Processing of manure into biogas equipment. How to produce biogas from manure: an overview of the basic principles and design of a production plant. Correct gas removal

Every year on our planet energy resources become less and less. It is because of this that we have to constantly look for new, alternative sources of energy. Definitely, after some time our planet will run out of oil and gas deposits, and then the world will have to seriously think about the extraction (collection) and use of biogases as the main source of energy.

What is biogas? Principles of biogas production

As already mentioned, biogas is an alternative source of energy. It is released during the fermentation of various household wastes, as well as waste excreted by animals (manure).

This method has been used since ancient times in China, but later, centuries later, it was unclaimed and as a result was forgotten.

Do-it-yourself biogas production at home

Step 1: Selecting a Barrel

First we need to choose a suitable barrel in which we will store the “energy source”, that is, as you understand, food waste and manure.

Step 2: Making the holes

We make holes at the inlet and outlet of the barrel. It can be done using a drill, but in this case, the hole is made using a heated metal pipe.

Step 3: Installation of pipes

We install pipes at the inlet and outlet into the holes we made earlier. We insert and glue the pipes.

Step 4: Creating and installing a “gas tank” holder

We took a 20-liter paint bucket; this tank will contain the gas we extract. The tank is secured with a valve that plumbers use.

Step 5: Add Cow Manure

Mix cow dung (5 kg per 50 liters) and add water. Place it in the tank.

Step 6: Almost done

You will not receive gas for the first 10-15 days, as this time is necessary for all the necessary processes to go through.

Step 7: Get Rid of Carbon Dioxide

In order for this gas to burn, it is necessary to get rid of carbon dioxide. This can be achieved by using a regular filter, of which there are many in various hardware stores.

Step 8: Done!

You will notice how the “fuel tank” will rise as chemical reactions occur. Then it is necessary to open the valve and obtain biogas.

Biogas can be used for different purposes. It is not recommended to use biogas for cooking, as it can negatively affect the taste (if the flavors are not removed).

Video Lesson: Biogas production at home

Ecology of consumption. Estate: Farms annually face the problem of manure disposal. The considerable funds required to organize its removal and burial are wasted. But there is a way that allows you not only to save your money, but also to make this natural product serve you for your benefit.

Farmers annually face the problem of manure disposal. The considerable funds required to organize its removal and burial are wasted. But there is a way that allows you not only to save your money, but also to make this natural product serve you for your benefit. Thrifty owners have long been putting into practice eco-technology that makes it possible to obtain biogas from manure and use the result as fuel.

About the benefits of using biotechnology

The technology for producing biogas from various natural sources is not new. Research in this area began at the end of the 18th century and developed successfully in the 19th century. In the Soviet Union, the first bioenergy plant was created in the forties of the last century.

The technology of processing manure into biogas makes it possible to reduce the amount of harmful methane emissions into the atmosphere and obtain an additional source of thermal energy

Biotechnologies have long been used in many countries, but today they are gaining particular importance. Due to the deteriorating environmental situation on the planet and the high cost of energy, many are turning their attention to alternative sources of energy and heat.

Of course, manure is a very valuable fertilizer, and if there are two cows on the farm, then there are no problems with its use. It’s a different matter when it comes to farms with large and medium-sized livestock, where tons of foul-smelling and rotting biological material are generated per year.

In order for manure to turn into high-quality fertilizer, areas with a certain temperature regime are needed, and this is an extra expense. Therefore, many farmers store it wherever they can and then take it to the fields.

If storage conditions are not met, up to 40% of nitrogen and the bulk of phosphorus evaporate from manure, which significantly worsens its quality indicators. In addition, methane gas is released into the atmosphere, causing Negative influence on the ecological situation of the planet.

Depending on the volume of raw materials generated per day, the dimensions of the installation and the degree of its automation should be selected

Modern biotechnologies make it possible not only to neutralize the harmful effects of methane on the environment, but also to make it serve for the benefit of humans, while reaping considerable economic benefits. As a result of manure processing, biogas is formed, from which thousands of kW of energy can then be obtained, and production waste represents a very valuable anaerobic fertilizer.

What is biogas

Biogas is a volatile substance without color or any odor, which contains up to 70% methane. In terms of its quality indicators, it approaches the traditional type of fuel – natural gas. It has a good calorific value; 1 m3 of biogas emits as much heat as is obtained from the combustion of one and a half kilograms of coal.

