Brick marking is a universal tool for recognizing its features. What are the dimensions of the brick? Brick 1 nf what

As a building material, it was invented a very long time ago, some samples are about 10,000 years old. The process of making it at first may have looked like this: our ancestors, maybe even hairy and with clubs at the ready, sculpted clay cubes for themselves, dried them in the sun, and then built walls out of them. Everything was fine and nothing foreshadowed trouble, but one day the finished hut burned down, and even with all the furniture. But as they say: "There is no evil without good!" An observant person realized that ready-made cubes of clay, dried under the sun, it would be nice to also burn them to increase their useful qualities. This is how, obviously, the production of bricks was born.

For a long time brick sizes didn't follow any rules. They sculpted it as they wanted and whoever wanted. But then they began to standardize within the limits of settlements, states. From these constant changes, the then builders, probably, simply groaned. But now, restorers easily determine the time of erection of historical buildings by the size of individual bricks. All these gestures under the yoke of evolution and technological progress have led the current manufacturers to common standards which are enshrined in state documents, and it is impossible to violate them in any way.

For a private house builder, it is very useful to get acquainted with all the information about bricks in order to correctly design a house based on these data, calculate the amount of building material required, and know in the future what and where to sculpt.

Brick is a stone correct form artificial origin, which is very widely used in construction. It has three surfaces:

  • bed- the biggest;
  • spoons– average;
  • poke is the smallest surface.

Table 1. Dimensions of domestic bricks

Name Size marking Dimensions, mm Title marking
Single 1-NF 250x120x65 ABOUT
"Euro" 0.7-NF 250x85x65 E
Modular Single 1,3-NF 288x138x65 M
One and a half 1,4-NF 250x120x88 At
Thickened brick with horizontal voids 1,4-NF 250x120x88 UG
Double brick (stone) 2,1-NF 250x120x140 TO
3,7-NF 288x288x88
2,9-NF 288x138x140
1,8-NF 288x138x88
4.5-NF 250x250x140
3,2-NF 250x180x140
Large format stone
(ceramic porous block)
14,3-NF 510x250x219 QC
11.2-NF 398x250x219
10.7-NF 380x250x219
9,3-NF 380x255x188
6,8-NF 380x250x140
4,9-NF 380x180x140
6.0-NF 250x250x188
Stone with horizontal holes 1,8-NF 250x200x70 KG

Foreign manufacturers have completely different standards and sizes differ from domestic ones.

Table 2. European brick size marking

Marking Dimensions, mm
D.F. 240x115x52
2DF 240x115x113
NF 240x115x71
RF 240x115x61
WDF 210x100x65
WF 210x100x50

Knowing the dimensions is good, but you also need to know the types of bricks, and there are many of them. According to the composition and production technology, it happens:

  • ceramic;
  • silicate;
  • hyperpressed.

ceramic brick

It is based on clay and mixtures with its use. The technology for the production of ceramic bricks is not surprising and is a process of firing already molded clay bars at high temperatures.

Good sound insulation, high strength, low moisture absorption, high density and frost resistance - these are the advantages of this building material. Disadvantages - high price, high thermal conductivity, relatively large weight and the possible appearance of "efflorescence" on the finished masonry. Ceramic bricks can be used almost everywhere: for the construction of load-bearing and self-supporting walls and partitions, masonry and plinths, the inner and outer parts of the ventilation ducts of chimneys and sewer wells.

silicate brick

Its basis is a mixture of quartz sand, lime and water. The molded mass is subjected to autoclave treatment - the action of water vapor under high pressure. Sound insulation, strength, density and frost resistance - all at a high level. In addition, there are no "efflorescences" on the masonry and the cost is lower than ceramic. The disadvantages include relatively large weight, high thermal conductivity, reduced water resistance and reduced heat resistance. Silicate brick is used in the construction of load-bearing and self-supporting partitions, reduced water and heat resistance excludes its use in laying foundations, wells, the inside of chimneys, as well as walls in rooms with high humidity.

Hyper pressed brick

It is based on crushed limestone with the addition of cement and pigment for coloring the mass. The finished mass is pressed under very high pressure in two stages.

Hyper-pressed brick is characterized by increased density, absence of "efflorescence", resistance to sudden changes in air temperature, original appearance, precise geometry. Its disadvantages are high thermal conductivity and high weight. Typically, such a brick is used in the cladding of building facades and the construction of fences.

