Damage to the spongy body. A broken penis is a serious and extremely painful injury. Damage to the scrotum and its organs

Dislocation of the penis is the displacement of the root of the penis into the perineum, thigh, scrotum or pubis as a result of rupture of the ligaments connecting it in a healthy state to the pelvic bones. This type of injury does not occur as often as, for example, fractures and infringements.

Due to the displacement of the cavernous bodies, the penis acquires a characteristic color after injury and is felt with pressure like an empty skin sac.

Causes of dislocation

Both dislocation of the penis and its fracture occur as a result of a rough impact on the penis, which is in a state of erection. This often happens during intercourse or sexual games.

For example, a sharp bending of the penis with the hands, a hard collision of the penis with the partner's perineum, an unsuccessfully chosen position, excessive aggressiveness during sexual intercourse, etc. can lead to a rupture of the ligaments, for example. Very often a man at this moment is in a state of severe alcohol or drug intoxication .

Symptoms of dislocation of the penis

Ligament rupture and displacement of the cavernous bodies of the penis are usually accompanied by:

  • sharp and very intense pain. Sometimes it is so great that a person falls into a state of shock for a while;
  • separation of the head from the foreskin in the region of the coronal sulcus, which leads to the "scalping" of the penis;
  • cessation of erection and painful swelling of the penis due to the formation of an extensive hematoma. At the same time, the penis itself can take on a bright purple-bluish hue;
  • violation of urination;
  • urethrorrhagia (excretion of blood from the urethra). Its intensity can vary from a few drops to severe bleeding.

In addition, hematomas may occur in the abdomen and thighs.


Usually to diagnose ligament rupture and dislocation of the penis is quite easy. This is done by a urologist on the basis of an external examination of the patient's genital organs and palpation.

However, in some cases, when the damage to the penis is not clear, additional procedures may be prescribed. It could be:

  • cavernosography (standard x-ray examination, with which you can see the boundaries of ligament rupture, assess damage to the cavernous bodies of the penis, etc.);
  • urethrography (examination of the urethra using x-rays, allows you to study the likely damage to the urethra);
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).


Treatment of dislocation of the penis is carried out only by surgery. During the operation, the doctor exposes the root of the penis and drains the hematoma. Then hemostasis is carried out (stop bleeding) and the member is repositioned into its natural leather bag. The body of the penis is sutured to the corolla of the head, after which sutures are placed on the torn ligaments, which again connect the corpus cavernosum and pelvic bones together.

Intensive blood supply to the penis contributes to the rapid recovery of damaged tissues. However, in postoperative period the patient is advised to adhere to bed rest and wear a suspensorium (a bandage with which the immobilization of the genital organs is carried out).

Look at the photo of the symptoms of gonorrhea in men: maybe it will help you or someone else.

Treatment results

As a rule, with the timely provision of medical care in the required volume, the prognosis for the life and recovery of the patient is favorable. Of course, a lot depends on the degree of damage to the ligaments and cavernous bodies of the penis, the quality of treatment, etc. But if a man sees a doctor on time, the preservation of potency after the healing of the ruptures is almost guaranteed.

The only one minus - possible curvature of the penis due to scarring. You can partially return the penis to its natural position with the help of physiotherapy procedures. These include, for example, urethral electrical stimulation, ultraphonophoresis, pneumo-massage, etc.

Penile injury is a process of damage to skin tissues, cavernous / spongy bodies, fascia area, phallus membrane, its muscular structure, subcutaneous tissue of varying severity, etiology. The symptomatology of this disorder is determined by the type of wound - soreness, swelling, hematoma, bleeding, hematuria may appear, and in this situation there is often a failure in the process of urination. Diagnosis of pathology is performed by examination, ultrasound, palpation, taking into account the information of the anamnesis. First aid consists in stopping bleeding, then PST wounds, removing foreign objects, then treatment is necessary - its scheme is developed based on the type and severity of the pathology.


