What vitamins for planning pregnancy. What vitamins should you take when planning pregnancy? Who and when should start preparing if they want to get pregnant?

Planning conception and pregnancy is a very important period. A lot depends on the lifestyle a man and woman lead and how seriously they take their health.

During the course of an adult’s life, toxins accumulate in the body; he is affected by the environment and the food he eats. And not all of these impacts have a positive impact on reproductive health. That is why future parents are advised to cleanse themselves, put their metabolism and vitamin-mineral balance in order, several months before conceiving a baby. We will tell you in this article what vitamins those planning a pregnancy need and what medications to choose.

Effect on conception

Vitamins play a huge role in the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. The effect of individual vitamins and their combinations on the reproductive functions of men and women has long been proven. A sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals significantly improves the quality and composition of sperm and improves the quality of eggs. The fertility of each spouse increases, which means that conceiving a child quickly becomes more likely. Healthy reproductive cells of future parents largely determine the health of the baby itself.

It is usually recommended to prepare for conception six months in advance: normalize nutrition, enrich the diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, give up stressful situations and bad habits. Taking vitamins and special complexes for men and women of reproductive age will also be beneficial.

The composition of the seminal fluid of men is updated every three months. The spermatogenesis cycle is longer than the egg maturation cycle, which is renewed in a woman every month. Therefore, the minimum period for restoring reproductive health for men is from 3 months, for women - from 2 months.

Thus, a couple who dreams of becoming parents should take care of choosing vitamins and dietary supplements at least three months in advance to improve the quality of their genetic material.

The best way not to make a mistake in choosing vitamins for conception is to start planning with a visit to the doctor. A woman should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist, and a man should consult a urologist-andrologist. These specialists will help you find out the state of the reproductive health of the spouses and give individual recommendations, including the choice of vitamins that will promote quick and successful conception.

Taking any multivitamins when planning a pregnancy is not the best tactic. The balance of vitamins and minerals is a delicate and highly individual matter, and an excess of vitamins is no less harmful than their lack.

A properly selected complex will not only help increase fertility at the planning stage, but will also help avoid hypovitaminosis during pregnancy, because it is no secret that many expectant mothers suffer from brittle nails and hair, and dry skin.

For a man, preparing for conception will also bring many benefits: along with improved sperm quality, immunity will increase, metabolism will be normalized, well-being and mood will improve, and performance will increase. Below we will look at several options for the most effective and popular vitamin preparations that help not just to conceive a child, but to conceive a healthy and strong baby.

For men

Required for men B vitamins, in particular vitamin B9 - folic acid. It has a positive effect on the processes of spermatogenesis. Representatives of the stronger sex planning to become fathers cannot do without vitamin E. It improves the sperm membrane and increases the lifespan of germ cells. Under the influence tocopherol (vitamin E) sperm become stronger and more resilient, which greatly increases the likelihood of successful conception, even if the spouses do not “get there” directly on the day of ovulation.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) necessary for a man to normalize the level of sex hormones. It is this vitamin that is involved in the synthesis of testosterone, the main male sex hormone.

Not only sexual desire and sexual temperament depend on the concentration of testosterone, but also the rate of production of new young sperm, which, after maturation, will become full-fledged “combat units”.

The concentration of optimized testosterone is regulated and vitamin D It promotes the absorption of calcium from food, and is necessary not only for the health of the musculoskeletal and muscular systems. With a lack of this vitamin, a man’s calcium concentration decreases, sexual desire begins to visit him less and less, and sperm become less mobile. The low mobility of male reproductive cells makes conceiving a child very, very difficult, because sperm simply may not reach the egg at a low speed of movement.

For male reproductive health are of great importance zinc and selenium. These substances take part in the synthesis of sex hormones and indirectly affect the composition of seminal fluid, increasing the concentration of healthy, morphologically unchanged sperm. Zinc and selenium are especially needed by men over 35 years old. With increasing age, a man’s body produces fewer active and healthy sperm, which is affected by the effects of lack of sleep, alcohol, stress, harmful substances, and “exhaustive” work. Zinc and selenium in vitamin complexes will improve sperm parameters within 2-3 months after starting to take them.

The daily requirement for each vitamin is quite precisely regulated:

  • vitamin B9(folic acid) - at least 400 mg per day;
  • vitamin C(ascorbic acid) - at least 60-80 mg per day;
  • vitamin E- 300-400 IU per day;
  • vitamin D– 400 IU per day.

If desired, you can take the above vitamins in daily dosages separately; they are all sold in pharmacies and are inexpensive. But men are less obligatory than women; they can confuse the dosages, forget about taking another tablet or oil solution of vitamin E, and then the preparation cannot be considered complete.

It is much easier to take combination drugs, which already include all the necessary substances in the required daily doses. The list of men's vitamins and dietary supplements is quite impressive.

  • "Alphabet for men". The complex, in addition to basic vitamins and minerals, contains Siberian ginseng extract - a remedy that improves men's health.
  • "Duovit for men." This complex includes 11 vitamins and 7 minerals. The dosage regimen is less convenient for representatives of the stronger sex, since it requires taking two tablets per day (morning and evening).
  • "Viardot Forte". It is recommended to take this drug not instead of vitamins, but together with them, since it is a dietary supplement. The composition of the supplement is optimal for improving the quality of seminal fluid.

  • "Complivit". This is a universal multivitamin preparation, which is additionally enriched with zinc and selenium. If a man is not prone to allergies, then this product will completely provide him with everything he needs.
  • "Profertil." This dietary supplement has a pronounced effect on the spermatogenesis cycle. It was developed specifically to improve sperm quality.
  • "Spermactiv". This food supplement increases libido and improves the quality of reproductive cells. The drug is most effective for men aged 36 years and older.
  • "Selzinc plus" This drug belongs to the group of antioxidants. As the name suggests, its basis is zinc and selenium; it also contains vitamins E and C. A man can drink folic acid separately.

For women

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle - on the 14th day). Deviation from the average value occurs frequently, so the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, you can measure basal temperature, examine cervical mucus, use special tests or mini-microscopes, take tests for FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

You can definitely determine the day of ovulation using folliculometry (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, Jonathan B.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. pp. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. e. a. Biology. 9th ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - p. 1263
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Brin V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospasov V. O., Pyatin V. F. Human physiology. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 496 p.
  4. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovulation

The female body, preparing for conception and pregnancy, requires significantly more vitamins than the male body. The fact is that representatives of the fair sex need not only to put their metabolism in order at the current moment, but also to create certain reserves of useful substances for the period of gestation.

