Is it possible to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home. How to make an oxygen cocktail. Clinical studies and opinions of doctors

Oxygen, the source of which is air, is one of the most essential substances for human health. Today, in the face of deteriorating environmental situation and air pollution, the concentration of oxygen in the air is much lower than normal. How to replenish the reserves of this valuable substance? Knowing how to make an oxygen cocktail at home, as well as how an oxygen cocktail is useful, you can get rid of this problem forever.

First, let's talk about the benefits of the drink.

If the body does not receive this most useful substance, the whole body suffers, oxygen starvation occurs. This is especially dangerous for developing children's organisms, whose need for oxygen is almost twice as high as that of adults, as well as for an organism in a state of pregnancy, because the conditions for the development of the fetus are violated.

The problem of lack of oxygen is especially common in large cities, where there are almost no green spaces, and the level of air pollution exceeds the permissible limits, as a result of which the amount of oxygen in the air is much lower than required (instead of the permissible 21% - 18%, or even lower).

Most often, children suffer from a lack of oxygen, because if they do not receive it, they can suffer from frequent headaches, fatigue, as well as a decrease in concentration and memory impairment, which negatively affects their academic performance. In addition, the presence of this problem leads to a decrease in the immunity of the child's body, and as a result, frequent illnesses.

In adults, a lack of oxygen also affects the state of the whole organism and can be expressed by drowsiness, chronic fatigue, frequent headaches and disruption of work. internal organs. This problem is especially true for the elderly.

The beneficial properties of oxygen cocktails are determined by their ingredients, each of which is beneficial to health in one way or another, and in combination with oxygen, the effect of their use is enhanced.

An oxygen-based drink improves the condition of the respiratory, nervous, as well as the cardiovascular and digestive systems. It gives energy and vivacity, and also has the properties of restoring vitality. That is why the use of such a cocktail is shown to athletes both during active training and after intense physical exertion.

One serving of an oxygen cocktail brings the same health benefits as a four-hour walk through a coniferous forest.

Experts have also proven that with regular use of this low-calorie drink, you can achieve weight stability, as well as improve the condition of your skin, get rid of insomnia and improve your overall health.

The composition of the oxygen cocktail

The drink consists of three components, the main of which is oxygen. Another component of such a cocktail is natural fruit or berry juices, syrups, herbal preparations, thanks to which the drink becomes saturated with healthy vitamins and other elements.

The third ingredient of an oxygen cocktail should be a foaming agent, which can be egg white, gelatin solution, and root syrup of such a useful plant as licorice.

How to make an oxygen cocktail at home?

Oxygen therapy in the form of drinking cocktails is widely used in health and children's institutions. Is it possible at home? How to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home?

To do this, in addition to the ingredients for the drink, you must have a special device - a cocktail (a device that has an aerator to regulate the supply of ozone, its concentrator and a tap for the exit of a ready-made drink), or an oxygen mixer with an oxygen cylinder connected to it, which should be purchased in advance .

In order to make an oxygen cocktail at home, you can also use more primitive “equipment”: a balloon pump instead of an oxygen cylinder and an oxygen tube purchased in pharmacies with a sprayer.

It looks like this:

So the recipes:

Energy cocktail

For him you will need:

    • apple juice - 50 milliliters;
    • cherry juice - 30 milliliters;
    • licorice root syrup - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation: mix the ingredients together and place in a cocktail or mixer with an oxygen cylinder. We start the device, and in a few seconds an amazing drink is ready!

Cocktail "Health"

Drink Ingredients:

  • rosehip decoction - 50 milliliters;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • foaming agent - a couple of grams.

The instructions for preparing this drink are the same as in the previous recipe.

How to drink a drink?

This cocktail should be taken immediately after preparation, otherwise, after some time, oxygen will be an order of magnitude less in it. This should be done using a spoon, in small sips.

To improve appetite, children should take a drink before meals. And adults are recommended to use it 1-2 hours before a meal or a couple of hours after it. Nutritionists advise drinking such drinks no more than 1-2 servings per day.

Take the drink in courses, the duration of which is up to 2 weeks. Then a short break is made and the course can be repeated.

