How to prepare a child for school, and where can this be done? Home preparation of children for school: developmental tasks, games, exercises, tests. Psychological and emotional preparation of children for school: testing Preparation for school program of classes for children

Dear parents! We have developed an optimal course for preparing your child for school, which includes 2 stages:
1. Development: Mathematical intelligence + speech development for children 4 - 5 years old.
2. Preparation for school for children 5.5 - 6 years old who will go to grade 1 in 2018-2019.

Our school preparation program takes into account all aspects of a child's development: intellectual, emotional-volitional, social, personal. Classes are held taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of preschool children. During the classes, a frequent change of activity is used, so the children have more time and learn.

Classes are conducted by experienced teachers, the purpose of which is to teach the child to learn independently, to develop an interest in knowledge and an inquisitive mind.

    School preparation classes are aimed at:

  • sensory development (development of perception: colors, shapes, sizes, space and time)
  • speech development (formation of speech utterance, development of vocabulary, coherent speech, grammatical structure of the language, reading)
  • development of higher mental functions (attention, thinking, memory, speech, imagination)
  • formation mathematical representations(count and quantity, geometric figures, magnitude and orientation in space)
  • development of motor skills (graphic exercises, shading, cutting out)
  • social development of the child (communication skills)
  • development of the emotional sphere
  • aesthetic development

    The preschool program in our centers includes classes in the following areas:

  • Development of speech, reading, alphabet
  • Math steps, teaching counting and logic
  • Knowledge of the world
  • Educational games and exercises
  • Preparing your hand for writing
  • Literacy education

Target: give general concept about human speech, the formation of positive motivation for cognitive activity. Formation of graphic skills. Repetition and writing of letters A, O, U, Y, I.

Material: hedgehog, cat, dog, worksheet. Cards with letters A, O, U. Pencils.

- Here-knock-knock! Oh, guys, who is coming to us? (show children a hedgehog)
- Hedgehog, why did you come to us?
- Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu!
- Guys, did you understand anything that the hedgehog said?
- Hedgehog, repeat again.
- Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu!
- Nothing is clear.
- Meow meow meow.
Oh, who came to us? (teacher pulls a cat out from under the table)
- Woof woof woof.
Oh, who else is coming to us? (teacher pulls a dog out from under the table)
- Guys, did you understand what the animals told us? (no) And I didn't understand.
- Do you understand me? (Yes). Come on, let's play on the carpet.
- Let's jump, stomp, clap. You understand me, because we have human speech, with the help of it we communicate with you.

The teacher asks the children to name an action in turn. Children call and perform it together with the teacher (we will dance, spin, etc.).

- You speak and everyone understands you too. Why do we need speech? To communicate. But what if people are far from each other? You can write a letter. Writing is also speech, which we write down using letters. We will learn how to competently master our speech: speak correctly, write words and sentences, and also read!
- Listen to the words that I will tell you now: STORK, ABC, ARKA. What sound do these words begin with? That's right, from the sound of A.
- And this is the letter that stands for the sound A. (The teacher shows a card with the letter A). Circle the letter with your finger. Draw with your finger on the table. Draw with me in the air.
- Now listen to the following words and name the first sound: CLOUD, DONKEY, WASPS.
- What sound did you hear? Sound O. And this is the letter O, which means the sound O in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter O). What does this letter look like?

- Today we will remember one more sound and letter. Listen to the words and highlight the first sound: UM, DUCK, MUSCLE.
- What sound did you hear? This is the sound U. And this is the letter U, which stands for the sound U in writing. (The teacher shows a card with the letter U).
- Circle the letter Y with your finger. Draw on the table. Draw in the air.
- And now we will write all these letters!

Children in the worksheets circle the letters A O U. The teacher makes sure that the children move from left to right and from top to bottom, not skipping letters in the lines.

- Listen to the words that I will now tell you: NEEDLE, TURKEY. What sound do these words begin with? That's right, from the sound of I.
- And this is the letter that stands for the sound I. (The teacher shows a card with the letter I). Circle the letter with your finger. Draw with your finger on the table. Draw with me in the air.
- Now listen to the following words and name the same sound that occurs in each word: SOAP, BULL, LYNX, SKI.
- What sound did you hear? Y sound. And this is the letter Ы, which means the sound Ы on the letter. (The teacher shows a card with the letter Y). What does this letter look like?
- Circle the letter with your finger. Draw on the table. Draw in the air.
- Circle the letters Y, Y on the worksheets.

Children in the worksheets circle the letters Y, I. The teacher makes sure that the child's hand moves from left to right and from top to bottom, not skipping letters in the lines.

