Pair of Taurus and Scorpio. Compatibility: Male Taurus and Female Scorpio. Scorpio and Taurus Compatibility in Friendship and Business Relationships

The union of Taurus and Scorpio and all their relationships reveal their innermost desires and aspirations. Both of you do not stop halfway when the opportunity to taste the joys of life presents itself. Both of you are looking for an opportunity to succeed.

Taurus - Scorpio: is there any compatibility?

You have met your opposite, because in the zodiac system, Taurus is located exactly opposite Scorpio. This does not mean that they are absolutely different from each other.

There is a feeling that some part of what is inaccessible to one can be found in another. Taurus is close to the earth, which brings the emotionally deepened Scorpio closer to it.

While Taurus is not able to perceive the hidden meaning underlying this or that situation, Scorpio catches it thanks to its sensitivity.

The union of Taurus and Scorpio will definitely not be boring, and even with such a combination of signs, it is highly likely that you will be passionate lovers.

Each of you encourages the other to experience pleasure.

How Compatible are Taurus Man and Scorpio Woman?

The Taurus man is impressed by the hidden energy of the Scorpio woman. He is sure that she reads his thoughts, but does not know if this is good or bad for him, although he likes it - after all, the attention that she shows to him increases his interest in life.

The Scorpio woman sees that the Taurus man matches the ideal that she was looking for. The Scorpio woman is looking for clues to the mystery of what the Taurus man's business abilities really are.

She is not interested in money in itself, but in a lover and companion who could compete with her in appropriate business qualities. Will the Union of Taurus and Scorpio be happy?

The Taurus and Scorpio couple is beautiful in their desire to surpass each other. The Taurus woman is wary of the ability of the Scorpio man to control himself.

She wondered if he would attempt to subdue her, to possess her. Such aspirations do not bother her. Another thing is his arrogant confidence that the whole world exists for him alone.

She wants to see if he will still admire her after she trusts him. Is he really as good as he seems? She would very much like to hope so!

How Compatible are Taurus Woman and Scorpio Woman?

The Scorpio man finds the Taurus woman seductive. She is sensual, and her speech is calm and does not sound loud. The Scorpio man knows that it is better for him not to abuse the generosity of the Taurus woman.

He hopes that his beloved Taurus woman has a heart that knows how to forgive. There is no doubt about one thing: he would like his strength and her strength, whose element is Earth, to unite.

No wonder he constantly thinks about his beloved. Your love will be tested, which you will face both together and individually.

When you release the sorrows of a loved one, you experience ecstasy. You will fight with all your ardor against the obstacle that will stand in your way. To do so is your birthright.

Taurus wants peace of mind, while Scorpio craves inner certainty just as much. You form a strong alliance.

When you know that you can count on each other, no obstacle will seem insurmountable to you. To keep the love of Taurus and Scorpio, tell each other the truth.

In the Union of Taurus and Sagittarius, you need your partner, but it is difficult to express it. You hope that he (or she) will constantly prove to you that he is worthy (worthy) of trust.

From time to time you will be visited by impulses of frankness.

Astrologers - about the compatibility of Taurus with Scorpio

From the book of Olshevskaya N. "Astrology for Women":

You are a Taurus, he is a Scorpio: both are extremely self-critical and extremely stubborn. This is another example of the mutual attraction of opposite signs, in which the most likely areas of confrontation are jealousy and sex.

Taurus is a romantic person who loves tenderness and affection, and Scorpio's ability to neglect "calf tenderness" sometimes offends his sensitive partner.

Scorpio may also be tempted to make a scene of jealousy in order to keep a woman's love without showing any feelings in return. This will awaken in you a stubborn determination to keep him.

You will think like this: “After all that I have endured, devoted so much time to you, I simply cannot back down and give you to someone else.”

The Scorpio man will most likely respond, "No woman can tame me," but will no doubt be pleased to watch you try to do so.

You are a Scorpio, he is a Taurus: the main obstacle here is stubbornness. The union of Scorpio with Taurus is probably better for Scorpio than for Taurus.

Scorpio feels the need for the Venusian influence of a partner, but Taurus, although he can learn the perseverance he needs, it is better to stay away from the selfish and jealous (or jealousy), and sometimes terribly sarcastic Scorpio.

But Taurus is not a masochist at all! After all, Scorpio can offer him unshakable loyalty, long and stable sex life and faith in his talents. This positive sides such an alliance.

From the book Wolinsky S. "Astrolove":

In love, these two are worthy of each other, and a Scorpio lover can sometimes surprise a Taurus lover. So the happy smile of satisfaction on the face of Taurus is quite understandable.