Now you know how to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home and its benefits for the body. Take care of your health in this way and it will not let you down!

An oxygen cocktail is a drink saturated with oxygen. It looks like a thick airy foam with thousands of bubbles filled with O2 molecules. It is problematic to drink a cocktail, it is more convenient to eat it with a spoon. Just one portion of the drink replaces an hour walk in a pine forest.

Taking an oxygen cocktail is far from a new method of prevention and treatment, which is scientifically called "enteral oxygen therapy". The drink comes from the USSR. For the first time they started talking about him in 1963 thanks to the efforts of the Soviet pathophysiologist Nikolai Sirotin. Conducting numerous studies on the respiratory function of the stomach, the academician came to the conclusion that oxygen can also be absorbed through this organ. Not as good as the traditional way - through the lungs, but oral O2 is also one of the possible ways delivery of this element to the body.

Initially, the oxygen drink was positioned as a healing agent, which was used only in medical and recreational institutions - sanatoriums and hospitals. Now many people cook it at home by purchasing special devices.

How does an oxygen cocktail work?

The mechanism of action of the cocktail on the body is simple. First, oxygen from it enters the gastrointestinal tract, where it is quickly absorbed. Once in the bloodstream and lymph flow, O2 is distributed throughout the body.

The composition of the oxygen drink

The composition of the cocktail includes not only oxygen in the most accessible form, but also certain additional components. Gas enhances their beneficial effect on the body, and they, in turn, turn the drink into a treat. The concentration of the beneficial substance in the oxygen cocktail is determined by the doctor. It should not exceed the physiological norm. It is the additional components that give the cocktail its taste, since oxygen itself does not possess it.

In the role of such ingredients are usually:

  • special ready-made spam mixes;
  • juices;
  • syrups;
  • milk;
  • herbal infusions and decoctions.

Any liquid can serve as the basis, including ordinary non-carbonated water, but it is more useful to prepare a cocktail on herbal decoctions and infusions.

The most delicious oxygen drinks are based on fruit juices and syrups. The main thing is that they do not contain pulp, as it prevents the formation of foam.

The classic foaming agents in an oxygen cocktail are dry egg white and licorice root extract. The latter is preferable because it has medicinal properties, minimizes the appearance of allergies and eliminates the risk of infection with salmonellosis. However, licorice root is characterized by a bitter taste, so powdered sugar is always added to a cocktail based on it.

Why does the body need oxygen?

Thanks to this element, a person breathes, and also receives energy from those entering the body. nutrients, ensuring the course of fundamental physiological processes, including cell reproduction and the organization of immune defenses.

The main consumer of oxygen is the brain, which accounts for a third of the total volume. When its entry into the body is difficult, hypoxia develops. It leads to destructive changes in tissues. A two-minute cessation of O2 intake leads to irreversible death of brain cells.

Without oxygen, metabolism does not take place. Nature assigned the main functions of cleansing the body to this element.

With age and with some diseases, the supply of oxygen to the body decreases. Lethargy, fatigue, sleep disorders are some of the signs of a lack of this element.

Therapeutic properties and benefits of an oxygen cocktail

Taking an oxygen cocktail contributes to:

  • increase the body's resistance to viruses and infections;
  • strengthening performance;
  • normalization of sleep and blood pressure;
  • elimination of chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • decrease harmful influence environment on the body;
  • activation of cellular metabolism;
  • body detoxification;
  • an increase in hemoglobin levels.

Oxygen cocktails are especially useful for children. After all, their need for O2 is many times higher than that of adults. Admission can start from the age of three. Some kindergartens and schools offer children an oxygen drink throughout the year. It is usually consumed within 10 days, taking a break of the same duration.

A cocktail is also useful during pregnancy, when the volume of blood flow in the body increases. For this reason, the chances of developing an O2 deficiency are high. An oxygen drink quickly solves the problem of intrauterine fetal hypoxia, which can lead to a serious disruption of its development.

A pregnant woman should take a cocktail only on the advice of a doctor.

How to use an oxygen cocktail correctly

In order for the drink to bring maximum benefit, it must be taken according to certain rules.

