Chemical Safety) is 647-825 mg/kg body weight. Other sources, such as the Ecological Union of St. Petersburg considers the maximum dosage for non-alcoholic beverages to be 150 mg/litre.

What is the harm to human health:

  1. Causes cancer.
  2. It negatively affects human DNA, leads to serious illnesses.
  3. Disrupts metabolism.
  4. Leads to an allergic reaction.
  5. Disrupts work nervous system.
  6. Violates the work of the kidneys, liver.

Some authoritative organizations are already strongly recommending the elimination of this substance. For example, the Ecological Union of St. Petersburg says that the harm of E211 is proven and dangerous to health, and believes that it should be banned in Russia.

Foreign manufacturers have been actively looking for a replacement for several years. It can be assumed that as soon as a replacement is found, the chemical compound will be declared as hazardous to health and banned by European countries.

Where is it applied?

The chemical compound is used in various fields of human activity, but it is ubiquitous in the food industry. It is present in all canned food, for example, in juices, olives, jams. It is also added to:

  • margarine;
  • sauces;
  • mayonnaise;
  • ketchups;
  • chips;
  • non-alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cheeses;
  • ready-made salads;
  • caviar;
  • candies;
  • chewing gum;
  • delicacies.

Attention. If you bought canned food, it will almost certainly contain the chemical compound in question.

For the antibacterial effect of E211 appreciates the cosmetology industry and adds it to creams, lotions, and pharmaceuticals includes it in medicines. A preservative is a frequent component of household chemicals for body and hair care: it is found in shower gels, shampoos, and toothpastes.

In addition, the preservative perfectly protects tobacco from mold, therefore it is added to cigarettes. It is used by the pyrotechnic industry and the aviation industry.

The chemical compound in question this moment, is considered moderately dangerous, the main harm lies in the cancer-forming carcinogenic effect. Negative influence per person has not been fully studied, but it is already known that it should not be given to children under 5 years old, and adults should limit their use.

What is sodium benzoate and why is it needed in food

Sodium benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid, chemical formula C6H5CO2Na. This chemical compound is used as a food additive E211, belonging to the group of preservatives. Sodium benzoate is used to combat fermentation, mold and yeast, lactic and acetic acid bacteria, because. inhibits the activity of enzymes responsible for redox reactions and enzymes that break down fats and starch in cells. It prevents rotting of products, thereby increasing their shelf life. So it is safe to say that it is one of the important preservatives in the food industry.

Where is sodium benzoate used

Sodium benzoate (BN) in itself is not a dangerous additive - at least, this is commonly believed in our country, because. In Russia, BN is included in the list of permitted food additives for use in food - as we remember, as a preservative. BN is also legal in the US and Japan, but banned in some other countries.

If you look at the hygienic regulations for the use of preservatives in SanPiN 2.3.2 #-03, then the number of product categories for which there is such a regulation, which means that this additive may contain this additive, will be more than thirty. Note that we are talking about groups of goods, not their types: cake creams, jams, jellies, sauces, soft drinks (including non-alcoholic beer), spirits with an alcohol content of less than 15%, dairy desserts (not thermally processed), preserves from fish, mustard, pickled vegetables, chewing gum, salted fish, glazed fruits and many other product categories. Full list- (Appendix 3, paragraph 3.3. Hygienic regulations for the use of preservatives).

By the way, one of the largest "users" of sodium benzoate is the multi-billion dollar soft drinks industry, incl. the next time you drink a jar of Sprite or Dr. Pepper, check the ingredients.

But that's not all. “The antibacterial qualities of E211 are used in pharmaceutical activities, as well as in the production of various hygiene products: gels, shampoos, toothpastes. Sodium benzoate is used for pyrotechnic purposes, to create the typical squeal when a rocket takes off. It is also used in the aviation industry, it serves as a protection for aluminum parts and electroplated coatings, ”we read on the website of the manufacturer of food additives, including sodium benzoate, American Food Company (the company is actually Russian).

Is sodium benzoate dangerous for humans?

Okay, let's assume that the fact that sodium benzoate is used to "squeal when a rocket takes off" does not indicate its danger to humans (unless you stand under the rocket). The main claims against BN are different: its effect on the body when reacting with ascorbic acid and its ability to cause mitochondrial DNA dysfunction. If you don't understand anything, don't worry - we didn't figure it out right away either.