Folic acid (vitamin B9) will help avoid the development of anemia. In addition, folic acid accumulates in the body and, after conception, plays a critical role in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus. If there is a lack of folic acid, a child may develop severe defects of the brain and spinal cord, and central nervous system disorders. Some such developmental anomalies are incompatible with life.

Vitamin E is necessary in order to strengthen the walls of the body’s cells; the substance also affects cellular processes that begin to occur immediately after fertilization (for example, the formation of embryonic membranes). Vitamin D will help create calcium reserves necessary for the growth and development of fetal bones. It allows calcium to be absorbed better. Calcium deficiency can cause not only brittle nails and brittle hair in a woman, but also seizures.

For a woman to successfully conceive and bear a baby, as well as for subsequent births, she needs vitamin K. It is involved in the synthesis of proteins that are important for hemostasis and are involved in blood clotting processes. To improve the quality of the egg, it will be beneficial vitamin A and vitamin C. Retinol improves the condition of cell membranes, and vitamin C strengthens cell membranes.

In a relationship vitamin A one should be extremely careful: its excess can cause fetal malformations; a woman should adhere to the dosage recommended by the doctor.

Very important for the health of the reproductive system and increasing female fertility B vitamins, especially B 6 and B 12. During pregnancy, it is also important to ensure that there are enough of these vitamins in the diet, because they are necessary to improve the functioning of the nervous system of the woman and the fetus.

Zinc It can accumulate in a woman’s body, and therefore it should be taken in advance. After conception, a sufficient amount of this substance will help the proper formation of the chorion and placenta, reducing the likelihood of developing their defects. Magnesium stimulates the growth of the baby in the mother's womb, and also prevents spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages.

It will be difficult to take such a large number of essential vitamins separately; it is better to choose drugs that combine all the necessary substances in the daily requirement. By the way, daily dosages for those planning to conceive should be as follows:

  • folic acid - 400 mg per day;
  • vitamin E - 300 IU per day;
  • vitamin D – 400 IU per day;
  • vitamin K - 1 mg per day;
  • vitamin A - no more than 3000 IU per day;
  • vitamin C - 60 mg per day.

There are a large number of women's vitamins and supplements that will help you prepare for pregnancy and childbirth in the best possible way.

  • "Elevit Pronatal". This complex contains a balanced combination of the most essential vitamins, including folic acid. But it does not contain iodine, so it is advisable for a woman to take Iodomarin at the same time. This complex is not considered the most affordable, but it is ideal for both those planning to conceive and for pregnant women. In addition, there is evidence that taking this drug reduces the likelihood of developing early toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • Vitrum Prenatal. This complex contains vitamins, minerals and iodine, and the mineral content is higher than most other vitamin complexes. Due to its mineral-enriched composition, the drug has a beneficial effect on the production of female sex hormones. This increases the ability to conceive.
  • "Alphabet Mom". This is a drug classified as a dietary supplement. The inconvenience of its use is the need to take tablets every 4 hours. A woman may forget, miss an appointment, or be unable to take the drug on time if she is traveling in transport or at work at that time.

  • "Materna." This complex has an increased content of iodine and B vitamins. In some situations, especially with individual deficiency of such substances, the drug is very useful for eliminating the deficiency, but sometimes high concentrations of B vitamins can cause an allergic reaction.
  • “Complimentary Mom.” This product contains all the substances necessary to improve reproductive health, but the content of vitamins A, E and D is slightly reduced compared to other complexes. If you plan to take the drug in the fall and summer, this will be quite enough, but for winter and spring use it is better to choose a different drug.
  • “Pregnavit.” This inexpensive and popular drug, unfortunately, does not contain minerals and iodine. Therefore, they will have to be taken additionally.

Vitamins cannot be considered completely harmless and harmless drugs. A visit to a doctor is necessary so that he can use a biochemical blood test to determine which vitamins and minerals a particular woman or a particular man needs. After this, it will be possible to select a complex that will cover the deficiency of the necessary substances and will not cause hypervitaminosis. Therefore, leave the choice of drug to the discretion of the doctor; do not buy complexes for conception based on reviews on the Internet and advice from a pharmacist at the pharmacy.

Vitamin complexes will be beneficial and will definitely contribute to the successful conception of a long-awaited baby only if the spouses take them in courses of 20-22 days with breaks a week for 3-6 months. It is not customary to take vitamins on an empty stomach; it is best to do this with meals. If any symptoms of individual intolerance appear (rash, eating disorders, itchy skin), you should stop taking the vitamin complex and consult a doctor.

You may need to prescribe another remedy. You should not combine several vitamin complexes at once: this will inevitably lead to an imbalance of substances in the body and the appearance of symptoms of hypervitaminosis.

Vitamins will not be useful and the likelihood of conception will not increase if the spouses take alcoholic beverages, drink a lot of coffee and strong tea during the preparation period. The fertility of women and men depends not only on vitamins. To conceive a child faster, you need to put your own weight in order, reduce it if you have extra pounds, eat right, and lead an active lifestyle.

​​​If during pregnancy planning one of the spouses gets sick and there is a need for treatment with antibiotics, hormonal drugs, anticonvulsants and psychotropic drugs, there is no need to interrupt the course of vitamin therapy. Most medications combine well with vitamin complexes. But just in case, it is worth informing the doctor about what medications are already being taken at the time of prescription in order to exclude the development of allergies.

Severe stress and living in an area with unfavorable environmental conditions reduce the likelihood of conception in both spouses. That is why, already in the period of preparation for conception, everything possible should be done to ensure that the psychological background in the family is favorable and friendly. Walks in the park, away from cars, or trips to nature will also be beneficial.

  • Vitamins
  • When a couple consciously decides to have a child, they also take the preparatory period responsibly. And that's true! After all, the likelihood of conception, the course of the gestation period, the success of childbirth, and the health of the baby directly depend on the state of health of the expectant mother and father. Therefore, it is necessary to qualitatively prepare for conception, and the preparation should include an examination of the body of both partners and health-improving measures.

    The question of how to properly prepare for motherhood and what vitamins to take when planning pregnancy worries many women. And, in addition, a man should also take care of the quality of his semen - also take vitamin complexes and strengthen the immune system.

