Significant events of 1952. The influence of the elements on the sign of the Dragon

Many are interested in the questions: “1952 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar? How can you characterize people born in 1952? With whom can they quickly find and who is absolutely not suitable for them? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

How did the eastern calendar appear?

The eastern horoscope has 12 According to legend, this calendar was invented by the Buddha. The sage invited animals to his house and, in turn, determined the year for each, appointing the animal as its patron.

The Rat came first to the Buddha. The Bull followed the Rat. The third came the Tiger. The fourth were the Cat, the Rabbit and the Hare, who became the patrons of one year.

And 1952 is the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar? The characteristic of the Dragon, (this is exactly its year), which appeared fifth to the Buddha, will be presented in this article.

The snake became the ruler of the sixth year, and the Horse - the seventh. Several animals were again appointed patrons of the next year of the Chinese calendar. These are the Ram, the Sheep and the Goat.

After them, the Monkey came to the sage and became the ninth. The Rooster came tenth. Year of the Dog - the eleventh in a row in the eastern calendar. The Pig came last on this list and took possession of the last year in a twelve-year calendar cycle.

Characteristics of the sign

Who owns the year 1952 according to Chinese beliefs? What animal does he represent? As already mentioned, this is a Dragon. A person who was born in the year of the Dragon is a very freedom-loving and independent person. He is bright, smart and cheerful, has a strong energy.

The dragon seeks to get the most out of life, emotional, generous. A person born under the auspices of this sign is a good conversationalist, has the gift of persuasion, is able to quickly and without panic find a way out of a delicate situation or solve a difficult issue.

He will easily overcome all life's obstacles and reach unprecedented career heights if he manages to direct his ambition, determination and endurance in the right direction.

Despite the innate intelligence, the Dragon is straightforward, impulsive and obsessed with a sense of justice, which does not always favorably affect his relations with others.

An honest, sincere person, an excellent family man, and he does not tolerate lies, weakness and indecision from others, which can also lead to conflicts in the family or at work.

Which of famous people gave the world 1952? Which animal according to the eastern calendar he designates is already known, but they were born this year: president Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, famous coach Soviet director Karen Shakhnazarov, sportswoman Lyudmila Turishcheva, Hollywood actors Liam Neeson and Patrick Swayze.

The influence of the elements on the sign of the Dragon

Depending on belonging to any cosmic element, it is customary to distinguish four types of the Dragon. And 1952 - what animal does it symbolize according to the eastern calendar, taking into account the elements?

  1. Water Dragon, which includes people born in 1952 and 2012.
  2. Metal Dragon who is the patron saint of those born in 1940 and 2000.
  3. A Wood Dragon that influences humans, born in 1904 and 1964.
  4. who ruled in 1916 and 1976.

Thus, to the question: “1952, which animal is the year according to the Eastern calendar?” - you can give a more precise answer. The patron of people born in 1952 is the Water Dragon.

How can you characterize people born in 1952? This is an easy-going, friendly and witty person. In addition, he is the most patient and calm of all his fellows. The Water Dragon is more likely to accept the weaknesses of another person and help him deal with an impossible task than to demand immediate results from him. These are the wonderful personalities presented to the world as a gift in 1952. What animal according to the horoscope (eastern) would personify the year, the character traits that this symbol endows a person with - main characteristic sign.

TO negative qualities people who appeared in the year of the Water Dragon can be attributed to excessive talkativeness and the habit of taking on several things at once, which makes it difficult to concentrate.

Man born in the year of the Dragon

The reader now knows which animal year 1952 represents. Consider a Water Dragon-born, specifically a male.

This is a decent and responsible person. Very interesting and sensual, he knows how to impress the weaker sex. The dragon likes the attention of others, such a man is often surrounded by fans. It is not difficult to please him, you just need to be a strong and demanding woman, have royal manners and self-esteem.

Pedantry, exactingness and a certain arrogance of the Dragon often plays a cruel joke with him and leads to disintegration love relationship which is easily tolerated by them. The Dragon Man will part with the other half with dignity, probably remaining with her in good relations, and very soon will find a new object for his aristocratic courtship.

Woman born in the Year of the Dragon

Having found out, 1952 is the year of which animal, you need to find out how you can characterize a woman born under the auspices of the Water Dragon?

Bright and successful, she is often in the center of events. This energetic and ambitious careerist and conqueror of men's hearts can handle any task.

The Dragon Woman is essentially a maximalist, requiring a leading role not only at work, but also in the family, which is not always to the liking of her companion. Decisive and domineering, she will not tolerate a soft and hesitant person next to her, on the contrary, she will prefer to communicate with the same bright and strong personality as herself.

She can have a successful marriage with a purposeful, but wise and capable of compromising a representative of the opposite sex, who can sometimes turn a blind eye to the authoritarian habits of her counterpart.

