What perks to put on IS 7. Main opponents. Dueling situations

5 years and 4 months ago Comments: 105

A little bit of history

This Soviet heavy tank was developed in 1945-1947. and was released in only six cars. However, the IS-7, the most powerful and heaviest among its brothers, was the next step in domestic tank building, since many of the solutions first applied on it were later transferred to other production vehicles.

About mobility and maneuverability

IS-7 is the fastest heavy tank among the 10th level. Its maximum speed is 59 km/h. But he won’t reach 59 km/h in a straight line, he gains it from the mountain, he even sometimes reaches 66 km/h from the mountain. The tank's maneuverability is not very good; it turns 28 degrees/sec. In urban areas this maneuverability is more fully sufficient.


The tank's gun is good, the penetration of the AP is 250mm, and the penetration of the AP is 303mm. But sometimes an BB shot is not enough to penetrate the NLD, for example the T110E5 tank. Well, here is the mixing time and accuracy we have<<хромает>>. Our aiming time is 3.4, which is very bad for a level 10 tank. Our gun accuracy is 0.4, so, for example, standing from afar and shooting like an anti-tank gun, we are not good at it. Well, now about the most important thing, about damage per shot. Our average damage is 490, which is very good for such a weapon, but it happens that when you pierce, for example, 512 damage is not dealt, but 640.

Combat tactics

Against LT.

It's very easy to play against light tanks, but you shouldn't underestimate them
Having broken through to your rear, they can easily set you on fire or shout something. Try to knock down the tracks with them so that your allies or yourself can work on them. Charge because the LT has virtually no armor.

Against ST

But ST is something to be wary of. Having broken through to your rear, they will dismantle you very, very quickly, before you have time to blink an eye. Don't let them get close to you, try to keep them at a distance by knocking down their caterpillar. Having shot down the caterpillar, your allies can work on them. If the ST starts to circle you, try to knock down the caterpillar with it and try to roll back, this will increase the time required for the ST to spin you around.

Against TT

It’s already more difficult to play against TT. Try to place the tank so that the position hides your NLD. If there are no such positions, then roll back from home and start, the IS-7 is strong in this. Just like with the ST, try to shoot down the caterpillar so that your allies can work on them.

Against tank destroyers

If it is an open area, try to hide the body of the IS-7 and start playing from the tower, because The PT has very accurate guns; it costs them nothing to hit our weak NLD. If these are urban conditions, then try to roll away from the house and take out the damage. If there is only one PT, then knock it down with a psaltery and start circling it, of course, unless it is a PT with rotating towers. If it's a tank with open conning towers, load and shoot at the weak turret.

Against self-propelled guns

It is very easy to play against self-propelled guns, but do not forget that they have a serious weapon. Charge and try to roll out onto the artillery from the flanks. It’s just that when we turn, the spread of the gun increases, which reduces the chance of hitting us.


Like all heavy tanks, the IS-7 is very strong in urban area, hiding your NLD behind a pile of garbage, the corpse of a tank, and it is best to stand in a tank embrasure or try to take out damage (), etc. you can hold a whole direction.

In open areas try to hide your NLD behind any fold of terrain, large stone boulders, etc. Be constantly on the move because... You may receive a package from the artillery.


The IS-7 is most suitable for holding a direction, so it is best to wait for your allies and push the direction with them, otherwise you will be taken apart very quickly alone.

How to tank correctly.

Often, players going into battle on an IS-7 tank will stand as shown in the photo below and catch damage from enemy tanks, for example from the IS-3, and then write to him<<Как ты меня пробил в лоб, читер!>>, but in fact the player just doesn’t know how to tank on this tank.

How then should we tank on such tanks with<<щучими носами>> ? You need to stand as close as possible to the example building, and then stand like a diamond so that the NLD and fold are not visible<<щучего носа>>as shown in the picture below. But you can’t push the tank like that if the AT is shooting at you, since it will easily hit you, it’s better to stand behind some small hill so that the NLD is not visible, or behind a very small pebble, if there is one, of course.


the IS-7 is also located in the form<<щучего носа,>> like tanks: IS-3, IS-8. But the thickness of the armor is 150mm, which is in contrast to, for example, the IS-3’s 110mm. But if you consider<<щучий нос>> and the angle of inclination, then the armor and all 400mm. The sides of the tank are moderately armored, 150mm thick, but some of the sides are at an angle of inclination, which sometimes saves you from level 8 shots. Well, I won’t say anything about the food. Now let's talk about the turret, the turret of the tank is simply wonderful, and has a rounded shape. The turret is armored in the front 240mm, so no one can penetrate you in the front of the turret, the rear of the turret is armored 185mm, so often hits from a level 8 tank simply result in ricochets and no penetration. I won’t say anything about the stern of the tower.