We owe the formation of biogas to anaerobic bacteria, which actively work to decompose organic raw materials, which include farm animal manure, bird droppings, and any plant waste.

In self-production of biogas, bird droppings and waste products of small and large livestock can be used. Raw materials can be used in pure form or in the form of a mixture including grass, foliage, old paper

To activate the process, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the life of bacteria. They should be similar to those in which microorganisms develop in a natural reservoir - in the stomach of animals, where it is warm and there is no oxygen. Actually, these are the two main conditions that contribute to the miraculous transformation of rotting manure into environmentally friendly fuel and valuable fertilizers.

Mechanism of gas formation from organic raw materials

To produce biogas, you need a sealed reactor without access to air, where the process of fermentation of manure and its decomposition into components will take place:

  • Methane (up to 70%).
  • Carbon dioxide (approximately 30%).
  • Other gaseous substances (1-2%).

The resulting gases rise to the top of the container, from where they are then pumped out, and the residual product settles down - high-quality organic fertilizer, which, as a result of processing, has retained all the valuable substances present in the manure - nitrogen and phosphorus, and has lost a significant part of pathogenic microorganisms.

The reactor for producing biogas must have a completely sealed design in which there is no oxygen, otherwise the process of decomposition of manure will be extremely slow

Second important condition for effective decomposition of manure and formation of biogas - compliance with the temperature regime. Bacteria taking part in the process are activated at temperatures from +30 degrees. Moreover, manure contains two types of bacteria:

  • Mesophilic. Their life activity occurs at a temperature of +30 – +40 degrees;
  • Thermophilic. For their reproduction it is necessary to comply temperature regime+50 (+60) degrees.

The processing time of raw materials in installations of the first type depends on the composition of the mixture and ranges from 12 to 30 days. At the same time, 1 liter of useful reactor area produces 2 liters of biofuel. When using installations of the second type, the production time of the final product is reduced to three days, and the amount of biogas increases to 4.5 liters.

The efficiency of thermophilic plants is visible to the naked eye, however, the cost of their maintenance is very high, so before choosing one or another method of producing biogas, you need to calculate everything very carefully (click to enlarge)

Despite the fact that the efficiency of thermophilic plants is tens of times higher, they are used much less frequently, since maintaining high temperatures in the reactor is associated with high costs. Maintenance and maintenance of mesophilic type plants is cheaper, so most farms use them to produce biogas.

In terms of energy potential, biogas is slightly inferior to conventional gas fuel. However, it contains sulfuric acid fumes, the presence of which should be taken into account when choosing materials for the construction of the installation

Calculations of the efficiency of biogas use

Simple calculations will help you evaluate all the benefits of using alternative biofuels. One cow weighing 500 kg produces approximately 35-40 kg of manure per day. This amount is enough to produce about 1.5 m3 of biogas, from which 3 kW/h of electricity can be generated.

Using the data from the table, it is easy to calculate how many m3 of biogas can be obtained at the output in accordance with the number of livestock available on the farm

To produce biofuel, you can use either one type of organic raw material or mixtures of several components with a humidity of 85-90%. It is important that they do not contain foreign chemical impurities that negatively affect the processing process.

The simplest recipe for the mixture was invented back in 2000 by a Russian man from Lipetsk region, who built with his own hands a simple installation for producing biogas. He mixed 1,500 kg of cow manure with 3,500 kg of various plant waste, added water (about 65% of the weight of all ingredients) and heated the mixture to 35 degrees.

In two weeks, free fuel is ready. This small installation produced 40 m3 of gas per day, which was enough to heat a house and outbuildings for six months.

Options for manufacturing plants for biofuel production

After making the calculations, you need to decide how to make the installation in order to obtain biogas in accordance with the needs of your farm. If the livestock population is small, then a simple installation will do, which can be easily made with your own hands from available materials.

For large farms that have a constant source of large quantities of raw materials, it is advisable to build an industrial automated biogas system. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the involvement of specialists who will develop the project and install the installation at a professional level.

The diagram clearly shows how an industrial automated complex for producing biogas works. Construction of such a scale can be organized for several farms located nearby

Today there are dozens of companies that can offer many options: from ready-made solutions to development individual project. To reduce the cost of construction, you can cooperate with neighboring farms (if there are any nearby) and build one installation for producing biogas for all of them.

