Calorie content of vegetables and fruits table in descending order. Calorie content of all fruits. Canned eggplant caviar

Fast food is still not forgotten by us, but is it just as loved as it used to be, when all the city billboards invited to visit this or that institution? Everything today more people different ages discover the benefits of a healthy diet. Caring about keeping the body in good shape, attention to the figure - all this goes against the eating of food that, apart from its taste, cannot boast of other virtues.

A healthy diet is based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, their correct combination. Equally important is also the calculation of their calorie content. This allows you to adjust the diet according to the needs of the body. The question arises: "What fruit is the most high-calorie?". The article will help you figure it out.

Delicious Diet

Since childhood, we have learned that it is useful - it is almost always tasteless, insipid and boring. That is why food that is far from wholesome, but has an appetizing appearance and is generously supplied with flavors, holds us so strongly in its power. The result of such dependence for many is the deterioration of health, the formation of extra pounds. They not only disrupt the well-coordinated work of the body, but also make you complex about appearance.

But, as practice and experience of those who are not afraid to take a decisive step show, it is never too late to restore lightness and vigor to your body. Healthy nutrition is a reliable ally on the way to this goal. But how to overcome yourself, looking at the mountains of vegetables that are healthy, but not so tasty? And if you want to treat yourself to something nice...

Fruits and berries are always ready to help. They contain natural substances and vitamins that contribute to the restoration of the body, while they are incredibly tasty.

Fruit types

Without delving into the depths of scientific terminology, it is worth highlighting two main groups of fruits that are easy and simple to remember - stone fruits and pome fruits.

The first group includes those that have a fruit of juicy pulp, inside which a large bone is hidden. Such fruits contain a considerable amount of sucrose and glucose: plum, apricot, peach,

The second group is pome fruits, where fruits consist of pulp and small seeds. They are considered the main source of fructose: pear, apple, hawthorn, quince, medlar.

But simply eating your favorite fruits is a mistake. In order for the body to receive everything it needs, the diet must be balanced. It is especially important to correctly calculate the calories of consumed foods. This will allow you to find out how much energy the body needs to function normally. The most high-calorie fruits and vegetables should be combined with less high-calorie ones in order to maintain its tone.

Important arithmetic

Calorie counting is simply necessary not only for those who dream of a slim and toned figure, but also for those who want to improve the functioning of the body. But it is not enough to learn only about the most high-calorie fruit. Its complete exclusion from the diet will not guarantee rapid weight loss.

Although counting is not the most pleasant and interesting part of organizing a healthy diet, but thanks to it, the effect will not be long in coming. Such arithmetic will help determine whether it is worth increasing the number of calories consumed in order to gain weight, or, on the contrary, reduce it in order to lose excess weight.

Refrain from temptation

Those who are on a diet, before indulging themselves, should be aware of which fruits and berries are the most high-calorie. They should be abstained from or used with extreme caution, otherwise all efforts may not bring the desired result.

The opinions of nutritionists regarding the most high-calorie fruit differ. But they all claim that the culprits of weight gain can be: avocado, grapes, banana, mango, persimmon.


For us, this fruit is still exotic. And many, by the way, consider it a vegetable. He hails from Central America, but has already managed to fall in love with many, as indicated by various recipes that use avocados. Its fruits have a pleasant delicate taste.

Most nutritionists believe that avocados are the most nutritious fruit. It contains a large amount of monosaturated fatty acids. They are very important for the health of the body. There are approximately 170 calories per 100 grams of fruit. However, nutritionists are still in no hurry to put it on the list of forbidden foods. In order to please yourself with this delicacy without consequences for the figure, you should eat it without any additives.


The fruit, which is so loved by both children and adults, is often rejected by those who follow their figure. It's all about its calorie content and high glycemic index. Nutritionists advise eating bananas with caution. 100 grams of fruit contains 90 calories.

You don't have to cut them out of your diet at all. Bananas are great as a fast food for those who lead an active lifestyle.


Although not the most high-calorie fruit, dieters still avoid it. And it's not in vain. There are about 70 calories per 100 grams of fruit.

