Esoteric how to change your life for the better. How to change the situation with the right thoughts? Esotericism is ancient wisdom, understanding of oneself and knowledge of life.

It happens that the cards show something completely indefinite. You ask them "When?", and they seem to ignore your question and stubbornly point out to you the psychological state of the client. I understand this as a sign: an event is possible if ... It is not yet manifested in space and the querent needs to make a spiritual effort for this to happen. In such cases, I talk about the need to work on the situation and often catch myself that people do not hear me. All they want is a saving "Yes!" or “No!”, not realizing that the great Tarot is trying to give them the key to the door, behind which the fulfillment of their desires is hidden.

On the other hand, if you think about it, how many people understand what it means to “work on yourself”? What is this work in relation not globally to life, but to a specific desired situation? Of course, there are a lot of ways of spiritual transformation and I will try to tell about many of them over time. But if so, offhand? Here are 4 simple ways to change the situation. Try to do them and see how it affects the result (or alignment).

1. Release the situation! To do this, you just need to say out loud:"Let it be! I trust my fate in the hands of the Almighty (Lord, Universe, Higher powers - choose the word that is more in line with your faith)and with gratitude I will accept any scenario as the best for myself! Let it be so!" After pronouncing such a formula, the “reins” on which you keep the situation tense will weaken and the Universe will have the opportunity to create at least something in your life.

Although nothing in this world is done without the permission of the Higher Forces, until a certain time, a person still keeps the situation at his own will. It happens that there is no longer any will left (one stubbornness), but a person still resists, struggles with the “windmills” of circumstances. Stop, exhale, let go! And you will be surprised at how quickly and correctly your issue will be resolved!

2. Think about the situation differently! This is also banal, but how rarely do we do it ... We didn’t return the debt - thanks for taking the money. A man abandoned it means he made room for someone who will love you with all his heart. I quarreled with my beloved - happiness that the conflict showed the weaknesses of your relationship and you can work on them so as not to lose each other in the future. Of course, when the soul hurts, happiness is very relative, and resentment is not so easy to forget. But I propose to look at it from the other side. What good is it that you sit and torment yourself? Perhaps thinking differently is the only way to benefit from the situation. You still have nothing to lose, everything is so bad. So use this method to become a little better or completely good!

3. Do not exaggerate suffering! There is some wisdom on this subject. “Never say that you are bad at life. God will hear your words and say: "You don't know what is bad life and will give you a fate ten times worse than now. Whatever happens, say:"I live well!" Then God will say:"You don't know what a good life is!" And will give you a fate ten times better!

You won't believe it, but it works. All you have to do is say to yourself:"It's not so bad!" and give yourself an example of a few things in which you are really doing well (even if it’s a good day), how something is changing on a subtle plane, and this can be confirmed even by those who are very sensitive to the subtle vibrations of the Tarot world.

4. Think about what lesson to learn from what life gives you. Sometimes all you need to do is say to yourself:"But I will learn..." , substituting there what, in principle, the situation can teach, how it magically improves.

Let me give you an example of one of my clients. The girl was in a difficult financial situation and there was clearly nowhere to take money from. The maps also showed the overlap of all financial flows. I asked the girl if there was such a thing in her life that she did not have money? It turned out - no. At first, the parents gave money, then the young man. And now, at the age of 27, for the first time she found herself without a livelihood, alone, without a job and with the prospect of being evicted from a rented apartment. Tell:"Very good! But I will learn to live at a minimum, I will go through this lesson to the end in order to be stronger! I advised the girl. It was very difficult for her to do this ... the very thought of the lesson was unbearable for her. Finally she did it. The process generated powerful unlocks of her fear, she survived a difficult night, but in the morning her alignment was different. In it came out, firstly, the card of the Magician (the Higher Powers finally vouched for her fate), and secondly, the cards indicated the help of a high patron. A day later, she really met a friend on the street, in a conversation it turned out by chance that his father was just looking for a job as an interpreter-referent. This man not only hired the girl, but also paid her a generous advance that covered the rent. Giving her money, he told her a story about himself, about how many years ago he came to Moscow, was robbed at the station, was forced to get a job as a laborer, lived in a kopter with ten people like him, ate only black bread with pasta, but survived and has been helping people in need ever since. The girl compared this story with her own. With living in a warm apartment in the capital ... with the ability to find at least some work at any time (another thing is that she wanted herself Good work)..., with the presence of an apartment in her native Krasnodar, in which she simply did not want to live..., and realized that the Universe for obedience gave her the opportunity to take the lesson in the easiest way. That's what the proclaimed readiness to go through the lesson to the end gives!

