The minimum period of deprivation of state accreditation. Accreditations - what is it? Licensing and accreditation

What is a certification of an educational institution, why is it needed?

Certification of an educational institution is carried out in order to find out how the level of knowledge of its graduates meets the established state standards.

During the attestation of an educational institution, the presence of a license, the results of final exams for the last three years are checked. In addition, pupils or students of an attested educational institution write special test and test papers.

Certification is carried out once every five years, so before the expiration of the old certification report, it is worth asking when the certification will be held and whether it will be carried out at all. If an educational institution does not pass certification, it is deprived of accreditation. If it passed the certification successfully, it is admitted to state accreditation.

The essence of state accreditation is that an educational institution confirms that it is either a higher educational institution (university, academy, institute) or a secondary professional institution(technical school, college, college), or a general educational institution (school, gymnasium, lyceum).

Why does an educational institution need to have state accreditation?

The purpose of university accreditation is to establish (confirm for the next term) its state accreditation status by type (higher educational institution) and type (institute, academy, university) with the establishment of a list of educational programs of higher vocational education, according to which the university has the right to issue state-recognized documents on education to graduates.

State accreditation educational institution gives him the right to issue state diplomas (certificates) for accredited educational programs.

Before entering an educational institution, you should find out if it has accreditation.

Public accreditation is the recognition that graduates of a higher education institution have a more or less satisfactory level of education. Public accreditation is carried out by public educational, professional, scientific and industrial organizations; it does not entail the issuance of state diplomas.

Branches of a higher educational institution undergo licensing and certification independently, and accreditation - as part of the university. If affiliates teach without their own license to teach educational activities in general or for individual specialties, referring to the presence of a license from the base university, this is a violation of the law.

Accreditation is given for up to five years. The passage of accreditation is confirmed by a certificate that confirms the right of the university to issue state documents to its graduates. Programs for which training is accredited are not indicated in the certificate itself, but in an appendix to it. It also indicates the levels of education (bachelor, specialist, master), professions taught by the university, branches and a list of accredited programs for which training is provided in each branch.

In the event of liquidation or reorganization of an educational institution (merger, accession, division, separation), its accreditation becomes invalid and the certificate is invalidated.

What are the criteria for accreditation of higher education institutions?

Accreditation is based on the following eight criteria:

The quality of training - the level of requirements for applicants, the compliance of the quality of training of students and graduates with the requirements of state educational standards, the effectiveness of the intra-university system for ensuring the quality of education, the level of organization of research work of students, the demand for graduates are checked.

Educational activities of an educational institution - the conditions created in an educational institution for extracurricular work are checked, as well as the organization of educational work with students.

The range of implemented basic educational programs.

The possibility of continuing education in educational programs of postgraduate and additional professional education.

Scientific, scientific and technical activity and its effectiveness.

Methodical work.

Qualification of teaching staff.

Which body accredits a higher education institution?

The accreditation of the university is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science on the basis of the conclusion on attestation, the results of the examination of the indicators of the university and the accreditation criteria for universities various kinds approved by the accreditation body.

Accreditation issues are considered by the collegiate body of the accreditation body, which includes representatives of federal executive bodies that have universities in their jurisdiction, public organizations and state-public associations in the system of higher professional education, heads of universities.

What confirms the passage of accreditation by a higher educational institution?

The decision on accreditation of the university is approved by the administrative document of the accreditation body, on the basis of which the university is issued a certificate of state accreditation.

The certificate is a document confirming the status of the university, the compliance of the content and quality of training of graduates in accredited programs with the requirements of state educational standards, the right of the university to issue state documents to its graduates on the appropriate level of education. The certificate is signed by the head of the accreditation body and certified by the seal of this body.

The certificate indicates the registration number, date of issue and validity of the certificate, location (legal address) of the university and its full name, including the name (including the special one - conservatory, higher school, etc.), type of university (institute, academy, university) , legal form.

If during accreditation it is established that the status of the university differs from that indicated in its name, the university is issued a temporary certificate indicating its name for a period of not more than six months. Such a certificate gives the university for a given period all the rights of a higher educational institution that has state accreditation. A permanent certificate is issued to a university on the basis of an application and constituent documents with the name of the university brought into line with the status established during accreditation.

The appendix to the certificate indicates the accredited programs of all levels of education implemented by the university, as well as the levels of education, qualifications (degrees) that will be awarded to graduates, the name and location of branches, a list of accredited programs implemented in each branch.

