Normal temperature in the apartment. Comfortable room temperature for a person What is the room temperature

The microclimate in an apartment depends on many factors, not the least of which is room temperature. The main requirement for it is to be comfortable for the people living in the room.

How many degrees is room temperature? This indicator is very diverse and ranges from 18 to 23 degrees.

Even small deviations from the set temperature, up or down, can complicate a person’s life.

Constant hypothermia is fraught with colds, especially for people who do not have good immunity.

Young children are at greatest risk from hypothermia. They often play on the floor, where the temperature is even lower.

Frequent overheating also does not have the best effect on the general condition of the human body. High temperatures disrupt the body's water balance and the cardiovascular system suffers.

Elevated temperatures are a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi in the room itself, especially if the room has high humidity.

What does temperature depend on?

There are few factors influencing the temperature regime, but each of them is important:

  • climate features of this region;
  • season;
  • features of the premises;
  • human factor.

Norm temperature regime will primarily depend on the region.

Thus, there are significant differences between the southern and northern regions. For southern regions, where the air temperature is higher, the normal temperature in the apartment will be higher.

The warming sun heats the walls of houses, as a result, the temperature inside the room becomes higher even in winter period.

For northern regions, the normal room temperature will be slightly lower. The walls of houses that are severely chilled by frost take away some of the heat they receive, which affects the quality of the final temperature in the room.


Temperature conditions depend on the time of year. In winter, standards provide for the air temperature in the apartment to be lower than in summer.

It is clear that in the summer, when the sun is hot, the air warms up better and the temperature in the apartment rises higher. In winter, you have to make allowances for wall heating.

The temperature in the room depends on the purpose of the room itself. So, the difference between the temperature in the kitchen and the bedroom will be noticeably different.

The first involves frequent use of various household appliances heating air - microwave, oven, hob.

Therefore, there is often high air temperature here. A person rests in the bedroom; it is better to do this at lower temperatures, as provided for by the standards.

Human factor

Each person has their own concept of normal temperature; some people freeze in the summer, while others have windows to ventilate during the Epiphany frosts.

That is why the temperature norm is not one specific temperature, but an interval, and heat supply companies are guided by it.

What should be the temperature in the apartment? Temperature standards are specified in regulatory documents. It clearly indicates in which room what temperature should be.

The range ranges from 12 to 27 degrees:

A slight fluctuation in temperature in the apartment depending on the time of day is acceptable. So from midnight to 5 am, when people are mostly still sleeping, a slight decrease in temperature relative to normal is allowed. But it should not exceed 3 degrees.

There should not be too much space between rooms in the same apartment.. The optimal run-up should not exceed 2 degrees. Then a person will be able to calmly move from room to room without experiencing discomfort.

What to do if the apartment is very cold? Non-compliance with temperature standards is a reason for a complaint and further investigation.

But in order for the complaint to have good grounds, it will be necessary to take measurements according to all the rules:

Before calling a measurer, it is best to visit your neighbors in advance and find out how warm it is in their apartments.

It may well turn out that you are the only owner of a cold apartment, and your neighbors have a completely normal room temperature.

Then calling the commission will most likely not give any result. Blame the property owner for the low temperature.

But if the survey shows that neighbors are also suffering from the cold, it makes sense to join forces and take measurements in all apartments.

To determine the temperature in the room, the thermometer should be placed correctly. According to the rules, the distance from the thermometer and the outer wall should be at least a meter.

The distance from the floor must be at least 1.5 meters. This will prevent the measuring device from entering the draft area and help avoid inaccuracies.

Measurements should be taken over 10 minutes. If in the daytime the temperature is below normal by 3 degrees, and at night by 5 degrees, there is a reason to draw up a report.

As soon as you are convinced that there is a problem with the temperature drop, feel free to call the dispatch service of your management company.

An employee of the management company is obliged to record your appeal and inform you when the commission will come to you. That, in turn, after all the measurements made in your presence, should draw up two identical acts.

One copy remains in the hands of the apartment owner, the second copy is taken by the commission representatives for themselves. The report must indicate the date of measurements and record all readings of measuring instruments.

If you do not agree with the results of the measurements taken, a new time is set for the commission’s visit.. It must be attended by specialists from the state housing inspection.

By the way, some residents, bypassing their management company, directly contact the State Housing Property Inspectorate. This will not be a violation of the law.

If, as a result of measurements, the fact of a decrease in temperature was established and documented, you have the right to receive a recalculation for heat. You will only be charged for the degrees actually obtained.