So don't say“What do I need this for? ". Tell me: but I will learn patience, feminine wisdom, value myself, understand people ... Tell me, and see how transformation will change your life!

Your Lina Lukash


Esoterics is a special teaching that is available only to initiates. This is in the broadest sense of the word. If we follow this logic, both the ancient Greek mysteries and the teachings of the Masons can be attributed to esotericism. In a narrower sense, esotericism is the doctrine of the inner nature of man. Also available only to initiates.

Suffice it to say that Dumas himself replied: You have correctly understood the mystery of Monte Crista. Alchemy and Freemasonry, as well as treasures. The path to self-improvement by Edmond Dante, the protagonist of the novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Illegally prison Edmond meets with the Italian Abate Faria, the great guru, who initiates him into the great mysteries of alchemy and Freemasonry. However, Dantès' power will be used for revenge. Dantes, as the Count of Monte Cristo occurs at the end of his Masonic journey, to understand: repentance and forgiveness towards his tormentors.

He gives up his treasure to become poor and free again. This is the deep meaning that Dumas puts into his novel. And he was sure that some gentleman would get the message right. French writer Josephine Péladan. His father was a journalist who wrote about prophecy and reported on philosophic-occult Catholicism. The seven dramas of Péladan reinforce this whole theater. Moreover, it has already been said, not only many European authors, who at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century studied esotericism.

Esoterics- this is hidden and secret knowledge collected by different peoples over the centuries. Esotericism is the knowledge of oneself and the mysteries of the world around.

Esoteric or Esoteric[from Greek. esoterikos internal] - secret, hidden, intended exclusively for initiates.

Esoterics- a teaching accessible only to initiates who do not have the right to spread it further. For example, Jewish Kabbalah, ancient Greek mysteries, Gnostic teachings are considered secret teachings. At present, the teachings of Masons, Theosophists, Anthroposophists are secret.

European history and cultures during this period saw significant esoteric currents and movements whose influence on society cannot be denied or ignored if we are to better understand this complex period of history and culture. From antiquity to the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Enlightenment to the present day, he was not interested in the occult dimension of reality, only a temporary fashion or a marginal phenomenon, but also a kind of constant at all times, regardless of scientific and technological progress. It necessarily affects all areas of human knowledge.

Esoteric Knowledge- this is secret, hidden knowledge - everything that has been collected and stored for centuries by different peoples, passed down from generation to generation, lost and reappeared.

Esotericism is ancient wisdom, understanding of oneself and knowledge of life.

True esoteric until recently, it was never intended for the attention of the masses.
The sacredness of esotericism was due to many reasons, but the main ones are the following: there was no permission from above; there was no need for widespread distribution; difficulty to comprehend common man. At the end of the 20th century, in many esoteric circles (and above all in the Kabbalistic tradition), a decision was made to spread esoteric knowledge among the masses. This decision is based on the maturation of the main reasons listed above.
Astrology, Magic, Meditation, Mysticism, Clairvoyance, Parapsychology, etc. - it all has one thing in common: the mystical basis of the worldview, which is at the opposite pole with the scientific worldview: science is based on empirical, reproducible data - axioms, and mysticism - on unknowable, indefinite concepts.
A strong spirit is interested in the world around, it is they who subsequently become interested in these things.
Esoterics, mystics, through direct experience come to know the deepest truths. It is assumed that they manage to directly touch the deepest secrets of the Universe and man, not as a result of blind faith, but through their own experience. Therefore, between real esotericists, even those belonging to different traditions and schools, there have never been disagreements and even more so confrontation - mystical experience depends on the fundamental structure of man and the Universe, and these things are the same for any people and time. Dogmatic unorthodoxy is the most important sign

From medicine to physics, from chemistry to philosophy, art, literature, an inevitable encounter with concepts that are rooted in the occult soil: soil that must be explored without prejudice to the lower layers in order to gain a broader understanding and understanding of the culture of our time.

And it can't be called new in the slightest. Sociological historiography, of course, harms another danger that has emerged. In the Marxist interpretation of the Hussites and "human predestination". How very impressive he showed it. This is no doubt the result of a deeper reflection on Ginzburg's book; The author keenly tries to find out how the thought of Menocchi's throat was given, what was his position in the village community in which he was.

