How to choose the right mustard. How to choose a really good mustard? How to choose the right mustard

Table mustard– a seasoning that is made from the seeds of a plant also called mustard, with the addition of water, vinegar, salt, sugar and vegetable oil. The very first mustard recipe was known already in 42 AD. However, despite this, mustard was not in great demand in those distant times. It was only in the 19th century that mustard became so popular that it was added to almost any dish.

There are several varieties of mustard in the world. It all depends on what ingredients were used in its preparation. Dijon mustard is the most famous mustard in Europe. The most popular Dijon mustard with white wine. This mustard is prepared according to an old recipe from black mustard seeds. Bavarian mustard tastes quite bland, so it is more suitable for an amateur. Russian mustard is the strongest and is made with the addition of vinegar. American mustard is made with sugar and has a very thin consistency. English mustard is made with the addition of apple cider vinegar or cider. Fruit mustard is extremely popular in France. Honey mustard is made with the addition of honey. But gardal or Don mustard is made with the addition of salty cucumber brine.

So, among all this variety of mustard, how can you choose exactly that treasured jar or tube, and not make a mistake with the choice?

An ideal mustard should contain mustard grains or seeds, but not mustard powder and wine or spirit vinegar instead of acetic acid or table vinegar. Also, proper mustard should not contain vegetable oil, preservatives, and most often sodium benzoate, sorbates and sulfates are used. Antioxidant E223 should not be present in mustard either. Ideal mustard is a product that is made without stabilizers - gum and starch, and, of course, it should not contain flavorings. It doesn’t matter whether they are natural or identical to natural.

It is also worth remembering that even this wonderful seasoning has its contraindications. Mustard should never be consumed if you have an individual intolerance, pneumonia, tuberculosis or kidney disease. In large doses, mustard can cause shortness of breath, a slow pulse, and even lead to loss of consciousness. In addition, you should not abuse mustard if you have increased stomach acidity, ulcers and gastritis.

It is best to buy mustard in a transparent glass jar. In such packaging, its consistency and color are visible. If the mustard you have chosen is covered with a dark crust, it means that it has simply gone bad. But you need to store an open jar of mustard in the refrigerator. Moreover, its shelf life is only 45 days. After this, you can safely throw it away - there are no mustard properties left in it.

At home, put a little mustard on a plate and look very carefully. If mustard is produced using the correct and “honest” technology, then it should have a pleasant light yellow or yellow-brown color. But if the mustard is gray in color, then it is made from mustard powder.

Mustard and horseradish- the oldest Russian products. In principle, they are classified as seasonings, since they are added to foods as natural enhancers and taste improvers and are rarely consumed in their pure form.

Mustard and horseradish are indicated for decreased appetite. Due to the fact that they improve the taste of food, they promote the production of gastric juice, and therefore better digestion of foods that enter the stomach.

Moreover, both mustard and horseradish are widely used in folk medicine. For example, mustard, when used externally in mustard plasters, is effective for colds and neuralgia. Mustard causes improved blood circulation in those places to which mustard plaster is applied, thereby activating the body's defenses.

Horseradish is used in folk medicine as an expectorant, diuretic, anthelmintic, anti-cold, anti-scorbutic, antimicrobial, and blood purifier. Horseradish infusion is indispensable for scurvy, colds, coughs, dropsy, urolithiasis, difficulty urinating, jaundice, liver diseases, rheumatism, gout, and delayed menstruation. And externally in the form of rinses and washes, horseradish is used for sore throat, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, otitis, purulent wounds, ulcers, freckles, age spots, radiculitis, neuralgia, sciatica, articular rheumatism, myalgia.

But there are also contraindications to these magical seasonings. Allergies, gastroenteritis, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, enterocolitis, nephritis. Mustard should not be consumed if you have pulmonary tuberculosis.

There is store-bought mustard and homemade mustard. It is possible that manufacturers add stabilizers and flavor enhancers to store-bought mustard, in addition to the classic components. Most often, store-bought mustard tastes quite bland. Making mustard at home from powder doesn’t require much effort.

Homemade mustard recipe: sift mustard powder, grind, pour boiling water and stir until paste-like. Then pour boiling water again until the surface of the water is 3-4 cm above the level of the mustard. Let stand for 12 hours. Drain the water, add vinegar, salt, vegetable oil, stir. You can add a little sugar. Ingredients: 100 g dry mustard, 100 g water, 30 ml vinegar 3%, a pinch of salt and sugar, 10 ml vegetable oil.

Horseradish also comes in store-bought and home-made varieties. Again, in a store, no one gives a guarantee that they are not present in it. nutritional supplements. Making homemade horseradish is quite tedious, but it also turns out delicious. It’s up to everyone to tinker with homemade horseradish and mustard, especially since we don’t use these products every day, but only from time to time.