Here is a detailed booking scheme:

Advantages and disadvantages.

- good mobility on hard soils;
- good frontal armor;
- not a bad gun 130 mm S-70;
- large mass allows you to confidently ram many tanks;
- strong turret + thick gun mantlet;
- low-vulnerability commander's turret;
- reliable side screens.

- the inability to reach maximum speed on a flat surface due to insufficient specific power; the real maximum speed on an ideal highway is no higher than 43 km/h;
- despite the lowest silhouette, it does not have the highest level of camouflage;
- low rate of fire of the gun;
- small ammunition load;
- very small safety margin, only AMX 50V has less;
- weak armor of the sides (between the screen and the caterpillar) and the stern;
- the longest movement of a gun at a level;
- poor negative elevation angle;
- vulnerable fuel tanks, due to which the tank often burns;
- if the NLD is penetrated, there is a risk of the ammunition rack exploding;
- mediocre cross-country ability on medium and soft soils.


At the commander's: sixth sense, repairs, military brotherhood further at your discretion.
At the gunner's: sniper, repair, military brotherhood, smooth rotation of the tower further at your discretion.
At the driver's: king of off-road, repair, brotherhood, virtuoso or master of ramming.
Loader #1: non-contact ammunition storage, repairs, military brotherhood further at your own discretion.
At loader No. 2: desperate, repair, military brotherhood, then at your own discretion.

Additional modules.

First of all we put gun rammer(to reduce gun reloading).
The second thing we put vertical stabilizer(to reduce spread when shooting while moving and turning the turret).
The third thing we put reinforced aiming drives(to reduce mixing time).


BB-20– the main type suitable for attacking enemies.
BP-5– excellent for attacking heavily armored enemy tanks.
OF-5– ideal for attacking light tanks and lightly armored tank destroyers such as the Waffenträger auf E100 and enemy self-propelled guns.


Small repair kit– since our ammunition rack gets critical very often.
Small first aid kit– very often they take out the driver.
Manual fire extinguisher- missing an easy one or medium tank enemy to your rear, there is a very high chance of catching fire, it is best to carry an automatic one with you so as not to be distracted by firefighting during a tense situation.

Bottom line

We have a terrible machine for the enemy, especially in capable hands. This vehicle is suitable for both platoon and Global map. If you deal damage regularly, you can calculate that in the end you will deal all 6000-7000 damage. Well, as for profit, then if you play poorly and there is a defeat, then minus 10,000-30,000 thousand silver is guaranteed for you. And if you at least played well and won, then you should be credited with 5,000-20,000 thousand silver for the battle. And this concludes my guide to the heavy tank. I hope you liked it! Thanks to all! Good luck on the battlefields!

Prepared by: 1jenya

Giving preference to the Soviet branch of heavy tanks, players are often faced with the choice of which heavyweight to give preference to: or the IS-7? If you analyze the statistics, the lion's share of tankers choose the latter. Let's try to figure out what caused this interest.

IS-7 guide

So, let's start with the basics. The IS-7 has a very convenient development branch for leveling up. Accordingly, when reaching the main prize, players get acquainted with some pretty interesting cars. For example, KV-85.

This tank appeared in the game relatively recently, replacing the legendary Tier 6 “tascher” KV1-S in its combat post. The technique is quickly mastered by beginners and brings a lot of pleasant sensations to experienced players.

In the same branch there is an absolute imba of the 8th level, and its older brother T-10. Both vehicles are also easy to learn, have excellent damage for their level, and provide an opportunity to prepare for the acquisition of the IS-7.

If we talk about the branch, everything doesn’t look so rosy. The only tank worth mentioning here is the ST-1. Perhaps someone will say that the KV-4 looks attractive, but on this tank newbies will experience the pain and suffering of slow heavy tanks.
The main criterion for the survival of heavy tanks in a random environment is the safety margin and the thickness of the armor given. The IS-7 cannot boast of the first parameter: 2,150 HP, this is far from the best indicator at the level. But in terms of armor, the Soviet heavy can give odds to any tank in the game.