Sodium Benzoate and Vitamin C

So, first about ascorbic acid, i.e. vitamin C. More or less neutral sodium benzoate, reacting with it, can form benzene in small quantities, which is a strong carcinogen. Chronic benzene poisoning in the worst cases leads to leukemia and anemia, and acute poisoning leads to instant loss of consciousness and death within minutes (if you are interested in the details, use Wikipedia - we have already put a link to the "Benzene" page for you). Of course, in the case of food, neither one nor the other threatens you, however, with the regular use of products containing sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid, nothing good should be expected either.

Be aware that vitamin C is often "hidden" in food formulas under the food supplement number E-300. Beautiful and important in itself, in combination with BN, ascorbic acid becomes hazardous to health.

Sodium Benzoate and DNA

British scientist (don't laugh, please), professor from the University of Sheffield Peter Piper (Peter Piper) conducted a study on the effects of sodium benzoate on yeast cells. Piper found that BN inhibits part of the DNA located in the mitochondria - the parts of the cell responsible for converting organic compounds that enter the body into energy. In this part of the cell is the so-called. mitochondrial DNA (as opposed to the "basic" DNA located in the cell nucleus). So, sodium benzoate inhibits this very mitochondrial DNA up to its complete dysfunction. If it damages the mitochondria, then energy will not be produced, and the cell itself will not be able to fully exist. According to Piper, cited by the British edition of The Independent, such dysfunction can lead to Alzheimer's disease, neurodegenerative disorders and "enhancement" of the aging process.

Piper also argues that studies of sodium benzoate conducted by the WHO in 2000 are out of date, and further testing is needed to confirm the safe status of ND. Obviously, until they are carried out, BN cannot be considered safe.

Of course, Piper has opponents who say, among other things, that in order for BN to become dangerous to humans, it is necessary to eat a whole mountain of it. However, scientists are also concerned about the effect of E-211 on children's hyperactivity, and a number of foreign manufacturing companies food products is looking for an alternative to sodium benzoate.

Instead of output

We don't really want to scare anyone. There are many food additives in the world - and in general things - worse than sodium benzoate. But we vote for the maximum reduction in the use of chemical additives in food and believe that nature has already created food exactly the way a person needs it (without sodium benzoate). A curtain.

Sodium benzoate is another food additive that is actively used not only in the food industry, but also in the field of cosmetology. In its pure form, this substance is considered safe, but upon contact with ascorbic acid, it is converted into carcinogenic benzene, and this chemical compound is already capable of causing irreparable damage to our health. What is actually sodium benzoate, and what consequences should be expected after the use of products containing it?

Substance characteristic

Sodium benzoate is a preservative, which is hidden under the code E211 on the labels. This substance is a white crystalline powder with a sweet taste. Its structure is heat-resistant, and the destruction of crystals occurs only at temperatures above +300°C; dissolves well in water.


So, is sodium benzoate harmful or not? In many countries of the world, this substance is freely used in food preservation. However, in some states, the use of this dietary supplement is prohibited. Why is there such ambivalence towards her?
It's all about the health effects sodium benzoate can have.

  1. In combination with vitamin C and their subsequent oxidation, heating and exposure to intense lighting, a reaction occurs, during which it forms a carcinogen that has the ability to destroy liver cells.
  2. The use of this preservative is strictly limited, otherwise sodium benzoate will cause harm to health, which will manifest itself in the form of an allergy, and with a severe overdose, there is a risk of developing malignant neoplasms.
  3. Dangerous for health is the inhalation of this substance, as well as its direct contact with the mucous membranes.

    On a note! The carcinogen benzene is found in cigarettes, which is why smokers are especially at risk of developing cancer, in particular lung cancer!

  4. The preservative sodium benzoate should not be included in the products that you offer your children, as it can negatively affect their mental development and the functioning of the nervous system as a whole.

Where is E211 used?

Sodium benzoate has found its use both as a preservative and as an antiseptic. It is added to food products for their further preservation, and is also used in the manufacture of facial cosmetics and toothpastes.


