The most prestigious awards in the world. Who is the worst: "Golden Raspberry", "Schnobel" and other anti-prizes What is the name of the award for dubious scientific achievements

Every year, many different awards are awarded in the world for certain services to humanity. They did not bypass those nominees whose actions can hardly be called sane, because they invariably had a tragic ending.

So, let's talk about the winners of the Darwin award. This virtual prize is awarded annually posthumously to people for the monstrously stupid acts that led to their death.

1. My home is my castle

An elderly Belgian engineer was killed by one of his death traps he set in his own home. He lost the case for this house of his daughter and feared eviction.

2. Self-preservation instinct - self-defense or suicide

Some fall asleep with a teddy bear, and 47-year-old Newtonian of North Carolina Ken Charles Barger is used to falling asleep with his beloved .38 Smith & Wesson. When I woke him up one night phone call, he automatically put a "deadly toy" to his ear and pulled the trigger.

3. Insurance - first of all

So reasoned a resident from Los Angeles, intending to repair the roof of his house. He firmly fixed the safety rope, and tied its other end to the bumper of a car standing in the yard. Just at this time, his wife was going shopping. The car started off, the man was torn off the roof and dragged to the first store, near which his wife stopped. And although he was saved this time, he died even more absurdly. The toilet in his closet exploded when he dropped his cigarette butt. The wife, filling the lighter, spilled some flammable liquid inside. Fate or bad luck?

4. Deadly love for nature

A young botanist from California was hiking in a nature reserve on the rocky coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The walk took a little longer. In order not to pollute the soil with body waste, the young man decided to urinate from a cliff into the sea, but could not resist and fell a two-hundred-meter cliff and crashed to death.

5. Chasing the beautiful

In 2005, a middle-aged lady decided to take a walk in the mountains. On the way, she caught sight of amazing beauty feather. She tried to pick it up, but a strong gust of wind carried it away towards the fence. The woman ran after him. As a result, she fell from a height of three hundred meters and died from a head injury.

6. Woe from Wit

2000, Philippines. A resident of the city of Davao decided to rob passengers on board the plane. He managed to carry a makeshift parachute, grenades and a gun on board. He robbed passengers of $25,000, demanded that the pilot lower the plane to a height from which to make a jump. Jumping out of the plane, instead of a grenade, he threw a ring from it into the cockpit. In addition, the parachute never opened.

7. Joker Lawyer

A successful lawyer from Toronto, proving the strength of the windows in the office, amused himself by throwing himself at the window with a run, frightening the visitors of the office. However, the 24th attempt was fatal. The window shattered, and the unfortunate joker made a fatal jump.

8. Saving drowning people is the work of hands ...

A resident from Austria, having taken a fair amount of alcohol and deciding to go out for a breath fresh air, for some reason could not open the door of his apartment. Trying to climb through a small window in the kitchen, he got stuck so that his head was in a sink of water. Being pretty drunk, he could not turn off the water and choked. Paradoxically, the keys to the apartment were in his pocket.

9. There is power - no mind needed

A Ukrainian fisherman decided not to waste time on trifles, fishing with a fishing rod, and threw a live electric cable into the river. When the fish surfaced, the unlucky angler went into the water to collect it, having previously forgotten to turn off the voltage. As a result, he suffered the fate of his own catch.

10. Revenge of the fish

Fisherman from South Korea prepared his catch for sale and was about to gut the fish. However, while still alive, the fish unexpectedly sharply waved its tail and the knife intended for butchering hit the fisherman in the chest. He died on the spot.

11. Travelers to Hell

Four Chinese teenagers, after watching supernatural films, decided to "go on a journey to hell." They ate a melon laced with rat poison and left a note saying they would return if they didn't like it. Two out of four seemed to enjoy it. Fortunately, two were saved.

12. Oh sport, you ...

The young gymnast, who was celebrating her 17th birthday, decided to demonstrate her personal success in sports by making an impromptu trampoline out of the sofa. Entering into excitement, she flew out of the window of the sixth floor. The sad end of the celebration.

13. Curiosity is not a vice?

Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh. A young girl decided to end her life by jumping from a bridge. More than 50 onlookers gathered to watch this sad spectacle. As a result, the bridge could not bear the total weight of curious spectators and collapsed. Nine people died.

14. Forgetful skydiver

Experienced skydiver Ivan McGuire decided to film his jump over North Carolina from a height of 3000 m, taking a camera with him, but forgetting to put a parachute. The end is known.

15. Died at work

French funeral home owner Mark Burjat was beaten to death by a pile of coffins he sold in his shop. He was buried in one of them.

16. Killer tampons

Hampshire resident Mark Gleason decided to fight snoring by using women's tampons, putting them in his nostrils. The self-taught healer just suffocated in his sleep.