    A big problem for modern potential parents is an unbalanced diet and unhealthy lifestyle. It’s rare that a woman eats well and has sufficient physical activity. Plus – bad environment, constant stress. Because of this, many have sluggish vitamin deficiency or anemia, which does not clearly manifest itself. But when a woman becomes pregnant, all the strength, all the vitamins and minerals from the body are taken by the rapidly growing fetus.

    And the expectant mother begins to develop real hypovitaminosis, due to which not only teeth fall out and nails peel, but very serious health problems can arise. And if even before pregnancy this vitamin deficiency was already pronounced, then from the first days of development the child and his body are exposed to great danger, including pregnancy failure, premature birth, low birth weight and various pathologies.

    Who and when should start preparing if they want to get pregnant?

    To maintain your health and carry a full-fledged baby, preparations for conception must begin at least 3-4 months in advance - this is the optimal period to restore balance, accumulate the required amount of valuable substances and improve the functioning of all body systems. But even a month may be enough for this purpose. In any case, it’s better to do something for a while than to bite yourself later, lose teeth and hair, or fall into postpartum depression.

    This issue should be taken especially seriously by women who have chronic health problems, have previously had problems with conception and pregnancy, work in hazardous or complex industries, have high intellectual stress, and have recently carried and given birth to a child. In these cases, you need to ask yourself what vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy at least six months before the desired conception.

    Today, the pharmaceutical industry can offer women planning to become mothers a large selection of specialized vitamin complexes - of different composition and cost. Depending on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe the one that can most quickly compensate for the deficiency of a particular vitamin or mineral.

    And if a woman has not undergone a thorough examination, then you can choose one of the universal drugs, for example, Pregnoton, Viardot, Teravit Pregna, Omega Caring Mom line, Pregnakea, Profertil for women. There are similar complexes for men: Profertil for men, Spematon, Clostilbegit.

    And we must not forget that if the second half of pregnancy occurs in winter and spring, when there are significantly fewer living vitamins from fruits and vegetables, you need to prepare for this time in advance by creating natural reserves. But, as they say today – without fanaticism! Hypervitaminosis is no less dangerous than a deficiency of these important substances, and can also lead to pathological changes in the fetus. Therefore, in no case should you assume that more is better and voluntarily increase the recommended dose of multivitamin preparations.

    In order for a man to improve the composition of seminal fluid and eliminate the dangerous effects of such bad habits as smoking and drinking alcohol, he also needs at least 3-4 months of taking special vitamin preparations. This is due to the fact that 72 days pass before the sperm matures, so the drugs must be taken at least 2 weeks in advance for their formation.

    In addition, vitamin deficiency and an unhealthy lifestyle significantly reduce male fertility, that is, sperm loses quality, activity, and ability to conceive. In this case, even a completely healthy woman simply cannot become pregnant. Read on to learn more about which vitamins and in what quantities the expectant father should take.

    What vitamins are needed for motherhood and how to take them correctly

    Scientists and doctors have been studying for a long time how this or that vitamin, macro- and microelement affects the condition of a pregnant woman, the quality of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child, and the dangers of deficiency and excess of these substances. Therefore, now there are clear recommendations on what and how to take.

    Folic acid

    This substance, vitamin B9, is considered the most important in the proper development of the fetus, the construction of its nervous system, brain development, and its deficiency sharply increases the likelihood of spontaneous abortion. Folic acid is prescribed to all pregnant women up to the 12th week, but when choosing which vitamins to take when planning a pregnancy, you must first choose this particular drug. And if after conception the daily dose is 200 mcg, then before conception the dose must be doubled.

    This will significantly increase the likelihood of fertilization itself, proper placement of the egg and the start of the development of a healthy fetus. This drug is most often not included in vitamin complexes and is prescribed additionally. Should be taken before the 20th week of pregnancy.

    Vitamin E

    This vitamin is one of the most important in the female body, as it is responsible for the development and functions of the reproductive sphere. With a lack of vitamin E, the production of female sex hormones decreases, and after conception there is a risk of fetal death and miscarriage. The daily dose in preparation for pregnancy is 100-300 IU - depending on the woman’s weight and build. Tocopherol (this is vitamin E) is prescribed separately from other vitamins. The dose is significantly increased if there is a risk of miscarriage.

    Vitamin D

    The lack of this substance in the mother's body leads to premature birth and rickets in the baby. Even worse is an excess of this vitamin, which causes ossification of joints and cartilage. Therefore, self-prescription of vitamin D is strictly unacceptable. Only a doctor can assess the adequate need for it for the expectant mother. Moreover, taking into account how often she is in the sun, how she is doing with bone porosity, absorption of calcium, phosphorus and other factors. In any case, the daily requirement of vitamin D should not be more than 400 IU.

    Vitamin A

    The intake of carotene should also be approached very carefully, since an excess leads to disruptions in the genetic code, the appearance of abnormalities in the fetus, and Down's disease. The daily dose should not exceed 3000 IU. As a rule, vitamin A in its pure form is not prescribed either during pregnancy planning or in an interesting situation. Instead - completely safe provitamin A or beta-carotene.

    Vitamin C

    The main vitamin for building the circulatory system and immunity of the unborn baby. Also responsible for the absorption of iron. It must be taken during the period of preparation for motherhood at a dosage of 50-60 mg per day. In the presence of even slight vitamin deficiency, as well as in winter and spring, the dose is increased to 100 mg. As an anticosidant, ascorbic acid protects the expectant mother from colds and viral infections, and is the best preventative against anemia.

    Vitamin K

    An important substance, without a sufficient amount of which blood clotting sharply decreases, which increases the likelihood of placental abruption and severe bleeding during childbirth. The dosage rate is 1 mg per day. When choosing polyvinamines, make sure that vitamin K is present in the complex.

    Necessary microelements in preparation for motherhood

    This microelement is extremely important for pregnant women, since its deficiency leads to the risk of developing thyroid diseases in women and nerve abnormalities in the embryo. Iodine-containing preparations are prescribed separately for the period of preparation, gestation and breastfeeding.


    This element is the basis of the human skeleton; teeth, hair, and nails are made of it. A lack of calcium in a pregnant woman leads to even greater leaching of it from the listed organs. That's why teeth crumble, hair falls out, nails peel, and the worst thing is an invisible and painless consequence - osteoporosis, leading to complex bone fractures. Calcium supplements are not all effective - this element is fully absorbed only in the presence of vitamin D.

