Teacher's speech. Teacher's speech Why the teacher's speech should be correct

Chubaeva Natalya Nikolaevna
primary school teacher, group teacher
extended day, 1 qualification category
MOU "S (K) OSHI No. 4" of the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk Region

public speaking technology teacher in front of an audience

The specificity of the teaching profession lies in the constant active contact with other people. The work of the teacher is aimed not only at the formation of the personality of the student, the development of certain rules of conduct, and intellectual development. The teacher must have not only psychological, special knowledge of the presentation of material in his subject, but also the skills of public speaking.
The skill of public speaking is acquired in the process of preparing for seminars, pedagogical conferences, pedagogical councils. In order for the teacher's speech to be understandable to the audience, the teacher must know the technique of oratory, its features, types of speech, requirements for preparing for speech, and the structure of public speaking.
What is public speaking? What are the requirements for public speaking? What is its structure? These questions should always be asked by every educator before speaking to an audience in public.
So, let's consider the technology of public speaking, which is used by teachers of the MOU S (K) OSHI No. 4 of the city of Magnitogorsk.
Public speaking is a process of transmitting information, the main purpose of which is to convince listeners of the correctness of certain provisions.
There are quite a few classifications of public speaking. Teachers and educators of our school use the following classifications of types of public speaking: types of public speaking according to a defined goal, types of public speaking according to form.
According to the defined goal, there are such types of speech in public speaking: informative, entertaining, persuasive.
  1. The speech is called informational when the goal is to communicate some information. Used in a scientific report, message, at a parent meeting - analysis of statistical data.
  2. entertainment performance. The goal is to entertain listeners. Such, for example, is the task of the leader in the process of organizing and holding any entertainment event.
  3. Persuasive speech. The goal is to convince. It aims to show the correctness of the position taken by the teacher, to strengthen or change the opinion of the audience on this issue. For example, performances in scientific conferences, theoretical and practical seminars.
The goals, depending on the topic, speeches can be combined, as a result of which speeches can become complex. You can, for example, talk about informational-etiquette, infotainment, informational-persuasive speeches, other mixed types are also possible.
Types of public speaking in form. These include:
Report - a detailed message that reveals some important scientific or socio-political problem on a specific topic. Reports are prepared in advance, they sum up the results and outline tasks, they are built according to a strict plan. To prepare a report yourself, you need to read the special literature on this topic, study the problem. The report usually considers the history of the problem, considers the topic comprehensively, and evaluates different approaches and points of view. In terms of time, reports can last from 10 - 15 minutes to 2 - 3 hours. Reports are used at pedagogical councils, meetings of the methodological association.
Message - a short (5-10 min) presentation, which deals with one small issue or problem. It must be short, contain specific information, illustrative examples and exhaustively reveal the topic. They are made by different speakers in order to reveal some big problem together. Each message is devoted to a particular aspect of the problem. Messages are prepared in advance, they need to be thought through, read the literature. Messages are contained in the presentation of the teacher's practical experience.
Performance - a short, usually prepared message when discussing some pre-announced issue. Speeches are always short - 3 - 5 minutes, the topic can be chosen in advance, or formulated during the discussion of the problem. Speeches, like messages, are often planned so that they complement each other when discussing a problem, revealing different sides or points of view on the problem.
Lecture - a coherent, detailed scientific or popular science presentation of any issue by a specialist. Popular science lectures are read for a wide range of listeners. In a lecture, everything should be logical, understandable for the audience, all complex terms and words must be explained. In the lecture, it is necessary to highlight individual points. Lectures usually range in duration from 20-30 minutes to 1-1.5 hours.
Conversation - a detailed, prepared dialogue with the audience. The conversation may include fairly long segments of the speaker's speech (monologues), but it requires the obligatory asking questions to the audience, listening, analyzing and commenting on their answers. The conversation is used in public speech when the audience is small (no more than 30 people) and the listeners are interested in the information that they are being told. It's basically a great team.
Having decided on the type of public speaking, its target orientation, the teacher must prepare his speech.
The main stages of preparing a public speech:
  1. material collection,
  2. material selection and organization,
  3. thinking about the material
  4. preparation of abstracts or plan,
  5. stylistic design,
  6. speech writing,
  7. mental exploration,
  8. speech test.
The most important and difficult stage of preparation for the upcoming performance in front of the audience is the stage of writing the text, in which the composition (structure) must be clearly built.

Text writing structure

Writing text for a speech usually built according to the traditional three-part composition: introduction, main part, conclusion. This composition is traditional, the audience is waiting for just such a composition. It is this construction of the speech that makes it easier for the audience to perceive the oral presentation. Let's dwell on each stage of constructing a speech for a speech in more detail:
Introductory part. The introduction emphasizes the relevance of the problem, its significance for this audience, formulates the purpose of the speech, and briefly outlines the history of the issue. Before the introduction of a public speech, there is an important psychological task - to prepare listeners for the perception of this topic.
What techniques can be used in the introductory part of the speech to attract the attention of the audience?
Experienced speakers recommend starting a speech with interesting example, proverbs and sayings, winged expression, humorous remarks. In the introduction, a quote can be used that makes the listeners think about the words of the speaker, to comprehend the stated position more deeply.
An effective means of capturing the attention of listeners is questions. They allow the speaker to draw the audience into active mental activity, they set the listeners in a certain way.
Main part. The most important part of the speech. Her task is not only to attract the attention of the audience, but also to keep it until the end of the speech. It sets out the main material, consistently explains the statements made, proves their correctness, and leads the audience to the necessary conclusions.
In the main part of the speech, it is necessary to strictly observe the basic rule of composition - the logical sequence and harmony of the presentation of the material. MM. Speransky in his "Rules of Higher Eloquence" stated: "All thoughts in a word must be interconnected so that one thought contains, so to speak, the seed of another."
Thinking over the structure of the main part of the speech, the speaker must determine by what method he will present the material, what arguments he will take to prove the position put forward, what oratorical techniques he uses to attract the attention of the audience. The teacher needs to skillfully arrange all these components in order to have the desired impact on the audience with his speech.
Final part. Popular wisdom says: "The end crowns the deed." A convincing and vivid conclusion is remembered by the audience, leaves a good impression of the speech. On the contrary, an unsuccessful conclusion sometimes ruins a good speech. Quite often we see how the speaker, not meeting the time limit, simply cuts off his speech, does not say the final words.
Some speakers at the end of the speech begin to repeatedly justify themselves to the audience that they did not have enough time to prepare the speech, so they did not manage to speak well, that they probably did not tell the audience anything new and interesting, and the listeners wasted time in vain. This should not be done.
What should be the conclusion?
It is recommended in conclusion to repeat the main idea for which the speech is made, to summarize the most important provisions. In conclusion, the results of what has been said are summed up, conclusions are drawn, specific tasks are set for the audience, which follow from the content of the speech.
So, the preparation of the public speech and the writing of the text of the speech are completed, there is 1 evening left before the start of the speech.
Psychologists suggest that every teacher before meeting with the audience (with students) must prepare himself for this both mentally and physically.
1). Before the start of the performance, you need to relax, be alone;
2). It is advisable to mentally imagine the plan of the lesson (speech) once again, think over its most responsible places, you can say part of the material to yourself or out loud, without straining, however, your voice;
3). It is necessary to discard everything that is not related to the topic of the lesson, and completely switch to the upcoming speech. This will help to overcome excessive excitement;
4). Before the start of the lesson, if possible, it is necessary to assess the conditions (room) in which to speak. The size of the audience (premises) should correspond to the number of listeners, because managing a compact audience is much easier than a dispersed one. And the whole character of the speech of the teacher depends on the number of listeners. It is one thing to have a confidential conversation (discussion) with 10-15 listeners, and quite another to give a lecture for 50-100 people in a large assembly hall.
5). Before entering the audience, all preparations must be completed: it is not recommended to fasten on the go, go through your notes, straighten your hair, tie.
6). The question may arise: “Which place to choose for a speech (lecture)?”. It should be taken into account that the tribune inevitably reduces the possibility of influencing the audience, it constrains movements and gestures, and moves away from the audience. Therefore, in order to achieve close contact with the audience, you can sit in front of the podium or to the side of it.
In conclusion, it is important to note that the public speech of the teacher should serve as a model that is perceived either by the child or by his colleagues. Therefore, a public speech must be carefully thought out, meet all the requirements listed above.

Prokhorova A.G.,

teacher speech therapist

MKOU "Children's Home-School No. 95"

One of the components of the teacher's skill is the culture of his speech. Who owns the culture of speech, he achieves great success in professional activities.

Pedagogical speech as a phenomenon that independently exists in the professional activity of a teacher, as a condition for the formation and development of pedagogical skills, has its own characteristics, that is, such distinctive properties and qualities that determine its pedagogical essence and content. These include:

1) publicity, focus on the audience;

2) audiovisuality;

3) improvisation.

Speaking in public means expressing your thoughts, arguing in such a way that they resonate in the minds and hearts of listeners not only in the form of certain facts, but also as value orientations. Public is that speech that is characterized by an appeal to the audience, it is aimed at the audience, addressed specific people. Addressing all the students in the process of working with them, the teacher must see each one individually and individually address his words to him. This circumstance requires the teacher to have visual contact, work with students "eye to eye".

