Update of the bank classifier in 1s 8.3. Accounting info. in a software product

What directories are there and how to load them into the 1C 8.3 Accounting program.

In any type of accounting, there are intersections with regulated directories. Such directories may be needed to download information for submitting reports to the tax office, processing payment orders, correctly displaying codes by classifiers in primary documents (Torg12, Invoices, etc.). The 1C 8.3 and 8.2 program can download such information from external sources.

Let us consider in detail the types of classified information necessary for accounting, as well as the method of installing and loading such information into 1C.

Classifier of Russian banks

Bank Classifier 1C 8.3 - a directory of bank identification codes presents a systematized list of participants in interbank settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation, indicating their details, classification characteristics and code designations. It contains information about institutions and divisions of the Bank of Russia, as well as credit organizations whose correspondent accounts are opened in the settlement network of the Bank of Russia. This directory is uniform and valid throughout Russia.

In 1C, this is a very important reference book - if it is not up to date, it can lead to the execution of erroneous payment orders.

To load a bank classifier into 1C, as a rule, in the bank directory you need to click on the Add button from the RF bank classifier. The system will offer two download options - from the ITS disk and from the RBC website:

The most convenient way is to download from the RBC website. Next, you just need to select the desired bank regions.

It is worth noting that standard 1C solutions do not support the international system for transmitting information and making payments SWIFT (or SWIFT-BIC). To expand the functionality, you need to contact a 1C specialist.


The All-Russian Classifier of Currencies (abbreviated OKV) is the current state standard, the object of classification of which is the currencies in circulation, currency values ​​and currency funds of the countries of the world.

In 1C 8.2, data from this classifier is reflected in primary documents, therefore the classifier must be as up-to-date as possible.

To load a currency classifier, similar to banks, you need to use the button on the Currency list form - Selection from OKV. The system will allow you to select the ones you need from the classifier list and automatically create the currency in the directory.

You can also automatically download rates in the Currency Directory.

All-Russian classifier of units of measurement

OKEI is intended for use in solving problems of quantitative assessment of technical, economic and social indicators for the purposes of state accounting and reporting, analysis and forecasting of economic development, ensuring international statistical comparisons, carrying out domestic and foreign trade, state regulation of foreign economic activity and organizing customs control.

The objects of classification in OKEI are the units of measurement used in these areas of activity.

In 1C 8.2, data from this classifier is reflected in primary documents - invoices, therefore the classifier must be as up-to-date as possible.

To load a currency classifier, similar to banks and currencies, you need to use the button on the Currency list form - Selection from OKEI. The system will allow you to select the required units of measurement from the classifier list and automatically create a currency in the directory:

All-Russian classifier of countries of the world 1C

OKSM is intended to identify countries of the world and is used in the process of exchanging information when solving problems of international economic, scientific, cultural, sports relations, etc.

In 1C 8.3 it is loaded as usual, using the Selection from OKSM button on the directory list form.

OKP in 1C

The All-Russian Product Classifier is a state standard for a unified system of classification and coding of product groups.

In the 1C system, this information can be downloaded using the built-in mechanism. Information is loaded from an external file, xml format. It can be found on ITS disks or on the Internet. Just like other classifiers - the button is located in the form of a directory list; when clicked, the following interface will open:

With which you can easily load the classifier.

OKOF in 1C

The All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets (OKOF) has replaced the All-Union Classifier of Fixed Assets and is used in Russia to encode technical, economic and social data. The scope of application of OKOF is organizations, enterprises and institutions of all forms of ownership.

Based on materials from: programmist1s.ru

There are several ways to open a bank classifier in 1C 8.3.

Method 1

When filling out the organization details:

Or through the context menu:

When you click the Select button, the Bank Classifier opens:

Method 2

When filling out a counterparty card:

Method 3

In the cash debit document:

If the Recipient's account detail is not displayed in the document Debiting from a current account, you can enable it using the More button and the Change form function.

How to add a bank to 1C 8.3

When filling out the bank details of an organization or counterparty in the 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 program, you must enter a current account and information about the bank in which it is opened. In the future, this information will be reflected in the organization’s details, as well as when printing documents from the 1C 8.3 database.