In addition, the “seven” has greater speed, better dynamics and maneuverability, which allows you to change the direction of attack depending on the developing situation.
Of course, the legendary and attractive to many IS-7 is not without its drawbacks. In particular, the ammunition rack is located in the front of the tank, so breaking through the cheeks can lead to critical damage and an explosion.
Let's talk about weapons. On this front, not everything is so rosy and cloudless for the seventh IS. So, a 130-mm S-70 gun is installed on the vehicle. Armor penetration with a basic projectile is 250 mm, one-time damage is 490 units. The rate of fire of the gun is quite acceptable at the level: the tank can distribute up to 2 150 units of damage per minute. In principle, the indicator is not phenomenal, however, it is fully consistent with its class of technology. It is worth noting that the characteristics of the gun allow you to do without gold, but for greater confidence and comfort, a dozen sub-caliber shells will not be superfluous.

What really causes dissatisfaction is the accuracy, stabilization and long mixing time. When shooting at long distances, the tank will openly blur. In this regard, the IS-4 looks somewhat more attractive, although in addition to accuracy, the “four” gun is inferior in penetration and one-time damage.
A separate line includes uncomfortable vertical guidance angles. The barrel goes down only 6 degrees, which prevents effective play from the terrain.

Where to shoot the IS-7

So, the frontal projection of the IS-7 turret has an armor thickness of 240 mm, which, taking into account the gun mantlet and the correct placement of the armor plates, provides reliable protection against any weapon in the game. The front part of the hull is covered with 150 mm armor plate. The indicator is not impressive, however, the tank is the happy owner of a “pike nose”, which does not allow it to penetrate the “seven” at a right angle. At the same time, the NLD and cheeks remain vulnerable if the tank tries to tank with a diamond, and experienced players usually have no difficulty finding penetration zones. Therefore, in close combat and clinch it is necessary to constantly “dance”, increasing the chance of a rebound.
The sides are not distinguished by good armor, but they are covered with a narrow screen, which well absorbs hits from cumulative bullets and sub-calibers. Therefore, often even top-end heavyweights do not penetrate the IS-7 with gold. If we continue the analogy with the IS-4, this tank can be penetrated head-on by experienced players without much difficulty, which often serves as a reason for dissatisfaction. At the same time, critics forget about one nuance: the “four” only breaks comfortably at a right angle. An easy turn of the hull, and the tank confidently tanks sideways in front of opponents of any level. Therefore, the IS-7 seems more attractive: it is almost impossible to penetrate the strand at a right angle.

Equipment on the IS-7

From additional equipment The rammer and aiming stabilizer are clearly installed. The last slot is filled variably, but it is better to opt for improved ventilation in order to comprehensively improve all characteristics.
There is no choice for combat consumables, so we load up an automatic fire extinguisher, a large repair kit and a first aid kit. This set of equipment will significantly increase the vehicle’s chance of survival. If there are problems with silver, premium consumables can be replaced with basic ones.

IS-7 crew

Leveling up the crew skills for the IS-7 differs little from the standard set of any heavy tank in the game. Therefore, we adhere to this sequence:
In addition, it will be useful for the driver of the “Seven” to master the “King of Off-Road” skill, which will help to significantly improve the driving characteristics of the vehicle. It is important to remember that one of the loaders combines his specialization with the duties of a radio operator, so you can master the skill of radio interception. Mandatory perks include combat brotherhood and camouflage.