Nutritionists boldly compare it with a banana. Fans of this fruit believe that green grapes are less high-calorie, but this is a common misconception, because both types are equally "harmful" for weight loss.


Mango is also one of the most high-calorie fruits. It contains both glucose, maltose and sucrose. Such an abundance of substances is directly related to the high calorie content of the fetus. When following a diet, it should be consumed only in small quantities. There are 65 calories in 100 grams of mango. However, it is very useful due to the fiber and vitamins that contribute to the restoration of the body.


Controversial fruit. Based on it, experts have developed a diet, thanks to which you can successfully get rid of excess weight. But this does not mean at all that it is a low-calorie product.

Persimmon contains a large amount of sucrose and glucose, and therefore it should be consumed in limited doses. Another property of this fruit is its ability to cause increased appetite, which is contraindicated during a diet. 100 grams of persimmon contains approximately 60 calories.

Caloric exotic

There are other “harmful” fruits for losing weight in the world, which are even more exotic for our area. These include: tamarind, rich in carbohydrates; aki, in which all the calories come from fats; marang being very satisfying; jackfruit, where there are no fats at all, but there are a lot of carbohydrates.

It is important to remember that each of us has its own characteristics, and therefore the approach to healthy eating may not be the same for everyone. The most high-calorie fruit in the world, be it avocado or tamarind, can be very beneficial even for those who are on a diet. The main thing is to correctly calculate the amount allowed for use. Then the body will be able to get the vitamins it needs, the weight will remain normal, and you can treat yourself to your favorite treat.

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Fruits and vegetables are the first and most important foods that are used during the diet. This is very justified, because in their composition there is a minimum amount of calories, but at the same time, energy value product is high enough.

But the degree of this component in each vegetable and fruit is actually different and not all plant products can be used while dieting. All the subtleties of choosing the right products for weight loss will be discussed in detail in this article.

fruit calorie table

Using the calorie table, you can easily calculate the most optimal fruits that are suitable for weight loss. Such a table greatly simplifies the procedure for compiling a dietary menu.

Fruit name A portion calories
Apple The average size70
Apricot The average size20
Banana The average size50
Grapefruit The average size20
Kiwi The average size40
Mango The average size100
Orange The average size30
Peach The average size40
Pear The average size75

vegetable calorie table

Vegetables, like fruits, have different caloric content depending on the type and variety of vegetable product.

Detailed data on the calorie content of vegetables can be compared using this table:

Vegetable name A portion calories
bell pepper The average size30
Broccoli Medium portion20
Cabbage Medium portion20
Carrot The average size55
Corn The average size60
Cucumber The average size10
Eggplant Medium portion20
Potato The average size125

Are there negative calorie foods?

One of the most popular food items that have caught everyone's attention in Lately, is the concept of "negative calorie foods".

According to this theory, you can eat as many foods as you want without gaining weight. And that's because digesting these foods takes more calories than what they contain.

Therefore, there is no addition of this component in the body. This does not mean that these products do not contain calories, but only the fact that the body spends burning more of this component than what is consumed in food.

These calories fall into two categories. Empty calories and negative calories.

  • Empty calories are those that, when consumed, generate a huge amount of this component (fast food and refined sugar are the main sources). They contain no nutritional value.
  • Others, negative calories, come from foods that are nutritious and low in calories. They fit perfectly into any diet when it comes to losing weight, as the body requires minimal levels of this component in order to produce energy and maintain an active lifestyle.

Low calorie foods

There is such a definition as "free food". These are the foods that have 25 calories or less in one medium serving. "Nearly free foods" have 25 to 60 calories per average serving.

Also, there are "free" and "almost free" products from this component, which can be found in various departments of any grocery store.

Many high water vegetables eventually become "free" or "almost free" of this component. Therefore, when deciding to go on a diet, you should think about eating just such foods.