It should be noted that in order to build even a small installation, it is necessary to draw up the relevant documents, make technological scheme, equipment placement and ventilation plan (if the equipment is installed indoors), go through approval procedures with the SES, fire and gas inspection.

Design features of the biogas system

A complete biogas plant is a complex system consisting of:

  1. Bioreactor, where the process of decomposition of manure takes place;
  2. Automated feeding system organic waste;
  3. Biomass mixing devices;
  4. Equipment to maintain optimal temperature conditions;
  5. Gas tanks – gas storage tanks;
  6. Receiver for waste solid waste.

All of the above elements are installed in industrial installations operating in automatic mode. Household reactors, as a rule, have a more simplified design.

The diagram shows the main components of an automated biogas system. The volume of the reactor depends on the daily intake of organic raw materials. For the installation to function fully, the reactor must be filled to two-thirds of its volume.

Operating principle and design of a biogas production plant

The main element of the system is the bioreactor. There are several options for its implementation, the main thing is to ensure the tightness of the structure and prevent the ingress of oxygen. It can be made in the form of a metal container of various shapes (usually cylindrical), located on the surface. Often 50 cc empty fuel tanks are used for these purposes.

You can purchase ready-made collapsible containers. Their advantage is the ability to quickly disassemble and, if necessary, transport to another location. It is advisable to use industrial surface installations on large farms where there is a constant influx of large quantities of organic raw materials.

For small farmsteads, the option of underground placement of the tank is more suitable. An underground bunker is built from brick or concrete. You can bury ready-made containers in the ground, for example, barrels made of metal, stainless steel or PVC. It is also possible to place them superficially on the street or in a specially designated room with good ventilation.

To manufacture a biogas production plant, you can purchase ready-made PVC containers and install them in a room equipped with a ventilation system

Regardless of where and how the reactor is located, it is equipped with a bunker for loading manure. Before loading the raw material, it must undergo preliminary preparation: it is crushed into fractions no larger than 0.7 mm and diluted with water. Ideally, the substrate humidity should be about 90%.

Automated industrial-type installations are equipped with a raw material supply system, including a receiver in which the mixture is brought to the required moisture level, a water supply pipeline and a pumping unit for pumping the mass into the bioreactor.

In home installations for preparing the substrate, separate containers are used where the waste is crushed and mixed with water. Then the mass is loaded into the receiving compartment. In reactors located underground, the hopper for receiving the substrate is brought out, and the prepared mixture flows by gravity through a pipeline into the fermentation chamber.

If the reactor is located on the ground or indoors, the inlet pipe with the receiving device can be located in the lower side of the tank. It is also possible to bring the pipe to the top and put a socket on its neck. In this case, the biomass will have to be supplied using a pump.

It is also necessary to provide an outlet hole in the bioreactor, which is made almost at the bottom of the container on the opposite side from the input hopper. When placed underground, the outlet pipe is installed obliquely upward and leads to a waste receptacle, shaped like a rectangular box. Its upper edge should be below the level of the inlet.

The inlet and outlet pipes are located obliquely upward on different sides of the tank, while the compensating tank into which the waste enters must be below the receiving hopper

The process proceeds as follows: the input hopper receives new batch substrate, which flows into the reactor, at the same time the same amount of waste sludge rises through a pipe into a waste receiver, from where it is subsequently scooped out and used as a high-quality biofertilizer.

Biogas is stored in a gas tank. Most often it is located directly on the roof of the reactor and has the shape of a dome or cone. It is made from roofing iron, and then, to prevent corrosion processes, it is painted with several layers of oil paint. In industrial installations designed to produce large quantities of gas, the gas tank is often constructed in the form of a separate tank connected to the reactor by a pipeline.

The gas produced by fermentation is not suitable for use because it contains a large number of water vapor, and in this form it will not burn. To purify it from water fractions, the gas is passed through a water seal. To do this, a pipe is removed from the gas tank, through which the biogas enters a container with water, and from there it is supplied to consumers through a plastic or metal pipe.

Scheme of installation located underground. The inlet and outlet openings should be located on opposite sides of the container. There is a water seal above the reactor through which the resulting gas is passed to dry.

In some cases, special gas holder bags made of polyvinyl chloride are used to store gas. The bags are placed next to the installation and gradually filled with gas. As it fills, elastic material inflates and the volume of the bags increases, allowing you to temporarily store more of the final product if necessary.