The influence of phenomena of a mechanical nature (for example, bruising, infringement), thermal properties (burns, hypothermia) can cause injury to the phallus. Injury to the penis is a damaging process in the area of ​​skin areas, the internal structure of the penis. Typically, these disorders are observed in males in the age period of 15-40 years. A bruise on the penis, bruising of the head and other types of injuries need a medical examination. About 1% of observations of violations occur along with trauma to the scrotum.

Types of injury

Experts share them in this way:

  • Open nature - stab-cut, bitten, scalped, gunshot, superficial wounds;
  • Closed nature - infringement, bruising, dislocation of the penis, fractures, other violations.

Also in traumatology, patients are observed due to burns, frostbite, amputation of the phallus. Typically, closed injuries account for 80% of cases, open injuries about 20%. Injuries are isolated / combined with disorders in the structure of the pelvis, the skeletal system, and the scrotum. Perhaps the appearance of corns on the penis.

Specialists define the following classification of traumatization of the phallus (it is based on the severity of the violation):

  • Type 1 - bruise, the process of damage to skin tissues;
  • Type 2 - trauma to the cavernous / spongy bodies, violation of the Buka fascia;
  • Type 3 - tissue rupture (the area of ​​the urinary duct, the head of the phallus, the cavernous body) is less than 2 cm;
  • type 4 - ruptures of the cavernous body, urinary canal more than 2 cm, partial amputation of the penis;
  • Type 5 - amputation of the phallus.


One of the most common organ damage. A bruise of the penis is possible during sports exercises, during cycling, during fights, if a direct blow was made. The mild form is usually accompanied by a slight soreness that subsides after a few minutes. A severe bruise of the penis will provoke a tear of the albuginea, increase an attack of soreness, contribute to the development of swelling, hematoma, movement will also be difficult (during walking), urination will be disturbed. Possible internal bleeding due to a fracture of the tricky body, shock.


Usually occurs due to the skin tissue of the phallus getting into the locking mechanism of the trouser zipper. In this situation, a wound will appear on the surface layer of the penis, provoking bouts of severe pain.

Rarely, infringement of the penis causes the use of various objects (rings) on the phallus, pulling the organ with an elastic band, thread.

This violation occurs against the background of the development of edema, the appearance of pain, it is possible to delay urine of an acute nature. Prolonged failure in the circulation of the phallus can cause necrosis of the skin, gangrene.

Dislocation or fracture

Injuries to the penis can be caused by a variety of reasons. For example, a fracture of the phallus, as a rule, is observed during rough sexual contact - i.e. sudden rough bending of the penis in an erect state. This violation causes a rupture of the cavernous bodies, in addition, the spongy body and the urinary tract are injured. Soreness appears, the erectile process is disturbed. Bleeding begins inside, a hematoma grows, signs of pain intensify. The consequences of this injury are the curvature of the phallus, painful erectile process, infection, impotence.

Dislocation of the penis - the outcome of rupture of the ligaments needed to fix the penis to the pelvic bones, there is a displacement of cavernous areas under the skin tissues of the thigh, scrotum, perineum, with palpation of the phallus, there is a feeling of an empty leather pouch.

Open injuries of the penis

Traumatization of a superficial nature is usually obtained due to tear, friction, violation of the short frenulum of the foreskin. This is often done along with bleeding. Scalped types of penis wounds occur due to the penetration of the phallus into a variety of moving devices - there is intense pain, a defect in the wound of the skin, bleeding, shock.

Wounds due to a bite are the consequences of animal aggression, the deliberate behavior of a partner. Phallus bites are usually infected - there is a risk of rabies from an animal.

Stab-cut injuries are iatrogenic origins, the implementation of wounds by piercing-cutting objects. Gunshot injuries are possible.

Traumatic amputation of the phallus occurs due to self-mutilation caused by certain mental failures.

Thermal injury to the penis

Frostbite of the phallus is observed due to hypothermia, urination in frosty weather. The foreskin is usually damaged in this situation, rarely the shaft of the penis. The skin becomes blue due to frostbite, tingling, swelling, itching, burning appear. In mild cases, the violation resolves on its own, in a serious situation, necrosis of the skin, purulent ulcers occur.

