How to cook a delicious dish from beans. How to cook beans: a simple and understandable instruction. Cooking beans in the microwave

Beans are an excellent natural source of vegetable proteins, which are especially necessary for a fasting person. Bean seeds contain high-quality vegetable protein with essential amino acids, which makes beans an important component of a vegetarian diet; green beans contains B vitamins, vitamin C and carotene. In addition, beans can be cooked not only quickly, but also tasty.

Bean salad with boiled meat

Boiled red beans, fried onion in half rings, cut into thin strips salted cucumbers, boiled meat, also straws. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise. You can add some garlic for spiciness. Tasty.

Bean salad with kirieshki

Beans (boil), onions and carrots - stew in vegetable oil, then mix everything, add "kirieshki" and a little garlic (through a garlic press). Eye proportions.

Bean salad with seaweed

Beans, sea ​​kale from a jar, carrots on a fine grater, onions, garlic. Season everything with mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs.

Bean salad "Korean"

Boiled beans, fried onions with carrots (coarsely grated or cut into small strips), boiled eggs, canned fish (such as Mackerel or Saury in oil). You can also add greens for beauty and piquancy.

Bean salad with smoked chicken

Cook the beans (soak overnight, sort out after boiling in a festive version), finely chop the smoked chicken, pickled cucumbers, garlic, fry the onions and carrots, season with mayonnaise (only you need a little bit of it), you can add a fresh tomato (but not winter , in the sense of not hothouse ... they are tasteless ... here).

Bean salad with pickled cucumbers

Boiled beans, long fried strips of onions and carrots, pickled cucumbers cut into strips.

bean salad

Boil carrots, boil beets, cut into cubes. Add finely chopped onion, herbs, fresh cucumber cut into very small cubes, beans. Fill everything with kefir. Spices added a little black pepper and dried basil and salt to taste.

Bean salad with fresh tomatoes

Beans, fresh tomatoes in small cubes, cheese on a grater, greens, a little garlic (as many as you like) season with tomato ketchup + sour cream or mayonnaise or kefir. You can also add mustard and horseradish, but this is not for everybody, try a couple of spoons there, if you like it, you can season the whole salad.

Bean salad with champignons

Boil champignons finely chop almost into a meat grinder, all kinds of greens, beans, season with olive oil + any soy sauce you like (I took pepper) and pour a little lemon juice (freshly squeezed)

just a snack

  • We take somewhere a glass (slightly more beans) red
  • 2 large onions
  • 1-2 garlic cloves
  • bunch of greens

Cook the beans (it is better to soak in the morning), cut the onion into half rings, fry in oil ..... almost until golden, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of tomato. Cut the greens, finely chop the garlic. spread the beans, garlic greens, and pour the fried onions, salt and pepper to taste.

Navajo bean dish tacos

Ideally, you should knead the dough yourself with cornmeal and fry it into cakes in corn oil. Because the Navajo Indians grow corn, that is, maize. But we adapted it to our reality. You can just buy ready-made yeast dough in cooking. Well, or knead it at home, if not laziness. Roll out cakes from the dough and fry in a pan in oil (corn or refined sunflower). Prepare several bowls with the following contents: boiled beans, finely diced tomatoes, grated cheese (preferably something like Cheddar or just spicier), finely chopped onions, greens. Still need ketchup sharper and tastier. Something like "Mexican". But you can choose according to your taste. The main trick is in the use of the dish. When everything is ready, put a dish of cakes and bowls of fillings on the table and sit down with friends at the table. You need to “collect” everything in this order: put a tortilla on your plate, boiled beans (preferably still hot) on top, grated cheese on the beans, then tomatoes, onions and greens. All this is poured with spicy ketchup and ... Eat to your health! I want to say right away that in order to eat such a cake, you need a certain skill. For the first time, you can be carried in ketchup up to your ears. Fillings should not be put a lot so that you can roll the cake in half for ease of use. In general, this dish is suitable for a good company: it is not expensive, it is quickly prepared, and it is eaten cheerfully.

Bean garnish with Hortex

1:1 boiled beans and boiled Hortex "Mexican salad".

Bean garnish

Beans, carrots, onions finely chopped and fried, a little vinegar and a lot of tomato paste + garlic. Well, spices - curry, red pepper, black ....

String bean garnish

Cut the pods into 3 cm pieces and into boiling salted water, boil until soft. We eat hot with butter. The tastiest thing is "asparagus beans".

White bean puree

All by eye. Boil until soft, rub through a sieve, salt, add oil, stir. For meat, fish as a side dish.

Beans with rabbit meat

Boil the beans until half cooked. The rabbit is butchered and lightly fried. Then they put beans, coarsely chopped potatoes, meat, spices, onions, garlic into the goose dish and stew in the oven.

Beans in a pot

Mushrooms are fried with onions. Mix with beans, add a little garlic, put in a pot and sprinkle thickly with grated cheese. We put in the oven for 20 minutes.

Smoked meat ragout with beans

  • Smoked shank or ribs - about 1 kg
  • beans (1 cup)
  • cabbage (1/4 small head)
  • potatoes (3-4 pcs)
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • onion 1/2 onion
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
  • greens to taste.

Remove the meat from the bones, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the beans previously soaked in water, then pour in a little water and cook until the beans are cooked. As soon as the beans are ready, add the shredded cabbage, and after a few minutes, the diced potatoes and the onions and carrots fried in oil. Decorate the finished stew with herbs. Can be done without cabbage.

Beans stewed with sausage

It is necessary to cook beans (pre-soaked), then add smoked sausage, pickles, tomato paste and cook everything together. Squeeze garlic towards the end. greenery can be added.

Beans stewed with smoked meats

We fry the onion. Then a handful of chopped everything that is smoked sausage in the house) I had a couple of smoked ribs and a couple of slices of ham, a little flour, then tomato paste. Then boiled beans until cooked (I had red beans). Add black pepper, bay leaf, boiling water and simmer. And to this was a side dish of simply stewed fresh cabbage.


Pour beans with cold water with the addition of 1 glass of beer and boil until soft. Then, when ready, drain the liquid. cilantro, walnuts, onions and garlic, pass through a meat grinder and mix with chilled beans. Season the beans with pomegranate juice, sugar (optional), salt and black pepper.

Lobio in a simple way

I cook beans without soaking (in order to cook faster, I drain the water as it boils for the first time and pour cold water again, and then add cold water a couple more times, if the beans are medium-sized, then boil for an hour), when cooking it is important not to salt! and it will be solid. At the end of cooking, I add suneli hops and fried onions directly into the pan, for another five minutes everything gurgles together, when I remove the salt from the fire, and more often not salt, but pour soy sauce. Plus cilantro, garlic to taste. Walnuts are good, but tasty without them.