How to enter a new bank manually in 1C 8.3

Once in the bank directory, you can select a bank from the classifier or create it manually (if it is not in the classifier or you need a “conditional” bank):

If you try to create a bank manually, the 1C 8.3 program will offer to use the classifier:

Let's consider creating a bank in 1C 8.3 “manually”. To do this, you need to refuse selection from the classifier, after which we will get into the bank creation card. There are two main fields that must be filled in on the card – the name of the bank and its BIC. Fill in the remaining fields if information is available:

Attention! If the user creates a bank independently, without using a classifier, then its automatic updating in 1C 8.3 is impossible.

How to load a bank from the bank classifier in 1C 8.3

The second option for loading a bank into the directory is from the classifier. To do this, being in the bank classifier, press the Select from classifier button.

If we go to the classifier, we will see that all banks in the Russian Federation are divided into groups by region. For the convenience of users, there is a search key, as well as loading a classifier:

You can search for the required bank using several criteria: territory, BIC or bank address. In our opinion, the fastest and most convenient way to search is by using the bank’s BIC:

How to update the bank classifier in 1C 8.3

You can also load the classifier into 1C 8.3 in two ways:

If there is no Internet connection and it is not possible to download the bank classifier online, but there is a classifier file, then you can update/download/upload it into the 1C 8.3 program from the ITS disk:

After loading the bank classifier, the 1C 8.3 program will issue an information message that reflects the number of changes regarding Russian banks:

Attention! Loading the classifier into the 1C 8.3 program is necessary to update information about banks, their details and their existence in the Russian Federation. The classifier is downloaded from the RosBusinessConsultin (RBC) website or from the ITS disk, so an Internet connection is required.

If a 1C 8.3 user needs to download or update the bank classifier and there is no need to go into the organization, counterparty or document card, then this can be done as follows:

In Support and Maintenance we look for the bank classifier:

Click Load bank classifier. If the user has already updated the bank classifier and it is relevant, then the 1C 8.3 program will display an information message about this:

If there is a need to update the classifier, the 1C 8.3 program will display a classifier update window.

How to set up a schedule for automatic loading of a bank classifier in 1C 8.3

In the 1C 8.3 program it is possible to configure the loading schedule for the bank classifier. To do this, go to the Administration – Support and Maintenance section:

Let's go to Scheduled and background tasks:

In routine and background tasks there is Loading the bank classifier, where you can generally turn on/off the loading of the classifier, as well as set up a schedule:

In the schedule settings window that opens, you can set general settings for loading the classifier, that is, from what date and to what date, daily, weekly or monthly. After selecting the parameters, click OK:

Where to find the bank directory in 1C 8.3

If you need to look at the directory of banks used in the 1C 8.3 program, then you need to open the All functions command in the Main menu:

In our case, we need to find the Banks directory, so open the Directories and look for the one you need:

Having found the desired directory in the list, select it with the left mouse button and click the Open button:

After this, we find ourselves in the already familiar Banks directory:

On the website you can see our other free articles and materials on configurations:
1C Accounting

Information about banks is stored in the directory of the same name Banks and can be loaded either manually or automatically. Let's look at both options using the example program 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0.

Directory Banks opens when filling out information about the current account of an organization or counterparty. For example, Directories-Counterparties - Bank Accounts tab - creating a current account.

If we want the directory to be available in the menu section Directories(or another section, for example, Bank and cash desk ), if it is missing, it can be configured through the button in the upper right corner of the section Settings by selecting Navigation settings .

Using a button Add move the required element ( Banks) from the left window to the right side.

After pressing the button OK We have a corresponding reference book in our section.

Where to download the bank classifier for 1C 8.3 for free

Directory Banks has a multi-level structure, which is specified when loaded by the classifier. Information can be updated by downloading from ITS disk(Information and technical support) or download 1C website. To fill out the directory, click the button Create and select the item By classifier.

Next, if we need to download or update the directory, click the button Download and select the download option - from 1C website or with ITS disk and press the button Download .

