Transition to electronic sick leave: what an accountant needs to know. Electronic sick leave: instructions for an accountant Electronic sick leaves in 1c

At the top of the document, you need to fill in the month of accrual, select an employee and enter the number of the certificate of incapacity for work.

Then, on the “Main” tab, we carefully indicate the reason for incapacity and the period. If this sick leave is a continuation, then check the appropriate box and select the previous sick leave.

We will also indicate below when we will pay temporary disability benefits. This date is necessary for correctly filling out the 6-NDFL declaration. The program provides three options for the payment date: with an advance payment, with a salary and during the interpayment period. If you actually paid the employee benefits on some other day, then return to this document and correct the payment date.

Now let's take a closer look at calculating average earnings. It is calculated automatically in the program based on the available data. If you need to adjust accruals from previous periods, you can do this here by clicking on the green pencil:

In the window that opens, we can manually change the payroll period, as well as add a salary certificate from the employee’s previous place of work.

Now let's go to the "Payment" tab

There is a very important link “Insurance Experience”. The fact is that the employee has been working in the organization since February 2014 and the program takes two years of experience by default and, as a result, 60% for sick leave. Here we have the opportunity to correct the employee’s work experience.

On the last tab you can see in more detail the accruals due to the Social Insurance Fund and the employer.

You can immediately create a payment document directly from this document. I draw your attention to the fact that this is only possible if the “Sick Leave” document indicates the payment during the interpayment period. In this case, a payment slip will be automatically generated.

And lastly, these are printed forms. From the “Sick Leave” document, using the “Print” button, you can generate three of them:

Calculation of disability benefits

Accrue, process and pay sick leave. We will also consider the procedure for adjusting incorrectly accrued amounts.

To reflect the fact of incapacity for work, the program provides a document “Sick Leave”. In the near future it is planned to introduce electronic sick leave certificates in 1C.

To find it, you need to go to the “Salary” menu, then click on the “Sick Leave” link.

A window with a list of documents will open. In this window, click the “Create” button. A new document window will open. Let's start filling it out. Required fields are underlined with a red dotted line. First of all, fill out “Organization” and select “Employee”.

After selecting an employee, the system checks the completion of the length of service. In my case, it turned out that the employee’s seniority was empty. The program gave me a warning and offered me a link to correct the situation.

We establish the length of service and continue to fill out the document. We have two mandatory fields left unfilled: “Reason of disability” and “Exemption from work.” We select the reason from the list, for example, “Illness or injury,” and set the period when the employee was released from work.

Immediately after the period of absence is filled, the document will be calculated. By default, the 1C Salary and Personnel Management program is configured so that calculations occur automatically when fields that are significant for calculation are filled in or changed. Sometimes this is not very convenient (on weak computers you may experience significant lag). Therefore, this feature can be disabled.

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This can be done in the program settings. Go to the “Settings” menu, click on the “Payroll calculation” link and uncheck the “Automatically recalculate documents when editing them” checkbox:

Now, when editing any data that affects the calculation, the “Recalculate” button (on the right) will be colored yellow, and to calculate (recalculate) you need to click it:

In the 1C ZUP document, by default it is assumed that sick pay will be paid with the salary, but you can specify something else: with an advance or during the interpayment period.

If provided, the program provides the opportunity to release the rate for the period of absence of the employee. This is possible if the system maintains a staffing table.

So, the document has been calculated. The green "Change/View Data" marker next to some fields allows you to see what the amount in that field is, or even change it.

Let's go to the "Payment" tab.

Here you can set additional conditions that will affect the payment of sick leave.

For example, change the interval for assigning benefits (for example, part of the sick leave was on vacation), limit or remove the restriction on benefits, change the percentage of payment (initially these indicators are set when filling out the “Cause of disability” field), etc.

The “Accruals” tab reflects the final result of the document calculation (amount of accruals).

Adjustment of the sick leave period in 1C ZUP

It is possible that a document was entered into 1C ZUP 8.3 untimely or erroneously. There is a need for adjustments.

If an error is found during a period when the month is not yet closed, then you can simply make the necessary changes to it, recalculate and re-post.

If the month in which the document was created is already closed, you cannot simply adjust the document, as this will lead to a discrepancy between the accrual and payment amounts. In this case, there is a “Correct” link at the bottom of the document. Clicking on this link leads to the creation of a new document, which records corrections in the current (unclosed) period, and the original document is reversed.