How often do you cook bean dishes? Probably no more than a couple of times a month, but in the meantime, scientists advise eating beans at least three times a week, since they contain almost all the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Beans have cleansing properties and are used for diet food, so this is simply an indispensable product for those who follow their figure! You can cook a wide variety of dishes from beans, and after learning new original recipes, you yourself will want it to appear on your table as often as possible. Beans are added to soups, lobios, pates, pies and salads, each of these dishes has an original taste and maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, the vitamins and minerals contained in beans are not destroyed during heat treatment and canning, which means that both dry and ready-made beans can be used to prepare tasty and healthy dishes.

Bean dishes are tasty and healthy. cook bean soup one of the recipes below and make sure that every member of your family will like it!

500 gr. green beans,
500 gr. potato,
1 head onion,
200 ml milk
2-3 cloves of garlic,

Rinse the beans thoroughly, remove the pods that have begun to coarsen, and cut off the tails of the remaining pods. Rinse potatoes, peel and cut into small cubes. Peel the onion and garlic and chop coarsely. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and fill with water so that it barely covers the vegetables. Boil vegetables until tender. Pour the vegetable broth into a separate bowl. Grind the prepared vegetables with a blender, gradually adding milk. When all 200 ml of milk is mixed with vegetables, you should have a thick puree, salt and pepper it, add vegetable broth to it to bring the soup to the desired consistency. Then put the soup on the stove, bring to a boil, but do not boil.
Serve hot.

500 gr. dried red beans
1 large carrot
3 heads of onions,
150 gr. walnuts,
2 tbsp wine vinegar,
4 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp tomato puree,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 bunch of green parsley,

Soak beans in cold water and leave overnight. Then drain the water, fill it again with cold water and put on fire. Add 2 tablespoons to the water. vegetable oil and cook the beans until tender. Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic. Peel and cut carrots into small cubes. A few minutes before the beans are ready, add carrots, onions, garlic, tomato puree, pepper and salt to it, mix thoroughly and cook until tender. Add chopped walnuts, vinegar and finely chopped parsley to the finished soup.

Touching on such a topic as bean dishes, one cannot fail to mention lobio. Lobio is a dish of Georgian cuisine, for which there is no single recipe, but no matter what recipe this dish is prepared for, it will always contain beans.

500 gr. beans,
1 st. peeled walnuts,
½ st. pomegranate seeds,
1 st. pomegranate juice,
2 heads of onions,
4 cloves of garlic
1 bunch of green parsley,
vegetable oil,

Soak the beans overnight in cold water, then change the water and boil the beans until tender. Grind walnuts with garlic. Rinse the parsley well, chop and add to the nuts, pour in the pomegranate juice, salt and pepper, add cinnamon and turmeric on the tip of a knife. Peel and finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, add boiled beans to the onion and simmer under the lid for about 3 minutes, then add the sauce, mix, cover and remove from heat after 2-3 minutes. Decorate the finished lobio with pomegranate seeds and serve.

500 gr. string beans,
600 gr. tomatoes,
½ st. peeled walnuts,
2 heads of onions,
1 clove of garlic
2-3 bunches of parsley,

Rinse the tomatoes well, make an incision, pour boiling water over them and remove the skin from them. Cut the tomatoes into slices, put in a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer for 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat and rub the tomatoes through a sieve or chop with a blender. Cut the bean pods into small pieces, boil them in salted water and combine with tomatoes. Peel and finely chop the onion and add to the beans and tomatoes, bring the mixture to a boil. Add finely chopped garlic, chopped walnuts, pepper and finely chopped greens. Cover and let simmer for 10-12 minutes.

How to please the household for dinner is a question that housewives ask themselves every day. I want it to be tasty, original and so as not to stand at the stove all evening. Hot bean dishes are what you need after a hard day's work. Dinner will turn out to be hearty and healthy, and it will take very little time to prepare it.

6 pcs. potato,
1 can of canned corn
1 head of onion,
300 gr. fresh mushrooms,
4 chicken wings,
soy sauce,
2 tbsp tomato paste,
2 tbsp sour cream
2 tbsp sunflower oil.

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, cut into slices and pour soy sauce. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes, salt and drain the juice after a while. Drain the beans in a colander and drain the juice, then add to the potatoes. Peel the onion and chop finely. Mix all the ingredients and arrange in pots, put one chicken wing on top of each pot. In a half-liter jar, mix tomato paste, sour cream and sunflower oil, fill to the top with hot water, mix thoroughly and pour the resulting sauce into pots. Cover the pots with lids and place in an oven preheated to 250°C for 40 minutes, then remove the lids and leave in the oven for another 20 minutes.


500 gr. beef,
2 cans of canned beans
1-2 heads of onions,
2 cloves of garlic
600 gr. tomatoes,
2 bell peppers
vegetable oil
3-4 tbsp ketchup,

Rinse the meat with cool water, cut into small pieces, salt, pepper and leave for a while in the refrigerator. Make an incision on the tomatoes, scald with boiling water and remove the skin, chop the pepper, tomatoes, onion and garlic. Fry the onion and garlic in vegetable oil, add pepper and tomatoes to them, then put the meat, cover and simmer until tender. When the meat is ready, add the beans, ketchup and finely chopped greens.

The easiest and fastest to prepare bean dishes are salads. A delicious protein-vitamin salad can be prepared from both fresh and canned beans, while it is better to boil fresh beans in advance so that at the moment when you want to delicious salad, all the ingredients were already prepared.


2 pickled cucumbers,
2 heads of onions,
½ can of corn
2 cloves of garlic
50 gr. walnuts,
1 bunch of parsley
lemon juice,
vegetable oil.

Drain liquid from beans and corn. Cucumbers cut into small cubes, peel the onion, rinse in cold water and finely chop. Pour the lemon juice over the onions. Mix all vegetables. Finely chop the parsley, add chopped garlic and nuts to it, mix with oil, add the resulting dressing to the salad and mix thoroughly.

1 can of canned red beans
1 can of tuna for salads
3 tomatoes
1-2 red onions
2 tbsp olive oil,
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp wine vinegar,

Peel the onion and cut it into half rings. Mix olive oil, lemon juice and vinegar, salt and pepper. In the resulting mixture, leave the onion to marinate for 1-2 hours. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut them into small pieces. Drain liquid from beans and oil from tuna. Combine beans, tomatoes and tuna, add onions and mix well.

Bean dishes are perfect for both everyday and for holiday table. Delicious and hearty soups, salads and hot dishes will delight you with their simplicity and speed of preparation. Do not refuse bean dishes just because they must first be soaked and boiled, you can do all this in advance, freeze the finished beans and use as needed. Beans are a storehouse of minerals and vitamins that you can pamper yourself without harming your figure, so learn new recipes and let new, original, tasty and fragrant bean dishes appear on your table as often as possible.

How and what can be cooked from beans: TOP-10 recipes from the magazine website

Beans are a plant that plays an important role in cooking. No wonder people call this type of legume "vegetable meat", thus emphasizing its value for the body. Beans contain a large number of easily digestible protein, therefore, in a vegetarian diet, legumes are used as substitutes for meat products.