  1. The effect will be noticeable only after the course, it is usually designed for 10-15 days. It makes no sense to expect results from one serving of a cocktail.
  2. Only freshly prepared drink is useful. It can not be stored for more than 10-15 minutes, since oxygen in the air is quickly oxidized.
  3. Oxygen is well absorbed when a cocktail is eaten for several minutes, but no more than five.
  4. The drink should not be consumed on a full stomach. The optimal time of admission is 1.5 hours before or after a meal.
  5. The daily norm for an adult is no more than two servings of a cocktail, and for children - no more than one.
  6. Be sure to take breaks in the reception for at least 10-15 days.

How to make an oxygen cocktail at home

For self-preparation of the drink, special equipment is used. It is more expedient to purchase kits that can be found in a pharmacy. They usually include:

  • oxygen bottle;
  • foaming agent;
  • cocktail machine.

Pay attention to composition gas mixture in a bottle. Ideally, it should be 90% oxygen and 10% nitrogen.

Pure 100% oxygen can burn the respiratory tract.

Invigorating cocktail recipe

It is necessary to mix 30 ml of cherry and 50 ml of apple juice, add 2 g of the foaming composition and pour the mixture into a cocktail, supplying oxygen from a can to it until a lush foam is obtained.

Healing cocktail recipe

Mix 50 ml of rosehip broth, 1 tsp. honey and foaming agent. Pour the mix into a cocktail and enrich with oxygen. Such a drink boosts immunity and normalizes blood pressure.

Harm of an oxygen cocktail

Oxygen is an ambiguous element for the human body. On the one hand, it is vital for the normal functioning of organs and systems, and on the other hand, it has a strong damaging effect, since it is able to oxidize DNA and other cell components.

In large doses, the "elixir of life" is toxic to the body. With an excess of oxygen, the body synthesizes free radicals, which cause aging. However, the same thing happens with its deficiency. Oxygen is beneficial only if its dosage in the drink is chosen correctly. That is why a person with medical education who has undergone special training.

The slightest departure from the recipe or cooking technology is fraught with serious consequences. Together with life-giving oxygen, harmful impurities can get into the drink. Buying a cocktail in cinemas, malls or on the street is not the smartest decision.

Many fitness clubs and beauty salons have phyto-bars where oxygen cocktails are prepared on a “delicious” basis. The main ingredient in them is vanilla, blueberries, cherries and even chocolate. Cocktails on a similar basis can easily get carried away and exceed the daily allowance, causing harm to the body.

Contraindications to taking an oxygen drink

An oxygen cocktail should be discarded when:

  • acute attack of bronchial asthma;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach;
  • ulcerative colitis in the acute phase;
  • cholelithiasis of the second and third stages;
  • heart rhythm disorder;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • intolerance to the composition of the drink, such as egg white.

Even a child knows that any living creature needs oxygen to maintain life. This element is involved in many processes occurring in the human body. Even a slight lack of oxygen negatively affects the physical condition of a person. There is weakness, apathy, rapid fatigue, headaches and dizziness, and so on. What to do in such situations? Go to the forest, to nature, where you can enjoy all the positive qualities of the healing air. But what if there is no such possibility? That's right, prepare an oxygen cocktail. At home, it is not difficult to make it, although many considered it impossible. How is it useful, what products is it prepared from and how to make it yourself?

What is an oxygen cocktail?

The drink is air mass consisting mainly of foam. It, in turn, contains a thousand small bubbles filled with oxygen. A cocktail may differ in taste and quality, depending on the ingredients used and the method of preparation chosen. The drink is medicinal and is used for physiotherapeutic purposes in healthcare facilities, sanatoriums, and is also offered to children in preschool institutions and school.

What are the benefits of oxygen cocktails?

Drinks should be consumed immediately after preparation, or no later than 10 minutes, until the foam has settled. It is in it that all the benefits of an oxygen cocktail prepared at home lie. Therefore, if the foam settles, it does not make sense to use the leftovers.

