Crossword puzzle on philosophy, social science and world history on the topic “Ancient philosophy. Crossword puzzle for the Moscow Art Culture "artistic culture of antiquity" Crossword puzzle "Ancient Greek gods"

3. An ancient Greek Stoic term meaning
4. Following the classical Greco-Roman stage in the development of ancient philosophy and culture, covering the period from the conquests of Alexander the Great (356 - 3230 BC)
5. The doctrine of nature, the essence of knowledge
7. The eldest of the sophists, author of the idea Man is the measure of all things
8. A set of views, assessments, emotions that characterize a person’s attitude to the world and to himself
9. What is the name of the second period in the history of ancient philosophy (occupies the period of time from the 3rd century BC to the 5th century AD)
11. A type of ancient philosophical worldview, which is based on ideas about the unity of man, nature and the Universe
13. The doctrine of being, its fundamental principles
14. Disciple of Plato, father of logic
15. Doctrine that denies the knowability of the essence of the objective world
16. Ancient Greek philosopher, representative of the Milesian school of natural philosophy, student of Thales of Miletus
17. Ancient Indian treatises of a religious and philosophical nature. are part of the Vedas and belong to the sacred scriptures of Hinduism in the category of shruti
18. The concept of Plato’s philosophy, denoting the process of a person’s cognition of the world through the immortal soul’s recollection of what it saw while being in the world of ideas
19. The art of arguing and conversation
22. Ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher. his only work, from which only a few dozen fragments of quotations have survived, is a book “about nature”, which consisted of three parts (“about nature”, “about the state”, “about God”)
23. Ancient Greek teaching, according to which the world consists of atoms (existence) and emptiness (non-existence), in which atoms move
24. Ancient Greek philosopher, mathematician and mystic, creator of the religious and philosophical school of the Pythagoreans

1. Student of Socrates, creator of the philosophical system
2. Follower of Pythagoras, the first to draw the system of the world and place the central fire at the center of the universe
4. What is the name of the first period in ancient philosophy (VII–IV centuries BC) associated with the formation and development of Greek classical slavery
6. Philosophy of nature, speculative teaching about nature and its integrity
10. What is the name of the most characteristic feature of the philosophical thought of the Hellenistic period (the desire to understand the essence of nature, the cosmos, the world as a whole)
12. Section of philosophy dealing with research into the original nature of reality, the world and existence as such
20. The term is based on the statement about the primacy of consciousness in relation to matter
21. Poetic work of Hesiod (vii - eighth century BC), one of the first ancient Greek mythological poems to become famous in European literature

Crossword on the topic “Ancient culture”

Horizontally: 5. Ancient Roman water supply. 8. Goddess of fertility in ancient Greek mythology. 9. Prometheus stole ... from Zeus, for which he was chained to a rock. 10. Muse of love lyrics in ancient Greek mythology. 13. Muse of history in Ancient Greece. 14. An ancient Greek hero who was never able to reach the sun. 15. One of the mythological animals defeated by Hercules. 16. Ancient Greek god of the underworld. 17. An ancient city that died as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius, depicted by Karl Bryullov in his famous painting. 19. Part of the frieze. 23. An ancient Greek poet, according to legend, thrown into the sea and saved by dolphins.24. Mountain in Ancient Greece, abode of the gods. 26. The famous ancient Roman amphitheater. 27. Ancient Greek playwright, author of the tragedy “Medea”. 28. Winged goddess of victory in Ancient Greece. 30. Ancient Greek goddess of femininity, wife of Zeus. 33. Ancient Roman playwright, author of the tragedy “Medea”. 35. Ancient Greek sculptor, author of the sculpture “Bacchante”. 38. Goddess of the dawn in Ancient Rome. 35. Ancient Greek sculptor, author of the sculpture “Bacchante”. 38. Goddess of the dawn in Ancient Rome. 39. Ancient Greek playwright, author of the tragedy “Oedipus the King.” 40. The largest temple in the Acropolis of Athens. 45. Song of praise in honor of gods and heroes in Ancient Greece. 48. Trojan hero, a character in Virgil’s poem. 49. God of the sea in Ancient Greece. 50. Ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty. 51. River of oblivion in the kingdom of Hades. 54. Goddess of youth in Ancient Greece.