Types of bricks by purpose

By appointment it is divided into:

  • construction (ordinary);
  • facing;
  • special.

Building (ordinary) brick used for laying internal and external rows of walls, followed by the application of plaster. Walls, foundations, plinths, columns, pillars, ventilation ducts - all this can be built from ordinary bricks. Ordinary is ceramic and silicate brick, solid and hollow brick. The choice of a particular brand depends on what qualities the planned structure should have.

Facing brick used for cladding facades of buildings. Its distinctive feature is the presence of two smooth and aesthetically attractive surfaces (one "poke" and one "spoon"). Facing brick is silicate, hyperpressed, ceramic. It can be both full-bodied and hollow. The front surface can be smooth or embossed, and various methods are used to finish it:

  • shotcrete- this is mechanical application of glass chips, sand, porcelain, fireclay, Artik tuff using shotcrete;
  • engobing- the color composition of the engobe is applied to the dried raw material, and fired once. Engobe consists of white or dye-dyed liquid clay;
  • glazing- glaze is applied to the fired clay, glass is ground into powder, and the product is fired again, but at a lower temperature. As a result, a vitreous waterproof layer is formed, which has good adhesion to the bulk;
  • polymer coating(polymer staining);
  • double layer molding- the bulk of the product is molded from red clays, and the front composition (3 - 5 mm) from white unpainted or colored clays.

Special brick(furnace, fireclay) has high heat resistance, is made of refractory clay and can withstand temperatures above 1000 ° C. It has a sandy yellow color and a granular texture. It is used for laying stoves, fireplaces, the inner surface of chimneys.

Types of bricks by structure

According to its structure it is divided into:

  • full-bodied;
  • hollow;
  • porous.

solid brick has no voids more than 13%. Its purpose is laying internal and external walls, columns, poles and other supporting structures. Its high thermal conductivity imposes a restriction on the construction of external walls entirely from this material.

hollow brick has through voids up to 45% of the total volume of the product. As a result, its thermal insulation characteristics are improved, and the weight of the product is reduced. Areas of application of hollow bricks are lightweight walls, partitions, filling reinforced concrete frames of multi-storey buildings, facade cladding. The shape of the holes in finished products is quite diverse: through, closed on one side, vertical and horizontal, round, square, rectangular and oval. Well, just endless variety.

porous brick has a porous structure of the material (ceramics). Due to its porosity, it acquires improved heat and sound insulation, as well as a relatively low weight of the product. The areas of application of such a brick are absolutely similar to the use of hollow bricks.

Brick marking

Each batch of bricks is marked by the manufacturer; all information about the product is indicated on the marking in an alphanumeric code. It is not difficult to decipher the marking, it consists of: marking the name of the product, the letters P - for privates, L - for facial ones; size designations and designations: By- for full-bodied, Pu- for hollow; grades for strength and frost resistance; medium density class and GOST designation.

For example: Brick KORPu 1NF/100/1.4/50/GOST 530-2007

Marking of ordinary ceramic brick, hollow, thickened, size 1.4NF, strength grade M150, medium density class 1.4, frost resistance grade F50:

Or: Silicate single ordinary brick of strength grade 150, frost resistance grade F15 will be marked: COP-150/15 brick, GOST 379-95.

Brick strength grade- denoted by the letter M, and indicates what load per 1 cm² it can withstand. Exists a large number of strength grades, but mostly found: M75, M100, M125, M150, M175, M200, M250, M300.

Frost resistance of brick- subdivided into grades F25, F35, F50, F75, F100. These marks indicate the number of freeze and thaw cycles that the finished product can withstand. To determine frost resistance, the test products are saturated with water and frozen for 5 hours. After that, the brick thaws for 5 hours in water at a temperature of 10-20 °. Then the cycle of freezing and thawing is repeated until the destruction of the product.

Average brick density subdivided into classes: 0.8; 1.0; 1.2; 1.4; 2.0.

When making a purchase, it is these data that you should pay attention to! You can advertise, embellish, anything, and a brick, respectively, but the marking will tell you the truth.

Ceramic brick - a building material made of fired clay mass in the form of a rectangular parallelepiped with dimensions of 265x120x65 (etc.), used as a constructive and enclosing element (ordinary brick) or facing (front brick). According to GOST 530-2012, a product with a nominal thickness of 140 mm or more is called a stone.