Beans provide culinary specialists with a huge field for imagination, showing which from such an ordinary product you can cook an amazing dish. Recipes with beans as the main ingredient are the most delicate cream soups, fragrant and healthy side dishes, spectacular salads and even unusual desserts that can surprise real gourmets. A wide variety of dishes with this representative of legumes is due not only to its useful properties, but also the versatility of its types. In cuisines around the world, white, red, and green beans have been used, which differ in both appearance and taste characteristics.

Recipe 1.

Ingredients: 110 g of white beans, 2 processed cheeses, 1 can of sprats, 170 g of onions, mayonnaise, 26 ml of vegetable oil, dill for decoration, salt.

We wash the beans, soak for 6 hours. Then pour fresh water, cook for 50 minutes. Salt 10 minutes before the end of the cooking process. We cool. We clean the onion, wash it, cut it into thin half rings. Fry in hot oil until golden brown. We spread the salad on a round dish in layers, smearing each with a thin layer of mayonnaise. The first layer is beans, representing sea pebbles in this dish. Then - sprats, which are laid with their tails in the middle. The next layer is fried onions - "seaweed". From above we rub curds imitating sea foam. Decorate with dill sprigs.

Recipe 2.

Ingredients: 300 g red beans, 350 g champignons, 280 g canned corn, 2 pickled cucumbers, 90 g onions, 2 cloves of garlic, 180 g black bread, 45 ml vegetable oil, 4 cherry tomatoes, 50 g lettuce, mayonnaise, salt , pepper.

Soak beans for 8 hours. Then boil for an hour. Wash with cold water. My mushrooms, cut into 3-4 parts. We clean the onion, finely chop. Put the onion in 25 ml of heated oil, after 5 minutes add the mushrooms. Fry for 15 minutes, salt, pepper and cool. Cut the bread into cubes, removing the crusts. Sprinkle slices of bread with the remaining oil, spread on a baking sheet, send to the oven for 20 minutes. Cucumbers cut into small cubes. Wash tomatoes and lettuce leaves. We place cucumbers, corn, cooled mushrooms with onions and beans in a salad bowl. Peel the garlic, squeeze into a salad bowl. Add mayonnaise, mix. Arrange in portions on a bed of lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with croutons, decorate with cherry tomatoes cut in half.

Recipe 3.

Ingredients: 320 g white beans, 260 g onions, 65 g butter, 4 cloves of garlic, 14 g flour, salt, red pepper, parsley, dill.

My beans, soak for 7 hours. During this time, we change the water once. Then rinse the beans, cook in fresh water with an amount of 2 liters for about an hour without salt. Beans with half the liquid in which it was cooked, beat with a blender. The rest of the broth is left for dressing. Making a soup dressing. To do this, peel the onion, garlic, wash, finely chop. Melt the butter, fry the onion in a saucepan for 5 minutes, add the garlic, leave until golden brown, stirring constantly. Add flour, fry for 2 minutes. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of broth, mix until smooth. We leave for 3 minutes. Then we put the bean puree, salt to the dressing. Bring to a boil. Pour into bowls, sprinkle with a pinch of red pepper and herbs.

Recipe 4.

Ingredients: 210 g of canned white beans, 90 g of green beans, 180 g of broccoli, 340 g of tomatoes, 2 branches of petiole celery, 120 g of medium-sized pasta, 120 g of zucchini, 80 g of onions, 60 g of carrots, 45 g of tomato paste, 47 ml olive oil, 1.6 liters of meat or vegetable broth, 2 cloves of garlic, thyme, salt.

Onions, celery, carrots and garlic, clean, wash, cut into small cubes. Rinse the zucchini, cut into bars. We wash the string beans, cut off the ends. Put the chopped celery, onion, carrots into the oil heated in a saucepan. After 8 minutes, add garlic, zucchini, green beans. Close the lid, keep on fire for 15 minutes, adding a little broth if necessary. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into cubes, send to a saucepan for 5 minutes. Boil the broth in a saucepan. Transfer the stewed vegetables to the boiling broth. We cook for half an hour. My broccoli, cut into pieces. Add pre-washed canned beans, broccoli, pasta, tomato paste, thyme to the soup. Salt, cook for 10 minutes.

Recipe 5.

Ingredients: 550 g red beans, 180 g onions, 140 g carrots, 130 g bell peppers, 47 ml vegetable oil, 55 g tomato paste, ½ tsp. suneli hops, ½ bunch of basil, ½ bunch of cilantro, 3 bay leaves, 2 cloves of garlic, 45 ml of water, salt, pepper.

My beans, soak for 7 hours. Cook in fresh water for an hour and a half, salt at the end of cooking. We wash the vegetables, clean them of inedible parts. We cut the carrots into strips, the onion into small cubes, the pepper into large cubes. Fry chopped vegetables in hot oil. At the end, add hops-suneli. We mix water with tomato paste, pour it into the fried vegetables, simmer for half an hour. We put Bay leaf, peeled and chopped garlic, beans. Salt, keep on fire for 10 minutes. Rinse the greens, cut, add to the beans with vegetables. Pepper, after 3 minutes turn off the fire

Recipe 6.

Ingredients: 420g canned white beans, 360g ham, 2 chicken eggs, 370 g breadcrumbs, 160 g flour, 90 g onions, 20 g parsley, 2 cloves of garlic, sunflower oil, salt.

We clean the onion, wash it, chop it. Fry in oil until transparent. We cut the ham, mix with beans, onions. We clean the garlic, crush it with a crusher. Rinse parsley, chop. Add chopped garlic, greens to beans with ham. From the resulting mixture we make minced meat with a blender or in a meat grinder. We form small round cutlets. Pour flour into one plate, breadcrumbs into another, eggs into the third. Beat eggs lightly with salt. Fry in oil, dipping bean patties in turn - in flour, egg, breadcrumbs. Serve with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 7.

Ingredients: 520 g white beans, 80 ml olive oil, 320 g flour, 190 ml water, 1 tbsp. l. starch, salt.

My beans, soak for 7 hours. We cook for about an hour. Salt at the end of cooking. We slightly heat 190 ml of water, mix with oil, add a little salt, starch. Sift into this mixture wheat flour in the amount necessary to obtain an elastic dough - about 300 g. Divide the dough into five pieces. Roll out three parts thinly. We cover the baking sheet with parchment. We spread the rolled dough in turn, bake at 190 degrees for 12 minutes. The remaining two pieces are rolled out in the same way. In a deep greased form we place one part of the raw dough, forming the sides. We divide the beans into four parts. Put the first one in a mold, add salt, if the beans are unsalted, pour with oil. We put one baked cake on top, and again beans with butter on it. So alternate layers of cakes and legumes. Put raw dough on top of the pie, fixing it on the sides. Drizzle with oil, prick with a fork. Bake for 50 minutes at 200 degrees. 7 minutes before the end, turn on the top heating.

Recipe 8.

Ingredients: 480 g green beans, 1 duck breast, 480 g raspberries, 70 ml pomegranate juice, 34 ml vegetable oil, 30 g butter, 45 g honey, 115 g sugar, 6 allspice peas, 190 ml wine, salt, coriander .