17. Killer Help

The humanitarian mission of the Belgian Air Force in Sudan ended with the death of three local residents when boxes of food dropped by the Belgian military fell on their heads.

18. Deadly theft

When Henry M Bongo, an unfortunate thief from Cameroon, decided to steal a chicken, an angry mob of locals forced him to eat everything he stole. As a result, the unfortunate thief died of asphyxia, choking on feathers and bird bones.

19. Greed is not a vice?

Careless motorists often become winners of the Darwin Award. One American, who decided to sell his car, tried to pump out the remaining gasoline from the tank with a vacuum cleaner. A moment later there was an explosion. There was no car, no house, no garage. The owner himself did not survive.

20. Addiction

When driving a car, it is important to focus on driving itself, and not on yourself. A certain young American had the bad habit of picking his nose while the car was in motion. One day, the car shook slightly, and he badly damaged a blood vessel with his finger. The bleeding started. By the time patrolmen noticed his parked car, the man was already dead. He bled out.

21. Deadly Bet

Sergey Tuganov, a 28-year-old mechanic from Moscow, moved to the USA. Once, having met with two Russian young ladies, he made a bet with them that he could have sex for 12 hours in a row. Because of a $5,000 dispute, a young man drank two packs of Viagra at once, so as not to “fall into the dirt on his face”. His "triumph" lasted only a few minutes. He died of a heart attack.

22. Funny to death

50-year-old Alex Mitchell of King's Lynn laughed so hard at the jokes of his favorite BBC show in 1975 that his heart gave out and he died in front of the TV screen. Laughter and tears.

23. Weapons of Justice

Bonn resident Peter Gruber decided to rob the Museum of Art, but he panicked when he saw the museum guards and tried to flee. Turning sharply around the corner, he accidentally stumbled upon the meter-long sword of the statue. Ironically, the exhibit was called "The Weapons of Justice."

24. Saving your favorite toy

A young French woman lost control of her car at speed and crashed into a tree. A minute before the tragedy, her favorite Tamagotchi toy squealed sharply, demanding attention. The girl saved the toy's life at the cost of her life.

In 2001, Steve Conner, a California zookeeper, fed an elephant 22 doses of a strong laxative. Deciding to see the result, he approached the elephant from behind and as a result was buried under a centner of elephant dung.

26. Celebrated

Sweet old Debbie Milla was on her way to her 100th birthday party when her wheelchair was hit by a car carrying a birthday cake. Grandmother lived 99 years and 364 days. It's embarrassing to tears.

27. Was in the wrong place

A young woman, Megan Fry, decided to play a trick on the police while training on a live shooting simulator. She suddenly jumped out at them with a loud cry and was shot with 14 barrels of police officers who mistook her for a target.

This, unfortunately, is far from full list the most ridiculous deaths in the world. Death, like birth, is a natural phenomenon. Don't rush her arrival. Do not try to walk the "ladder" of Darwin in the opposite direction, be attentive to yourself and others!

A prize or award is awarded, as a rule, on a competitive basis to a person or organization for outstanding results in a particular field of activity. Below is a list of the ten most famous world awards.

Opens the ranking of the most famous awards "Pulitzer Prize" - the most prestigious US award in the field of literature, journalism, music and theater. It was founded on August 17, 1903 by newspaper magnate Joseph Pulitzer. The award has been awarded annually in twenty-one categories since 1917. The amount of the award is $10,000.

MTV Video Music Awards is an annual award given by the MTV channel for the creation of video clips. The ceremony was first held in 1984 in New York. The record holder for the number of statuettes won, the so-called "Moonmanow", is the American singer Madonna, who has won 20 awards.

BRIT Awards

The BRIT Awards are the UK's most prestigious annual pop music awards. The award was first presented in 1977 as part of the Silver Jubilee celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II. It has been awarded annually since 1982. The record holder for the number of nominations is British singer Robbie Williams (17 BRIT Awards).

Seventh place in the list of the most famous awards is occupied by the Grammy - the annual music award of the American Recording Academy, founded on March 14, 1958. Awarded by voting in 78 categories across 30 musical genres. As of February 2009, a total of 7,578 awards have been presented.

The Cannes Film Festival is an annual international film festival founded in 1946. Held at the Palais des Festivals et des Congrès in the resort town of Cannes, in the south of France. The most prestigious award given at the Cannes Film Festival in the Best Film category is the Palme d'Or.

Fifth place in the list of the most famous world awards goes to the Golden Globe. It is an annual American award given since 1944 for motion pictures and television pictures, as voted by some 90 international journalists based in Hollywood. The record holder for the number of nominations is Meryl Streep (29 awards).


BAFTA is an independent charity that supports, develops and promotes arts such as film, television and computer games. The organization was formed in 1947 under the leadership of David Lean. The first BAFTA award ceremony took place in 1948 in London. The winners receive a golden mask as a prize.