Here are a few foods with minimal calorie levels:

  • 2 large stalks of celery = 13 k., 1.2 g of fiber;
  • 2 cups shredded lettuce = 18 cups, 1.4 g fiber
  • 1/2 cucumber = 20 k., 1 gram of fiber;
  • 1 medium tomato \u003d 25 k., 1.3 g of fiber;
  • 1/2 cup baked peas = 30 k., 3.4 grams of fiber;
  • 1 carrot = 30 k., 2 grams of fiber.

These are just a few of the main products that contain the minimum level of this component. In fact, there are many more.

Note! If you follow a diet, you can make a list of such food, on the basis of which you can create a varied menu that will not get bored for a week, two or even a month. Moreover, the menu can be periodically changed or certain changes can be made.

When following a diet, it is very important to make correct menu, which will contain products with a minimum content of this component. In many sources it is written that the fruits can also be eaten during the diet.

However, there are fruits with different content of this component. That is, not all fruits can be eaten to achieve the results of the diet.

The question remains - what determines the calorie content of fruits:

  1. Firstly, the calorie content of fruits depends on their taste. That is, the sweeter the fruit, the more of this component in it. This is due to the level of sugar in the composition of the fruit, and sugar is the first and most important component of calories.
  2. Secondly, the calorie content of fruits comes from the fat content factor. The fatter the fruit, the more of this component it contains.

High and low calorie fruits

Fruits are one of the most nutritious, dense and healthy foods. Besides water, soups and vegetables, fruits are the lowest calorie food group and should be part of any weight loss diet.

However, not all fruits have an equal degree of content of this component. Some of them are quite high in sugar and calories.

The list below is intended to provide low calorie fruit serving for the diet. These include strawberries, peaches, melon, grapes, blackberries, and papaya. These are the most common fruits, which contain a very low level of this component and sugar.

In addition to low-calorie fruits, there are also fruits that are very high in calories and should never be eaten while on a diet.

Here are a few of them:

  • Avocado. 322 k.;
  • Figs. 350 k.;
  • Banana. 400 k.

Note! These are the most high-calorie fruits, but in fact, there are many fruits that also contain a large amount of this component. Figs, avocados and bananas are among the most high-calorie fruits among all kinds of fruit foods.

Calorie content of dried fruits

Dried fruit is an excellent source of nutrition because it is simply a fruit that has removed most of its water content but still retains its sweetness, flavor and nutrition. Some popular types of dried fruits, such as raisins and dates, provide good nutritional value, as the nutritional facts show.

Dried fruits are usually high in this component, but the nutrition label will show that it is a good source of vital nutrients. nutrients. Refer to the calorie chart for your favorite type of dried fruit for calorie and nutritional information.

During the drying process, fruits lose a significant proportion of their water content. Therefore, most food ingredients are highly concentrated, resulting in relatively high calorie content compared to the same fruit when fresh. Sugar is sometimes added to these fruits during the drying process.

The following examples refer to one serving of fruit (each serving contains an average of 60 fl.):

  • 2 dried figs;
  • 2-3 dried apricots;
  • one piece of dried pineapple;
  • 2 slices of dried apple;
  • 2 dried prunes;
  • flat tablespoon of raisins

How many calories do you need to consume every day in order not to gain weight?

When most think about calories consumed, the thought comes to mind that it is really worth thinking about what kind of food should be consumed to meet nutritional needs. In dietary terms, calories represent the amount of energy that food provides.

If you consistently consume more of this component than a person needs, depending on his lifestyle, a person begins to gain weight.

If you take too few of the required calories, a person begins to lose weight, fat and, finally, muscle mass. The definition of a calorie is the amount of energy needed to meet the basic needs of the body.

The type and amount of food a person consumes determines how much of a given component is consumed. For many dieters, the amount of this component in food is a decisive factor when choosing food to eat.

How and when food is eaten can also make a difference, as the body uses energy differently throughout the day. The body's energy use will depend on how active a lifestyle is, how efficiently the body uses energy, and age is also taken into account.

According to the 2015-2020 Nutrition Guidelines, women are likely to need 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day and men 2,000 to 3,000 of this component. However, exact calorie intake depends on age, size, height, lifestyle, general health, and activity level.

Fruits and vegetables should be an essential part of your daily diet. They are healthy and contain vitamins and minerals that can help maintain and maintain health. They may also help protect against certain diseases.