The sense of ownership inherent in both signs helps them isolate themselves from everyone for the sake of love that is deep enough to last a lifetime.

Just be careful with secrets! Each of you is not a model of openness, but if you keep your feelings and thoughts to yourself, how will the other know about it?

After all, you are on opposite sides of the zodiac circle...

Taurus can be too straightforward, and Scorpio's sudden murderous sarcasms are sometimes simply dangerous for love, but if you fill Scorpio's heart with the harmony of peace, he will have no reason for sarcasm ...

Love and compatibility in a couple Taurus - Scorpio

From the book Novoselova G. "Your love signs":

Yeah! This combination will make your hair stand on end. These two signs wave at each other from opposite sides of the zodiac, and you know what they say about opposites.

The two pull each other like crazy magnets. To understand why this happens, it is enough to look at who controls them.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, which is responsible for love affairs and fatal relationships, and Scorpio is ruled by the powerful psychologist Plutonius and purposeful sexual Mars.

Now imagine how these gods of love and sex dance merrily together - and you will understand what can come of such a union.

Both are very constant and will above all be fantastically devoted to each other” and also generous. In the Taurus-Scorpio relationship, the instinct of ownership also plays a big role, but this is not as scary for them as one might think.

Everyone wants to subjugate his partner not only physically, but also in matters of morality and mentality. The most amazing thing is that it suits both of them (I know what the signs of Air will say: “This is primitive!”).

Problem arises (yes, honey, it always arises; when they say that the road of love is not smooth, it's not about your lawn!). If he or she is ruled by Pluto, then this is a silent playboy.

As soon as the truth comes out (Scorpio knows how to hide it better than Taurus), there will be a huge scandal, since Taurus is not able to bear this.

For his intrigues, Scorpio will be rewarded in due time: for example, he will completely lie, start drinking or become addicted to drugs out of desperation. But even when the temperature of love drops very low, the question of a complete break will not arise.

The union of Taurus and Scorpio is inseparable due to the inner inflexibility and incredible constancy of both. These two believe that they are soldered to each other for life and cannot be separated.

The marital happiness of this couple is explained by the fact that both have interests outside the family. During recreation and entertainment, they do not depend on each other.

Both are looking for something reliable (the blessed Ox always pulls home) and willingly spend a lot of time together, but they must definitely take a break to expand their horizons (you look, and a seductive object will flash new love: intelligence is not enough for them to get carried away, a brilliant mind is not able to replace bodily beauty with them).

However, no matter how you look at it, it will be a prosaic union, dominated by unbridled earthly desires.

Match the Ox with the Scorpio girl and you will get something stunningly sexy and hot (by the way, how are your legs?). The situation is somewhat better in the case when she is a Heifer, and he is a Scorpio.

However, this is such a difficult combination that the devil will break his head.

Sexual Compatibility Taurus - Scorpio

From the book by Rowan D. "Love Compatibility":

To some extent, it is true that people born under the signs of Taurus and Scorpio are especially quick to become attached to the tools that they use in their work.

It is a strong attachment to the means to an end that can lead you to forget whose means you are using.

How to avoid problems in a pair of Taurus - Scorpio?

You must respect other people's material possessions if you want to live in peace.

Money can be a source of joy or strife. By sharing income with each other, you increase tenderness for each other in your hearts. You will not inspire love if you shun your partner and keep yourself apart from him. Each of you probably needs your own bank account - and one shared!

You both have developed instincts to get rich. When it comes to money, you do not always agree to rely on the ideas of a partner.

Being compliant in such matters is not in the nature of the signs Taurus and Scorpio. Your willingness to share will increase when you are free to do what you want and can acquire more material goods.

Be honest when you borrow from your partner. When you lend, then say directly that you expect to get the debt back. Say that you hope to get back what you have given if you want the loaned things to be returned to you in the same condition in which they were received from you.

When you borrow, do not lie that you already have the things with which you have to repay the debt. When lending, don't lie that you don't have to pay back the money. The way you do business is vital to your relationships. Your romance will only benefit from the respect you show your partner's property.