In the 1C system, work has already been implemented to exchange electronic certificates of incapacity for work (ELN) with Russian social insurance authorities, in particular in the Salary and Personnel Management program version 2.5 starting with release (ZUP 2.5) and Salary and Personnel Management version 3.1 starting with release (ZUP 3.1).

In order to work with ELN, the employer needs to register on the website create a personal account for the policyholder. On the start page of the site there are user instructions for registering and creating a personal account (Fig. 1.).

Fig.1. Instructions on the website

You also need to connect to the 1C-Reporting service (“1C-Reporting” is the ability to submit reports to the tax authorities in electronic form directly from 1C). As part of the PROF level subscription, it is possible to submit reports for one legal entity free of charge, for other legal entities. individuals, connection to 1C reporting is carried out for a fee (for more details on the “1C-Reporting” service, read the article “”). To connect the service, you can make the settings yourself or contact 1C partner specialists (for example, our company SITEK).

In the documents for calculating sick leave in ZUP edition and higher, it became possible to obtain data from the Social Insurance Fund:

1. ZUP 2.5. Data is loaded using the “ELN from FSS” button (Fig. 2.).

2. ZUP 3.1. The data is loaded using the “Get data from the Social Insurance Fund” button (Fig. 3).

After setting up electronic data exchange with the Social Insurance Fund (i.e. setting up the 1C-Reporting service), it becomes possible to fill in information according to the Social Insurance Fund data and make a calculation after entering the sick leave number (Fig. 4.).

Fig. 4. Filling in FSS data.

Information about the medical institution is downloaded automatically. The benefit amount is calculated based on data on earnings and length of service stored in the employer’s database (Fig. 5).

Fig.5. Calculation of the benefit amount.

After calculating the certificates of incapacity for work, you should send the ELN register to the Social Insurance Fund:

1. ZUP 2.5. The register can be created in the workplace through the menu “Payroll calculation by organization” - “Absences” - “Registers of Social Insurance Fund benefits, applications for compensation” (Fig. 6.).

Fig.6. Register of ELN in ZUP 2.5.

2. ZUP 3.1. The register can be created through “Reporting, certificates” - “1C-reporting” - “ELN” - “Register of ELN data filled out by the employer” (Fig. 7).

Fig.7. Register of ELN in ZUP 3.1.

The document can be filled out for a given organization in several ways:

  • Click the “Fill” button to fill in the ELN automatically;
  • Click the “Add” button to select specific certificates of incapacity for work that need to be sent to the FSS of Russia;

How the transition to electronic sick leave format will affect the work of accountants. Let's figure out who is responsible for what.

Electronic sick leave – what is it for?

From July 1, 2017, medical institutions will be able to issue electronic sick leave certificates along with traditional paper ones. The law on the introduction of an electronic certificate of incapacity for work (ELN) came into force on July 1, 2017.

In essence, this is a regular sick leave certificate, but issued in electronic form. What is it for?

Firstly, it is assumed that with the help of electronic sick leave the volume of paper document flow will be reduced.

Secondly, the FSS notes the convenience of combining information on sick leave into a single database, which will make document flow faster and more transparent.

As a result, it will now be possible to guarantee the safety of an employee’s medical history, for example, if he moves or is accidentally lost. In addition, this means that falsifying a sick leave certificate is now an impossible task, since the regulatory authorities seriously intend to store information about the disease on state servers.

Thirdly, this system implies significant budget savings due to an automated system for storing and processing information.

What has changed since July 1, 2017

Let's consider a standard situation - an employee of Dandelion LLC, A.A. Smirnov. is unwell, and he goes to a medical institution, where, after undergoing an examination, the doctor diagnoses him and writes out a certificate of incapacity for work, which contains information about how long the person is suspended from performing official duties, what the cause of the disease is and the nature of the treatment. Further, after transferring the sheet to the personnel department or accounting department of Dandelion LLC, the department employees add the necessary information to the sick leave section “To be completed by the employer.” It is important that this section is filled out by hand in printed capital letters, without using a ballpoint pen. And after providing these documents, a decision will be made on payment of compensation.

