Abstract of the lesson in fine arts “Poster for the play. Lesson Polar bear Let's protect polar bears lesson with preschoolers

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 20

Abstract of the lesson on educational field cognitive development

for children in the preparatory school group

Topic: "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?"

Educator: Volodkina

Anna Gennadievna

Novorossiysk 2016

Subject: "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?"

Date of: October

Group: preparatory for school

Equipment: illustrations " polar bear and a bear cub”, “polar bears”; book "Ecology in Pictures" (story "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?"); globe, slides.

Priority educational area: cognitive development.

Integration of educational areas: speech development, social and communicative development.

Goals and objectives: Introduce children to the polar bear and its way of life (large strong animals live in the North, eat fish, seals, spend the winter in a snowy lair, roam the ice floes of the Arctic Ocean in the summer; a bear gives birth to small cubs, which she feeds first with her milk , then fish).

Polar bears are adapted to life in harsh northern conditions: they have thick, warm hair, including on the soles of their paws - it saves them from frost; white camouflage coat color makes them invisible in the snow; they know how to dive and swim well, hide, quietly sneak up on prey; strong paws with sharp claws, strong sharp teeth help to eat it. The polar bear is listed in the Red Book and is under state protection.

Planned results: clarify and enrich children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the North. Clarify and expand knowledge about the lifestyle, nutrition, reproduction of polar bears.

Cause emotional satisfaction in children.

Motivation: at the morning reception of children, the teacher starts a conversation, wondering what the guys did on the weekend.

In a group after breakfast:

    Guys, what did you do on the weekend? (children's answers)

    And you know, I watched a very interesting TV show about the North Pole. Here I have such a ball, who knows what it is? (globe) And who can show where the North Pole is located on the globe? And why did you decide so?

    Guys, do you want to visit the North Pole? Can we go there? How can you get to the North Pole? How do we get to the North? (slide)

    Well, we ended up at the North Pole, and who can we meet here? (children's options)

    Today we will meet one of the inhabitants of the North, and a riddle will help you guess who it is: Big beast, white beast

Predatory beast, strong beast.(polar bear)

    That's right, it's a polar bear.

    I want to introduce you to the story "Why don't polar bears live in the forest?" (reading a story from the book "Ecology in Pictures")

    Fizkultminutka: "Who lives in the North"

Through the icy desert, the she-bear is walking,

Behind her are the cubs, rushing forward.

The bitter frost is cracking, snow and ice are everywhere,

In the cold wormwood, the walrus swims after the seal.

Deer are running, hurrying, they can barely see the path,

A snowy owl circles quietly above them.

And now we continue our acquaintance with polar bears. (slide show).


(A picture of a white bear with a cub is exhibited)

    Guys, who is in the picture?

    Where do polar bears live?

    What do polar bears eat?

    What's in a bear's teeth?

    To whom is she carrying the fish?

    Where did she take it?

    Can bears swim?

    How do bears catch fish, what helps them?

    How do cubs grow, what do they do?

    How does the she-bear take care of them?

    What helps bears to live in the harsh conditions of the North?