Note! The benefits of herbal products are unlimited. Including, these products are great for weight loss. However, all plant foods have different levels of this component and this should be taken into account.

If you are watching a figure, then you must carefully plan your menu and monitor its calorie content. For girls who want to say goodbye to extra pounds, no more than 1300 calories should be consumed per day. Most diets are based on fruits and vegetables. But not all of them are low in calories.

Rating of the most high-calorie fruits and vegetables

Numerous websites dedicated to proper nutrition and diets have a calorie table. Having carefully studied it, you can correctly compose a menu for yourself for every day.

The leader in calories among vegetables is beans. It is very useful, contains a large amount of vitamins, protein and trace elements. But at the same time, there are 330 calories per 100 g of this legume. Eating beans can significantly complicate the fight against excess weight.

Second is potatoes. It has a high glycemic index, so its consumption should be limited. The calorie table indicates that 100 g of potatoes contain 80 calories. This figure can vary greatly depending on the method of cooking. Baked potatoes are allowed to be included in the diet. But from fried - it is better to refuse altogether.

Beware of fruits!

Fruits are an integral part of the diet. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. But during the diet, some of them need to be consumed in limited quantities. The calorie table will help you decide on this list.

The most high-calorie fruit is avocado, which contains a lot of fatty acids. There are 170 calories per 100 g of this fruit.

The high glycemic index and calorie content are all bananas. 100 g of this fruit contains 90 calories. During the diet, you should not completely abandon them, but without fanaticism.

Another “unloved” fruit of nutritionists is grapes. 70 calories fall on 100 grams of it, regardless of the variety.

The lowest calorie vegetables

The minimum amount of calories contained in Beijing cabbage is 12 calories / 100 g. In addition, all vitamins are perfectly preserved in this vegetable throughout the winter. Lysine - perfectly cleanses the blood and removes cholesterol. In general, you lose weight with health benefits.

In second place are cucumbers, 100 g of fruits of which contain 14 kcal. This vegetable is 95% water rich in folic acid, potassium, iodine and various vitamins. The use of cucumbers has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, thyroid gland and gastrointestinal tract.

The minimum calorie value is also found in the following vegetables:

  • radish - 19 kcal;
  • tomatoes - 23 kcal;
  • zucchini - 27 kcal;
  • broccoli - 33 kcal;
  • carrots - 35.

The calorie table contains a complete list of all vegetables that you can include in your diet menu.

The lowest calorie fruits and berries

The minimum amount of calories contained in cranberries - 28 per 100 g. This is a storehouse of vitamin C, which protects you from many diseases. Especially cranberries are useful for women.

In second place is sweet and fragrant melon. There are only 33 calories per 100 g. Its fiber improves digestion. Melon is rich in folic acid, which will make your hair shiny, give beautiful skin color, strengthen nervous system.

Grapefruit is in third position. Its 100 g contains only 35 calories. Grapefruit helps to remove excess fluid from the body, accelerates the process of splitting fats and removes toxins from the body.

If you correctly compose your menu and take into account the calorie content of foods, you can achieve the desired result and get rid of excess weight.

From childhood, first mothers, then grandmothers inspired us that fruits are good.It's better than candy and cookies. They do not get fat, but how much use!

Packing of vitamins in each pear, persimmon or tangerine. This is true - fruits are incredibly useful and important in dietary nutrition.

At the same time, their calorie content is often prohibitively high, too, and the sugar content causes a sad sigh.Should I refuse a plate of fruit during weight loss and leave them for a period of mass gain?

Of course not. You need everything, but of course, in moderation.In this article, we have prepared a table of fruit calorie content, the ratio of BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), as well as several useful advice how to make a fruit menu.

What determines the calorie content of fruits

This indicator is directly affected by the content of liquid and sugar in fruits and berries.That is why, if you carefully study the fruit calorie table per 100 grams, which we have prepared below, you will see that it is the dried fruits that have the most calories.