Eastern calendar: 1952 - the year of which animal according to the horoscope?

Compatibility with other signs is an important part of any horoscope. Eastern is no exception. In love, Dragons are very selfless if they feel the return from a partner. With mutual love, they will turn a blind eye to the many shortcomings of the second half, surround them with care and save her from all sorts of adversities. The main thing is to love the Dragon and admire him, making it clear how important and necessary he is.

  • The Dragon is able to create a harmonious union with the Rat - they have a lot in common, so there will be complete mutual understanding in such a pair.
  • The character of the Dragon is quite compatible with the Monkey. Perhaps, at the first meeting, he will be wary of her cunning antics, but the Monkey, being fascinated by him, will do everything to make the man feel like a knight. This approach will certainly appeal to the ambitious Dragon.
  • The Dragon-Ox relationship has no future. These strong and stubborn personalities are constantly in a struggle.
  • Relations in the Dragon-Tiger alliance are based on mutual respect and sympathy. The Dragon is interested in the Tiger, which, however, does not allow the Dragon to reign supreme, wisely finding a compromise in relationships.
  • The Dragon and the Snake, in most cases, develop quite harmonious relationships until they get bored with each other with their selfishness.
  • In relations with the Dragon Horse, there is a lack of understanding. The horse is too simple and undemanding for such a bright aristocrat as the Dragon.
  • The Goat-Dragon Alliance is characterized by unprecedented tension. The capricious and unpredictable Goat prevents the Dragon from achieving its goals.
  • But with the Pig, the Dragon will easily find mutual language and mutual understanding. The pig will be loyal to the partner's arrogance, and he will like her peacefulness.
  • A complex union, when everyone pulls the blanket over himself, will develop between the Dragon and the person born in the year of the Cat. The dragon will unsuccessfully seek to subjugate a partner who loves freedom and independence.
  • A pair of Dragon - Dragon will create an excellent union. Possessing similar energy, they perfectly understand and complement each other.
  • Relations in a pair of Dragon and Rooster can be smooth and calm. Despite his cocky character, the Rooster is proud of a strong patron and is able to listen to the opinion of the second half.
  • The Dragon and the Dog are likely to create a difficult and dangerous tandem where there is no understanding. Partners are unlikely to be able to come to a compromise and agree on who is the boss in the house.

This is exactly the Water Dragon - unpredictable, aristocratic, but at the same time friendly and patient for someone who is able to appreciate it.

Aliens against Stalin's falcons "For a long time, cheerful friends, we said goodbye to school, but every year we come to our class ..." This old, sincere song by Isaac Dunayevsky and Mikhail Matusovsky was born precisely in the fifty-second ... The film "Composer Glinka" was released, in which young Vitsin played the role of Gogol. He, performed by Georgy Mikhailovich, was serious and thoughtful, almost like on a monument that stood for more than forty years on the boulevard named after him in Moscow. But in 1952 the "old" Gogol was replaced by the "new" - smiling and optimistic. So commanded the great leader, who, by the way, was not only an admirer of the remarkable writer, but also his reader. Gogol, of course, is popular, but even more Soviet people leaf through the new edition of the Book of Tasty and Healthy Food with appetizing delight. For a snack, the authors offer gourmets ... quotes from Stalin. He also inspires athletes to unprecedented sports victories: at the 52 Olympic Games, in which the USSR takes part for the first time, our athletes won a total of 71 medals! Alas, the fly in the ointment was thrown into the barrel of honey by the players who lost the match against the Yugoslav national team, where the “bloody clique of Tito-Rankovic” ruled ... The fiftieth year is significant with the accession to the throne of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This woman is the host of Buckingham Palace to this day, striking the whole world with her intelligence, charm and optimism! Well, then humanity was pretty frightened by reports of unprecedented UFO activity. And only our country aliens from other planets for some reason bypassed. Maybe they were afraid of the valiant Stalinist falcons? Valentin Burov

One girl went to a children's camp. With her friends, she decided to call the Queen of Spades. Well, they did everything according to the rules: they put a glass of water, and on it ... One girl went to a children's camp. With her friends, she decided to call the Queen of Spades. Well, they did everything according to the rules: they put a glass of water, and a piece of bread on it, and put it under the bed of a young nurse who was at the camp. And suddenly at night the nurse hears someone knocking with their heels in the corridor and, as it were, approaching her room. Looked out - no one! This went on all night... In the morning, the nurse was supposed to be vaccinated, but she did not come! She was found unconscious in her room. When she woke up, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. This scary story told the same girls who called the Queen of Spades ...