    On the other hand, if taken incorrectly, an excess of calcium is simply not absorbed by the body and is excreted by the kidneys, causing them to overwork and become inflamed. But for an unborn child, hypercalcemia occurs very quickly, because his kidneys do not work. This can lead to pathologies of skeletal development.

    For this reason, when planning a pregnancy, calcium can be taken to restore its absorption, but after conception, preparations of this important macronutrient can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. It is best to consume more foods that have sufficient amounts of it.


    This vital element is in short supply in almost 75% of women, since with each menstruation they lose up to 30 mcg. And if there is not sufficient intake of digestible iron from food, then iron deficiency anemia creeps up unnoticed. During pregnancy, iron is responsible for the proper development of the placenta and prevents miscarriages and premature births. Another aspect for which iron is responsible is the baby’s intellectual development and the formation of a healthy immune system.

    Iron deficiency in the mother is a direct path to pathologies of brain development and weak immunity. But there is no need to take iron supplements without permission - only after taking a blood test and determining the hemoglobin level will the required dose be prescribed with a 30% reserve.

    What vitamins should a man take when planning pregnancy?

    A man who wants to become the father of a healthy, full-fledged child also needs to begin preparations several months in advance for the desired conception in order to improve the quality of sperm, create healthy active sperm and thereby give a start to life for a new person.

    The following vitamins and minerals will be required (the doctor will calculate the doses depending on the weight, build and age of the man):

    • Vitamin B9 (folic acid) – it contributes to the proper development and motility of sperm.
    • Vitamin E - prevents sperm and DNA mutations due to bad habits - smoking and alcohol.
    • Vitamin C is responsible for a healthy sex drive.
    • Zinc promotes sufficient synthesis of male sex hormones and increases the number of sperm produced.
    • Selenium directly affects sexual activity. With a deficiency of this element, even at a young age, a man has no sexual desire. And even 60-year-old gentlemen can do without stimulants. And with a deficiency of selenium in sperm, the majority are female germ cells and the chances of giving birth to a son are minimal.

    All of the above elements are included in special preparations for men who want to become fathers. Today the best complexes are considered to be Aquion Spematon, Spermaktin, Speroton, Aquion Kudesan Q10.

    Author of the publication: Marianna Pavley

    Planning pregnancy includes not only conducting clinical studies for various pathologies and infections, but also improving the condition of the body. The entire period of gestation, the health of the mother and the born baby depend on how correctly this stage is organized.

    One of the important components is the provision of vitamins. This will allow the woman to preserve her beauty, and the baby to receive all the nutrients necessary for full development.

    Read in this article

    Are vitamins really necessary when planning pregnancy?

    The only undisputed vitamin to take, regardless of place of residence, age and nutrition, is vitamin B9. It is also known as folic acid. You need to drink 400 mcg per day. Thanks to a sufficient amount of B9, a normal, regular neural tube of the fetus is formed in the body. The fact is that it is she who is laid in the first place.

    Therefore, anyone who plans to become a mother in the near future should definitely take folic acid.

    Moreover, taking the vitamin begins several months before pregnancy, about 2 - 3. The use of folic acid continues until the 12th week. At the same time, you cannot stop or interrupt the reception.

    If the pregnancy occurred unplanned, you should start drinking it immediately after the woman’s new position becomes known. Even before visiting the gynecologist. As for taking other vitamins and microelements, today there is no consensus among experts.

    They ensure the normal and complete course of all internal processes and systems, the occurrence of various biochemical reactions in the body.

    When pregnancy occurs, not only the woman herself, but also the unborn baby needs vitamins in order to prevent deformities and pathologies. Thus, the body requires a much larger amount of nutrients for the woman and the embryo.

    This is exactly what the debate is about. One way or another, the embryo will receive everything it needs from the mother’s body. If before pregnancy she led a correct and healthy lifestyle and ate well, then the child will receive all the important substances. The only thing, most likely, is that its weight will be small, about three kilograms or a little less. But this is quite enough to start the normal functioning of the body.

    The situation will be worse for women. Her body will give everything to the child, and it will begin to suffer from hypovitaminosis. This affects the quality of hair, nails, teeth and skin, namely they begin to fall out, crumble, wrinkles appear, and elasticity is lost.

    Also, the internal condition deteriorates significantly. The woman becomes irritable, accompanied by fatigue, drowsiness, and infectious diseases may occur. All this makes her less attractive and young.

    On the other hand, if before pregnancy the girl had a deficiency of certain vitamins, then the situation will be even worse. The child will still take everything she needs, but she herself will lose everything. In addition, the fetus may develop various defects and problems. The woman's condition will become completely deplorable.

    So the conclusion suggests itself: you can’t do without taking vitamins. This will help to avoid the development of defects and pathologies in the formation of the embryo, and for the woman to maintain her beauty and youth. Nevertheless, there is a point of view that if you follow a proper diet and take vitamins, it is not necessary. But the fact is that many do not have the opportunity or desire to eat food that meets the standards.

    You can not take vitamins only if she carefully monitors her diet. In other cases, the doctor always prescribes folic acid and the complex.

    Which ones are better to choose for women?

    A balanced diet is an essential part of preparing for pregnancy. Already at this stage, it is important that both future parents follow a diet, exclude unhealthy foods, fried and smoked foods, and alcoholic drinks. It is necessary to understand that you will have to adhere to it until the end of breastfeeding.

    But in addition to a healthy lifestyle, you still need to add vitamins. Otherwise, due to their deficiency, the female body may suffer greatly, and the child will have problems with development. Next are the most important vitamins that should be included in the diet of the expectant mother.

    A deficiency of this element reduces the likelihood of pregnancy to almost zero, and is also dangerous for the development of pathologies in the child at any stage and period. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancerous tumors.

    It also takes part in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin and, accordingly, its deficiency affects its content in the blood. And this leads to even more dangerous diseases. So, taking vitamin E regularly has the following benefits:

    • improves the production of progesterone, which is responsible for the formation of the egg and the development of the embryo until the formation of the placenta;
    • reduces the likelihood of infections, even in the genitals;
    • lowers blood pressure;
    • improves the growth of the uterus, making it more extensible, elastic, durable;
    • normalizes blood circulation in blood vessels;
    • increases endurance and energizes a woman;
    • works to improve skin condition.