Publicity, orientation pedagogical speech on the audience as its most important specific feature necessitates:

a) good knowledge by the teacher of the individual properties and qualities of students, the characteristics of the classroom team, the ability to predict the impact of their words on everyone in general and on each student individually;

b) the teacher's own attitude to what he is talking about, that is, the personal coloring of statements;

c) the skills and abilities of organizing a dialogue (even when the teacher uses a monologue form of pedagogical speech). Dialogicity can be achieved by using statements-addresses (“let's imagine”, “as you remember”, etc.), emotionally expressive words, rhetorical questions.

Audiovisuality as a specific feature of pedagogical speech means that what the teacher is talking about is perceived by students not only by ear, but also seen. The word, its meaning and intonation (linguistic and paralinguistic sign system of pedagogical speech) is perceived by ear. Visually, in the process of the teacher's speech activity, students perceive the mimicry and pantomime of the teacher, the emotional expressiveness of his behavior, which accompany the statement (the kinetic sign system of pedagogical speech).

This feature requires the teacher to develop the ability to control his appearance in the process of speech activity, communication with students, as well as adequately perceive the reaction of listeners (skills of social perception).

As a significant feature of pedagogical speech, its improvisation is considered.

Improvisation (from French - improvisation, from Italian - improvisatione, from Latin - improvisus - unexpected, sudden) is the creation of something directly at the moment of activity.

The speech of the teacher is improvised, that is, it is created directly in a specific pedagogical situation, which cannot always be planned. It is this feature that determines the level of professionalism of the teacher, since Socrates said: "Speak so that I can see you."

Speech improvisation of a teacher is an ambiguous concept, the following meanings define it:

1) this is not a verbatim reproduction of educational (or some other) material, but its free presentation on the basis of significant preliminary preparation, which involves the selection of content, thinking through the volume and logic of what is presented, determining on the eve of speech activity the nature of the general tone of statements, individual intonational moments, rhythm and tempo of speech;

2) speech improvisation of a teacher is an unprepared, momentarily emerging speech, born in the conditions of activity in general. Pedagogical improvisation is an immediate reaction of the teacher at the moment of interaction with students to their specific actions, manifestations, words.

Both one and the second understanding of speech improvisation determine the conditions under which the teacher's speech becomes truly pedagogical. These include:

good knowledge of the subject of teaching (fluency in educational material), psychological and pedagogical theory, teaching and upbringing methods;

high general culture (culture of speech, behavior, communication, appearance, etc.);

possession of methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, which allow to study the characteristics of the class team and the individual characteristics of each student individually and, based on the results of the diagnosis, build pedagogical speech and communication;

well-developed pedagogical intuition and imagination, fantasy, allowing you to create predictable situations in the pedagogical process and act in them.

V.A. Slastenin in the book “Forming the Personality of a Teacher of a Soviet School in the Process of Professional Training” writes that improvisation is a specific feature of pedagogical speech, which is based on a combination of analytical and intuitive thinking, previous experience, previously acquired knowledge and some learned algorithms for productively solving pedagogical problems. This statement can be fully attributed to the speech improvisation of the teacher, therefore important condition the formation of pedagogical speech is the development by the teacher on the basis of deep professional knowledge and practical experience of the teacher's work of analytical thinking and pedagogical intuition.

In accordance with the identified essence, functions, forms and features of pedagogical speech as the most important tool, means of the teacher's professional activity, the requirements for it are determined:

- literacy of speech and lexical richness;

- consistency and accessibility (accessibility is understood not only in the sense of the accuracy and simplicity of the teacher's statements, it means the ability to adapt them to the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren);

- technical perfection (delivered breathing and voice, clear diction, optimal pace and rhythm of speech);

- intonational expressiveness, emotionality and imagery (the imagery of speech is characterized by the ability of the word to create visual-sensory images, pictures of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Imagery is manifested in speech in the form of visual, auditory, tactile and other representations. Words and expressions that cause visual representations. The teacher needs to learn how to speak in such a way that students seem to "see" what is being said. To do this, you need to master figurative language means, appropriately and freely use comparisons, epithets, metaphors, personifications, etc. in speech);

- the appropriateness of speech (the teacher's knowledge of the audience, understanding of its features and circumstances in which speech activity is carried out, involves the selection of the content of speech, language means, certain communicative actions);

It is professionally important for a teacher to formulate questions ethically, answer and explain answers, and express a value judgment.

In terms of the above requirements for the speech of the teacher, the culture of the will of the teacher, the presentation of requirements to them, is of fundamental importance. For a teacher, the norm is not a direct (sometimes categorical) requirement, but an invitation, request, advice, wish, warning, etc. Various politeness formulas are obligatory in the speech of the teacher: “please”, “be kind”, “do not take it for work”, “please”, “thank you for the service”, “sorry”, etc. The importance of this requirement for the speech of the teacher (as, by the way, of all those indicated above) is due to the fact that his speech behavior is intended to be a reference for students and other participants in the pedagogical process.

The rules of speech culture of the teacher:

1. The teacher should speak quietly, but in such a way that everyone can hear him, so that the listening process does not cause significant stress for the pupils.

2. The teacher must speak clearly.

3. The teacher should speak at a speed of about 120 words per minute.

4. To achieve expressive sound, it is important to be able to use pauses - logical and psychological. Without logical pauses, speech is illiterate, without psychological pauses it is colorless.

5. The teacher must speak with intonation, that is, be able to put logical stresses, highlight individual words that are important for the content of what was said.

The culture of a person is most clearly and directly manifested in his speech. In a certain sense, the culture of a person's speech, the manner of expressing his thoughts and feelings are his calling card. The first idea of ​​a person and his initial characteristics, as a rule, are formed on the basis of the impression that arises from the speech manner of the interlocutor. Therefore, for a teacher, one of whose duties is the educational impact on people, the culture of speech is of particular importance.

Usually there are 3 components of professional speech:

  • 1) normative - speech correctness;
  • 2) communicative - the ability to understand speech by the interlocutor;
  • 3) ethical - appropriateness, legitimacy of the statement in a given situation.

Unfortunately, the official position of the teacher gives him the opportunity not to bother himself with the need to endow speech with a persuasive or cognitive function. Lack of time and a low level of culture encourage such a leader to get by and be content with rudeness, other extreme manifestations of command speech. The confidence that, regardless of the content and form of the statement, the subordinates are obliged to listen to the boss, allows him not to care about the aesthetics of the expression, creates in him the idea of ​​permissiveness in speech. Subsequently, this becomes a habit, is fixed not only in the lexical material, but also in the method of logical and compositional construction of the text, and, most importantly, inevitably turns into disrespect for students, low authority, and ineffective teaching.

Teachers of this kind do not even suspect that speech and language are for the teacher a powerful means of managing personnel, they are one of his main professional “tools”, and they have a huge impact on his authority. A clever, passionate word addressed to a person awakens thought, develops initiative, forms lofty feelings and thoughts.

The culture of speech is both a culture of thought, and a characteristic of the cultural level, and evidence of the moral integrity of a person. To write or speak well, one must first of all think and act correctly. The confusion of expressions speaks of the confusion of thoughts, the fuzziness of views and beliefs. The poverty of thinking, its inconsistency, fallacy, in other words, the lack of a culture of speech indicate the insufficiency of the general culture, knowledge, erudition and negatively affect both the authority of the employee of the authorities and the effectiveness of his educational activities.

A high culture of speech is the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey one's thoughts by means of language. It lies in the ability to find the most intelligible and most appropriate means for expressing one's thoughts. The culture of speech obliges a person to adhere to certain mandatory norms and rules, among which the most important are:

  • 1. Content. The speech of the teacher should be carefully thought out, extremely concise and at the same time extremely informative. A laconic but meaningful speech testifies to a high culture of both thinking and language, since true eloquence consists in saying everything that is needed, but no more.
  • 2. Logic. In logical speech, all its provisions are justified, consistent and consistently follow one from the other. All its leading provisions are interconnected and subject to a single thought. Logic provides the foundation for persuasion and proof.
  • 3. Evidence. The arguments must be reliable and reasonable, i.e. must prove to the interlocutor that everything that is being said exists in reality and is objective.
  • 4. Persuasiveness. The purpose and meaning of any conversation is not only to convince the interlocutor of the correctness of the information communicated to him, but also to ensure that this conviction is firmly rooted in his mind. Therefore, when talking, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of the interlocutor, and the system of his views and values, address not only his mind, but also his heart and conscience, illustrate his arguments with vivid and understandable examples for the interlocutor. It should be remembered that any conviction is a persuasion, a reshaping of worldview or moral principles, and therefore it cannot be limited to simple logical arguments. This requires both mutual trust, and an emotional, indifferent look, and a humane, kind word, etc.
  • 5. Clarity. You need to speak clearly, calmly, restrainedly, in a moderate tone. Too fast speech is difficult to perceive, too slow - causes irritation. Each spoken word, syllable, sound must, of course, be perceived by the interlocutor. Dull and inexpressive speech is capable of ruining the deepest thoughts and the most meaningful ideas.
  • 6. Clarity. Use only words and terms that are understandable to the interlocutor. In addition, you need to make sure that the interlocutor puts the same meaning into the concepts you use. If this is not done, then it may well be that the lion's share of the information you provide will remain unassimilated by the interlocutor.
  • 7. Purity of speech. The purity of speech is expressed by the absence in it of elements alien to the literary language, as well as those that are rejected by the norms of morality. What destroys the purity of speech?

dialectisms - words that are not peculiar to common language people (literary), but local, territorial dialects and dialects;

barbarisms - foreign words and phrases included in speech without any need;

jargon - words and phrases inherent primarily in individual professional or social groups (dude, go crazy, wet);

vulgarisms are swear words that degrade the dignity and honor of a person;

interjections (yeah, uh-huh, wow), as well as inappropriate sounds: uh-uh, m-m-m, a-ah-ah, etc .;

clericalism - words and phrases that are typical for business style and inappropriate in conversational everyday style;

stamps - hackneyed expressions that have been erased from frequent use (there is a place, it should be noted, it must be emphasized, etc.);

little-known words and phrases; if they cannot be dispensed with, they must immediately be explained.

