July 4th new moon. New moon. And here we are divided into those who provoke and those who are provoked. But these are parts of one whole - Yin and Yang. And if, for example, you manage to provoke someone, the spirit of this being is not right for you.

After turning into a direct movement, Mars will move very slowly in July (only 5 degrees will pass in a month). But the spring that began to compress in April will now begin to straighten out in order to express itself in full glory in all spheres of life, both political, social and family, at the end of August, calling on everyone and everything to change the usual conservative approaches and trends, boldly accepting the energies transforming forces, which are the main ones at the historical stage of human civilization. This is evidenced by the gigantic energies of change in the aspect of the opposition of Pluto in Capricorn to the New Moon in Cancer, which will capture hundreds of millions of people, without too much ceremony and checking with their desires or will.

And this is facilitated by one of the phases (falling quadrature) of the Saturn-Neptune cycle, which has always been accompanied by turning points in the history of mankind (more on this is written in the article “FULL MOON on June 20 - between the Past and the Future!”). The world held its breath from the terrible premonition of the unwinding of the Cold War, and many even believe that the third world is already underway. And the flywheel of the economic crisis is spinning more and more, capturing in its field until recently prosperous countries. And since the point of the New Moon coincides with the US Sun (July 4, US Independence Day), it is not difficult to assume that the deep global processes will be directly related to America's interests and ambitions.

And further. In the new moon chart, it is the Sun and Moon in Cancer that are in conjunction with the powerful star Sirius. The energy of Sirius is so powerful that it allows you to reach those levels that are unattainable for ordinary people, because. it serves in the name of supporting higher cosmic laws as opposed to earthly current situations.
In this regard, we can witness the appearance on the world stage of an individual as a mentor, a leader in any of the areas: science, religion, morality, politics and have a powerful influence on a large number of of people. Moreover, in the future, just as he can be sacrificed to the collective, so he can sacrifice the collective. But in both cases, he is doomed to wide fame and even, perhaps, immortal fame.

The New Moon occurs in the cardinal sign of Cancer, flanked by Venus and Mercury. Accordingly, this lunar month will be full of events that will be tied to dynamic communication and contacts, the topics of diplomacy and the settlement of financial problems, the search for new constructive combinations to overcome the inertia of hopelessly outdated management programs. His task is to clear the way and pull up the necessary resources to ensure important matters in August. This is facilitated, renewed after retrograde, by the movement of Mars in favorable aspects to Venus, Jupiter and Neptune. But, however, one should be careful and prudent, otherwise the charms of Neptune, especially on the “positive”, can be misleading and then losses cannot be avoided. Moreover, the degree of the New Moon, oh, how not simple!
Judge for yourself. The 13th degree of Cancer is a magical degree. Degree of secrets and mysterious circumstances. In one version of its symbolism, it is associated with the image of the famous Pied Piper, who took rats out of the city, and then children, when he was not paid. This well-known medieval legend warns of the danger of being seduced and led into obscurity and non-existence ... It is very intertwined with the main danger of the year of the Monkey - susceptibility to herd mentality, when you can easily and simply succumb to Kaa's hypnotic speeches: "We are great! We are free! We deserve the best in this world! All others must reckon with us!" and become a pack of banderlogs, which is only capable of self-praise in oblivion and obediently follow the next leader to the slaughter, because they followed their predecessor earlier, but forgot, because "their memory is not enough even until the next day."

In contrast to the above scenario, the Sabian symbol of the degree of the New Moon puts forward another scenario. "A hand with a protruding thumb reaches out to grab something." Thumb in palmistry means will. Strong, active and self-confident will and stubborn immersion in reality. Freedom from pleasant dreams. The manifestation of this symbol means that this situation requires the manifestation of strong will and character and courage to face the truth of history.

In the map built on Kyiv, the New Moon falls into the 7th house, symbolizing partners and open opponents within the 9th transit house (abroad, foreigners, diplomatic activity). So international agreements and relations remain the main issue on the agenda. But since the New Moon is in opposition to natal Uranus, the Black Moon and Neptune in the 1st house, a resonant event is not ruled out that will lead to a dramatic change within the country. And since the behind the scenes will take place in this case, the first signals will come to us by the number 8, we will begin to realize them by the 16th, and the “hands of the star clock” will falter towards the Full Moon on July 20 to launch a new the course of time during the Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on August 18.

Also, in the near future, the main issue for the state of Ukraine should be the issue of the vulnerability of the existing system of national defense and security. Measures must be taken urgently to radically change the existing system, but rather the construction of a completely new model capable of responding to the challenges of the day, not only today, but also tomorrow, because the degree of the New Moon nevertheless warns: “An active volcano, erupting, devastates the entire area in the district, but the peasants, gathered in groups, stay near their small houses” ...