A certificate without an attachment is not valid.

The certificate is valid during the period of accreditation, after which it becomes invalid.

The validity of the certificate is renewed in the same order as its receipt. Amendments to the certificate regarding accredited programs of the university and branches are documented as an appendix to the certificate.

Can a university be denied accreditation if it has not passed certification?

Accreditation of a higher educational institution is carried out on the basis of conclusions on the attestation of the university. A higher educational institution of any organizational and legal form, in addition to obtaining a license to conduct educational activities in educational programs of higher and postgraduate professional education, issued by the federal (central) governing body of higher professional education on the basis of the conclusions of an expert commission, must undergo state accreditation and attestation in order to obtain the right for the issuance of government documents. The purpose of the latter is to establish the compliance of the content, level and quality of training of graduates of a higher educational institution with the requirements of state educational standards of higher professional education in areas of training (specialties).

A negative conclusion based on the results of attestation serves as a basis for refusing to accredit the university.

The license and accreditation of a particular university is a moment that applicants must pay attention to. It is the licenses of universities that allow them to conduct educational activities.. The document is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) on the basis of the conclusion of a special expert commission, which evaluates all the resources available at the university for the training of qualified specialists (equipment educational process, equipment of classrooms, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, staffing of the teaching staff, etc.). Both the parent university and all its branches must have a license. Previously, a license was issued to an educational institution for five years; at the moment, universities receive a “perpetual” license. You can check whether the university or its branch has a valid license on the Rosobrnadzor website

University accreditation indicates that educational programs the university and the quality of graduate training correspond to state standards in education. The document is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) for 5 years, after which it is necessary to re-pass the accreditation procedure.

The appendix to the certificate of accreditation lists the list of accredited programs, the accreditation status is indicated by the type of educational institution (university, academy or institute), the level of education at the university, the names of branches and the degree (qualification) that will be awarded to graduates. When submitting documents to educational institutions, applicants must check the level of accreditation of universities and certify that they have read this information in writing.

Accreditation of higher education institutions allows graduates to receive a state diploma upon graduation (in the absence of accreditation, a standard diploma). With a state-recognized diploma, young people can enter graduate school and take a position at public service. In addition, only universities with state accreditation , have the right to grant a deferment from the army for the duration of full-time training. You can check the accreditation of the university and see the list of universities that have passed accreditation on the website of Rosobrnadzor

Among the tools with which it is possible to perform certain actions, or to check the compliance of an object with certain standards, a license or accreditation is often called.

What is a license

License means the right to engage in any activity. It is confirmed by a document, which is also called a license. It is possible to engage in such a business only with a license issued by the competent state authority. The state usually legislates a list of such activities. The law also defines its fundamental provisions and authorizes certain state bodies to issue licenses valid indefinitely according to their competence. Procedures related to applications to such bodies and the issuance of licenses are established by government documents.

Licenses are also referred to as permits issued by government agencies for:

  • Catch of fish.
  • Construction.
  • Sale of tobacco products.
  • Vehicle management.
  • hunting for wild birds and animals.
  • Work in a specific radio frequency range.
  • Production of weapons, etc.

There are certain features in licensing of higher education institutions. This is a complex procedure that determines how educational process they comply with the government-approved regulation on licensing activities in the field of education. Local authorities and the authorized state body ensure compliance with licensing procedures. They relate to the verification of material, technical, social and personnel security, the organization of studies. If positive results are obtained, an appropriate document is issued giving the right to conduct educational activities.

Widespread licensing in the field patent and copyright. It is carried out on the basis of license agreements. In the first case, the patent holder or the licensor, by such an agreement, provides another person (the licensee) with permission to use the state-protected patent object belonging to him. The licensee for this undertakes to pay the amount stipulated by such an agreement for the use of a patent. According to the exclusive license, the right to use is also transferred within the limits agreed by the contract. However, the licensor retains all rights to the patent, including the right to enter into other similar agreements.

In the field of copyright, its owner gives the licensee copy right. distribution of the circulation of the work, its processing, transmission through communication channels, etc., which can be carried out within the limits and in the ways provided for by the license agreement. Certain features have license agreements in the field of software. Works created lawfully according to the contract are called licensed, and those with violation of the exclusive rights of the author are called counterfeit.

The state establishes criminal liability for conducting licensed activities without a license, if at the same time it, legal entities and citizens suffered significant damage or received large amounts of income.

