What does the name Kirill mean? Brief summary. Kirill: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person. How the name is declined according to cases

Kirill is a name that is considered one of the most popular in our time. More and more parents give their preference to this name because it has excellent characteristics.

Kirill is a name with ancient Greek roots. It comes from the Greek word "kyrios". The name came to us from Greece at a time when Kievan Rus began to accept the Orthodox faith. At first it was given mainly to children who were related to church families. Then it became widespread among other citizens and classes.


In translation, Kirill is “master”, “master”, “master”, “lord”. It can also have another meaning - “Lord”.


Kirill grows up to be a very peculiar boy, from whom energy flows like a fountain. He has quite a lot of friends, because everyone is attracted by his enthusiasm. The boy loves to show his “I” and take a leading position. But sometimes it is difficult for him to listen to the opinions of others, so it takes a long time to convince him.

At school, he remains the same fidgety person who finds many subjects difficult. But, on the other hand, he is a very inquisitive child who constantly torments his parents with many questions. Therefore, he learns to read quite early, and during his school years he continues his favorite activity. He reads everything he can and is a regular visitor to libraries and bookstores. He has a good memory, so he remembers almost everything he read.

Kirill, due to his increased concern for his moral and appearance, tries to quickly learn the rules of good behavior so that he will be praised by teachers and set as an example to other students. Classmates sometimes take offense at him for this and move away, considering the guy an “upstart.”

In his student years, Kirill remains the same active and energetic young man. At this time, he has more and more friends, and most of them are from among those who can be classified as “useful” connections.

As for the profession, Kirill can become anything, from creative activity to the military industry. The main thing is that the field of activity is not imposed by parents, he must choose it himself. Most often, owners of this name choose those professions where they can develop their fantasies and be the center of attention. Kirill will also make an excellent boss, whose subordinates will walk to the line, strictly following all instructions.

Money plays a big role in life for Kirill. He is too concerned about his own appearance and loves the comfort of home, so he is ready to pay a lot of money for a new fashionable suit or spend money on a luxurious sofa. It must be said that he has good aesthetic taste, so his house is always beautifully furnished.

Regarding happiness in love, we can say that Kirill is in demand among the opposite sex. When choosing a wife, a man first of all thinks about how his environment will accept her. Therefore, his chosen one should be as well-groomed and incredibly attractive as possible. IN family life the man usually hands over the reins to his wife. He is a reliable spouse and does not allow anyone close to him to interfere in family affairs. Kirill is an extremely faithful husband. Having chosen a companion, he seriously intends to spend the rest of his life with her under any circumstances.

Kirill tries to avoid any household activities. As a rule, if a man is single, he has a housekeeper. To change the tap, it is easier for him to call workers than to learn how to do anything around the house himself. Therefore, in family life, as a rule, the spouse takes on any household responsibilities.

Children in Kirill's family often grow up without fatherly education. He devotes his free time to them, but does not like to teach them and guide them on the true path. With children, a man prefers to fool around and have fun, believing that the wife should be involved in the educational process. Kirill strives to acquire as many heirs as possible, especially if he himself grew up in a family without brothers and sisters and knows how boring childhood is in this case.


The distinctive characteristics of Kirill are the following:

  1. Developed intelligence.
  2. Innate intuition.
  3. Cheerfulness.
  4. Optimism.
  5. Zeal.
  6. Hard work.
  7. Uncontrollability.
  8. Arrogance.
  9. Eccentricity.
  10. Self-confidence.
  11. Excessive hardness.
  12. Maximalism.
  13. Selfishness.
  14. Frivolity.

The owner of the name lives by the principle “either everything or nothing.” He is a leader by nature, so he always tries to be the first in everything. Kirill loves when people pay attention to him, so he pays a lot of attention to his own appearance and manners.

A distinctive feature of the owner of this name is excessive stubbornness. He does not like to give in to anything and has difficulty submitting to someone’s will. Sometimes his career suffers because of this - his bosses perceive him as obstinate young man as a lack of professionalism. In fact, Kirill simply believes that he knows better how to do it right.