After loading (updating) the classifier, we can use the directory to select the required banks. If we have banks listed in the directory, then they need to be synchronized with those updated in the classifier - button Synchronize .

Updating the classifier of Russian banks automatically

1C programs provide for setting up updating of the directory of the classifier of Russian banks automatically, in the background, and by default daily. You can change the settings for its execution, enable or disable its updating in the menu section Administration - Maintenance.

The next step is to open the item Regulatory operations and follow the link Routine and background tasks .

As we can see, automatic downloads and updates were not enabled. By double-clicking on the task, you can check the box if necessary Included and set up an update schedule (link Schedule or button Set up a schedule ). If you select a task and press the button Run Now , the bank classifier will be loaded.

How to load a bank classifier into 1C: Accounting 3.0? How to load a bank classifier in 1C 8.3?

This article describes how to load the bank classifier into 1C: Accounting 3.0 and other 1C 8.3 configurations. For your convenience, at the end of the article there is a video instruction on how to load the bank classifier into 1C.

Usually, you can download a bank classifier from the 1C website or from the ITS disk. In some programs you can specify that the classifier be downloaded from the RosBusinessConsulting (RBC) website. But if this is not possible, 1C allows you to download the bank classifier from an alternative source.

The following are instructions for downloading a bank classifier from a third-party server into 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0. Please note that this instruction will help you figure out how to load the bank classifier into other 1C 8.3 configurations (load the bank classifier into 1C 8.3).

1. Let's begin. Let's open: Main menuAll functions(if you don’t see such an item in the main menu, use ).

3. Find among the list of constants the one called Use an alternative server to download the bank classifier. Open the constant form by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

4. In the form that opens, check the box next to “Use an alternative server to download the bank classifier” (1). Click “Record and close” (2).

5. Now go to: Administration (Reference data and administration in other programs) (1) — Service (2).

6. Let's find a group Regulatory operations(1) and choose from it Routine and background tasks (2).

7. In the form of routine and background tasks that opens, we will find in the list of routine tasks “Loading the bank classifier” (1). By double clicking on a task, you can open the task settings, where you can enable it (2) and configure the schedule for the task (how often to run it) (3). After setting, click “Save and close” (4).
To complete a task right now, select it in the list of tasks and click on the “Run Now” button (5).

8. Wait for the task to complete. When the task is completed, “Task completed” will be written in the “Status” column next to the task.

9. Check that the classifier is loaded by opening the reference book Banks (Bank classifier or Classifier of Russian banks in other programs).

10. Bank classifier has been successfully loaded!

Below is a detailed video instruction “How to load the bank classifier into 1C: Accounting 3.0 and other 1C 8.3 configurations.” Watch it instead or after reading the article.

For convenient and correct work in the program in many standard 1C configurations, for example, Accounting, ZUP, you need an up-to-date bank classifier. This data can be downloaded manually as needed, or automatically on a schedule. Bank classifier 1C 8.3 is downloaded from the RosBusinessConsulting website.

There is nothing complicated about updating the bank classifier. In this article we will look at both ways of loading it into the 1C program.

Automatic download according to schedule

Let's consider setting up the loading of the bank classifier automatically according to a configured schedule. You can implement this by clicking on the “Support and Maintenance” hyperlink in the “Administration” menu.

In the window that appears, go to the “Routine operations” section and select “Routine and background tasks”.

In the table that appears, on the first tab, double-click the left mouse button on the line labeled “Loading the bank classifier.” Please note that if there is no green checkmark in the first column of the table, as in our figure below, then the routine task is disabled.

You will see a form for setting up the activity and schedule for this task. Set the “Enabled” flag and use the hyperlink on the right (“Schedule”) to set how often the classifier will be updated. Usually this is done once a day, when no one is working in the information base, preferably at night.

Next, you need to specify how many times and with what frequency to repeat the download if an error occurs. After this, write down the setting. The bank classifier will be loaded automatically according to the schedule you specify. You can always look at the log for information about possible errors.

Manual upload

If for some reason you cannot configure automatic loading of banks, go to the “Banks” directory through the “All functions” menu, or the corresponding section of your configuration.