All of them impede speech, clog it, have a psychologically negative effect on the listeners, reduce the significance of information (not to mention the fact that most of them carry the only information - about the speaker's lack of culture). They are disastrous for any report, lecture or conversation, because they scare away with their coldness, dryness and indifference to the listener.

The expressiveness of speech is achieved by the following conditions:

  • 1. Independence of the speaker's thinking - the material presented must be comprehended by the speaker and receive its own coloring.
  • 2. Indifference, the speaker's interest in the material presented: to what he says, and to those for whom he speaks.
  • 3. Good knowledge language, its expressive possibilities, features of various language styles. The famous ancient Roman orator Cicero advised: the speaker should take care of three things - what to say, where to say and how to say.

To master speech culture, systematic training of speech skills is necessary. You should speak more often, listen carefully to the speeches of people with oratorical abilities, learn from them. It is also necessary to form a psychological target setting for the expressiveness of one's speech. It is very useful to record your speech on a tape recorder (or even better on a video recorder) and then analyze it.

An important role in oratory is also played by indicators of phonetic culture, namely: the correctness of stress and pronunciation; expressive intonation; clarity of diction.

In Russian, stress is free and can fall on any syllable. Therefore, it is necessary to memorize the speech of the speakers. Here are the most typical errors: catalog, dialogue, means, provision, phenomenon, incident, compromise (correct: catalog, dialogue, means, provision, phenomenon, incident, compromise). In doubtful cases, you should consult a spelling or orthoepic dictionary.

Intonation is the emotional design of speech, increases its effectiveness. The famous Russian teacher A.S. Makarenko managed, through training, to develop up to 20 shades of spoken commands and ensured that no one dared not to fulfill the command given to him. Pauses also play a huge role in speech art. By the way, the longer an actor knows how to "keep a pause", the higher his qualifications.

The clarity of diction lies in the ability to clearly pronounce all vowels and consonants, not to chew or swallow them, especially at the ends of words. Particular attention should be paid to proper names and numerals. The timbre of the sound is also important - it should be pleasant, not sharp and not deaf.

Compliance with these requirements:

  • 1) ensures the completeness of assimilation of information;
  • 2) demonstrates the culture of the speaker and inspires respect for him;
  • 3) demonstrates respect for the audience.

The tone and intonation of the conversation is of great importance. To a certain extent, the tone speaks of the upbringing or bad manners of the interlocutor, because the same word or phrase can have a completely different effect, depending on how they are pronounced. An arrogant and arrogant tone, indicating an overestimation of one's own person and disregard for others, is not allowed in the activities of an employee law enforcement. Even instructions that are categorical, commanding in nature should be expressed in a businesslike, calm, even tone. This is especially important when the conversation escalates, when uncontrollable emotions begin to appear on the stage. In these cases, it is useful to remember that emotions are not an argument, as well as an ancient Chinese proverb: "When a person shouts in anger, he is ridiculous; when a person is silent in anger, he is terrible."

The correct tone of the conversation is the key to its success. Tone is a powerful means of emotional and volitional influence on the interlocutor: it can offend, hurt, induce the interlocutor to withdraw, but it can also create an atmosphere of trust, mutual sympathy, arouse in the interlocutor a sense of respect, a desire to open up, understand and accept your arguments.

The speech of the teacher should testify to his respectful attitude towards others. Particular attention should be paid to the correct forms of address, since a mistake, even unintentional, in a greeting or address is regarded as a manifestation of disrespect. The form of addressing to “you” can only take place in close, friendly or trusting relationships: it expresses mutual respect and is unacceptable in any other cases (for example, when a boss addresses a subordinate), because then it is dismissive and degrades human dignity. Anonymous address is used only if the person is unknown - the word "citizen" should always be used before the surname, but it is preferable to address by name and patronymic. It is indecent to call a third person present during the conversation with a pronoun like "he", "she" or "this", but always only by name or surname. A well-mannered person will never allow himself to speak disrespectfully, mockingly or badly about those who are absent.

A prerequisite for a high speech culture is the ability to control oneself, not to get annoyed, not to allow rude or offensive expressions. The teacher should be able to express any thought politely, without offending or insulting the interlocutor. One single word we can do ourselves and others enormous harm, and this evil is very often irreparable. We must always remember that rudeness in conversation humiliates and belittles, first of all, the one who allows it and thereby undermines respect for him. Moreover: rudeness testifies to the weakness of the arguments, for "strength does not need swearing" (F. Dostoevsky).

It is obligatory for a teacher to be able to patiently and carefully listen to the interlocutor, to delve into his thoughts and feelings, to understand them, even if the content of the conversation is not of direct interest. He must also be able to remain silent if reciprocal arguments can inflame passions and induce the interlocutor to rudeness. In addition, he must always remember that silence is a very expressive speech device, it is the most effective response to rudeness, to arguments dictated by unworthy motives: self-interest, meanness, envy, cowardice, etc.

In the case of a conversation with a group of people, the teacher conducts a conversation with all those present, without giving preference to anyone. Arguments are stated calmly, expressions should be restrained. And if even in a calm and reasoned conversation it is not possible to completely convince the interlocutors, you should stop the argument and move the conversation to another topic, advising them to reflect on your arguments in order to continue the discussion next time. This rule, of course, does not apply to those cases when it comes to legal norms, but even then it is necessary to observe restraint and tact. One must always remember the basic rule of every verbal communication: to be able to reasonably ask and listen carefully, to answer calmly and stop talking when everything necessary has been said.

The teacher must constantly improve his speech: read classical fiction containing the best examples of speech culture; listen carefully and adopt the speech techniques of the most intelligent radio and television announcers, artists, lecturers; expand your vocabulary, improve your diction, imagery, clarity, brightness and expressiveness of your speech. Only under these conditions will he be able to perfectly master the culture of speech - one of the most important professional qualities.

State educational institution
higher education in the Moscow region
"State Social and Humanitarian University"

Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining

Practically significant work

on the topic of:

"Skill of oral presentation of the teacher"

Completed by: listener gr. PI 2-16

Burmistrova T.V.

Checked by: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Yakovleva T.V.

Kolomna 2016



1. Acoustic characteristics of oral speech

1.1 Speech rate ………………..………………………………………..……6

1.2 Voice dynamics………………………………………………..….…6

1.3 Voice volume…………………………………………………………7

1.5 Intonation…………………………………………………………………8

1.6 Flight performance………………………………………………………………..9

1.7 Diction…………………………………………………………………….9

2.Tricks of the speaker…………………………………………………………..10

2.1. Phrases………………………………………………………………….10

2.2. Pauses…………………………………………………………………..11

2.3. Addressing the Audience………………………………………………….11

2.4 Compliment……………………………………………………………… 12


3. Speech and communicative behavior of the teacher. …………….……..13-15

4. Forms and communicative qualities of pedagogical speech……..16-19

5 . Functions of pedagogical speech……………………………………….20-26

6. Features of the teacher’s speech…………………………………………… 27-28




speech skill, oratory- a set of operations for preparing and delivering a public speech, conducting a conversation, discussion, in order to achieve the desired reaction of the audience.

Not only the ability to prepare a speech, but also the ability to freely stand in front of the public, flawlessly control voice, gesture and facial expressions and accurately respond to the behavior of the audience - these are the objective requirements for someone who seeks to make the desired impact on listeners.

Human speech has always received much attention. This is no coincidence. Speech testifies to erudition, intellect, ethics, upbringing. Possession of a culture of speech is success in society, authority, perspective, promotion at work. And who, if not a teacher, is obliged to master the culture of speech.

The specificity of the teaching profession lies in constant contact with other people. The teacher's work is aimed at shaping the student's personality, developing certain rules of behavior, and intellectual development. The teacher must have not only psychological, special knowledge, but also skills professional communication.

The speech of the teacher is the main instrument of pedagogical influence and at the same time a model for students. Because of this, special attention should be paid to the form of pedagogical speech, its normative nature, to make it accessible not only for perception, but to a certain extent for imitation. The vocabulary of a modern person consists of a large number of borrowed words that come to us through various sources of information, including the Internet.