". This is a rather capacious concept, which includes a system of teachings about the Universe and the inner world of man. Esoteric knowledge appeared in ancient times, it was accumulated and passed down from generation to generation. is the presence of secret teachings of esotericism among all peoples on Earth. There are many definitions, myths and misconceptions about what esotericism is, it is very difficult to explain this in simple words, but you can understand the essence of secret teachings by comparing them with scientific, religious and occult knowledge.

Frantisek Palakki, Josef Jungmann or other national revivalists would be the last scientific discoveries rejoices too. Horak his time came that he was able to decipher the Etruscan script and added his statement, saying that he was "unreservedly convinced of the correctness of his reasoning," which seemed too fantastic. But it made sense to him and continued.

This was a discovery of extreme importance, namely, that the "creators" were the font - the Slavs! The ancient Slavs were the original inhabitants of Italy before they became slaves of the Etruscans. The Slavic culture, old from the pre-Christian time, is one of the least known and least researched and esoteric cults.

Esotericism and religion: differences and similarities

Religion originated in ancient times as a means of combating barbarism and chaos. She gave humanity the spiritual foundations and the necessary knowledge about the world. Esotericism also contributed to the development and accumulation of knowledge, however, unlike religious doctrines, it was open only to a select circle of initiates. To gain access to secret knowledge, a person had to have certain abilities and a developed consciousness. The availability of information is the main difference between religion and esotericism, in addition, there is a significant difference in the essence of the teachings:

  • Religion means following certain norms and rules and prescribes complete reliance on God's will.
  • Esoteric teachings they say that a person himself can change his fate and influence certain events. Esotericism and self-knowledge are inextricably linked, only by exploring the inner world can one learn the laws of the universe.
  • Religious laws are inviolable, they determine the suffering of a person during life and his existence after death. By fulfilling all the requirements and prescriptions of religion, one can earn eternal bliss.
  • Esotericists believe in the permanent rebirth of the soul. in the material world. In each incarnation, she improves and learns certain lessons.
  • There are also similarities between religious and esoteric teachings. This is faith in the Higher powers and the Divine principle of man, as well as general moral principles. Causing harm to other people, envy, lying, despondency and hatred are equally condemned in both systems of knowledge.

    Esotericism and occultism: substitution of concepts

    Considering information about what esotericism is and what it studies, we often come across such a concept as occultism. The occult sciences are a system of secret knowledge about the spiritual and material world, giving the initiate great opportunities. They are indeed somewhat similar to esoteric teachings, but there is one fundamental difference. Esotericism is spiritual development and self-knowledge, awareness of one's Divine essence and complete detachment from the material world. Occultism is the development of one's abilities to gain strength and power in the material world, such knowledge helps to achieve high status and material wealth.

    Our country has held a long ethnic mixture of Celtic, Germanic and Slavic. The Proto-Slavic and Slavic Moravian element worked primarily on the territory of modern Moravia and its vast territory. Thus, we can say that shamanistic spirituality is our original spirituality, which has traditions going back deep into our history.

    Proto-Slavic and Slavic spirituality has been for many years hidden in the dust of archives, libraries and secret chronicles throughout Europe and Eurasia. For several years, sources and roots show. He comes to the light of quantum "new" information. We may have to change a lot historical point view of the evolution of the Slavic and Moravian.

    Currently, occult sciences such as: numerology, palmistry, healing, astrology, divination, etc. are called esotericism. This is not a completely true statement, since their main task is in the material world. While esotericism is the path to God and spiritual perfection.

    In this unity of the Proto-Slavic, he probably completed the development of the higher degrees of religion to such an extent that, after their differentiation, he converted all components of the Slavic cultures to this common esoteric source. Local changes in names, ceremonies, or ideas would not, of course, be so severe, and so sweeping, that they overshadowed their common origin.

    If we compare the Slavs with other cultures, including Kabbalah, we will see that the Slavic concept of a series of Sefirot is the most perfect, since it best explains the problem of good and evil, which gives only individuality, perceived in time and space.

    Modern science and esotericism have more differences than similarities. Science deals with the study of phenomena and processes in the material world, with the help of logic and experiment. The sphere of study of esotericism is the spiritual world of man, emotions and energy flows.

    In order to finally understand what esotericism is in the modern world, and what it studies, it is necessary to expand the boundaries of one's consciousness and worldview.