    At the preparatory stage, 100–400 IU per day is prescribed. And if a woman previously had problems with pregnancy or diseases of the reproductive organs, then the dosage is increased to 300 - 400 IU per day. It is advisable to divide the daily dose into two doses - in the morning and in the evening.

    However, there is one caveat. For people who do not plan to have children, the daily norm is much lower and is 8 - 10 IU. Therefore, you should not worry about a large dosage for pregnant women; the body should be completely saturated with it.

    It should be taken by all women, preferably 3 to 5 months before conception. A sufficient supply of B9 ensures the least likelihood of problems in the formation of the fetal neural tube. This may manifest itself as underdevelopment of the brain, insufficient closure of the spinal cord. All these defects can occur in the first month of pregnancy, that is, up to 28 days. Often a woman is not yet aware that a new life is developing inside her.

    In addition, new cells and tissues need this vitamin. As a rule, folic acid is prescribed in addition to the main vitamin complex.

    B vitamins

    This group is also important for the functioning of all body systems. Vitamins have the following effects:

    • B1 contributes to the formation of a healthy nervous system of the child. And it helps mom absorb carbohydrates and convert them into energy. This way the woman remains full of strength. The daily dose is 1.5 - 1.9 mg.
    • B2 is essential for fetal growth. It is needed for the formation of the skeleton, muscular system and nervous system. You need to drink it at 1.4 mg per day.
    • B6 is important for the production of amino acids in which proteins are formed. And this is the main building material for the embryo. In addition, it is the lack of vitamin B6 that leads to toxicosis, nervousness and aggression. The brain of the future baby especially needs it. The vitamin norm for preparation is about 2.1 - 2.3 mg per day.

    This element is very important for the healthy performance of all body functions. But he is also extremely dangerous. It is useful for pregnant women in the following ways:

    • Strengthens the protective functions of the respiratory organs, preventing them from passing infections that can weaken the body.
    • Improves skin condition, which can change during pregnancy, prevents the appearance of age spots and stretch marks.
    • Helps the growth of nails, hair, bones, gums. This helps preserve the health and beauty of a woman.

    But it is important to monitor the dosage, since its excess leads to fetal pathologies. The norm is 3000 - 5000 IU per day.


    The deficiency of this microelement affects the quality of cells. A sufficient amount prevents early placental abruption, problems during childbirth, as well as the appearance of various defects in the formation of the embryo.

    Most of this microelement is found in seafood, fish of all types, fruits and nuts. If you don’t have allergies, then it’s good to diversify your diet with all of these.

    The vitamin is necessary to strengthen the body’s protective functions and improve immunity.. It is also an excellent antioxidant that removes toxins. But vitamin C is contained in foods that can cause allergies. Therefore, it should be taken during pregnancy as part of a mineral complex.

    Drink from 6 mg per day, but not more than 90 mg.


    This trace element is responsible for more than three hundred processes in the body. It is especially important for the formation of proteins and amino acids. And this is one of the main points in the formation and development of the embryo.

    If there is a lack of magnesium, the growth of the fetus slows down, and this can lead to miscarriage. Due to its lack, blood pressure becomes higher and convulsions may occur. So including magnesium in the list of important vitamins for pregnant women is very important. Most of it is found in asparagus, as well as seeds, nuts and green vegetables.

    Vitamin D

    It is necessary for maintaining healthy nails and teeth, that is, it is needed for bone structure. In children, it is responsible for the normal formation of the skeleton and dentition. You can find it in dairy products, spinach, mushrooms, seafood and fish. The daily requirement of vitamin D is 400 IU.

    Watch the video about pregnancy planning:

    Vitamins for men when planning

    Despite the fact that a man will not have to bear a child, his body also needs to be prepared for conception. The main task in preparing for pregnancy is to improve the condition of sperm and sperm. This will help make them more active and healthy. This way a man can conceive a healthy child.

    You should start preparing three or four months in advance. The fact is that it takes 90 days to form healthy sperm. Therefore, it is best to take vitamins for six months.

    Such support will make it possible to produce sperm of excellent quality that will perform two tasks:

    • will provide the future fetus with excellent genetic material without defects and mutations;
    • They will fertilize the egg quickly enough, so you will be able to get pregnant in the first cycles after trying.

    As a rule, men are prescribed the following elements:

    • B9 or folic acid. It helps sperm to form the desired shape and make them active.
    • Vitamin E makes you more resilient, active, and resistant to external aggressive factors.
    • Vitamin C activates the formation of testosterone. And he, in turn, is responsible for full and healthy sperm.
    • Zinc improves libido and sexual dysfunction.
    • Men need selenium to keep them in active shape, especially in older age. This microelement makes it possible to prolong sexual life much longer.

    All of these beneficial substances will help a man prepare his body and then conceive a healthy baby. You need to take vitamins when planning a pregnancy. Even if it is not possible to take all types, then folic acid and vitamin E must be obtained. The above elements can be taken as part of complexes or separately.

    Thus, thoughtful and timely preparation for conceiving a child makes it possible to give birth to a healthy and full-fledged baby. Both partners must plan. It is important not only to pass all the tests, but also to saturate the body with useful substances. Therefore, vitamin intake is necessary for both women and men.

    Reasons influencing pregnancy

    To get pregnant quickly, it is not enough just to be healthy, exercise and not have bad habits. For some couples to successfully conceive, they need to spend years undergoing all kinds of tests and preparing the body of both future parents. And all because a number of factors can prevent a woman from getting pregnant quickly. Among them:

    • Age. It is believed that to prepare for pregnancy you need to choose an age no earlier than 25 years. During this period, all systems reach the climax of development and the woman is completely ready for the birth of a child. For a woman, this condition lasts until about 35 years of age (for men it is about 5-7 years longer), after which genetic defects begin to accumulate in the eggs. In turn, a woman’s body is designed in such a way that it is no longer possible to get pregnant quickly, in case the baby may have birth defects. But the age of the father does not play a special role at conception, although the activity of sperm during fertilization also decreases over the years.
    • Methods of contraception. In order to restore the functions of the reproductive system, it may take from several months to a year and a half. It all depends on what medications you take before conception. On average, the effect of contraceptives lasts for several months, with the exception of single-acting contraceptives - creams, gels (if they are not used once in time, the next sexual intercourse for those wishing to get pregnant can be successful). When you stop using an intrauterine device, the likelihood of conceiving during the first two to three months is quite low. But the use of injectable drugs and subcutaneous implants affects reproductive function for quite a long time (up to one and a half years).
    • Taking antibiotics also negatively affects those who want to have children. The fact is that they are detrimental to the female bacterial flora in the vagina.
    • Interaction with various substances. First of all, we are talking about the specific working conditions of those planning a pregnancy. Chemicals such as aldrin, dieldrin, dioxin, and furan compounds do not promote pregnancy at all (they destroy the balance of the estrogen-progesterone hormones, which prevents ovulation). For men's male cells, oils, gasoline, herbicides, pesticides, lead, mercury, cadmium are harmful. Another danger is radioactive isotopes and their decay products, including X-rays.