In the process of dehydration, they lost almost all the moisture, but the calorie content increased significantly.You can eat a bowl of fresh cherries, but dried cherries are limited to a small handful.

It is important to understand that in this case we are talking exclusively about fresh, dry or frozen fruits.Canned, for example, pineapples, which we love so much, during the heat treatment not only lose some of the nutrients, but also acquire additional sugar due to sweet syrups.

The more sugar, the more calories

That is why, if your task is to find ideal fruits for weight loss in the calorie table of fruits and berries, you should pay attention not only to the GI and the number of units, but also to the fact that you need to eat fruits fresh / frozen.

We leave a handful of dried fruits for a snack. Canned compotes for the period of weight loss are excluded from the diet completely.

Tip: we wrote separately in this article about how to properly consume dried fruits while on a diet, and which ones are the most useful.

Fruit calorie table in ascending order per 100 g or 1 piece

Fruit calorie table in ascending order

How to eat fruits

“Like dessert,” you say. And this main mistake. In addition to useful trace elements and, most fruits have a carbohydrate composition.

And if you add a good portion of carbohydrates to traditional cereals, soups, vegetables and other dishes from our diet, extra centimeters at the waist and digestive problems are guaranteed.

Unlike protein foods, fruits and berries are digested in the duodenum and not in the stomach.After a dense multi-ingredient lunch, the body is simply not able to process several incompatible products at the same time.

For this reason, the ideal time to eat healthy snacks:

  1. on an empty stomach
  2. One hour before meals
  3. As a standalone meal

It is better to eat fruits as an independent meal.

Eat fruits in small quantities, limited to 1-2 fruits or servings up to 300 grams.So you are guaranteed to get a lot of nutrients and not overgrown with extra centimeters.

TOP 5 fruits for weight loss

Apple, 52 calories

If you eat an apple raw, fruit acids will provoke the production of hydrochloric acid, and this will end with the urge to eat to satiety.The solution is to eat baked apples. So they will give a feeling of satiety and will not irritate the mucous membrane.

No baked apples

Orange, 47 calories

Like the grapefruit's citrus cousin, the orange is high in dietary fiber and low in fructose.For a healthy non-calorie snack, oranges are best eaten as a meal on their own.

Grapefruit, 42 calories

Not only is it low in calories, but it also has one of the lowest glycemic index among fruits. Sugar from citrus is very slowly absorbed, the fruit contains a lot of fiber.

Nutritionists advise leaving it for that terrible case for every losing weight when in the evening you really want to wash half the refrigerator.

fat burning grapefruit

Raspberries, 40 calories

Berries are not only rich in potassium, calcium, folic acid and vitamin C, but also have the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which means making training more effective.Plus, raspberries break down fats perfectly.

Watermelon, 38 calories

Another unique summer berry 80% consists of water. Watermelon cleanses the liver and kidneys, takes care of our genitourinary system.Thanks to lycopene, it slows down the aging process.

summer watermelon

TOP 5 fruit calories for weight gain

It would seem that the easiest way is to look at the most high-calorie fruits in the calorie table and start actively leaning on them if you are an ectomorph ( one who is by nature).

But the task is to build muscle, and not cover the bones with a fatty layer.That is why fruits for mass gain also need to be chosen wisely.

Ideal, according to nutritionists, options for muscle growth:

Papaya, 43 calories

Yes, yes, we know what exotic is, and where you can find it in our gray apple reality.

exotic papaya

But! Papaya contains a substance with an almost eponymous name "papain", which helps break down proteins consumed in food.If you do not have the opportunity to eat enough of it somewhere in hospitable Pattaya, buy a frozen one in a supermarket.

Tip: by the way, the calorie content of frozen fruits is much lower than fresh ones, because they have a higher percentage of water.

Pineapple, 50 calories

Citrus contains lion's dozu bromelain, a substance that improves the process of digestion of food.This means that pineapple helps to reduce pain after training and promotes the rapid absorption of protein by the muscles.

Irreplaceable pineapple

Berries, average calorie 60

All berries contain anthocyanins and ellagic acid - antioxidants that prevent inflammation and joint pain.Thanks to their influence, it is easy to keep cheerfulness during training.An additional plus - all of their types reduce the rate of production of fat cells.