Burns due to exposure to chemicals, sunlight, hot liquids. Along with them, hyperemia, swelling of the phallus, the appearance of blisters, urinary retention are observed. The negative consequences of this process are necrosis of the cavernous / spongy body.


Any injury causes a certain symptomatology:

  • Bleeding;
  • puffiness;
  • Attacks of pain;
  • Difficulties with the process of urination;
  • The appearance of a hematoma on the penis;
  • Bruising on the penis;
  • Development of urethrorrhagia;
  • The formation of macrohematuria, microhematuria, other disorders.


When there is a complete amputation of the phallus due to mechanical action, it is necessary to place the penis in a container with ice. Then have time to sew it back to the patient in a day.

If the foreskin is violated, the damaged area is cut off, stitches are applied.

Severe injury requires surgical intervention, then plastic restoration.

If a simple bruise - a medical specialist observes a violation. First, cold compresses, non-steroidal analgesics are applied. Hematomas are cured by the surgical method.

The damaged urethra is restored. It is important to prevent injury to the phallus - sexual intimacy should not be aggressive, you should also carefully engage in sports exercises, providing the penis with the necessary protection.

Patients who have suffered damage to the phallus in the past should consult a physician, referring to him at least 1 time in a couple of months.

First aid

If an injury occurs:

  • An open form of damage is a sterile bandage;
  • In order to stop bleeding - pulling the wound with a tourniquet, it is applied at the bottom of the damaged area;
  • Rewind the phallus with a handkerchief, belt;
  • Treat an open wound with a disinfectant;
  • The patient must be given an anesthetic (not analgin - it dilutes the blood, leading to profuse bleeding).

Help should be provided in any medical institution, otherwise the work of the sexual structure will be disrupted.

A contusion of the penis is an injury that is an injury to the male genital organ. Main characteristic pisyun injuries in boys or men - a violation of normal functionality for various reasons. If we talk about trauma to the male genital organs, the damage to the penis is almost 50%. In this case, only in 2% of cases, the injury is associated with a bruise of both testicles. Statistics also say that damage to the male organ is often observed in the region of the cavernous bodies, foreskin and head.

According to the international classifier of diseases, microbial 10 injury code - S30.2 Contusion of the external genitalia. The code is included in S00-T98, which describes damage due to external factors. In particular, S30-S39 is the lower back, pelvis and lumbar. And subparagraph S30.2 describes damage to the penis, testicles, scrotum, perineum, as well as small and large labia, vulva and vagina.


Bruising of the penis of a child of a boy or an adult can occur for various reasons:

  1. Dull injury. Most often it is a rupture or fracture. This manifests itself in the form of a hematoma on the penis that occurs during arousal. This is most often seen with a strong bend during masturbation or during sexual intercourse.
  2. Penetrating wound. Common causes in this category are stab wounds, strangulation, amputation, gunshot wounds. Amputation may be needed as a result of injuries after rape, pinching with heavy objects. The reason for infringement is the use of rings to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, elastic bands, ropes, hair, or experiments with other objects. Gunshot wounds in most cases are additionally accompanied by rupture of other organs.
  3. Infectious lesions. The main causes are burns, bites, gangrene. The latter is a necrotizing infection.
  4. Iatrogenic injuries, which include an increase in the male organ, lacerations, excessive compression, circulation. Such injuries occur inguinal region usually after surgical interventions, including organ prosthetics.

There are many causes of damage to the penis of a child or an adult. This can happen to anyone:

  • during sports;
  • during the first sexual intercourse;
  • during masturbation;
  • in adolescents when getting to know their body;
  • the use of various means to increase the pleasure of sexual intercourse;
  • injury and injury due to accidents.

In childhood, the cause of injury is usually improper handling of the male organ. The result is getting damage to the penis, a variety of complications.