    Women with normal body weight usually get pregnant faster. If you weigh less than 50 kg, women may not ovulate. If you are overweight (100 kg or more), the body intensively produces estrogen, which can also interfere with fertilization.

    And, of course, bad habits affect conception. Even if future parents take vitamins and their complexes that help them get pregnant, but smoke and drink alcohol, they can wait a very long time for the desired moment.

    The same applies to previous abortions, sexually transmitted diseases, and pathologies of the development of the reproductive organs.

    The role of vitamins in planning pregnancy

    Vitamins before conception are selected individually for both parents, depending on the characteristics of the body. Their tasks may include:

    • Cleansing the body of accumulated waste and toxins. This is especially true for vitamins that are needed to get pregnant in a certain area (climate, terrain, ultraviolet radiation). In this case, both expectant parents need to take vitamins at least three months in advance.
    • Normalization of hormonal levels. Moreover, at different ages, due to different reasons that provoked hormonal imbalance, taking it can begin at different times. If pregnancy planning begins between the ages of 25 and 35, the task of vitamins is to normalize the ovarian-menstrual cycle in order to choose the optimal time for those who want to get pregnant. If you want children at a later age (after 40 years), the task of vitamins is to increase reproductive function and prevent the development of possible pathologies in the fetus.
    • Boost immunity. If you have problems of an immune nature, it is necessary, on the one hand, to protect the body from infections. On the other hand, antibiotics should not be used, since they do not help to get pregnant at all, but on the contrary. So it is better to take a vitamin complex based on ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
    • Accelerate the formation of erythrocytes (red blood cells). In the early stages of pregnancy, even if the woman feels well, the woman’s body is catastrophically lacking in strength and nutrients. It is possible to ensure the supply of the latter, but they must be absorbed by the body. Red blood cells help with this. They bind oxygen molecules and transport it to tissues and organs. All together, this increases not only performance, but also the body’s resistance to infections and viruses.

    For those planning a pregnancy, it is important to prevent possible exposure to free radicals (cells that contribute to the development of cancer in the mother and birth defects in the fetus). Vitamin D copes with this task perfectly.

    What vitamins and minerals do women need to conceive?

    All vitamins are important and necessary for a woman at the planning stage of pregnancy. However, everyone has their own dosage depending on the functions assigned to them:

    What vitamins and minerals do you take to get pregnant? Daily norm Effect for pregnancy and conception
    Folic acid (vitamin B9) 400 mcg production of red cells (erythrocytes);

    preventing the development of pathologies in a child

    Magnesium 400-500 mg improves the absorption of potassium and calcium, which strengthens bones and improves the condition of the nervous system
    Vitamin C 60-80 mg strengthens the body's immune system, improves wound healing, helps fight free radicals
    Vitamin B6 2.2 mg prevents depression, strengthens the walls of blood vessels; responsible for the formation of the skeleton, muscle tissue and nervous system in the fetus
    Vitamin A (retinol) 2500 IU participates in the formation of the placenta, the formation of visual pigment, and also promotes the development and growth of the fetus;

    improves the condition of the mother's skin, hair and nails, mucous membranes

    Vitamin D 4000-5000 IU improves the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, participates in the formation of the fetal skeleton;

    neutralizes the effects of free radicals

    Zinc 15-20 mg reduces the likelihood of early placental abruption, various complications during childbirth and possible pathologies of fetal development
    Vitamin E (tocopherol) 10 IU promotes conception by increasing the activity of the sex glands;

    participates in the formation of the placenta and metabolic processes in the body;

    improves blood circulation and increases resistance to infectious diseases

    Foods to watch out for when planning pregnancy

    The regimen for taking vitamins for conception is designed so that their action is supported by the action of substances that are part of certain foods. It is not always possible to obtain a daily dose of a particular vitamin solely through diet. However, it needs to be reconsidered.

    If you want to get pregnant, you need to eat the following foods:

    Vitamins and minerals Contents in products
    Folic acid (B9)
    • green vegetables (spinach, broccoli, lettuce, parsley);
    • animal meat and liver, citrus fruits, bananas;
    • avocado, pumpkin, currants, apricots, apples;
    • dairy products, brewer's yeast, wholemeal flour
    Vitamin E
    • vegetable oil (olive, cedar, sunflower, corn);
    • liver, meat, milk, eggs, nuts, grains, vegetables
    Vitamin A
    • butter, eggs, liver, cheese, fish oil;
    • green and yellow-red vegetables and fruits (carrots, apricots, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, peppers, parsley, currants)
    Vitamin C
    • parsley, pepper, cabbage, potatoes;
    • onions, dill, citrus fruits;
    • also in currants, rose hips, sea buckthorn, rowan
    Vitamin B6
    • bran, sprouted wheat, liver;
    • potatoes, cabbage, carrots, eggs
    • buckwheat, millet, barley;
    • nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews, pine, hazelnuts);
    • mustard, seaweed, peas, beans
    • beans, peas, liver, beef, pork;
    • lamb, processed cheese, wheat, buckwheat, duck, turkey

    The best vitamin complexes for those planning pregnancy

    The best complexes are:

    • “Femibion. The composition includes 9 vitamins (C, E, group B) and iodine. Presented in packs of 30 tablets. Prescribed at the planning stage of pregnancy and up to a period of less than 12 weeks.
    • "Elevit Pronatal". Contains a large amount of magnesium and vitamin B9. There are 100 tablets in a package. Can be used both when planning pregnancy and during it. Includes all substances without which normal development and formation of the fetus is impossible.
    • "Vitrum Prenatal Forte". Includes 10 vitamins and 3 minerals. There are 30 tablets in a package. The drug is prescribed to strengthen the body when planning pregnancy, during and after it.
    • “Complimentary Mom.” Recommended for planning pregnancy and in the early stages. However, it contains insufficient amounts of vitamin D, A and iodine.
    • "Alphabet of Mom's Health." Available in tablets of different colors depending on the predominance of certain components. Contains a lot of iodine, but lacks vitamin B9, which will have to be taken additionally.