How to play the IS-7

We started the review with a comparison of the two top heavyweights of the Soviet development branch. So, the IS-7 is a breakthrough tank that can rush a direction, confidently repelling random hits with its armor. The IS-4 is a defense vehicle capable of confidently defending any city street or exposing its sides to enemy attacks and holding back the onslaught near its base.
Speaking of the IS-7, the main task of the tank is to systematically push out the enemy in the chosen direction. At the same time, the vehicle can also protect any of the flanks abandoned by its teammates.
So, taking advantage of the impressive parameters of the given armor, the “seven” needs to hide NLD and take any hits with the tower. It is worth noting that the frontal armor holds up well the shells fired by a level 10 tank destroyer, so purely theoretically, the IS-7, if properly positioned, is quite capable of holding off an enemy attack on its own.
If it is not possible to completely hide the NLD, we use any cover to attack the enemy, turning our cheeks. Here the armor plates are located at good angles, which gives a high chance of ricochet. Thus, you can peek around the corners of buildings and destroyed equipment. The enemy sees only part of the tower and hull, which prevents him from causing damage. Although rare hits can still penetrate the lower armor plate, there is no escape from this: it is impossible to completely hide the tank on open maps.
It is important to understand that it is better not to be alone. Not a single tank in the game can withstand several enemies who are attacking en masse, so ideally, the IS-7 should be covered by 1-2 teammates who will not allow the tank to be bypassed from the sides.
Remember, that " seven“has good dynamics, so it has time to occupy advantageous positions, change directions of attack, or return to defend its base.
When meeting fast-firing opponents in a random environment, it is better to clinch with them. This way we neutralize the advantage of the enemy’s weapon and do not allow him to leave the confrontation. When going at point-blank range, you need to constantly aim your sights at the enemy’s gun, preventing him from targeting vulnerable areas. The mechanics of the game are designed in such a way that a shot into the barrel with an armor-piercing projectile does not cause damage, but a high-explosive charge becomes dangerous for the shooter. In a clinch, you shouldn’t “dance” with your opponent, turning your vulnerable cheeks. The IS-7 may well look at the enemy head-on, catching unpenetrated targets and inflicting damage.

IS-7 output

The IS-7 looks attractive to both beginners and experienced tankers. The tank feels confident on the front line, opening the enemy’s defenses like a tin can. At the same time, the car does not require getting used to and can be pulled even in inexperienced hands. Continuing the comparison, we note that the IS-4 is more suitable for experienced players who can quickly master the intricacies of the game mechanics on this heavyweight. Therefore, when deciding which heavy load to pump out first, the scales definitely tip in favor of the formidable IS-7.

IS-7 video

The Seven in the new patch are so harsh that they receive a badge of class even when defeated :)
Question for experts:
If the team wins, would they be given a Master? or does experience not depend on victory or defeat?

Screenshot as proof

Well, so as not to get up twice, I offer my setup of perks for seven with explanations:

To begin with, let’s make a reservation that we need to be realistic and we don’t look beyond 4 perks.
Also, I always carry a gold fire extinguisher on seven of my cars (I buy it in bulk with discounts), and therefore I don’t have a problem with all the firefighter skills.
It should also be recognized that military brotherhood is a good thing, but also “repair” and “camouflage” are a good thing.
And it's worth choosing. BUT you should remember that BB is a perk that everyone should have 100%, so screw it. On the other hand, the two dunces loading have nothing to take and they could just be given a BB, but the other members have much more useful perks and skills. In general, there are two ways of development. I chose without BB.

I mistakenly gave the commander a “mentor”, then a “light bulb”, then 85% repairs, in the future the plan is “camouflage”.
In general, I think that a “mentor” is not needed. All the most useful perks are concentrated in the commander, while other specialists have useful perks, but they are fewer than the commander, and therefore we are not interested in leveling up other specialists at the expense of free space under the commander's perk.

"Light Bulb" is an extremely useful perk. It not only gives the idea that it’s time to get your ass out of the way of possible shelling just at the moment when the enemy has already converged and is shooting, but also generally teaches the tanker the intricacies of maps, knowledge of the terrain, and the ability to view opponents. In general, a must-have for analysts and tacticians. Since KVG constantly introduces new cards, the relevance of the light bulb will always be high.

“Eagle Eye” - gives, although a tiny plus to the review, but since the review is an important characteristic, its parameters need to be increased, if possible. The seven has good basic visibility - 402 m, TT10 competitors have the same visibility, but the German competitors have a radio operator who may have “Radio Interception” installed. We should try to reduce this advantage either by installing “coated optics” or by using the “camouflage” skill. However, for the main battery, the overview of the heavies marching in battle groups is not so critical.
There is no place for other skills, they go to hell.