The new moon is always stressful for a person, energy drops, the time of transition from the old cycle to the new one. The new moon will begin at 14.02 Moscow time. After that, the phase of the moon is the waxing moon. Before the new moon - the waning moon, after the new moon - the growing moon. The influence of the New Moon is usually unfavorable. There is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases, overload and risky activities are dangerous. An increasing tendency to laziness, wrong actions or illusions can lead to losses in business, creativity. This condition is also characteristic of the previous and next day from the New Moon.

The New Moon in Cancer tells us that this day and the entire lunar month following it will be an auspicious time to strengthen family ties. Take care of personal affairs, family. Time to start activities aimed at the success of your inner circle.

During the new moon human body is at the minimum of its vital activity. This brings weak immunity, subtle emotional instability, depression, susceptibility to fears. Men react especially strongly on the new moon. They experience tension, increased emotionality, aggressiveness, withdraw into themselves.

The influence of the new moon on a person lasts for several days. At this time, weakness, emotional instability, fatigue appear. Therefore, it is preferable to give up heavy loads, not to make important decisions, it is best to devote time to rest, meditation and spiritual practices. The day before the new moon, irascibility, conflict and unwillingness to understand others will only intensify. The surrounding people will be stubborn and aggressive, and no arguments will be valid if the decision has already been made. The likelihood that it will be possible to agree and be understood is very low. These days it is better not to appoint important negotiations and not to arrange a showdown. This short period is fraught with mistakes, unreasonable actions. It is better not to engage in financial affairs, not to make large purchases.

The person in these lunar day and above all, at the very peak of the new moon, it is freed from everything unnecessary - both at the physiological level and at the subtle energy level. Therefore, it is best at this time to adjust to natural biorhythms and help yourself cleanse yourself of toxins: to carry out diets, also unload your emotional state, work with the conscious and subconscious. Fasting during the new moon prevents certain diseases. The first days of the new moon are very favorable for getting rid of bad habits and making plans for the future.

On the new moon, it is customary to get rid of everything old, start new business, stock up on health. In addition, during this period, love rituals begin to be planned.

A new moon ritual that will help you fulfill your desire and change your life the way you want it.

On the new moon, it is very auspicious to look at the fire.
Light a candle and enter a state of calm.
Start sorting through in your memory all the events that happened to you over the last lunar month. Do not be upset if not very pleasant moments come up in your memories.
Try to look at the situation calmly and draw the necessary conclusions for yourself. After that, start imagining how you would like to live the new lunar month.
Even the smallest details of your picture of the future are important - it is these little things that will help your thought form to gain a foothold in the subtle world and then be realized

Astro weather in July 2016

New Moon July 4 at 13° RAKA will count down lunar cycle, in which energies favorable for growth and expansion will prevail, and all thanks to the main aspect of the month - the sextile (60 °) between the luminaries and Jupiter. However, let's not forget that until 4.07 the nature of the time is formed by the previous June new moon, the main leitmotif of these days is the fulfillment of promises and obligations in relation to other people, meetings and other planned events will be successful, however, if you want to reschedule or change the planned program , it will be difficult to do so.

After the new moon on July 4, a new countdown of the solar-lunar cycle will begin, which will bring new trends and energies into our lives. First, it will increase the value water element, people's feelings will manifest themselves more naturally, stronger, and the very meaning of feelings will have more weight. This indirectly confirms the excellent aspect between Venus and Mars, symbols of the male and female principles. July Favors Development love relationship, dating, creativity with a touch of lyrics and drama, business will flourish in areas related to hotels and tourism, nightclubs, entertainment, transportation of people by water, agriculture, the food industry and the service sector in general. Of course, Jupiter will help revive tourism around the world, many people will have new reasons and opportunities for long-distance travel.


The month will require more attention on the roads and on the water - in bad weather. In Russia, Ukraine, Crimea, Turkey, the risk of air accidents and terrorist attacks is increased, of course, first of all, blue, tense zones should be taken into account. The opposition of the luminaries and Pluto may indicate the likelihood of earthquakes and tsunamis - especially in the Asian and Far Eastern regions.


This is what the cosmogram of the new moon looks like

* Notes *

BLUE unfavorable zones are marked on the maps, and ORANGE favorable.


North America

South America.


Busy days during the lunar month 4.07 - 2.08.2016:
— 7-8.07
— 15-16.07
— 26.07

Take note of the information received when planning your trips! Best wishes!
astrologer Ruslan Susi, June 30, 2016