Combination of biologically active substances natural origin and oxygen has a positive effect on all organs and systems human body, penetrates into tissues, saturating them with a vital element. This contributes to a significant improvement in the general physical condition, an increase in protective forces, and the launch of the process of regeneration and self-healing.

The principle of operation of an oxygen cocktail

This tool works very simply. When a person drinks a drink, oxygen is released from the bubbles. Then it enters the blood through the walls of the stomach. The circulatory system delivers a valuable element to all organs and tissues, including the vessels of the brain. With course treatment, a positive effect can be achieved in the form of a significant improvement in the physical and emotional state of a person.

For those who are going to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home, it is advisable to consult a specialist who will help to correctly determine the composition of the drink, the frequency and duration of intake. Usually, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to use 250-300 ml once or twice a day. An oxygen cocktail should be drunk half an hour before a meal. The duration is usually 30 days, after which it is important to take a break of at least two weeks, and preferably a month. The fact is that the body often gets used to the substances entering it, and may stop responding to them.

You can also take a drink for preventive purposes in order to increase efficiency and improve well-being. That is, even when a person does not have any problems, it does not mean that he cannot drink an oxygen cocktail. But, perhaps, for those who are interested in how to make an oxygen cocktail at home, it will be interesting to learn about the main indications:

  • general strengthening of the body in case of poor health;
  • maintaining the immune system with frequent SARS;
  • prevention of hypoxia and anemia of the fetus at the risk of their occurrence in pregnant women;
  • to increase endurance in athletes;
  • to increase efficiency in people whose activities are associated with mental stress;
  • to improve sleep with insomnia;
  • to normalize blood pressure in hypotension and hypertension;
  • for the treatment of allergies;
  • for the stable functioning of the digestive tract;
  • to remove bad cholesterol from the blood;
  • to maintain normal life in cardiovascular diseases;
  • for the improvement of children and adults in the cold season;
  • to improve memory, concentration and increase mental load;
  • for decreasing negative impact tobacco and alcohol in people suffering from bad habits;
  • to normalize the work of all organs and systems in the elderly.

To whom is the drink contraindicated?

You can safely start preparing an oxygen cocktail at home, as it has no contraindications. The only limitations may be serious pathologies in chronic and acute form. Especially in the gastrointestinal tract. However, only the independent use of drinks is prohibited, without consulting a doctor. In such cases, it is better if the doctor himself selects an effective treatment plan and determines the best composition for the preparation of an oxygen cocktail. In general, the drink is allowed to everyone without exception, even children, pregnant women and the elderly, as can be seen from the testimony.

Commonly used ingredients for making an oxygen cocktail at home

The drink can have a variety of tastes, which depends solely on personal preferences. It is prepared on the basis of juices without pulp and nectars. Herbal infusions are also sometimes used. The latter option is the most optimal, since medicinal plants contain many biologically active components that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The basis of this drink is oxygen. Yes, it will require a real "gas", otherwise the cocktail simply cannot be called such. Also, at the stage of preparing for the preparation of drinks, you need to know that special equipment is required. You can do without it, but this device will greatly simplify the production of a cocktail.

Where to get oxygen?

Do not panic, because it is not as difficult to find as it might seem at first glance. Oxygen is sold in cylinders in many pharmacies, but it is quite expensive. But it can be refueled, which will cost a little less. Also sold are special small cans designed for the manufacture of such cocktails.

Specialized sets

Those who are wondering how to make an oxygen cocktail at home should not save. It is better to buy specialized equipment once and enjoy healing drinks when you need it. Moreover, with such sets it will be much easier to carry out the plan. The money spent will pay off very soon, because ready-made cocktails in medical institutions are relatively expensive. And it’s not worth talking about the positive impact on health - everything is already known.

A special kit for preparing oxygen cocktails usually includes:

  • cylinder with oxygen;
  • powder for foaming, which dissolves in juice, nectar or herbal infusion;
  • a tube connecting an oxygen cylinder to a cocktail.

You also need a cocktail. It is not included in the kit, but is sold separately in medical equipment stores and on the websites of various medical companies. You can find both expensive and cheap options. But there is no fundamental difference between them.