My duck, remove the skin, bones. Cut into thin plates. Salt. In a frying pan, mix vegetable oil with butter. Fry duck until golden brown. Then we take it out, smear with honey, sprinkle with coriander. Bake at 180 degrees until soft. My beans, cut off the ends. We spread it in the oil where the bird was fried, salt, pour 15 g of sugar, pour pomegranate juice. Simmer without a lid, stirring for half an hour. We spread the beans on a dish, place the duck on top. Mix the remaining sugar in a saucepan with wine, heat, add the washed raspberries. We keep 7 minutes on fire. Pour the resulting sauce over the dish.

Recipe 9.

Ingredients: 150 g red beans, 600 ml 20% cream, 300 ml milk, 275 g sugar, 4 egg yolks, ½ lemon, 45 g walnuts, mint.

Soak the beans for 8 hours, boil for about an hour in water with 50 g of sugar. Cool, beat with a blender. Pour in 300 ml of cream, beat thoroughly. Cool in the refrigerator. Grate the lemon zest. We clean the nuts, grind. Mix the yolks with 150 ml of milk, beat. Pour the remaining cream and another 150 ml of milk into a saucepan, add sugar, boil for 3 minutes. Add a little, constantly stirring, beaten yolks. Warm well, remove from heat, do not bring to a boil. Continuing to stir, pour in the zest, squeeze the lemon juice. Cool the resulting mass in the refrigerator. Then, with a mixer, mix it with bean puree. We send it to the freezer for 2 hours, thoroughly mixing the ice cream every half hour. Then leave until completely solidified. Serve in portions, sprinkle with nuts, decorate with mint.

Recipe 10.

Ingredients: 1 cup black beans, 2 chicken eggs, 160 g dark chocolate, 140 g brown sugar, 30 g instant coffee, 75 g walnuts, 50 ml water, vanilla sugar.

Soak the beans for 5 hours. We wash, boil the beans until soft. Then take out and cool. We melt chocolate in a water bath, add sugar, vanilla sugar to it. We mix. Brew coffee in hot water. We turn the boiled beans into a puree with a blender. Beat eggs, add melted chocolate, coffee. Beat with a blender until smooth. We cover the form with parchment, pour the bean dough. We clean the nuts, cut into small pieces. Sprinkle them over the dough. Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Readiness is checked with a stick, which should be slightly damp. Cool brownies, cut into portions.

Recipes with beans- this means filling your diet with substances useful for the body, protein and vitamins. The recipes for these dishes include ingredients that are harmoniously combined with legumes, such as mushrooms, meat, fish, and cheese.

Beans can prevent a number of diseases of cardio-vascular system. It also has diuretic properties, so it is recommended to use it for some kidney problems. A decoction of beans is useful for nervous overstrain, it will help to quickly restore the body and withstand all kinds of stress.

It has been proven that legumes have a beneficial effect on human health. They are rich in trace elements, fiber and protein. Today we will look at how to diversify your menu with white bean dishes.

The benefits of beans

The leader in fiber content is white beans. Recipes for cooking dishes from it are very diverse. From this product we can make soups, cereals, salads and even bake pies and pies!

The main vitamins of white beans are vitamins A, B, K, PP, C and E. They contribute to the growth and strengthening of hair and nails, as well as give the skin a radiance and healthy appearance.

Doctors especially recommend the use of such a product as white beans, the recipes of which can be used for cooking both in the daily menu and in the festive one. The fact is that this type of legume helps to saturate the body with sulfur. And such a microelement is necessary in cases where a person is constantly ill with bronchitis, intestinal infection and some skin diseases. Doctors also urge to use beans to improve the circulatory system. The iron contained in it improves blood flow and enriches all cells with oxygen. In addition, this product helps to boost immunity.

How to eat beans

As mentioned above, white beans are rich in iron. In order for this microelement to be well absorbed by our body, beans should be consumed together with vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Of course, no one eats this product raw. Before eating, it must be boiled well. And here there are but. The fruits of this leguminous plant must be subjected to heat treatment correctly. Only in this case, guests will truly appreciate your white bean dishes, the recipes of which you can find out by reading the article to the end.

So, wash the beans and fill them with water. After it boils, the liquid must be drained and poured back into the pan. cold water by adding a little sunflower oil. Cooking the product is recommended over low heat. It is worth noting that it cannot be mixed. Add salt only after the ingredient is fully cooked.

Nutritionists, by the way, do not recommend using this product at night. This is due to the fact that, although useful, white beans are quite high in calories. Recipes with this ingredient, however, are so diverse that you can choose a very suitable option for the benefit of your figure.

Beans in pots

We have already said what white beans are rich in. Recipes for its preparation, as already mentioned, are very diverse. Beans can also be used as the main ingredient. And at the same time, it can serve simply as an addition to any other products.

So, to prepare the Beans in Pots dish, you need 200 grams of dried white beans, 7 onions, a few tablespoons of tomato paste, sunflower oil, 700 ml of water, salt and pepper to taste.

In order for the beans to be soft and rich, it is recommended to soak them. In time, this can take up to 3-4 hours. But it's better to do it at night. Drain the water, put the beans in a saucepan.

It is necessary to cut the onion into rings and put it in a heated pan with sunflower oil. Stir constantly. After the onion turns golden, add tomato paste to it. Don't forget to pepper and salt.

Layer the fried beans. Note that the last layer should be white beans. The recipes of the hostesses are different. Some simply pour sunflower oil on top of it. Others are smeared with sour cream. But in any case, the dish must be poured with water in which the beans were cooked, then put in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Beans with chicken in a slow cooker

Many who monitor their health are interested in how white beans are prepared in a slow cooker. These recipes are so simple that even those who are completely unfriendly with the kitchen can cope with the preparation of this or that dish.

Today we bring to your attention the recipe hearty meal"Beans with chicken in a slow cooker."

So, you will need:

  • chicken;
  • carrot;
  • 300 grams of beans;
  • bell pepper (2 pcs.);
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream;
  • the same amount of tomato paste;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Soak beans in hot water beforehand. In the meantime, cut all the vegetables into strips and marinate the chicken for 10-15 minutes (it can be both fillets and wings).

To prepare the dressing, mix the tomato paste with sour cream.

We first put the chicken in the slow cooker, then pour the vegetables mixed and chopped in advance onto it. After that, we throw beans there and fill everything with our dressing.

In the “Baking” mode, the dish must be cooked for at least one hour.

Diet soup with beans

How else can white beans be prepared in a slow cooker? Recipes give us descriptions of many dishes, including soups. Let's consider one of them.

For a light soup for 4 people you will need the following:

  • 200-250 gr beans;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 3 small potatoes;
  • 1 small onion;
  • greenery;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt and spices.

Place pre-boiled beans in a slow cooker and cover with water. Cut the carrots and potatoes into slices and set to cook in the “Stew” mode. Once potatoes are soft, add to soup light fried onions and herbs. Boil for another 5 minutes, add chopped garlic and seasonings.

Bon appetit!

Georgian beans with paprika

Canned white beans also found many admirers. Recipes for its preparation will require a little more effort than the previous version. Today we will consider a less labor-intensive process for the production of this blank.