    In addition to deities of a wider, all-Slavic significance, such as Perun, Svarog, Mokosh, one can further distinguish the divinity of the Russian, Balkan, Slalo-Baltic and similar circles. The general esoteric teachings stem from one, later triple principle, which is the lightning gentleman of Perun's fire, which is confirmed by old historians such as Helmond and Procopius.

    Perun, the first and all deity of the Commonwealth, was depicted with a silver head and a golden beard, which seems to correspond to the two main celestial fires. In her hand, a stone handkerchief held the shape of a lightning bolt before she burned out the sacred fire, fed by the oak tree, which he could never put out.

    Step one. calm down

    Anxiety, fear and anxiety the best helpers in this case. The negative attracts such situations in its charge, so you need to firmly tune in to cut off all fears and doubts in your life. It won't be easy at first, but with the help of special technician and practice is still possible. In addition, fear blocks creativity in a person and his connection with the divine Source. This means that a person is guided not by a higher aspiration, but by egoism, which only aggravates an already difficult situation.

    Step two. Analyze and understand your resources

    Most people simply have no idea about their potential abilities and talents. Of course, we develop something during our life, we study, we acquire certain skills. And we even earn some money with these abilities. But if we knew about our true destiny and the talents given to us by nature to perform our tasks, then the process of obtaining material benefits would become much easier for us and would bring us more pleasure.

    Step three. Choose the right target

    The majority of people set themselves material goals in their lives. There is nothing wrong with that, as we all have needs for food, recreation (entertainment), security, and recognition. And the needs of the family also need to be met. We regularly go to work, fulfill the required amount of orders or obligations. At the same time, we spend our health and nerves trying to somehow stay afloat and get paid for our work. Few people know that the process of receiving money can become the simplest if, when setting goals, one takes into account the Laws of the Universe, one of which says: “Energy needs constant movement and development.” If you move in this stream and set yourself the goal of developing yourself and creating wealth, then the Universe will definitely help you in this. Especially if your plans concern not only you personally, but also assistance in the development of other people. It doesn't matter what specialty you have. The main thing is that your goal should be for the good, for the development of not only you, but the whole world as a whole. And also, so that your goal is multi-component, that is, it has the potential for expansion.

    Step four. Tidy up and get rid of the ballast

    To start something new, you must first get rid of the old and unnecessary. Almost everyone knows this truth, but not everyone applies it in their lives. Or do it partially. It is not only about cleaning in the personal material space, putting things in order in your mind, but also in the subconscious. A lot of negative subconscious programs hinder our activity and do not allow the wings of our soul to unfold. We are rarely aware of them and most of our lives we operate on autopilot. It's not just garbage that has accumulated in your head. This is also the thief who steals your greatest value - energy. It is the negative programs of our subconscious that pump out a huge amount of strength from us. After all, they somehow need to be kept on a chain or in basements, nooks and crannies of our brain. At the same time, control this process. Working through your own negative programs of the subconscious, you get rid of the ballast and go on in life already light.

    Step five. Believe

    "And according to your faith it will be given to you". All the steps described above will be of little use if they are not fueled by the fire of your faith - faith in yourself, in your talents and abilities, faith that the Universe helps and supports you. As soon as the sprouts of doubt hatch in you, your energy begins to lose its power, and then completely stops flowing towards your goals. That which does not grow and develop, dies. So don't let your mind lead you astray. Do not listen to his "what if ..." and "what if ...", etc. objections. If you feel in your heart the fire of desire to achieve your goal and fulfill all the conditions described above - act with strong faith, and you will definitely achieve your goal!

    Step six. Act purposefully and regularly

    One step is unlikely to bring you closer to the desired result. It is necessary to take steps again and again, each time feeding them with your faith and creative attitude. And then you will achieve what you want, because nothing is impossible for the Universe. Sometimes you will encounter obstacles. Do not be afraid, but rather understand that every problem also has the potential to solve it. If you find this key, you will gain even more strength and faith in yourself. Everything that is given to us from above is aimed at our benefit and development. Even if we do not yet understand the meaning of the puzzle of life offered to us. Sometimes you need to learn to bypass obstacles, and not go ahead. And sometimes, on the contrary, we need to learn, without giving in to difficulties, to stand up for ourselves. Everything depends on the circumstances.

