The most difficult school subject. The most important school subjects according to Russians. Rating of the most difficult subjects

Complex life lessons that, if you learn in your 20s, will allow you to quickly change yourself for the better and start a successful life

When you cross the 20-year mark, you begin to realize what you need because you have grown up. You already look like an adult and not like a child. This is reality and we need to face the truth. The faster you find out difficult life lessons, the sooner you can change yourself for the better and start a successful life. What is important to know when you reach the age of twenty?

  1. Love can hurt. But you can't live without love. Sometimes it’s even more painful without her.
  2. Value friendship. It has a much greater impact on your life than where you work or how much you earn.
  3. Don’t lose your personality and spirituality. You are not your work or the amount you own. You can't let things like that consume you. It ends with you losing yourself.
  4. Be passionate about the job, but don't be discouraged if you're not a good fit. The company where you work doesn't like you? She is not a living being - she has no heart. You can be easily replaced. Just be aware of this and remember: getting fired is not the end of the world.
  5. Your decisions shape your future life. Especially if the issue concerns marriage. Consider your choice carefully, listen not only to your heart, but also to your mind.
  6. Love is a commitment.
  7. Believe it or not, passions are formed from values ​​and vice versa. Make the right choices to appreciate what truly deserves it.
  8. Honesty preserves honor. Having lost the first, you will lose the second.
  9. Enjoy your health. Appreciate it - it does not last forever.
  10. Find your passion. It could be photography, juggling, whatever. Practice and improve your skills. Later they will definitely change your life.
  11. Don't bother comparing yourself to others. This will only lead to disappointment and a bad mood. Well, or alternatively – to pride. And this is just as bad.
  12. Most disappointments arise from unmet expectations. Therefore, you need to set realistic goals for yourself. Build on your strengths and strive to exceed them. But don’t try to jump in over your head where you know failure awaits you.
  13. You should not do for others what they should do themselves. If you want to help someone achieve results, guide, inspire, support. But don't interfere. And don't let anyone interfere in your affairs. We must fight against difficulties and achieve everything personally.
  14. Don't give others false hope. You will doom both yourself and the one who hopes to mental torment.
  15. Don't complain about the current situation. Either try to change these conditions, or try to change your point of view and look at everything from a different angle. Or accept everything as it is, adapt.
  16. When doing any work, you don't need to worry about money, which you can get for it. You need to worry about the quality of this work.
  17. Try to work conscientiously even in the lowest paid position. The slightest deviation from direct responsibilities, for good or bad, will be noticed. If not by your boss, then by your colleagues.
  18. In fact, privacy and confidentiality is a myth. You are always visible to people, to God, to yourself. Maybe we should start life differently?
  19. Don't look down on others if they are not as beautiful or capable. Not everyone is given such gifts of fate. Be more modest.
  20. Failure is an opportunity to learn. Not a single person who has achieved success has done without mistakes and bad luck, from which they can learn something useful. You need to not become limp, but look for meaning.
  21. Always apologize if the person you are asking for deserves it. Don't delay with them and be sincere and bring them in person.
  22. Do not torment yourself with misdeeds for which you have already been forgiven. However, the shame that arises when remembering them will allow you to avoid repeated mistakes.
  23. Life is difficult when you don't believe in anything. Faith shapes trust, behavior and life beliefs.
  24. The only thing you should definitely do quickly is stop doing things quickly. Haste can complicate your life, so solve things calmly, without rushing. This way you will avoid many mistakes.
  25. Every person needs correction. Every. And that's absolutely normal.
  26. Do the work first so you can have fun later without feeling guilty. Even better, love your job, then it will become fun for you.
  27. If you want to develop your abilities, become stronger and better, stop worrying about things you can't do. Do what you can do.
  28. Avoid fighting. No, seriously, avoid them like the plague. Don't get into trouble if you can avoid it.
  29. If you are bored, then you are doing something wrong.
  30. Never stop learning. You can acquire a lot of skills and abilities that will help you in life.
  31. Nothing in this life, no pain, no agony, no failure of any kind, can compare with the eternal joy in Heaven.
  32. There's nothing easier than losing joy due to over-analyzing it.
  33. Your life purpose defines you as a person. Sometimes it needs to be reconsidered.
  34. Your opinion really matters. Don't be afraid to think and draw conclusions.

