Fatal love of Nadezhda Alliluyeva. Why did Stalin's wife shoot herself? Stalin raised the pistol from which Nadezhda Alliluyeva shot herself and said: “ I was a bad husband, I had no time to take her to the cinema Why did Alliluyeva commit suicide

Stalin's wife was an outstanding woman with a difficult fate and personal life, his wife knew everything about his character and the dark side of his soul. Many people know about Joseph Stalin, as a politician and leader of the USSR, much less is known about the other side of Stalin's biography: his wife and. In fact, Joseph Vissarionovich was a terrible womanizer, albeit in his youth. It is noteworthy that all close people of the Soviet leader had a sad fate. Until now, their life is shrouded in myths and conjectures of historians.

When Joseph was 27 years old, he married a Georgian 21-year-old girl Ekaterina Kato. The personal life of Stalin's wife was filled with real feelings and romance, then still a kind and carefree future revolutionary. They were in love with each other. Catherine's brother was one of Stalin's best friends, with whom they attended the seminary at the church together. At the time of the wedding, Stalin was hiding from Soviet power, so the couple had to perform a mysterious wedding in the Tiflis monastery. This marriage was based on mutual love and respect, but according to the law of fate, it turned out to be very short. Catherine managed to give birth to Joseph's son Jacob, and at the age of 22 she died of typhus in the arms of Joseph. Rumor has it that the heartbroken Stalin said at the funeral that his love for all mankind died along with Catherine. The authenticity of these words remains in question. But during the time of repression, he dealt with all of Catherine's relatives.

Stalin's first son Yakov Dzhugashvili

The son of Ekaterina Kato and Joseph Stalin was raised by close relatives of Ekaterina. At the age of 14, when Stalin was already married for the second time, father and son met. Stalin did not have warm feelings for Yakov, he called him a "wolf cub." Rumor has it that he was even jealous of his second wife. Their age difference was only 5 years. Jacob was brought up in severity, his father punished him for any trifle. It even happened that Joseph did not let the “wolf cub” home. At the age of 18, Jacob went against the will of his father and got married. After that family relationships spoiled at the end. Yakov even tried to shoot himself, but survived. At the beginning of the summer of 1941, Yakov left for the front, and later ended up in German captivity and died in captivity in 1943.

Stalin's second wife - Nadezhda Alliluyeva

The second and last time the "Soviet leader" married at the age of 40. His wife was Nadezhda Alliluyeva, who was 23 years younger than Joseph. At that time, Nadezhda had just graduated from high school, she was madly in love with a revolutionary. In his younger years, Joseph Stalin had a warm relationship with his mother, Nadezhda, who later became his mother-in-law. The personal life of Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva was not as happy as expected. Over time, their relationship became simply unbearable. According to some sources, Joseph was gentle at home, and Nadezhda tried to introduce strict discipline in the family. According to others, Stalin was a boor, and Nadezhda endured his humiliation. In the fall of 1932, the couple went to dinner with Voroshilov, where Joseph and Nadezhda had a fight. Nadezhda returned home alone, where she committed suicide by shooting herself in the chest. At the time of her death, Nadezhda Alliluyeva was 31 years old.

Stalin's second son Vasily Dzhugashvili

Nadezhda Alliluyeva gave birth to the "Soviet leader" of two heirs: Vasily and Svetlana. At the time of her death, the children were 12 and 6 years old. The upbringing of children was carried out by nannies and Stalin's guards. It is reported that it was precisely because of the influence of the guards that Vasily began to smoke and drink alcohol early. Four official wives of Vasily Stalin are known:

  • Galina Burdonskaya;
  • Ekaterina Timoshenko;
  • Kapitolina Vasiliev;
  • Maria Nusberg.

Vasily Stalin more than once during his service in Soviet army received disciplinary action. He died in the spring of 1962 from alcohol poisoning.