    Step seven. Grow out of "old pants"

    As practice shows, most people who verbally express a desire to change their lives are simply not ready for change in reality. Realize that simply expressing the desire “I want …” will not change much in your life. As a rule, real changes and changes occur in life when problems reach their maximum boiling point, when they get a person so much that it is simply impossible to endure and put up with them any longer. When circumstances or situations drive you into a corner and force you to face the problem. It is then that you make the most important decisions that radically change your life. In that state, when you understand that it is simply impossible and unacceptable for you to live the same way as before, that the old way is no more, that it is time to discard old habits and “put on new clothes”.

    Step eight. Learn new things and push boundaries

    In a new life, you may need skills and qualities, tools that you do not already own. Don't let that scare you, because you can grow them if you want. The main thing is not to cling to old habits and frameworks, let life make its own adjustments and accept changes with joy and gratitude. After all, if you do not let something new into your life, then changes are unlikely to be possible. Holding on to the old, not letting go of it, we do not allow new energies to fill us and present us with their gifts.

    Step nine. Change environment

    Quite often, our new beginnings die in the bud because of the "well-wishers" in our environment. People love to pass horror stories and news to each other, flavored with a decent portion of negativity. Be selective and immediately weed out such people from your environment. Don't get involved in the talk of price hikes, the hardships of life, etc. things. They will not tell you anything new, they will only fill you with verbal toxins, poisoning your positive attitude and bringing confusion to your mind. If there are such people among your relatives, try to translate the conversation into a neutral plane. Either don't participate at all, or better yet, don't even listen at all, because even being around, you absorb this information on a subconscious level.

    Step ten. Thank

    Thanksgiving energy is one of the most beneficial. It can not only open hearts, but also bring a miracle into our lives. Saying words of gratitude, you begin to realize how much God has given you and how many opportunities you have. How RICH you are and how much God loves you. Isn't it a miracle to discover in yourself the Source of infinite Love and Wisdom? Not everyone masters the science of thanksgiving at once, people are too accustomed to seeing only flaws in the world around them and in each other. Learn to look at the world through the eyes of love and see in everyone the beauty of his soul. And then gratitude itself will flow from your heart and fill your life with its grace.

    Svetlana Ivanova (Enchantress)

    What is karma? Karma means "action" in Sanskrit.
    It is equivalent to Newton's law "every action has its reaction".

    When we think, speak or act, we initiate a force that will react accordingly. It's a returning force, maybe modified, changed or suspended, but most people won't be able to get rid of it.

    This law of cause and effect does not exist as a punishment, but entirely for the sake of education or training.

    A person cannot avoid the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has created the necessary conditions for his own suffering. Ignorance of the law does not exempt from its action, regardless of whether it is anthropogenic or universal.

    In order to stop being afraid and succeed in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, you are offered what you need to know about karmic laws.

    1. Great Law

    - "What goes around comes around". It is also known as "the law of cause and effect";
    - Whatever we send to the Universe, it will certainly come back to us. ;
    - If what we want is happiness, peace, love, friendship... Then we should be happy, calm, Love and be a true friend.

    2. The law of creation

    Life did not arise now, it requires our participation;
    - We are one with the Universe, both from within and without;
    Everything that surrounds us gives us the keys to our internal state;
    - Be yourself, and surround yourself with those whose presence you desire.

    3. Law of humility

    What you refuse to accept will continue for you;
    - If you see an enemy in someone, or some character trait that we find seems negative to you, this means that we ourselves are not oriented to a higher level of existence;

    4. Law of growth

    - "Wherever you go, there you are";
    - For us to grow in the Spirit means that we ourselves must change - not the people, places or things around us;
    - The only thing we have in this life is ourselves, and this is the only factor over which we have control;
    - When we change someone or something in our heart, our life will follow their example and change too.

    5. Liability law

    Whenever something is wrong in my life, it means something is wrong in me;
    - We are a mirror of what surrounds us - and what surrounds us mirrors us; it is a universal truth;
    - We must take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives.

    6. The Law of Communication

    Even if something we do seems insignificant to us, it is very important to do it, since everything in the universe is interconnected.
    - Each step leads to the next step, and so on and so forth.
    - Someone has to do the initial work to get the job done.
    - Neither the first step nor the last could be more important,
    - Since they were both needed to complete the task.
    - Past-present-future they are all connected...

    7. Law of Concentration

    You cannot think of two things at the same time.
    - When our attention is focused on spiritual values, it is impossible for you to be visited by lower thoughts and states, such as greed or anger.

    8. The Law of Thanksgiving and Hospitality
    - If you believe something to be true, then sometime in your life you will be called upon to demonstrate that it is so.
    - This is where we have to demonstrate our claims of knowledge, in reality.