IN Lately influence Internet communication to the speech of future teachers is an important problem that needs to be solved. Instead of using it wisely, people communicate on social networks, visit useless forums and websites, read unverified information.

Teacher skills include a large number of various elements, but the culture of speech occupies the main position. If the teacher knows the culture of speech,

professional knowledge and skills, he will certainly achieve great success in learning.

Since the teacher's professional and pedagogical activity is carried out by 80% in the form of live oral speech, the role of the sounding word in comparison with the printed, written one is very significant. Oral speech conquers, excites and captivates incomparably more than printed or written text.

The teacher must be professionally prepared for such professional speech communication with children, their parents, colleagues, which is ensured by the optimal use of opportunities, “pedagogical voice”, intonation, logical stress, pauses, etc.

1. Acoustic characteristics of oral speech.

Oral sounding speech has certain acoustic characteristics: the rate of speech, loudness, timbre, intonation coloring, flight, diction.

1.1 Rate of speech.

The teacher needs to develop the optimal pace of speech for the lesson. If the teacher speaks too fast, it is difficult for students to focus on the content of the information, to have time to comprehend it; a very slow pace of speech has a tiring effect on students.

The ability to control the pace of speech is a skill necessary for a person in the voice profession. The teacher should choose a speed that is convenient for the interlocutor; correlate the pace of speech with its content; change the pace depending on the importance of the message.

Another factor that determines the expressiveness of the teacher's speech is the dynamics of the sound of the voice, the ability to vary its strength.

To improve the capabilities of the pedagogical voice, it is recommended to perform the following special exercises: “Read the tongue twisters slowly at first, clearly pronouncing all the sounds. Then speed up the pace of reading. It is necessary to monitor the clarity of pronunciation: “The ships tacked, tacked, but did not catch”; "Osip is hoarse, and Arkhip is hoarse."

Voice loudness is a subjective auditory sensation of the intensity (strength) of sound, resulting from the operation of the vocal apparatus. Professional command of the voice involves the use of many gradations of loudness, a large dynamic range in pedagogical communication. Most often, the teacher does not speak very quietly, but not very loudly, however, he needs to have a voice “margin of safety”: there are times when you need to say something at the maximum sonority, but at the same time not turn into a scream and break your voice.

Timbre is a significant acoustic characteristic. It is perceived as a specific coloring of the voice, which makes it possible to distinguish people (without seeing them) by their voices, even if the pitch, loudness and duration of these voices are the same. Timbre has an important communicative meaning. It is much easier, for example, to establish contact with an interlocutor or with an audience if the speaker has a pleasant, beautiful timbre of voice.

1.5 Intonation.

The most important element of the speech culture of the teacher's speech is intonation. Intonation is understood as "a set of acoustic elements of speech (melody, rhythm, tempo, intensity, accent structure, timbre, etc.), phonetically organizing speech and being a means of expressing various, including syntactic, meanings of expressive, emotional coloring" . Intonation affects the feelings of students, gives color to the words of the teacher and makes you focus on certain details. The main types of exercises for the formation of the correct intonation are: changing the tone (read how the wolf says (rudely, angrily), the fox (quietly, affectionately, insinuatingly); reading by roles; staging fables, skits.

Possible intonation colors of speeches are as follows


nonchalant or humorous;


Angry or reproachful;





1.6 Airworthiness .

Flyability - the ability of a voice to be heard at a great distance, with minimal effort of the speaker or singer. At the same time, both the one who speaks and the one who listens have a feeling of facilitated sound extraction - the voice, as it were, “flies”.

1.7 Diction .

One of required elements technique of speech is diction. Diction is understood as: 1) pronunciation, manner of pronouncing words; 2) intelligibility of speech, distinctness of pronunciation of sounds, syllables and words. It is especially important for a teacher to have good diction, since his speech is a model for students. Carelessness in pronouncing the endings of words (“swallowing”), nasality can be eliminated if you perform the exercises on your own or under the guidance of a speech technique specialist.

2. Orator tricks.

However, it should not be forgotten that no skills and abilities by themselves will bring success to the speaker if his conversation with the audience is not imbued with deep ideological and conviction in what is being said.

It is well known that dispassionate and languid speech does not evoke a response in the hearts of listeners, no matter how interesting and important topic she didn't touch. And vice versa, sometimes even a speech that is not entirely coherent will affect the audience if the speaker talks about what has boiled over in his soul, if the audience believes in the sincerity of the speaker. Bright, energetic speech, reflecting the speaker's enthusiasm, his confidence, has a significant inspiring power.

2.1. Phrases.

It has been found that short phrases are easier to hear than long ones. Only half of adults are able to understand a phrase containing more than thirteen words. And a third of all people, listening to the fourteenth and subsequent words of one sentence, generally forget its beginning. Must be avoided complex sentences, participial and participle turnover. When presenting a complex question, one should try to convey information in parts.

2.2. Pauses.

Pauses are a very important element of a speech. It is known that words sound more convincing after mini-pauses. A pause in oral speech performs the same role as punctuation marks in writing. After complex conclusions or long sentences, a pause should be made so that the listeners can think about what was said or correctly understand the conclusions drawn. If the speaker wants to be understood, then one should not speak without a pause for more than five and a half seconds (!).

2.3. Appeal to the audience.

It is known that addressing the interlocutor by name creates a more trusting context of a business conversation. At public speaking you can also use similar tricks. So, such expressions as “As you know”, “I am sure that this will not leave you indifferent” can serve as indirect appeals. Such arguments to the audience are a kind of statements that subconsciously affect the will and interests of the listeners. The speaker shows that the audience is interesting to him, and this is the easiest way to achieve mutual understanding.

2.4 Compliment.

Another element of speech etiquette is a compliment. At its core, a compliment contains a psychological mechanism of suggestion. A compliment against the background of an anti-compliment to oneself is especially effective. The style of complimenting listeners depends on the situation, the previous context of the speech, and the specifics of the relationship between the speaker and the audience.

2.5 Audience reaction.

During the performance, you must constantly monitor the reaction of the audience. Attentiveness and observation, combined with experience, allow the speaker to capture the mood of the audience. It is possible that consideration of some issues will have to be reduced or completely abandoned. Often a good joke can lighten the mood..

3. Speech and communicative behavior of the teacher

Speech, teachers, should ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of teaching and educating schoolchildren, therefore, in addition to general cultural, professional, pedagogical requirements. The teacher bears social responsibility for the content, quality of his speech, and for its consequences. That is why the teacher's speech is considered as an important element of his pedagogical skills.
The expression "teacher's speech" (synonymous with "pedagogical speech"), as a rule, is used when speaking about the teacher's oral speech (as opposed to written speech). By oral speech is meant both the process of speaking, the creation of oral statements, and the result of this process - oral statements. The oral speech of the teacher is the speech created by the teacher at the moment of speaking (as opposed to voiced written speech, for example, reading aloud a paragraph of the textbook.
Pedagogical speech is designed to provide: a) productive communication, interaction between the teacher and his pupils; b) the positive impact of the teacher on the consciousness, feelings of students in order to form, correct their beliefs, motives for activity; c) full perception, awareness and consolidation of knowledge in the learning process; d) rational organization of educational and practical activities of students.
Successfully found, the tone of the conversation is trusting, reasoning, a little solemn; motivating direct appeals to students with wishes, an appeal to their feelings, consciousness; persistent, but delicate expression, requirements; a sincere expression of one's involvement in a common event for seventh graders - the knowledge of a new book (and for a teacher, objectively, the novelty of a book is not in the repeated repetition of lessons, but you believe in its sincerity); logic of speech, its expressiveness.
Undoubtedly, all these features of the teacher's speech and behavior will help him solve the pedagogical tasks of the lesson: to arouse students' interest in the book and its author, to set them on the right emotional wave.
The concept of "teacher's communicative behavior" is closely related to the expression "pedagogical speech". What content is it filled with? In modern scientific literature, communicative behavior of teachers means not just the process of speaking, transmitting information, but such an organization of speech and the corresponding speech behavior of the teacher, which affect the creation of an emotional and psychological atmosphere of communication between teachers and students, the nature of the relationship between them,
their work style. To characterize the teacher's communicative behavior, such moments as the tone of speech, the justification for using value judgments, the manner of addressing students, responding to them, the nature of facial expressions, movements, gestures, accompanying speech are significant.
In our example, the communicative behavior of the first teacher in this situation can be called productive. It created a businesslike atmosphere, conducive to interaction, rhythm in the work at the lesson. The communicative behavior of the second teacher can be characterized as unproductive. Addresses, the tone of speech, its content did not cause mental stress among the students, but they did not dispose to mutual understanding, response, left them indifferent to the topic of the lesson.