Why do you need accreditation

Accreditation means confirmation by authorized state bodies compliance with the standards of a particular object of accreditation. Typically, such a mechanism is used to assess the level of professional services by various organizations. Most often, accreditation of services is carried out in the field of:

  • Higher education.
  • Carrying out tests of goods, devices, etc. in laboratories.
  • Clinical diagnostics.
  • Calibration of various devices and instruments.
  • Certification of goods and services.

Usually this work is carried out by special government agencies that carry out their work in accordance with the rules approved by the government.

When accrediting educational organizations, their status is assigned or confirmed. Their type is fixed (secondary, higher, professional, etc.) and the type of its functioning (institute, academy, university, etc.). The accreditation procedure primarily provides for an assessment of the level of educational programs being implemented. In its course, it is determined how much the training of specialists meets state standards in this area. If the result is positive, a corresponding certificate is issued. This document on state accreditation with its appendix gives the university the right to provide benefits provided by law and issue graduates with a diploma established by the state.

In addition to state accreditation, there is practice of accreditation by public organizations, trade unions. Such events raise the rating of the university. In the United States and Canada, the state does not accredit services in the field of medicine and education. These functions are assumed by authoritative non-state associations of various levels.

Laboratory services are usually accredited for compliance international standards. In this case, the procedure involves:

  • The intention of the laboratory to be accredited.
  • Lack of any connection with the accreditation body.
  • Periodic verification of the accreditation body for competence.
  • Public availability of the rules by which accreditation is carried out.

The obtained accreditation certificate means that the laboratory complies with international standards. Accreditation can be carried out by a special state body or authorized non-governmental organizations.

There are special procedures for media accreditation government bodies, public organizations, professional associations, etc. They require the submission of documents confirming the competence of specific media outlets and their employees. Such accreditation can be permanent or for a fixed period and is confirmed by an accreditation card.

What is the difference

Fundamentally, a license differs from accreditation in that the first gives permission to carry out specific types of activities regulated by the state. The rights to use the object of patenting or copyright can also be transferred by right holders - individuals.

Accreditation means a special procedure for confirming the level of professional qualifications of organizations providing certain services. Such services may not be on the list of licensed ones.

In order for the institution to confirm the compliance of its educational activities with state standards, state accreditation and licensing of the educational institution is carried out.

It is declarative and not mandatory. Having a special permit, an institution can already conduct educational activities and not undergo state accreditation. But, having passed it, the organization confirms that its activities meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

State accreditation is carried out for the main educational programs of the Federal State Educational Standard, as well as for vocational education programs. Programs are not subject to state accreditation.

Application for state accreditation of an educational institution

The first stage of accreditation is the submission of an application to the accreditation body with a rather voluminous package of documents attached. To find out what requirements apply to the application and documents, you need to refer to the Regulations on state accreditation, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 18, 2013 No. 1039 “On State Accreditation of Educational Activities” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on State Accreditation).

The next stage of the state accreditation of an educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the EI) is an accreditation examination. At this stage, it is checked how much the content and quality of training of students in the educational institution corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The examination is carried out by a group of experts (at least two people), who must be accredited in accordance with the procedure determined by the regulation of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and meet the qualification requirements. Officials of the accreditation body cannot participate in the examination due to the presence of a conflict of interest.

After the examination, the group of experts submits a report. The expert opinion is prepared by the group leader. The conclusion should contain a number of information:

  • date of execution of the conclusion of the expert group;
  • full name of the organization and branch (if any);
  • information about the materials submitted by the organization;
  • a report on the content and quality of students' preparation with a conclusion about the compliance or non-compliance of the educational institution with the standards.

An accreditation examination is carried out with a visit to the place of the expert group, but there may also be a non-visit examination if the organization is a foreign institution; if the activities of the organization are carried out by a Russian educational organization located outside the Russian Federation; or, if implemented by an organization established outside the territory of the Russian Federation or by a foreign organization operating outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

In case of non-compliance of the organization educational standards copies of documents certified by the organization confirming this discrepancy are attached to the report of the expert group. This fact may be the basis for refusal to grant state accreditation. educational institution.

Within three working days from the date of receipt of the conclusion of the group of experts, a copy of it is sent educational organization or given against signature and posted on the official website. The conclusion of the expert group is considered by the accreditation body and only after that a decision is made on the compliance or non-compliance of the content and quality of training. Upon successful passage of state control, the educational institution issues a certificate of state accreditation of educational activities.