So, homemade horseradish recipe: equal amount of tomato and horseradish - 1.5-2 kg each, garlic - 2-3 heads, salt and sugar - 0.5-1 tbsp. spoons. Grind all the ingredients in a meat grinder and mix. Pour into sterilized jars or use immediately. By the way, horseradish itself is an ideal preservative, so such jars can be stored for a very long time in a cool, dark place.

How to choose store-bought mustard and horseradish?

Examine the jar of products. Read the ingredients. Mustard seeds, and even more so horseradish, have strong natural preservative properties, so mustard and horseradish can easily do without additional preservatives. Avoid chemicals and abbreviations with E. Completely harmless E330 (citric acid) and E100 (curcumin) are allowed in the composition - a natural and harmless dye made from turmeric. It is better to avoid products with starch. Although it is safe, more is added for viscosity and bulk. Natural ingredients: allspice or bitter pepper, mustard powder, horseradish, Bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom and garlic, salt and sugar.

If the manufacturer indicated that essential mustard oil was included in the seasonings, this should indicate that the manufacturer used low-quality raw materials. Essential oil can hide these imperfections while maintaining the natural taste of the product.

When choosing mustard and horseradish, pay attention to where the product was manufactured. The taste of seasonings directly depends on the country of origin. Only Russian and Polish seasonings are considered truly hot mustard and horseradish. If Europe or America is indicated on the packaging, get ready for the softness and tenderness of the product. Horseradish and mustard will have a sweetish taste, with various additives and spices.

Pay attention to the color. Ready mustard has a pleasant light yellow or brownish tint. Horseradish should be pink. The gray color of the seasoning will indicate that less valuable plant varieties were used.

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Mustard took pride of place on our tables a long time ago. With this seasoning even the most simple dishes become piquant. But this is by no means the only advantage of mustard. Mustard contains a lot of vitamins. It improves appetite and helps digest fatty foods - mustard gets along well with any meat.

In the usual sense, “mustard” is a seasoning in cooking. Mustard has been produced since ancient times. According to some data, back in 3000 BC. e. mustard seeds have been used in Indian cuisine. The first known recipe for mustard dates back to 42 AD. e. However, in ancient Rome or Ancient Greece mustard was not popular. But already in the 9th century, mustard production was an important source of income for French monasteries.

The center of mustard production in Russia is the village of Sarepta in the Volgograd region (now part of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd). Mustard began to be grown here at the end of the 18th century. To this day, this area remains the largest place in Russia for growing mustard and producing mustard oil.

Mustard includes several species of annual herbaceous plants of the cruciferous family, in which exclusively the seeds are used as a spice. Mustard seeds are ground into powder and usually mixed with other spices to enhance and diversify their flavor.

Mustard contains a lot of B vitamins (necessary for coordinated work nervous system And Have a good mood), vitamin A (improves vision and skin), vitamin D (makes bones strong), vitamin E (helps delay the appearance of wrinkles and protects against cardiovascular diseases), iron, potassium and phosphorus.

Use both internally and externally

Mustard improves appetite and helps digest fatty foods, making this spice a great addition to pork chops or boiled pork. By the way, mustard gets along great with any meat.
If you're not sure you've got a good, tender piece, coat it with mustard before throwing it into the pan. After this, any meat will become soft and juicy.
Essential oils of mustard stimulate the body's defenses, so this seasoning is indispensable for colds. Moreover, it can be used both internally and externally - the well-known mustard plaster copes well with a lingering cough and other manifestations of a cold.
Mustard oil also contains fatty acids, which improve metabolism and therefore prevent the appearance of extra pounds.
There is evidence that mustard oil slows down the aging process of the body and reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
It is worth remembering that not only mustard seeds, from which the seasoning is made, are good, but also the leaves. If on your summer cottage mustard is growing, feel free to add young leaves to salads and vegetable stew.
Only those who have stomach problems should avoid eating mustard - too hot a spice is contraindicated for ulcers and gastritis. And you shouldn't eat mustard before bed - this seasoning can have a stimulating effect.

Colorful family

There are several varieties of mustard.
White mustard is almost not spicy, you can eat it with almost a spoon. It can be identified by its rich yellow color.
Brown or Sarpet mustard is hotter, but also more aromatic. It is this mustard that is most often found on the shelves of our stores.
There is also black mustard. In fact, its color does not resemble wax at all - the seasoning has a reddish-brown tint. This mustard is the hottest, you need to eat it very carefully.
The spiciness of the seasoning is also indicated by the place where it was produced. Russian mustard is the most “evil”, European and American mustard is much “gentler”.

Powder or grains?