Translation of the article

Today, a wide variety of academic disciplines are taught in public schools - biology, physics, chemistry, algebra, literature, foreign languages, etc. - which should contribute to the formation of a harmonious and educated personality. But some scientists are confident that the list of compulsory school subjects should be completely different.

1. The Basics of Writing Fantasy Novels

If you ask any elementary school student, they will tell you that making up your own stories is fun. Many scientists argue that for better development of imaginative thinking, children should not only learn classical literature, but also learn to write books themselves.

2. Applied mechanics (invention)

In schools, as a rule, they teach abstract algebra and geometry, which few people will need in life. Most children find these subjects boring, since the course of study provides only bare theory. Surely, more people would begin to get involved in the exact sciences if they taught them through practical examples, while inventing various devices. Maybe there would be a new Leonardo da Vinci in the world.

3. Filmmaking

Some public schools have drama clubs, the attendance of which is optional and not compulsory. But in such circles they usually teach performing skills. Considering the pace at which the film industry is developing in the world, it would be worth teaching children how to make films or TV series. For example, one can only imagine how much more brilliant films Steven Spielberg would have made if he had received the appropriate education while still in school.

4. Latin

In the modern world, it is very important to know not only your native language. Latin is the basis of any Romance language. If you get at least basic knowledge of Latin at school, then it will be much easier to learn Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and French.

5. Multi-confessional theology

Upon graduating from public school or college, most young people have no idea about the intricacies of most of the world's major religions. In order not to prejudge the beliefs of other nationalities, it would be worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of each of them.

6. History of philosophy

Of course, we should be realistic and not rely on children being able to fully comprehend the complexity and abstraction of philosophical science. But the foundations of philosophy could be useful in everyday life: people would stop thinking too one-sidedly. All famous politicians were often guided in their work and decision-making by the works of such geniuses as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Confucius, Gautama, Sun Tzu and many others.

7. Sports

All schools have physical education classes designed to maintain children's overall physical fitness. It would be much more practical for children, in addition to running and jumping, to also learn the basics and rules of popular sports such as football or basketball.

8. Chess

Most people have a very vague idea of ​​how different pieces move in chess. There are only 1000 international grandmasters worldwide. At the same time, absolutely all scientists admit that chess is an excellent tool for developing the mind. Professional chess players almost always perform better in the sciences, and are also much more diligent and have a more analytical mindset.

9. Music

There are music lessons in almost every school, but the knowledge that children receive is very fragmentary. For example, only a paragraph in a textbook may be devoted to Beethoven, and most high school students know nothing at all about Rachmaninoff. Classical music would clearly not be out of place in the school curriculum.

10. Martial arts

It would be a good idea to include the basics of teaching martial arts in physical education lessons so that children can protect themselves from bullies. Children could also gain greater self-confidence, which would help them later in life.

As soon as a person becomes an adult, he realizes that what he was taught at school was not at all what can be used in real life. In our previous review.

In today's article we will talk about the most difficult subjects that students have to study in universities. It is imperative that those young people who are just planning to enroll and do not yet really know what awaits them in the future should familiarize themselves with the information presented below. You can often hear disputes regarding which direction is more complex - humanitarian or technical. Adherents of each of them prove that they are right, without realizing that the correct answer simply does not exist. It all depends on the student’s abilities, as well as his preferences. This is what can explain the fact that for some a certain subject may be understandable on an intuitive level, for others it may be accompanied by a big question mark.

The most difficult subject

The concept of “the most difficult subject” can be called quite loose. Let’s first look at what “complicated” is. Most people associate this term with the concepts of “not easy” and “not easy.” That is, it is difficult to call a thing that is too abstruse or generally incomprehensible.

This is precisely where the ambiguity of this concept lies. After all, for one person a subject may seem simple, since he is able to quickly master it, but for another person the same subject will seem complex, due to the fact that he cannot understand it. In the first case, the student will immediately understand the basic principles of the discipline and take up its deeper study; in the second, over time the subject will seem more and more difficult to the student.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand once and for all one important idea: complex disciplines do not exist in principle. All the complexity arises from laziness, which prevents you from understanding the main aspects of the subject. A psychological reason also plays a big role, the essence of which is as follows: if others say that a subject is complex, then a person who has not even begun to study it automatically agrees with this on a subconscious level.