Kirills born in winter are especially stubborn. Such men are characterized by excessive demands on themselves and others. Therefore, such people make wayward bosses, promising leaders and strict fathers. But all these qualities are a kind of mask, and in his soul the man remains a naive and kind person.

When a period of prosperity begins in Kirill’s life, he may distance himself from old friends and even relatives. With age, loved ones get used to this character trait and do not impose themselves on the man, because they know that even with the slightest failure he will need support and he will return to their lives again.

Name day

Kirill celebrates Angel Day twice a year:

  • January 31;
  • September 19.

Name color

Dark yellow.

Name flower

Church name, calendar

In the Orthodox calendar there is the name Cyril. Therefore, during Orthodox baptism, a boy receives it.

Translation of name, in different languages

The name Kirill in other languages ​​of the world sounds and is written a little differently:

  1. On English language– Cyril
  2. In Catalan - Ciril.
  3. In Spanish - Cirilo.
  4. In French – Cyrille.
  5. In Bulgarian - Kiril.
  6. In Danish - Kyrill.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

Diminutive form of the full name Kirill: Kiryusha, Kirya, Kirunya, Kirilka and Kiryukha. In short or abbreviated form, you can call the guy Kira.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

Kirillovich and Kirillovna - these patronymics will be formed from the name Kirill, they will fit many male and female names.

Girl names:

  1. Inna.
  2. Zhanna.
  3. Olga.
  4. Zinaida.
  5. Catherine.
  6. Marina.
  7. Daria.
  8. Sophia.
  9. Faith.

Boy names:

  1. Peter.
  2. Semyon.
  3. Oleg.
  4. Artem.
  5. Dmitriy.
  6. Edward.
  7. Matvey.
  8. Kirill.

Name compatibility

Kirill will have a successful marriage with women named Alla, Angela, Elena, Margarita, Oksana, Elvira, Emma.

Relationships with ladies named Ekaterina, Zoya, Irina, Yana will become difficult. Therefore, you should refrain from serious connections with them.

How to incline

This name can be declined according to cases as follows:

  1. Nominative – Kirill.
  2. Genitive – Kirill.
  3. Dative – Kirill.
  4. Accusative - Kirill.
  5. Creative - Kirill.
  6. Prepositional – Kirill.

Famous people with this name

Among famous people There are many owners of this name:

  1. Saint Cyril of Turov - famous writer and preacher in the 12th century. He was ordained bishop of the city of Turov for his love of humanity, wisdom and ascetic life, as well as for his works filled with the desire to know the deity and ascetic animation.
  2. Kirill Khlebnikov – Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences and writer. For a long time he lived in America, where he not only worked by profession, but also managed to send home his acquisitions and finds for the zoological museum of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.
  3. Equal to the Apostles Cyril - teacher of the Slavs, saint, younger brother of Methodius. He was born in Macedonia and received an excellent education. After this, he decided to take the rank of presbyter and was a librarian at the Cathedral Church of Constantinople. Kirill, together with his brother, are the compilers of the Slavic alphabet, which was later called the “Cyrillic alphabet”. They were also translators of many liturgical books, including the Psalter, Apostle and Gospel.
  4. Kirill Tolmatsky – a pop performer known under the pseudonym Decl, was a member of a rap association called “Bad B. Alliance”. His debut album “Who? You" became one of the best-selling albums in Russia. Its circulation amounted to more than 1 million copies.
  5. Kirill Lavrov - Russian and Soviet film and theater actor. He is a laureate of State Prizes of the USSR and the RSFSR, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor.
  6. Kirill Pirogov – theater actor, Honored Artist of Russia.
  7. Kirill Meretskov – Marshal Soviet Union, Soviet military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union.
  8. Kirill Reshetnikov - known under the poetic pseudonym Shish Bryansky.

The name Kirill is very popular among modern parents. It has a number of excellent characteristics, including perseverance and determination. Therefore, Kirill has every chance to live a happy and dignified life, in which there will be many ups and a minimum of downs.

Meaning of the name: Cyril translated from Greek sounds like “master”, “master”, “lord”. From Persian, Kirill is translated as “sun”.