4. Forms and communicative qualities of pedagogical speech.

The teacher's oral speech exists in two varieties - in a monologue (monologic speech) and in a dialogue (dialogical speech). The forms of this speech in communication with students are varied. The most common forms of a teacher's monologue speech are a story, a school lecture, a commentary, an interpretation (of rules, laws, terms), detailed value judgments (motivation for a school grade, when assessing knowledge; assessing behavior, in a student's non-educational activities). The dialogic speech of the teacher is presented in various kinds of conversations with students, built in the form of questions and answers.
In addition, in school practice, there are frequent situations that require the exchange of greetings, assessments, statements between the teacher and students at a meeting, as well as a joint discussion of any educational problem, deed, or behavior. In such situations, forms of oral speech rarely exist autonomously, in a "pure" form. They seem to penetrate, enter into one another, creating a complex polyphony of coherent narration, remarks, assessments, comments, questions, answers. Therefore, when retelling, it is so difficult to reproduce verbatim a lesson or an extracurricular conversation between a teacher and students. The atmosphere created by the communicative behavior of the teacher and students is momentary, not reproducible verbatim (the exception is the use of technical means of recording). It is important to take this into account for the future teacher, because such immediacy imposes on him great responsibility for the choice of words, expression, and for the intonation with which they are pronounced, for the gestures, movements that are accompanied. After all, all this remains in the memory of students for a long time in the form of mood , impressions made from the meeting, communication with the teacher.
In order to promote successful implementation pedagogical tasks, the teacher's speech must meet certain requirements, or, as scientists say, have the required communicative qualities. Thus, the requirement for the correct speech of the teacher is ensured by its normativity, i.e., the correspondence of speech to the norms of the modern literary language - accentological, orthoepic, grammatical, etc., the accuracy of word usage; the requirement for expressiveness of speech is figurativeness, emotionality, brightness. In general, such communicative qualities of the teacher's speech as correctness, accuracy, relevance, lexical richness, expressiveness and purity determine the culture of the teacher's speech.
It is important to pay special attention to the issues of correctness and purity of speech, because, "as the experience of university education shows, the most common mistakes are related to the violation of literary norms and the use of dialectisms," superfluous "words ("well", "this", "means", " so to speak"). Here are just some typical examples recorded during the practice of students at school: "The deuce was put on the control due to your inattention" (incorrect use of the preposition "thanks", which is used mainly to indicate the reason that caused a positive result. It is better to use the preposition "because of"); "an outstanding scientist" (instead of (an outstanding scientist"); "the book was published in 1987" (an erroneous combination in one expression of the components of two phraseological units "go out" and "be born" , correct: “the book was published”); “decline the noun in cases” (unjustified repetition: incline, i.e. “change in cases”, correct: “decline the noun”); “erase from the board” (correct: “ erase from the board", but "wipe the board").
The terminological culture of the future teacher does not always meet the requirements. Typical errors in the interpretation and use of terms are their incorrect or approximate understanding, “imaginary” interpretation (“phagocytosis” - nutrition, “species” - a group of animals, “phoneme” - the minimum part of the word, “sinanthropus” - ancient people). (The materials of the study of the terminological culture of students, conducted by L.L. Bezobrazova and S.A. Lebedenko, teachers of the Poltava Pedagogical Institute, were used.) But knowledge of the scientific content of terms, mastering the skills of their accessible explanation to students is one of the indicators professional culture teachers. And it is important to develop the need for constant study of terms in terms of their origin, word formation, appropriateness of use.
If you refer to the works of scientists who have studied the issue of the communicative qualities of pedagogical speech, you can create for yourself some ideal model of a teacher's speech. This is, first of all, correct speech, corresponding to the norms of the modern literary language, accurate, understandable. Speech that does not allow the use of jargon and vulgarisms, colloquial words; speech is rich, lexically diverse, meeting the goals and conditions of communication. Pedagogically expedient speech is characterized by logicality, persuasiveness, motivation. Her intonations, melodic pattern are diverse and expressive, the rhythm and tempo are optimal for each specific communication situation.

5. Functions of pedagogical speech .

The requirements for the communicative qualities of the teacher's speech are determined, first of all, by its pedagogical functions. One of the main functions of the teacher's speech is to provide a full-fledged presentation (transfer) of knowledge. It is known that there is a direct relationship between the communicative features of the teacher's speech and the success of perception and memorization of knowledge by students. The teacher's speech can make this perception accessible, interesting, or it can make it difficult.
The importance of this function of the teacher's speech is evidenced by the fact that knowledge is often fixed for a long time in the memory of students due to the peculiarities of pedagogical speech: the emotional coloring of the teacher's voice, its intonation, the rhythm of speech, the nature of the pronunciation of words are preserved. D. Granin, talking about the outstanding scientist N. V. Timofeev-Resovsky in the novel "Zubr", noted the unusual power of the impact of his speech on students: what he said was remembered forever, he hammered words like nails. And decades later, his former students reproduced the words, expressions, manner of speaking of their teacher.
Pedagogical task teacher's speech when presenting new material - to contribute not only to the transfer of knowledge to schoolchildren, but also to the formation of their emotional and value attitude to this knowledge, the need to make them a guide in their behavior, the basis of beliefs. The teacher will solve this problem if his speech will not only inform, but also influence the consciousness, feelings of students, encourage them to think and act.
Let's build a logical chain, designating in it the tasks of the teacher's speech when presenting knowledge in relation to the results of their solution:
The tasks of the teacher's speech: Inform,. influence, encourage
develop to form an act, action
relation to knowledge based on knowledge
Results enrichment understanding of knowledge, use of knowledge
speech perception intellect accepting them for oneself as a guide
teachers by students: as a personal value in their behavior
Unfortunately, this logical chain in mass school practice often does not “work” and the knowledge of students remains a formal accumulation of concepts. Speech that is not addressed to the mind and heart of students, replete with errors, cliches, dry phrases from a textbook, at best conveys a minimum of information. But she does not include students in the lesson in thinking. empathy (“understanding knowledge as a personal value”) does not encourage reflection on them at the level of one’s own behavior (“using knowledge as a guide for action”). Knowledge is formed in the minds of students only as a sum of abstractions that are not related to its real existence, although formally the teacher says everything that is required by the program. So there is a possibility of a gap between knowledge and the real life of the student. Such is the price of pedagogically imperfect speech of the teacher.
Another function of the teacher's speech is closely related to the presentation of knowledge - ensuring the effective learning activities of schoolchildren. Pedagogical speech should, first of all, ensure effective educational listening of students in the lesson. After all, perceiving the speech of the teacher by ear, the student performs many different operations: concretizes the sounding information in visual images, correlates it with the available knowledge, experience, comprehends, remembers, follows the logic of the teacher’s presentation, the development of his thoughts. This is a difficult job of a listening student, and it must be taken into account, thinking over both the content of the speech and its pace, rhythm, logic, and accessibility.
Thus, an analysis of the significance of the pace of pedagogical speech in lessons in primary school showed that if the teacher violates the optimal pace of speech, students experience a sharp incompleteness and inaccuracy of the perceived information, and the amount of reproduced erroneous information increases. If at the average rate of the teacher's speech, the students enter 14.2% of arbitrary information when reproducing what they heard, then with a fast one - 42.8%, and with a slow one - 70%. This is explained by the fact that the children are not able to qualitatively perceive the speech of the teacher, delivered at a pace that differs from the pace of their mental activity.
A similar situation was observed in the study of the significance of logical stresses in the teacher's speech for the correct perception of the educational material of the lesson. Incorrect placement of logical stresses, overload with them educational information, stated by the teacher, leads to the fact that 39% of students did not perceive such information at all, 11% - only part of it, 47% - only its beginning. The students were tired of the edification, excessive loudness, and the monotony of the intonation pattern of the teacher's speech. (Research by 3.G. Zaitseva, 1978)
The effectiveness of the cognitive activity of students is also influenced by the style of communicative behavior chosen by the teacher in the lesson. We have already drawn attention to this. Studies have established that the presence in the teacher's speech of unjustified restrictions, prohibitions, accompanied by intonations of discontent and irritation (typical "teacher's" expressions with the words "shut up", "stop", "sit down", "stop", "shut"), interruption of students' answers evaluative remarks of a derogatory nature (also, unfortunately, familiar expressions: “as always you don’t know anything”, “where your would-be parents only look”, “how can you understand this”), leads not only to the destruction of the relationship between the teacher and students , but also to a decrease in the mental activity of the latter.
The communicative behavior of the teacher, based on his correctness, exactingness towards himself and his students (which does not exclude an appropriate joke), stimulates cognitive interest, motives for teaching schoolchildren.
An instructive experience is the practice of the famous Georgian teacher Sh.A. Amonashvili, based on the teacher's conscious construction of his communicative behavior in order to establish humane relationships between the teacher and students in the lessons. Here are just some examples of Sh. A. Amonashvili's communicative techniques: the manifestation of faith in the student's abilities (“I think you don't need my help, you're doing a great job yourself”); a positive expression of one's grief at the failures of schoolchildren ("How is it? It probably happened by chance. Let's find out the reason"). We advise you to get more deeply acquainted with his wise book "The educational and educational function of assessing the teaching of schoolchildren."
The next function of pedagogical speech is to ensure a productive relationship between the teacher and students. This is perhaps the leading function, because it is designed to help achieve interaction, cooperation between the teacher and students, on the basis of which training and education are built. It is the nature of purely human relations that have developed in terms of "teacher - student", "teacher - students", to a large extent determines pedagogical success.
The speech of the teacher also acts as a regulator of these relations, acts as a means of achieving the highest result of the development of relationships - mutual understanding between students and the teacher. Everything is significant here: and how the teacher addresses the students, greets them, makes his demands, makes comments, expresses his wishes; what are the expressive coloring of his speech", accompanying intonations, facial expression, look, gesture. About how this affects cognitive activity students, we have already said above. In terms of extracurricular communication, these details in speech, in the communicative behavior of teachers are even more significant.