Conditions for efficient operation of a bioreactor

For efficient work installation and intensive release of biogas requires uniform fermentation of the organic substrate. The mixture must be in constant motion. Otherwise, a crust forms on it, the decomposition process slows down, and as a result, less gas is produced than initially calculated.

To ensure active mixing of the biomass, submersible or inclined mixers equipped with an electric drive are installed in the upper or side part of a typical reactor. In homemade installations, mixing is done mechanically using a device resembling a household mixer. It can be controlled manually or equipped with an electric drive.

When the reactor is positioned vertically, the stirrer handle is located at the top of the installation. If the container is installed horizontally, the auger is also located in a horizontal plane, and the handle is located on the side of the bioreactor

One of the most important conditions for producing biogas is maintaining the required temperature in the reactor. Heating can be accomplished in several ways. In stationary installations, automated heating systems are used, which turn on when the temperature drops below a predetermined level, and turn off when the required temperature is reached.

Can be used for heating gas boilers, carry out direct heating with electric heating devices, or build a heating element into the base of the container. To reduce heat loss, it is recommended to build a small frame around the reactor with a layer of glass wool or cover the installation with thermal insulation. Expanded polystyrene has good thermal insulation properties.

To set up a biomass heating system, you can run a pipeline from the home heating system, which is powered by the reactor

How to determine the required reactor volume

The volume of the reactor is determined based on the daily amount of manure produced on the farm. It is also necessary to take into account the type of raw material, temperature and fermentation time. For the installation to fully operate, the container is filled to 85-90% of the volume, at least 10% must remain free for gas to escape.

The process of decomposition of organic matter in a mesophilic installation at an average temperature of 35 degrees lasts from 12 days, after which the fermented residues are removed and the reactor is filled with a new portion of the substrate. Since waste is diluted with water up to 90% before being sent to the reactor, the amount of liquid must also be taken into account when determining the daily load.

Based on the given indicators, the volume of the reactor will be equal to the daily amount of prepared substrate (manure with water) multiplied by 12 (the time required for biomass decomposition) and increased by 10% (free volume of the container).

Construction of an underground biogas production plant

Now let's talk about the simplest installation that allows you to obtain biogas at home at the lowest cost. Consider the construction of an underground installation. To make it, you need to dig a hole, its base and walls are filled with reinforced expanded clay concrete. Inlet and outlet openings are located on opposite sides of the chamber, where inclined pipes are mounted for supplying the substrate and pumping out waste sludge.

The outlet pipe with a diameter of approximately 7 cm should be located almost at the very bottom of the bunker, its other end is mounted in a rectangular compensating tank into which waste will be pumped. The pipeline for supplying the substrate is located approximately 50 cm from the bottom and has a diameter of 25-35 cm. The upper part of the pipe enters the compartment for receiving raw materials.

The reactor must be completely sealed. To exclude the possibility of air ingress, the container must be covered with a layer of bitumen waterproofing

The upper part of the bunker – the gas holder – has a dome or cone shape. It is made of metal sheets or roofing iron. You can also complete the design brickwork, which is then covered with steel mesh and plastered. You need to make a sealed hatch on top of the gas tank, remove the gas pipe passing through the water seal and install a valve to relieve gas pressure.

To mix the substrate, you can equip the installation with a drainage system operating on the principle of bubbling. To do this, vertically fix plastic pipes inside the structure so that their upper edge is above the substrate layer. Make lots of holes in them. Gas under pressure will fall down, and rising up, gas bubbles will mix the biomass in the container.

If you do not want to build a concrete bunker, you can buy a ready-made PVC container. To preserve heat, it must be surrounded by a layer of thermal insulation - polystyrene foam. The bottom of the pit is filled with a 10 cm layer of reinforced concrete. Tanks made of polyvinyl chloride can be used if the reactor volume does not exceed 3 m3.

Video about producing biogas from manure

You can see how the construction of an underground reactor takes place in the video:

An installation for producing biogas from manure will allow you to significantly save on heat and electricity costs, and use organic material, which is available in abundance in every farm, for a good cause. Before starting construction, everything must be carefully calculated and prepared.