Again, soak 300 grams of beans in cold water. After a few hours, rinse, add cold water to it again and simmer until it becomes soft. Here it is very important to ensure that the grains are not boiled soft and remain intact. At the end, add salt and drain the remaining liquid.

Chop 300 grams of onion and fry it in sunflower oil. Cut half a kilogram of sweet pepper into slices.

In a large deep frying pan, put the beans, peppers and frying, add sunflower oil, 0.5 cups of water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. After the pepper becomes soft, add finely chopped greens, chopped garlic, a little vinegar, salt and black pepper to the dish. Simmer for another 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Spread the mixture into half-liter jars, sterilize them and roll up the lid.

Bean dishes have hundreds of options and are popular not only with us, but also in many cuisines of the world. Healthy legumes go well with vegetables and meat, spices and spices, which makes it possible to prepare rich soups, lean salads and vitamin snacks, many of which have become the hallmark of the country, earning fame.

What to cook with beans?

Bean dishes "simple and tasty" - recipes with which any housewife can put on the table not only a standard bean soup, but also diversify the menu with tasty and healthy products. Beans are rich in protein and can fully replace meat products, and therefore, is an excellent component for lean hot dishes and salads.

  1. Bean recipes are varied and will delight you with a delicate taste if, following the general rule, soak the beans in cold boiled water for 12 hours and simmer until tender.
  2. Soup with beans and mushrooms will require a minimum of effort. Potatoes, fried carrots, onions and mushrooms are added to boiled beans and seasoned with herbs.
  3. A full-fledged second dish of beans and eggs is easy to prepare. Spread the boiled beans on a baking sheet, pour over the beaten eggs and bake for 10 minutes.
  4. A nutritious salad of canned red beans and smoked chicken fillet is instant: you should mix beans with fillet pieces, add fresh cucumber and season with mayonnaise.

Bean lobio is a traditional Georgian dish famous for its juiciness and fragrantness. Beans are revered by Caucasian cuisine, and are the main component in the recipe, the principle of which is simple: fresh bean taste, stewed in spices and tomato sauce, saturated with juices and aromas. With soaked beans, cooking will take an hour and a half.


  • red beans - 300 g;
  • tomato juice - 200 ml;
  • oil - 50 ml;
  • red ground pepper - a pinch;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.;
  • hops-suneli - 10 g;
  • cilantro - a handful.


  1. Soak beans for 12 hours. Boil for an hour.
  2. Fry the onion in oil, add chopped garlic, nuts, beans and tomato juice.
  3. Season and simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Georgian bean dishes are decorated with greens at the end of cooking.

Bean cutlets are a great alternative to meat cutlets. The dish is a great find for fasting, because protein-rich beans are nutritious, low in calories and can replace meat. To create cutlets, any kind of beans is suitable - the main thing is that it is easily boiled and whipped into minced meat, to which, if desired, you can add vegetables.


  • beans - 350 g;
  • semolina - 80 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 80 ml.


  1. Soak beans for 8 hours. Boil, grind in a blender.
  2. Fry carrots and onions. Enter into the bean mass.
  3. Add mango.
  4. Form cutlets and fry them.

Red bean soup will turn into a tasty and quick dish if you have a can of canned product on hand. Such a preparation will speed up the cooking time and save you from the long soaking process that housewives do not like. All that is needed is to send the beans along with the potatoes to the broth and after 20 minutes remove the finished hot dish from the stove.


  • red canned beans - 600 g;
  • beef - 250 g;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 2 l;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • fresh parsley - a handful;
  • oil - 40 ml.


  1. Roast the beef.
  2. Add onion, tomato paste and a liter of water. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  3. Put in potatoes and beans. Add water.
  4. Simmer the dish for 20 minutes.
  5. These red bean dishes are served garnished with herbs.

Bean pate is a nutritious snack that is high in protein and fiber. The dish is universal: it is useful for adults and children, affordable and easy to prepare, well suited for diets. It can be spread on croutons, sandwiches or wrapped in pita bread. The taste of the pate can be changed, using new spices each time.


  • beans - 250 g;
  • olive oil - 65 ml;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs.;
  • provencal herbs - a pinch;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.


  1. Boil the soaked beans for 2 hours.
  2. Whisk in a blender with all ingredients.
  3. Send the mass to the refrigerator.
  4. The bean snack should be refrigerated for 12 hours.

Salad of beans and corn - light dish, which can be served as a side dish for fish, meat or on its own. Using canned foods, it will not be difficult to cope with an appetizer in a couple of minutes: you need to season the beans and corn with sauce and let it brew. A classic dressing of lemon juice and oil will add freshness.


  • canned beans and corn - 180 g each;
  • capers - 20 g;
  • wine vinegar - 20 ml;
  • olive oil - 55 ml;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix beans, corn and capers.
  2. Whisk vinegar, oil and honey.
  3. Pour dressing over salad.
  4. infuse for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Bean garnish is a refreshing addition to nutritious meat and, if using green beans. They are not as high in calories as their “relatives” and have a huge supply of vitamins, which makes them a desirable component in many recipes. Particular attention should be paid to seasonings - green beans are tasteless and need them.


  • green beans - 430 g;
  • ginger - 1/4 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 1/4 pc.;
  • starch - 20 g;
  • soy sauce - 40 ml;
  • sugar - 10 g;
  • oil - 45 ml.


  1. Boil the beans for 5 minutes.
  2. Stir-fry with chili and ginger.
  3. Mix starch, soy sauce, sugar and 20 ml of oil.
  4. Pour in the sauce and simmer for 5 minutes.
  5. Bean dishes as a side dish are served hot.

A popular Georgian appetizer with a pâté-like consistency. The dish consists of two parts: an invariable dressing of walnuts, garlic, hot red pepper and suneli hops, and the main ingredient is beans. Preparing is simple: you just need to scroll through the components in a meat grinder and form meatballs from the mass.


  • canned beans - 450 g;
  • walnuts - 120 g;
  • cilantro - a pinch;
  • garlic clove - 2 pcs.;
  • hops-suneli - 20 g;
  • red ground pepper -1/4 teaspoon;
  • pomegranate seeds.


  1. Put all the ingredients in a blender bowl and grind.
  2. Form meatballs, make a recess and fill it with pomegranate seeds.

A dietary dish that must be included in the weekly diet. Despite its simplicity, it provides the widest selection of components that can be purchased based on personal preferences and seasonality. The peculiarity of cooking (slow stewing) provides the products with the opportunity to exchange flavors and save a healthy supply.


  • beans - 175 g;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • onion - 120 g;
  • tomatoes - 80 g;
  • water - 450 ml;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 1/2 pc.;
  • zucchini - 150 g.


  1. Soaked beans, boil for 2 hours.
  2. Saute carrots, onions, zucchini and tomatoes.
  3. Add water, beans, laurel and chili.
  4. Simmer covered for 20 minutes.