It is important right now to exclude from your vocabulary such a concept as “complex subject.” Remember - there are no difficult subjects. Each student can master any discipline if he listens carefully to lectures, writes down all the teacher’s explanations and conducts self-study.

A person gives himself a psychological setting regarding how to perceive an object: as easy or as difficult. If you initially treat literature as a complex and unnecessary discipline, then so be it. The situation is similar with mathematics, history and philosophy. Such an attitude will definitely lead to problems during the session.

But, if you immediately give yourself the right attitude, the subject will automatically cease to be difficult. The main thing is to stop listening to those around you, who, drowning in their laziness and incompetence, sow panic in the heads of other people.

Among those who read this article, there will definitely be people who will say: “Psychology is psychology, but in every university there are a number of subjects that cause difficulties for most students.” We will not argue with this, because these words are not without meaning.

Rating of the most difficult subjects

In order to make our rating as objective as possible, we turned to statistical data. Below you will read the results of a study that showed which subjects are most difficult for university students to study. We will not claim that our rating is absolutely correct, but it reflects the overall picture.

Each student can make his own list, or add some disciplines to an existing list. It is worth noting that some subjects may not be familiar to most readers at all. Be that as it may, the ranking of the most difficult subjects looks like this:

  1. Theoretical physics (for many students, even ordinary physics is something unreal and fantastic).
  2. Sopromat.
  3. Descriptive geometry (to master this subject you must have real talent).
  4. Higher mathematics (everything is clear here without further ado).
  5. Practice writing and speaking.

Of course, this list is very conditional. There are still a lot of disciplines, the very name of which can plunge many students into real horror.

Let's take a closer look at the discipline of higher mathematics. It is worth noting that this subject has to be studied not only by technicians, but also by humanists.

It’s not hard to guess that humanities students are luckier in this regard, since higher mathematics will get on their nerves for just one semester. But, as practice shows, the intricacy of higher mathematics is just a stereotype that is not supported by anything. Many humanities students claim that higher mathematics is no more difficult than the algebra they studied in graduate school.

As for specialties with an economic bias, students who choose them will have to study at the higher education level for at least two years. Without fail, they will solve transport problems and become familiar with the unique simplex method. Yes, there is nothing complicated in all this, but you still have to strain your brains.

But in the technical direction, a “tower” is something very scary and terrible. But, as a rule, people who have consciously chosen a technical specialty find higher mathematics easy. Many 5th year students solve tower problems like regular school problems.

Just a few paragraphs were enough to appreciate higher mathematics. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this subject and, in order to master it, you must first of all start studying and listen carefully to the teacher.

Now we'll talk about the things that actually cause the most difficulty for students.

Independent living is the most difficult subject

Even the most abstruse and intricate scientific discipline is nothing compared to such a “subject” as independent life. No matter how banal it may sound, it is absolutely true. A young man passes final exams, enters a university and is faced with something that he most likely was not familiar with before - independent life. In order to master this “subject,” you need to go through a lot of disappointments and depression. This is precisely where its complexity lies.

The first thing to remember when mastering this “subject” is to never lose heart. Living independently is a series of challenges that must be overcome with your head held high. It is important to realize that there are no unsolvable problems, and a person is able to endure any challenge.

You can often hear the question: “But what to do when everything in life goes wrong?” It's very simple - you need to try to sleep. There is no need to invent anything and it is better to just have a good rest.

Are you struggling with some kind of discipline? Did you fail the exam? This, of course, is unpleasant, but how can such trifles compare with what people who lose loved ones or who have only a few hours to live experience? Therefore, you must always remember the following: problems will always pass, and they will only make you stronger.

If the problem seems really serious to you, try to evaluate it with a sober eye and then make a plan to solve it. It is important to act quickly and decisively, but not to panic or become depressed.

You should never refuse the help of family and friends. Only they are ready to accept us as we are.

Every student has subjects that are difficult for him. But with enough effort, any discipline can be mastered. It is important to first study such a subject as “life”, and after that, even quantum physics will seem ridiculously easy.