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group Polar Bear
Target : Formation of sustainable interest in visual activity. Tasks: Educational: Cultivate Interest to the animals of cold countries.Tutorials: Teach children to use their knowledge and ideas about features appearance polar bear. To improve the ability to obtain the necessary color of paint for drawing (light yellow, blue), by mixing the original colors (white and yellow, white and blue).Form skill depict a bear, accurately conveying the features of appearance and proportions.Developing: To develop in children the ability to convey in a drawing a simple plot with one character (polar bear).Develop Creative skills child, features of the imagination.To consolidate the ability to draw a contour with a thin brush, use a dry, hard brush when painting bear fur.Lesson material: - illustrations with the nature of the North,- image of a polar bear (toys, photographs, drawings);- gouache; - palette; - brush glue and watercolor.Preliminary work: - Conversation about animals of cold countries,- Examination of a series of paintings "Animals of the North",- Reading the story: “Why does the polar bear have a black nose?”.- D / and “Who eats what?”, “Guess the animal”, “Find out whose trace?”.Course progress. caregiver : Guys guess the riddle:I love to swim and splashWhere is the cold water.Tumbling in snow heaps,Where winter is always, always.White fur and fat layerHelp anyone in trouble.Children: Polar bear.caregiver : Right. Today we will draw a polar bear. Let's remember where they live?Children: In cold countries where eternal winter.Educator: Yes, winter is a difficult, cold, but at the same time very beautiful time of the year. Let's close our eyes now and imagine that we are at the North Pole. A cold wind blows, a blizzard howls, the whole earth is covered with snow, and a large white polar bear walks nearby. Consider it.Educator: Now open your eyes.(story of 1-2 children about a bear)Educator: Let's look at the bear, which is shown in our picture. This is a huge animal, the largest predator on our planet. The bear has a big round head. It is located in front (above) of the body, and is connected to it by a powerful short neck. On the head of the bear there are small, semicircular ears. On the face of the bear are eyes and a nose. They are black as coals. The bear has a large oval body. The bear has powerful, elongated, oval-shaped paws, 4 of them are located at the bottom of the body, 2 front and 2 back. Claws on paws. And the bear has a tail.caregiver : Guys, what color is the bear?Children: White. Educator: That's right, and when the sun shines on him, he has a pale yellow tint to his coat.Show and explain how to draw.Draw a big bear in the center of the sheet. How do we start drawing? (from the head, then the body, and 4 paws, tail.)We divide the sheet horizontally in half and draw a horizon line. Paint the sky with blue paint.We paint the lower part of the sheet with a slight shade - snow.We draw a bear, trying to accurately convey the features of the appearance of the animal (nose, eyes, ears, tail)Educator: Let's enjoy our bears. They all turned out beautiful and fluffy. Now you can draw such bears at home and please your parents. And we will decorate our exhibition with these white beauties. Our lesson is over.

Ekaterina Enina
Synopsis of the integrated GCD on familiarization with the natural world "Polar Bears"

Summary of the integrated OOD on familiarization with

the natural world on the topic« White bears»

educator Enina E.I.

speech therapy


to school group MBDOU No. 4


Consolidate children's knowledge of the animals of the North Pole

(white bear) ;

form the ability to name the characteristic features of appearance;

To learn how to perform an application with an unconventional technique, to create a composition from cotton wool on a template;

Strengthen the skills of accurate gluing;

Continue to learn how to create an expressive image, complementing the image with details;

Continue form the ability to properly hold scissors and use them;

Activate cognitive activity children;

Raise independent interest in the application.

Material and equipment: white patterns bear, white cotton, glue, brushes, brush holders, napkins, strips of black paper, demonstration pictures of animals of the north pole bear, northern owl, reindeer, seal, walrus, audio recording "Blizzard".

preliminary work: reading a story about the animals of the North Pole. Talking about the North Pole, watching a cartoon "Umka".

caregiver: Invented by someone, simple and wise.

Say hello when meeting

Good morning, good morning sun and birds.

Good morning smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting.

May good morning

Lasts until the evening.

caregiver: guys, the postman brought an envelope, let's see and find out what's in it?


It's very, very cold there. It's always winter there.

There are cold eternal snows.

There white bears roam every year.

March mustachioed slowly

Floats in the polynya.

Guess guys.

Where is the mystery. (in the north)

caregiver: (invitation card):

Guys, we invite you to visit the North Pole. The North Pole is an icy desert, an ocean from edge to edge in ice all around, in winter we often have a blizzard, frosts rage. Guys, who do you think invites you to visit?

Children: inhabitants of the North Pole.

caregiver: What animals live at the North Pole?

Children: the Bears, deer, seals, owl.

caregiver: Are you guys ready to go on a trip to the North Pole?