56. Island, center of early ancient Greek culture. 57. The heroine of Greek mythology, to whom the loving Zeus appeared in the form of golden rain. 58. Wall for decorations in an ancient Greek theater. 61. The first domed temple in history. 63. A monster that devoured young men and women in the Labyrinth until the hero Theseus killed him. 64. Hero of Homer's poem. 67. The deity of love in ancient Roman mythology. 68. Emperor of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, under whom the Church of Hagia Sophia was built in Constantinople. 69. Scene in an ancient Greek theater. 70. Antique clothing.71. Ancient Roman festivals during which slaves and masters swapped places. 75. Muse of dance in Ancient Greece. 78. The front part of an architectural structure. 79. The king whose stables were cleaned by Hercules. 80. Wife of Hercules. 81. Part of the façade of a building, limited by a gable roof.

Vertically : 1. Temple complex in Ancient Greece. 2. Architectural structure of the ancient Romans. 3. Construction material, invention of the ancient Romans. 4. Ancient Greek goddess, patroness of hunting. 6. Faithful wife of Odysseus. 7. In Rome - Venus, in Greece - .... 11. The first Roman emperor to receive the title of Augustus. 12. In Rome - Diana, in Greece - ....

17. Ancient Greek sculptor, author of the “golden ratio”. 18. One of the authors of the Parthenon.

19. Ancient Greek sculptor who created the Discobolus. 20. The main part of the entablature.

21. Ancient Greek fabulist. 22. Hero of Sophocles' tragedy. 23. Row of arches. 25. The ruler of Athens, under whom the development of art reached its greatest flowering. 29. Persian king who won the victory at Thermopylae and destroyed Athens. 31. The daughter of the Phoenician king, kidnapped by Zeus, who turned into a bull. 32. Ancient Greek scientist from Syracuse, great mathematician. 34. The famous sculpture of Polykleitos. 36. Roman emperor, under whom Christianity received the status of an official religion. 37. Architectural support consisting of a base, trunk and capital.

41. Legendary founder of Rome. 42. Ancient Greek heroine, whose children became victims of the envy and malice of Latona, mother of Apollo and Artemis. 43. Author of the statue of Athena in the Parthenon.

44. One of the most cruel Roman emperors, on whose orders his mother was killed and his teacher Seneca, philosopher and playwright, committed suicide. 46. ​​Soul in the form of a girl, lover of Cupid in ancient Greek mythology. 47. Ancient Greek god, from the rite of worship of which theater arose. 52. Friend and mentor of Odysseus and his children, whose name has become synonymous with a teacher, an educator who strictly adheres to the instructions. 53. Virgil's poem.

55. Resident of Athens. 56. An underground gallery or hall where the first Christians in Ancient Rome hid from persecution. 59. The hero of the Iliad, a venerable old man, reminiscing and giving advice to the young. 60. The lower part of the underworld, the bottom of the underground kingdom in Ancient Greece.

61. Ancient Greek comedy writer. 62. Ancient Greek bath. 65. In ancient Greek mythology, a forest deity with horns and goat legs. 66. Island, homeland of Odysseus. 72. Roman emperor, in whose honor a triumphal arch and column were erected. 73. Ancient Greek spirits of nature in the form of girls, goddesses of trees, springs and caves. 74. An ancient Egyptian goddess, whose cult was widespread in Ancient Rome. 75. One of the pre-Olympic gods, children of Uranus and Gaia.

76. The hero of the Greek myth, doomed to endlessly roll a heavy stone up a mountain.

77. Beloved of Artemis, killed by her out of jealousy and placed by the gods in the sky in the form of a constellation.

Teacher of technology and history of KSU "Secondary school No. 21 of the city of Temirtau" Baltabaev Marat Bopyshevich

Crossword puzzle on philosophy, social studies and world history on the topic “Ancient Philosophy”


5. Philosophicala term denoting the three-stage development of thinking (being). The term was used by Plato and the Neoplatonists.

6. The starting point of philosophical thought, the initial stage of knowledge. This concept is the first question of theoretical philosophy, e.g.Thatself-knowledge, and this is the highest goalphilosophicalresearch.

10. The state of a person caused by his violation of duty, requirements of authority, obligations imposed by law, agreement (arrangement) or himself.