Now, from July 1, 2017, after visiting the hospital Smirnov A.A. no longer receives a certificate of temporary incapacity for work - instead, he will be notified that the fact of visiting a doctor is registered in the database. Then the employing organization, using the number of its electronic certificate of incapacity for work, requests data from the Social Insurance Fund and pays for this sick leave, after which the accounting or personnel department employees will send information about the amount paid to the Social Insurance Fund and receive permission for compensation.

Based on the examples discussed above, we can draw the following conclusion: the main difference of the new system is that the employee is no longer a connecting element between the medical institution and the company for which he works.

What are the advantages?

If we talk about the advantages of this system for employers, the main thing is that filling out documents electronically saves time and makes work easier. That is, cases when accountants are faced with sick leave incorrectly issued by a doctor are gradually disappearing, and the risk of receiving a claim from the Social Insurance Fund is reduced, and the guarantees of payment of sick leave are increasing.

In addition, the possibility of loss or damage to the document is eliminated, not to mention the fact that the accountant no longer has to think about the color of the ink and possible errors when filling out the information on the sick leave sheet manually.

This system is also beneficial for employees - while on sick leave, they can independently check what data the doctor entered when filling out the electronic sick leave. And if there is an error, promptly seek its correction.

How does the ELN system work?

The exchange of information is supported by a single special electronic interaction system – the Unified IIS “Sotsstrakh” of the FSS of the Russian Federation. The main components of this system are the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, employers and medical institutions. It is also worth noting that the written consent of the employee is required to issue an ENL. Having received it, the doctor records this in the program and informs the applicant of his sick leave number. Later, this number must be transferred by the employee to the accountant or personnel officer at the place of work for calculating benefits and further filling out part of the sick leave.

In order to become a full-fledged participant in the ENL system, it is necessary to comply with the following points:

  1. The organization needs to obtain an enhanced electronic signature compatible with the Social Insurance Unified Information System.
  2. The organization must be registered on the Government Services Portal of the Russian Federation (
  3. It is necessary to submit a written agreement on information interaction with the FSS.
  4. First you need to open a personal account on the website
  5. In addition, if you wish, you can register on the website of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation to quickly view the movement of electronic insurance using the “Account of the Insured Person” service.

Formation of ELN

Now let’s look at the scheme of interaction between a medical institution, an employer, an employee and the Social Insurance Fund in stages:

  1. An employee, having contacted a medical institution, gives consent to the medical employee (as noted above - in writing) to generate an electronic sick leave.
  2. The medical employee generates an electronic medical record (this feature is implemented in 1C: Medicine 8), signs it with the electronic signature of the doctor and the organization, and then provides the generated data to the Social Insurance Fund.
  3. An employee who applies for an appointment is given a unique ERN number for subsequent transfer to the place of work.
  4. The employing organization from 1C, using the ELN number provided by the employee, receives sick leave data from the Social Insurance Fund database.
  5. In 1C, based on the data received and information previously entered in the program, temporary disability benefits are automatically calculated.
  6. The employee is paid sick leave, and information about the amount of payment is sent to the Social Insurance Fund.
  7. Partial payment for sick leave is received from the Social Insurance Fund (for regions of “direct” payments). Let us recall that since 2011, a large-scale reform of the social insurance system has been carried out in Russia, called the FSS pilot project. The project represents a change in payments for temporary disability, maternity leave, and the birth of a child. According to the pilot project, this is not done by the employer, but directly by a government agency - the Social Insurance Fund.

What an accountant needs to know: implementation in “1C: Salaries and HR Management 8”

As noted above, employers can receive ENL data directly from the 1C program. Electronic sick leave and, most importantly, exchange with the Social Insurance Fund, are currently implemented in the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8 program, ed. 3, starting from version

List of minimum requirements:

  1. Platform 8.3.10 or higher.
  2. Configuration "1C: Salary and HR Management 8", ed. and higher.
  3. Connection to 1C-Reporting. The FSS certificate for ENL is configured automatically (without user participation) if 1C-Reporting is connected.

Document "Sick leave"

When filling out an electronic sick leave, you need to fill in the basic information:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • information about the organization (if the database maintains records for several organizations);
  • received ELN number.

Next, when you click on the “Receive data from the Social Insurance Fund” button, the sick leave sheet will be filled in with the ELN data received from the Social Insurance Fund. The program also automatically calculates the benefit amount based on information about the employee’s earnings and length of service. Information about the medical organization is also downloaded automatically.