To the gunner - “sniper”, “smooth turn”, then repairs, then “camouflage”. Repair and camouflage are great because they function as you level up, and not just when they hit 100%. Therefore, the 4th perk will be camouflage, I admit that it is unlikely that it will ever be pumped up to 100%, but as the game progresses, the visibility of my tank will gradually decrease.
Other skills: you can live without them, fuck them

Mech-water. The mech-vod, just like the commander, has a lot of tasty skills that give an advantage.
"Battering Master" for the seven is a good thing. I just tried it, the enemy TT10s are falling apart. I just killed a T110E5 with a ram, although it crashed into my forehead while going down the hill.
sad ripple, but you can see this ram 5 minutes before the end of the battle: http://www.wotreplays.ru/index.php/site/203882#provinciya-1504-is-7
I took. It is possible that ramming situations are rare, but this is fun.
"Smooth move" and "Virtous" - also took.
fourth I will take "repair"
"King of the Off-Road" - good skill, but alas, there is no room for it, you will have to go around the shit as before.

There is no radio operator for seven and it’s shitty! "Radio interception" is nothing at all.

Next come two loaders. Which have absolutely nothing to put.
Because of the lack of fish, we set the first skill for one to be “contactless betting shop”, for the other “desperate”.
2nd and 3rd we put “repair” and “camouflage”. 4th - who knows! For those who have their sights set on Martial Fucking, yes. And since all the other crew members are without BB, all that remains is “fire fighting”.

Well, I already blamed the fact that potatoes don’t know how to balance perks or perks for loaders, I won’t repeat myself.

That's it, I left on business

Lovely WOT games:

1. World of Tanks takes place in online time, and team battle takes place among " real people" No bots or mobs - only real people at the helm of their tanks. Every victory is very valuable, and defeat makes you think about your mistakes and miscalculations. Despite the fact that in World of Tanks the most important team actions, but the individual skills of an individual player will also be necessary, which will allow in some cases to change the course of the battle and snatch victory.

2. The game has become so popular that “online” at 800,000 will not surprise anyone. The developers regularly release updates that introduce new cars, maps, graphics improvements and completely new battle modes. Programmers make mods that make the game more interesting and colorful.

3. In the World of Tanks game you can freely communicate with both old friends and new ones who are easy to find. You can join a clan, which will allow you to participate in a world war for territory and find like-minded people.

Soviet heavy tank IS-7 level 10. Cost: 6,100,000 silver credits.
Supplied immediately in a top-end configuration. The difficulty of mastering the tank after its predecessor (IS-8). Prospects for use in companies and tournaments. It is a logical continuation of the IC line and does not require much getting used to. In demand in absolute companies, it is one of the tanks whose presence opens the way to clans.

Brief summary of the pros and cons of the tank:

+ The tank is used as a universal tank, capable of performing any task.
+ Excellent ricochet frontal armor.
+ Decent dynamics for a heavy tank, maneuverability, excellent maximum speed.
+ The side armor is sufficient to prevent penetration by landmines; there is an impenetrable false side.
+ Low silhouette.
+ Good maneuverability.
+ Vitality in the clinch.

Durability is only 2150 XP.
- Mediocre accuracy of the gun, long aiming, lack of cumulative ammunition.
- The fender space of the side is penetrated by guns with armor penetration from 100 mm.
- Vulnerable ammunition rack.

Tank armor. Weak points and penetration points of the IS-7:

Frontal armor of the IS-7:

The frontal projection of the tank's hull has excellent ricochet armor and is invulnerable to guns with armor penetration less than 220 mm. However, even guns with large penetration do not often deal damage to the bottom sheet; its streamlining requires careful aiming, which does not always ensure the accuracy of enemy guns. The turret is practically impenetrable from the front, with the exception of hatches on the roof, but they are not large and can only be targeted in a clinch by a taller tank, and even then with difficulty if the turret is rotated when reloading the gun. But remember, the slightest deviation from a straight line towards the enemy opens the cheekbones, behind which the ammunition is located. .

Side and side armor of the IS-7:

Not a continuous zone of penetration of the IS-7, but having weak spots. The sides have an impenetrable bulwark, the turret also has excellent side armor, but the tank has a vulnerable zone - the fender space of the hull, it can be penetrated by almost everything that can shoot, there are even cases of causing full damage with a landmine from the 261st object. This is rare, but it is possible.
The rear of the turret and hull are poorly armored; it is better not to expose them to attack.