It is very difficult to accurately describe the signs of damage to the prostate gland and the male organ. This is determined by the degree and type of injury. Each problem has specific characteristics.

The first manifestation is the occurrence of severe pain. Also, the wound may be accompanied by severe bleeding, hematoma.

In particular, the following types of injuries are distinguished:

  1. . It is accompanied by a crunch, a hematoma, which quickly changes color from maroon to cyanotic, swelling. There is a high probability of a variety of severe consequences - urethrorrhagia, micro- or macrohematuria.
  2. Injury. The first sign is swelling. This is followed by a hematoma. Internal damage or tears are usually absent.
  3. . You can notice the displacement of the root part of the organ in any direction, in most cases - in the pubic area, in the perineum, to the scrotum. Often there is scalping, that is, the tissues of the foreskin are torn off from the head. Based on the degree of compression and the time that the man stays before the first medical aid, infringement and gangrene can be observed.
  4. Foreign bodies entering the urethra, mechanical damage. Symptoms are determined by the injury itself. If it is a gunshot wound, there is hemorrhage, problems with urination, sharp pain and swelling.

First aid

Each person is concerned about the question of what to do with a bruised penis. First aid for groin injuries in men is as follows:

  1. Applying a sterile bandage to the penis. This is especially necessary for thermal or open trauma in order to prevent infection from entering inside.
  2. Pulling the wound with a tourniquet, which is applied below the damaged area in order to stop the bleeding.
  3. Also in this case, it is necessary to rewind the injured organ with a belt or scarf.
  4. Additionally, doctors recommend treating the wound with a disinfectant. Use of hydrogen peroxide is allowed.
  5. Give painkillers. It is forbidden to use analgin, as it tends to thin the blood, which will increase bleeding. Subsequently, the doctor needs to name the drug and dosage.

It is important to understand that sometimes incidents happen in life that do not require urgent hospitalization, but cause discomfort and pain. These include the infringement of the skin of the male organ by the zipper of the trousers. In this case, you should act like this:

  1. No need to try to open the lock, so as not to cause great pain and not increase the injured area.
  2. Using scissors, you need to cut the zipper lower than the infringement is observed.
  3. As a result, the lock will open on its own, causing a minimum of discomfort.

In any case, it is worth seeking the help of specialists in order to exclude the possibility of complications. This is important to do even if the injury is minimal.

Diagnosis and treatment

Bruising of the male organ, prostate, glans penis is diagnosed using an anamnesis of the problem, clinical examination and diagnosis in the laboratory:

  1. To diagnose a problem, a specialist needs to examine and collect data.
  2. The patient must report all sensations.
  3. If the injury was self-inflicted, the mental health of the patient is also assessed.
  4. Other methods include radiation, retrograde urethrography, MRI.

Treatment depends on the type of injury. Usually, a bruise heals quickly, and severe injuries need more serious treatment. Andrology involves the following methods of treatment:

  1. Surgical. It is necessary for serious injuries.
  2. Medical. appointed in most cases.
  3. Rest and abstinence from sexual intercourse are important.

If testicular torsion is additionally observed, it is treated with antibiotics. The patient should be at rest for at least 5-10 days. Serious injuries require surgery.

Complications and consequences

Complications and consequences of penile injury include:

  1. Soft tissue necrosis.
  2. Curvature of the male organ.
  3. Urethral stricture.
  4. Erection problems.
  5. Loss of sensation.
  6. The appearance of fistulas of the urethra.

Penile injuries are usually diagnosed without problems. The prompt assistance of specialists is important in order to preserve the functions of the body.

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Penile injuries are divided into open and closed. Open wounds include mainly incised and gunshot wounds of varying degrees: from light, tangential, to complete crushing of the penis or tearing it off.

Rice. 8. Rupture (so-called fracture) of the cavernous bodies of the penis.