  • Your relationship is probably more intense than it seems at first glance. You won't like what you hear if you give free rein to hidden emotions, but keeping your problems under the lid of the chest is not the best solution to them.
  • Try to listen to each other without interrupting or diverting your partner's attention to your own affairs. Don't defend your position. Only by maintaining a clean atmosphere in the relationship, you will be able to resolve the contradictions that arise.
  • Remember that the feeling of resentment does not pass quickly, even if you let it break out; however, this begins the process of honest, frank and sincere communication.
  • Do not lash out at your partner with violent accusations, but calmly explain what in his actions or statements is unacceptable to you.
  • Engage in conversation more often. But even better - do not just speak out, but listen to each other as carefully as possible, although it is so tempting to react angrily to the words or actions of your partner.
  • Patience is a virtue and a real virtue. No one in the world is infinitely patient. You can direct the energy that is hard to restrain with patience into a creative channel.

You will be rewarded with renewed passion if the direction of your energy turns out to be correct.

Forced actions of many people are not worth discussing. This is another aspect of coercion. A person with a compelling urge states that he (or she) is very energetic (energetic).

The behavior of such people may absolutely not correspond to this outwardly. When you do not know the limits in sex, the use of stimulants, at work, or escape from reality in some other way, perhaps you are trying to say something to each other, but in order for your partner to better understand you, you go to extremes.

If you can pinpoint the root causes of your coercive behavior, you can take the first important step and overcome their influence. You may want more love than your partner can give you.

In the relationship Taurus - Scorpio, you must strive to achieve more significant goals. You may be blocking your partner's vital urges.

Negative energy can be overcome, because otherwise it will not be possible to avoid problems in a pair of Taurus Scorpio. You need to believe in it! This is the only way you can develop a positive mindset.

Cultivating self-destructive energy is yours.

It's good to remember that the concentrated power we normally put into negative behavior or suppression of other people can be used for the good of ourselves and others, if we put in the effort!

Psychological games for compatibility in a pair of Taurus and Scorpio

Compatibility game "Borrowing"

Games in the Taurus-Scorpio relationship arise as an attempt to cope with extreme emotional stress.

The game of "Borrowing" begins when you do not show proper respect for each other's property.

Nothing causes such annoyance to a Taurus or a Scorpio as other people misusing their property.

Taurus is terribly upset if Scorpio appropriates for himself what is just given to him on loan. The relationship between Taurus and Scorpio can eventually deteriorate because of this.

Scorpio becomes angry and gloomy if Taurus disposes of what is given to him for temporary use as his property.

Taurus and Scorpio may constantly disagree over material issues. These two zodiac signs are money oriented.

If each of you does not clarify, as thoroughly as possible, your views on how you should do business, the game of "Borrowing" may become prevalent in your relationship.

The union of Taurus and Scorpio is under threat, if you do not share your accounts on an equal footing or if you are unable to at least clearly define mutual plans and hopes, this can lead to disastrous consequences for your relationship.

The intense rivalry between you can become destructive and tear you apart. Disagreements over money can make you bitter if dragged on too long.

Compatibility game "Cursed Emotions"

When Taurus and Scorpio find it difficult to express their feelings caused by some kind of conflict, the “Damned emotions” game can begin in their relationship.

You deliberately provoke strong reactions from each other, which often happens when people born under opposite signs form a love alliance.

Taurus stubbornly strives to suppress resentment, while Scorpio masterfully hides what others should not see. The strength of a Scorpio is that he keeps his plans a secret until he sees them through.

The problem with the Union of Taurus and Scorpio is that Scorpio does exactly the same with his emotions.

Scorpio, whose element is water, rather prefers to get away from disagreements than to enter into direct communication with an opponent.

When you hold back strong emotions for too long, it destroys your relationship. Suppressed emotions can erupt under circumstances that are outwardly unrelated.

Passion in the Union of Taurus and Skoripon will suffer damage, as will your feeling of intimacy. You get the feeling that something is wrong in your relationship.

Trying to avoid the problem becomes the new problem. The game turns into a poison for you, causing irreparable harm to the purity of relationships.

Your relationship is not as deep as it could be. The trust you are looking for in each other may seem out of reach.

You may even feel lonely because you don't penetrate your partner's soul.

Compatibility game "Odysseus and the Sirens"

The game of Odysseus and the Sirens leads to undesirable behavior that comes out when you both lose your balance. Odysseus is a mythological hero who escaped the trouble that threatened him if he succumbed to the spell of the sweet voices of three sea nymphs.

The sea nymphs were half birds and half human beings capable of bewitching anyone who heard them singing.

And then the ships sailing by ran aground near the rocky shore. Odysseus tied himself to the mast of his ship and sealed the ears of his companions with wax as the ship approached the treacherous coastal waters.

Thanks to this, the team escaped the spell of the sea nymphs and escaped. As history testifies, Odysseus and the crew of his ship did not succumb to temptation.

