The dog is a symbol and a totem

The dog is the most common animal in our life, which, like the cat, is the main companion animal for humans.

In order to come to an understanding of what the symbol means and what qualities the dog totem has, we will consider its essential and mythological foundations.

Essence of dogs

Scientists believe that the dog is still descended from the wolf, but from that part of the animals that, for one reason or another, nailed to human dwellings and were domesticated.

Frame from the “Game of Thrones” - Jon Snow with a direwolf puppy

What a person likes a dog is understandable. With its hearing and sense of smell, it is an ideal watchman and assistant in hunting, which can save and warm in difficult times. But here why a dog needs a person?

It is believed that the strongest instinct of this animal is social behavior, it needs contact if not with their own kind, then with someone who will need it, with whom to share a common life.

If rhythmologically, then the dog - dimensional shard, which has one task - to find and integrate into a common spatial whole. If not to your flock, then to the Soul of a person. And he does everything for this. She gives her emotions, her loyalty and devotion, in order to get human energy and his attention.

Perhaps the dog appeared here on Earth already with these developed programs that were formed in it somewhere else, on other planets ...

Dogs in mythology

Like a cat, the subtle world (the astral plane) is open to dogs, they react to all its movements. Perhaps that is why, in mythology, canine images have been preserved associated with the other world, with the underworld (according to legend, the souls of the dead went there).

Images come down to us from Ancient Egypt cynocephali- divine beings having the head of a dog. Now, when we know about the participation of representatives of other worlds in the life of the Earth, we can assume that it looked like one of the alien races. The legends preserved information about the task of the cynocephals - the fight against dark entities and the protection of sacred places.

Perhaps one of them is Anubis, the dog-headed god, was also depicted in the body of a dog. Revered as the patron of necropolises and cemeteries, he was the guide of the dead to his father Osiris, the king of the underworld and the judge of Souls. Further in the process of this judgment, it was Anubis who weighed the human heart on the scales of Truth.

The Greeks identified the Egyptian Anubis with Hermes, the messenger of the gods, one of whose functions is to be a conductor of the souls of the dead.

There are mythical images of dogs guarding the realm of the dead. In Norse mythology, demonic dog Garm guarded the underworld. At Zoroastrians two dogs guard the Chinvat bridge leading to the other world.

In the shamanic rituals of the northern peoples, the image of a guard dog is widespread. The dog guards the underground kingdom of Erlik Khan, and the Altai shamans on their journey to another world must negotiate with it.

There is also a three-headed Cerberus guarding the Greek Hades and two monstrous four-eyed Sharbara's dog guarding the kingdom of Yama, the ruler of the dead in ancient India.

A frame from the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - the three-headed dog Fluff, guarding the passage to the stone

If Cerberus guarded the exit from the realm of the dead, then the Sharbars wandered among people, looking for those who were destined to die soon. Perhaps the modern sign that "a dog howls when it smells someone's death" has similar roots.

It is worth assuming that the images three-headed, four-eyed watchmen of the other world - testify to the ability of dogs to perceive what exists beyond the visible world.

Also in mythology sacred images of dogs associated not only with death, but also with the birth of a new life.

In the legends of the Aztecs, the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl is called Xolotl has the head of a dog, he not only accompanies the Sun into the darkness - to the underworld, but also meets him reborn.

Also associated with rebirth is the sacred dog Senmurv- patron of germs and seedlings, companion of Ahuramazda.

Slavic mythology - Svarog and Semargl

In the pantheon of the ancient Slavs, there was a messenger between the worlds of Heaven and Earth - the god of the solstice Semargl, which could turn into a winged dog guarding crops.

These images are complemented by Christian symbolism, where the dog means, first of all, fidelity and protection from dark forces, and is also allegorically associated with the priest, as with the good shepherd who guards the flocks of the people. Here is another one for you - the shepherd function of the dog.

The Celts have a dog accompanies heroes and gods of war, hunting, in history this resulted in various narrow functions of dogs: combat, reconnaissance, rescue, sentry, search, security, there are even rat-catcher dogs. Now dogs serve in the army, in the police, at the border, in rescue and security services, etc.

Dogs were vakhans (driving creatures) of deities. Odin's wife frigg, the goddess of peace and cosmic order, rode a chariot drawn by dogs. In Hinduism, Vahana Bhairava, that is, the divine essence, containing the especially destructive and terrifying aspect of Shiva, is precisely the dog.

Bhairava on his vahan - dog

The dog accompanied the Celtic Nodens who is a healing god. One of the companions of the Irish god meadows, who is identified with the Greek Hermes, was a magical invincible dog, about whom they said that "... as soon as he bathed in the stream, the waters flowed in him with wine and milk."

Interestingly, the Greek god of medicine Aesculapius(Asclepius) was accompanied by a dog, which was his assistant.

Today we know that in modern medicine dogs are used in the diagnosis of certain human diseases, as well as in healing. Assistance dogs help people with various physical disabilities live.