The simplest reactor can be made in a few days with your own hands, using available materials. If the farm is large, then it is best to buy a ready-made installation or contact specialists. published

The other day I received another letter again. People are asking for new ideas for farming, some want to start their own business, but they can’t figure out which one. They write to me, as the author of many stories about new beginnings of farmers. This year I opened a free school for farmers on personal growth on my website, so you can study there, and then you’ll come up with ideas for yourself. But since you have already contacted me, then give me your input data about the state you are in...

One farmer writes to me: “As for cheap resources, there is a lot of manure from cattle. There are also sheep. There is nothing more." Poor information. But in fact, this is enough for reasoning. Because there is a cheap resource - manure!

What can you do with manure? Dry, disinfect, add to the soil, produce dry granules.... The most important thing is not this, but how much added value the future product will have and how you bring it to market. I no longer ask where you will get the financial resource.

In my opinion, it needs to be disinfected. Without further argument, I’ll say right away: the optimal way for us is to disinfect with acid: a mixture of nitric, phosphoric and sulfuric, so that the operation gives an immediate effect, the manure then turns into nutritious compost with a good content of macro and microelements, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur appear there. After we have disinfected the raw materials, we must remove the acidity of the product. There are several options, you can take potash (potassium carbonate), or lime. Mix again and get disinfected compost for growing mushrooms; potassium also appears in the compost. We sow it with mycelium and grow mushrooms. But the trouble is, after growing mushrooms, waste remains again - these are mushroom blocks, compost with mycelium grown into it, it is simply riddled with white mushroom hyphae. Let's look at the use of such a product: mycofeed, fertilizers. And then we choose based on cost and convenience of the market where we will sell. It's better not to sell at all. Then to your own farm, to feed the sheep. But to do this, you need to add ground hay and grain and pass the ETR into the extruder. In fact, it turns out to be a whole line of equipment, but it will buy itself in six months. As a result, we produce high-quality feed for our sheep.

For those who are not familiar with the digestion of a sheep, I will say that in a sheep we do not feed the sheep, but the microflora of the sheep’s gastrointestinal tract; the sheep consumes its microflora and its waste products. It is easier to call it not a herbivore, but a bacterivore. Our feed, processed in an ETP extruder, is a disinfected, excellent feed for the microflora of the sheep’s gastrointestinal tract.

I am sometimes reproached for giving ideas using the ETR extruder: but this is so far the only extruder that can process hay, straw, husks and grain. Therefore, for now we have to write with the brand name so that there is no confusion in the minds of farmers.

Homework. Take sheep droppings as a resource and find a product that you can sell. If it doesn’t work out, there is a School of Farmers, or you can write to me, I will answer and give you a solution. There is a clue in the story “How the Sheep Fed the Pigs.”

To launch such a project, you can find a partner from the city who will not only give money for a joint project, but also help with the sale of mushrooms, as well as with the next product.

More information about the ETR extruder - .

Vyacheslav Kostin

The constant increase in the cost of traditional energy resources is pushing home craftsmen to create homemade equipment that allows them to produce biogas from waste with their own hands. With this approach to farming, it is possible not only to obtain cheap energy for heating the house and other needs, but also to establish the process of recycling organic waste and obtaining free fertilizers for subsequent application to the soil.

Excess produced biogas, like fertilizers, can be sold at market value to interested consumers, turning into money what is literally “lying under your feet.” Large farmers can afford to buy ready-made biogas production stations assembled in factories. The cost of such equipment is quite high. However, the return on its operation corresponds to the investment made. Less powerful installations that work on the same principle can be assembled on your own from available materials and parts.

What is biogas and how is it formed?

As a result of biomass processing, biogas is obtained

Biogas is classified as an environmentally friendly fuel. According to its characteristics, biogas is in many respects similar to natural gas produced on an industrial scale. The technology for producing biogas can be presented as follows:

  • in a special container called a bioreactor, the process of processing biomass takes place with the participation of anaerobic bacteria under airless fermentation conditions for a certain period, the duration of which depends on the volume of loaded raw materials;
  • as a result, a mixture of gases is released, consisting of 60% methane, 35% carbon dioxide, 5% other gaseous substances, among which there is a small amount of hydrogen sulfide;
  • the resulting gas is constantly removed from the bioreactor and, after purification, is sent for its intended use;
  • processed waste, which has become high-quality fertilizers, is periodically removed from the bioreactor and transported to the fields.

Visual diagram of the biofuel production process

In order to establish continuous production of biogas at home, you must own or have access to agricultural and livestock enterprises. It is economically profitable to produce biogas only if there is a source of free supply of manure and other organic waste from animal husbandry.