You can prepare mustard in two ways - from powder or grains. In appearance, this mustard is no different - both are masses similar in consistency to sour cream. But grain mustard is much healthier and tastier than powder mustard.
The fact is that manufacturers save a lot on mustard powder. The oil is squeezed out of the seeds, and what remains is processed into powder.
Valuable mustard oil is sold separately, and cheaper sunflower or soybean oil is added to the seasoning.
Powdered mustard is more pungent and does not have a piquant aroma. So before you put a jar of mustard in your grocery cart at the store, read the label carefully. The composition must contain either mustard powder or grains.

What is inside?

There are other important little things that you should pay attention to when buying mustard. Since ancient times, this spice has been used to keep foods, such as meat, fresh. The fact is that mustard contains natural preservatives that prevent products from spoiling.
It immediately becomes clear that mustard itself does not need any artificial preservatives.
Among other chemical additives, stabilizers, sweeteners and coloring agents can be found in finished mustard. The first two ingredients are unlikely to affect the taste of the product and your health, but it is better to avoid buying artificially colored mustard - the tartazine dye, which gives the seasoning a pleasant yellow tint, is banned in many countries.
It is much better if the color of the mustard is added using turmeric.
It is also worth paying attention to what type of vinegar was used to prepare the mustard. The best seasonings are those made with apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar.

Beautiful and slim

Fans of homemade cosmetics know that mustard-based masks improve complexion and eliminate oily sheen on the skin, and mustard wraps make cellulite less noticeable and your waist slimmer. However, before applying masks to your face, try it on a small area of ​​skin.

Mustard often causes allergies.

If there is no redness or itching, everything is fine, you can start using mustard masks.

Dilute a teaspoon of dry mustard powder with 1 tbsp. spoon of water and add 2 tbsp. spoons slightly warmed olive oil. Apply the mask to cleansed face and neck for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm and then cool water. You can make such a mask once a week, the course is 10 masks.
Lubricate cleansed facial skin with olive oil.

Dilute a tablespoon of dry mustard with a glass of warm water, apply this mixture to a cotton cloth and then to your face. Place a warm towel on top, hold the mask for 5 minutes, rinse with water, and remove any remaining residue with cosmetic milk.

Mustard wrap. Mix mustard powder with honey in a ratio of 2:3, apply to the problem area with massaging movements, then wrap in cling film and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. After 40 minutes, take a shower. You can make mustard wraps once every 2-3 days for a month.

However, if you have problems with blood vessels, capillary networks or varicose veins are visible, it is better to avoid wraps.

Preparing mustard
Mustard recipes

Cook at home

You don’t have to buy mustard at the store. It is quite possible to prepare it yourself. If you have grains, before cooking, you need to dry them, grind them, then brew them with boiling water, squeeze them and grind them into powder.
Take 180 g of crushed mustard seeds or powder, 0.25 liters of boiling wine vinegar, 180 g of sugar, a little crushed cinnamon, pepper, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg and the zest of half a lemon.
Pour boiling wine vinegar over the crushed mustard. Mix well and leave overnight warm place. Then add sugar, spices and mix thoroughly again.
After a couple of hours, the mustard can be served.
If you don’t want to bother with preparing the seasoning, but still want something new, you can slightly change the taste of the finished spice.
For example, prepare dill mustard. Mix 250 g of prepared Russian mustard with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fresh chopped dill and 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. This mixture is useful as a dressing for salads and goes well with fish and meat.

Take dry mustard seeds, crush them in a mortar or grind them in a coffee mill, and sift through a thick sieve. Put honey on the fire and boil. When the honey is browned, add ground mustard, dilute with boiled and cooled vinegar, stir until smooth and immediately seal.
For 1 glass of ground mustard - 1 glass of honey, 200 g of vinegar.


Pour dry mustard into a saucepan, pour boiling vinegar, add granulated sugar, pour in burnt sugar, stir well, put on the stove, boil, stirring, pour into a bowl and stir until it cools.
If the mustard turns out to be too thick, you can dilute it with hot vinegar.
For 200 g of dry room - 150 g of vinegar, 200 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of burnt sugar.

Add sugar and salt to mustard powder, stir and dilute with cold vinegar. It is necessary to stir it for at least an hour, and the more, the better, from this it will benefit in both taste and strength.
At 3 tbsp. spoons of mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.

Put sugar into the gray mustard, stir well and pour vegetable oil into this mixture, stirring constantly until the mustard turns into a very thick lump soaked in oil. Then pour crushed cinnamon and crushed cloves into it, dilute with cold vinegar until it becomes liquid, like porridge, then pour into jars, seal and put in a warm place for a week.
For 400 g of gray mustard - 200 g of sugar, 300 g of vegetable oil, b g of cinnamon, b g of cloves, 250 g of vinegar.

Take dry mustard, pour vegetable oil into it, stir, cover, and leave for 12 hours. Then boil the vinegar, pour it little by little into the mustard, stirring constantly until it cools; Add granulated sugar and burnt sugar, stir and place in a warm place for a week.
For 200 g of the room - 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 150 g of vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3 teaspoons of burnt sugar.