Thus, all the modern functions and abilities of dogs known to us are represented in the mythology of different countries and peoples. And often the images and even the names of deities associated with certain canine functions coincide, which indicates the continuity of traditions. And perhaps these are the same stories, only transmitted by the so-called. "deaf phone".

totem dog

Having a dog totem is always tuned in to deep essential contact with another person, a group. He would like to be useful and to be judged fairly. He knows how to serve other people and the common cause.

He is distinguished loyalty And devotion, he is not prone to betrayal, if he promised you something, he will always fulfill it. He likes to take care about others, to give gifts, to devote your time to helping those who need it.

He does not know how to be neutral, always on someone's side, which he will protect and support. For him there are friends and foes, friends and enemies. And, of course, he is not always objective.

People with a dog totem are quite sensitive to someone else's state, they read the person's intentions, their tips and advice are very relevant and useful. As a friend, comrade and colleague, this is an excellent option for cooperation, with a sense of duty and responsibility, with which you will feel safe and secure.

In addition, communication with him will take place on a good emotional level. Dogs do not hide their emotions, but they know how to express them quite beautifully and delicately. And also they able to keep secrets, they can entrust everything, the most precious and intimate.

Best professions for dogs - those that related to service someone, something. These can be military personnel, security guards, employees of organizations and charity funds, nurses and healers, guardians and nurses, lawyers, assistant secretaries.

Man with dog totem- the perfect family man. For him, the most important thing is his world, his close people, his business. Career and fame do not sway him at all, all this has nothing to do with his self-esteem. Protects his territory and the people to whom he is devoted.

It is quite normal for him if his woman is higher in status, intelligence, financial level. Next to such a lady, he will feel the maximum meaning of his existence. And he will not have problems with how to fit into her life, become necessary, useful.

Even if he is not well treated, he has enough tolerance, he is compassionate and understands the shortcomings of a person. The worst thing for him is to be left alone when he became attached to a person, but turned out to be completely unnecessary.

He is a strong fighter and a good defender, showing all his skill in this matter and being able to activate hidden reserves.

Woman with dog totem also faithful and absolutely devoted to those people whom she let into her heart. She is patient and wise, but at the same time she often remains on the sidelines, playing the role of a “vest” and an eternal helper in the lives of her friends and relatives. It may seem that she lives the life of other people, which is more important to her. Or simply because I have not learned to really live my own life.

He is very loyal to people, sees the best in them. Next to such a companion, you yourself can feel that you are becoming kinder and nobler.

Tends to dissolve in her partner, lose her own axis and personal boundaries. Therefore, she needs to learn to do something for herself personally.

Such a woman never abandons her children and her parents, cares for and supports them with full dedication, forgetting about herself.

With the dog totem, not everything is so simple, he also has extreme manifestations:

  • This Pocket dogs - when dependence on another person becomes absolute, quarrels and breaks with him can lead to severe depression, death;
  • empty likes- those who have not found what and whom they can serve, but compensate for this through violent and meaningless activity on a common trajectory. It was from them that the expressions “dog”, “bark” were led;
  • wolfhounds- these are people of one function associated with the destruction of those who are objectionable to their egregor, they need a great deed or idea, in ordinary life it is very difficult to withstand them.

The dog is a symbol of loyalty and service

This symbol is most suitable for those who:

sure it's his totem;

was born in dog years according to the Eastern calendar: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018;

was born under the sign of the zodiac Virgo(from August 23 to September 23) - these people are most capable of serving;

was born under the sign of the zodiac Sagittarius(from November 23 to December 21) - they most of all need the qualities and company of a dog;

in your horoscope are manifested degrees associated with dog totems:

  • 21 degrees Aries (Doberman Pinscher);
  • 20 degrees of Cancer (white fluffy);
  • 30 degrees Leo (small);
  • 16 degrees Virgo (guard);
  • 8 degrees of Libra (black shaggy);
  • 11 degrees of Libra (raccoon);
  • 3 degrees Scorpio (Newfoundland);
  • 17 degrees Sagittarius (curly);
  • 17 degrees Capricorn (like);
  • 27 degrees of Aquarius (greyhound);

in your horoscope compound significant points with the stars of Canis Minor and Canis Major(the star is especially important Sirius- Alpha Canis Major).

Isn't it strange that in the movie "Harry Potter" Sirius Black (whose life was devoted to friendship with James and his family) - turned into a big dog?

We can use the dog symbol as a talisman, amulet, amulet. You can fix any aspect of this animal in the form of an image, a symbol.

Mascot Dog best used as:

  • security, protective symbols- in order to feel the influences of the various forces surrounding you, in order to respond to danger in time and not to miss other people's intrigues;
  • How symbol of friendship and relationship which are based on fidelity and unselfishness. It is always an alliance with someone - with one person or group. This symbol is good to give in the form of jewelry, toys, paintings, etc. - as a sign of one's own sincere feelings for another person;
  • if you have problems with keeping secrets or secrets- Put your dog on them.

If you dream of a dog - it is believed that some friendly forces offer you help. Be careful and don't miss it. Often in the form of a dog comes to us in a dream own Spirit brings messages and signs of what is important to us now.