Origin of the name: The name Cyril has ancient Greek roots and comes from the word “Cyrus”. This name came to Russia from Byzantium and became popular during Christianity. The patron saint of the name is Saint Cyril, who defended the faith from heretics, submitted to persecution and was beheaded, for which he was canonized.
Other forms: Kirel, Kirya, Kira, Sai, Kirka, Kirilka, Cyril, Kiryusha.

January – 31st;

February – 17th, 28th;

March – 18th, 22nd, 31st;

April – 3rd;

May – 11th, 23rd;

June – 3, 22nd;

July – 22nd;

September – 19th;

October – 11th;

November – 11th, 20th;

December – 15th, 21st.

Characteristics of the name

The name Kirill endows its owner with ambiguous character qualities. Calmness and prudence can suddenly give way to harshness and aggressiveness. Kirill's determination and selfishness allows him to achieve great goals in life.

Little Kiryusha is growing up as a curious and inquisitive child; he has a unique memory. From an early age he shows a desire to acquire knowledge. He studies well at school and is often the object of praise from teachers. He has high self-esteem, which is why he often conflicts with classmates.

Adult Kirill is overly demanding of people, he is stubborn and selfish. Always strives for leadership, and will never obey or listen to other people's advice. He is strict, but fair, does not like lies and deception. Despite high self-esteem and selfishness, Kirill is a balanced person who knows how to keep himself within the bounds of decency. He always keeps his promises, and qualities such as independence, perseverance and hard work help him achieve success in life.

Character of the name

Kirill has a difficult character, his pride, stubbornness and egoism often pushes people away from him. In life, he is used to achieving his goals and will never back down from his decision. Kirill is a person with high intellectual potential, he has well-developed intuition, he does not know how to express his emotions, therefore from the outside he seems closed and uncriminal. The harshness in his character leads to the fact that in the event of a dispute or conflict, he can offend his interlocutor without thinking about his statements.

“Winter” Kirill – attentive, reasonable;

“Autumn” - hardworking, independent, smart;

“Spring” Kirill is reserved, kind, stingy with feelings;

“Summer” is cheerful, charming, interesting, a little selfish.

Fate of the name

Kirill is a contradictory nature. From the outside one gets the impression that he is indecisive and cowardly, but this is only an appearance. Kirill has a strong and decisive character. He is an objective, self-confident person who does not succumb to the influence of others. He has a strong will and knows how to achieve what he wants.

Since childhood, he does not tolerate criticism, he is stubborn and harsh in his statements. In professional activities, he can show great results. His intelligence, assertiveness, and good intuition help him achieve career advancement. He will make a good leader and can master a technical profession. Kirill knows how to position himself correctly in a team; he is hardworking, independent, and always relies only on his own strengths.
Kirill is always impeccable, he takes care of his appearance. He approaches the choice of his chosen one very strictly. His woman should be beautiful, smart, have a strong and decisive character. Kirill marries for great love, but he does not know how to express his feelings, so the woman thinks that he does not need her. In the family he is demanding, strict, loves home comfort and order. Him a good relationship with children, but devotes little time to raising them.

Kirill is in good health, but he needs to watch his nerves. Constant mental stress negatively affects the condition nervous system, which is why depression can develop. Kirill should also undergo periodic examinations, as he is prone to diseases of internal organs.

Positive traits of the name

Kirill has well-developed intuition, high intelligence, and optimism. In life, he is always ready to work, always strives to be the first.

Negative traits of the name

Decisiveness, the uncontrollability of his character, self-confidence, firmness, and selfishness make Kirill impregnable. At the same time, he loves a lot of attention. Demanding of himself and the people around him. Often shows stubbornness, severity and firmness towards people. He does not always control his expressions, which is why he can easily offend a stranger.

Name compatibility Kirill

A successful marriage will be with Alla, Elena, Margarita, Oksana, Elvira. Difficult relationships are likely with Ekaterina, Zoya, Irina, Tatyana.

Curious Moral Cheerful

Kirill Andreev, Russian singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Kirill mean?