Joseph Stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva

The only daughter of the "Soviet leader" was his favorite. But it was she who was the most problematic. After the death of Joseph Vissarionovich, Svetlana fled to the United States, where until last days life endured moral humiliation for the name of her father. In Russia, she left two children who at the time of the flight were 16 and 20 years old. However, they told reporters that they did not consider her a mother. In the USA, Svetlana got married and became Lana Peters, she had another daughter, Olga. Svetlana Alliluyeva died in 2011 in a nursing home. In addition to children born in an official marriage, Joseph Stalin had another adopted son and two illegitimate ones. Distance from the famous father allowed them to build a happier life.

Adopted son of Joseph Stalin Artem Sergeev

Artem's father was the famous Bolshevik and friend of Joseph Stalin "Comrade Artem". He died when Artem was only 3 months old. Stalin took the boy to him. Artem became good friends with Stalin's son Vasily. But they were complete opposites: Artem was obedient and studied well, Vasily was distinguished by bad behavior from childhood. At the request of Joseph Stalin himself, there was a strict attitude towards Artyom at the Artillery Academy. Artem rose to the rank of a great military commander, retired as a major general. Artem Sergeev died in 2008.

In 1953, but his children continued to live. Their fate has always been twisted by him and his character.

Girl from Baku


As the Alliluyev family legend says, once two-year-old Nadya was playing on the embankment, she stumbled and fell into the sea. From imminent death, the girl was saved by a 23-year-old young Georgian - Iosif Dzhugashvili.

After some time, her family moved to St. Petersburg. There, 16-year-old Alliluyeva meets Dzhugashvili again, who has just returned from Siberian exile. A young girl falls in love with a dashing revolutionary who was more than 20 years older than her.

Two characters

By that time, the future leader of the peoples, who took the pseudonym Stalin, had not only experience in the revolutionary struggle, but also a short marriage with Ekaterina Svanidze. His wife dies six months later, leaving him with his five-month-old son Yakov in his arms. Relatives took care of the first-born, while the father himself, immersed in the abyss of the struggle for the rights of workers, practically did not pay attention to the upbringing of the heir.

Alliluyeva, who fell in love with Stalin, was not embarrassed by the presence of his young son. In the spring of 1919, at the height of the civil war, they officially register their marriage. Nadezhda was 18 years old, Joseph was almost 40. A long-established personality, he had an imperious character and did not like objections.

The 18-year-old Alliluyeva, who fell into his hands, meekly looking at him with brown eyes full of love and adoration, he wanted to rebuild in his own way, to make him an unquestioningly obedient and faithful girlfriend who does not dare to object to his decisions.

Dictator's wife

In the late 1920s, Stalin emerges victorious from the fierce internal party struggle and concentrates power in his hands. Despite the fact that the leader of the peoples could afford whatever he wanted, he kept his wife in a black body. Alliluyeva's belongings, which were kept in the family until the 1950s, were worn out and covered with patches, according to eyewitnesses who were in their house.

She herself was a restrained person, she hid a lot in herself. Stalin, on the other hand, was a fan of feasts, often lasting all night long. He rightly believed that drunks loosen their tongues, which means that at such moments they can say something that for one reason or another you will not hear from them sober.

"I don't hey!"

In 1926, Nadezhda's patience snapped: she took the children and went to her father in Leningrad. She did not want to return to her husband. But she soon changed her mind. According to some historians, she decided to take such a step because of fear of the leader.

Others claim that Alliluyeva still loved her husband and did not want to part, no matter how difficult their relationship was. living together. However, the relationship continued to fray at the seams.

Nadezhda found it increasingly difficult to live with an autocratic leader of peoples who did not tolerate any criticism.

The tragic denouement came on November 7, 1932, at a banquet on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the October Revolution. According to eyewitnesses, Alliluyeva did not want to drink alcohol, then Stalin rudely ordered his wife, "Hey, you, drink!" "I don't hey!" she replied. The enraged leader of the peoples threw orange peels in her face.