Third place in the list of the ten most famous awards in the world goes to the Booker Prize. It is the most prestigious literary award given annually in the UK since 1969 for the best original novel written in English language. The winner of the award receives £50,000.


In second place in the list of the most famous world awards is the Oscar - the most prestigious American film award on the planet, annually presented since 1929 in Los Angeles, at the Dolby Theater for various achievements in the film industry. From 1953 to the present, the ceremony has been televised in more than 200 countries. Walt Disney won the most Oscars (26).

The Nobel Prize is an international annual award given for outstanding Scientific research, revolutionary inventions or major contributions to culture or society. The award was named after the Swedish chemist, engineer and inventor Alfred Nobel, who in his will ordered part of his capital to be awarded as an award for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and the world. Between 1901–2015 The Nobel Prize was awarded to 870 laureates and 26 organizations.

Awards are very expensive, there is the most expensive in the world, and there is an award recognized as the most expensive in the USSR. It is also interesting to learn about the unusual award that marks the most ridiculous of deaths.

Most Ridiculous Death Award

Every now and then we hear that some kind of prize has been given to someone, it turns out that a prize has also been established for the most ridiculous death. Its name is the Darwin Award. It is a virtual award.

The purpose of the award is to encourage the removal of defective genes from the human gene pool. Sometimes the awards are given to the surviving people, but most often the laureates become after death.

Anyone who has ruined himself, allowed himself to be ruined by someone or something out of stupidity, or has performed certain actions, because of which he has lost the possibility of procreation, can qualify for the Darwin Prize. Death due to someone else's mistake is not eligible for this award, as it is common bad luck.

All cases are necessarily checked for reliability, and they must be “fresh”, that is, they must occur no more than a year ago. Since true idiocy is unique, the winner is most often the most extraordinary case that led to death.

Most Expensive Award

Of all the famous awards in the world, two of the most expensive can be distinguished. One of them is the highest award Russian Empire. Its name is the Diamond Badge of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Estimated cost - about five million four hundred thousand dollars.

Another most expensive award is the Order of Victory. Only seventeen people had it, and three of them had two such awards. It is impossible to determine the estimated cost of the order, since none of the orders is for sale.

Russia's highest award

In tsarist Russia, its own system of awards was formed, medals and orders were awarded in pre-revolutionary Russia, and in Soviet Russia, and, finally, in modern Russia.

Honorary title of Hero Russian Federation implies the awarding of the Gold Star medal. This is the highest award in Russia. It is relatively new, as it appeared after the collapse of the USSR.

The most expensive award of the USSR

No one argues that the main thing in any award is the merits of the person to whom it is given. However, funds are spent on the production of any award. Among all the awards of the USSR, the Order of Victory was recognized as the most priceless.

The order was established in the fall of 1943 to reward military leaders, thanks to whom a victory was won in an important large-scale operation, which entailed a change in the situation at the front in favor of our army.

It looks like a five-pointed star, which is decorated with five artificial rubies and one hundred and seventy-four diamonds. In the center is an image of the Spasskaya Tower. In the manufacture of this piece of jewelry, gold, platinum, silver and enamel were used. The size of the jewel is seventy-two millimeters.

The craftsmen of the Moscow jewelry and watch factory were engaged in manufacturing. Such an order was awarded only twenty times, the military leaders of the USSR, Stalin and some Foreign citizens. Today, all orders are in Russia in repositories and museums.

No one knows the exact price of this order, but it is known that according to today's estimates, the cost of the materials used in the manufacture of the award is about one hundred thousand dollars.

Only one order is in a private collection. It once belonged to Mihai I. When the king of Romania was forced to flee the country, the award is believed to have ended up in the hands of Ceausescu. He sold it for a million dollars to the Rockefeller family. They, in turn, sold it at auction for two million. Experts believe that if the order appeared at the auction today, about twenty million would be paid for it.

The most prestigious award in the world

There is practically no one who does not know about Nobel Prize. It is she who is recognized as the most prestigious in the world. Its founder is the chemist Alfred Nobel. He patented the discovery of dynamite, he has a number of other discoveries directly related to explosions. Despite this, the brilliant chemist strove for universal peace. He decided to reward people who made significant contributions over the past year in five areas - physics, chemistry, literature and peace promotion, physiology and medicine. To do this, he wrote a will in the amount of nine million dollars, which became the amount for the foundation of the fund. The financing of the international prize, according to this will, must be paid from the above amount.

The prize was first awarded in 1901, which was timed to coincide with the fifth anniversary of Nobel's death. Since 1969, this award has been given for special achievements in the field of economics.

The solemn ceremony is always held in Stockholm on the same day, namely, the tenth of December. This date is the day of Nobel's death.