The sweet singing of sea nymphs did not kill anyone. But what does this story have to do with you? The sirens seem to tempt you to live your life on a knife edge.

the balance of your relationships is disturbed if you strive for extremes. Recklessness can lead to reckless behavior.

Neglecting the limits can lead to self-destruction. You may be too indulgent of yourself in spending money, food, work, sex, and so on.

Usually you awaken powerful energy in each other, but in this game, your energy is directed in the wrong direction.

The relationship between Taurus and Scorpio in this case will not continue. Remember: people born under opposite signs have great opportunities to make each other happy.

But the opposite is also true - no one will make each other suffer as much as they can. Playing in the Union of Taurus and Scorpio is never intentional.

She is just an unconscious plea for love, respect and help to fulfill your desires.

Taurus compatibility with other signs:

And Taurus is much better than it might seem at first glance. Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs of the zodiac and therefore are sometimes attracted to each other with incredible force. Their first meeting can be simply unforgettable, and Taurus may be surprised by the passion in Scorpio's eyes that awakens his presence. Given the connection between Mars and Venus, there is a possibility of a strong magnetic attraction between these two signs.

Taurus-Scorpio Sign Compatibility


On an intellectual level, these zodiac signs are less likely to find mutual language than with any others, however, if they manage to agree, this can be, without a doubt, one of the best combinations for love and marriage in terms of compatibility.


Taurus, like Scorpio, are very passionate signs, and especially Scorpio, prone to jealousy. Scorpio (most often a woman) requires a lot of attention and emotional intimacy, which can create some problems for a practical Taurus man.


Another common feature that can lead to problems in a relationship is the closeness of both. Inflexible Scorpio, in conflict with the element of Earth, runs into stubborn Taurus. Pairs of these signs will agree on some things, but at the same time they will be ready to argue endlessly about others, and will collide with “foreheads” quite often. The budget in such a guy will be one of the main stumbling blocks, so lovers should try to be flexible and patient.

Since Taurus, like Scorpio, keep their emotions to themselves, emotional overload in a couple can lead to an explosion with serious consequences. Both signs need to learn how to open up, at least to your partner. Although, perhaps distrust on both sides will never be a real problem, because both signs are very devoted and loyal. If you take care of each other's personal space, the relationship will be in excellent condition.

The bull is the symbol of Taurus


Scorpio tends to express their love through sex, while Taurus may need more attention and emotional attachment because they are more sensitive. Scorpio will help Taurus discover that part of himself where sensuality and passion are at their peak, while Taurus may be able to persuade Scorpio to move on to higher pleasures.

Most Scorpios are compatible with Taurus, but those born between October 24 and November 2 are especially perfect. Among Taurus, those born between April 20th and 29th are more compatible.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Friday, April 3, 2020(March 21 O.S.)
Week 5 of Great Lent
Rev. James ep., Spanish (VIII-IX)
Saints' Day:
Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky (1949). St. Cyril, Ep. Katansky (I-II). St. Thomas, Patriarch of Constantinople (610).
Memorial Day of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Shmch. Vladimir Vvedensky presbyter (1931).
Great post.
Marriage is not performed during Great Lent.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
For eternity: - Gen.22:1-18; Proverbs 17:17-18:5 At the 6th hour:- Isaiah 45:11-17
Morning: - Ps.134-142; Ps.9-16 For eternity: - Ps.119-133

What happens when a stable and homely Taurus woman meets a passionate and seductive Scorpio man? Perhaps he will be able to reveal her hidden desires? Or will a man become more calm and rational under her influence? The horoscope tells how to combine the incompatible.

Brief information in the table

Signs: Scorpio - Taurus.
Order: 8th character - 2nd character (both even).
Elements: Water is Earth.
Relationship: sustainable union. Ice and fire.
Compatibility in love: 85%.
Marriage Compatibility: 80%.
Friendship Compatibility: 70%.
Compatibility in bed: 50%.
Compatibility in work and business: 100%.
Intelligent Compatibility: 60%.

What you need to know about Scorpio and Taurus

Scorpio ♏

It is ruled by the planet Pluto and belongs to the element of water. Powerful in its energy sign. These people from birth are endowed with the ability to influence the subconscious of a person, to take possession of his mind. Scorpios are strong and enduring, they carry the impulse of inner rebirth.

A sign of transformation through confrontation. They have magnetism and heavy energy. Patient, prudent, selfish, vindictive. They have an excellent memory and they do not forget insults. Scorpio is a profitable ally, but a ruthless enemy. It is considered to be the sexiest sign of the zodiac.