Put crushed cloves and sugar into the mustard, dilute it all with vinegar so that the mass is more liquid than ordinary mustard and so that there are no lumps, then put on the stove and cook until the mass becomes thick, like dough. Remove it from the heat and dilute it with cold vinegar to the usual thickness, pour it into jars and put it in a warm place for the first week, and then store it in the room.
Mustard prepared in this way can be stored for more than a year; if it thickens too much, it needs to be diluted with vinegar and stirred.
At 3 tbsp. spoons of mustard - b d cloves, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.

Need to bake some good ones sour apples and rub while hot through a sieve. Then put the pureed apples in yellow mustard, stir, add sugar, dilute with vinegar, boiled with spices, as for pickling, you can add salt.
This mustard has an excellent taste, but it is better to use it no earlier than after 3 days.
At 3 tbsp. spoons of yellow mustard - 4 tbsp. spoons of mashed baked apples, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 150 g of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of salt.

Mustard seeds contain substances that decompose in the presence of water into glucose, potassium sulfate and mustard essential oil, which is a light yellow liquid with an extremely pungent odor. In addition, the seeds contain from 25 to 47 percent fatty oil, which has high taste and is used in canning.

Mustard can be used not only as a seasoning and flavoring for hot and cold meat dishes, especially sausages and fatty meat, as is usually considered.

It can be one of the components of various sauces, as well as an emulsifier, that is, it serves as a protective coating during the heat treatment of delicate products - poultry, veal, fish: fillet (meat or fish) is coated with mustard and baked in this form in the oven - mustard not only prevents the disappearance of juice from a particular type of meat, but also at the same time flavors it.

For emulsification different types products, you should use mustard of different compositions, different mixtures, taking into account the compatibility of spices with different food products.

Black mustard (Brassica nigra Koch.)

Synonyms: real mustard, French mustard.
Cultivated in Southern European countries, mainly in France and Italy. In Russia it is relatively rare.
Black mustard seeds emit a mildly pungent odor when crushed. They prepare the best varieties table mustard, which are world famous in cooking - Dijon and mustard sauce"ravigot".

Sarepta mustard (Brassica juncea Czern.)
Synonyms: Russian mustard, blue mustard.
Widely cultivated in Russia - in the Volga region, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and the North Caucasus. Found in Siberia, on Far East, in Central Asia.
Its basic properties are similar to black mustard.
It is usually sold in the form of so-called mustard flour. Higher quality powder is lighter in color. It is used to prepare regular table mustard.

White mustard (Brassica alba Boiss)

Synonyms: yellow mustard, English mustard.
In Russia, it is cultivated in the central black earth regions and in the southern regions, as well as in Ukraine, mainly for the purpose of obtaining mustard oil.
White mustard seeds are completely odorless, which is why its taste is sharper and rougher. Therefore, table mustard prepared from it is lower in quality than the two types mentioned above and requires additional refinement with other spices.

Dijon mustard
Dijon, the capital of Burgundy, has been famous for its mustard since the early 18th century. It was once sold by weight in shops, and rival artisanal manufacturers fought with each other, trying to invent new fashionable scents, such as nasturtium, capers with anchovies and lemon. Some mustards brought tears to the eyes, while others tasted sweet and pleasant.
Dijon mustard was invented in the 1850s, when one recipe called for verjus (sour) grape juice) was replaced by vinegar. The result was a less sour and tastier mustard. The mass obtained from freshly ground grains is very hot. Purchased fresh from a MaChé store where it is pumped from a tap, Dijon mustard makes a lasting impression.
Today, MaChé, which has a store in Dijon, continues to create exotic mustards such as raspberry champagne, but their focus remains yellow, tangy but not overpowering Dijon mustard.
This product is made from brown or black mustard seeds. When crushed, the seeds have no smell and almost no taste, but their moisture causes a chemical reaction, which creates the desired effect.
Gray Rohirop mustard has been produced since 1777 and is still sold in Dijon.
Taste: Dijon mustard is so strong it tastes spicy. Its smell is so strong that it tickles the nose, and the consistency is delicate and does not seem mealy.

Grainy mustard from Mo

Mustard from the French city of Meaux is often described as mustard prepared using the old method.
It is sold in ceramic jars with a cork lid and a red wax seal, giving it the appearance of a product with a long history.
In France, mustard was first grown and produced by monks, but J.B. Rottegu, which used to make millstones, claims that its mustard recipe was compiled in 1632. Although this product has many substitutes around the world, it retains its uniqueness.
Like its close cousin from Dijon, grainy mustard from Meaux uses brown mustard seeds, Brassica juncea, but changes the production process slightly. Instead of discarding the husks from mustard seeds, they are used as an integral part of the product. The seeds are soaked in vermouth, salted and seasoned with spices. They are then crushed and mixed with the husks, which are sifted and put back into the mixture.
Today, most mustard seeds are not grown in Central Europe, and is imported from Canada.
Gastronomic grainy mustard, which is preferred by chefs all over the world, is best used as a ready-made seasoning for fried meat.
Flavor: Milder than Dijon mustard, but still quite spicy when fresh. The texture is distinctly grainy.