11. Ancient Greek termphilosophy, meaning both “word” (statement, speech) and “concept” (judgment, meaning). Heraclitus, who first used it, called it “eternal and universal necessity.”

12. Segmenttime, commemoratedwhat- orhigh qualitychange, events; stagewhat- orprocess(for example, in philosophy).

13. A product made of bast, birch bark, splinters, etc., used for laying and carrying various objects.

15. Ancient Greek philosopher, student of Parmenides, representative of the Eleatic school. He is famous for his aporias, with which he tried to prove the inconsistency of the concepts of movement, space and multitude.

17. In aesthetics, a category meaning a system of internal creative rules and norms that prevail in art;vaultrules, existingVcertainregion. TermreceivedwidespreadingVlogic, ethics, aestheticsAndtheoriesknowledge, Vreligion.

18. Philosophical discipline, the subject of study of which is morality and ethics.

19. Knowledgeable, intelligent person; a prudent, reasonable and obedient person.

23. Philosophicala category that expresses the objective connection of the world and characterizes the process of its cognition.

24. An area of ​​human activity aimed at developing and systematizing objective knowledge about reality.

25. Ancient city, centerphilosophy,he gave the world two great men: Socrates and Plato.

26. Recognition of something as true without preliminary factual or logical verification, solely due to an internal, subjective, immutable conviction that does not need evidence for its justification.

27. Expression, figure of speech, the smallest independent unit of speech, acting as a unit of communication.

29. One of the most important categories of Chinesephilosophy,This is usually how it is translated into Russian.

32. A set of statements that are closed with respect to logical consequence.

33. Roman Stoic philosopher, poet and statesman, one of the largest representatives of Stoicism.


1. Thisa person’s ability to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort.

2. The highest degree of value or the best, completed state of any phenomenon;something perfect, the highest goal of aspiration.

3. Ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician from Miletus. Representative of Ionic natural philosophy and founder of the Milesian school, with which the history of European science begins. Traditionally considered the founder of Greek philosophy.

4. Germanphilosopher, the founder of German classical philosophy, standing on the verge of the Enlightenment and Romanticism.

7. One of the fundamental concepts of classical Greekphilosophy, itis thought of as the beginning of indivisibility.

8. Ancient Greekphilosopher, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle. Firstphilosopher, whose writings have come down to us not in short passages quoted by others, but in full.

9. First principle, arche, the original material cause of the world in the teachings of Heraclitus, it was this element that became the first principle of the world.

14. In its broadest meaning, this is the existence of material and spiritual objects, this is a central philosophical concept, the subject of the study of ontology.

15. The necessary relationship between events, phenomena and objects, expressed in the most general form. V fthey are philosophicaloften appear in the form of concentrated content of these philosophical systems.

16. In ancient Greek mythology, the personification in the form of girls of living elemental forces, noticed in the murmur of a stream, in the growth of trees, in the wild beauty of mountains and forests.

17. One type of printed matter: a non-periodical publication consisting of bound or separate paper sheets (pages) or notebooks.

20. Gorodin Thrace, where ancient Greek philosophers livedLeucippus and Democritus.

21. A stupid person, a fool, stupid, slow-witted, reckless.

22. ConceptVphilosophyHegel, denoting the moment of development “in which both negation and preservation and affirmation are combined.”

27. Greek theological, philosophical, and scientific term, usually translated into Russian as "nature".

28. In Greek mythology - a giant, the son of Poseidon, who defeated everyone in single combat, drawing strength from contact with mother earth.

30. The smallest constituent particles of matter, from which everything that exists, including the soul, is composed (Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus).

31. An ancient city on the western coast of Asia Minor, the center of the emergence of the first philosophical school of ancientGreece.