Children: yes ready.

caregiver: and to get to the north pole, this will help us "Flower-seven-flower"

Fly fly petal

Through the west to the east.

Through the north, through the south

Come back, make a circle.

Just touch the ground.

To be our way.

Audio recording "Blizzard". looking at pictures "Northern Animals"

caregiver: the main inhabitant of the northern expanses is polar bear. This is the largest predatory animal on earth. wool bear thick, which protects it from severe frosts.

Guys, what do you eat? polar bear in ice. After all, there are no bushes or blades of grass anywhere.

Children: bear perfectly swims under water, for him it is his native element to hunt for fish, seals, birds. Even walruses can become its prey.

Children: in winter bear offspring appears. Bye cubs are growing, bear does not come out of the den. Only after two months they get out of the den. Mother - bear begins to teach them to fish, and then seals.

Children: when hunting bear covers his black nose with his paw to avoid being seen.


Through the icy desert bear is coming.

Behind her bear cubs rush forward.

The bitter frost is crackling.

Everywhere snow and ice.

Deer run, hurry

They can barely see the way.

A snowy owl circles quietly above them.

caregiver: guys today we will make polar bears.

You've already noticed what's on your trays. (templates polar bears) .We will stick pieces of cotton on the template. Cut out the nose, eyes. But before starting work, let's do a finger gymnastics:

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four

We made snow with you.

Once we throw

We'll catch two.

Let's drop three

The snow has been shaken off

Handles warmed up

And they sat quietly at the table.

Children paste.

caregiver: Guys, it's time for you to go back to kindergarten.

This is where our journey ended. Where have we been today?

Children: at the North Pole.

caregiver: What animals live at the North Pole?

Children: White bears, owl, seals, walruses, reindeer.

caregiver: Whom we made with you today.

Children: white bear.

caregiver A: And now I want to know. Did you enjoy your trip to the North Pole. Draw your mood on the mirror.

Related publications:

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I present the summary of the lesson "Polar Bear" (application in a semi-volume of paper and cardboard). Teachers will find in the notes all the necessary additional information in order to motivate the children to complete the application and believe in their abilities.




Theme: POLAR BEAR (application in half volume from paper and cardboard)

Purpose and objectives: to teach how to work from paper and cardboard; to consolidate the skills to use scissors; cultivate care and attention

Materials: a white sheet of paper, colored cardboard for the base, a simple pencil, an elastic band, felt-tip pens, scissors, glue; materials for the video projector: images of polar bears, cartoon "Umka"

Work plan:

  1. Organizing moment - a conversation about polar bears
  2. Completing of the work
  3. Summarizing
  4. Watching the cartoon "Umka" (video projector)


1. CONVERSATION ABOUT POLAR BEARS: clarify with children what they know about polar bears, where they live, what they eat, what kind of hair they have, what cartoons or journalistic programs they have seen about polar bears. Supplement knowledge about polar bears.

POLAR BEAR - predatory mammal, the largest of modern predators. Body length 2-2.5 meters, weight up to 450 kg. The polar bear has a long neck, powerful sloping shoulders. The claws are curved, thick, the toes of the paws are connected by a swimming membrane to the middle of their length. The soles of the paws are covered with wool. The layer of fat on the back, back of the body and thighs reaches 10 cm in thickness. The fur well restrains the release of heat from the body. Inhabits: drifting ice of the Arctic Ocean and territories bordering the Arctic.

The polar bear feeds mainly on seals and fish, occasionally eating seaweed and even carrion. Wandering on land during the arctic summer, it may feed on vegetation. The beginning of summer is the most best time for seal hunting. During this period, a female polar bear with cubs catch a seal every 4-5 days, in winter the intervals are much longer. The only animal that can withstand the polar bear in the Arctic is the walrus.