Dynamics and maneuverability of the IS-7:

Compared to its classmates, maneuverability and dynamics are above average; if necessary, the IS-7 can follow the paths of medium tanks without falling far behind them. The picture is complemented by very good maneuverability on soft ground, especially noticeable when enhanced by the skills of the crew. However, the maximum speed of 50 km/h is reached only downhill.

Armament and ammunition of the IS-7:

Main headache owners of the IS-7 - its weapon, with a large spread, long aiming and mediocre accuracy. The set of crew modules and skills is usually aimed primarily at strengthening all these mediocre characteristics. The ammunition load (30 rounds of ammunition) is generally sufficient for thoughtful shooting, but in protracted battles during intense shooting (for example, through the Malinovka field), a shortage of ammunition may begin to be felt. The main ammunition is armor-piercing, with an armor penetration of 260 mm, in general, it is enough to defeat the main enemies at close and medium distances, however, mediocre accuracy and aiming time sometimes bring surprises in the form of a flight path past the aiming point and, as a result, ricochets and non-penetrations.

Deals an average of 490 xp damage. Golden ammunition - sub-caliber with armor penetration of 303 mm. Slightly improves the probability of penetration in the event of FBG lubricating the projectile flight path, and due to greater initial speed flight, the efficiency of long-range shooting increases. Deals an average of 490 xp damage. However, these improvements are not very critical, and the author of the guide believes that radish horseradish is not particularly sweeter for random players. WITH cumulative ammunition it would be more comfortable. High-explosive ammunition with an armor penetration of 68 mm and potential damage of 640 xp is quite good for finishing off 1% of wounded wounded animals, firing at light tanks and self-propelled guns. In random battles, the author of these lines, using the classic IS-7 assault style of combat, carries 3 sub-caliber, 3 high-explosive and 24 armor-piercing ammunition.

Crew, skills and abilities - fine-tuning the IS-7:

The crew of the IS-7 consists of 5 people with two loaders, one of whom serves as a radio operator. By the time you master the IS-7, you should have at least one and a half crew perks. In a random unit, and even in companies, the classic role of the IS-7 is as an assault heavy tank, the main task of which is to break through enemy defenses and destroy enemy heavy tanks. Therefore, this role of the tank dictates a fairly simple line of enhancing combat power. As a result, my choice is this:

1 perk:"Combat brotherhood" - everyone. Improves all characteristics slightly.
2 perk:“Repair” – also for everyone. Some, instead of repairing the driver, download his profile perks,
however, on the front lines, taking extra seconds to repair a damaged module can cost you the extra damage you receive. 3 perk: specialized skills:

The commander has a “sixth sense” - the skill warns of an ambush in the bushes.
More company variants are possible in the form of a “jack of all trades”, the crew often suffers from artillery fire,
There are also fans of the “expert” skill; clinching with prolonged butting of each other is a common thing for IS.

Gunner - “smooth rotation of the turret.” Small, but a plus for the spread. Another option is a master gunsmith. Without this skill, you can only hit a damaged IS-7 gun at point-blank range. And if the repair kit has already been spent... The mechanical drive is the “king of off-road”. The already good dynamics of the tank will become even better, and whether you are rushing around in a random group or rushing in a company - the skill is equally useful. Next, it’s worth taking a closer look at the Virtuoso – this skill helps combat spinning by medium tanks. Profile loader - here I strongly recommend learning the “non-contact ammunition rack” skill, this is the Achilles heel of the IS. At least there will be fewer one-shots, and then there will be other specialized skills. A loader with the duties of a radio operator is a “radio interception”, or “desperate”. Enlarging the view a little looks more useful, since 10% XP of the IS-7 is only 210 XP, a threshold that a level 10 technician often jumps over without noticing.

Equipment and module options for IS-7:

The tank specializes in assault, so the choice is quite clear: Rammer, stabilizer, reinforced drives. The main direction is to strengthen not the most best characteristics guns. Give the tank the opportunity to shoot on the move, which is quite critical during rushes in companies. If you prefer a more universal option for combat, sometimes a fan is installed instead of drives, which enhances everything a little bit. There is also an option with coated optics, but this is a clear weakening of the tank’s combat power, basic overview 400 meters is quite sufficient in my opinion.
A small plate with numbers for modules and perks to increase DPM:

Empty IS-7 - 13.7 seconds.
Rammer - 12.41
Rammer + Combat Brotherhood\ventilation.- 12.19 second.
Rammer + Combat Brotherhood + ventilation.- 11.96
Rammer + Combat Brotherhood + ventilation + chocolate bar.11.31
Rammer + Combat Brotherhood + ventilation + extra rations + desperate - 10.18 seconds.