Bavarian sweet mustard
Eating sausages without mustard is unthinkable in Germany. And Bavarian sweet mustard, Brown, sweet and soft, is considered the only worthy accompaniment for the famous Munich white veal sausage - weisswurst.
This mustard is even known in Germany as “white sausage mustard.”
Bavarian sweet mustard was invented in the mid-19th century by Johann Conrad Develey. He opened a mustard factory in Munich. The factory adopted best principles handicraft production.
Constantly striving to create new flavors, Develey discovered a gap in the mustard market - there was no sweet variety. He experimented with traditional mustard mixtures, adding spices and caramelized sugar. The mixtures underwent many changes until baster (yellow) granulated sugar) and coarsely ground mustard seeds were not chosen as the best ingredients.
In addition to being the best condiment for weisswurst, Bavarian sweet mustard is also eaten with another southern German specialty - leberkase ("liver loaf") and pork shank.
Taste: Sweet Bavarian mustard has a grainy texture and a delicate piquant flavor with predominant sweet overtones.

Fruit mustard
This wonderful culinary invention, with fruit preserved in grape must and enriched with mustard, originated in northern Italy. Its history can be traced back to the times Ancient Rome, when foodies mixed honey, mustard, vinegar and oil in hopes of finding the perfect balance of sweet, sour and spicy.
Fruit mustard, or fruit preserved in spiced grape must, was traditionally a rural food that originated as a practical means of preserving what was left after the harvest. However, it acquired a special status in the Middle Ages, when sugar was a luxury.
A base of grape must or sweetened water was used to treat fruits such as apricots, cherries, pears, plums and figs. The fruit was then removed and the sauce was seasoned with mustard and vinegar before boiling until it thickened to a jammy consistency. Today, the fruit is first candied and then bottled in a spicy syrup.
Traditionally, this unique seasoning is eaten with game, cheese and smoked or boiled meat, particularly the meat dish bolito misto. Fruit mustard is a specific delicacy of the city of Cremona in Lombardy, Italy.
Taste: Fruit mustard has a sharp fruity aroma against a winey background. The spiciness in it is balanced by a pleasant sweetness.

Szechuan mustard

In Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisine, many varieties of salad mustard are grown, sometimes the leaves and sometimes the stems are edible.
Ya choy, Szechuan mustard or Szechuan vegetable, is one of the tastiest varieties of mustard, although its khaki-colored stems coated with chili paste are not very attractive.
Sichuan pickled vegetable is made by brining fresh mustard stalks (to remove excess moisture), which are coated with chili paste and fermented in a tightly sealed 60cm high earthenware jar.
The jug is molded as a solid container, so you need to break it to remove the vegetables. In stores, Szechuan mustard can be purchased in the form of slices or straws, wrapped in airtight packaging and ready to eat; In traditional Chinese grocery stores, you can use special chopsticks or tongs to select the pieces you like best.
Ya choy mustard is eaten separately or mixed with other products: excess chili paste (which gives the mustard its characteristic color) is washed off, then pureed.
When dressing salads, do not forget about its salty taste.
Flavor: Canned vegetables contrast well with this salty, tangy, tangy mustard. It irritates the taste buds and improves appetite.

Chinese mustard
Like other Chinese preserved condiments, mui choy, or Chinese mustard, tastes much more attractive than it looks.
This variety of mustard (Brassica juncea) has wrinkled, light brown stems and soft, dark green leaves; in Cantonese it is called gay choi or gay slaw.
There are two types of Chinese mustard: sweet and salty.
Although sweet mustard is also quite heavily saturated with salt, another variety is so salty that crystals are even visible on it.
Some dishes combine both types of mustard to create a balance of flavor. They are sold whole in plastic packaging or cut.
Mustard is always soaked and washed to remove excess salt. Due to its dense consistency, it is recommended to cut Mui Choy thinly before eating: to soften it and saturate it with water, you can steam it for 10 minutes before soaking and rinsing. When adding to dishes, do not forget about the salty taste of mustard.
In California, this mustard is eaten raw or cooked and is least often canned.
Chinese mustard goes well with braised pork belly and duck, as its sweet, salty and bitter flavors make the pork less greasy.
Taste: Chinese mustard has a strong salty-sweet taste (depending on its type) and a bitter aftertaste, reminiscent of salad mustard.