Polar bears keep alone, and in the spring create pairs. The mother bear brings 1-3 blind and deaf cubs, up to 30 cm long. Milk 30% fat, separated in small quantities. A month later, the cubs open their eyes, after 3 months they receive solid food for the first time. In calm weather, at a temperature above -25°C, the she-bear takes the cubs out for a walk for 1 hour. Polar bear cubs have developed a reaction to follow their mother. Without it, they become helpless and starve to death. The family stays together for 3 years.

Polar bears are good swimmers and can stay underwater for several minutes. Shelters are arranged in crevices of rocks or between heaps of ice floes. A lair, a round chamber, is dug in the snow on the southern slope, where they lie down for the winter. The entrance tunnel is made inclined, the entrance is down, so that the snow does not fill it up, but only closes the entrance. In the vault of the chamber, the she-bear punches a ventilation hole, the diameter of which varies depending on the temperature inside the den.

Polar bears are successfully kept in zoos. Entered into force in 1975 international agreement between the USSR, the USA, Canada, Norway and Denmark on the protection of polar bears, providing for a complete ban on the production of animals for commercial purposes. Polar bears are listed in the International Red Book.

Display of images of polar bears (projector) and verbal narration

Lesson summary

Theme: "Polar Bear"

Program content

A) Correctional and educational tasks

1. Learn to work according to the scheme, following the sequence of drawing.

2. To form the ability to depict animals, accurately conveying the features of appearance and proportion.

3. To consolidate the skills of children to correctly create a composition of a drawing.

4. Encourage the desire to convey their impressions of the world around them in a drawing, complementing the image with landscape elements (snowflakes, northern lights)

5. Learn to convey the structure of the animal's fur with a glue brush using the “poke” technique.

6. Concretize the existing ideas about the North and the animals of the North

B). Correctional and developmental tasks

1. Develop visual perception, attention, when working with a sample, observing the drawing algorithm.

2. To develop mental operations in the process of updating knowledge about nature and animals of the North.

3. To develop coherent monologue speech, a response form of communication in the process of describing the animal.

4. Enrich and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic (North, North Pole, ice, northern lights, cold, polar, iceberg)

5. Develop the creative abilities of children: features of the imagination.

IN). Correctional and educational tasks

1. Cultivate independence in the selection of colors (in the process of supplementing the image)

2. Learn to feel and convey the beauty of the northern nature in the image.

3. Develop a love for nature.

4. Visual activity. Continue to work on the accuracy of the image, the correct handling of brushes for painting.

Material for the lesson and form of organization

The lesson is held in the art studio kindergarten. Optimal conditions have been created for educational activities. Visual material is located in front of the children: illustrations with the nature of the North, images of a polar bear (toys, photographs, drawings). Material: white and blue gouache; palette; tinted blue sheets; glue and watercolor brush; cotton buds.

Methods and techniques

Showing an object, drawing an object from life, showing image techniques, reproducing movements in the air; verbal explanation, examination of the subject, analysis of work, comparison of work with a model, commenting on actions, using adult speech as a model.

preliminary work

On the eve of the lesson, a conversation is held about the North as a collective concept, its characteristic signs. Examination of illustrations "Children of the North", "Northern Lights", "From North to South" by N. Charushin; viewing the layout "At the North Pole". Reading and retelling fiction: Yukagir fairy tales “Why does the polar bear have a black nose”, “Who lives in the cold sea?”.

Course progress. Educator: Guys, we talked a lot about the nature and animals of the North, read books, retold stories, looked at illustrations and made up a story based on a series of plot pictures with a preliminary arrangement of them in the sequence of the plot. Let's close our eyes now and imagine that we are at the North Pole. What is the weather like at the North Pole? Correctly cold, a cold wind is blowing (shhhhh), a blizzard howls (whhh), the whole earth is covered with snow. Guys, what animals live in the North? (Answers of children). Guys, guess the riddle.

Among the snow and ice does not starve,

For fish in cold water dives,

Thick white wool saves him,

Warms from frost.

What animal do you think this riddle is about? (children's answers) That's right, a riddle about a polar bear. This is a huge animal, the largest predator on our planet. Today we will draw a polar bear, and then we will arrange an exhibition of our polar bears.