Additional equipment is standard - a repair kit and a first aid kit, the third module according to preference is either a fire extinguisher, or oil, or a speed controller. A tank rarely burns, so it’s not expensive to use a gold fire extinguisher, which will reduce the already low probability of a fire by 10%. Using the speed controller allows you to actively drive for about 3 minutes. Specific choice depends on your preferences.

Overview and visibility of the IS-7:

Like any heavy tank of the 10th level, visibility is very high, there is practically no sense in camouflage.
The detection distance of a tank in an open field, measured from a tank with a view of approximately 450 meters:

Camouflage 0%: stationary 421 m, moving 444 m, when fired 445 m.
Camouflage 100%: stationary 399 m, moving 440 m, when fired 441 m.

Tank detection distance in bushes:

Camouflage 0%: stationary 170 m, moving 190 m, when fired 381 m.
Camouflage 100%: stationary 174 m, moving 197 m, when fired 383 m.

Applying camouflage will allow you to gain another 1 meter, “combat brotherhood” and ventilation will add another half meter of stealth. Thus, the advisability of pumping up camouflage is clearly not a priority. The tank's visibility is standard for level 10 and is 400 meters. Considering that shining is not a specialized task, but is sometimes performed, for example, when finishing off enemy artillery, an illumination lamp is more useful. Smart art will still see you first from the bushes. It’s pretty clear where she sits.

The tank is top-notch, so welcome to the top three levels of battles. General advice is as follows: take care of your XP, there are not many of them, you don’t need to exchange them for any nonsense. Your main task is to destroy enemy heavy tanks, so you should not unnecessarily abandon the direction of their attacks. At the same time, it is quite capable of supporting the attack of allied medium tanks, and this is worth doing, for example, at the mill in Malinovka, the surviving tanks will then illuminate the enemy artillery, and will not lick their wounds in the bushes, or even in the hangar. Keep the tank's forehead pointed directly at the enemy. This is not a square “German”, a rhombus is fatally dangerous! Don’t attack 2-3 enemy tanks alone, you will expose one of your tanks, and the second will hit you on the side. And there is a rather fragile ammunition rack that has the property of exploding.

Don’t shoot just anywhere, 2-3 shots when there is light across the Malinovka field is enough, you don’t need to shoot at the barn window over and over again. The gun is far from being a sniper weapon, so it is better to shoot at medium and long distances only with full aim. Ammunition is limited, you need to keep an eye on it. Take care of the engine and tanks, 15% of fire when hit is still significant, the “seven” sometimes burns. Feel free to clinch one on one, the IS-7 is practically invulnerable in it. Rotate the turret between shots, making it difficult to target the hatches. You should not ram German heavyweights; you should enter the clinch with them carefully. Although the tank’s armor can withstand impact, it does so mainly due to the angles of inclination and is not very thick, so be careful with enemy artillery, their land mines are very noticeable.

Main opponents. Dueling situations:

It is not for nothing that the IS-7 is considered a universal tank. He is able to emerge victorious from any duel. Remember, the IS-7 is a tank for rushing and living in the attack, do not let your opponents take the initiative from you, always try to close the distance with the enemy. The Germans need to hit the lower armor plate, if it is inaccessible, into the cheeks of the tower. Be careful with the E-100, now this tank is often loaded with cumulative ammunition, which can penetrate the top sheet of the IS-7, but this is not guaranteed, since the E-100 does not have accuracy. As a result, such a duel will be largely at the mercy of the FBR.

Mousegun, on the other hand, must be feared primarily because of its accuracy, so rotate the turret and do not expose your bottom sheet to attack. At close ranges, due to the height of the Germans, they can only effectively shoot at hatches. The American 110 is very dangerous at medium and long range due to its penetrating, good DPM gun, you will have difficulty targeting its weak points, so avoid such situations, go for a closer approach, ideally in a clinch, and shoot under its turret . The IS-4 is the kind of tank that you can shoot at at long and medium distances, provided that you have hidden at least half of the hull. He won’t penetrate you, his forehead is one continuous zone of penetration.