Recipe for an oxygen cocktail at home with an apparatus

For the manufacture of a drink, as a rule, 3 components are used, which have already been mentioned in the article:

  1. A liquid base that will determine the taste of the drink.
  2. Food foaming agent.
  3. Pure oxygen.

As a liquid base, which will determine the taste of a cocktail, you can use completely different drinks:

  • nectar;
  • herbal infusion;
  • fruit drink;
  • sweet syrup;
  • milk;
  • purified plain water.

It is important that the following cannot act as a liquid base:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • thick juices with pulp;
  • oily liquids.

From such products it will not be possible to create the correct, high-quality basis for an oxygen drink.

As a foaming agent for preparing an oxygen cocktail at home with equipment, you can use not only a special powder. You can achieve a stable bubble mass by adding good old licorice syrup. Egg white is also suitable, but it must be completely separated from the yolk. However, such ingredients have their drawbacks, which can force you to purchase a special foaming powder. So, licorice syrup contains alcohol, and the use of raw egg white is dangerous due to the risk of contracting salmonellosis.

So, having chosen your favorite taste in the form of juice or another of the liquids proposed above and having prepared the rest of the ingredients and equipment, you can begin to manufacture. The cocktail is made in several stages:

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of liquid base into a cocktail.
  2. Add the same amount of foaming agent.
  3. Wait until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  4. Insert the oxygen supply tube into the cocktail, connecting it to the bottle on the other side;
  5. Supply oxygen, wait for the formation of foam and "collect" it in portioned cups.

There are many delicious recipes oxygen cocktails at home, and you can also improvise, creating your favorite flavors that will appeal to adults and children. Here are some cooking options as an example:

  • Mix equal parts apple and cherry juices. Add a foaming agent, wait for the powder to dissolve and apply oxygen. Such a drink is not suitable for people suffering from gastritis with high acidity and stomach ulcers.
  • Mix half a glass of rosehip broth and one tablespoon of natural liquid honey. Stir, add foaming agent, and when it dissolves, make a cocktail. Very healthy drink which enhances the body's defenses.
  • The easiest way is to make an oxygen milkshake. It is prepared in the same way as the drinks described above. It is recommended to take low-fat milk. You can also mix it with other ingredients to multiply beneficial features. For example, some berry or fruit syrup will do.

In addition, for the preparation of oxygen cocktails at home - without equipment or with its use - you can buy ready-made food compositions. It is important to find a conscientious seller who offers a quality product, free of artificial colors and other harmful components. Compositions that contain flavor additives in the description, or that mimic alcoholic products should be avoided. Food compositions for oxygen cocktails are sold in powder form. It simply needs to be diluted with a liquid, as detailed on the label, and then applied in the same way as any other syrup or juice.

Is it possible to prepare an oxygen cocktail without equipment?

If there is no cocktail, without it, of course, it will be more difficult. However, you can get by with a mixer. In this case, you will still need a foaming agent and oxygen, since without them it makes no sense to prepare a drink. When there is a foaming powder and a liquid base in the prepared container, it is necessary to supply oxygen to it, and then start beating the mixture with a mixer until a thick foam of a uniform texture is obtained. You can take a variety of flavor bases and even a finished food composition. And for those who are not afraid of difficulties, it is recommended to watch a video that describes the process of creating a cocktail with your own hands.

As you can see, it is quite easy to make it. But the benefits of having such equipment, albeit homemade, are invaluable.

Homemade oxygen cocktail can be prepared in two ways. Before you take up this case, do not forget to read the indications and contraindications. About for children and adults, I have already written.

Do you need him?

But oxygen is an oxidizing agent. Not everyone needs to consume an oxygen cocktail without measure. There are specific conditions under which people need supplemental oxygenation. If you are in these conditions, why not eat homemade oxygen of your own production. Moreover, making a cocktail at home is not so difficult. There would be a desire.

Now for home cooking

The first is with the help of purchased equipment. Very simple, aesthetic, pleasant, fast method. But, quite expensive.

For craftsmen with hands made of pure gold, the second way to make an oxygen cocktail at home is suitable. It's a little tricky, but much more economical. I would prefer the first one, but the choice is yours.