She immediately left the banquet and went home. No one else saw her alive. On November 9, Nadezhda was found dead in a Kremlin apartment. A pistol of the "Walter" system was found next to her. According to the official version, she committed suicide.

Causes of the tragedy

The death of the wife of the leader of the peoples left many mysteries. One of the main ones is what pushed Alliluyeva to suicide. According to Stalin's granddaughter Galina Dzhugashvili, the reason is in the very incident at the banquet in honor of the October Revolution. After a quarrel, Nadezhda left for the Kremlin apartment, and her husband went to the dacha. She tried several times to contact her husband that evening, but he hung up and did not answer the phone again.

“The grandfather could not foresee how this would turn out,” the granddaughter of the leader of the peoples later recalled.

According to another version, family troubles have nothing to do with it. According to Stalin's adopted son Artem Sergeev, the reason for the suicide was health problems. Alliluyeva was tormented by terrible headaches due to improper fusion of the bones of the cranial vault. Unable to endure the suffering, she committed suicide. However, a quarrel with her husband, of course, could worsen the already difficult emotional state of a woman.


Another version of the tragedy is jealousy. As Vyacheslav Molotov testified, Nadezhda was very jealous and often completely unreasonably suspected her husband of having relationships with other women. In turn, Nikita Khrushchev said that on that fateful night, after the celebration of the 15th anniversary of October, the leader of the peoples did not come home to spend the night. Alliluyeva began to call the dacha, where she was informed that her husband was in the company of a certain beautiful woman. Hearing this, she allegedly committed suicide.

“Discontent and irritation, driven inside, compressed inside more and more like a spring, should, in the end, inevitably end in an explosion,” Svetlana Alliluyeva, the daughter of the leader of the peoples, later wrote about her mother.


However, people who knew Nadezhda completely rejected the suicide version: in their opinion, Alliluyeva could have been killed. Such an explanation of what happened gained popularity during perestroika, when it became "fashionable, progressive and democratic" to slander the leader of the peoples and his era in every possible way.

So, some argued that she was shot almost on the personal orders of her husband. He was allegedly informed that Nadezhda was connected with the notorious enemies of the people. According to another version, which serious historians consider completely absurd, the leader's wife allegedly had a relationship with his son from his first marriage, Jacob. Upon learning of this, Stalin personally killed his wife.

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Stalin and Alliluyeva

Stalin and Alliluyeva

Iosif Dzhugashvili was born in 1879 in the Georgian city of Gori, Tiflis province and came from the lower class. From his youth he was a professional revolutionary. His pseudonym is Stalin. He became a Soviet state, political and military leader, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union communist party(Bolsheviks) since 1922, head of the Soviet government (Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars since 1941, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR since 1946), Generalissimo of the Soviet Union.

On the night of July 16, 1906, twenty-seven-year-old Joseph Dzhugashvili married twenty-year-old Ekaterina Svanidze in the St. David Church in Tiflis. They were secretly married by a classmate of Koba at the seminary, priest Christisiy Khinvaleli. Catherine was already expecting a child and gave birth to him in 1907. It was the eldest son of Stalin, Yakov. Three years later, his wife died of typhus. During the funeral of his wife, Stalin's mind went haywire, and when the coffin with Kato was lowered into the grave, Stalin jumped in and was pulled back with difficulty. At her grave, Stalin told those around him that a cold stone had entered his heart. He lost all sympathy for people. Stalin's first child, Yakov Dzhugashvili, was raised by Kato's mother.

Yakov was captured by the Germans during World War II. In 1943, Yakov was shot dead in the German concentration camp Sachsenhausen while trying to escape. Yakov was married three times and had a son, Evgeny, this direct male line of the Dzhugashvili family still exists.