Gas heating remains the most reliable heating method. You can learn more about autonomous gasification in the following material:

Types of bioreactors

Installations for the production of biogas differ in the type of loading of raw materials, collection of the resulting gas, placement of the reactor relative to the surface of the earth, and material of manufacture. Concrete, brick and steel are the most suitable materials for constructing bioreactors.

Based on the type of loading, a distinction is made between bio-installations, into which a given portion of raw materials is loaded and goes through a processing cycle, and then completely unloaded. Gas production in these installations is unstable, but any type of raw material can be loaded into them. As a rule, they are vertical and take up little space.

A portion of organic waste is loaded into the system of the second type daily and an equal portion of ready-made fermented fertilizers is unloaded. The working mixture always remains in the reactor. The so-called continuous feeding plant consistently produces more biogas and is very popular among farmers. Basically, these reactors are located horizontally and are convenient if available free space Location on.

The selected type of biogas collection determines the design features of the reactor.

  • balloon systems consist of a rubber or plastic heat-resistant cylinder in which a reactor and a gas holder are combined. The advantages of this type of reactor are simplicity of design, loading and unloading of raw materials, ease of cleaning and transportation, and low cost. The disadvantages include a short service life, 2-5 years, and the possibility of damage as a result of external influences. Balloon reactors also include channel-type units, which are widely used in Europe for processing liquid waste and wastewater. This rubber upper is effective at high temperatures environment and no risk of damage to the cylinder. The fixed dome design has a completely enclosed reactor and a compensating tank for slurry discharge. Gas accumulates in the dome; when loading the next portion of raw materials, the processed mass is pushed into the compensation tank.
  • Biosystems with a floating dome consist of a monolithic bioreactor located underground and a movable gas holder, which floats in a special water pocket or directly in the raw material and rises under the influence of gas pressure. The advantage of a floating dome is ease of operation and the ability to determine gas pressure by the height of the dome. This is an excellent solution for a large farm.
  • When choosing an underground or above-surface installation location, you need to take into account the slope of the terrain, which makes it easier to load and unload raw materials, enhanced thermal insulation of underground structures, which protects the biomass from daily temperature fluctuations and makes the fermentation process more stable.

The design can be equipped with additional devices for heating and mixing raw materials.

Is it profitable to make a reactor and use biogas?

The construction of a biogas plant has the following goals:

  • production of cheap energy;
  • production of easily digestible fertilizers;
  • savings on connecting to expensive sewerage;
  • recycling of farm waste;
  • possible profit from gas sales;
  • reducing the intensity of unpleasant odors and improving the environmental situation in the area.

Profitability chart for biogas production and use

To assess the benefits of building a bioreactor, a prudent owner should consider the following aspects:

  • the cost of a bio-plant is a long-term investment;
  • homemade biogas equipment and installation of a reactor without the involvement of third-party specialists will cost much less, but its efficiency is also lower than that of an expensive factory one;
  • To maintain stable gas pressure, the farmer must have access to livestock waste in sufficient quantity and for a long period of time. In the case of high prices for electricity and natural gas or the lack of possibility of gasification, the use of the installation becomes not only profitable, but also necessary;
  • for large farms with their own raw material base, a profitable solution would be to include a bioreactor in the system of greenhouses and cattle farms;
  • For small farms, efficiency can be increased by installing several small reactors and loading raw materials at different time intervals. This will avoid interruptions in gas supply due to a lack of feedstock.

How to build a bioreactor on your own

The decision to build has been made, now you need to design the installation and calculate the necessary materials, tools and equipment.

Important! Resistance to aggressive acidic and alkaline environments is the main requirement for bioreactor material.

If a metal tank is available, it can be used provided it has a protective coating against corrosion. When choosing a metal container, pay attention to the presence of welds and their strength.

A durable and convenient option is a polymer container. This material does not rot or rust. A barrel with thick hard walls or reinforced will withstand the load perfectly.

The cheapest way is to lay out a container made of brick or stone or concrete blocks. To increase strength, the walls are reinforced and covered inside and outside with a multi-layer waterproofing and gas-tight coating. The plaster must contain additives that provide the specified properties. The best shape to withstand all pressure loads is oval or cylindrical.

At the base of this container there is a hole through which waste raw materials will be removed. This hole must be tightly closed, because the system only works effectively in sealed conditions.