It has the peculiarity of accumulating “compromising evidence” on everyone it comes into contact with, and at the right time it takes a trump card out of its sleeve. Jealous, insidious, prone to self-flagellation. In case of failure, he mercilessly stings himself from the inside, bringing himself to a critical emotional state. Despite the difficult character, he has a number of positive qualities: strong, stubborn, tenacious, far-sighted, with subtle intuition.

“In dealing with him, remember: he is perfect and dangerous. It is able to take possession of your mind first, then your heart, and then it will dispose of you, deprived of will, at its own discretion.

Taurus ♉

The sign of the zodiac is under the auspices of Venus, belongs to the elements of the earth. Representatives of this sign are slow, reserved and insightful. They are very wise from birth.

A kid with a deep and thoughtful look is likely to be just a Taurus. They mature and become wise beyond their years. Being well versed in the essence of all things, they like to do their job measuredly, without haste. From this person a mile away breathes calmness and reliability, they want to trust.

Materialists and practitioners who are accustomed to checking everything empirically. TO negative traits include passivity, stubbornness and slowness. Where Taurus once decided to measure, others have already cut off several times, therefore, due to its inertia, it often remains with nothing.

They are very domestic people. In the second half of life they become conservatives, they narrow their circle of contacts to the limit.

“Would you like to invite him to a new exotic restaurant? Or at the premiere of an arthouse movie? He will thank you and kindly refuse, preferring to watch his favorite movie at home, wrapped in a cozy blanket.

Characteristics of the signs of men and women

Scorpio Man ♏

Scorpio man A bright, passionate seducer, tireless lover, owner and jealous - this is how he will appear before you if he decides to open up. Do not expect that even after many years he will show the hidden corners of his soul, he is not completely open with anyone and never, even with himself.

He is prone to introspection, often drives himself into a corner, from which he sometimes looks for a way out in addictions. Being proud, he does not go first to reconciliation, he does not know how to ask for forgiveness. For life, he chooses bright, self-sufficient women, with charisma and an inner core, whom he then seeks to change, making them dependent on his own person and ambitions.

“Know: the Scorpio man forgives insults and mistakes only in words. He will not miss the opportunity to recall the oversight. And he will do it when the opportunity presents itself.

Woman - Taurus ♉

Feminine, charming and sensual girl. A born mother and mistress of her home. Marries early and, often, once and for all life. She is alien to mental anguish and throwing, she knows exactly what she can most successfully realize herself in.

Does not indulge in unrealistic fantasies and dreams. She is warm, comfortable and cozy. Possesses an innate gift of an educator. Does not seek to lead or assert itself at the expense of a man.

She is very reliable, constant, she chooses a balanced, accomplished, reliable man as her companion, with whom she seeks to create a strong family. Sometimes she tends to plunge headlong into motherhood and life.

He has good musical abilities, often doing needlework. Needs praise and approval.

“She loves courtship and beautiful gestures. She does not need expensive gifts, but your willingness to spend money on her will serve as a signal that you are able to provide for yourself and her.

Who has what role

The Taurus woman will give the reins of government to men's hands without any hesitation, because she is very pleased with her female role as the mistress of the house and mother, and fits into it very organically. In the house, she is able to create such an atmosphere, plunging into which, a man will feel like in a cocoon, protected from all the anxieties and problems of the outside world.

The lady loves to take care of her loved ones, to make their life comfortable and cozy. The Scorpio man is not too attached to comfort, however, he loves order and cleanliness in the house, along with the fact that he is usually burdened by his household duties. However, he will not have to deal with everyday life, a woman will gladly take care of all household chores.

The man will get the role of leader in the pair. He will have the last word in making responsible decisions, making major purchases, and all the major serious moments in the union. Behind material support Oddly enough, both will answer. The Taurus woman loves to work, and, on a par with a man, she can provide for her family, while not reproaching her chosen one.

Compatibility in love 💕

Quite an unusual combination for a couple of lovers. A balanced and calm Taurus woman subconsciously seeks a more sensual partner who can reveal her emotional potential, and the Scorpio man is a master at seducing and teasing women.

A beloved often seems constrained and a little indifferent to a guy, although real passions can blaze inside her. The external manifestation of emotions frightens the girl, but the Scorpio man is a real ladies' man, he is able to penetrate the woman's soul so carefully and settle there so firmly that the Taurus woman at one moment realizes that she is head over heels in love.

The Scorpio man will be able to expose the essence of the girl, show her herself what a huge potential is hidden in her. In return, he will receive a partner capable of full dedication, longing for spiritual unity and true, mutual love. The Taurus woman seems to the guy a little slow and too simple, but in this he can find a kind of charm. Compatibility 85%.