In 1919, Stalin married for the second time. His new wife was the eighteen-year-old daughter of the Russian revolutionary Sergei Alliluyev. She was born in Baku, her childhood was spent in the Caucasus. In St. Petersburg, she studied at the gymnasium.

Stalin had known the Alliluyev family since the late 1890s. According to family tradition, young Joseph saved Nadezhda when she fell into the sea from the embankment in Baku. It was in 1903, Nadia was just a baby.

Nadya's father, Sergei Yakovlevich Alliluyev, had been a party member since 1896 and actively participated in the revolutionary movement. His apartment in Petrograd was constantly used by the Bolsheviks for secret meetings. After February 1917, Stalin came from Turukhansk exile to Petrograd and lived with S.Ya. Alliluyeva. It was then that Stalin met Nadya again. An affair began between him, a thirty-eight-year-old revolutionary, and a sixteen-year-old girl. The romantic girl could not help but be carried away by the revolutionary hero, as he seemed to her in that time full of adventures, tragedies and victories.

In 1918, Nadezhda began working at the Council of People's Commissars as a secretary-typist. In the same year, Stalin was sent to Tsaritsyn as an emergency commissioner for the food supply of the Eastern Front. Nadezhda, as part of Stalin's secretariat, accompanied him with her father. On this trip, they got to know each other better. In 1918 they got married. Their marriage was officially registered on March 24, 1919.

In 1921, a son, Vasily, was born in the family, and in 1926, a daughter, Svetlana. Nadia at this time actively participated in social work. The main responsibility for caring for the girl lay with the teacher.

Nadezhda was an extremely modest woman. Since 1929, she studied at the Industrial Academy at the Faculty of Textile Industry. Over the years, Nadezhda became more and more actively involved in public life.

The marriage of Stalin with Alliluyeva cannot be called happy. He was mostly busy with work. He spent most of his time in the Kremlin. His wife clearly lacked his attention. She left him several times with her children Vasily and Svetlana, and shortly before her death she even talked about her moving to relatives after graduating from the Industrial Academy. Of course, she was aware of her husband's affairs.

On the night of November 8-9, 1932, Nadezhda Alliluyeva passed away. She committed suicide in her Kremlin apartment. Newspapers printed a message that N.S. Alliluyeva "suddenly died." The cause of death was not mentioned. It is generally accepted that the reason for her suicide was the exacerbation of the disease. She often suffered from severe headaches. She appears to have had a malalignment of the cranial bones, and suicide is not uncommon in such cases.

In her memoirs, daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva testified: “... Father was shocked by what happened ... because he did not understand: why? ... He asked others: was he inattentive? Didn't he respect her as a wife, as a person?... The first days he was shocked. He said that he himself did not want to live anymore ... They were afraid to leave his father alone, in such a state he was.

N.S. Alliluyeva was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. Stalin did not attend the funeral. Subsequently, he came several times at night to Novodevichy and for a long time silently sat by the grave on a marble bench set opposite the monument.

Son Vasily became an officer of the Soviet air force, participated in command positions in the Great Patriotic war. After the war, he led the air defense of the Moscow region with the rank of lieutenant general. After Stalin's death, he was arrested and died shortly after his release in 1960. Daughter Svetlana applied for political asylum at the United States Embassy in Delhi on March 6, 1967, and moved to the United States the same year. She died in the USA in 2011.

This text is an introductory piece.

Myth number 5. Frequently meeting with Stalin, AL. Beria got into his confidence and sought appointment to the post of People's Commissar of Internal Affairs, although Stalin's wife, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, was the first to see through Beria and could not stand him, but Iosif Vissarionovich did not believe her. And this is also complete

Myth No. 99. Stalin was born on December 21, 1879 Myth No. 100, Stalin showed himself to be a villain because he was born on December 21. The first myth is one of the most enduring and harmless in all anti-Stalinism. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was personally involved in the emergence of the myth. It happened