Kiwi, 61 calories

What is good about kiwi besides the ability to strengthen the immune system?

Vitamins A, D, E, which stimulate metabolic processes and maintain eye health, which is especially important for athletes suffering from myopia or hyperopia.

Such a familiar kiwi

Tip: there are more antioxidants in the kiwi peel than in the pulp, so the ideal option is to rinse the fruits well, smash in a blender and eat without peeling.

Banana, 89 calories

First, bananas are a source of energy and easily digestible sugar.They are rich in potassium and, despite their relatively high calorie content, have a moderate glycemic index.

Carbohydrates from bananas are digested slowly, which means they protect against sudden spikes in glucose.The perfect time for bananas when typing muscle mass- immediately after training.

Avocado, 160 calories

One of the most high-calorie fruits in the table in ascending order is avocado - as many as 160 units.

The versatile avocado

But adding it to salads is one of the highlights. proper nutrition. Avocados are a source of potassium, monounsaturated and butyric fatty acids, which contribute to the fight against excess fat.

Plus - it helps to better assimilate the useful components of other products.Therefore, do not forget to diversify salads with them both when losing weight and when building muscles.

What nutritionists think about the fruit calorie table

Famous American nutritionists and nutritionists Andy Bellattiand Jen Bruning believe that two cups of fruit is the ideal amount per day for any person.

At the same time, it is important Eat a variety of different types of food - from citrus fruits and berries to bananas, because they are all beneficial.

It is also important to try something new - you will surely add to your list of taste preferences.

Try different types fruits

Andy and Jen say thatfruits not only contain phytochemicals that have antioxidant properties, but also improve the person.

According to a 2017 American study, fruit consumption is directly linked to increased psychological well-being in young adults.

However, eating too much fruit can lead to health problems.

While it may seem like the road to wellness is paved with goji berries, it's important to remember that fruit isn't all there is to nutrition.

As Bellatti noted, they are not a rich source of iron or zinc. Overeating fruit can also cause indigestion.

Separately, it is worth making a diet for those who suffer, and not to abuse freshly squeezed juices:

  1. “Fruit juice does not contain fiber and many of the antioxidants derived from it. , - Bellatti explains.- It often contains too much Sahara. A good alternative to freshly squeezed juices are those that preserve all parts of the fruit and at the same time provide a feeling of satiety.

Less juice, more smoothies

As you can see, the key to the health of our body and proper nutrition is to maintain balance.

Do not give up a few dates just because they seem too high-calorie to you, but also do not forget that 10 dates at a time is already too much.

Some useful tips you will learn about the fruit calorie table from this video:

Healthy eating involves the inclusion of fruits in the daily diet. Due to the content of a large amount of fiber, trace elements, vitamins, their benefits for the body are invaluable. However, we must not forget about the calorie content of the gifts of nature, which must be taken into account with proper nutrition.

What fruits have the most calories?

Fruits are of two types.

  • With one bone. These fruits contain a lot of sucrose, glucose.
  • With seeds. These fruits contain a lot of fructose.

Fruits are necessary for the full development and functioning of the body. However, everything is useful in moderation. Knowing the calorie content of a particular fruit, you can adjust the frequency, amount of its use, so as not to harm the body. In each individual case, the issue is resolved with a specialist nutritionist.

According to many researchers, the list of high-calorie fruits includes a number of names.

  • Dates. The most high-calorie fruit in the world, contains 292 kcal per 100 g of fresh product. It also has a high glycemic index.
  • Banana. fruit with high glycemic index, as well as a high protein content - 3.89 g per 100 g of product, has 96 kcal per 100 grams of pulp. It is also called a cake.
  • Avocado. The most useful fruit contains 212 kcal per 100 g of product.

