Which mustard is the hottest. How to choose mustard. How to store mustard

For many thousands of years, mankind has been using mustard, but in our time this seasoning has not lost its relevance.
Its recipe is simple: in addition to the mustard itself, water, vinegar, salt and spices are needed. But buying good seasoning is not easy.
We often consider our Russian mustard to be the best and spiciest: they say, unlike the “soft” European, tears come out of it before our eyes.

But here's the paradox - in Europe they also make very spicy mustard, but without such a physiological effect. All over the world, it is considered a lack of mustard.

Few people know that there are two fundamentally different seasonings called "mustard" - grain and powder.

The first is made from whole crushed grains, the second is made from mustard powder. Many people think that the powder is made by grinding mustard seeds. This is not so: it is obtained from the cake remaining after the oil has been squeezed out of the grains. Feel the difference?
Grain seasoning contains native mustard oil, and inexpensive soybean, canola, or other vegetable oil is added to mustard powder.
But it is mustard oil that softens the sharpness of the sharp components in the seeds, while ordinary vegetable oils do not. Here we are crying!

The composition of the ideal mustard contains:

mustard seed or seeds instead of mustard powder;
wine or spirit vinegar instead acetic acid or table vinegar.

And missing:
vegetable oil (when using whole seeds, not oilcake, it is not needed).
Preservatives (sodium benzoate, sorbates, sulfites) and antioxidants (E223 metabisulfate).
stabilizers (gums, starches);
any flavors.
Mustard can be spicy, medium spicy and mild - it depends on the mustard variety:

from white (yellow) seeds - delicate mustard,

from brown - Sarepta,

of the black ones, it is spicy, but Sarepta is the most fragrant.

Powdered mustard is not just spicy, but sharp, breathtaking.


1 - Russian

sharp, often breath-taking mustard.
IN Soviet years made from powder, and now - often from grains. Recipes may vary.

2 - Bavarian

sweet, soft, fragrant and grainy (with the addition of coarsely ground grains). Dark color gives caramel, which is formed from sugar during cooking. The temperature kills the spiciness, and the mustard becomes not spicy at all. The Germans consider it ideal for light Munich sausages.

3 - Yellow

soft, you can eat with spoons, in fact, it is a sauce. Invented in France in 1904, the Americans adapted it for fast food: it is it that is plentifully squeezed onto hot dogs and hamburgers. Sold in large bottles. The composition is different, rich in chemical food additives.
Dijon, the most famous in the world, has now practically become a sham: traditionally made from Sarepta mustard grown in Burgundy near Dijon, now it is made anywhere and usually from Canadian mustard.
Wine vinegar is often used, sometimes verjuice is the sour juice of unripe grapes.
Naturalness and credibility are spoiled by preservatives and other synthetic nutritional supplements frequently found in its composition.


Hippocrates also described mustard as a good expectorant and antitussive, as well as a means to improve appetite and normalize digestion.
IN traditional medicine mustard seeds are used to activate the gastrointestinal tract, with toothache, hypertension, vascular sclerosis, liver and gallbladder diseases, digestive disorders, neuralgia, chronic rheumatism, pneumonia, bronchitis, gout, hemorrhoids, and also as a laxative and anti-febrile agent.
Mustard powder, obtained from defatted mustard seeds, has a warming effect and is used to make mustard plasters.
In medicine, mustard plasters are used as a warming and local irritant, deepening breathing and causing a rush of blood.
Mustard plasters are prescribed for pneumonia, bronchitis, rheumatism, neuralgia, hypertensive crisis, risk of stroke, angina pectoris, and for a reflex effect on circulatory function.


The use of mustard is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, pneumonia, tuberculosis and kidney disease.
In large doses, mustard can cause shortness of breath, bradycardia, or lead to loss of consciousness.
Do not abuse mustard with increased acidity of gastric juice, gastric and duodenal ulcers and acute gastroenterocolitis.

How to make the most delicious mustard

First, check out how to make mustard from dry powder. Under the cut - recipes for mustard from other products.

The question of how to prepare mustard from dry powder comes to me so often that I decided to write about this recipe separately. Of course, now there is a large selection of ready-made mustard in stores, but mustard home cooking from dry powder can be made taking into account any preferences and tastes, include any additives (nuts, chestnuts, spices).

In fact, it seemed to me that on any bag of dry mustard there is an instruction for its preparation. However, in practice it turned out not quite so. Well, let's fill this gap.

I will only warn you that it is better to prepare mustard from dry powder on the eve of the intended use.

Take dry mustard powder. It should be fine, without impurities and particles of husk. Just in case, you can sift it through a small strainer. For home use, it is better to prepare a little mustard; freshly brewed, it is more pungent and fragrant. Over time, all these qualities will disappear. Take about a tablespoon of powder (25-30 g).

Pour it in 1 tablespoon of boiling water. Mix well until a thick "dough" is formed, and add another tablespoon of boiling water. We use a two-stage introduction of liquid so that not a single lump remains. Boiling water will eliminate the excessive bitterness of dry mustard (by releasing essential oils). Leave for 10 - 15 minutes so that the essential oils stand out from the mustard in sufficient quantities.