Much depends on the teacher's individual communication style (communication-intimidation, communication-flirting, communication based on friendly disposition, etc.), the nature of his social attitudes in the field of communication (what are his expectations from communication with children, whether it brings him pleasure or tires and etc.). Of course, with an authoritarian style of communication and negative social attitudes, it is difficult to expect correct statements and benevolent intonations from a teacher. The democratic nature of the relationship of another teacher will also determine a different style of communicative behavior - respectful, trusting.
An example of the skill of using speech as a regulator of communication is the experience of A. S. Makarenko. The great teacher built his relationship with the pupils on the basis of the principle: "As much demand on a person as possible and as much respect for him as possible." Depending on the specific conditions, he could be serious and cheerful, ironic and indignant, authoritarian and soft. This was the dialectical manifestation of his personality, the adequacy of the manifestation of human reactions to the behavior of the pupil. But the tone, the nature of his speech was always determined by respect for the dignity of a person, the desire to "get through" to his consciousness, feelings.
V. A. Sukhomlinsky developed a peculiar code of communist behavior for an educator. A well-known teacher believed that the teacher's word should not be rude, insulting, it should not contain falsehood, prejudice. The level of pedagogical culture of the teacher, according to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, is determined by the level of his verbal education.
As you can see, the functions of the teacher's speech are diverse and important. Neglecting them often leads the teacher to those unsatisfactory results in the work that we talked about at the beginning,

6. Features of the teacher's speech.
Our conversation about pedagogical speech would be incomplete if we did not dwell on one more question - what are the features of the teacher's speech as a private manifestation of public speech? After all, the teacher most often communicates by addressing the whole class, managing with the help of a word, a glance, the attention and perception of the whole team, a group of students.
A feature of the teacher's speech as a public speech is its orientation, appeal to students. The teacher's word always has an exact address - it is selected based on its semantic perception and understanding by students. An observant teacher always builds his speech on anticipation of the possible reaction of his pupils to it. He can imagine in advance how the skeptic will react to his words, to what extent his speech will easily affect the vulnerable student, what assessment she will find in the eyes of an inquisitive and thinking pupil. Such a foresight will help the teacher to organize his speech more rationally, to correct it during communication.
The skillful use of this property of oral speech helps the teacher evoke an intellectual response in students to their words, create an atmosphere of empathy, reflection, infecting everyone with a general mood, experience. And this brings teachers and students closer, disposes them to cooperation. What informs the teacher's speech orientation? First of all, the presence of one's own attitude to what he is talking about. The sincerity of his words. For a wise teacher, his speech, communication with children is also a way of self-expression, “self-disclosure of spiritual wealth to students” (V. A. Sukhomlinsky).
The orientation of the speech to the teacher is also informed by his ability to build his monologue as an internal dialogue with students, as an appeal to their mind, feeling, conscience. In his speech there will be direct motives calling for joint work (“imagine”, “let's dream up”, “I think it will arouse your interest”, “of course you remembered”, etc.), and the expression own assessments, impressions, and emotionally expressive words, expressive intonations.
A feature of the teacher's oral speech is also that its content is perceived by students through two channels - sound (through the sounding word, intonation) and visual (through facial expressions, gestures, movements of the teacher). Facial expressions, posture, storytelling, instruction. In such situations, the threshold of the teacher's responsibility for the selection of words, speech patterns, and the chosen tone of speech increases. It is here that the general and pedagogical culture of the teacher (including the culture of speech), his moral experience of behavior, relationships with students will manifest itself in speech behavior.


Many of these questions are analyzed in classes on pedagogical skills, and classes in psychology, pedagogy, and the study of special literature can also provide practical assistance (see the books of A. B. Dobrovich, V. L. Levy).
The development of general psychophysical personality traits that create the prerequisites for the successful possession of speech skills and abilities. This refers to the development of imagination (recreative and creative), associative and figurative memory, fantasy. Remember, we said that a prerequisite for the expressiveness of a teacher's speech is his mental vision of those objects, events, processes that he tells about. Speech in this case becomes emotional, vivid, as if he paints pictures with the help of language, says, in the figurative expression of K. S. Stanislavsky, "not with the ear, but with the eye." It is impossible to achieve such a speech artificially, by an effort of will. We must develop the ability to see and hear the world in colors, sounds, pictures and learn: to convey your visions in words. The exercises of theatrical pedagogy can also be of good help in this (see the works of K. S. Stanislavsky and S. V. Gippius).
Of course, only the general outline of the teacher to improve his speech is outlined. Some questions of the teacher's speech as an element of his pedagogical skills were considered. I believe that the above conclusions and observations will form the basis for teachers to seriously reflect on the peculiarities of their speech, and the experience of talented "teachers" will inspire and give perseverance in mastering expressive, vivid, convincing pedagogical speech.


1. Leontiev A., A. Pedagogical communication;

2. Gonobolin F. N. A book about a teacher. - S. 170-184;

3. Ladyzhenskaya T. A. Living word: Oral speech as a means and subject of education)



The most important professional tool of pedagogical activity is communication. Speech communication is one of the main means of education and development of schoolchildren. A lot of wise advice regarding the speech communication of the teacher was given by the outstanding teacher-innovator V.A. Sukhomlinsky. He called the speech culture of the teacher "the mirror of his spiritual culture" and demanded mastery of the word from the teacher: "every word spoken within the walls of the school must be thought out, , purposeful, full-bodied".

The culture of speech is also an integral part of the general professional and pedagogical culture of a modern teacher.

Speech is both a means of teaching and a means of learning. The speech of the teacher forms the speech culture of students and serves as a model for them. Through speech, the teacher conveys certain information, develops and enriches the intellect of students, encourages students to act on the basis of the knowledge gained, controls the attention of students, forms a world of their ideas and concepts. It is through speech that the teacher communicates his mood, character, intellect, will, his attitude towards students and the subject being taught, through speech he expresses his thoughts and feelings. Students remember, first of all, the thoughts and mood of the teacher, but only that speech that has logic and accuracy, grammatical correctness, originality, relevance and economy is stored in memory. The quality of learning by students depends on the accuracy of the sentences and concepts formed by the teacher.

Teachers with a literary and colloquial type of speech behavior try, imitating the youth speech culture, and in part some slang turns and expressions, to teach the material. However, this behavior is not allowed.The teacher should be a role model for the student, an example both culturally and verbally. A teacher is a person who brings up in a child the concept of culture, including the culture of communication. That's whySuch high requirements are imposed on the speech of the teacher, namely:

Content (the speech of the teacher should be informative, rich in factual scientific material related to life, enriching personal experience students);

Literacy of speech and lexical richness;

Consistency and accessibility (accessibility is understood not only in the sense of the accuracy and simplicity of the teacher's statements, it means the ability to adapt them to the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren);

Technical perfection (delivered breathing and voice, clear diction, optimal pace and rhythm of speech);


Tatiana Naumova

Anastasia Rybakova

3rd year student of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education of N. Novgorod State University, Russia Arzamas

Olga Tikhomirova,

PhD in pedagogy, associate of N. Novgorod State University, Russia Arzamas


The article discusses the elements of the speech culture of a modern teacher, the significance of the expressive possibilities of speech in his professional activity. Represented recommendations By organizations productive professional communication.


This article discusses elements of speech culture of the modern teacher, meaning of expressive possibilities of speech in his professional activities. Are presented recommendations on the organization of productive professional communication.

Keywords: teacher;speech culture; expressive possibilities of speech; pedagogical interaction.

keywords: teacher; speech culture; expressive possibilities of speech; pedagogical interaction.

In the profession of a teacher, a teacher, the word plays a leading role - it is the main tool for influencing the personality of the pupil, the “tool” for his learning and development. Pedagogical communication is one of the main forms of interaction between a teacher and a student. It is largely regulated by the educational process, however, since communication most often proceeds directly, face to face, it acquires personal significance for the participants in pedagogical interaction.