Bean sauce is a great alternative to high-calorie mayonnaise dressings, which are high in fat and harmful preservatives. A natural, low-calorie product that is quick and easy to prepare, and is a great addition to chips, croutons or fresh vegetables. It is convenient to put it in a container and take it to a picnic.


White beans in cooking are considered a more popular product due to the fact that it turns out to be very delicate in texture and has a more pleasant taste. But to achieve good taste, it must be cooked correctly. And this process must be done first, following the advice of professionals, otherwise the beans will turn out bitter and tough.

How long do white beans boil?

Beans must be soaked for 4-6 hours, but not more than 12 hours. The cooking process itself after boiling in a saucepan takes at least 50 minutes. In the microwave, it will take 10-15 minutes to boil white beans, depending on the power of the appliance. But in the slow cooker, the time increases again to 60 minutes.

Instructions for cooking white beans

The classic way to boil beans is in a pot. To prepare, you need to take 1 cup of the product and soak it for 4-6 hours in 3 cups of warm water. After that, the side dish is washed several times and set to boil:

  • Put the beans in a large enough container, pour 3 cups of cold water and put on a slow fire, without covering with a lid.
  • After boiling, drain the water and add 3 cups of cold water again. On low heat, bring to readiness and cook for 60 minutes.
  • 10 minutes before the end of cooking add 1 tsp. salt per 1 cup beans.
  • After 60 minutes, taste the beans. If it is not soft enough, cook for another 101-5 minutes. If the water boils away, then you can add cool liquid.

If you decide to cook white bean soup, then you need to put the main component 1 hour before the end of cooking. You can cook beans faster if you use a microwave.

Advice! For cooking in the microwave, the beans are placed in a glass container and poured with water in a ratio of 1: 2. The oven is turned on at full power and the product is cooked for 10 minutes. If he is not ready, put another 3-4 minutes. Salt and pepper after washing.

Cooking technology in a multicooker:

  • white beanspre-soaked for 4-6 hours, put into a bowl and pour water 1:3;
  • the timer is set for 1 hour;
  • when the timer goes off, the beans need to be tasted for softness.

If white beans are not soaked first, the cooking time will increase by 1-2 hours, depending on the size of the beans.

A common problem when cooking white beans is the presence of bitterness and insufficient softness of the product. To avoid this, you need to remember a few rules:

  • To achieve an increase in the softness of the product will help 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil poured in at the very beginning of cooking.
  • Soak the beans in a large bowl so that they do not become crowded during the swelling process.
  • If the beans are not cooked, you can get poisoned. The raw product contains dangerous toxins.
  • If soaked for more than 12 hours, the fermentation process may begin. In the hot season, the onset of an undesirable reaction is accelerated. Therefore, you need to clean the beans in the refrigerator.
  • During soaking, the water is changed to maintain a neutral environment. If changing the liquid fails, soak it in a special solution (600 ml of water and ¼ tsp of salt).
  • The water in which the beans are soaked dissolves carbohydrates. If you cook beans in the same liquid, then the risk of flatulence increases. It is important to rinse the beans before boiling.
  • To save white color product, be sure to change the water after the first boil.
  • A small fire during cooking is needed so that the beans boil evenly and do not burn.
  • When preparing soups, beans are boiled for no more than 40 minutes, and then laid in the broth.

You can use white beans in different recipes: salads, stews, soups. It is an excellent substitute for mashed potatoes and is an important source of protein for people who eat little meat.

Recipes with white beans

From beans you can cook delicious, satisfying and healthy meals. And you don't have to spend too much time on it. Fans of vegetable snacks will appreciate the nutritional value of the product. Indeed, when using white beans, it is not at all necessary to add meat to the recipe.

Baked beans with vegetables

A delicious and beautiful recipe in pots, for the preparation of which you need to take 2 tbsp. boiled beans, 1 zucchini, 2-3 tomatoes, Brussels sprouts or broccoli to taste, as well as 1-2 carrots and onions:

  • fry carrots and onions, add about 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • cut the remaining vegetables arbitrarily, mix with roast and put in pots;
  • white beans are boiled until half cooked and added to pots;
  • put in the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of no more than 160 degrees.

10 minutes before readiness, you can sprinkle with grated cheese mixed with green onions.

Provencal soup with herbs

An unusual and very varied soup will come from an abundance of vegetables and herbs:

  • Boil white beans in the amount of half a glass in 1 liter of chicken broth with the addition of a glass of water and a bunch of herbs - 4 sprigs of parsley, 2 sprigs of thyme, 1 bay leaf, a small bunch of basil.
  • Then you need to prepare 200 g of green beans, 1 tomato, carrot, onion, zucchini, 1 small fennel. You will need salt, 2-3 cloves of garlic and 125 ml of olive oil.
  • While the beans are cooking, the zucchini is cut into slices, the onion into quarters, the carrot lengthwise into 4 parts and into similar slices. Green beans should be up to 2.5 cm long. Fennel is cut into thin feathers.
  • The tomato is peeled and cut, the garlic is put with a part of the basil in a blender, beaten and olive oil is added.
  • All vegetables are added to the beans in the broth, after taking out a bunch of herbs. Cook for 15 minutes until soft. Add salt and pepper.

Serve the dish with a prepared sauce of garlic, basil and butter!

Simply sautéing onions, carrots and beans in tomato paste makes for a delicious side dish for any meat dish or a nutritious addition to your daily fresh vegetable salad.

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Excluding protein from meat and dairy products, beans, and legumes in general, can be called one of the richest sources of protein. In addition, due to its neutral taste, white beans, like any other beans, can be an addition to any dish: appetizer, first or main. We undertake to prove this with a whole range of simple recipes, among which there is something for everyone to taste.

White Bean Salad - Recipe


  • canned white beans - 420 g;
  • - 230 g;
  • lettuce or chard - 4-7 leaves;
  • red onion - 45 g;
  • dill greens;
  • cherry tomatoes - 130 g;
  • olive oil - 60 ml;
  • red wine vinegar - 30 ml.


The preparation of this white bean salad is practically reduced to just mixing all the above ingredients together. Drain the liquid from the beans and rinse the beans, pick the lettuce with your hands, chop the dill, cut the cherry tomatoes in half, and the onion into thin half rings, mash the tuna lightly with a fork if the pieces are too large. After putting all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season them with a mixture of oil and vinegar, mix and try.

white bean lobio recipe

If you do not know how to cook white beans deliciously, so that they conquer all eaters, then try making lobio - a Georgian dish of beans in tomato sauce.


  • white beans - 390 g;
  • white onion - 110 g;
  • walnuts - 90 g;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • dried savory - 3 g;
  • hops-suneli - 3 g;
  • tomatoes - 340 g;
  • vinegar - 15 ml;
  • a pinch of saffron;
  • pomegranate seeds.


Before boiling white beans, they should be left to swell in cold water for 8-12 hours. Boil the swollen beans, leave the liquid after cooking.