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Myth No. 118. Stalin deliberately built a regime of one-man power. Myth No. 119. For the sake of establishing a regime of sole power, Stalin destroyed the "Leninist Guard". To be honest, the following name would be most correct for this myth - "Why should not Bebel be confused with

Svetlana Alliluyeva 20 letters to a friend In memory of my mother These letters were written in the summer of 1963 in the village of Zhukovka, not far from Moscow, within thirty-five days. The free form of letters allowed me to be absolutely sincere, and I consider what is written to be a confession. Then I don't

NADEZHDA ALLILUEVA CORRESPONDENCE WITH WIFE, 1930. Comrade Stalin is awarded the second Order of the Red Banner for his great services on the front of socialist construction. And, indeed, his merits are truly enormous. The course towards collectivization is being successfully carried out

THE KREMLIN BANQUET Stalin and Alliluyeva In the house of Nadezhda Alliluyeva and Joseph Stalin, a woman from the Baltic Germans, Karolina Vasilievna Til, served as a housekeeper. She was the first to see Nadezhda Sergeevna on the floor in a pool of blood, when it was still unclear whether it was murder or

Nadezhda Alliluyeva. I love you, Joseph Stalin Nadezhda put her glass on the table without taking a sip of wine. - Hey, you! Drink! - Shouted Stalin. - I'm not hey! she answered, raising her voice a little, and at the same moment orange peels flew into her face. Slowly, very slowly

N. S. Alliluyeva - I.V. Stalin (September 12, 1930) Hello, Joseph! I received the letter. Thank you for the lemons, of course, come in handy. We live well, but quite already in winter - tonight it was minus 7 Celsius. In the morning all the roofs were completely white with frost. It is very good that you

N. S. Alliluyeva to I. V. Stalin (September 19, 1930) Hello, Joseph! How are you? Arriving t.t. (Ukhanov and someone else) say that you look and feel very bad. I know that you are getting better (this is from letters). On this occasion, the Molotovs attacked me with

N.S. Alliluyeva - to I. V. Stalin (September 30, 1930) Hello, Joseph! Once again I start with the same thing - I received a letter. I'm glad you're doing well in the southern sun. It’s not bad in Moscow now either, the weather has improved, but there is a certain autumn in the forest. The day goes by quickly. As long as everyone is healthy.

N. S. Alliluyeva - to I. V. Stalin (October 6, 1930) Something from you no news in Lately. I asked Dvinsky about the mail, he said that he had not been there for a long time. Probably, the trip to the quail carried away, or just too lazy to write. And in Moscow there is already a snow blizzard. Now it's spinning all over.

Joseph Stalin and Nadezhda Alliluyeva Historians still cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion: did Nadezhda Alliluyeva, the wife of the tyrant and "leader of all peoples" Joseph Stalin, end her life by suicide, or did her husband himself give the order to eliminate her? One who does not flinch

Svetlana Alliluyeva May 8, 1961 Dear darling Vladimir Alekseevich! Excuse such a free address to you, but, really, after reading your wonderful lyrical stories, I want to call you as affectionately as possible, as far as possible in an official letter from the reader to

NADIA ALLILUEVA The devotion of a dog and the devotion of a wife So strangely, so tragically similar. For a husband's sin - guilty without guilt. Unhappy husband - wife unhappy too. Dictator, and fanatic, and executioner! That's how he is at work. At the parade. But next to him I hear the quiet cry of his wife,

21 December. Stalin was born (1879), Ivan Ilyin died (1954) Stalin, Ilyin and the brotherhood To tell the truth, the author of these lines does not favor the magic of numbers, calendars and birthdays. Brezhnev was born on December 19, Stalin and Saakashvili - on the 21st, the Cheka and I - on the 20th, and who am I after that? True, my big

Stalin's first wife, Ekaterina Svanidze, died in 1907. She was the ideal companion of the future leader - humble, unquestioning, inconspicuous. Svanidze died in 1907. Stalin's mistake was that after 10 years of loneliness, he married a rebellious, active and independent girl. Her name was Nadezhda Alliluyeva. A photo of Stalin's wife, a biography, versions of the reasons for her death - all this is presented in the article.


