Correct action. See what "correct actions" are in other dictionaries

Operations related to the elimination or reduction of local and general deformations of sheet and profile metal, parts, assemblies, sections, blocks and hulls of ships. Distinguish P. R. cold, thermal and combined methods. Cold dressing... Marine encyclopedic reference book

THE EIGHT PATH- [Skt. ], the doctrine of Buddhism, which is the content of the 4th noble truth, revealed by the Buddha to his followers. If in the 3rd truth he states the possibility of liberation from suffering, then in the 4th truth he indicates the practical path to it: “This ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

Corrupt practices- as a criminal legal term, it does not occur at all in our criminal legislation, which lists only certain types of mercenary malfeasance without embracing them with one name. Bribery is specifically... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

primary market- (Primary market) Definition of the primary market, basic concepts of the primary market Information on the definition of the primary market, basic concepts of the primary market Contents Contents of primary securities Private placement Primary market ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

THE EIGHT PATH- The Eightfold Path (Skt. astàngikamarga) is the doctrine of Buddhism, which is the content of the fourth of the four noble truths. The Eightfold Path is right view, right intention, correct speech, right action, right ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

SKILL- action, as part of a horn otd. operations became automated as a result of the exercise. Any human activity is always carried out consciously. But dep. the operations included in it, as a result of training, cease to need ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

Immersion (virtual reality)- This term has other meanings, see Immersion. Installation for viewing the irrational geometry of Pascal Dombey, 2008 Immersion is a state of consciousness, often art ... Wikipedia

BENTAM- (Bentham) Jeremiah (Jeremy) (1748 1832) eng. jurist, philosopher, economist and public figure. His main philosophy. the work "Introduction to the Principles of Morality and Legislation" was written in 1780, but was first published only in 1789 ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

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Survival in an extreme situation- During the hikes people long time stay in an environment that is very different from the usual, they can get into extreme situations caused by low or high temperatures, avalanches, floods on rivers, heavy rainfall, etc. In practice... ... Medical Encyclopedia


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Right action is again based on right intention. If the right intention arises, based on the right view, the right action will follow. All of this creates kamma because everything comes from intention. Speech is based on intent. Action is based on intent. All this creates kamma - good, bad or neutral - and not just for the next life, but mainly for the present moment. Kamma and its results are constantly happening in the present moment. Until we are fully aware of the results, we will not know that they are directly related to what we say, think and do.

Right action is not harming others in any form or form and renouncing cruelty and greed. It is impossible to suppress cruelty and greed. They will appear in a different form. They need to be let go, and this is what we need to practice during meditation. Until we get away from our desires in meditation, there will be no meditation. There will be thoughts, hopes, desires, worries, fears, memories. Until we learn to move away from these states of mind, we will not meditate. Meditation is renunciation, renunciation of everything that wanders in our mind, trying to establish the ego or satisfy desires. Since we don't practice renunciation so much, meditation is difficult for us, but with constant practice it becomes easier. Suppression does not help, but renouncing the desire to think, remember and plan brings the best results. Letting go of desires is the only way to achieve peace, and this experience brings with it the understanding that letting go of desires in everyday life brings happiness.

Right action can be performed by any person under any circumstances at any time, while doing housework, while at work or while in the monastery walls. Wherever we are, and whoever we are, we all do something. We can check whether these actions are useful for others and for ourselves. Even cooking and washing floors must be done with the right intention, not because we have to do it, or because we are expected to do it, or someone might get angry if we do not. main reason some action is that it is needed at this time, and we can achieve the goal. By observing carefully and with attention, we become aware of our intentions and views. We see the connection between the mind and body, and do not take into account external circumstances. There is no resistance or reluctance here, we act from the heart. Only then can any action be beneficial.

It is often thought that work is an unpleasant interference with leisure. Obviously, this is a wrong opinion. Leisure can be an unpleasant interference with work. Work is a way to be useful and purposeful, no matter what kind of work we do. This is a way to pay full attention to the body, to know its actions, its movements. It is an opportunity to help, an opportunity to be useful, to gain skills, and to express one's love by working for others. Work, as a way of purification, is difficult to compare with something else. Work is not just for making a living or because someone expects it from us, but work from the heart, as a way to gain pure vision.

Right attitude through understanding

Could you say a little about attitude? My understanding of what Maharaj says about this in I Am That is that if I have a concept and I look at it positively or negatively or evaluate that concept, that is already an attitude. Maharaj says that the right attitude is to see the will of God in everything and not the will of the individual. It becomes a relationship. It's right?