Saute white onion with spices in a small amount of oil. After 2 minutes, put the pieces of tomatoes to the onion, wait until they turn into a thick sauce, and then add the beans and chopped walnuts. We begin to pour the liquid in which it was cooked into the pan with the beans so that the consistency of the dish resembles a thick sauce. Sprinkle white beans in tomato sauce with fresh cilantro before serving.

White Bean Soup - Recipe

While discussing hot white bean dishes and appetizers, one cannot miss the amazing hearty soups that are prepared with this affordable legume.


  • head of white cabbage (small);
  • white onion - 110 g;
  • carrots - 140 g;
  • garlic cloves - 4-5 pieces;
  • olive oil - 15 ml;
  • dried coriander and oregano - 4 g each;
  • paprika - 4 g;
  • tomatoes in their own juice - 410 g;
  • tomato sauce - 240 g;
  • vegetable broth - 1.2 l;
  • canned beans - 400 g.


Spasser the onions with carrots for 5 minutes, add the garlic and spices, and after a minute add the chopped cabbage and mix. Pour the contents of the pan with a mixture of tomato sauce, tomatoes themselves in their own juice and broth. When the liquids boil, cover the container with a lid and leave the dish to simmer on a minimum heat for 20 minutes. Add beans, draining excess liquid first.

Serve canned white bean soup with fresh bread and lots of greens.

White Bean Soup



Sauté the shallots and garlic in the sage-leaf oil, and when it becomes translucent, add the beans and wait another 3-4 minutes. Pour the stock over the ingredients, bring the mixture to a boil, and puree the white bean soup with a blender until smooth. Add cream, heat again and serve.

It has been proven that legumes have a beneficial effect on human health. They are rich in trace elements, fiber and protein. Today we will look at how to diversify your menu with white bean dishes.

The benefits of beans

The leader in fiber content is white beans. Recipes for cooking dishes from it are very diverse. From this product we can make soups, cereals, salads and even bake pies and pies!

The main vitamins of white beans are vitamins A, B, K, PP, C and E. They contribute to the growth and strengthening of hair and nails, as well as give the skin a radiance and healthy appearance.

Doctors especially recommend the use of such a product as white beans, the recipes of which can be used for cooking both in the daily menu and in the festive one. The fact is that this type of legume helps to saturate the body with sulfur. And such a trace element is necessary in cases where a person is constantly sick with bronchitis, intestinal infection and some skin diseases. Doctors also urge to use beans to improve the circulatory system. The iron contained in it improves blood flow and enriches all cells with oxygen. In addition, this product helps to boost immunity.

How to eat beans

As mentioned above, white beans are rich in iron. In order for this microelement to be well absorbed by our body, beans should be consumed together with vegetables rich in vitamin C.

Of course, no one eats this product raw. Before eating, it must be boiled well. And here there are but. The fruits of this leguminous plant must be subjected to heat treatment correctly. Only in this case, guests will truly appreciate your white bean dishes, the recipes of which you can find out by reading the article to the end.

So, wash the beans and fill them with water. After it boils, the liquid must be drained and pour cold water into the pan again, adding a little sunflower oil. Cooking the product is recommended over low heat. It is worth noting that it cannot be mixed. Add salt only after the ingredient is fully cooked.

Nutritionists, by the way, do not recommend using this product at night. This is due to the fact that, although useful, white beans are quite high in calories. Recipes with this ingredient, however, are so diverse that you can choose a very suitable option for the benefit of your figure.

Beans in pots

We have already said what white beans are rich in. Recipes for its preparation, as already mentioned, are very diverse. Beans can also be used as the main ingredient. And at the same time, it can serve simply as an addition to any other products.

So, to prepare the Beans in Pots dish, you need 200 grams of dried white beans, 7 onions, a few tablespoons of tomato paste, sunflower oil, 700 ml of water, salt and pepper to taste.

In order for the beans to be soft and rich, it is recommended to soak them. In time, this can take up to 3-4 hours. But it's better to do it at night. Drain the water, put the beans in a saucepan.

It is necessary to cut the onion into rings and put it in a heated pan with sunflower oil. Stir constantly. After the onion turns golden, add tomato paste to it. Don't forget to pepper and salt.

Layer the fried beans. Note that the last layer should be white beans. The recipes of the hostesses are different. Some simply pour sunflower oil on top of it. Others are smeared with sour cream. But in any case, the dish must be poured with water in which the beans were cooked, then put in the oven for 20-30 minutes.

Beans with chicken in a slow cooker

Many who monitor their health are interested in how white beans are prepared in a slow cooker. These recipes are so simple that even those who are completely unfriendly with the kitchen can cope with the preparation of this or that dish.

Today we bring to your attention a recipe for a hearty dish "Beans with chicken in a slow cooker".

So, you will need:

  • chicken;
  • carrot;
  • 300 grams of beans;
  • bell pepper (2 pcs.);
  • a couple of spoons of sour cream;
  • the same amount of tomato paste;
  • a little sunflower oil;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Soak beans in hot water beforehand. In the meantime, cut all the vegetables into strips and marinate the chicken for 10-15 minutes (it can be both fillets and wings).

To prepare the dressing, mix the tomato paste with sour cream.

We first put the chicken in the slow cooker, then pour the vegetables mixed and chopped in advance onto it. After that, we throw beans there and fill everything with our dressing.

In the “Baking” mode, the dish must be cooked for at least one hour.

Diet soup with beans

How else can white beans be prepared in a slow cooker? Recipes give us descriptions of many dishes, including soups. Let's consider one of them.

For a light soup for 4 people you will need the following:

  • 200-250 gr beans;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 3 small potatoes;
  • 1 small onion;
  • greenery;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • salt and spices.

Place pre-boiled beans in a slow cooker and cover with water. Cut the carrots and potatoes into slices and set to cook in the “Stew” mode. After the potatoes become soft, add a light frying of onions and herbs to the soup. Boil for another 5 minutes, add chopped garlic and seasonings.

Bon appetit!

Georgian beans with paprika

Canned white beans also found many admirers. Recipes for its preparation will require a little more effort than the previous version. Today we will consider a less labor-intensive process for the production of this blank.

Again, soak 300 grams of beans in cold water. After a few hours, rinse, add cold water to it again and simmer until it becomes soft. Here it is very important to ensure that the grains are not boiled soft and remain intact. At the end, add salt and drain the remaining liquid.

Chop 300 grams of onion and fry it in sunflower oil. Cut half a kilogram of sweet pepper into slices.

In a large deep frying pan, put the beans, peppers and frying, add sunflower oil, 0.5 cups of water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. After the pepper becomes soft, add finely chopped greens, chopped garlic, a little vinegar, salt and black pepper to the dish. Simmer for another 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly.

Spread the mixture into half-liter jars, sterilize them and roll up the lid.

This type of legume is known all over the world. The most useful of several types of beans is red, it contains many substances necessary for our health.

Affordable and healthy product - red beans

A nutritious product that, due to the presence of protein, is similar in composition to meat, but is more quickly absorbed.

Red beans are a source of vitamin E, it also contains ascorbic acid, carotene, trace elements important for the body: calcium, iron, sulfur.