Marriage Compatibility 👪

The Taurus woman is always striving for long term relationship ending in marriage. She will immediately inform the man about this, and simply will not leave him a choice, since she prefers clarity and stability in relationships. Women of the zodiac sign Taurus are wonderful and caring wives, whose patience will smooth out any family troubles.

A Scorpio man in marriage, as in life, tries to constantly provoke loved ones, carefully observing their reaction. Even he himself does not always realize why he needs it. It is thanks to this strange feature of the husband that marriage will not be boring and monotonous.

A Taurus woman can be jealous, and this quality is constantly fueled by a man who loves to flirt and communicate with strangers. This will not allow the wife to completely relax, to go headlong into everyday life and raising children. In general, marriage can be described as difficult, but quite stable, provided that the Scorpio man restrains his sexual nature. Compatibility 80%.

Compatibility in friendship 🤝

The Scorpio man and Taurus woman are not too talkative and do not like to discuss matters of the heart. They prefer not to talk about personal things, so their friendship cannot be called too close. Despite the fact that friends are too different, they have several common topics that will be interesting to discuss.

Friends can rarely see each other, choosing secluded places for meetings without a large crowd of people. For each other, they will become indispensable in matters of practical assistance and material support. The Taurus woman will prove herself in this as well as possible, providing the Scorpio man with all-round support. Compatibility 70%.

“The horoscope claims that friends of the zodiac signs Scorpio and Taurus will not go into the category of lovers. Their different temperaments will not contribute to this.”

Compatibility in bed 🛌🏻

The Scorpio man and the Taurus woman, like ice and flame, are representatives of different elements and worlds, who find it difficult to achieve harmony and understanding in sex. The girl reveals herself gradually, and is not able to give a man the fireworks of emotions that he needs. The lady is often constrained, overly conservative, embarrassed in front of her lover.

Intimacy is the main stumbling block in a couple, since sex is the dominant for a guy, while for a Taurus girl, he is only one of the sides of the relationship. The frequency, quality and technique of sex they require is different. The Taurus woman is not inclined to experiment, she perceives all the innovations in the bedroom with caution. It constantly seems to her that she does not meet the requirements of a man and he is unhappy with her if he offers something new from time to time.

In part, this is true, because the Scorpio man expects courage and ingenuity from his partner, which is not easy to encourage the Taurus woman. If the issue of intimate relationships in a couple can be resolved, the union can last a long time. But most pairs of these zodiac signs break up when they leave the bedroom. Compatibility 50%.

“Frank conversations about sex that the Scorpio man will try to lead will further drive the Taurus woman into a stupor. She will perceive attempts at a constructive dialogue as a remark at her own expense, and she will close even more. It is better to act carefully and delicately, avoiding personal attacks.

Compatibility in work and business 💼

Thanks to the efficiency and resilience of the Taurus woman, business partners will have great success in almost any business. The Scorpio man will be able to connect useful connections to work, and the lady will take over the tedious and scrupulous processes.

Working in tandem, they have undeniable advantages - the tenacity and calmness of Taurus, as well as the prudence and composure of Scorpio. Together, a man and a woman are able to create promising projects and bypass competitors. And in difficult times for business, the Taurus woman will take over the whole routine, giving the Scorpio man the opportunity to concentrate on the main thing, without being distracted by the secondary. 100% compatible.

Areas favorable for work and business

Smart Compatibility 💡

The Scorpio man and Taurus woman don't like to talk a lot. The guy never opens up to anyone to the end, preferring to keep everything that worries or interests him behind a mask of carelessness and high spirits. The Taurus woman makes contact more willingly, but only in response to sincere interest.

The intelligence of the Scorpio man is somewhat higher than that of the Taurus woman, however, this will not be felt in communication. A man is able to appear as he wishes, adjusting to the properties of his environment. The most favorable communication will develop in a professional plane, where the interlocutors will have common aspirations and interests. But idle conversations will be short and of little interest to both signs. Compatibility 60%.

Pros and cons of relationships

Compatibility with other signs

How to conquer a Scorpio man 💘

The Scorpio man will not notice the girl immediately. He is used to paying attention to women with pronounced sexuality and frank behavior. The Taurus woman is almost the complete opposite of her ideal. It is simple, down to earth and understandable. She is not alien to purely feminine things, but she will not become too frank, afraid to look vulgar.

She should approach the object of her interest carefully and unobtrusively, in no case demonstrating her interest. The Scorpio man must be sure that she still has not succumbed to his charms, then he is guaranteed to use the entire arsenal of his seduction.