Against an enemy IS-7 in a duel, it’s simply the player’s skill that decides. And a little FBR. But against enemies with a drum you should not “tank” alone, wait for your allies, otherwise you will take more damage than necessary. Also, IS-7 owners sometimes assemble platoons of 3 tanks and, for fun, cut them out randomly according to focus. There is an opinion that the IS-7 is the dream of every first-time schoolchild who is not particularly talented in tank battles, and significantly affects the real statistics of the tank’s combat effectiveness. The developers strive to send each tank to 49% victories. Thus, the tank is actually somewhat redesigned and superior to its analogues. And what do you think?

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IN game World of tanks tank is at level ten and immediately appears in the elite configuration. Despite the impressive characteristics, you should not believe the numbers. The maximum speed is 59 kilometers per hour, but we can only accelerate to it from a large hill.

History of the tank.
Development of the IS7 heavy tank began in 1945. In 1948, six prototypes were created, but despite the complete superiority of the tanks over competitors of its time, the tank was never put into service. The Soviet government abandoned the production of tanks weighing more than 60 tons.

What perks to download for the crew.
It is mandatory to give the crew the perks of cleanliness and order, non-contact ammunition storage, smooth rotation of the turret and smooth movement. Don't forget about repairs, sixth sense and military brotherhood.

What equipment and modules to install.
The main disadvantage of the Seven is its weapon. Based on the totality of its characteristics, the gun turned out to be one of the worst at level ten and imposes close combat tactics. When choosing equipment you should take this into account. Therefore we install gun rammer, vertical stabilizer and improved ventilation. Together with additional rations and combat brotherhood, this configuration gives a good increase in the characteristics of the weapon. In order not to carry a fire extinguisher with you, you can upgrade your crew’s fire extinguishing skills. It is noteworthy that the cost of sub-caliber shells is one of the lowest at level ten. At the same time, they also have low efficiency - penetration is only 303 mm.

Penetration zones and weak points of the tank.
Side armor 150 mm. In fact, it turns out that this is only a small strip of shielded armor. In general, the side armor is 100 millimeters. The pike nose armor also has special features. When posed towards the enemy with the forehead, the lower armor plate becomes vulnerable, and when posed in a diamond shape, the cheekbones become vulnerable. Without reliable cover, a tank becomes an easy victim for the enemy.

How to play correctly.
IS7 is a melee tank. But in close combat you need to be careful. Because the car has one of the minimum strength values ​​at its level. You need to use cover as much as possible and always try to tank damage through the tower. You also need to learn how to correctly use the pike nose design in order to get ricochets and non-penetrations. It is necessary to present the opponent with a reverse bevel.
It is better to immediately forget about using side armor. This tactic is not very suitable for IS7, since we expose the vulnerable part of the pike’s nose to precision level 10 guns. Feel free to use the pipes of allies and opponents in order to hide your vulnerable zone.
Try to find places where you can show only the front of the turret or the back of the bevel of the frontal armor. Try to avoid firefights with top tanks in open areas. If you have not found a reliable shelter, then a frank exchange of health points often ends disastrously for the seven. This is due to the fact that we do not have the best penetration, as well as a small margin of safety.
Our tank has good damage per shot for its level - 490 HP. But realizing the capabilities of the seven’s gun from long distances is complicated by the need for complete and long aiming. It is possible to target enemy weak points and deal damage to them with this tank, but to do this, you first need to make sure that you are in a safe position and there is no artillery fire at you or you are not showing your weak points to the enemy.
If you manage to take a good position, then you become practically invulnerable - even to level 10 anti-tank self-propelled guns. Their shells are not guaranteed to penetrate your tower. Especially if you are constantly moving back and forth. At this time, you will be able to aim for weak areas on the enemy's armor without any problems, since most tanks in the game have weak areas on the turret.
When looking for shelter, try to choose hills with slight differences in terrain, since horizontal aiming angles are not the best best quality IS 7.

Bottom line.
The main points when playing seven are assessing the location of allied forces on the map, constantly analyzing terrain conditions and searching for protected positions. This tactic will help preserve your precious health points longer and benefit the team. Stones, bushes and hills should become your faithful companions.