To draw a bear well, let's take a closer look at it. What is this (trunk) of a bear? (Answers of children). What shape is the body? (Answers of children). Correctly oval. What else does the bear have? (head). What is the shape of the head? (Answers of children). Correctly round. How does a bear move? (Children's answers) What do the bear's paws look like, what shape are they (oval, but elongated)? (Answers of children).

See what the bear has more, the torso or the head? (Answers of children). Where is the head located? (if the children find it difficult, the teacher answers that the head is located in front (above) of the body, and is connected to it by a powerful short neck). Where are the paws of the bear (at the bottom of the body)? How many paws does a bear have (2 front and 2 hind legs)? (Answers of children). Look what is on the bear's head (ears)? (Answers of children). What shape are they (semicircular)? (Answers of children). Are the bear's ears big or small? (Answers of children). Where are they located? (Answers of children). What else is on the bear's head (eyes, nose)? (Answers of children). See what the bear has on its body (tail)? (Answers of children). What shape is it? (Answers of children). Look at the paws of the bear, what do they have (claws)? (children's answers)

Guys, what color is the bear? (Answers of children). The white color makes the bear invisible in the snow. What color are the eyes, nose and nails? (children's answers)

Well done, you have carefully examined the bear. Oh, guys, and the bear wants to play with you. Let's get in a circle and play with him.

This is how the fingers of girls and boys dance (hands forward, finger movements)

A bear approached them, a clubfoot bear (swing from side to side)

The kids want to touch their fingers. And we hid our fingers, hid, hid (we hide our hands behind our backs). You won’t touch it with your paw, paw, paw (we threaten with a finger).

What good fellows! Mishka liked to play with you. And now let's sit down in our seats and draw a fluffy, white bear with black eyes, a nose and claws. Now, I will draw an oval in the middle of the sheet with a watercolor brush with white paint, and you draw an oval with a dry brush on the sheet. Look, I got an oval torso. Now, you will gently dip the brush into the paint and draw an oval on the sheet (children draw).

Now, we will draw the bear's head, see how I will draw it (comments: the head is round and smaller than the body, located above the body). Now, you draw the bear's head (children draw). Well done all done.

Look guys, how I will draw paws for a bear. Look, our bear is walking: first I will draw 2 front legs, and then 2 hind legs. Now you also try to carefully draw the paws of the bear (commenting: the paws are oval, but elongated) (children draw).

Now on the head of the bear I will draw ears (commenting: the ears are small, semicircular) (children draw). Now on the torso of the bear I will draw a tail (commenting: a tail of a small oval shape) (children draw)

Look, now I'll take a glue brush and put on a white fur coat for the bear. I dip the tip of the brush in white paint and with such “pokes” I paint over the whole bear (carefully, I don’t go beyond the contour). Now you draw a fur coat for the bear (children draw).

And now guys, I’ll take a cotton swab, dip it in black paint and draw an eye on the bear’s head (commenting: the bear is standing sideways and therefore we can’t see the second eye), and on the tip of the muzzle I draw a black nose. Now you take a cotton swab, dip it in black paint and gently (not pressing hard) draw the bear's eye first, then the nose.

Now I will draw the claws on the paws of the bear. To do this, I will take a watercolor brush, dip it in black paint and carefully draw the claws on the paws. Now you take a watercolor brush and draw claws on the paws for the bear (children draw). To make the bears find themselves in the North, you can supplement your drawing - for example, draw ice floes, snowflakes or northern lights (children draw on their own). Let's now look at the drawings (the works are laid out and examined together with the children; children's free statements on leading questions of the educator). Here our polar bears went for a walk. Let's enjoy our bears. How beautiful, fluffy they all turned out (differentiated assessment of drawings). We guys will make an exhibition of your drawings. What will we name our exhibition? (children's answers). Did you enjoy drawing? Now you can draw polar bears yourself at home or in a group. Our lesson is over.