    Before taking any drug, you should consult your doctor.

    Admission rules and schemes

    Despite all the benefits, some vitamins in combination with certain components can cause completely the opposite effect. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult a doctor. The same goes for dosage. An increased dose of even the most effective drug can cause fetal rejection in the early stages of pregnancy.

    Here are some nuances of taking certain vitamins:

    • Folic acid can be taken 300-400 mcg per day when planning pregnancy. You should not stop taking it immediately after a positive pregnancy test. Doctors recommend taking it up to 12 weeks.
    • Vitamin D is recommended to be taken together with calcium, as it improves the absorption of the latter. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the daily norm (400 IU) can be reduced.
    • Vitamin A should be taken very carefully (no more than 8000-10000 IU per day). Otherwise, abnormal development of the embryo is possible. The precursor to vitamin A, beta-carotene, is considered safer and does not have a negative effect on the body of the mother and fetus.
    • Vitamin C should be taken along with iron. Together they not only strengthen the immune system, but also prevent the development of anemia.

    Is it possible to do without synthetic drugs?

    Experts have several opinions regarding the possibility of abandoning synthetic drugs. Some say that with food and in the absence of bad habits, the body can get all the necessary substances. However, not all women come to the doctor for consultation before pregnancy. Many come already in a situation with obvious hypovitaminosis. In this case, synthetic drugs are especially important, since the condition of the mother and fetus directly depends on them.

    Another nuance is that the fetus will always take as many nutrients from the mother as it needs, even to her detriment. So the deficiency of minerals and vitamins must be eliminated in order for the mother’s body to function correctly.

    An excess of certain substances can have a much worse effect on the health of the unborn child. For example, vitamin A can cause nausea, weakness, fatigue, headaches, spikes in blood pressure and poor blood clotting.

    Excess vitamin B1 can cause allergic manifestations and neurological disorders. An overdose of vitamin B2 has a negative effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. And excess vitamin C is fraught with suppression of the immune system, blood thinning, and glucose absorption.

    At the pregnancy planning stage, doctors recommend taking vitamin E 100–400 IU per day, depending on the condition of the body. If there have been miscarriages or gynecological diseases in the past, the maximum dose of this vitamin is required (300 - 400 IU per day). If this was not the case, vitamin E in a minimum dosage of 100–200 IU is sufficient. It is better to divide the total dose into 2 doses – morning and evening. The most convenient drug, according to women's reviews, is Vitamin E in capsules with dosages of 100, 200, 300 and 400 IU.

    Vitamin B6 begins to be taken within 3-6 months before the expected date. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to a 30-day course. The dosage is 2.1–2.3 mg per day.

    You can learn more about planning a pregnancy from the video below.

    Many women begin to prepare in advance for the birth of a child. Vitamins when planning pregnancy for a woman play an important role during this period. Taking the vitamin determines how healthy the baby is born, the health of the expectant mother and the pregnancy process. Before preparing for pregnancy, an examination is carried out, and depending on the results, medications are prescribed.

    Vitamins when planning pregnancy

    If something is missing in a pregnant woman’s body, it is replenished with the necessary elements. A lack of useful elements occurs not only in healthy women, but also in those whose bodies are depleted. Doctors prescribe vitamin and mineral preparations that saturate the body with the missing elements. It is necessary to take only those medications that will not harm the health of the expectant mother.

    Vitamins for pregnancy and conception need to drink beforehand, because the formation of the child’s main vital organs occurs in the early stages, so the woman’s body must be fully prepared for this important period. If the body lacks important elements, then this is may lead to the following consequences:

    1. In the first three months, the fetus may develop abnormally or with abnormalities.
    2. The expectant mother experiences deterioration in hearing and vision, decreased immunity, and often gets tired.
    3. Pregnant women experience hair loss, splitting of nail plates, and deterioration of the condition of teeth and skin.

    Depending on the period of pregnancy, the female body needs different substances. In the second and third periods, the need for vitamins increases to 45%. As doctors note, a woman’s weight should not exceed the required norm. When a child is pregnant, a woman needs certain substances. What vitamins should you take? when planning pregnancy:

    1. Iron and folic acid are taken in double amounts.
    2. The dose of calcium increases by 1.5 times.
    3. The following elements are increased by 30% of the normal amount: iodine, B elements and zinc.

    If a woman eats well, she should still take in the necessary elements. Because a properly formulated diet does not provide the required number of useful microelements and substances.

    When prescribing medications, the doctor takes into account what time of year the specific period of pregnancy occurs. For example, in winter, all people experience a lack of sunlight. Therefore, vitamin D is prescribed in winter. When planning, the necessary elements begin to be taken a month before the planned date of conception. If a woman has any health problems, then the elements are taken several months before conception.

    TOP 5 best products

    Depending on the woman’s health, the doctor prescribes different medications. It is impossible to say in advance which vitamins are best for a woman to take when planning pregnancy. Nowadays you can find a huge number of medications in pharmacies. A specific product is prescribed only after consultation with a doctor. Among the huge number of medications, several stand out useful and necessary during pregnancy:

    1. Vitamin E.
    2. Group B elements.
    3. Vitamin D.
    4. Vitamin A.

    Folic acid is another name for vitamin B9. This medication is prescribed three months before planning. The substance has the following positive qualities:

    1. When developing the nervous system in a child’s body, folic acid plays a huge role.
    2. Actively takes part in hematopoiesis.
    3. It is of great importance in the formation of the placenta.
    4. Folic acid is essential for the proper functioning of the body.

    If a deficiency of B9 occurs in a pregnant woman’s body, this will negatively affect the development of the fetus’s digestive organs. Folic acid also contributes to the proper absorption of protein and the formation of new cells. To avoid a deficiency of this substance, doctors recommend including the following foods in the diet: vegetables, parsley, spinach, fruits, legumes, liver, nuts, asparagus, eggs. You also need to eat a lot of greens.