Kirill sounds very tough and authoritative. The meaning of the name Kirill tells us that this person is so sociable, attractive and disciplined that sometimes you even think: where did he come from?

Basically, it is these character traits that manifest themselves in a boy, and then in a man with that name to a greater extent.

Of course, this interpretation of the characteristics for Kirill looks rather positive, but this is only at first glance. In fact, history shows that a lot depends on childhood and proper upbringing.

The character of the name Kirill can and should be competently influenced: instill love and respect for other people, teach to listen to the feelings of others and look not only at the outer shell, but also at the inner content.

It’s not for nothing that there are diminutive variants – Kiryusha, Kiryunechka, Kira. This means that their owner will be distinguished not only by his ideal appearance, but also by his special inner sensitivity.

Would you name your child this name?

There are two theories describing the origin of the name Kirill, but which one is correct remains only a mystery. According to one version, the name Kirill came to us from ancient Greek Byzantium after the Baptism of Rus'. And it came from a shorter form - Cyrus, which translated from Greek means “lord, lord.” Another origin story suggests that the name was mentioned in Ancient Persia and meant “sun.”

The name Kirill literally exudes strength and authority, and therefore sometimes needs to be softened by some more compliant patronymic.

Otherwise, adult Kira will go through life like a battering ram, sometimes hitting heads. The compatibility of a man with this name with other people will be minimal.

This name is not very common, although not only people bear it, because even one of the strongest hurricanes in 2007, which swept through most of Europe, was named Kirill.

Name forms

Simple: Kirill Full: Kirill Ancient: Kira Affectionate: Kiryusha

The name implies a great degree of seriousness, arrogance and at the same time perfection. Since childhood, Kira has been trying to be the best in everything, to do all tasks flawlessly. He is very inquisitive, does not sit still, and can sometimes drive his parents crazy with his endless “whys.” So the history of the name Kirill shows that these people are really born to “rule”, and, it should be noted, they do it well.

They are demanding both of themselves and of everyone else, so the owners of this name usually do not have very many friends. Outwardly, Kiryusha looks very calm and balanced.

However, few people know that in adolescence, these character traits hide uncertainty and a readiness to fight back at the offender at any time. He tries to always be on guard.

Parents should take a close look at Kira in order to notice this barrier in time and try to instill in their child a sense of humor: this will make it easier for him to look at himself in the eyes of others. You can even reduce this to a game: give a description of some similar situation and explain with a smile what the correct attitude towards it will be.

One can only envy Kirill’s intelligence, ingenuity and ingenuity, because he easily solves the most difficult problems both in life and at work. And if the owner of this name manages to hide (or better yet, extinguish in the bud) his irritability, then he will have no value as a specialist or leader.

The characteristics of the name Cyril endowed its owner with a truly enviable set of qualities: modesty, morality, ambition, good taste, belief in one’s own rightness and one’s strengths.

All these advantages, combined with those that come from the interpretation of his name as “master,” help Kira find and take his place in life, become successful in his career, in his personal life, and in self-development.

Some laziness present in character often pays off with talent and the ability to work under tight deadlines. Having clearly set a goal for himself, Kirill will achieve it no matter what. And his excellent memory, the ability to quickly understand the situation and attention to detail will help him in this (every little thing matters to him).

Character traits



High morality




Hot temper




Ambitious Kirill will often choose his wife so that he can brag about her. Therefore, Kiri's attention will be focused primarily on appearance. Although this does not mean at all that it will turn out bad husband, because he will sincerely love his chosen one.

True, sometimes Kirill will still take out on his family all the negativity accumulated at work (which, by the way, he keeps secret from others), so the family will have to be sensitive in this matter and not take all these attacks to heart or at their own expense. It is worth remembering that this is just a temporary bad mood, nothing more.

According to what the name Kirill means, he, being very popular with women, remains faithful to his wife.

But as if in revenge, he will constantly be jealous of his wife, for whom the origin of this jealousy will be completely incomprehensible. Kirill is distinguished by sensuality, he is capable of arranging romantic surprises for his wife even after 15 years. But it’s better not to expect help with the housework or with the children - in this regard, he is absolutely useless.