After the commission’s visit, the owner of the cold apartment should have two documents in his hands:

If you have a certificate of measuring the temperature in the apartment and an application report, you are required to recalculate the heat consumed in the current month.

If the company that calculates the rent refuses to recalculate, you have the right to go to court with a claim for consumer protection.

According to GOST 30494-96, which determines the parameters of the microclimate in residential and public premises, in the cold season the optimal air temperature in the kitchen and toilet is considered to be 19-21°C, in the bathroom and combined toilet - 24-26°C, in the bedroom and others living rooms intended for relaxation and study - 20-22°C, in the lobby and storage rooms - 16-18°C. At the same time, in areas with low temperatures reaching -31°C and below, heating of rooms to 21-23°C is provided. Acceptable standards for a comfortable stay in living rooms are considered to be values ​​in the range of 18-24°C; for the kitchen, toilet and bathroom this figure varies in the range of 18-26°C, for the pantry - 12-22°C. And in areas with low temperatures, heating of residential premises to 20-24°C is allowed.

In the warm season, the optimal air temperature for living rooms and recreation rooms is considered to be a range of values ​​equal to 22-25°C, but fluctuations within 20-28°C are also acceptable. At night, the temperature difference can be no more than 3 degrees.

The optimal temperature for a children's room is 23°C. It is advisable to maintain the air temperature at the same level all the time using heating devices, so that while the baby is changing clothes and sleeping, he does not become hypothermic. It is recommended to maintain high humid air using special humidifiers.

What to do if the apartment is too cold

Start of the heating season in apartment buildings occurs when the outside air temperature drops below +8°C. Utilities compare average daily temperatures over five days. Apartments must be heated. The law allows minor interruptions in heating within 24 hours, while a one-time heating shutdown cannot exceed 16 hours if the air temperature in residential premises is between 12 and 22 degrees.

If the apartment is too cold or hot, residents have the right to file a written complaint and send it to the emergency dispatch service. The document is assigned a registration number. Next, utility services are required to inspect the premises and draw up an act on the basis of which recalculation is possible utility payments. If technical supervisors identify gross violations, utility services are obliged to correct the situation within 2-7 days; otherwise, apartment-by-apartment recalculation of utility payments is made according to the footage of the apartments.

Real temperature measurement

A comfortable microclimate in an apartment depends on several parameters, including air temperature. According to scientific calculations, it should be from +20 to +25 degrees Celsius. But for each person there are their own values ​​that are optimal for comfortable living. Of course, the temperature depends on many nuances. In winter, this question becomes more relevant than ever, and residents of high-rise buildings immediately ask themselves: what should be the temperature of the radiators and air in the rooms?

Factors affecting temperature

First of all, you should consider external factors that affect the temperature in the apartment. It may differ:

  • Due to the general climatic characteristics of the area.
  • Due to the change of season.
  • Due to the characteristics of each room.

Climatic subtleties

The normal temperature regime in a building varies depending on the specific area. For example, it will differ in the southern and northern regions, as well as in the eastern and western regions. A combination of factors such as Atmosphere pressure and air humidity outside also affects the determination of indoor temperature standards.

Depending on the change of season, the microclimate in the apartment may also differ. For example, in winter the temperature will not be very high, but in the summer it will increase significantly. For the European climate, the most acceptable temperature in the cold season is considered to be on average +22 degrees, and in the hot season - +25 degrees Celsius. This difference may seem small, but with consistent exposure it makes a difference.

Human factor

The main purpose of regulating the temperature in an apartment is to create the greatest comfort for the people living there. Some people feel fine in the heat without even thinking about purchasing an air conditioner. And some people constantly open the windows even in severe frost. But we must not forget that human needs do not always correspond to established temperature standards. Hypothermia, as well as excessive overheating of the room, can have an extremely adverse effect on the well-being of people living in the apartment.

It is also worth considering the difference in temperature standards for males and females. It may differ by several degrees, since women are more thermophilic than men. Particular attention must be paid to the apartment in which he lives Small child. His body's thermoregulation has not yet developed, and he quickly overheats and freezes. Therefore, the temperature in the room for children should be stable, averaging +22 degrees.