Learning to read. Sound analysis of words. Sound And


The teacher invites the children to name what is drawn in the pictures.

- Color the objects whose names begin with the sound I.
What pictures will you color? Why?
- Pronounce the words so that the sound Yi can be heard well.

Learning to read. Sound analysis of words. Place of sound Y in words

Material: worksheet, colored pencils.

- I know, and you know that there are no words that begin with the sound Y.
- But in words this sound occurs often. It can be heard in the middle or at the end of a word.
- Make up your own words with the sound Y, and say where the sound is, in the middle or at the end.
- If the sound Ы is in the middle of the word - put a dot in the middle of the line with a red pencil, if at the end of the word - at the end of the line.
- Thank you guys for introducing Masha to the sounds and letters Y, I.

We draw the attention of children that in the word skiing the sound Ы is in the middle and at the end of the word.

Number row. Count up to 20

Let's count to 20 with you. Get your pens ready. We will clap our hands with you and count together in chorus for each clap.

The teacher counts with the children.

Mobile game. Days of the week

Children become in a circle.

On Monday I swam (depicting swimming)

And on Tuesday I painted. (Depicting drawing)

On Wednesday, I washed my face for a long time, (we wash our faces)

And played football on Thursday. (Running in place)

On Friday I jumped, ran, (jump)

I danced for a very long time. (circling in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (clapping hands)

I rested all day. (Children squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep)

Mathematics "Equality and Inequality"

Target: to form the ability to understand quantitative relationships between numbers within 10, write them down using the signs "equal" and "unequal".

materials: a bowl with 5 apples and 5 carrots per child (either wooden or cut out of cardboard), signs = and, 2 plates per child. Bunny is a toy.

1. Harvest.

- Let's help the bunny harvest.
- Place 1 apple on one plate and 1 carrot on the other. How many apples? How many carrots? (One by one). So apples and carrots are equally divided.
- In order to show that the number of items is the same, the "equal" sign is used.

The teacher shows the sign to the children.

Put this sign between the plates.

- It turned out one is equal to one.
- Put another apple on a plate with an apple. Is it possible to leave an equal sign? (No)
- Why? (Two is not equal to one).
- Right. In order to show that the number of items is not equal to each other, the sign "unequal" is used.

The teacher shows the appropriate sign.

What is the difference between the signs "equal" and "unequal"?
- Let's put an inequality sign between the plates now.
- It turned out two is not equal to one.
- Put another carrot on the plate. What sign should be placed? (Equalities)

The children read the text on their own.

- And now put the carrots and apples on the plates yourself and put the desired sign between them, read the entry.

2. The teacher gives out a worksheet.

Look at the task with carrots. Put an equal or inequality sign between the carrots.

The world. Vegetables and fruits

Target: development of mental actions of analysis-synthesis, generalization.

Material: replicas of vegetables and fruits that are in a bag, two bowls.

The teacher organizes the game on the carpet.

Masha decided to make riddles for us, listen to them and answer the questions.
- What is more in the forest: fir-trees or trees?
- What is more in the garden: vegetables or potatoes?
- Who is more in kindergarten: girls or children?
- Masha brought us a bag, let's see what's in it.

The children take it in turns to take the item out of the bag and name it.

- Oh, how many vegetables and fruits were in the bag.
- Let's put the vegetables in one bowl, and the fruits in another.

Children name and sort vegetables and fruits.

- Well done, we all laid out with you.

Massage break. My little finger, where have you been?

We dress and remove the spring ring on all fingers in turn.

My little finger, where have you been?

With the nameless - cabbage soup cooked,

And with the middle - ate porridge,

With index sang.

And the big one met me

And treated me to candy

The big one on the right danced

And he invited me to dance.

Index on the right

He led us on a campaign with the whole crowd.

The middle brother carries a backpack,

The nameless one walks like this.

And the little finger began to play,

Invite brothers to listen. (Clap your hands to the rhythm of the poem)

One two three four five!

Development of thinking. Combinatorics. Bunny's houses

Target: the development of combinatorial thinking.

Material: worksheet, pencils.

- The bunny has two houses. See how the bunny decided to paint the walls of the houses.
- First, let's look at a house with geometric shapes: a circle, a square and a triangle.
- We will help the bunny to paint the walls of the house, and for this we need to finish the figures so that they do not repeat in the lines. (If the children do not have an idea about the concept of "line", then the teacher explains).

The teacher, together with the children, makes the first line so that the essence of the task becomes clear to them.

Children independently "paint" the walls of the second house.

The development of speech. Unfinished story "Button"

Target: development of imagination, development of speech.

materials: text that is read aloud to children.