Now you can add a teaspoon of sugar and vegetable oil to the mustard, salt (half a teaspoon).

In conclusion, we introduce 9% vinegar or you can replace it with lemon juice. Acid is needed to stop the release of essential oils. We also take 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

Once again, rub everything well.

The indicated proportions of the ingredients are approximate, you can change them to your liking, for example, take more lemon juice or sugar or salt. You can also add honey, spices, even beer to mustard.

Now the mustard must be transferred to a glass container and tightly closed.

If it seems to you that the mustard turned out to be too liquid, do not worry, it will thicken and the next day it will be just right, it can be served at the table

How to cook the most delicious mustard? Recipes We all know such a product as mustard, which is so common among the inhabitants. Seeds are the only spice. They are ground into powder, and other spices are added during cooking to enhance the aroma and enrich table mustard.

Two types of mustard are cultivated in our country - Sarepta, or Russian mustard, white, or English mustard. Sarepta mustard is used to prepare ordinary table mustard, mustard powder. From it you can cook several options for table mustard. Do you want to try to cook the most delicious mustard, which can surprise everyone exclusively. Several interesting recipes are presented in this article.

spicy mustard

Mustard powder - 100 g, powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons, vinegar - 4 tablespoons, cinnamon - 1/2 teaspoon, cloves 1 - teaspoon, nutmeg - 1/4 teaspoon, salt - 1/2 teaspoon.
Grind the mustard powder to a dusty state, pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 20-24 hours. Drain excess water, add salt to the mustard mass, powdered sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar, cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Mix everything to the desired consistency, let it brew for another 3 hours, after which the mustard is ready.

apple mustard

Mustard - 3 tablespoons, applesauce - 4 tablespoons, granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons, vinegar, salt - 1-2 teaspoons.

Bake apples, rub hot through a sieve. Combine the resulting puree with mustard, sugar, mix everything. Dilute vinegar boiled with cloves, anise, basil, add salt. After 3 days the mustard is ready.

pear mustard

To prepare pear mustard, peel 20 ripe pears, boil them in a small amount of water until soft, put them on a sieve, and when all the water has drained, rub the pears through a sieve. In the future, the technology for preparing this mustard is similar to that of apple mustard.

White mustard is cultivated to produce mustard oil. Its taste is sharper and rougher, so table mustard prepared from it is of lower quality than from Sarepta.

mustard seasoning

Table mustard - 50 g, sunflower oil - 300 g, vinegar - 650 g, granulated sugar - 50 g, ground pepper - 1 g, eggs - 3 pieces. Grind table mustard, egg yolks, sugar, salt. Then, with continuous stirring, pour in the oil in a thin stream and beat, then dilute with vinegar and strain.

Mustard is used as a seasoning and flavoring for various meat dishes, especially for fatty meats, jelly, sausages, and also as an ingredient in dressings, sauces and, no less important, as an emulsifier during heat treatment in order to preserve juice in them and at the same time flavor. Housewives are advised to serve salad dressings to the table.

By putting into practice the information received, you will undoubtedly prepare the most the best mustard from the one you just tried.

Today on the shelves of stores you can find a huge number of types of mustard. Many producers, recipes and ingredients! How not to get confused in all this and choose a really high-quality product? After all, a bad seasoning can ruin any dish, and at the same time the mood of your household. In order not to miscalculate in this matter, you need to know a few secrets of choosing mustard.

How to choose mustard? First of all, it is worth talking about the fact that there are many varieties of mustard. It is divided into mild and spicy, and there is also a seasoning of medium spiciness. Mild mustard is prepared from yellow or white seeds of the plant, but spicy mustard is made from black. In addition, mustard, which was prepared from a pre-prepared powder, will have a burning taste.

In addition, mustard can be either grain or powdered. In the first case, the seasoning is prepared from whole crushed grains. Such mustard is considered to be of higher quality. But the powder is prepared from a powder that is not obtained from the seeds of the plant at all. The source for this type of mustard is the cake left after the procedure for extracting the oil from the grains.

Grain mustard is a healthier condiment. Since it is in the grains that valuable mustard oil is contained. It softens the unpleasant and harsh taste of many components present in the seeds. As for mustard powder, in this case we are dealing with a seasoning prepared with the addition of vinegar, water, rapeseed or sunflower oil.

It is necessary to highlight one more type of mustard - this is a dining room. It is made from many ingredients: salt and sugar, water and vinegar, and the seeds of the plant. The choice of mustard also depends on other parameters. Pay attention to the composition. Quality mustard always has plant seeds or mustard seeds in this section.

If you see mustard powder or wine, as well as alcohol vinegar in the composition, then this product deserves your attention. And finally, packaging. Choose mustard in transparent bags or glass jars. In this case, you will be able to evaluate it appearance even before the acquisition. Mustard should not be covered with a peculiar dark crust.

Make sure that there are no bubbles or, for example, oil drops on its surface. It is these facts that indicate that the seasoning has expired and that the product is already spoiled. The packaging and label of the mustard should also grab your attention. The composition indicated on the packaging should not contain any artificial additives. Avoid foods with various E.