I think by that he didn't mean attitude. It is understanding leads to the right attitude, to the attitude of accepting that spontaneous action that occurs, because there is an understanding that I am not a personal performer. Thus, with the acceptance of the fact that God's Will has always created everything, that it is still active and will continue to operate, this understanding will give rise to a proper attitude towards life.

When you say, “What attitude should I develop?” it is based on the still personal feeling of being a performer. If there is an understanding that in reality there is no performer, and if you continue to act as if being a doer, then the proper attitude of compassion develops. Then develops the proper attitude of tolerance towards others and the proper attitude towards one's conduct in life, in other words: the attitude of accepting the highest moral standards for oneself and acceptance of reduced standards for others. “I must do everything with love and compassion, in the best possible way, while others may not have this understanding, so whatever actions are performed, this is not their actions". With this attitude, tolerance will develop.

Is every action of a jnani the "right action"?

If there is true understanding, there can be no questions about subsequent conscious actions separate from understanding. This can be clearly seen when observing a master of his craft in any field, be it industrial production, sports, games or any other activity. The Master never hesitates to apply the principles he has learned. Only the beginner hesitates, for he doubts his understanding. The master works naturally, smoothly, without hesitation, as the principles of action have been absorbed and brought to perfect understanding.

This is what Maharaj meant when he often repeated the statement, "Understanding is everything." He also said: "Once the understanding is true and perfect, you can do whatever you like." Whatever you wish to do, it will not go beyond understanding. If a man really loves his wife, then even if he is allowed to beat her, he will not do it. Understanding can only give what is contained in the understanding itself. If the understanding is not complete, the question arises: “Maharaj, I have perfectly understood everything that you just said. Now tell me with tomorrow, what should I do!?"

And you don’t just don’t know what the procedure looks like, do you hear such a word for the first time?
To be honest, I myself am not familiar with many manipulations, but it would be very useful at least in in general terms introduce.

Especially for this purpose, I had to conduct "reconnaissance" in the sanatorium "Narva-Jõesuu"))

And so, therapeutic baths. Let me just say, it's very, very cool!
Firstly, it is a body massage with jets of water. And not just lightly, but thoroughly - from the very neck to the tips of the toes. This is achieved due to the fact that the entire surface of the bathroom is in holes from which air is supplied under pressure. For example, if you remove your hand from under the jet, then the fountain rises 10-15 centimeters above the surface of the water. When you sit in the bath, the analogy arises that you are in a gurgling pan))))

Secondly, the effect of medicinal elixirs on the skin.
Well, in addition - aromatherapy, this is especially pronounced with coniferous extract.
The general effect of therapeutic baths is aimed at improving blood circulation, the activity of blood vessels and the heart. By the way, each substance of the extract has its own additional properties:
- coniferous - aimed at losing weight and removing excess fluid from the body, as well as refreshing and soothing;
- valerian - refreshes, soothes, softens the skin;
- eucalyptus-menthol - the action is similar to coniferous;
- wild flowers and rosemary - increase tone and mood;
- lavender - suitable for allergy sufferers and people with problem skin.

Ozokerite - improves blood circulation, treats rheumatic diseases and joints. This procedure was done to her husband - on the spine. Specially prepared paraffin is applied to the body and the effect lasts about 20 minutes. The procedure is comfortable, especially since the “bed” itself is heated.

Mud therapy - improves immunity, blood circulation, metabolism, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, removes excess fluid from the body, soothes. For the procedure, Haapsalu sea mud is used. There is also a shower in the office, incl. you don’t have to run to the room and wash everything there))

Light therapy - I would call this procedure - treatment with the sun. True, the sun is artificial, but the effect is the same - immunity normalizes, blood circulation improves, eliminates sleep problems and improves mood.

Oxygen therapy has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, on the respiratory system, normalizes immunity and metabolism in the body. Outwardly, it looks like inhalation, but instead of a therapeutic mixture, you breathe oxygen.

The salt chamber is useful primarily for those who have problems with the respiratory system, allergic diseases. The very room where the procedure is carried out is very atmospheric - everything is white, relaxing music plays. In the chair you can even take a nap or meditate))

A foot bath is a massage with a therapeutic extract that acts on the points that are located on the feet, and thus affects the entire body.

Another very cool procedure is lymphatic drainage, I think that it is not necessary to talk about the benefits, it is indisputable. The impact is made on two areas: the legs and the abdomen and thighs. "Space suit" fastens around desired zone and begins to inflate and deflate, thereby affecting problem areas.

It is simply impossible to describe all the procedures, here is a cedar barrel, massages and oxygen cocktail, magnetotherapy and laser therapy... And that's not all))

The choice of procedures in health resorts Narva-Jõesuu huge, but I hope that I managed to explain some of them clearly)