Compound: clay

Preparation method: There are two methods for producing ceramic bricks: semi-dry pressing and the more popular plastic molding method. In the first method, raw clay is formed from clay with a moisture content of 4-16% by strong pressing and then fired. Advantages of the semi-dry pressing method: faster, easier mechanization. In the second, a clay mass with a moisture content of 23-35% is formed using a belt press, then dried and fired. Advantages of the plastic forming method: the ability to produce products of various sizes, shapes and voids, in some cases higher strength and frost resistance.

Structural variations: hollow and solid (stone is only hollow)

By area of ​​application: ordinary and front (stone with a tongue-and-groove and groove connection can only be ordinary), fireclay, clinker

Sizes and formats:

View designation Nominal dimensions Size designation
Length or non-working size Width or working dimension Thickness of unpolished stones Thickness of ground stones
KM 250

KMD 129

Strength grade: M100, M125, M150, M175, M200, M250, M300; clinker brick - M300, M400, M500, M600, M800, M1000; stones - M25, M35, M50, M75, M100, M125, M150, M175, M200, M250, M300; brick and stone with horizontal voids - M25, M35, M50, M75, M100.

Frost resistance grade: F25, F35, F50, F75, F100, F200, F300

Thermal conductivity: 0.27 - 0.7 (ordinary brick / front hollow / solid brick); 0.16 - 0.25 (stone)

Wed density (classes): 0,7; 0,8; 1,0; 1,2; 1,4; 2,0; 2,4

Density: 700 – 2400 kg/cm3

Moisture absorption: 8-12%

Weight: 2 - 4 kg (solid brick / hollow front / ordinary 1NF)

Price: 9 - 15 rub. (brick solid / hollow face / ordinary 1NF)

Advantages: environmental friendliness, high strength, high frost resistance, high heat capacity, high resistance to aggressive environments, versatility, not deformable, unlike silicate, it has low moisture absorption, low thermal conductivity and higher fire resistance

Flaws: possible presence of efflorescence, more expensive unlike silicate

Where to use: Ordinary brick is used for the construction of load-bearing and self-supporting walls and partitions, plinths and other structures. Facial - for facing the facades of buildings. Fireclay for the construction of furnaces and chimneys. Clinker for paving paths and sidewalks.

Where not to use: Semi-dry pressing brick cannot be used for laying plinths, foundations and external walls of wet rooms.

Current GOST for 2014: GOST 530-2012.

An example of marking according to GOST: KR-r-by 250×120×65/1NF/150/1.4/50/GOST 530-2012.
Decryption: Ordinary solid brick with dimensions 250x120x65, format 1NF, strength grade M150, average density 1.4 (1210−1400 kg / cm3), frost resistance class F50. Marking according to GOST 530-2012

GOSTs and SNiPs:

Tests of thermal conductivity of bricks and stones in masonry
GOST 530-95 | GOST 26254-84 | GOST 530-2007

Bond strength tests in masonry
SNiP P-7-81 p.3.39 | GOST 24992-81

Air permeability tests for building envelopes
SP 23-101-2004

Airborne Sound Insulation Test
GOST 27296-87 | SNiP 23-03-2003

Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions
GOST 30108-94

Example. Producer of ceramic bricks "Etalon" group of companies in St. Petersburg

Brick ceramic corpulent ordinary Brick ceramic hollow ordinary
250x120x65 mm 250x120x65 mm


1410 - 2000 kg/m3


1210 - 1400 kg/m3
4 kg 2.6 kg

Strength grade:


Strength grade:


Frost resistance:


Frost resistance:


Thermal conductivity:

0.52 W/m°C

Thermal conductivity:

0.42 W/m°C

Water absorption:


Water absorption:





Red Red

Price (2014):

14 rubles / piece

Price (2014):

9 rubles / piece

Real data from the leading manufacturers of ceramic bricks in Russia for 2014

The table shows the average values ​​of the parameters taken from the websites of 10 leading Russian factories producing ceramic bricks in 2013. The calculation did not take into account the lowest/highest parameters that can be artificially overestimated.

Initial data for compiling the table (
factories_solid_ceramic_brick.xls , factories_hollow_ceramic_brick.xls

TOP-10 companies (2013) selected according to INFOline-Analytics research:
"Research: The Market for Ceramic and Sand-Sand Bricks in Russia".