Treatment of open injuries of the penis consists of primary surgical treatment with maximum tissue preservation. Closed injuries include bruises, penis, less often dislocation and the so-called fracture. "Fracture" of the penis, i.e., corpora cavernosa, occurs with strong flexion of the penis at the time of erection. Symptoms: a sharp swelling of the penis, purple-bluish coloration of the skin (tsvetn. Fig. 8). Diagnosis of penile injuries is usually not difficult. Treatment of closed injuries is reduced to conservative measures (cold, hemostatic and). The consequences of penile injuries often require plastic reconstructive surgery.

TO closed injuries penis include bruises, dislocations, fractures and infringement.

Bruises of the penis are accompanied by large hemorrhages, the source of which is most often the cavernous bodies. Treatment for penile bruises is reduced to rest. The hemorrhage soon resolves.

Dislocation of the penis - a condition when the penis, as a result of a rupture of the ligaments that fix it to the pubis, is squeezed into the scrotum, under the skin of the thigh or above the pubic arch. Edema and swelling from hemorrhage appear and urination is disturbed. Surgical treatment: exposing the penis, stopping bleeding by applying a ligature or sutures.

Penile fracture occurs as a result of direct impact on the erect penis. In case of a fracture, both one and all three cavernous bodies can be damaged. A fracture can occur at the base, in the body area, as well as the head of the penis. The fracture can be isolated and combined. With a fracture of the penis, the albuginea of ​​the cavernous bodies is torn. There are severe pains, the erection disappears. As a result of an injury, the penis increases due to hemorrhage: its skin has a dark blue color. The hematoma can spread to the pubis, perineum, scrotum, and inner surfaces of the upper thighs. Treatment for an isolated fracture of the penis, if there is no large hemorrhage, is conservative: bed rest, intravenous calcium chloride, local cold. The penis is held in an elevated position, for which a T-shaped bandage is applied. In case of extensive hemorrhage, the area of ​​damage should be exposed and the rupture of the albuginea sutured.

Infringement of the penis occurs mainly in childhood or adolescence, when for the purpose of masturbation, but mostly for fear of wetting the bed, the penis is pulled. With strong and prolonged pulling, edema first forms, and then necrosis of the peripheral part of the penis and urethra occurs. Treatment consists in removing the pulling object.

Circular infringement of the penis occurs as a result of forcibly putting on the penis by the head of various foreign objects - rings, rubber circles, gears, etc. When the penis is infringed due to obstructed venous outflow, significant edema occurs. Treatment consists in removing the infringing object, for which it is often necessary to resort to complex manipulations: bring a grooved probe and cut a foreign object on it with sharp-toothed teeth, a saw or a file.

Rice. 2. Release of the penis from the restraining ring.

How to remove the ring according to Hartmann: the penis, starting from the tip, is wrapped with a silk ribbon with tight turns close to each other to the pinching ring. This reduces swelling. When the end of the tape reaches the level of the ring, it is carried out with a blunt needle under the ring. By unrolling the spirals with the free end of the tape, it is possible to unwind the latter and move the ring to the periphery until the penis is completely released (Fig. 2).

TO open damage of the penis include cut, stab, bitten, scalping, gunshot wounds, as well as frostbite and burns of the penis.

Cut wounds. The clinical picture depends on the degree and depth of damage. With superficial damage, bleeding is insignificant. It soon stops after initial treatment and suturing of damaged tissues. With deep damage, profuse bleeding occurs, to stop which it is necessary to cut off the vessels. To restore the integrity of the penis, catgut sutures connect the central and peripheral sections of the penis. With a complete traumatic amputation of the penis, bleeding is stopped by stitching the cavernous bodies. The central end of the urethra is sutured to the stump of the penis and a permanent catheter is placed.

Stab wounds of the penis are rare. Depending on the amount of damage, bleeding may be minor or severe. In case of isolated damage, it is necessary to perform primary treatment and suturing of the wound.

Bite wounds of the penis are rare and are always complicated by injury to the urethra (see Urethra, injuries).

Scalping wounds of the penis is when the skin of the penis is torn off at the border with the mucous membrane of the preputial sac, which remains on the penis. After such an injury, a large defect of the skin is formed. The treatment is plastic surgery.