The meaning of the name Kirill for a boy

The meaning of the name suggests that the boy has authority and a sense of ownership. True, at first it will not be too noticeable, because all children are attached to their mother, and it is difficult to notice the desire to possess her alone.
The child grows up sociable and smiling, however, he is a little wary of strangers.

Little Kirill is very inquisitive and thoughtful. He is driven by the desire to be the first, the best, which means setting the bar too high for himself and those around him. This child does not see obstacles - the ambitious, persistent, balanced Kirill will definitely achieve success.

What will Kirill achieve success in?

This boy's main motivation in his studies will be the desire to become smarter than others. This should help Kirill take the position of a formal or informal leader in the team. Recognition from adults plays an important role in the formation of Kiryusha's personality. He has excellent intuition and knows how to sense people and guide them competently.

If you have chosen the name Kirill for your son, you should not over-praise him, otherwise he will become arrogant. The role of praise is very important, however, it must be to the point. It is worth teaching your child to perceive with humor any oddities or failures that happen. This will definitely help Kiryusha in life.

What games will Kirill like?

The boy loves games where he is allowed to rule. Thanks to his imagination, Kirill often invents stories, for example, about space invaders or pirates, in order to then become the leader in an exciting game.

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

Common in all European countries male name Kirill has ancient Greek roots. Derived from the name Kyrillos, which comes from the word kyrios, which means “lord”, “lord”, “lord”. There is also a version that it has Persian roots and is translated into Russian as “sun”.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: yellow sapphire
  • Color: dark yellow
  • Tree: fir
  • Plant: crocus
  • Animal: deer
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

Kirill's main character traits are intelligence, curiosity, ambition, and selfishness. He has an excellent memory. In early childhood, the bearer of this name differs from other children in his adult pragmatism and narcissism. He is endowed with high self-esteem and innate aristocratic manners. He looks down on his peers, learns easily, loves to be praised by everyone. In adolescence, he can be irritable.

An adult man named Kirill is hardworking, persistent, and independent. In any company he keeps himself apart, attracting the attention of others. Maximalism in character remains for life. Such a person achieves his goal, but may suddenly lose everything. Has a predisposition to physical manifestations of strength. But he's not a bully at all. Knows how to stand up for himself using personal authority. He is helped out by optimism, intelligence and some mysterious confidence in the correctness decisions taken, which can always be read on the face. This is an unexpected and unpredictable person with an instant reaction to a word or action.

Interests and hobbies

Kirill is so talented that his range of hobbies can begin with boring archaeological excavations and end with the invention of the century. Main hobbies are music, literature, art, architecture, law. Loves to travel, analyze what he sees, share impressions, and dream.

Profession and business

Kirill can handle any profession. He can become an excellent judge, a talented doctor, an unsurpassed lawyer, and realize himself as a creative person. Deep knowledge, the ability to analyze, faith in one’s own strength and daily work help him to assert himself in his work.

As a leader, such a person may be overly demanding, but this is explained by passion for a project or idea, and a desire for perfect results. He rarely becomes truly rich, but he never needs money.


Kirill has a strong immune system from birth. However, health depends on mental state. Positive emotions, satisfaction with work, and position in society make him a long-liver. But if he collects a lot of negative energy, he develops nervous breakdowns, cancer, depression.

Sex and love

The secret of the name Kirill hides a very amorous man. He considers sex great pleasure. He likes smart and spectacular women. In relationships with the opposite sex he adheres to moral principles. In marriage, faithful and reliable, however, touchy and vindictive. You can sympathize with a woman who thoughtlessly and undeservedly offended a person with this name.

Family and marriage

Kirill marries early and for love. Charmingly looks after women. In the family he seeks peace, mutual understanding and protection. At home he is like a soldier, follows his wife’s instructions, but is careful with initiative. She can't stand her mother-in-law. His family rarely has many children.

Interpretation of a loved one Orthodox Church The name Kirill says that its bearer is “lord”, “master”.