If you believe the research of psychologists, I belong to the group of people who have positive thinking, are not afraid to take risks, are emotional, sometimes unrestrained - they will say first and then think, and strive for changes in life. Such qualities, according to experts, are endowed with those who love... spicy seasonings. And the more “burning” the preferences, the more pronounced these traits are in a person’s character. I learned about such a study quite recently when I was looking on the Internet for a recipe for homemade mustard. It interested me. Well, perhaps, we can agree with the conclusions of psychologists: I began to remember my friends who, like me, cannot imagine a full meal without a good portion of something “hot.” And it turned out that they are really endowed with these traits: they can dive headlong into a pool, and will reach into their pockets for a word, if necessary. In general, they are still “peppercorns”. I wonder if it’s possible to become a little bolder, more active, more optimistic if you include hot sauces in your diet? I propose to conduct an experiment. Moreover, the cold season is coming, and spicy food helps to warm up. (But be careful, spicy foods are contraindicated for those who have gastrointestinal problems) If you don’t really like such products yet, start getting acquainted with them with mustard. One of my friends says: “If you don’t like mustard, you simply don’t know how to choose it.” So how to choose mustard?

In fact, mustard is not only spicy. Sweet, salty, wine and even fruit mustard are available on sale. Spicy is simply the most popular. It is universal and goes well with many dishes: appetizers, first course, second course. By the way, you will find original recipes for meat treats, for which mustard will also come in handy on our portal “Sunny Hands” in the section “Main courses” .

What makes mustard hot is the allyl ester of isosulfothiocyanoic acid. This complex and unpronounceable term refers to a special substance contained in mustard seeds. By the way, they are also beneficial for our body. Regular consumption of seeds as food prevents cancer, helps fight excess weight, and promotes the formation of strong immunity. Helps strengthen the body's defenses article “Immunity, how to increase it?” on the website "Sunny Hands" .

Mustard belongs to the cruciferous family. White cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli belong to the same group. Did not know? I was also surprised by this fact and found out about it after I studied the question of how to choose mustard. That is, it turns out that mustard is a “spicy” relative of white cabbage, so beloved by many (and me too!)! There are 40 known varieties of mustard, but only three of them - Sarepta, black and white - are used to produce the popular seasoning.

Different varieties produce mustard that tastes different. Those who prefer mustard that is not too spicy and odorless will like a product made from the white variety. And lovers of mustard, the taste of which is also characterized as “vigorous”, will like the seasoning from the black and Sarepta varieties. When I was preparing this article, I specifically studied the contents of my refrigerator, and then the assortment of the nearest supermarket. I did not find any information on any jar of mustard about what type of plant was used for its production. That is, you can guess what the chosen product will taste like only by sampling in the truest sense of the word. We buy, taste and draw conclusions - is the mustard from this manufacturer spicy or not, is it aromatic or has a subtle smell.
The only clue when choosing mustard can be the following information, I read it in one specialized article: in our country, as a rule, Sarepta mustard is used, in Europe (France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria and many others, with the exception of Great Britain) - black, and in the UK and USA predominantly white. By the way, you can read about the sights of the latter country on the “Sunny Hands” website in THIS article .

The “spicy” properties of mustard depend not only on the type of plant from which it was made. The method of production also influences this.

Seed to grain

Even if you are not a mustard fan, you probably know that there are two types of mustard - granular and powder. Among my friends there are many who prefer grainy mustard and believe that only it is worthy of the title of mustard. Others, on the contrary, always buy powder and recommend it to everyone exclusively. Is there a difference between these two types of mustard and what is it?

My friend has a diploma in food industry technologist. She was successfully married and has been taking care of her home and family exclusively for several years (if you are also a housewife, you may be interested in article “How to make money while sitting at home” on our portal ), as well as information from Rashid Kirranov on how to successfully get married in his book. But immediately after college, my friend managed to work a little at a company producing seasonings, including mustard. She told me the difference between powder and grain mustard.

Mustard pods arrive at the plant. By themselves they are of no value. But hidden inside them is real wealth - mustard seeds. They are husked and then thoroughly dried. The preliminary “material” is ready. That is, initially the production of mustard - both granular and powder - is no different. But at the next stage the technologies are already different.

From raw materials that will go into production powder mustard, squeeze out the oil. Mustard oil has a very bright yellow and the same pronounced aroma. Many people don't like it because of the smell. I also got used to mustard oil for a long time - my relative from Volgograd, where for some reason it is very popular, everyone in this city eats it, constantly sent me this oil as a gift. As a result, I gave up and started cooking with it and adding it to salads. (By the way, you will find many salad recipes on the website "Sunny Hands" ). Gradually I got used to mustard oil, and now I use almost exclusively it. But let's get back to our mustard. After the oil is squeezed out of the seeds, they are ground to a powder and then mixed with vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vinegar and water. The mustard is ready. It has a pungent taste, which is why many people like it, but, according to nutrition experts, it is devoid of beneficial properties, because it does not contain mustard oil. It contains valuable substances. It turns out that when we buy powdered mustard, we get a spicy seasoning with a pleasant taste, but it does not contain any useful elements for the body. In other words, we can say that this is an “empty” product.