Calculation of necessary tools and materials

To lay out a brick container and install the entire system, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • container for mixing cement mortar or concrete mixer;
  • drill with mixer attachment;
  • crushed stone and sand for constructing a drainage cushion;
  • shovel, tape measure, trowel, spatula;
  • brick, cement, water, fine sand, reinforcement, plasticizer and other necessary additives;
  • welding machine and fasteners for installation of metal pipes and components;
  • a water filter and a container with metal shavings for gas purification;
  • tire cylinders or standard propane cylinders for gas storage.

The size of the concrete tank is determined from the amount of organic waste that appears daily in a private farmstead or farm. Full operation of the bioreactor is possible if it is filled to two-thirds of the available volume.

Let us determine the volume of the reactor for a small private farm: if there are 5 cows, 10 pigs and 40 chickens, then per day of their life activity a litter of 5 x 55 kg + 10 x 4.5 kg + 40 x 0.17 kg = 275 kg + is formed 45 kg + 6.8 kg = 326.8 kg. To bring chicken manure to the required humidity of 85%, you need to add 5 liters of water. Total weight = 331.8 kg. For processing in 20 days you need: 331.8 kg x 20 = 6636 kg - about 7 cubic meters only for the substrate. This is two thirds of the required volume. To get the result, you need 7x1.5 = 10.5 cubic meters. The resulting value is the required volume of the bioreactor.

Remember that it will not be possible to produce large amounts of biogas in small containers. The yield directly depends on the mass of organic waste processed in the reactor. So, to get 100 cubic meters of biogas, you need to process a ton of organic waste.

Preparing a site for a bioreactor

The organic mixture loaded into the reactor should not contain antiseptics, detergents, chemical substances, harmful to the life of bacteria and slowing down the production of biogas.

Important! Biogas is flammable and explosive.

For proper operation bioreactor must follow the same rules as for any gas installations. If the equipment is sealed and biogas is discharged into the gas tank in a timely manner, then there will be no problems.

If the gas pressure exceeds the norm or poisons if the seal is broken, there is a risk of explosion, so it is recommended to install temperature and pressure sensors in the reactor. Inhaling biogas is also dangerous to human health.

How to ensure biomass activity

You can speed up the fermentation process of biomass by heating it. As a rule, this problem does not arise in the southern regions. The ambient temperature is sufficient for the natural activation of fermentation processes. In regions with harsh climatic conditions in winter, without heating, it is generally impossible to operate a biogas production plant. After all, the fermentation process starts at a temperature exceeding 38 degrees Celsius.

There are several ways to organize heating of a biomass tank:

  • connect the coil located under the reactor to the heating system;
  • install electric heating elements at the base of the container;
  • provide direct heating of the tank through the use of electric heating devices.

Bacteria that influence methane production are dormant in the raw materials themselves. Their activity increases at a certain temperature level. The installation of an automated heating system will ensure the normal course of the process. The automation will turn on the heating equipment when the next cold batch enters the bioreactor, and then turn it off when the biomass warms up to the specified temperature level.

Similar temperature control systems are installed in hot water boilers, so they can be purchased in stores specializing in the sale of gas equipment.

The diagram shows the entire cycle, starting from the loading of solid and liquid raw materials, and ending with the removal of biogas to consumers

It is important to note that you can activate biogas production at home by mixing biomass in a reactor. For this purpose, a device is made that is structurally similar to a household mixer. The device can be set in motion by a shaft that is output through a hole located in the lid or walls of the tank.

What special permits are required for the installation and use of biogas

In order to build and operate a bioreactor, as well as use the resulting gas, you need to take care of obtaining the necessary permits at the design stage. Coordination must be completed with the gas service, firefighters and Rostechnadzor. In general, the rules for installation and operation are similar to the rules for using conventional gas equipment. Construction must be carried out strictly in accordance with SNIPs, all pipelines must be yellow color and be marked accordingly. Ready-made systems manufactured at the factory cost several times more, but have all the accompanying documents and comply with all technical requirements. Manufacturers provide a warranty on equipment and provide maintenance and repair of their products.

A home-made installation for producing biogas can allow you to save on energy costs, which occupy a large share in determining the cost of agricultural products. Reducing production costs will affect the increase in profitability of a farm or private farmstead. Now that you know how to obtain biogas from existing waste, all that remains is to put the idea into practice. Many farmers have long learned to make money from manure.