How to get a Taurus woman 💓

An understandable and calm Taurus woman secretly dreams of violent passions and a temperamental man who can help her overcome her natural shyness and become a little more liberated. In no case should a Scorpio man frighten her with excessive initiative and his emphasis on sex.

Passion in a relationship is best introduced systematically, without sudden and discouraging movements. Lady Taurus loves clarity and clear perspectives. Therefore, before seeking a girl, a guy must clearly define his desires for her, and think several times whether he is ready for such a serious responsibility - to become a companion of a Taurus woman.


Briefly about the main

  1. The leader in the relationship will be the Scorpio man, and the Taurus woman herself will choose the role of hostess and mother for herself.
  2. There is some imbalance in love. The slowness and indecision of a lady can cool the love ardor of Scorpio.
  3. Marriage will become comfortable due to good compatibility in everyday life, but it can be complicated by jealousy on the part of a woman.
  4. Both signs will not be close friends, but at key moments they are able to prove themselves on the positive side.
  5. In sex, compatibility is below average - the difference in the sexual temperament of partners affects.
  6. In work, they are able to achieve significant success due to mutual complementarity.
  7. Intellectual compatibility is low. The interlocutors are not interested in continuing the conversation.

Indeed, Taurus and Scorpio are opposites. But you are not just attracted to each other, but are attracted with terrible force. If someone has love at first sight, it's you - for Taurus and Scorpio, compatibility is like an electric discharge, it just exists, and sparks just jump between you.

Scorpio's excellent tongue and the paradoxical nature of his judgments are complemented by the reasonableness and poise of Taurus - you always have something to discuss. And even if it looks like a quarrel, in the end, mutual passion will prevail, the compatibility of Taurus and Scorpio relies on harmony in love, including sex.

Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility Secret.

Do you want a constant heat of passion, life on a volcano, juggling burning torches on a barrel of gunpowder? Then you are on your way, because Taurus and Scorpio are an explosive mixture.

But even if you want peace and balance, you don’t have to run to the side for this, you just need to know how to provide yourself with what you want.

Taurus, you have made your choice in favor of a very poisonous character - Scorpio is able to make any sign unhappy, and if there is no one to bite, he falls into self-flagellation. If you learn to respond calmly to scorpion malice, then half the success is in your pocket. Bright and quick-tempered, Scorpio is capable of the same bright and explosive love.

Scorpion, do not forget that Taurus needs reliability and peace of mind. You do not want to bring your loved one to the grave, and with your character, his nerves will always be at the limit. Unless, of course, you show understanding. Keep your poison to yourself, and Taurus will repay you with tenderness and gratitude.

Taurus and Scorpio can understand compatibility in different ways, but still - opposites attract, and this is about you.

Taurus man and Scorpio woman.

The compatibility horoscope of a Taurus man and a Scorpio woman will not be easy for a man if he is stubborn on business and just like that, just in case.

He must understand that a Scorpio woman is almost never wrong in her judgments and she can always be trusted.

She will never betray and will do everything in her power for the sake of her loved ones.

And she has a lot of strength, given her developed intuition and excellent reaction in extreme situations.

Taurus woman and Scorpio man.

This combination of characters is easier to understand and to life together, unless the Taurus woman tries to control the man. He guards his inner world and does not accept the intervention of even a beloved woman, even the most beautiful and unique!

The more the Taurus woman treats the Scorpio man with respect and on an equal footing, the less problems she will have. Scorpio sometimes needs to be alone in order to calmly think about himself and about life - you should not interfere with him, otherwise you can run into a wave of anger and this is at best.

At worst, the Scorpio man starts to get sick. If he is not given time and opportunity to be alone with himself, he is forced to spend his strength on restraining his emotions, and holding back for a long time, sooner or later, Scorpio people get sick.

Love Compatibility Horoscope for Taurus and Scorpio.

Compatibility in love of Taurus and Scorpio belongs to the category of interaction of opposites. Indeed, Taurus in the Zodiac is opposed by Scorpio. For this reason, the Taurus and Scorpio love compatibility horoscope resembles an attraction horoscope.

Despite a decent difference, Taurus and Scorpio have much more common ground compared to other opposite signs.

Of course, they have different nature. Taurus is an earthly person who perceives life based on what he sees. He is not worried about the "subtext" of events, difficult psychological situations and relationships. He is a realist and an esthete in the first place! All the other charms of life "go somewhere nearby", and Taurus does not consider it necessary to delve into them. Taurus is looking for a calm, measured and understandable life for him, preferring his cozy little world to the vastness of the unknown and the options for chance.