“Once upon a time there was a pushpin. Once it fell into the hands of an evil boy, who began to put it on the guys’ chair. When they sat down on the chair and jumped up as if stung, the boy laughed disgustingly. Here..."

Think about what you would do if you were a Button. The story should begin like this: "I, Button, came up with this..."

Mobile game. Charging - warm-up

Children stand in a circle.

To begin with, we are with you

We only turn our heads. (Slow head rotation)

We also rotate the body. (turns right - left)

We can do this, of course.

And now we sit down. (We squat)

We understand very well -

Need to strengthen the legs

One two three four five!

Finally stretched

Up and to the side. (Sipping)

Have caved in. (Leaning forward)

Formation of knowledge about the surrounding world. Days of the week

Target: the formation of knowledge about the days of the week, the formation of temporary representations.

The teacher with the children repeat the days of the week in chorus, while bending their fingers.

- How many days of the week? Why do you think we need to know the names of the days of the week?

Then the teacher asks each child the name of the days of the week and helps if necessary.

- And now, let's play a little with the days of the week! If yesterday was Friday, then today...
Before Thursday was...
- Every Sunday we go to the park and yesterday we went too. What day of the week is today?
- In the morning I came to work, and I will return home ...

Mathematics. Equality and Inequality

Target: continue to learn to understand the quantitative relationships between numbers within 10, write them down using signs.

materials: bowl with 5 circles and 5 squares per child, equal and not equal signs, 2 plates per child, doll.

Let's help the Masha doll lay out the figures.

Place 2 circles on one plate and 3 squares on the other. What sign should be put equal or unequal? (unequal) Why? (Because 3 is greater than 2). Read the entry. (Two is not equal to three).

In the same way, we compose 5 more equalities or inequalities.

Finger gymnastics. Animals

Good animals are friends (the fingers of the hands are connected in a "castle").

Small hares are friends (rhythmic touch of the little fingers of both hands).

Beavers are friends in the lake (rhythmic touch of the ring fingers of both hands).

Mosquitoes are friends in the sky (rhythmic touch of the middle fingers of both hands).

Cute hedgehogs are friends, (rhythmic touch of the index fingers of both hands).

Even cubs are friends (rhythmic touch of the thumbs of both hands).

That's how they played

Run through the forest! (hands down, shake hands)

Preparing the hand for writing. Wavy lines. beds

Target: development of grapho-motor functions.

Material: worksheet (see above), pencils.

Outline the wavy lines.

The teacher asks homework children.


Goodbye, goodbye, come visit us again

Goodbye, goodbye, you are very good.

Goodbye, goodbye, come visit us again.

Goodbye, goodbye - let's have fun!

When a child is prepared for learning, he takes the initiative in learning and extracurricular activities, he will not have difficulties in the process of studying and communicating with classmates. This article will help to prepare a child for school at home, to determine the level of his knowledge and motivational readiness.

Parents of future first graders are concerned about the question, is their child ready for school? After all, it is very important not only to send the baby to the first grade, but to do it on time - when the child is mentally ready to attend an educational institution and is sufficiently developed for this.

An error in determining the readiness of a child can be costly: unwillingness to attend an educational institution, refusal to learn lessons, depression, uncontrollable behavior - all this will be demonstrated by a first grader who finds himself at school “at the wrong time”. In order to avoid trouble and prevent psychological trauma in a child, parents should be very careful about matching the level of his knowledge and skills to modern requirements.

Requirements for preparing a child for school: a list

By now, a whole list of what a future first grader should know and be able to do is formed:

  • Confidently state your last name, first name and patronymic
  • Date of your birth
  • Home address
  • Name of mother and father (grandparents and other relatives - optional)
  • Place of work of parents
  • Famous poets and writers in the country
  • Holidays
  • Distinguish between the concepts: "forward - backward", "right - left"
  • Days of the week
  • Colors and shades
  • Seasons (with months)
  • Traffic rules on the road
  • Distinguish between domestic and wild animals, name their cubs
  • Name garden, forest, wild flowers
  • Name migratory and wintering birds
  • Distinguish fruit from vegetables
  • Know professions
  • Name the types of transport and the way it travels
  • Retell what you heard
  • Anwser the questions
  • Make up a story from a picture
  • invent fairy tales
  • recite poems by heart
  • Describe from memory
  • Copy text and picture
  • Finish sentences
  • Find an extra object, picture, word, letter
  • solve riddles
  • Count from 0 to 10 and back
  • Know the composition of numbers
  • Distinguish between "more" and "less"
  • Know the shapes
  • write in cells
  • Know letters, distinguish them from sounds
  • Identify the first and last letter (sound) in a word
  • Choose words starting with the given letter
  • Read simple words and syllables
  • Know when a sentence ends
  • Outline
  • hold a pen

Despite the fact that many of the listed skills the child must learn in primary school, testing before entering the first grade is carried out precisely on these points.