Emotional expressiveness - characterized by "saturation" with the feelings of spoken words, speech in general. According to some reports, speech understanding is 40% dependent on its expressive score. In our opinion, in the pedagogical profession, as in no other, it is important to express a sincere attitude to what is being said, the "artistic" intonations are significant, since this allows for an effective educational impact. Emotionally colored individual words or phrases pronounced with a “special intonation” make the teacher’s speech “alive”, focus on the most important points. And vice versa - a teacher’s smooth speech, not saturated with feelings, cannot motivate students to study the material, develop pupils’ interest in something, thereby reducing efficiency. educational process;

lexical expressiveness - this is a property of speech based on the use of precise, vivid, non-standard, figurative words and verbal turns, as well as synonyms, homonyms and terms. The potential of the Russian language in expressing a person's thoughts is very wide. For the purpose of professional self-improvement, it is necessary to constantly enrich speech using its lexical richness;

phonetic expression - this is the ability of the teacher to have good and competent pronunciation, rhythm, tempo and loudness. The "machine-gun" pace is not appropriate for the teacher, the scream is even worse, and the whiter the screech. Old Eastern wisdom says: if you scream, then you are wrong and weak. Plays an important rolevoice timbre - this is an obligatory attribute of the speech of every teacher and not only. Bass, baritone always caress the ear, and a shrill, hoarse, muffled voice spoils the perception of even words that are correct in meaning. A survey of primary school students in a number of schools in the city of Arzamas made it possible to reveal that they are pleased to listen to a voice: of medium volume, clearly pronouncing the words, “kind”, not hoarse, not shrill.

grammatical expressiveness - according to most researchers is less significant and less noticeable. However, this feature is actively used by writers, poets, expanding the boundaries of expressing their emotions. Also, the teacher, for example, using one form of the number of nouns instead of another, gives negative, less often positive shades of meaning to a particular word, statement ...

sound expressiveness , is also inherent in teachers. It consists in accompanying statements with appropriate / inappropriate coughing, sighs, grunts, laughter, meaning-bearing sounds “oooo”, “aaaa”.

From all of the above, we can conclude that pedagogically perfect speech is distinguished by the clarity of thought embedded in it, the expressiveness of words and intonations, the clarity of pronunciation, the necessary volume, the use of diminutive and endearing words, idioms, aphorisms, proverbs, didactic repetitions ...

We consider it necessary to note that the teacher is inherent in accompanying speech with a complex of non-speech means, namely: facial expressions, gestures, postures, posture, gait. A teacher aimed at professional self-development, when organizing pedagogical communication, should remember facial expressions, think over what it should be, what it is, when and how to change it; meaningless gestures should be avoided.

Considering the general psychotechnics of communication, it was clarified that the ability to communicate correctly and competently is of great importance for the success of a teacher in the education and development of the personality of students. We believe that the following basic rules of communication should be adhered to:

The rule for developing a scenario and a plan for future communication is especially valuable for a teacher, since it implements the goal-setting function in professional activities. The teacher must clearly understand: questions and answers that may arise during communication, the purpose of communication, its results, by what methods, by what means to achieve the planned;

The rule of communicative study of communication. It is important for the teacher to think over not only the general scheme of communication, but also what to say, how to say, when to say;

The rule of psychology is the ability to take into account the psychological aspects of communication: the desire to communicate, the presence / absence of communication barriers, and more;

An important role for the teacher is played by the rule of making a favorable impression on the interlocutor, in particular: appearance and behavior, clothing (this component of the image of a modern teacher was considered in more detail by us earlier);

The rule of dialogue: the interlocutor (including the student) feels more confident, will be more sincere if the teacher shows his interest in communication, thereby stimulating and supporting the activity of the interlocutor. It is important to listen not only to words, but also to strive to understand what he wants and does not want to say, what he stands for, what he achieves.

Analyzing the features of pedagogical communication, we also note such a feature (having a negative characteristic) as the teacher's psycho-traumatic behavior for children and their parents (didactogeny). In other words, this is the humiliation of children, disrespectful attitude, public ridicule. In the context of the issue under consideration, we consider such “verbal behavior” unacceptable. Following Shchurkova N.E., Derikleyeva N.I., we recommend that you adhere to the following basic recommendations when organizing productive pedagogical communication:

    be able to admit your mistakes and try not to repeat them;

    if students do something bad, think about where you made a mistake;

    remember yourself in childhood more often - it will be easier to understand children;

    in conflict situations, try to imagine yourself in the place of your student;

    do not force the child to be frank, know how to wait!

    try to see even the smallest successes of children and rejoice in them;

    organize work with children so that they communicate with each other as much as possible, hear each other;

    do nothing for your disciples, but do with them;

    develop the ability to be funny, laugh at yourself, your shortcomings.


    Derekleeva N.I., Handbook of the head teacher: Educational and methodological work. Educational work. 5-11 grades. M.: VAKO, 2006, - p. 291.

    Kasatkina E.S., The image of a modern teacher: a gender aspect / Kasatkina E.S., Kruglova O.A., Kuzina I.V., Tyurina T.V.// Facets of knowledge. - 2010. - No. 2 (7), - S. 30-31.

    Naumova T.V., Appearance as an important component of the image of a modern teacher / Naumova T.V., Rybakova A.V., Karsakova V.V., Malysheva O.K. // Science and education: vectors of development: materials of the I International scientific and practical conference. Cheboksary, 2013. - S. 117-122.

    The image of a modern teacher

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    Is there an image of a teacher? Teachers define in a non-professional environment very quickly. The reason is that most teachers drive their individuality, originality into the Procrustean bed of obsolete and non-constructive traditions and rules.... L.M. Mitin

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    Teachers themselves have different attitudes towards image... A teacher who creates his own image not only looks better, but also feels better, is more confident, and, as a result, works more successfully!

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    Image The totality of society's idea of ​​what an individual should be in accordance with his status.

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    What is the image of a teacher? Emotionally colored stereotype of perception of the image of a teacher in the minds of pupils, colleagues, social environment, in the mass consciousness

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    Structural components of the image: 1. Visual image: costume, hairstyle, facial expressions, plasticity, make-up. 2. Internal image: a) verbal behavior: voice, mood. b) non-verbal behavior: demeanor, gestures, facial expressions, etiquette. 3. Mentality: intelligence, spiritual practice.

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    Components of the image (A.Yu. Panasyuk) dimensional (from the Latin. Habitus - appearance) - clothes, hairstyle, shoes, accessories, makeup, perfume, silhouette. kinetic - posture, gait, gestures, facial expressions (facial expression, smile, direction and duration of gaze). speech - the culture of oral and written speech, literacy, style, handwriting, environmental - the human-made habitat (interior of the apartment, office design, order on the desktop, etc.). materialized - man-made products of his labor

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    How the image changed… 30s.. A good teacher is…1. Knowledge of the subject and mastery of the methodology. 2. Good relationship with students. 3. The ability to correctly assess the knowledge of students. 4. Create discipline. 5. Appearance.

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    The 1940s and 1960s… In the 1940s, students in the teacher valued knowledge of the subject, general erudition, and political maturity. 60s, the following are described: balance, harmony, authority, knowledge of the subject, strong will, courage, wit, pleasant appearance, understanding of their students, the ability to speak logically and expressively, demanding independence, love for pedagogical work.

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    70s and 80s… A teacher of the 70s should be fair, smart, energetic, demanding, authoritative, good organizer, friendly, loving children, loving his subject. Fifth-graders were impressed in the teacher's personality by a combination of strictness with sincerity, kindness and respect for students. Sixth-graders, along with strictness, value justice, kindness, erudition, mutual understanding, and accuracy.

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    90s…. Schoolchildren were asked to rank the teacher's qualities according to their importance to the student, showing that the first places students give to kindness, attentiveness, sense of humor, tact.

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    The core of the image The first installation - a high self-esteem. The second attitude is a positive attitude towards life. The third attitude is faith in goodness. The fourth setting is the ability to see and feel your involvement in what is happening. The fifth setting is the ability to change, to learn from life, the ability to take risks, to use new forms of being. Position - “I am good, you are good” - the position of the “winner”.

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    Successful principles in image! The principle of harmony of the visual image. The principle of communication is the variety of forms and methods of information interaction. The principle of self-regulation and orthobiosis (the science of the technology of self-saving of the body and soul). The principle of speech influence.

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    Very important! The teacher needs not so much to develop the ability to present himself as the ability to see and evaluate himself and others. It is important to realize that the goal of developing and shaping the image of a teacher is not to educate an actor or teacher in a mask, but a teacher with the qualities of an actor, a creator, which should manifest themselves depending on the pedagogical tasks being solved.

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    Do you want your students to remember you with admiration? ... Then get to work!

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    Well-groomedness is an indicator of a person's culture. The French say that clean hair is already a style. Style is the person. This is the hallmark of our data, which is emphasized with the help of clothes, hairstyles, makeup.

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    The main style of the teacher is a classic. Classic style is a style approved by the time, but with the inclusion of fashionable elements.

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    The meaning of colors in your clothes! Yellow symbolizes openness and optimism; Red - activity, emotionality, exactingness towards oneself and others; Violet - isolation, but poise; Blue - prudence and pedantry; Green - a creative beginning, calmness and realism; Gray - the desire to hide feelings and emotions; Brown - practicality and solidity.

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    Psychological load Firstly, a neatly, cleanly and tastefully dressed teacher brings up the same qualities in pupils. Secondly, the teacher's clothes can distract attention during the lesson, undermining the learning process.

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    So what should a teacher wear?

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    Poorly perceived in the business style of clothing, an ornament of flowers and a large cell. Transparent fabrics through which underwear shines through are completely unacceptable. Fishnet, white or black stockings or tights look out of place. They should be beige, tan or slightly smoky and match the color of the clothes and shoes.

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    Jewelry from noble metals(gold, silver, platinum) and natural stones. The ideal option is the presence of a watch (on the hand or hanging on a chain) and a smooth wedding ring.