Making a homemade oxygen cocktail using purchased equipment

We buy the set we like. It also comes in two types: designed for small. Or a large number of making an oxygen cocktail at home.

Set components

foaming agent

light-colored powder that dissolves in a suitable liquid room temperature. It can be compote, fruit drink, juice without pulp. A very tasty oxygen cocktail is obtained from freshly squeezed juice of fresh fruits. Some people use fresh aloe juice. It produces foam without a foaming agent. For home cooking oxygen cocktail NOT suitable for tomato juice or any with pulp. Milk, jelly, carbonated drinks are also NOT suitable.

Oxygen Concentrator

or an oxygen bottle.


with it, a homemade cocktail is made. Or just a tube connecting an oxygen canister with a foaming liquid. The choice depends on individual needs and financial capabilities.

Each set comes with detailed instructions where it is clearly written how to use it. It turns out a very high-quality, delicious oxygen cocktail in the form of foam, home-made. It is pleasant to eat it yourself and not afraid to give it to a child. Foam is recommended to be eaten with a spoon no later than 5 minutes after preparation.

From equipment made at home

I found a relatively free method of cooking in the bowels of the Internet. Purely theoretically, this is an interesting method. But I would not eat an oxygen cocktail prepared in this home way. I am writing about it in more detail.

Instead of a foaming agent

licorice root syrup is diluted, which also forms foam. Everything seems to be safe here, because the amount of syrup that is in the finished cocktail is negligible.

Oxygen concentrator is replaced by "unit"

which produces oxygen at home. Namely, a 1.5 liter plastic bottle is taken from under soda. It is filled by 5 - 8 cm with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Before creating a portion of an oxygen cocktail. Several tablets of hydroperite are thrown at her. Then there is a chemical reaction with the production of oxygen.

All this is connected by a glass jar with a tight lid.

in which two tubes are hermetically mounted. One connects to the “unit”, through which oxygen enters the jar. The second tube leads from the jar to a glass of diluted licorice syrup. At the end is an atomizer from an aquarium compressor. Through it, coming under pressure, the resulting oxygen saturates the licorice syrup and forms a foam. This foam is the homemade oxygen cocktail.


The cocktail is prepared on the basis of juices and fruit drinks, which are filled with oxygen molecules using a special device. Ready - a thick foam of many bubbles of gas. For a long time, such drinks were available only in medical institutions, but in Lately in pharmacies, special compact cartridges and oxygen appeared on sale, which allow you to cook this at home healthy treat.

The disadvantages of cartridges include their rather high cost and the impossibility of refilling. The cost of oxygen drinks with their regular use can be burdensome for the family budget. In addition, it is not very convenient to drink a cocktail obtained with the help of such a can - you need to hold your breath each time, take sips slowly to get a therapeutic effect.

Much more practical, but they are significantly more expensive. When using them, the cost of the drink turns out to be low with good quality enrichment of the cocktail with gas. If you plan to regularly prepare oxygen cocktails in large volumes, the purchase of such an apparatus will be fully justified.

Rosehip syrups, licorice root, and other syrups can be used as a basis for medicinal plants, apple, pear or other juices, various herbal teas. To obtain a stable foam, egg white or gelatin is used. On sale you can find special spum mixes for making a cocktail using an oxygen mixer. They have all the ingredients you need already.

Chilled juice is poured into a glass and beaten protein of one egg is added. When using a spam mixture in clean water you need to add one sachet of this substance. Then you should turn on and adjust the desired feed rate. Juice in a glass must be whipped with a special mixer, which is preliminarily connected to a gas concentrator. When using an oxygen cartridge, a tube is lowered into the glass and connected to the device.

The process of preparing a cocktail takes 30-40 seconds. This medicinal drink should be consumed immediately after preparation. You can drink twice a day, 250-300 ml of an oxygen drink for 30 days, after which you need to take a break of 15-20 days. After this time, you can again use this method of healing the body.


You can often find tips for preparing such a cocktail using improvised means and manual air blowers. Drinks obtained in such ways cannot be considered oxygen cocktails, they do not have medicinal properties.