What is sodium benzoate in the product? Additive E211 plays the role of a preservative, thanks to which the product is able to be stored for a long time without losing its freshness. It is used for sealing vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, as well as for freezing them. Sodium benzoate prevents the development of fungi and bacteria, as a result of which the keeping quality of products is significantly increased.
In the food industry, this preservative is used in the production of:

  • meat and fish semi-finished products;
  • caviar;
  • frozen shrimp;
  • canned fruits and berries;
  • canned olives and olives;
  • vegetable and fruit purees;
  • sauces;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweets;
  • juices;
  • lemonades.

Thanks to sodium benzoate, products are able to be stored for a long time and at the same time their taste will be improved.
On a note! The preservative E211 is added in two stages: first it is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:2, and then this solution is mixed with the product base!

Cosmetical tools

Sodium benzoate is one of the preservatives found in cosmetics. According to its effect on the skin, it is considered low-toxic. Used to prevent the development of pathogens. In addition, as in the food industry, here it allows you to increase the shelf life of cosmetics.

Important! There is also the so-called natural cosmetics, which include only natural preservatives. However, such products have a short shelf life and should only be stored in the refrigerator!

How does sodium benzoate affect the skin?

  1. Together with the pathogenic flora of the cosmetic preparation, this synthetic preservative is able to destroy the "peaceful" bacteria that live in the upper layers of the skin.
  2. This substance can cause the development of allergic reactions, which manifest as a rash, redness, itching.
  3. The chemical additive E211, as can be seen from point 1, contributes to the aging process of the skin.

Looking at this list, it becomes clear why some are willing to overpay for natural cosmetics. After all, despite the fact that its cost is quite high, and the shelf life is short, it consists of natural ingredients, and therefore is safe for the skin.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Updated: 26-04-2019

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Sodium benzoate or food additive E211 is one of the most alarming by its name alone. It can be seen in a large number of products presented on the shelves of grocery stores, as well as in cosmetics and even in medicines. So what harm does the E211 additive represent for a person, is it worth it to be afraid of?

This substance does not occur in nature: benzoic acid (which has the code E210) is found in apples, as well as lingonberries and cinnamon, but sodium benzoate or the sodium salt of benzoic acid is a synthetic substance that began to be obtained as early as 1875. In its key properties, E211 food additive is a preservative that was developed to replace salicylic acid, used to preserve the freshness of foods in the 19th century. True, sodium benzoate was allowed to be used in the food industry only at the beginning of the 20th century, it happened in the USA.

Today, despite the potential harm, the food additive E211 is allowed in the countries of the Customs Union, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, and also in Russia.

Sodium benzoate is a crystalline powder that has a shelf life of up to 2 years and does not break down at high temperatures. Its mechanism of action is as follows: the preservative changes the acid-base balance of the cell, acidifying it, as a result of which the fermentation of lipids and starch slows down. Due to this, pathogenic microorganisms lose their source of nutrition and the ability to reproduce, which means they gradually die. Predominantly sodium benzoate affects the activity of fungal microorganisms and bacteria.

The impact of this substance on human health is still debated. In general, E-additives in the group of preservatives (200-299) are considered the most dangerous, since they have a carcinogenic property. It is exacerbated mainly in combination with certain substances: for example, with vitamin C, which provokes the formation of benzene, an element that can cause the appearance of cancer cells.

The main harm from the food additive E211 is its ability to accumulate in the body.

The difficulty in determining the exact degree of danger of sodium benzoate lies in the lack of human studies: all experiments were carried out on mice, which makes it impossible to obtain absolutely reliable data. It is possible that the E211 additive can:

  • inhibit the activity of the nervous system;
  • negatively affect intelligence;
  • increase hyperactivity;
  • develop attention deficit disorder.

Mostly these moments are noticed in relation to the child's body. In adults, the situation looks a little different: sodium benzoate can be dangerous for allergy sufferers, people with asthma, and aspirin intolerance. A negative reaction follows from the respiratory system (bronchospasm, suffocation), skin (urticaria).

Also, long-term use of products containing sodium benzoate in large quantities leads to its accumulation in the liver and kidneys, which negatively affects the functioning of these organs. At the same time, some scientific organizations claim that a dose in the range of 647-825 mg per kg of body weight is safe for health.