Production technology grainy mustard is different. In this case, the oil is not squeezed out of the seeds, but they are crushed along with it. Therefore, this mustard is much healthier. Mustard oil contains many vitamins (A, E, K) and biologically active substances (phytoncides, sinegrin) - everything that our body needs. But grainy mustard does not have the same pungent taste as powdered mustard. Therefore, it is less popular among buyers, at least in our country. During my student years I was in America, they only eat grainy mustard, they even asked me to bring real Russian hot seasoning as a gift. I fulfilled the request, but none of my new American friends could eat it, everyone groaned and asked: “And how can you eat it? This is real fire!” By the way, the finer the grain of mustard, the spicier it is.

How to distinguish powdered mustard from granular mustard? Pay attention to the label. If it says that the product contains vegetable oil, then you have powdered mustard. It cannot be in the granular one; it has its own oil - mustard. Also pay attention to other ingredients. Powdered mustard will contain mustard powder, while granular mustard may contain only mustard seeds.

Choosing the right mustard

Remember, in our childhood, mustard was sold only in glass jars. This was justified - in such containers the product retains its aroma and taste for as long as possible. Nowadays, mustard producers most often pack it in plastic tubes or doypacks. This is convenient from the point of view of using the product; all you need to do is simply open the lid and squeeze out the desired amount of seasoning. Of course, you will have to tinker a little with a glass jar. And you need to figure out how to close it, and use a spoon every time to get the mustard. In our fast-paced times, such manipulations seem tedious. But if possible, try to buy mustard in classic glass. As they say, feel the difference.

In addition to the fact that mustard retains its aroma longer in glass packaging, you also have the opportunity to evaluate the quality of the product at the time of purchase. Take a close look at the mustard. It should have an even warm color: yellow, brown or honey. If the color of the product is pale or not clearly expressed, it means that this is a seasoning in the production of which low-quality raw materials were used or technological errors were made (the oil was squeezed out at the wrong temperature, the seeds were not dried, etc.). Of course, it's not worth buying it. Then pay attention to the surface of the mustard. There should be no oily drops or brown film on it. This indicates that you are holding an expired product.

How to choose good mustard? If you have a high-quality seasoning in front of you, then it contains grainy mustard must not contain any other ingredients except mustard seeds. IN powder mustard, as I already wrote about this above, also adds water, vinegar, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, and spices. To increase the shelf life of the product and enhance its taste, some preservatives (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, etc.) can also be added to mustard (both granular and powdered). They are considered safe for health. As experts say, there should be no other ingredients in a good mustard.

Taste, color

Mustard is popular in many countries around the world. It is eaten with pleasure in both the East and the West. But taste preferences differ among different peoples. For example, Bavarian mustard. It is considered the freshest. Her taste is not for everyone. Perhaps you can only like Bavarian mustard because large quantity small grains that crunch pleasantly when you eat it. Bavarian mustard is often served with beer along with homemade sausages or fried meat.

mustard - we've all had it on our hot dogs. It has a bright yellow tint, is slightly sweet and not at all spicy. By the way, do not rush to give up American mustard because of its, as many people think, unnatural color. These are not dangerous artificial dyes at all, but the most natural spice, turmeric. American mustard is popular with children. It is bright and not hot, which is probably why kids eat it with pleasure.

Very popular Dijon mustard. Its homeland is the French town of Dijon, hence the name. It has medium pungency and a pleasant aftertaste. By the way, they use wine, not vinegar, to prepare it. Perhaps that is why it has a rather unusual taste; I would also characterize it as viscous, and it reveals itself gradually. Dijon mustard is most often served with meat dishes, it goes especially well with pork.

And, of course, when talking about mustard, one cannot fail to mention ours, Russian . Traditionally, this is a very hot, fiery condiment, and if you eat a little more of it than you need, everything starts to burn in your mouth. By the way, many of us make a mistake here, I used to do this too, until my mother-in-law revealed one secret. What do we usually do when we eat mustard and everything literally starts to “burn”? We immediately try to put out the “fire” in our mouth with water.
But this is wrong, drinks will only increase the discomfort. Instead, as my mother-in-law suggested to me, you need to eat mustard with foods rich in starch or flour. These are potatoes, pasta, bread, rice, buckwheat. By the way, all these products must be on your table if you want to be healthy, beautiful and young. ABOUT correct menu well written author of the portal “Sunny Hands” Tatyana Raduga in the article “How to eat properly, are there any rules for proper nutrition?”

Let's say a word about the beneficial properties

Many people, including me, love mustard for its piquancy and ability to give a completely different taste to familiar dishes. But mustard is not only tasty, but also healthy. (As in the famous aphorism it turned out: a rabbit is not only valuable fur, but also 3-4 kilograms of dietary meat). True, I'm talking about her nutritional value I found out not so long ago, and I will be happy to share this important information with you.