The issued certificate confirms the state status of the educational organization, the compliance of the quality of the services provided with the state education standards. An application must be attached to the certificate, which indicates the data of the educational institution, levels of education, accredited educational programs, etc. Without an application, the certificate is considered invalid.

Denial of state accreditation of an educational institution occurs in cases where false information is provided or there is a negative conclusion based on the results of the examination. In case of refusal of accreditation, an educational institution may re-apply with a similar application, but not earlier than after 12 months.

Validity of the state accreditation of an educational institution

A certificate of state accreditation for organizations implementing basic professional programs is issued for 6 years, for 12 years - for organizations implementing basic general education programs. Rosobrnadzor explained that if both programs are implemented and submitted for state accreditation in an organization, then, if the decision is positive, two certificates will be issued - one for 6 years, the other for 12 years.

Within 10 working days from the date of a positive decision, the accreditation body hands over the certificate or sends it by registered mail to the address of the organization.

Moreover, professional and general education programs can be accredited in the absence of students completing their studies in the current year. At any stage, the educational institution can apply for state accreditation - in the first, second or third year.

Certificate renewal

The procedure and grounds for reissuing a certificate are established by the Regulations on state accreditation.

The certificate must be reissued by those organizations that were created by reorganization as part of an affiliation or merger in the presence of a certificate of state accreditation of affiliated institutions. The certificate will be issued upon joining - for the period until the expiration of the certificate of the reorganized organization; in case of merger - for the period until the expiration of the certificate of the reorganized organization, the validity of which expires earlier.

Provisional certificate

According to the norms, a temporary certificate is issued only to those institutions that have arisen as a result of reorganization in the form of division or separation. It is issued for one year, so that the educational institution can prepare all the documents and pass state accreditation in a year for the period that corresponds to a particular program.

Deprivation of an educational institution of state accreditation

The decision to withdraw state accreditation is made by the accreditation body on the basis of the law on education. The reason may be a repeated violation of the legislation in the field of education or the expiration of the suspension of state accreditation in the absence of grounds for the renewal of its validity.

Upon termination of the license to carry out educational activities, the state accreditation of the educational institution is terminated from the date of the decision to terminate the license.

Institute or university), the level of programs being implemented, their focus, as well as the quality of graduate training. Newly organized individual branches or universities, as well as newly introduced specialties, can only receive accreditation after the first graduation. Any university must provide Required documents at the first request of incoming students. Additional information about the educational institution can be found in Rosobrnadzor. The accreditation of the university itself is different from the accreditation of its program. The curriculum of an institute or university is approved by the Minister of Education Russian Federation, any university can have accredited and non-accredited programs, main reason- unsatisfactory quality. If you are going through an unaccredited program at an educational institution, then you should not wait for a state diploma. Accreditation can be unexpected, as a rule, specialists who analyze the quality of an educational institution take part in it. Students who are tested according to special program, this will confirm the reputation of the university. The scientific program and the quality of education are subjected to verification, the selection of personnel and the conditions of education are evaluated. Considerable attention Lately paid to the websites of the university, transparency and reliability of the posted information. After successfully passing the accreditation, the university is issued a certificate and some kind of supplement to it, which indicates the accredited specialties. The certificate may indicate the type of educational institution (higher educational institution), type. None can be self-certified without a head office. Each branch must have a copy of the certificate and application without fail. If, for some reason, the university could not be accredited, Rosobrnadzor can give the educational institution time to improve the situation as a whole. An accredited higher education institution is considered more reliable and prestigious, such a university will receive state support, and students are entitled to all the benefits provided by law.


  • if the university has not been accredited

In order for your company to cooperate with foreign companies directly, it must be accredited in embassy(or Consulate General) of the exact country where your business partners work.


Most often they fall under:
- higher education institutions,
- mass media,
- medical institutions,
- diagnostic centers,
- laboratories and research institutes,
- certification authorities.

Types of accreditation

There are two types of accreditation: state and non-state.

Private non-profit organizations, which may have their own divisions, such as national or regional.

State accreditation is carried out and regularly confirmed by various federal services. As a result of passing any of the accreditations and upon completion of all procedures, with a positive result, a state certificate is issued, giving the right to carry out activities within the framework of state standard. Thus, the specialists prove the high level of quality of services provided by the “verified” organization and make a final assessment of its activities as a whole.

Accreditation in journalism

Unlike many areas where an organization receives accreditation, a journalist is often accredited special person. As a rule, this is required to organize the participation of a media representative in briefings or press conferences. In most cases, it is enough to submit a personal application