Cognitive interest, quick reaction, non-standard and logical thinking will be formed by a preschooler if you regularly conduct mathematical classes with him in a playful way.

In order for these lessons to bring benefit and joy to the child, parents should take into account:

  • child's age
  • level of training
  • ability to concentrate
  • interest in classes

Math classes These are not monotonous examples and tasks. To interest the child and diversify the lessons of mathematics, the following types of tasks should be used in working with preschoolers:

  • tasks with geometric shapes
  • mathematical riddles
  • tasks are jokes
  • puzzles

IMPORTANT: Any task should be selected individually, taking into account its degree of complexity and the level of development of the child.

Math Games

"Houses". Draw 3 three-story houses, each on separate sheet. Draw 3 windows on each floor. Randomly draw curtains on some windows. Tell your child that people already live in apartments where there are curtains. Ask him to move people to the remaining floors so that there are equal numbers of tenants on each floor. Let him finish the colorful curtains in the windows of those apartments where he settled people. Then ask them to count which house has more tenants.

"Drawings from geometric shapes". Draw any geometric shape on the sheet. Ask the child to come up with a drawing using the proposed figure in it. If the kid did not understand the task, show, for example, how easily a circle can turn into a sun, a snowman or a car wheel.

Connect the numbers. Ask your child to connect the numbers with lines. Explain that if he does this correctly, he will see the drawing. For children younger age use pictures with numbers up to 10, for older children use more complex pictures with numbers up to 30 or 50.

IMPORTANT: Group activities increase the child's interest in what is happening. The feeling of competition, strongly developed in preschool age in most children, will not allow the child to be distracted.

Match the numbers game

Entertaining math questions and puzzles:

  • How many legs do three cats have and how many legs do two birds have?
  • How many ears are in two mice?
  • Natasha's mother has a daughter, Masha, a cat, Fluff, and a dog, Druzhok. How many daughters does the mother have?
  • What is heavier: 1 kg of stones or 1 kg of down?

The bunny has five bunnies

They sit on the grass with their mother.

Another hare has three

They are all white, look!

What is three and five?

Pears fell to the ground from the branches

Pears cried, tears dropped

Katya collected them in a basket

I gave everything to my friends in the kindergarten:

Two Pavlushka, three Seryozhka,

Marinka and Arinka,

Masha, Nadia and Oksana

And one, of course, for my mother.

Count it fast

How many Katya's friends?

Five geese flew in the sky

The two decide to have lunch

And one is to take a break.

How many have gone on the road?

Brought mother hen

Seven chickens in the garden for a walk.

All chickens are like flowers.

Five sons, how many daughters?

Four blue plums

They hung on a tree.

Children ate two plums

And how many didn't make it?

IMPORTANT: Encourage the child's interest in such tasks, praise if he tries to come up with similar tasks on his own.

Preparing for school: developing reading tasks for children

Reading is one of the most important disciplines. The better a child learns to read, the easier it will be for him to study at school. The purpose of training- to explain to the child the principles and rules of reading, to achieve from the preschooler a confident reading of letters, syllables and short words.

IMPORTANT: Due to the fact that information is perceived by young children in a slightly different way than adults, it is necessary to teach reading only in a playful way.

Child Reading Plan simple enough:

  • Memorize the letters with your child in this order: all vowels, hard voiced consonants, deaf and hissing consonants.
  • Achieve fast and error-free identification of letters.
  • Teach your child to read sounds, that is, to pronounce the letters already familiar to him together. Start with easy-to-read and pronounce syllables (na, ma, la, yes) and gradually move on to more complex ones (zhu, ku, gu, pho).
  • Move on to reading short and simple syllable words (ma-ma, ba-ba, o-la, cat, house).
  • Every day, complicate the task a little, enter a few difficult words.
  • When the child learns to read words, move on to reading short sentences.
  • After the child learns to read in sentences, you can use various developmental tasks in teaching.

IMPORTANT: During classes, make sure the pronunciation of sounds is clear, explain where in the sentence you need to pause between words.

Game "Find the word". Invite the child to look for a certain word in a small unfamiliar text. Moreover, this must be done in a certain time (for example, in one minute).

"Loud, quiet, to yourself". Ask your child to read quieter, louder, or silently. According to your instructions, he should switch from one type of reading to another as quickly as possible. Make sure that the pace of reading does not change.