So, mustard should be on your table because it is rich in:

— phosphorus;

- potassium;

— vitamin D;

— B vitamins;

— vitamin A;

- vitamin E.

As you can see, there is a whole set of elements that are responsible for our health (for example, without vitamin D, our body will not absorb calcium, which means there is a high probability of problems with bones) and beauty (we all know how important vitamins A are for hair, skin and nails and E)! Moreover, you’ve probably heard more than once that any spicy seasoning has a positive effect on your mood. When we eat something spicy, the body begins to produce joy hormones - serotonin, endorphins and many others. etc., and the mood changes in better side. Thus, if you eat at least a spoonful of mustard every day, there will be no end to positive thoughts! Try it, and then share your opinion; below each article on the “Sunny Hands” portal there is now an opportunity to leave comments. By the way, advice will help you look at the world more optimistically from the article “Pleasure as a norm of life, or How to learn to enjoy life and every day

Store wisely

Like any food product, it is important not only to choose high-quality food, but also to store it correctly, because this determines how well it will be preserved beneficial features. As for mustard, this product is not too demanding on storage conditions, like butter, for example. (You can read about the rules for storing it)

Mustard can be stored for 6 to 12 months. But it is believed that it can be eaten even after this period. I have come across such information in many sources that you can trust. Experts justified such a long shelf life by the fact that mustard has preservative properties.

I used to store this seasoning only in the refrigerator, but it turns out that it does not deteriorate even when room temperature(only if it does not exceed +20°C). It is advised to keep it in a tightly closed jar in a dark place. Under the influence of light, the essential vapors contained in mustard begin to gradually break down, and it loses its beneficial properties. For the same reason, always close the lid tightly after tasting hot seasoning, otherwise the essential vapors will evaporate. This will also worsen the taste of mustard.

I hope that my tips will help you choose the most delicious and aromatic mustard for yourself and your family! And you can say with confidence that this seasoning has added “spice” to your life!

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

Mustard is considered the most popular seasoning in Russian cuisine. It not only enhances the taste of dishes, but also increases appetite, improves digestion, and also helps cure colds. However, people with ulcers should refrain from eating this burning product.

There are two types of mustard - grain and powder. The latter is considered the most common.

Studying the object

It would seem that mustard is mustard, and there is no difference. In fact, to choose a truly high-quality product, it is not enough to take the first jar you come across. First of all, you need to carefully study the composition.

Definitely in good mustard eat mustard seed or seeds, not mustard powder.

Manufacturers often use table vinegar or alcohol vinegar instead of wine or spirit vinegar. acetic acid. It is better to leave such a product where it was.

Proper mustard should not contain vegetable oil, preservatives, antioxidants, dyes, sweeteners and other additives. E indices are allowed only for citric acid (E330) and curcumin (E100), but they do not pose any harm to health.

You should not take mustard with starch; it is often added to add viscosity and increase the mass of the product. For example, mustard presented in our assortment does not contain starch.

But ingredients such as allspice or hot pepper, horseradish, bay leaf, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, garlic, salt and sugar will only improve the taste of mustard. If the manufacturer used essential mustard oil, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

To identify a defective product, you can contact by expiration date. If it is 45 days, the product is natural; more, it means the manufacturer used preservatives. By the way, mustard itself is a preservative and does not need additional artificial additives.

Usually mustard store in a refrigerator. However, at room temperature (no more than +20 degrees) it also does not deteriorate. Just keep it in a dry and dark place.

It is worth paying attention to country of origin. Russian and Polish seasonings are spicy, but European and American mustard has a soft, delicate taste.

Benign mustard has a pleasant light yellow or yellow-brown color. If the mustard is too pale, most likely poor quality raw materials were used during production or technological errors were made.

By consistency good mustard is homogeneous, without lumps or grains.

Don't worry if mustard has pungent odor, this is normal for such a product.

If a dark crust is noticeable on the surface, bubbles appear or oily spots appear, it means the product is spoiled.

It is better to choose mustard in glass jar– you can see the color and consistency in it. In addition, glass retains the unsurpassed taste and aroma of this product for the longest time. You can often find mustard in a plastic tube or doypack in the store.

What is mustard made from?

The raw material for natural mustard is seeds. They can be white, brown and black. The darker the color of the seeds, the spicier the finished product will be. However, manufacturers usually do not consider it necessary to indicate the raw materials on the packaging; they only write the degree of spiciness:

  • Acute
  • Medium spicy
  • Mild

The best varieties of mustard are made from black seeds, brown ones are used for oil, and the cake from them is used to produce Russian mustard and mustard plasters. Oil and table mustard are made from white seeds; it has a piquant taste, but is of low quality.

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