    Tocopherol or vitamin E. If a girl has a question about what vitamins she should take when planning a pregnancy, doctors answer that vitamin E is a must. When taking the product, the required dosage is observed, thanks to this the ovaries work properly and eggs are produced. This substance is of particular importance during the planning period, because it significantly accelerates the likelihood of pregnancy.

    When a child takes vitamin E, the baby’s muscle tissue builds up. He is needed for the fruitful development of the fetus. If a woman is at risk of miscarriage, then tocopherol is mandatory. And also it does not stop being taken during pregnancy. Contained in the following products: barley, greens, rose hips, nuts, fatty fish, dried apricots. The doctor will prescribe in what quantities to take the substance.

    Vitamins B and D

    To the main multivitamins of group B include B6 and B12. Such elements must be taken when planning: the doctor will definitely prescribe elements of group B and D. Beneficial effects of group B vitamins:

    1. If a woman has a deficiency of vitamins of this group, this contributes to a deterioration in her mood and well-being. As a result of deficiency, toxicosis, irritability and nausea appear. Insomnia is also possible.
    2. In order for folic substance to be well absorbed, components of this group are necessary.
    3. For the formation of the immune, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.
    4. To absorb the necessary substances.
    5. To stabilize metabolic processes between a woman and the fetus.

    B elements are found in the following foods: carrots, eggs, greens, organ meats, mushrooms, nuts and red meat.

    Vitamin D formed from sunlight. That is why during pregnancy it is recommended to often be outside and walk in the fresh air. Benefits of vitamin is as follows:

    1. Nails and teeth become stronger.
    2. Positive effect on memory.

    This vitamin is found in the following products: cheese, yolk, butter, fatty fish, caviar, fish oil.

    Required component

    This substance is one of the essential vitamins for women before pregnancy. It is fat-soluble, this feature is taken into account when creating the menu. Advantages:

    1. Taking care of the gums, teeth and hair of the expectant mother.
    2. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the fetus.
    3. Helps strengthen baby's bones.
    4. Prevents respiratory abnormalities.
    5. Preserves the beauty of the skin.

    When planning a pregnancy, your doctor prescribes a list of vitamins for men. The husband should also undergo a special examination and take a good multivitamin complex.

    Commonly Prescribed Medications

    Depending on the health of the expectant mother, the doctor prescribes elements that are aimed at solving a specific problem, or a whole multivitamin complex. It is better if courses of vitamins are prescribed during pregnancy, they help improve the condition. Frequently prescribed drugs:

    1. Elevit Pronatal.
    2. Vitrum Prenatal.
    3. Mom is complimentary.
    4. Elevit.
    5. Femibion.

    Elevit Pronatal. This medication should definitely be included in the diet of a pregnant woman. These elements contain micro and macro elements. If a woman’s body has too much calcium, or there is urolithiasis, then they refuse to take medications.

    Vitrum prenatal. In addition to essential vitamins, the medication contains microminerals. It also has a high iron content. When prescribing a course, the doctor tells you the exact dosage.

    Mom is complimentary. This complex is inexpensive and includes all the necessary elements and substances. But the medication has a significant drawback: it does not include elements A and D.

    Elevit. The product contains large amounts of folic acid and magnesium. When taking the drug, it has a good effect on blood flow, and also reduces the risk of miscarriage.

    Femibion. This medication is developed in two versions, which are designed for different periods of pregnancy. Femibion ​​1 is taken during planning and in the first trimester. Femibion ​​2 is prescribed starting from the 13th week of gestation. The vitamins have a perfectly balanced composition; all elements included in the medication are well absorbed.

    In addition, you can buy other drugs in pharmacies, for example, Angiovit, Multi-tabs, Teravit Pregna or Alphabet. You cannot buy medications on your own; when planning a pregnancy or pregnancy, all medications are prescribed only by your doctor.

    Dosing rules

    Every day you need vitamins, and you also need to know their correct dosage. Only your doctor knows what vitamins to take during pregnancy. There are a lot of names of drugs, they all have both advantages and disadvantages. To avoid harm to health, you must follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor. If you do not follow the rules of admission drugs, the following threats may arise:

    1. If you exceed the recommended levels of vitamin A, this will lead to anomalies in the embryonic development of the fetus.
    2. If there is an excess of vitamin E in a pregnant woman's body, this can lead to a baby's heart defect or hexosis.

    In order for the health of the unborn baby and mother to be normal, all elements must be taken in strict dosages. If any element in a woman’s body exceeds the norm, then urgent consultation with a specialist is needed. It may be necessary to postpone conception for some period of time.

    Prevention of hypovitaminosis

    When planning a pregnancy, many women have a question about whether they need to take vitamins. If a girl led a healthy lifestyle before pregnancy, her diet was correct, and she was not on diets, then her body will have enough useful substances for conception to be positive. But if a lack of any useful elements is noticed in the body, then this can develop into hypovitaminosis.

    It is because of this that the condition of nails, skin, teeth and hair worsens. Apathy and fatigue are also common symptoms of hypovitaminosis. If a fetus is conceived during this period, it will be at risk of health problems. There is a high probability of eclampsia and developmental defects, and the risk of miscarriage increases.

    Therefore, if a woman’s doctor has diagnosed her with hypovitaminosis, then special elements for those planning pregnancy are recommended as an addition to her regular diet. The drug is taken 30 days before the start of the planned conception. In some cases, a course of vitamins is taken 4 months before planning.

    Medicines for men

    Not only the expectant mother, but also her husband should take a course of medications. He is prescribed the necessary medications 90 days before conception. Sperm mature in 72 days, and they need minerals every day. The male body is supported by amino acids. They provide the necessary condition for the formation of new sperm without mutation and increased activity. To improve sperm quality and increase the likelihood of pregnancy, a man is assigned the following drugs:

    1. Selenium is needed to maintain sexual activity. If there is no deficiency of selenium in the body, then a man remains sexually active not only in his youth, but also in his mature years.
    2. Vitamin C and zinc. It is needed to support the synthesis of male sex hormones.
    3. Vitamin E. Prevents possible damage to sperm.
    4. Folic acid. Necessary for the creation of active sperm with the correct structure.

    If a woman is thinking about planning, then she definitely needs to take minerals and vitamins in advance. You also need to give up bad habits. The planning stage is the most critical, because at this time the body prepares for bearing a fetus.