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1952 who? 1952 is the year of what animal? — Year of the Black Water Dragon. Probably everyone knows about the Water Dragon. But not everyone thinks about the exact meaning and features of the Water Dragon. People who were born in the year of the Water Dragon have good qualities that distinguishes it from all other characteristics.

What is the personality of this type of people?

The personality of the Water Dragon is distinguished primarily by the manifestation of tender and reverent feelings. Such a person takes everything to heart. He is ready to do anything to overcome any obstacles - fear, excitement, uncertainty. A person of the Water Dragon type lives here and now, not knowing the warnings of the future. He is distinguished by kindness and wonderful humor, but on the other hand, this person is strong in all directions. In a relationship, he will not stand as a pillar - he will take over everything by taking the first step.

How does the 1952 Water Dragon manifest itself in love?

The Black Dragon in love is significantly different from others. He shows himself only from the good side, but you should not get in his way. A person will do what he considers necessary for himself.

This type of people shows warm and tender feelings for a person as a sexual character. He shows care and loyalty until the end of his days.

In sexual relations, the Water Dragon has no equal. All that this person does in love is the successful development in relationships.

Dragon of Water on weekdays

This person does not need to argue and constantly monitor him - he is independent and able to perform any work efficiently and on time. From others, he demands full dedication from what they do.

But in no case should you think that this type is a cruel and insidious person. He is friendly to employees, showing sincerity and kindness. You can find a common language with him by discussing all matters.

Of course, each person has selfish motives and actions with him, but the Water Dragon shows a slight minimum in this. He respects and loves himself, while demanding that people surround him. But it is enough for him to notice this person and start a conversation. The dragon does not like excessive attention, but occasionally wants it if desired.

The Wood Release is the most important earthly sector of the Water Dragon.

The Black Dragon knows how to develop itself, while not making gross mistakes. He also cares about the people around him. The Water Dragon loves to educate, and this will have a good effect on others.

Also, the Black Dragon has a small minus - it is a lot of activity in all directions. This energy is bad for his life. Therefore, he should not harness himself to everything that he immediately liked - after all, it is easier to leave unspent forces for later, and when the moment comes, you can happily get down to business.

The main fear of the Water Dragon is the fear of some kind of failure. Be it failure at work, failure in relationships, in sports. If a person does not fight fear, then this can negatively affect further development personality of the Black Dragon. To do this, a person needs to defeat fear with all his might, and show himself in life in even brighter colors!

For a long time I have been collecting material for a project under the code name "20th century year after year in color". As you know, the first color photographs of almost modern quality began to be made in Europe in 1901, but until the advent of autochrome plates in the free market in 1907, color photography remained a rather rare phenomenon. Therefore, it is quite difficult to "close" the first years of the 20th century with color photo and video material. But for other years, quite a lot of pictures have already been collected. Therefore, I decided to publish the years of the project in a free order. Let's start from the middle of the century, 1952. There are a lot of pictures and therefore it will have to be given in two parts: the USSR and the rest of the world.
So what did our country look like in last year Stalin era in color photographs.

Indoor lemons in a chemical laboratory, the city of Pavlov on the Oka, 1952:

We have already shown the newlyweds in the registry office by Isaac Tunkel, but this version of the picture is better:

A high resolution

"Children's doctor", photo by Mikhail Ananyin:

A high resolution

"Future Teachers", photo by Mikhail Savin:

A high resolution

This is what Minsk was like in 1952, the construction of a new "front gate" of the city:

Square in front of the Government building in Minsk:

Tsimlyansk hydroelectric power station. Entrance to the construction site. Alexey Gostev:

Tsimlyansk. Embankment. House of Culture. Photo by Alexey Gostev:

Tsimlyansk. Embankment. Sanatorium "Tsymlyansky". Photo by Alexey Gostev:

Ferry. The Volga-Don Canal went into operation. Alexey Gostev:

Volga-Don Canal photographed by Dmitry Baltermants:

Photo of the Volga-Don Canal on the cover of the magazine "Soviet Union":

Rostov-on-Don. The new department store building (right) and the construction of a residential building on Budyonny Avenue. Photo by Mikhail Ananyin:

Kazan. House Museum of Lenin, photo by Ivan Savin:

Leningrad. Alley at the main entrance of the Kirov Central Park of Culture and Culture:

A high resolution

Construction of Moscow State University in Moscow, color newsreel frame:

Builder of Moscow State University, color newsreel frame:

Trophy diesel train on the Moscow-Leningrad highway:

Metro station "Komsomolskaya" in Moscow on the cover of the magazine "Soviet Union":

1952, Mira Avenue is under construction, newsreel frame:

I think that in the USSR in 1952, more than one thousand color photographs of excellent (even in our times) quality were taken. So what is presented above is only crumbs from the general image of the era, captured in color.

If readers have more color photographs of the USSR in 1952 - send it, I will add it to the post.

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