TOP 10

  1. Wienerberger |
  2. LSR victory |
  3. StroyKeramikaService |
  4. Slavic brick |
  5. Don brick |
  6. United brick factories |
  7. Revdinsky KZ |
  8. Verkhnevolzhsky KZ
  9. StroyPolymerCeramics |
  10. Samara KKM

Ceramic brick for a country house

Ceramic brick is a universal building material for the construction of load-bearing and self-supporting walls, plinths, fences, partitions and other structures. It is more versatile in use, unlike silicate brick, but, like any other material, it has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Environmental friendliness. Produced from environmentally friendly raw materials - clay.
  • High strength and frost resistance.
  • Versatility. Private for laying load-bearing and self-supporting walls and other structures. Facing for facing buildings. Fireclay for stoves and chimneys. Clinker for paving paths.
  • Not deformable (practically no shrinkage).
  • Resistant to aggressive environments. Solid ordinary brick can be used for the construction of plinths and foundations.
  • A wide variety of formats with different technical specifications.
  • Ceramic stones have low thermal conductivity (highly efficient), which makes it possible to build walls without the use of insulation.
  • Unlike silicate brick, it has lower moisture absorption and high fire resistance.


  • The possibility of efflorescence (salt discharge on the surface of the front brick).
  • More expensive than silicate. This is due to higher energy and labor costs during its creation and higher cost of raw materials.


Ceramic products are one of the most popular building materials for suburban construction due to their versatility and good performance. Parized blocks (warm ceramics) have become especially in demand in modern suburban construction, which, unlike standard bricks, have lower thermal conductivity while being strong enough for low-rise housing construction. ©

  • Name: face brick hollow 1NF ( Kr-l-pu 1NF) ;
  • Format: 1NF;
  • Size: 250x120x65mm;
  • brick color: red, terracotta, light brown, brown, dark brown;
  • Weight (mass): 2.2 kg;
  • Strength grade: M175-200;
  • Frost resistance grade: F 100;
  • Water absorption: 9% ;
  • Brick hollowness: 42 % ;
  • Quantity per pallet: 480 pieces;
  • Loading by car (20t): 18-20 pallets;
  • Pallet size: 1030x1040 mm;
  • Package: tape and shrink film.


Brick hollow unary is intended for construction of external and internal walls. Ceramic facing brick - versatile material for finishing building structures. Most often it is used for the construction of low-rise and multi-storey buildings, as well as during restoration work. Sometimes facing bricks are used to decorate the interior of rooms or other premises.

Among the advantages of facing bricks, one should highlight its moisture resistance, frost resistance, high level of strength and ease of use. Any facade finished with such a brick will retain its original appearance for a long time. In addition, it does not require any additional care. Facing brick will give any building an attractive and original look.

The production line of the plant is equipped with European cutting equipment, which ensures high dimensional accuracy and the absence of chips on the corners and edges of bricks. Competent organization of the production process and effective work quality control services guarantee strict compliance of the front brick with all mandatory standards and regulations.

Table No. 2, GOST 530-2012 "Ceramic brick and stone" indicates all the main sizes of bricks by type -

"Brick" (KR type designation)

  • 250 x 120 x 65 mm. (product size designation - 1 NF)
  • 250 x 85 x 65 mm. (product size designation - 0.7 NF)
  • 250 x 60 x 65 mm. (product size designation - 0.5 NF)
  • 288 x 138 x 65 mm. (product size designation - 1.3 NF)
  • 288 x 138 x 88 mm. (product size designation - 1.8 NF)
  • 250 x 120 x 55 mm. (product size designation - 0.8 NF)

"Brick with horizontal voids" (KRG type designation)

  • 250 x 120 x 88 mm. (product size designation - 1.4 NF)
  • 250 x 200 x 70 mm. (product size designation - 1.8 NF)

Facing brick may have different forms- chopped, smooth, etc. and dimensions -

290x140x85 mm;

250x85x65 mm;

250x120x88 mm;

250x80x65 mm;

250x60x65 mm;

250x120x65 mm.

There is a brick with a wedge on the edge and with a wedge on the end. They are used for laying out arched ceilings and gently turning wall corners. For example, the dimensions of such a brick of the Sh-22 brand have dimensions of 230x114x65 / 55 mm., And of the Sh-45 brand - 230x114xx65 / 45 mm. The last, fractional parameter means taper - the numerator is the thickness of the brick at the beginning of the cone, the denominator is the thickness of the brick in the narrowed part.

The dimensions of shaped bricks are not regulated by GOST and can be very diverse. Their sizes, rounding diameters and general shapes are reflected only in specifications ( technical conditions) manufacturer. Also shaped brick may be exclusive, made to order.