"Syllables on cards". Write the syllables on the cards so that you can make words out of them. Ask your child to help the lost syllables find their friends and form words. Play the game daily, gradually adding new syllables.

"Vowels consonants". Have the child name or write as many consonants as possible in 30 seconds, and then vowels.

"Answers on questions". Prepare a few simple questions about the text. Invite the child to find answers to these questions while reading the text.

"Reading with interference". Teach your child to read regardless of the environment. Turn on music or TV briefly while reading. Make sure that the child continues to read without paying attention to the change in the sound background.

Letter size. Reading texts with different fonts should not be a problem for a child. To do this, daily invite him to print and read letters of different sizes on his own.

"Words are twists". Show your child words that change their meaning when read the other way around: “cat - current”, “cart - call”, etc. Explain that you should always read from left to right.

"Reading Through Teeth". Complicate the usual daily reading with an unusual fun task: the child must read without opening his teeth. After reading the text, you need to retell it.

"Missed a Letter". Write 5 - 10 words he knows, in each of which skip one letter. Ask the future first grader to fill in the missing letters in the words.

"Similar Words" Write several pairs of words similar in spelling, but different in meaning: “cat - whale”, “hand - river”, “house - smoke”. Have your child read the pairs and explain the meaning of each word.

"Reading in a Minute". Invite your child to read the same text “at speed” every day. Pay attention that every day he reads faster and more clearly, and in the allotted minute he moves further and further. For clarity, it is better to use an hourglass.

Sometimes children have difficulty completing developmental reading tasks. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Uncertainty. To make sure that the syllable or word is read correctly, the child rereads it several times in a row.
  • Scattered attention. Preschoolers quickly lose interest in what they consider to be boring activities.
  • Lack of concentration. The child cannot perceive the whole word, but concentrates attention only on the first few letters or syllables.
  • Small vocabulary. Unfamiliar words the child pronounces uncertainly when reading.
  • Bad memory. The child does not remember letters, sounds, forgets the principle of formation of syllables and words.
  • Violations of the speech apparatus, chronic diseases of the ENT organs (otitis media, enlarged tonsils).

Video: How to teach a child to read?

Preparing for school, developing tasks for children in writing

The greatest difficulties for all first-graders without exception arise when performing graphic tasks. This happens for three reasons:

  • lack of interest in the child
  • hand muscle immaturity
  • inexperience

To facilitate the process of mastering writing at school, parents should begin to engage with the child from an early age. Game developing tasks will help to interest a preschooler.

"Labyrinth". Invite your child to find a way out of the maze for a mouse running away from a cat, or for a hare that has lagged behind its mother. With a pen or pencil, you need to show the animal the right path.

"Draw a picture." Draw a bouquet of flowers and invite the child to draw a vase for the bouquet, let him put fish in an empty aquarium, and draw a door in the house. The more similar tasks the child completes, the more confidently he will hold a pencil in his hands.

"Drawing by dots". Ask the child to connect the dots together in such a way that a drawing is obtained. If your child has difficulty completing this task, tell him.

"Hatching". Ask your child to do any exercises where you need to shade the drawing. These tasks are required for practicing graphic movements. During execution, make sure that the lines are directed from top to bottom, from left to right.

IMPORTANT: Development fine motor skills modeling, games with mosaics, constructor, beads, finger gymnastics contribute to children.

When the child learns to confidently hold a pencil in his hands, invite him to trace along the dotted line. You can immediately circle funny children's pictures, then letters or their elements.

Preparing for school: developing tasks for the speech development of children

You can easily and naturally develop speech in a child with the help of fun tasks and exciting games.

"Impromptu". Prepare 5 - 7 cards with situations or actions familiar to the child depicted on them. Lay the cards face down in front of the child. Invite him to choose any card and ask him to come up with a story based on it. To make the child interested, you can involve other family members in the task and arrange a competition for the best story.

"Associations". Show the child a picture that shows some action familiar to him (birds fly south, a woman buys bread, children go to kindergarten, etc.). Ask the child to name the words that he associates with the image in the picture.

Adjective game. Ask the child to form adjectives from the provided words by answering the questions: “what”, “what”, “what”?

  • Light (light, light, light)
  • home (home, home, home)
  • Wood (wood, wood, wood)
  • Iron (iron, iron, iron)
  • Snow (snowy, snowy, snowy)
  • Sand (sandy, sandy, sandy)

Synonyms and antonyms. Ask the child to choose words similar and opposite in meaning to randomly taken adjectives.

