Copy of DiCaprio. Russian double DiCaprio - about how he became famous. And at this time

At this year's Oscars, the web was flooded with many funny memes on the subject. A photo of the Russian double of Leo appeared on the Runet: at first, she simply collected likes and reposts, and later TV journalists became interested in her. In a short time, they managed to find out that the Russian Leo is actually called Roman Burtsev, he is 33 years old and lives in Podolsk.

Leonardo DiCaprio

His profession is less creative, but important - Roman works in the technical support of the 112 rescue service. The team is predominantly female, but even despite this, Roman is deprived of attention from the female sex. The Moscow 24 TV channel decided to correct the situation: the editors invited Burtsev to become the hero of their new show, in which the Russian Leo will be helped to lose weight and get in excellent physical shape. If the experiment succeeds, Roman will look even more like a Hollywood actor and the problem of finding a bride will be solved. However, the situation, by his own admission, has already begun to change - the girls are actively writing to Roman on social networks.

By the way, the photo that spread around Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram and other networks was originally published by Roman on a dating site. The man has three higher education- medical, financial and technical, in his free time he likes to do photo retouching.

Of course, Roman is far from the only known double of the Hollywood actor. Another "twin" lives in Sweden. 21-year-old bartender Konrad Anerud became an Internet star after several thousand people drew attention to his resemblance to Leonardo DiCaprio. The guy stirs up interest in himself by posting a lot of pictures on social networks, in which he actually reproduces old DiCaprio photo shoots. It is not known whether Leo himself knows about its existence, but the similarity between them is indeed amazing.

Not everyone can boast of such a twist of fate. Overnight, a simple resident of the Moscow region Roman Burtsev became a real celebrity. A photo of a rescue worker got on the Web, someone noticed that he was very similar to the Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio, and away we go. Photos of Roman began to be replicated, memes began to be created from his images. It got to the point that Burtsev was invited to television and shown all over the country. And the Moscow-24 channel signed a contract with the man to participate in the reality show Romance with DiCaprio. As part of the program, Burtsev, under the guidance of a nutritionist and stylist, should become as similar as possible to the real Leonardo.

On the wave of popularity, the Russian DiCaprio was successful with the opposite sex. Roman also helped to participate in the StarHit section “The Man of My Dreams”, the characters of which are presented to the readers of the magazine for further acquaintance.

“I promise that I will provide the family with everything necessary. I will become a reliable wall for my beloved, I will protect her and take care of her. I dream that we will spend our honeymoon in Sri Lanka. I also want to skydive with my companion, of course, if the weight allows. I am sure that I will be able to lose weight, ”wrote Burtsev. The reaction of the girls was not long in coming. As a result, the man chose three strangers with whom he went on a date.

The writer and poetess Alina Delisse immediately made an impression on Roman. The spectacular blonde charmed him with her outlook, openness and sincerity. The couple talked with great interest about everything in the world in the Searchlight restaurant. It is worth noting that Alina was also pleased with the date. “An amazing soul man - Roman! I wish him all the best, success and happiness! I am very glad to such bright people!” - she wrote later in her microblog.

Tanya Tereshina Roman saw only on the TV screen, so he could not imagine that in his life there would be a meeting with a star. Burtsev did not think about the place for a long time and called the singer to the Jimmy Poy karaoke club. I must say that the artist looked stunning. By the way, now she has the status of a free woman, so the Russian DiCaprio has a chance to win her heart. Of course, Tatyana did not miss the opportunity to sing on a date for her new friend. Burtsev was embarrassed, but very pleased. Tereshina later posted a selfie with Roman on Instagram. “I had dinner with Leo tonight. We chatted about this and that. For a diet ... For a life, in short, ”she wrote jokingly.

Plus size model Natasha Iorga was also among Burtsev's chosen ones. Since she is also concerned about losing weight, it was decided to hold the meeting at the Hermitage skating rink. Young people changed their shoes and went out on the ice. Roman admitted that he had not put on skates for a long time, so it was not easy for him. Natasha supported her companion, whom, by the way, passers-by had already begun to recognize. Having rolled enough, Burtsev and Iorga warmed themselves in a cafe, drank tea and talked about travel, dreams, zodiac signs and much more. After the date, the girl admitted that she had a lot in common with the Russian Leonardo DiCaprio.

Roman Burtsev, an employee of the rescue service from the Moscow region, became a minor Russian celebrity after DiCaprio won an Oscar for his performance in The Revenant.

Roman Burtsev, the portly Russian impersonator of Leonardo DiCaprio, decided to capitalize on his newly acquired fame by starring in a Russian vodka commercial.

At the beginning of the Five Lakes vodka commercial, Burtsev looks into the rearview mirror of his luxury car, which has a photo of the real DiCaprio attached to it. Then the camera lowers and shows Burtsev's fat belly, covered with a cheap tracksuit.


DiCaprio, Oscar and morality

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The video emphasizes that everything in it is fake: a fake DiCaprio driving a fake BMW with a fake iPhone and a fake glamorous girl in the seat next to him. Only real vodka. At the end of the video, Burtsev leaves the car, the girl and the phone and sails away on a boat, like Hugh Glass, played by DiCaprio in The Revenant.

Burtsev, a 33-year-old rescue worker from the Moscow region, rose to prominence in Russia this year ahead of the Oscars. Russian media, talking about the Academy Award, paid a lot of attention to DiCaprio, and in this regard, journalists did not miss the chance to show off his local double. Burtsev regularly appeared in Russian materials about the Oscars and even took part in a reality show on the Moscow-24 TV channel.

Taking advantage of his 15 minutes of fame, Burtsev started a page in Instagram, where he now posts photos of himself as DiCaprio characters from famous films from Titanic to The Revenant.

However, while Burtsev owes his fame to DiCaprio, he doesn't have much admiration for the Hollywood star.

“He won an Oscar! So what? - he told the Russian news site, having learned about the decision of the jury. “It's just a useless piece of iron. Leo does not have the most important thing - family.

Original publication:

At the sight of Konrad Annerud, some fall into a stupor and experience shock, while others throw themselves on his neck. The guy looks so much like Leonardo DiCaprio hard to believe that he is not a Hollywood actor, only 20 years younger. Konrad lives in Sweden, works as a model and bartender, makes music and runs Instagram.


It was thanks to the popular photo application that people from different countries. Now Annerud has more than 40 thousand subscribers. In the comments below the photos young man they express their sincere astonishment at the how much he looks like a world famous movie star.

"Sometimes very it's hard when people call me Leo, not my name. But overall it's fun, he's handsome. That's when I go abroad, the real test begins. Last summer I was in Italy. I even thought about shaving my head. It was chaos. People everywhere shouted "Leo!" at the sight of me and constantly wanted to be photographed with me. It was the craziest experience of my life," Annerud told the Swedish newspaper Nyheter.

Surely, if filmmakers or fashion designers find out about Conrad, he will quickly receive an offer to conclude lucrative contracts. By the way, Leonardo DiCaprio himself constantly becomes the hero of jokes, as he has been nominated for an Oscar for several years, but cannot receive prestigious award. They say the Oscar will eventually go to the actor who plays Leo in the movie. Perhaps it will be Annerud.