Its regular use will also have a beneficial effect on health, as these legumes strengthen the immune system, and even appearance skin. Due to its low calorie content, this product is a frequent guest on the menu of those who are struggling with being overweight and trying to lead healthy lifestyle life.

The fiber contained in beans helps them digest quickly, so it is also useful for those suffering from diseases of the stomach and liver. Another plus of the product is that after any processing - canning or cooking - useful qualities legume will not disappear.

Raw red beans should not be consumed due to the harmful toxic substances they contain. When cooking, some of the toxins disappear, and some pass into water when soaked. Soups are cooked from it, side dishes and salads are prepared.

red bean recipes

Chicken soup

Beans are often cooked in meat broth. Food culture goes well with all types of meat, seasonings, herbs and vegetables. Soup with chicken fillet is tasty and nutritious.

Required products:

Cooking soup:

  1. Rinse previously soaked beans;
  2. Wash the fillet, cut into small pieces;
  3. Fry finely chopped onions and carrots;
  4. Put the meat on a slow fire, then add the beans and potatoes.

Zazharku, spices at will, bay leaf, put in the soup at the choice of the hostess: immediately with legumes or after some time. While the soup is cooking, crush the garlic, wash the greens, add these ingredients 8-10 minutes before the dish is ready.

Georgian lobio in a slow cooker

There are a lot of lobio recipes. In a multicooker, this dish is prepared very simply, but it turns out tasty and fragrant. Red bean lobio can be served as a side dish for meat, fish, baked vegetables, or it can be consumed separately. And the dish remains tasty even when cold.

You will need:

  • 4 multi-glasses of beans;
  • Bulb;
  • 100 gr tomato paste;
  • 6-7 garlic cloves;
  • 70 gr green cilantro;
  • Seasonings at will: pepper, suneli hops;
  • Salt and sugar to your taste.

Lobby ready. The longer the beans soak, the less time it will take to cook them.

When serving, the dish can be decorated with additional greens or walnut crumbs.

Second course: beans with vegetables

In this recipe, the red beans should be well boiled, so a long soak before cooking is a must.

For a glass of legumes, take one carrot and onion. To make the dish fragrant, add other favorite spices to a few cloves of garlic and ground pepper. You will also need two tablespoons of tomato paste (you can use ketchup).


  1. Put the red beans in a dish suitable for stewing, pour water, boil, drain the water;
  2. Pour clean hot water to it, salt and set to simmer;
  3. If necessary, water can be added to make it very soft;
  4. Pour a little vegetable oil into the cooked legumes, add chopped carrots and onions and leave to simmer under the lid. Put the garlic and herbs to the vegetables a few minutes before they are ready. Sometimes sour cream or mayonnaise is added to such a dish before serving.

Beans with meat - delicious hot

Bean stew with meat is simple and delicious. For cooking, you can take any meat, in the recipe described below, pork is used.

The following products are taken:

  • Half a kilo of pork (fillet);
  • 300 gr red beans;
  • A glass of tomato juice (you can dilute the paste);
  • For breading 3-4 tablespoons of flour;
  • Bulb, garlic;
  • A teaspoon of any seasoning for meat.

Soak beans before cooking. Small pieces of fillet can be pre-fried by rolling in flour. Fry the meat in small portions, until a beautiful crust is obtained, so that it cooks evenly.

Pass the onion separately. Add legumes, fried meat and onions, spices, salt, pour in a little water and simmer for about an hour. Then add finely chopped garlic, tomato, a little sugar (optional), more water.

The beans should boil, and then leave the dish to simmer for another fifteen minutes.

Sukkotash: a side dish of beans and corn

There are several versions of where this original dish came from. According to one of them, this dish was prepared in America by the ancient Indians, according to another, Hungary is the birthplace of succotash.

The hot base is beans and canned corn. The peculiarity of the recipe below is that the succotash will be lean, without the addition of cream or butter.


Boil pre-soaked beans first. Saute peppers and onions. Mix boiled beans, corn, roast, add crushed garlic, spices, salt. Simmer the mixture for 20 minutes, then add the herbs. The fragrant dish is ready.

Salad with canned beans and corn

This dish is prepared quite quickly, since the products do not need to be cooked separately, they are taken canned. The salad turns out to be nutritious and at the same time dietary: wine vinegar or olive oil is used as a dressing.

Take 0.5 cans of canned corn and beans. Rinse beans from juice. Cut the tomato into small cubes, onion into thin half rings. Mix all the ingredients, adding chopped parsley and salt.

Prepare salad dressing: mix garlic squeezed through a press with ground pepper, 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Instead of oil, you can take 3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar. Dress the salad with the mixture.

Salad with red beans and mushrooms

The dish turns out tender and very satisfying, and canned mushrooms will add a special piquancy. Mayonnaise is present in this recipe, so salt must be added to the salad with caution.

For the salad you will need:

  • A can of canned red beans;
    Bank of canned champignons;
  • One carrot and one onion;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese;
  • Tomato;
  • Dill greens, garlic, black ground pepper;
  • Mayonnaise to your liking.

Send the grated carrots and finely chopped onions to the pan. Add canned champignons there and, stirring, fry for 10 minutes.

Place the canned beans in a salad bowl.

Cut the tomato into cubes. Squeeze out the garlic. Rub the cheese. Mix all products, add mayonnaise. Decorate the dish with finely chopped dill. The salad is ready to serve.

Beans and pork ears


  • Red beans - 500 grams;
  • Green string beans - 200 grams;
  • Offal (pork ears) - 2 pcs.;
  • Smoked products: sausage, pork ribs, bacon, etc. - 300 grams;
  • 2 onions;
  • A glass of tomato (mashed tomatoes, diluted tomato paste or ketchup);
  • Spicy seasonings: chili pepper or black ground.


  1. Prepare the main ingredients: soak the beans and change the water a couple of times;
  2. Prepare your ears: you need to clean them well, if you need to burn and wash;
  3. First, it is recommended to boil the ears and legumes separately, and then combine and pour so much water so that it only slightly covers the contents of the pan;
  4. After 30 minutes, add chopped smoked meats to boiling water and leave on low heat for another hour.

While the main ingredients are cooking, chop the onion. Then take out the ears. When they have cooled, cut them into thin strips. Fold fry the onion and chopped ears in vegetable oil.

Add tomato, spices, broth from the pot and green beans there. Simmer for 10 minutes and put everything back into the pot. And finally, pepper and salt.

In the finished dish, if desired, add greens.

It can be useful!

  • If you buy beans from a store, make sure all beans are of good quality;
  • Soak it for at least half an hour before cooking. The ideal option is to fill it with cold water in the evening, and be sure to rinse it before cooking;
  • If the product will be used in the future in a salad or as a side dish, then you need to cook for a short time so that the grains are whole. For soup and cereals, the cooking time is increased;
  • A couple more recommendations to make the beans tastier when cooked: add a couple of tablespoons of oil to the water, and salt at the very end of cooking;
  • This product can be cooked from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours. It all depends on the variety of legumes and the time of pre-soaking.

Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!