Regular speech therapy exercises will help to achieve purity of pronunciation of sounds:

"Angry cat". The child's mouth is open, the tongue rests on the lower teeth, while arching the way a cat arches its back when angry.

"Pencil". Place the pencil in front of the child, at the level of his lips, on any hard flat surface. Ask the child to place the edge of the tongue on the lower lip and in this position blow hard on the pencil. The exercise is considered completed if the pencil rolls.

"Nut". The child rests the tongue on the right cheek, then on the left. At the same time, the mouth is closed, the muscles of the cheeks and tongue are tense.

"Snake". The mouth is open. The child puts forward and hides the tongue so that it does not touch either the lips or the teeth.

"Watch". The lips of the child are parted, smiling. The tip of the tongue touches either the right or the left corners of the lips.

"Toothbrush". Use the tip of your tongue to imitate the actions of a toothbrush. Thus, it is necessary to “clean” the lower and upper teeth, inside and out. It is important that the lower jaw remains motionless.

"Fence". The child shows a “fence” of teeth for 10-15 seconds, smiling as wide as possible for this.

IMPORTANT: If you cannot correct the pronunciation of some sounds on your own, parents should contact a speech therapist.

Home preparation of children for school: educational games

Home preparation for school involves systematic activities of parents with the child. It is important to give a preschooler at least a few hours a day, turning everyday activities and ordinary walks together into exciting games. Parents should show imagination, find an individual approach to their child, act according to his interests.

Here are just a few options for joint educational games with a preschooler:

"Give me a number." During the walk, ask the child to call the numbers of houses and passing vehicles indicated on the plates.

"How many trees?" Together, count all the trees that come across your path while walking. You can also count cars passing by, all or a certain color (size, brand).

"Who switched places?" Place 8 - 10 soft toys in front of the child, ask him to look at them carefully, and then turn away. Swap a few toys during this time. When the child turns around, let him try to guess who has changed places.

"Favorite cartoon" Watch your favorite cartoon with your child. Ask questions about its content, ask the child to tell what it is about.

"A Tale for Grandma". Read the story to your child. Ask to tell your grandmother (dad, aunt, sister) what this fairy tale is about, describe the characters, their appearance and character.

Regular modeling, drawing, playing puzzles and mosaics will captivate the child and, at the same time, contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

IMPORTANT: Do not rush the child, do not get angry if something does not work out for him right away. Educational games should not only educate the child, but also become entertainment for him.

Home preparation of children for school: developmental exercises

Developing exercises with preschoolers can be performed not only in a notebook, sitting at a desk, but also on the street. Outdoor lessons will please and be remembered for a long time by every child.


  • Take a walk with your child autumn alley. Show the future student the colorful leaves of different trees. Tell us about the seasons and the changes in nature that occur with the onset of autumn, winter, spring and summer. Let the child choose some beautiful leaves and keep them at home, between the pages of a thick book. When the leaves are dry, have your child trace them on a piece of paper and color them in.
  • IN snowy winter days go out together to feed the sparrows and titmouse. Tell your child about wintering and migratory birds. At home, ask to draw those birds that you liked the most.
  • spring Show your child the first blooming flowers. Tell that flowers are field, forest, garden. Ask to perform a sound analysis of the words: “rose”, “snowdrop”, “buttercup”, “forget-me-not”.
  • During summer walks Draw your child's attention to rising temperatures outside. Explain what summer and winter clothes are. Let the child name the clothes to wear in summer, autumn, winter and spring. At home, ask your child to draw summer.

"Application of cereals and pasta". Invite your child to make an application using rice, buckwheat, pasta, semolina, peas and other cereals. Such exercises are good for developing fine motor skills. In the work, use PVA glue.

"Snowflakes". Teach your child how to cut snowflakes. On a piece of paper folded 4 and 8 times, ask him to cut out different geometric shapes. Expand the snowflakes and evaluate the result.

Fruits and vegetables from plasticine. Show your child how to easily mold fruits and vegetables from multi-colored plasticine. Immediately the child must roll the ball, and already turn it into the desired fruit or vegetable. The easiest way to make a bunch of grapes, beets or carrots is a little more difficult.

Developing lesson "Seasons"

Psychological and emotional preparation of children for school: tasks, games, exercises

The onset of school life implies that the preschool period is over. Children have to quickly adapt to new conditions, get used to study load get to know teachers and classmates.

To make the adaptation period as easy as possible, parents and teachers try to prepare the child for the upcoming changes in life. The most successful group games and exercises.

"One Color". Two groups of children need to find the largest number of objects of the same color in 10 seconds. The group that finds the most items wins.