    9. Practice. Law here and now

    Looking back to analyze what has passed does not allow us to be fully in the HERE AND NOW.
    - Old thoughts, old behaviors, old dreams...
    - Save us from owning something new.

    10. The law of change
    - History repeats itself until we learn from it the lessons that will change our path.

    11. The Law of Patience and Reward

    - All rewards require initial labor.
    - Rewards of lasting value require patient and persevering work.
    - True joy comes when we do what we were supposed to do, and the expected reward comes in due time.

    12. The law of meaning and inspiration

    You get back from something everything you put into it.
    - The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intent that is put into it.
    - Every personal contribution is also a contribution of All that is.
    - Infamous contributions do not affect All that is, they are not able to diminish it.
    - Made with Love, is able to breathe life, and inspires, All that is.

    Esoteric for beginners


    Esotericism is secret knowledge that is not available to people who are ignorant of magic, mysticism, and the occult. At least that's what they used to be. Knowledge and skills that everyone could not have. Only the chosen ones.

    There are people - ardent skeptics. Or those who believe in God. There is a person who does not care, he does not argue, does not prove. He has no time - he works, improves himself. What is esotericism? Religion? Faith in God? In people? To the supermind? Or maybe in yourself? Many do not think about such things, and when they think about it, they do not find answers to their questions. Having read various tapes on the Internet, you can get only scattered data and a weak idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat esotericism is. Only by deciding to change yourself and your life in better side, having gathered strength and completed a course of video seminars built by specialists so that everything falls into place, you can succeed.

    The concept of esotericism and why you should not be afraid of it
    Esoteric is a big section human life helping to find oneself through the knowledge of the world. Its study is not given to everyone. It's not just religion or science. This is the same thread that connects all aspects of the ordinary world and areas of unknown magic.

    The first such secret society was the Pythagorean school. It was divided into ordinary and esoteric. Its secret part swore an oath not to disclose what the members of the society were taught. And what kind of knowledge they received there, humanity still does not know. Now the esoteric is not hidden from everyone. There is available information presented in video seminars or master classes.

    Why are people afraid or unwilling to touch the unknown and explore the unknown areas of their own lives? The main criteria of human unwillingness are considered:

    1. Many do not want to study new religion. In fact, esotericism is not only a religion, although it is closely related to it. It helps to reveal oneself and one's own hidden potential. Yes, there is religion here - faith in yourself and the world around you.
    2. Disbelief in the ability to change your life. The thought is material. And desires are always fulfilled. Everything is possible. One has only to believe and go the way to knowledge.
    3. Reluctance to acquire new knowledge, as there is already success in personal life. Esotericism makes it possible to gain success not only in one area. It allows you to balance all the criteria that are important. Achieve everything you want.
    4. Fearful attitude towards the concept of magic. It is worth noting that the unknown is not only magical. It's just unfamiliar. After passing the seminar, it becomes clear that what is often considered magical is what seems incredible, impossible.
    5. Lack of free time. Naturally, learning takes time. But in the long run, the hours spent pay off. Life is balanced, everything falls into place and everything happens in its own moment.

    An already established branch, science, like psychology, has long reckoned with esoteric opinion. He resorts to her methods. Favorably refers to the practice of secret knowledge.

    What gives esoteric knowledge?

    Why is it believed that esoteric knowledge is not given to everyone? Only the chosen ones? Because not everyone is ready to say goodbye to the old world, three-dimensional space, a sense of the shaky stability of their lives. Each person is the smith of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best. To transform yourself. From within. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us.

    Esoteric practices give people not only knowledge. They help to feel the surrounding space. Start thinking differently than before. Wake up one day and realize what is happening. What you need to do to be successful in your desired industries. Understand that the world is not three-dimensional. He is generally limitless. Consciousness is omnipotent.

    Why does a person come to esotericism?

    Different paths can lead to this or that knowledge. Events, people, chance? In any case, esotericism appears in a person's life when it is needed. The reasons may be different:
    1. Search for new, unprecedented sensations. When it becomes boring, the world loses its attractiveness, others do not bring their former joy. Esotericism will help you look at everything in a different light, see something new and believe in a miracle.
    2. Search for a method of treatment. When traditional medicine powerless. When the pills didn't work. And we are talking not only about habitual diseases, but also about constant depression, about the disease of life itself, when, no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve his goals. The man turns in despair. And esotericism, magic, rituals help to heal.