Dzhugashvili's mother insisted that he should come to Georgia and find himself a suitable bride. But he didn't like the idea. How will a simple peasant girl look next to the wives of her comrades-in-arms, educated women, by no means stupid? Dzhugashvili thought for a long time and finally drew attention to Nadya Alliluyeva.

According to family tradition, in 1903 Stalin saved a two-year-old girl when she fell into the water while walking along the embankment. It was in the Caucasus, where the Alliluyevs then lived. After 14 years, they met again. Stalin then came to Petrograd and for some time lived in the apartment of his future wife's family. He was 38. Nadezhda Alliluyeva was barely 16.

Brief biographical note

Nadezhda Alliluyeva was born in 1901 in the family of a revolutionary worker. Her mother was German. The father, according to the daughter of Stalin and Alliluyeva, is a gypsy. In 1932, Stalin's second wife committed suicide. The mystery of her death has not been solved to this day.


In February 1918, Nadezhda left the gymnasium. She got a job as a typist in Lenin's secretariat. In March of the same year, she married Dzhugashvili. Then she had not yet reached her majority. According to the law issued by Stalin years later, such a marriage is invalid.

Hope grew among the Bolsheviks, with young years was embraced by revolutionary ideas. However, she quickly matured after seeing the bloodshed that the war led to. Why did the girl marry a man who treated her, as eyewitnesses claimed, in a boorish way, if not rudely? Also, was he 20 years older? Marriage of convenience?

Contemporaries claimed that Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva was a modest person. There are several versions regarding her relationship to her husband. But many researchers, authors of biographies of Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva, argue that she really was in love with the leader of the revolution.

Father and daughter

Their second meeting took place at a difficult time. Civil War, confusion, terror ... The gymnasium where Nadya studied was closed. The father was engaged in the revolution, the mother was rarely at home. Nadezhda Alliluyeva became Stalin's wife because she needed someone to lean on. In addition, the tyrant of the 20th century was a rather pleasant person, according to those who had a chance to communicate with him. With women, he knew how to be courteous, distinguished by eloquence, wit.

There is a scandalous version about the reason for Alliluyeva's suicide. Her mother was very promiscuous in relationships with men. In the early 1900s, she also had relations with Dzhugashvili. Alliluyeva committed suicide after she found out that she was the daughter of her husband.

Married to a tyrant

In 1921, the son Vasily was born. 5 years later - Svetlana. Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva could have had more children. She had about ten abortions. In those days, as you know, abortions were performed without anesthesia and were an extremely unpleasant procedure for a woman.

In the book dedicated to Stalin's wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva, there is such a scene: in a foreign hospital, the doctor, examining the heroine, utters the phrase: "Poor thing, you live with a real animal." These words, of course, would never have been dared to be uttered by any Soviet doctor. And did some nameless doctor really say them? Perhaps this is just an invention of Trifonova. But, of course, living with the tyrant Alliluyeva was not easy.

Over the years it became more and more closed. Biography, personal life of Nadezhda Alliluyeva - many books are devoted to this topic. But they are written on the basis of assumptions, versions, conjectures. The life of Nadezhda Alliluyeva, like everything connected with the name of Joseph Stalin, is shrouded in secrets. Of course, many letters have been preserved. In them, oddly enough, Stalin is very gentle, and his wife is restrained and cold. At the same time, according to Alliluyeva's daughter, another quarrel with her husband prompted her mother to commit suicide.

There is a version that Stalin's second wife suffered from a mental disorder. Doctors diagnosed her mother with schizophrenia, which Joseph Vissarionovich found out about after his marriage. Nadezhda Alliluyeva did not have this disease. But often she had sharp mood swings. And in the early thirties, she attended church more and more often, which at that time was akin to madness.