"Magic Circle". Children are offered to trace a circle according to the pattern and draw any geometric shapes in such a way that a drawing is obtained. When everyone copes with the task, the teacher organizes a drawing competition.

"Repeats". In a group of children from 5 to 7 people, a leader is chosen. The leader comes forward and shows the children any position. Children try to copy this pose. The new leader becomes the one who managed to cope with the task better than the others.

"Not really". Instead of answering "yes" or "no" to the questions proposed by the teacher, a group of children clap or stomp. You need to agree in advance with the guys that “yes” means clapping, and “no” means stamping your feet. Questions can be chosen arbitrarily, for example:

  • "Flowers grow in the field?" and "Flowers fly in the sky?"
  • "Hedgehog carries an apple?" and “Does a hedgehog climb trees?”

"Meow, woof." Children sit on chairs. The leader with his eyes closed walks next to the children, then sits on the hands of one of the sitting children and tries to guess who it is. If the presenter guessed correctly, the child says "meow", if he made a mistake - "woof".

IMPORTANT: Such activities and games help to form communication skills in preschoolers, develop confidence in their own abilities and capabilities, adequate self-esteem, and independence.

You can independently determine whether a child is ready to enter school with the help of a few simple tests, the results of which can be trusted.

Test "Draw a school"

Give your child a sketchbook and colored pencils. Ask a future first grader to draw his school. Do not prompt the child, do not help, do not ask leading questions, do not rush. Let him independently draw on paper the school that seems to him.

  • plot
  • drawing lines
  • color spectrum


2 points- the school is located in the center of the sheet, the picture also contains decorations and decor, trees, bushes, flowers around the school, students and (or) teachers going to school. At the same time, it is important that the figure depicts the warm season and daylight hours.

0 points- the drawing is asymmetrical (the school building is located close to one of the edges of the sheet), there are no people in the drawing or sad children leaving the school are depicted; outdoors autumn or winter, night or evening.

1 point

Drawing lines:

2 points– lines of objects without breaks, carefully drawn, even and confident, have different thicknesses.

0 points- the lines are fuzzy, weak or careless, the drawing is sketchy; double or broken lines are used.

1 point- the figure contains elements of both characteristics.

Color spectrum:

2 points- the predominance of bright and light colors.

0 points- drawing in gloomy colors.

1 point There are both dark and light colors in the picture.

The sum of the points indicates the readiness of the child for school:

5 to 6- the child is ready for school, he has a favorable attitude towards the learning process, will interact with teachers and classmates.

0 to 1- the child is not ready for school, a strong fear will prevent him from studying normally, communicating with classmates and the teacher.

Determine if the child is focused on school attendance, educational process whether he imagines himself a schoolboy in the near future will help Nezhenova test.

IMPORTANT: This test should only be administered to children who are already attending preparatory courses at school or who are familiar with the learning process.

For each of the questions presented, there are three possible answers: A, B, C.

A- orientation to study, estimated at 2 points

B- orientation to learning is superficial, not completely formed, attracted by the external bright attributes of school life - 1 point

IN- there is no orientation to school and learning, the child prefers extracurricular activities - 0 points

Ask your child the following questions, asking them to choose an answer from three options:

Do you want to go to school?

Ah yes, very

B - I'm not sure, I don't know, I doubt

B - no, I don't want to

Why do you want to go to school, what are you interested in there?

B - I want them to buy me a beautiful briefcase, notebooks and a uniform, I want new textbooks

B - school is fun, there are changes, I will have new friends, I'm tired of kindergarten

How are you getting ready for school?

A - I learn letters, read, write prescriptions, solve examples and problems

B - parents bought a uniform, briefcase or other school attributes

B - I draw, play, sculpt from plasticine

What do you like about school?

A - lessons, classes in the classroom

B - changes, teacher, new desks, type of school and other things that are not directly related to the process of learning and gaining knowledge

B - a lesson in physical education and (or) drawing

If you didn't go to school or kindergarten, what would you do at home?

A - read, wrote letters and numbers, solved problems

B - played constructor and drew

B - took care of a cat (or other pet), walked, helped mom

0 – 4 - the child does not realize that he will go to school, does not show interest in the upcoming education

5 – 8 - there is a superficial interest in the learning process, is the initial stage in the formation of the student's position

9 – 10 - the attitude towards school is positive, the child feels like a schoolboy.

Diagnostics of the general preparation of children for school: tests

Diagnostics of the general preparation of children for school is carried out by a psychologist using special tests. Here are some of them:

Test "Yes - No". The psychologist asks the child to answer questions in any way, the main thing is that he does not use the words “Yes” and “No”. The child tries to find the right words, is focused on not breaking the rules, so his answers will be as truthful as possible.