  • Grape. Tasty fruits with a color from light green to dark cherry contain 72 kcal per 100 g of the product.
  • Mango. An exotic fruit contains 67 kcal per 100 g of the product. high calorie content associated with the content of glucose, sucrose, maltose.
  • Kiwi. The fruit, unique in its taste, contains 47 kcal per 100 g of pulp.
  • Apples and pears. Well-known fruits contain 47 kcal per 100 g of the product.
  • Peaches. Delicious fruits are characterized by 45 kcal per 100 g of product.
  • Apricots. According to the calorie table, orange fruits have 44 kcal per 100 g of pulp.
  • Jackfruit. A fruit with a lot of carbohydrates is also considered quite high in calories. It contains 94 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

The list of common fruits shows that dates are the most high-calorie fruit. Even a small portion of these amazing gifts of nature eaten will quickly fill you up. However, those who are puzzled by extra pounds should be more careful and not abuse the "leaders" of this list.

This does not mean that fruits with a high calorie content are harmful, and eating them is strictly prohibited. Just their use should be balanced with other products. As a rule, an additional load on the body does not lead to a positive result. Even with all the beneficial substances that fruits have, it can cause an imbalance in the body.

You will learn about which fruits are the most high-calorie in the following video.

Are they useful?

High-calorie fruits have a huge amount of nutrients, fiber, which are necessary for the health of the body.

  • Dates contain dietary fiber, pectins, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Due to the presence of vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, the body's resistance to colds increases, vitality is restored. Minerals effectively regulate water-salt metabolism, reduce the risk of edema formation.
  • Avocado can be called a treasure useful components that have a general strengthening effect. Its main components are monounsaturated fats. Due to the presence of vitamins E, F, the fruit has antioxidant properties. Regular consumption of such a valuable product helps to regulate blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels, strengthen of cardio-vascular system, normalization of bowel function.
  • in bananas contained the largest number potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Regular use of the product helps to improve memory, activate thinking, increase the tone of the whole body, and normalize bowel function. Due to the presence of the amino acid tryptophan, mood improves.

  • Jackfruit contains vitamins A, B, C, PP, a large amount of potassium and other trace elements necessary for the body. This fruit normalizes the work of the intestines, strengthens the immune system, the cardiovascular system.
  • in grapes contains substances such as polyphenols, which prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The presence of tartaric acid reduces the risk of developing bowel cancer.
  • Mango rich in polyphenols, organic acids, vitamins, minerals. Due to the presence of grape, succinic, oxalic, malic acids, the fruit has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body. The fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, increases blood hemoglobin, prevents the development of cancer cells, improves mood.
  • Kiwi contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system. In addition, the fruit accelerates metabolic processes in cells, which positively affects the process of cleansing the body as a whole.

  • in apples contains pectin, which normalizes bowel function, antioxidants, tannins, vitamins, microelements. Thanks to great content iron fruits have a beneficial effect on the composition of blood, bones.
  • Pears contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential oils. The use of fruits helps to increase immunity and vitality, normalize the work of the intestines and liver.
  • Peaches contain a lot of vitamin C, which reduces the risk of inflammation, retinol, potassium, tocopherol. The use of the product has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines, kidneys, liver, blood composition. Thanks to the presence of essential oils, the recovery processes are much faster. Fruits have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system.
  • apricots contain vitamins B, PP, P, carotene, fiber, trace elements. Due to the content of a large amount of iron, fruits normalize blood composition. Fruits contribute to liquefaction of sputum with an unproductive cough, normalize bowel function, body temperature, metabolic processes, and reduce the risk of cancer.

Fruit should be included in any diet. But in what quantity and what types of fruits will bring the greatest benefit, the specialist determines.

The calculation of calories is done on the basis of the mass, height, age of the individual. It is also important to carry out the necessary tests to check the body's reaction to a particular fetus.

Despite the huge benefits for the body, fruits can also have negative impact. Depending on the presence of a particular disease, it is necessary to limit the intake of certain fruits. For example, if there is diabetes limit the intake of foods high in sugar. With a tendency to gain weight, it is better to limit the intake of fruits with a high content of carbohydrates. If there are stomach ulcers, then you should be careful with taking fruits that increase the secretion of gastric juice.

A balanced, well-chosen diet will allow the body to get all the necessary substances without causing health problems.