Room temperature

Table of acceptable standards

Depending on the purpose of the room, the established temperature norm also changes:

  • Rooms for rest and sleep. The optimal temperature is +18 degrees. It is she who will relieve insomnia and poor health.
  • Kitchen. This room involves the use of equipment that emits heat - microwave oven, electric kettle, oven, etc. Therefore, too high an air temperature is inappropriate here.
  • Bathroom. Here the temperature should be within +25 degrees, since the humidity in this room is much higher than in other rooms, and people in it are usually undressed. At low temperatures, dampness and discomfort will immediately be felt.
  • Children's room. The temperature in this room can fluctuate and depends on the age of the child. For a newborn it should be +24 degrees, and for an older baby - +21–22.
  • Living rooms and other rooms for maximum comfort should have a temperature within 19–21 degrees.

Do not forget that too large a temperature difference should not be observed between different rooms of the same apartment. Ideally, 2 degrees is acceptable so that when moving within the house a person does not feel this difference.

About well-being

Temperature regulator

Regardless of personal preferences, you should adhere to the temperature norm. This is especially true for hot summers and winters, when the temperature outside and in the apartment differs significantly. Otherwise, this can lead to overheating or severe hypothermia, and also cause cardiac problems.

Overheating of the body

Too hot an indoor atmosphere creates favorable conditions for the spread of various bacteria. As a result, residents become infected with infectious diseases.

Important! In extreme heat, a person loses moisture, the blood thickens, and the heart works harder, which can have bad consequences for people with cardiovascular problems.

In addition, dehydration due to too high heat levels leads to excessive sweating and the person loses moisture. And this leads to serious disturbances in water and electrolyte balance.


Children shouldn't be cold

A similar process is possible in winter, when the temperature in the apartment sharply drops below +17 degrees due to poor-quality heating. In this case, the heat transfer from the body increases in the residents, and hypothermia occurs, which entails the occurrence of acute respiratory diseases and problems with the nervous system.

This is especially dangerous for young children. Therefore, you need to be careful to maintain the established temperature standards in the room.

Temperature regulation

According to current sanitary standards, the temperature in an apartment or house should not be more than +22 degrees, and any deviation can negatively affect well-being. What to do if your home has different indicators, and how to create an optimal microclimate for residents?

In the past, air temperature was regulated only by heating radiators. For additional heating, heating devices were used - as a rule, electric fireplaces, convectors with open incandescent coils, and others. In order to make the air in the room cooler, the windows were opened, and the problem was solved.

Modern technologies have provided people with a large selection of air conditioners and other devices that are functional and provide comfort in the room. For example, the main function of split systems is not only cooling the air in the apartment, but also heating, dehumidification mode when humidity is too high, ventilation, air purification and removal of foreign odors.

Regulator mount

If we talk about established sanitary standards, then the battery temperature is not standardized. The main thing is that the apartments have the required air temperature, which differs slightly across the country depending on climatic conditions each locality. As a rule, in winter it should be at least +20 degrees Celsius. If this indicator is lower, it means that the home heating service is of poor quality.

The owner only has:

  • Demand that deficiencies in the provision of heating services be eliminated.
  • Apply for a recalculation of heating payments.
  • Quality insulation of your apartment.
  • Purchase additional heating devices.
  • Install heating system your apartment.


The organization providing services, that is, the housing office, must ensure the standard temperature in the apartment. Management Company etc. Therefore, if poor-quality heating is detected, it is necessary to notify these organizations and, if necessary, draw up a report.

If we are talking about a private residential building, then we need to consider the efficiency of the installed heating equipment, taking measures to increase the efficiency of the heating device or changing the heating system.

Any mother with the birth of a baby is anxiously concerned about creating optimal conditions for him, in which the child will feel most favorable. This applies not only to the appropriate care of the newborn, but also to the environment. For a child, it is not so important what color diapers he sleeps on or what brand of bottle he drinks milk from. Much more important is the temperature in the newborn baby’s room. After all, this directly affects the condition, well-being and even the mood of the baby. For mommies important monitor the maintenance optimal temperature and humidity in the room.

Optimal room temperature for babies

Pediatric experts advise keeping the temperature within 18-22 degrees. It is at this temperature that the child feels normal, and his development proceeds in more natural conditions.

In winter It is quite difficult to control the specified temperature due to the beginning of the heating season. But you need to make sure that the temperature in the room does not exceed 23 degrees .

Particular attention should be paid to maintaining a normal temperature in the room while the child sleeps.. In a too hot room, as in a cold one, the child will sleep restlessly, wake up often, and be capricious. Parents must maintain the required temperature for the baby to sleep comfortably. The air temperature in the room where the baby sleeps should be no more than 22 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child: one will sleep well even at 18 degrees, while the other will freeze at this temperature. Therefore, mothers should track at what temperature their child sleeps better.