Confessions of a dictator

Stalin could not help but know that his wife had become religious. Moreover, his close associates also knew about regular trips to the temple. How did the leader of the Soviet state feel about this? The mother of Joseph Dzhugashvili dreamed that her only, beloved son would become a priest. He himself studied at the theological seminary, but did not graduate from it.

Some historians claim that Stalin's wife could not attend church, and all this is nothing more than idle rumors. However, before his death, in March 1953, the Generalissimo went to confession. The veracity of this story is confirmed by many facts.

Under Khrushchev, the priest was interrogated a lot, but he, despite the threats, did not betray the secret of confession. Probably, Stalin experienced pangs of conscience. He had many faults. But what tormented the generalissimo most of all before his death? Guilt before the people or before the dead wife? No one will answer this question.


Let's return to the version of Nadezhda Alliluyeva's mental illness. She was an easily excitable, nervous person. In addition, she suffered from terrible headaches. Many legends have been created about the personal life of Nadezhda Alliluyeva. They said that she was incredibly jealous, hard going through her husband's infidelity. But she decided to commit suicide not because of problems in her personal life. Nadezhda Alliluyeva suffered from a severe brain disease caused by improper fusion of the bones of the cranial vault. Among people with a similar diagnosis, suicidal ideation is not uncommon.

Unbearable burden

Nadezhda Alliluyeva saw that life was changing, but it was not changing for the better. She did not like collectivization, the lack of food in the store. In November 1927, a participant in the revolutionary movement, diplomat Adolf Yoffe, committed suicide. He was ill. But everyone knew that Joffe was a supporter of Trotsky, and reprisals awaited him. Nadezhda Alliluyeva was with a diplomat in good relations. She went to Yoffe's funeral and there she heard indignant remarks about her husband's dictatorial policies.

She had not been a good housewife before, but in the second half of the twenties she began to devote less and less time to home and children, plunging into social life. Arrests began, many of the prisoners and the executed were her acquaintances. Alliluyeva tried to help them...

Stalin did not need such a wife. In his understanding, a woman should be silent, cook dinner, raise children and in no case start talking about politics. They moved further and further away from each other. The most plausible version of the reason for Alliluyeva's suicide can be formulated as follows: she did not cope with the role of the tyrant's wife.


On the night of November 8-9, 1932, Stalin's wife shot herself in the heart with a Walter pistol. Her husband was asleep at the time. The maid, seeing the body of Alliluyeva in a pool of blood, called her relatives. When everyone gathered, they woke up Stalin. He went into his wife's room, raised the gun and said: "Wow, a toy, he shot once a year."

All relatives of Alliluyeva were arrested. Stalin took revenge on them for the betrayal of his wife - that is how he regarded her departure from life.

Her name was Ekaterina Semyonovna Svanidze or simply Kato. She was born in 1885, 7 years later than her future chosen one. Catherine came from a noble family, but, as Andrei Galchuk writes in the publication Amazing Russia, at the very beginning of the 1900s she was an ordinary day laborer, that is, she made a living by washing, ironing and sewing for strangers. It was at that moment that fate brought her to Joseph. This happened thanks to Kato's brother Alexander, whom relatives called simply Alyosha.

Alyosha Svanidze studied at the Tiflis Theological Seminary with Joseph Dzhugashvili. Moreover, they were friends. Therefore, it is not surprising that one day Alyosha invited Stalin to visit him. Alexander was well aware of the political position of his friend, therefore, according to the author of the book “Stalin. The life of one leader ”Oleg Khlevnyuk, tried with all his might to protect his 3 sisters from this information. However, the girls were not too interested. Moreover, the appearance of the guest, according to Edward Radzinsky (“Joseph Stalin. Beginning”), did not make any impression on them. But Dzhugashvili himself was struck by the beauty of one of Alyosha Kato's sisters.