Origin of the name

In ancient Greece there was a nickname Kirillos (translated as “lord”), from which the Christian name Kirill was subsequently formed. In time immemorial, the meaning of a name for a child indicated that its bearer belonged to a noble family.

general characteristics

Kiryusha is an obedient and sweet boy; raising him will be a joy for his parents. Adults are delighted with this inquisitive little one; communication with him leaves no one indifferent. Kirochka develops intellectually faster than other children; he easily learns to read and write.

The boy does not get along with his peers; his desire to always speak and hear only the truth, as well as the eternal desire to be better than others, prevent him from making friends with anyone. An adult environment is more pleasant for the vain Kirill - here he can show his talents, knowing that they will be admired and not envied.

At school, Kir often studies well and doesn’t let anyone cheat, which is why his classmates don’t like the upstart. Excessive teacher praise does not benefit Kirill: the boy may develop selfishness and a tendency toward narcissism.

Positive character traits

From an early age, Kirill strives for primacy; he wants to be a leader in everything. Patience and perseverance always help a youngster achieve his goal. In addition, the guy is endowed with extraordinary intelligence, thanks to which he successfully develops his career.

Kirk is always optimistic - the cheerful and smiling owner of the name can rarely be seen frowning. The man is non-conflict, he tries in every possible way to avoid unpleasant situations. However, if it is necessary to defend his honor, he will not be afraid to do so.

Negative character traits

At the expense of those around him, the young man asserts himself: if he is often encouraged with laudatory speeches, he can become arrogant, become overly self-confident, and selfish.

In his desire to take a leadership position, Kirill will not be content with little, he is used to the fact that he either gets everything, or the work is not worth it, so he often misses out on lucrative offers.

Kirill is characterized by narcissism; he devotes a lot of time to his appearance, tries to ensure that every detail in his appearance is perfect, and expects laudatory speeches from everyone around him.

Zodiac sign

The bearer of the name Kirill has a contradictory disposition, so it is better to give this nickname to a baby born in the sign of the judicious Capricorn.
Saturn, which occupies an important position in karmic astrology, will become the baby’s patron.
Dark yellow shades of clothes suit Kirillushka.
Sapphire will be a powerful protective amulet for the owner of a powerful nickname.


Kiryusha, Kiryushik, Kiryushka, Kiryushenka, Kira, Kiryukha, Kirilo, Kir, Kirillushka, Kerya, Kirka.

Name options

Cyril, Cirillo, Ciril, Cirillo, Cirillo, Seril, Uiril, Cyril, Cyrillos, Tsiril, Tsiril, Cirilo, Kirel, Ciriel.

Historical figures

376 – 444 – Egyptian polemicist, theologian Cyril of Alexandria
1876 ​​- 1938 - son of Prince Vladimir Alexandrovich (Romanov dynasty) Kirill.
1914 – 1981 – conductor Kirill Kondrashin.
1925 – 2007 – actor Kirill Lavrov.
1936 – 2009 – ballet dancer and writer Kirill Laskari.
1965 – 2015 – Belgian and Soviet rock musician Kirill Pokrovsky.
Born 1975 – Estonian and Russian actor Kirill Kyaro.
Born 1969 – theater and film director Kirill Serebrennikov.
born 1975 – Russian athlete Kirill Sosunov.
Born 1983 – rap artist Kirill Tolmatsky (pseudonym “Decl”).
Born 1987 – Latvian footballer Kirill Elkin.
Born 1986 – Russian football player Kirill Nababkin.
Russian actors: Kirill Pirogov (born 1973), Kirill Zhandarov (born 1983), Kirill Pletnev (born 1979), Kirill Safonov (born 1973).

Name day

January 31
February 17, 27
March 18, 22, 31
April 03, 11
May 11, 17, 23, 24
03, 22, 30 June
July 22
September 19
October 11
November 11, 20
December 15, 21.


  1. V. A. Nikonov (V. A. Nikonov). "Looking for a name" (Looking at the name). Ed. "Soviet Russia". Moscow, 1988. ISBN
  2. N. A. Petrovsky (N. A. Petrovsky). "Dictionary of Russian personal names" (Dictionary of Russian names). LLC Publishing House "AST". Moscow, 2005.