Horizontally: 5. Triad 6.Beginning 10. Guilt 11. Logos 12. Stage 13. Box 15. Zeno 17.Canon 18.Ethics 19. Smart guy 23. General 24.Science 25.Athens 26. Faith 27.Phrase 29. Path 32. Theory 33. Seneca

Vertically: 1. Strength 2.Ideal 3.Thales 4.Kant 7.United 8.Plato 9. Fire 14.Genesis 15.Law 16. Nymph 17. Book 20.Abdera21. Fool 22.Removal 27.Physis 28. Antaeus 30. Atom 31. Ephesus

Crossword “Ancient Greek gods”


4. Muse of the epic

11. Muse of dancing

20. Muse of Astronomy


7. Goddess of wisdom and just war. She was considered the patroness of artistic crafts; she helped potters, weavers, and needlewomen
8. Muse of History

18. Hero, son of the god Zeus

Crossword “Ancient Greek gods” (Answers)


4. Muse of the epic
9. He was revered by the ancient Greeks for bringing fire to people and revealing to them the secrets of various crafts and arts.
10. Hero of the legends of the ancient Greeks. In the heroic tales of the ancient Greeks, he is the bravest of the heroes who undertook a campaign against Troy under the leadership of Agamemnon.
11. Muse of dancing
14. Muse of love poetry and facial expressions
17. Muse of lyric poetry and music
18. Messenger of the gods, patron of travelers, guide of the souls of the dead
19. King of Ithaca, famous as a participant in the Trojan War, an intelligent and resourceful speaker
20. Muse of Astronomy

1. Son of Zeus, god of art (primarily music and singing), as well as sunlight, radiant guardian of life and order, formidable archer
2. The mountain where the gods live
3. Son of Calliope and Apollo, the greatest singer and musician. Revered by the ancient Greeks as a hero
5. Goddess of love and beauty. According to legend, wherever she appeared, beautiful flowers grew under her feet, and everyone succumbed to the charm of her beauty.
6. Goddess of memory. Mother of the Muses, born of her from Zeus[
7. Goddess of wisdom and just war. She was considered the patroness of artistic crafts; she helped potters, weavers, and needlewomen
8. Muse of History
12. Muse of eloquence and hymns
13. Patroness of hunting, animals and vegetation. She was also considered the goddess of the moon and was often identified with the lunar disk
15. Gods of the first generation, born from the marriage of the land of Gaia and the sky of Uranus
16. God of fire and blacksmithing
18. Hero, son of the god Zeus

3. Founder of the Cyrene school, student of Socrates
7. Ancient Greek philosopher. Disciple of Plato. From 343 BC. e. - teacher of Alexander the Great
9. Philosophical teaching that reveals the internal organic unity of being as a universe
15. The process during which the organization of a complex dynamic system is created, reproduced or improved
20. Cosmological model, which states that the Sun is the center of the Universe, the Earth and all other planets revolving around the Sun
23. Philosophical concept and worldview, which is based on the assertion of the primacy of spirit in relation to matter in the sphere of being
24. The doctrine of human values?
1. One of the measures of the degree of knowledge of the surrounding world, discussed, as a rule, in the context of the desire to deepen this knowledge as a specific property of human intelligence
2. Ancient Indian treatises of a religious and philosophical nature. are part of the Vedas and belong to the sacred scriptures of Hinduism in the category of shruti
4. Ermin of Platonic philosophy, denoting the recollection by the human soul of eternal ideas that it contemplated before its birth in a mortal body
5. What were the nicknames of the philosophers of the Myogarian school?
6. Philosopher and theologian, systematizer of orthodox scholasticism, church teacher, founder of Thomism
8. The space that a person perceives with his senses, and primarily with vision and touch (apparent space)
10. Founder of genetic mineralogy, geochemistry, biogeochemistry, the study of living matter, biosphere theory, radiogeology, hydrogeology
11. What is the name of the second period in the history of ancient philosophy (occupies the period of time from the 3rd century BC to the 5th century AD)
12. The most fashionable philosophical movement in the West in the middle of the 20th century. was?
13. Space and time, expressing the theoretical level of knowledge about the spatiotemporal organization of the world
14. Ancient Greek philosopher, representative of the Milesian school of natural philosophy, student of Thales of Miletus
16. In this philosophical teaching, the highest good is the enjoyment of life
17. Who is the founder of kinism
18. A term in philosophy, theory of knowledge and theology, which considers it fundamentally impossible to know objective reality only through subjective experience and impossible to know any ultimate and absolute foundations of reality
19. What is the name of the great ancient Greek philosopher (470-370 BC), who was from Abdera?
21. (ancient Greek - “that which comes after physics”) - a section of philosophy dealing with research into the original nature of reality, the world and being as such
22. Justification of God's good works is called...
25. What did Confucius give the first most profound and significant definition