Scorpio is a completely different matter. For him, life in the understanding of Taurus is not of paramount importance. He is busy with his internal problems - analyzing his state of mind, keeping himself from emotional outbursts. This is an active researcher and thinker, studying everything that is mysterious and incomprehensible, everything hidden from view. And this is understandable - he himself hides a lot ... he is interested in the weaknesses of people and the ability to control the surrounding space so that no one encroaches on his inner world. In fact, both Taurus and Scorpio are worried about the same thing: one takes care of his home in the sense of home, family, and the other protects his emotionally receptive and deep nature from any outside interference.

On the basis of material stability and the desire to create reliable protection from the outside world, Taurus and Scorpio can find a common language. Neither Taurus nor Scorpio are inclined to travel around cities and countries in order to find their happiness. Both are sober-minded, but “about different things” - so be it! What Taurus understands through action and work, Scorpio feels at the level of intuition and psychological analysis.

The main thing is that both Taurus and Scorpio get the same conclusions at the output, that is, they agree with each other. Wonderful! Let Scorpio see a little further and a little deeper, but he, just like Taurus, appreciates the comfort and material benefits of this world.

In love, Taurus and Scorpio literally "find" each other. Taurus is strong, and Scorpio is hardy, besides, both love sex like no one else from the Zodiac. There will be passion on the verge of madness. Since both Taurus and Scorpio have great strength will, they act as equals not only in the bedroom, but also in life together.

The love relationship of Taurus and Scorpio will be intense and there is no guarantee that at least one of them will think of slightly cooling the love ardor in order to keep each other during the constant “storms” in the ocean of love. If they manage to go through the "surf strip" together and feel calm joy, then their romance will grow into something more. Then they are practically guaranteed a happy and long marriage!

There is nothing surprising in the fact that they fall in love with each other. The Taurus woman dreams of a sensual man nearby - it is often difficult for her to express her emotions, to give vent to everything that is deep inside. The Scorpio man will give her the opportunity to look at what she herself is hiding from herself. We can say that he will introduce her to her other side - tender, passionate, changeable, unbalanced and idealistic. The Taurus woman is undoubtedly very curious to look at her real self. The Scorpio man, on the other hand, needs a reliable support, a woman who can stop the storm of his feelings with a simple reasonable phrase. In fact, the Scorpio man does not need reassurance, but grounding - and who, no matter how the Taurus woman, can give him this? Their relationship will be rich, at times unstable (the influence of the Scorpio man affects), deep and tender. And they will always have something to eat - guess whose merit?

Sex between a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man is almost perfect. If partners find a common language in bed, consider that their relationship is doomed to success. The initial spark will, of course, be brought by the Scorpio man. The Taurus woman skillfully recognizes his sexual signals and prepares everything so that they can spend time as comfortably as possible. The Scorpio man will adjust the situation so that what they are both waiting for happens. In the future, when they already understand that they are very suitable for each other, they will be able to constantly be surprised at how much they read desires: he is her, she is his. Sometimes misunderstandings can arise between them - different rhythms, different habits, but still this couple is able to achieve complete harmony in sexual relations.

Family and marriage

The Taurus woman undoubtedly wants a clear and simple relationship, so marriage is what she subconsciously strives for. Scorpio man as a representative water element, also wants to find a family in which he will become a loving husband and, possibly, a father. If the relationship between the Taurus woman and the Scorpio man is successful, these two will have no choice but to get married. Of course they family life will not be too smooth: the temperament of the Scorpio husband will make itself felt, but the patience and calmness of the Taurus wife will be able to smooth out any contradictions. In this union, loyalty and devotion are valued, so that they can be with each other until the very end - in general, they plan so.

The friendship between a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man will be strong enough. They will not interfere with each other with daily chatter, but if something happens that requires attention, they will certainly share it with each other. The Taurus woman will provide her Scorpio friend with support in difficult, emotionally intense times for him, he will also not leave her upset. As for practical help, here the Taurus woman will show herself to be a good and faithful friend, able to give practical advice on how to improve the current situation.

Work and business

In a working union, the Scorpio man will act as a generator of ideas and moods, the Taurus woman will be able to direct this energy in the direction she needs. She will also be able to weed out promising, practical ideas from empty notions that the Scorpio man sometimes sins with. The Taurus woman will play the role of a harsh but fair critic, a leader who wisely distributes the resource. By the way, a Scorpio man can also be a leader, then he will direct the efforts of a Taurus woman, depending on what potential he sees - in her personally and in their common project.