Using the 1C-Reporting service, you can create an electronic register. To do this, you need to go to the “Reporting, certificates” section – “1C-Reporting”.

When creating the registry, the user can choose how the tabular part of the registry will be filled in:

  • “Fill” button – the table is filled by default with ETNs that have not yet been sent;
  • “Add” button – providing the opportunity to select specific ENL to be sent to the FSS.

To see detailed information about the electronic sick leave, you need to double-click on the line with the electronic sick leave of interest - then an additional information form will open for viewing.

When posting a document, the program will automatically check that the required fields are filled in.

Finally, when you click on the “Send the register to the FSS” button, the register generated in the program will be sent to the FSS.

We thank the Progressive Accountant newspaper for the material provided

From July 1, 2017, medical institutions can issue electronic certificates of incapacity for work (ELS) on the same basis as paper sick leave. What is the system of interaction with the Social Insurance Fund for the exchange of information for the purpose of generating electronic sick notes? How does this functionality work in 1C programs? Let's talk.

Amendments to the provisions of Federal Law dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in the event of temporary disability and in connection with maternity” on the introduction of ELI were introduced by Federal Law dated May 1, 2017 N 86-FZ.

The purpose of the emergence of electronic certificates of incapacity for work is called by the FSS to combine information on sick leave into a single database, avoiding a cumbersome system for storing and processing data, as well as reducing the costs of policyholders. Well, and saving budget funds, of course.

What will employers gain from the introduction of electronic sick leave?

In general, the dividends are not bad. Let's start with the fact that filling out documents on a computer is more convenient and simpler, so company accountants will not have to deal with sick leave issued by doctors erroneously, be afraid of claims from the Social Insurance Fund and contact them with requests regarding payment for dubious sheets.

Secondly, accountants themselves will not have to manually enter information into sick leave sheets, think about the color of the ink, the absence of errors, and worry that their hand will not tremble.

You can no longer remember about erroneous overpayment or underpayment of benefits, corrections and changes in information on sick leave. It is already clear that this work is not an easy part of accounting work, and transferring sick leave into electronic format will greatly facilitate it. It is not for nothing that the FSS pilot project in several regions, where the new system for exchanging information for issuing electronic tax records was being tested, was considered successful.

How does the ELN system work?

So, exchange of information about insured events for temporary disability and maternity is carried out using the Unified Integrated Information System “Sotsstrakh” of the FSS of the Russian Federation (UIIS “Sotsstrakh”). The participants of this system are:

  1. insurer - FSS of the Russian Federation
  2. policyholders (employers)
  3. medical organizations (hospitals, clinics) and federal government institutions (bureau) of medical and social examination (MSE).

Apply for electronic tax registration Medical organizations can, subject to two conditions:

  • the employee-insured person gives written consent to this;
  • the medical organization and the insurer-employer are participants in the information interaction system with the Social Insurance Fund for the exchange of information for the purpose of forming an electronic health insurance policy.

Employers can interact with the FSS regarding ELN. Currently, the electronic certificate of incapacity for work and exchange with the Social Insurance Fund is implemented in the program "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8" (rev. 3) from version

Interaction on the exchange of information for the purpose of forming electronic information

The interaction between the insured person, the employer, the Social Insurance Fund and the medical institution is as follows:

  1. The employee-insured person gives the medical institution written consent to generate a certificate of incapacity for work in the form of an electronic document.
  2. The medical institution generates an electronic medical record (supported in 1C: Medicine solutions), signs it with an enhanced qualified signature of the doctor and medical organization and sends all information on sick leave to the Social Insurance Fund.
  3. The medical institution issues the employee an ELN number to transfer it to the insured employer.
  4. The employee informs the employer of the personal identification number.
  5. Using the ELN number, the employer directly from its 1C program requests and receives all sick leave data from the Social Insurance Fund database.
  6. Based on the data received from the Social Insurance Fund database, 1C programs automatically calculate temporary disability benefits (information about the policyholder, the insured person, average earnings, work experience and other necessary information is already stored in 1C)
  7. The employer pays the employee sick leave.
  8. Information about the amount of benefits paid is sent to the Social Insurance Fund.
  9. The Social Insurance Fund partially pays for sick leave (for regions of “direct” payments).