Gunshot wounds to the penis can be bullet or shrapnel. They are either isolated or in combination with injuries to the urethra, bones and organs of the pelvis, thighs, and scrotum. According to localization, gunshot wounds of the skin, foreskin, glans and cavernous bodies of the penis should be distinguished. Wounds are tangential, limited to damage to the skin covering the penis; tangents with violation of the integrity of the albuginea of ​​the cavernous bodies; through, in which there is an inlet and outlet; blind, when a wounding projectile gets stuck in the cavernous bodies. There are also lesions with a large skin defect, reaching complete scalping of the penis and exposure of the cavernous bodies or partial and even complete destruction of them.

Diagnosis of gunshot wounds of the penis is not difficult.

Treatment: initial wound treatment with meticulous hemostasis. With small defects in the skin of the penis, the wound heals by secondary intention or is pulled together by secondary sutures. With extensive lesions of the skin of the penis, it becomes necessary to replace defects by patchy skin grafts (see Skin grafting).

In case of damage to the cavernous bodies, it is necessary to suture the albuginea in a direction transverse to the axis of the penis.

Frostbite of the penis usually involves the foreskin. Shortly after frostbite, itching, burning and pain appear in the affected area, and at the end of the penis there is a seal. On the 2-3rd day, the end of the penis turns red, swells, there is a strong soreness of the foreskin. Then gradually the skin of the lower third darkens, blackens and ulcerates. Diagnosis is difficult because appearance penis a few days after frostbite resembles a soft chancre. Treatment: baths with potassium permanganate and removal of dead tissue.

Burns of the penis are characterized by the appearance of acute, burning pain, erythema, swelling, with burns of the II-III degree - blisters, necrosis of all layers of the skin and the formation of a scab. Treatment: aseptic dressing, antibiotics and sulfonamides. Since extensive scarring can develop after third-degree burns, it is necessary to early dates perform plastic surgery.

The penis is a sensitive organ that is easily injured. One of the most serious injuries is the rupture of the tunic of the penis. It occurs as a result of excessive axial load and is very rare - in 1 case in 100,000.

Causes and symptoms

Ruptures of the albuginea of ​​the penis can occur when:

  • aggressive sexual contacts, in which the erect penis bends to the side more than the anatomical possibilities allow;
  • a sharp blow to the male organ;
  • serious injuries - bites, gunshot and stab wounds, thermal, chemical and electrical burns.

Rupture of the protein membrane of the cavernous bodies is accompanied by:

  • a sharp click or crunch,
  • instant disappearance of erection,
  • severe pain syndrome
  • unnatural deviation of the organ to the side or the acquisition of an S-shape,
  • "Eggplant symptom" - cyanosis and darkening of the penis.

In 10-20% of cases, the urethra is injured simultaneously with the rupture of the penis membrane. At the same time, blood is released from the urethra, the outflow of urine is difficult.

At the first symptoms of tissue rupture, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely medical care will help to avoid necrosis, erectile dysfunction and other serious complications.

Treatment methods

With ruptures of the white membrane of the penis, surgical intervention is indicated. It is necessary to restore tissue integrity and can be carried out in three ways:

  • open access through the dissection of the penis,
  • inguinal access,
  • using a circumferential incision with bilateral exposure of the cavernous bodies.

In case of late admission to the clinic and tissue gangrene during the operation, the doctor removes all necrotic areas, treats the working field with antibacterial drugs.

The next step is fixing the damaged organ in the desired position with a splint or medical bandage. For a quick recovery, a course of drug therapy is carried out, which includes antibiotics, painkillers, anticoagulants against blood clots, estrogens to temporarily suppress libido.

With timely access to a urologist-andrologist, rehabilitation lasts 4-8 weeks, with a late one - several months. The effectiveness of treatment exceeds 92%.

Qualified assistance in case of rupture of the tunica membrane of the penis and other injuries will be provided by the specialists of our clinic. Appointments are by phone.