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    Good taste is when nothing can be taken away from a suit, not added.

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    Classic style means that your makeup will be fashionable, but not flashy, in soft colors. The fragrance is light. The hairstyle is modern, but without edgy details.

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    Remember!!! RULE 1: Be Neat! RULE 2: Be Compliant. Your clothes should correspond to your age and position, situation, time of day and season!

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    A teacher is a special profession Visual attractiveness is a primary component of a teacher's image. An important part of the teacher's image is the extent to which he is inherent in eloquence. When communicating with students, the teacher should not forget about the tone in which he speaks to other people. Not only the emotional state of the students depends on this, but also their performance.

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    The following rules... RULE 3: Watch your speech! RULE 4: Be sociable and friendly. But do not forget about the necessary distance

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    Charm is the ability to shine on people. A charming person achieves his goals faster and easier, while earning people's sympathy.

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    Personal qualities ... Three groups of qualities: qualities that allow you to understand inner world child, empathize with him; qualities that provide self-control; qualities that contribute to the active influence on the child.

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    The Problem Sometimes it happens that all the elements of a powerful image are in place, but it still does not work. You are missing the most important aspect of your personal success - attractiveness in the eyes of others.

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    Remember!!! Attractive people often and willingly smile; have a good sense of humor; behave naturally; are positive; compliment often and willingly; are familiar with and follow etiquette; are self-confident; know how to laugh at themselves; are quick to call a person to talk about himself; are aware of their limited opportunities and the fact that they do not have answers to all questions; they are friendly, it is easy to communicate with them.

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    One more rule…. RULE 5: Improve Yourself! For a teacher, this is very important. We must keep up with the times. Don't be afraid to learn! Remember the proverb more often: "It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn!" Stay up to date, master new technologies! Then you will be interesting to your students.

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    Who creates the image? Firstly, the person himself, who comes up with what facet to turn to others, what information about himself to present. Secondly, professional image makers involved in creating an image for famous people: politicians, statesmen, artists, etc. Thirdly, the mass media play an important role in creating an image - print, radio, television. Fourthly, it is also created by the surrounding people - friends, relatives, employees.

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Regional scientific-practical conference "Russian language and its role in the development of culture, science, education". "Russian language and culture of teacher's speech". Completed by: Bryzgalina E.V. teacher of Russian language and literature. city ​​of Udomlya. At that hour, when God bowed His face over the new world, then the Sun was stopped by a word, cities were erected by the Word. N. Gumilev The Russian language is the most important factor in the preservation and further development of Russian statehood and Russian national identity. This is a system of symbols and concepts through which our contemporary sees the world, recreates it, evaluates his place in it. The acceleration of the rhythm of life, the pragmatization of thinking lead to the fact that sometimes the language of "Eugene Onegin" and "Quiet Don" is not able to "render services" to those who communicate exclusively by mobile phone or through brokerage houses. The crisis of the Russian-speaking consciousness is obvious, the result of which is a wave of "newspeak" in the everyday speech of our compatriots. That is why today there is no problem more important for the formation of the nation in its new quality than the crisis of the culture of speech. An educator who forms a generation that combines humanistic ideals with technological priorities sees and explains the world through the prism of the teacher's speech culture. “The boundaries of my language mean the boundaries of my thinking,” L. Wittgenstein declares: each of us is a linguistic personality, and we perceive and evaluate the world as much as our language does, and our speech behavior is derived from it. The culture of speech is the most important part of the culture of the individual; for the teacher - also the personality of each of those whose spiritual image he forms. Nowadays, there is a degradation of the linguistic consciousness and speech behavior of many of those who have entered the coming millennium. There is a decrease in the active vocabulary of native speakers, a contamination dangerous for its functioning with foreign vocabulary, primarily Anglicisms; an abundance of parasitic words, “kakbism” (M. R. Savova), the penetration into speech of elements of the prison subculture (“prisonism”), attempts to legalize slang and swear words. The state of language, speech reflects the state of the entire nation. Only we, teachers, can revive pride in “this treasure, this property”. And only those who found this treasure for themselves, that is, those who can see the facets and chiaroscuro of the Russian word. What can a teacher oppose to the flow of language hooliganism introduced from TV screens, cassettes and disks? Designing a personality with potentials mother tongue , involves knowledge of individual requests and needs, as well as areas of current and immediate development of students. And it is necessary to follow from them, imperceptibly forming new attitudes and motivations, one of which is mastering the riches of the native language. The need to hone speech should not just be told to the children: this speech, accurate, logical, expressive, must be shown to them. The teacher's speech culture combines philological and pedagogical factors. And today it is also the most important etiological factor behind which lies the prospects of the national mentality, the possibility to be or not to be. And if the culture of speech is a fundamental characteristic of the general culture of a person, then the culture of the teacher's speech is a characteristic of the general culture, condition and social prospects of the entire nation. The culture of speech is a characteristic of oral and written speech, expressed in compliance with the norms of the literary language, the qualities of literate speech and the communicative expediency of the main stylistic and rhetorical parameters of what was said. This is knowledge and norms, and situations of communication. The normative side of speech is its grammatical correctness, compliance with the norms of orthoepy, accentology, vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology, syntax. The expediency of speech is its compliance with such qualities as accuracy, consistency, relevance, purity, brevity, effectiveness, expressiveness. The culture of speech as a quality of a person is the ability not only to construct speech in a normative and expedient way, but also to speak in such a way that the interlocutor understands what is said with maximum completeness. The volume of understanding is a reflection of the qualities of the teacher's speech. It is immoral for a teacher to make mistakes in his own speech, he is a speech personality and a communicative leader, what he said is not only remembered, but also reproduced many times. The culture of pedagogical speech takes into account the data of many sciences. Being a concretization of the culture of speech as a whole, it focuses on the optimality of utterance and communication for the goals and objectives of teaching - teaching - learning. This follows from the peculiarities of the teacher's activity itself, however, no matter how peculiar his speech manner and no matter how diverse the methods he introduces turn out to be, speech norms and qualities of literate speech are stable. And communicative tasks, being a direct, main and sometimes the only expression of pedagogical ones, are cast into those norms and normative categories that are studied by the culture of speech. A military proverb says: “A bullet will hit one, but a well-aimed word will hit a thousand.” Needless to say, the importance of verbal communication for a teacher, including the explanation of new material in the lesson, speeches to students and colleagues, educational conversation, and analysis of students' mistakes cannot be overestimated. At the same time, the art of speech is the Achilles' heel of many teachers. “I am firmly convinced,” wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “that many school conflicts, often ending in big trouble, have as their source the teacher’s inability to speak with his students.” Practice shows that the effectiveness academic work also decreases due to the inability of the teacher to use the richest possibilities of the native language. The culture of speech is manifested not only in what is said, but also in how it is said. Gesticulation helps to clarify what was said, to point out errors. Clear diction, competent speech, well-chosen illustrations make the material intelligible. The teacher should pay special attention to the phatic (contact-setting) elements of the lesson, because they are very important for the formation of the relationship between teacher and students, with the greatest force influence the unfolding process of the lesson, determine the psychological roles of its participants. Each phatic element: greeting, address, message of the topic of the lesson, setting an assessment, commentary on the answer, praise and censure should have its own specific intonation, its own speech algorithms aimed at perception or action. In order to master the palette of means of speech influence and interaction, it is necessary to know and be able to apply the basic laws of the language and the norms of word usage and phrases. For optimal professional communication, the teacher must also master the contexts of speech: linguistic (consisting of words and phrases), paralinguistic (accompanying the statement with voice modulations), extralinguistic (facial and gestural features), situational (details that form the situation of communication). Since “it is not the word that speaks, but the music behind the words” (F. Nietzsche), it is impossible to see the true meaning of what is being said if the non-verbal contexts of the speech message are not taken into account. The ability to deeply, meaningfully, figuratively, literary correctly express one's own thoughts, to convince students of the correctness of their views, to defend their personal opinion in the discussion are the essential qualities of a qualified teacher. The effectiveness of teaching pupils and communicating with them largely depends on this skill. And every teacher can master these skills, remembering the statement of V. G. Korolenko that “a word is not a toy ball flying in the wind, it is a tool of work: it must lift a certain weight behind it.” BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Ershova AP Directing the lesson, communication and behavior of the teacher / AP Ershova, VM Bukatov. – M.; Voronezh: Izd. ped. Acad., 1995. 2. Murashov A. A. Culture of speech: Proc. Allowance. - M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute, 2004. 3. Murashov A. A. The culture of the teacher's speech. - M.: Publishing house of the Intern. ped. acad.; Voronezh: NPO "MODEK", 2002. 4. Rusetsky VF The culture of the teacher's speech. - Minsk, 1995. 5. Stankin M. I. Professional abilities of the teacher: Acmeology of education and training.- M: Moscow Psychological- social institution; Flint, 1998. Department of Education of the Administration of the Udomelsky District of the Tver Region Municipal Educational Institution for Children in Need of Psychological and Pedagogical and Medical and Social Assistance "Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction" REPORT Topic: "Russian language and speech culture of the teacher." Bryzgalina Ekaterina Viktorovna teacher of Russian language and literature. Udomlya 2007