  1. Do you want to go to school?
  2. Do you love fairy tales?
  3. Do you love cartoons?
  4. Do you want to stay in the kindergarten?
  5. Do you like to play?
  6. Do you want to study?
  7. Do you love to get sick?
  8. You have friends?
  9. Do you know what time of year it is?

When evaluating the results, the teacher determines whether the answer satisfies the rules of the task. Answers: “yes” or “no” are not a mistake. One mistake = 1 b. All answers are correct - 0 b.

0 – 2 - attention is well developed

3 -5 - moderately or poorly developed

5 – 10 - poor attention

Definition of motivational readiness. The psychologist asks a series of questions, gives the child time to think and reason, helps, in case of difficulties:

  1. State your name and age
  2. Name, patronymic and surname of mom and dad
  3. Where do you live?
  4. Name your family members
  5. What are you interested in in your city?
  6. What to do if you see a person who has fallen?
  7. When do buds and leaves appear on trees?
  8. Why is an army needed?
  9. How and where do you cross the road? This is right?
  10. How do you know if it has rained recently?
  11. Why do you need ears and a nose?
  12. Do you want to go to school? What will you do there?
  13. How many days in a week?
  14. How many seasons? Months? name them
  15. Your favorite and least favorite professions
  16. What do you like to watch on TV?
  17. What country do you live in? What other countries do you know?
  18. If you broke your knee and bled, what should you do?
  19. What utensils do you have in the kitchen?
  20. What products do you know?
  21. Which animals are domestic and which are wild? What is the difference?
  22. What is a day? Night?
  23. If you borrowed a toy from a friend and lost it, what would you do?
  24. Count from 1 to 10 and back, name the number that comes before 5 and after 8
  25. What is greater than 2 or 3?
  26. What's cool about school?
  27. How do you behave when visiting?
  28. Why are children not allowed to play with matches and fire?
  29. What does it mean: “Do you like to ride, love to carry sleds”?
  30. How are people different from animals?
  31. What do they pay money for in the store, on the bus, at the cinema?
  32. Who is Gagarin?
  33. What will you do if you see the house burning?

When evaluating the results, the child's ability to reason, conduct a conversation is assessed.

"Snake". Test to determine the level of development of fine motor skills. In 30 seconds, the child must draw dots in circles. The more he manages to leave points, the better. One point = 1 point. When calculating points, only those points that fall into the circle are taken into account. Points on the boundary are not counted.

34 or more- excellent development

18 – 33 - above average

12 – 17 - insufficient development

11 and under- low level, unsatisfactory result.

If the psychologist after the tests comes to the conclusion that the child needs to stay in the kindergarten for another year, parents should listen to the opinion of a specialist. Perhaps this year will change a lot in the life of the child, during this time he is aware of his role in school, will show interest in gaining knowledge.

Video: Preparing for school, preparing children for school, preparing a child for school

We publish nine tasks with sheets for printing - to prepare for school from notebooks of the Japanese KUMON series, which are used by children in 46 countries of the world. Today we will teach the child numbers and shapes, add and subtract using simple examples. Easy and fun!

But first - advice for parents: how to teach your baby to hold a pen and pencil correctly.

How to hold a pen

There are several ways to teach your child how to hold a pen or pencil correctly. Here is one of them. It is difficult for a child whose fingers are not yet strong enough to hold a pencil correctly. Teach him this gradually so that he does not lose interest in writing.

1. Help the child place the index finger and thumb at a right angle, as shown in the figure. Place the pencil on top of the groove between these fingers and at the same time on the bent middle finger.

2. Now have the child squeeze the pencil between thumb and forefinger.

3. Compare with the drawing to see if your child is holding the pencil correctly.

Activities for preschoolers

1. Draw a line from 1 to 5 through all the numbers in order, calling them out loud.

2. Write the number 4 and say it.

3. Find and circle shapes that look like the pattern.

On this page, the child needs to find circles of different sizes among other shapes. If it is difficult for him to cope with the task, describe the circle to the child. Say, for example, that a circle is like a ball.

4. Write the missing numbers in the table, and then perform the addition.

5. Subtract. Solve each example!

6. Draw a line from the arrow (↓) to the asterisk (*) that will connect all the reels.

7. Color the mouthwash cup and toothpaste tube.

In this task, you need to color the mouthwash cup and the toothpaste tube. When the child finishes the work, say: “The boy is just great for brushing his teeth before going to bed! And you will brush your teeth today too.”

8. Do the addition.