Anyone can create biogas on their own. This does not require special knowledge or special skills in the field of renewable energy sources. If every person thinks about the world around them, the environmental situation on Earth will improve significantly.

Manure gas is a reality. It can actually be obtained from manure, which somehow fertilizes the land. But you can put it into circulation and get real gas.

To obtain gas from manure with your own hands at home, a farm biogas installation is used. You can produce natural gas using a digester right on the farm. This is how many farmers produce. You don't need to purchase special fuel for this. Enough natural raw materials.

The bioreactor should contain from 1 to 8-10 cubic meters. private production waste, chicken manure. Production and processing of raw materials on a device with such a volume will be able to process more than 50 kg of manure. To make a biogas installation, you should find the drawings according to which the equipment is made, and you also need a diagram.

The installation is carried out in several stages:

  • Mixing of raw materials;
  • Heating;
  • Biogas release.
  • A homemade installation will allow you to obtain gas from manure in a matter of time. You can assemble it yourself, having diagrams and drawings. For the heat generator, you can choose boilers for heating water. To collect gas on site, a gas tank is needed. It collects and stores gas.

    Remember that impurities and debris in the tank must be cleaned from time to time.

    You can obtain gas from manure using a biogas plant. You can design it yourself. Determine the volume of raw materials to be processed, select a suitable container in which the raw materials will be processed and mixed - this is how gas saturated with methane in biofuel is produced.

    Making biogas at home

    There is a stereotype that biogas can only be obtained in specialized industries and farms. However, it is not. Today you can make biogas at home.

    Biogas is a combination of various gases that are created through decomposition organic matter. It is worth knowing that biogas is flammable. It ignites easily with a clean flame.

    Let us note the advantages of a biogas installation at home:

    1. Producing biogas without expensive equipment;
    2. Using your ;
    3. Natural and free raw materials in the form of manure or plants;
    4. Caring for the environment.

    Having a biogas plant at home is a profitable business for the owner summer cottage. To make such an installation, you need a small amount of money: two 200-liter barrels, a 50-liter barrel, sewer pipes, a gas hose and a tap.

    As you can see, to do the installation yourself, you don’t even need to buy additional tools. Barrels, taps, hoses and pipes can almost always be found on the farms of dacha owners. A gas generator is a concern for the environment, as well as your opportunity to use an alternative source of energy and fuel.

    Why do you need a biogas plant for farming?

    Some farmers, summer residents, and owners of private houses do not see the need to build a biogas installation. At first glance, this is true. But then, when the owners see all the benefits, the question of the need for such an installation disappears.

    The first obvious reason to install a biogas plant on a farm is to obtain electricity and heating, which will allow you to pay less for electricity.

    Using your own energy costs less than paying to supply it to the farm.

    Other main reason the need to create an installation is the organization of a complete cycle of waste-free production. We use manure or litter as raw materials for the device. After processing we get new gas.

    The third reason in favor of a biogas plant is its efficient processing and environmental impact.

    3 advantages of a biogas plant:

    • Generating energy to keep the family farm running;
    • Organization of a complete cycle;
    • Efficient use of raw materials.

    Having an installation on your farm is an indicator of your efficiency and concern for the environment. Biogenerators save a huge amount of money, ensuring waste-free production, efficient distribution of resources and raw materials, but also your complete self-sufficiency.

    A heat pump can be easily assembled with your own hands from old home equipment. The entire process is described in the following article:

    Question for efficient farming: how to get methane correctly

    Methane is the main component of biogas. Biogas itself is a mixture of various gases. Among them, methane is the most important.

    Let us highlight the factors that influence methane production:

    • Environment;
    • High-quality raw materials;
    • Frequency of mixing of raw materials in the installation tank.

    The raw materials in the container should be mixed with a pitchfork at least once a day, ideally six times.

    The production of methane is directly related to the production of biogas. The better you treat the process of producing biogas, the better quality of biogas you will get at the output. To do this, you need to use only high-quality raw materials, monitor the place where the installation is located, and mix the contents of the tank. Then you will get methane correctly.

    DIY biogas plant (video)

    There are more and more supporters of preserving the environment in its original form. No emissions or pollution. Biogas plants solve this problem. In addition, the owner of the biogas plant personally receives direct monetary benefits from its use.