Often, people, having come to a hardware store, wonder what the various numbers and letters that are contained in the name of the material being chosen mean. In fact, they carry very important information, and in this article the marking of bricks according to GOST will be discussed in detail.

Main varieties

Today there are many varieties of bricks that have fundamental differences. Moreover, they are classified according to various factors.

By function performed:

  • A simple building brick that has standard shapes and sizes.
  • Facing.
  • Clinker.
  • Fireclay.

For raw materials:

  • Ceramic.
  • Silicate.

By form:

In addition, certain samples can be endowed with additional properties, for example, increased refractoriness. Of course, the price for such a product will be much higher. You can find out about the presence of certain properties based on the marking, which will be discussed below.

Marking features

If you want to understand all the conventions, our instructions will be useful to you.

So, the name of any brick contains the following (the sequence is preserved):

  1. Size.
  2. Product name.
  3. Type of material (ceramic or silicate).
  4. Geometry feature (U-thickened, P-hollow, Mr. with horizontal voids, full-bodied samples are not indicated in any way).
  5. Strength grade (M) from 25 to 300.
  6. Frost resistance class F15-F60.

For example, the name double silicate brick M 150 F 30 means that the product has a double size, is made of silicate, has a full-bodied shape, strength grade 150 and frost resistance class 30.


It is made from clay by firing. It is characterized by a high operational period and affordable cost. Today it is the most popular representative in its segment.

Tip: for laying stoves or fireplaces, you need to use hollow samples, since only they can safely withstand impressive heating.

A kind of "veteran" has quite a few varieties. They differ in size and specifications. For example, the table below lists a few of them.

Name Marking Size, mm Strength Frost resistance Thermal conductivity
Single 1 NF/150/50 250x120x65 150 50 0.3 W/(m*K)
Thickened 1.4NF/150/50 250x120x88 150 50 0.47 W/(m*K)
Straw 1NF/150/60 250x120x65 150 60 0.45 W/(m*K)
"Tortoiseshell" Ch/1NF/150/45 250x120x65 150 45 0.3 W/(m*K)

Looking at the data in the table, it is easy to guess what the symbols in the marking mean. Knowing this, you will be able to calculate with your own hands what properties this or that sample has.


It turns out as a result of pressing a composition consisting of slaked lime and quartz. Most often has White color, but the production technology allows you to add various dyes. The main advantage is light weight, the disadvantage is poor moisture resistance.

Tip: if you decide to use silicate brick for outdoor use, cover it with antiseptics and clear varnish. This will prevent its destruction from the action of precipitation.

The marking of silicate brick has a number of features that are also worth familiarizing yourself with. To do this, we will also present to your attention a table of some varieties.

It's obvious that capital letters designate the decoding of the form, the first digit is the strength grade, and the second is frost resistance. Be prepared for the fact that you can see samples with non-standard markings. In this case, ask the seller to tell you about all the features of the material.


This representative is rightfully considered the most durable and refractory. In addition, it conducts heat very well, which allows you to quickly and efficiently warm up the room (if we are talking about using it for laying stoves).

It is obtained by firing refractory clay and a special powder - chamotte. Perhaps its only drawback is its impressive cost. However, with the improvement of production technologies, it is rapidly declining.

It is worth noting that the marking on fireclay bricks is no more difficult than those presented above.

Let's analyze it with an example: SHA 6 SL:

  • Letter "SH" symbolizes that you have a fireclay sample in front of you.
  • The letter a" says that it represents class A of fire resistance according to GOST (there are two in total). If the product does not contain the second letter, this indicates that it is manufactured according to specifications.
  • The number (6) indicates the geometric dimensions of the product, according to GOST 8691-73.
  • The last letters are the manufacturer's abbreviation.

Now let's get acquainted with the sizes of the most popular samples:

  • W-5: 23x11.4x6.5 cm.
  • ShB-6 (bream): 25 x 12 x 6.5
  • W-8: 25x12.4x6.5.
  • Sh-22 (end wedge): 23x11.4x6.5 / 5.5.
  • ShB-23 (end wedge): 23 x 11.4 x 6.5 x 4.5
  • Sh-44 (ribbed): 23x11.4x6.5 / 5.5.


The wisest people are constantly trying to increase their knowledge base in their area of ​​interest. In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic, which will take you one step closer to understanding it.