Receiving such awards is a serious occasion for celebration. And at celebrations, alcohol is often served, including the most expensive cognac in the world.
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Everyone knows about the most prestigious award in the field of cinema - Oscar. But in this article I would like to talk about anti-premiums, i.e. awards for the worst or dubious achievements. So the 8 most popular anti-premiums.

Anti-prizes of the world

1. Ig Nobel Prize (Antinobel Prize) - The award was established by Mark Abrahams and the humor magazine Annals of Incredible Research in 1991. This award is given for dubious achievements. This award is presented at the beginning of October each year by the real Nobel Prize winners, and the award ceremony takes place at Harvard.

2. Stella Award - This award is given to the most ridiculous judgment in USA. It is named after Stella Liebeck, who in 1992 spilled hot coffee from McDonald's and sued him, thereby suing the fast food for $ 2.9 million.

3. Golden Raspberry - anti-award, anti-Oscar. The award is given for achievements in the field of cinema. It was founded in 1981 by American John Wilson. The nominees for this award are announced the day before the Oscars.

4. Silver galosh - Russian anti-prize in the field of show business. The award was established by Silver Rain Radio in 1996.

5. Darwin Award - An unofficial award for the most ridiculous death (or at least for the most ridiculous loss of reproductive function). The prize is awarded to people who died in the most ridiculous way, thereby leaving no offspring, thereby clearing the gene pool of mankind.

6. The Glass Bolt Award - established in 2011 by blogger Ilya Varlamov and awarded to Russian officials for the most idiotic and ridiculous decisions in terms of arranging the city of Moscow. In 2012, the award became officially all-Russian.

7. Latern Rouge - the award is given to the cyclist who takes the last place in the Tour de France race. Translated as "Red Lantern" and this award is named after the red lantern on the last car of the train.

8. Paragraph - Literary anti-award. Created in 2001 and awarded in the following categories: "Worst Proofreading", "Worst Translation", "Worst Editing" and "Complete Paragraph" (for complete violation of all book publishing standards). "Honorary illiterates" are also awarded.

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[[K:Wikipedia:KU Pages (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]][[C:Wikipedia:Pages on CG (country: Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. )]]Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. World Award for Stupidity Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. World Award for Stupidity Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#property" was not found. World Award for Stupidity

World Award for Stupidity- the award, which from 2008 was awarded "for the most outstanding achievements in the field of stupidity and ignorance." The award was sponsored by the Just for Laughs comedy festival. The 2005 ceremony was held on July 22 in Montreal.

The last three ceremonies were hosted by American comedian Lewis Black.

Laureates 2006

In 2006, categories awarded included:

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An excerpt characterizing the World Prize for Stupidity

(If someone is interested in the details of the real fate of Radomir, Magdalene, Cathars and the Templars, please see the Additions after the chapters of Isidora or a separate (but still in preparation) book "Children of the Sun" when it is posted on the website for free copying).

I stood completely shocked, as it was almost always after the next story of the North ...
Was that tiny, newly born boy really the famous Jacques de Molay?! How many different bizarre legends I heard about this mysterious man!.. How many miracles were connected with his life in the stories I once loved!
(Unfortunately, wonderful legends about this mysterious man have not survived to this day... He, like Radomir, was made a weak, cowardly and spineless master who "failed" to save his great Order...)
– Can you tell us a little more about him, Sever? Was he such a powerful prophet and miracle worker as my father once told me? ..
Smiling at my impatience, Sever nodded in the affirmative.
– Yes, I will tell you about him, Isidora... I have known him for many years. And I talked to him many times. I loved this man very much ... And I missed him very much.
I did not ask why he did not help him during the execution? It didn't make sense, since I already knew his answer.
– What are you?! Have you spoken to him? Please, will you tell me about this, Sever?!. I exclaimed.
I know I was like a child in my excitement... But it didn't matter. Sever understood how important his story was for me, and patiently helped me.
“Only I would like to know first what became of his mother and the Cathars. I know that they died, but I would like to see it with my own eyes... Help me, please, Sever.
And again, reality disappeared, returning me to Montsegur, where wonderful brave people lived their last hours - students and followers of Magdalene ...

Esclarmonde lay quietly on the bed. Her eyes were closed, she seemed to be sleeping, exhausted by losses ... But I felt - it was just protection. She just wanted to be alone with her sadness... Her heart suffered endlessly. The body refused to obey... Just a few moments ago, her hands were holding a newborn son... Embracing her husband... Now they are gone into the unknown. And no one could say with certainty whether they would be able to get away from the hatred of the "hunters" who filled the foot of Montsegur. Yes, and the whole valley, as far as the eye covered ... The fortress was the last stronghold of the Cathars, after it there was nothing left. They suffered a complete defeat ... Exhausted by hunger and winter cold, they were helpless against the stone "rain" of catapults that rained down on Montsegur from morning to night.