To monitor room temperature, you must place a thermometer near the baby's crib!

The canopy is small, but it prevents the flow of air and collects dust

It is also advisable to abandon the use of canopies and bumpers that decorate the baby’s crib. In addition to the fact that these things quickly collect dust, they also interfere with normal air circulation.

Another important point is the appropriate room temperature when bathing the child. Many parents believe that the room temperature when bathing a child should be slightly higher than usual. But this is far from true.

If bathing takes place at a higher air temperature in the room, then after bathing the baby will freeze in already familiar conditions.

Therefore, if you are going to bathe your child, you do not need to specifically increase the temperature in the room. After bathing, it is enough to hold the baby in a warm towel for some time. Parents who try from infancy to accustom their child to, on the contrary, after bathing, arrange it for several minutes.

Thus, the temperature in the newborn's room should be constant. There is no need to specially warm up the room for sleeping or bathing the baby.

Note to moms!

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It is worth considering that these room temperature parameters are indicated for healthy children born at term. If the child was born prematurely, he requires special conditions. In particular, the air temperature in the room should be 24-25 degrees . This is due to the insufficient level of own thermoregulation in premature infants.

What are the dangers of overheating or hypothermia?

Scientists have long noticed that overheating of a newborn is significantly worse than hypothermia. Metabolic processes occurring in a newborn at a faster pace than in an adult lead to the accumulation of heat in the body. Getting rid of excess heat occurs during breathing and through the skin. If the room temperature is high enough, the process of releasing heat through breathing becomes somewhat more difficult. And the second mechanism of heat transfer begins to work intensively - through the skin through sweating. The child begins to sweat, blush, has difficulty breathing, and his pulse quickens. The baby may become lethargic, whiny, and restless. Troubles such as dermatitis, urticaria, metabolic disorders and thermoregulation may occur. Therefore, it is very important not to exceed the permissible temperature standards in the room where the newborn is located.

Hypothermia is no less dangerous. Low temperatures can lead to colds, which can lead to serious complications.

In this regard, it is necessary to maintain the optimal room temperature at which the child will feel more comfortable.

How to maintain room temperature

To achieve optimal temperature conditions, you need to determine which temperature is more acceptable for the child. Every child feels differently even at the same temperature. Determining which room temperature is right for your child is quite simple:

  • The child feels well and sleeps peacefully;
  • The child does not blush or sweat;
  • The baby’s arms and legs are not cold, the baby does not become covered with “goose bumps”;
  • The newborn's breathing and pulse are normal.

If the temperature in the room deviates significantly from the permissible limits, measures must be taken to regulate the temperature regime.

  1. If the room is hot, Then you can regulate the temperature using ventilation or air conditioning. Naturally, the child should not be in the room at the time of ventilation. It is advisable to take a walk with the baby at this moment. The air conditioner can be installed in the next room or in another part of the room where the child is. The main thing is that the baby does not come under direct flows of cool air. It is recommended to cover hot batteries with a thick blanket or blanket.
  2. If the room is cool, then you can achieve the desired temperature using heaters.

Video: temperature and humidity in a newborn’s room

If it is impossible to control the temperature in the room

In a situation where it is not possible to control the room temperature, you need to:

  • Give the child more liquid (if the room is hot and stuffy);
  • Dress the baby depending on the room temperature (if it’s hot, you can limit yourself to only panties, if it’s cool, be sure to wear rompers, a warm vest, and socks);
  • It is reasonable to approach the bathing process (at elevated room temperatures, you can bathe your baby several times a day).

Air humidity

Homemade air humidifier

An equally important indicator is the air humidity in the room where the newborn is located. Often the air in rooms is quite dry, especially during the heating season. Therefore, care must be taken to maintain optimal humidity, which should be at least 50%. You can find out about the humidity in the room using a household hygrometer.

If the humidity is significantly lower than permissible, then it is advisable to purchase a special humidifier. If this is not possible, you can increase the humidity in the following ways:

  • Place jars of water;
  • Set up an aquarium;
  • Hang wet sheets on the radiators.

Creating and maintaining optimal room temperature and air humidity has a positive effect on the well-being, condition and mood of your baby.

Pediatricians are increasingly recommending that concerned parents give their children Oscillococcinum during exacerbations of diseases. The drug is developed taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body and strengthens the child’s immunity. It is better to take preventive measures in time than to treat the hated snot and cough later. And Oscillococcinum will help with this - to prevent the disease, it is enough to give the child one dose of the drug per week.


Video No. 2