Quiz young ecologist for preschoolers. Scenario of an environmental quiz game for children in the pre-school group together with adults “Nature Experts. Song "The Bear and the Fox" lyrics. and music Sokolova

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Modern educational process Kindergarten today is experiencing significant changes. The play activities of preschoolers are closely integrated into the organization regime moments and accompanies the educational process itself, which everyone previously called classes. Playful leisure is not a new form in preschool education, but rather a traditional one. Children always expect from them not only a surge of feelings of joy, but also a tickling sensation of some kind of discovery, a desire for victory.

The teacher’s task is to organize preliminary work with children to maintain children’s interest. However, the direction of the upcoming leisure activity should also be taken into account. Preliminary work leisure activities of a cognitive nature in older preschool age may include such forms of work as:

  • educational games,
  • viewing illustrations, atlases, albums, calendars, magazines,
  • watching scientific and educational videos,
  • reading works of art,
  • observations in nature,
  • conducting experiments - experiments,
  • collecting,
  • productive and inventive activity.
  • Speaking about the environmental education of a preschooler, which combines knowledge about nature, about the life of society and the child’s feeling as a part of nature and the world in which he lives, cognitive leisure is an integral part of the pedagogical process. Leisure activities in the form of a competition “What? Where? When?”, an environmental quiz or a child-parent presentation research project can be a start to studying a subject and a summary of an already studied topic.

An organized final environmental quiz for preschoolers can not only reveal the level of children’s knowledge in this area, but also help the child assess his own level of knowledge. The competitive nature of the quiz stimulates the activity of the preschooler. For the quiz, children are divided into teams of several people (5-7). They discuss their name and motto, and can consult with adults - parents and teachers.

An integral part of a quiz for preschool children is clarity. This function is performed by ICT.

An event scenario uses presentations that serve different purposes.

At the beginning of the leisure time, a small presentation is shown (Presentation 1.РТ), which immerses the participants in the topic and forces them to carry the feeling that has arisen until the end, when the conclusion is formulated.

The presentation (Presentation 2. PPT) accompanying the tasks of the competitions is of a completely different plan. It includes slides for conducting didactic games on various topics for analysis and generalization, games for attention and intelligence, as well as demonstration slides.

Knowledge of ICT facilitates the work of a teacher and improves the educational process in kindergarten.

Topic: Earth is a living planet

Age: children of senior preschool age.

Objectives: to generalize children’s ideas about nature, to develop cognitive activity, to cultivate environmental consciousness through value orientation in the behavior and activities of children.

Preliminary work: didactic games “What’s extra”, “Ecological chains”; looking at illustrations from the block “Living Nature”, “Inanimate Nature”, reading stories about animals, watching videos about nature from the BBC series, making observations while walking.

Children participate in collecting collections “Stones” and “Seeds”.

Children are divided into teams and themselves give the team a name and motto.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, sets of plant seeds, animal models, theater screen, characters of the bi-ba-bo theater: Fox, Hare, Bear, plastic bottles of water, illustrations of the Mosquito and the Grasshopper, globe.

Presenter: We are starting an environmental quiz for preschoolers. The following teams are invited to the academic council: “Star Girls” and “Well Done”

(introduction of teams, motto).

Announcement of the competition jury.


Presentation 1.

Slide 1. Our quiz will be called “How beautiful this world is.”

Slide 2. Our planet is like a big beautiful house.

Slide 3. She pleases us with morning, gentle sunrises, colorful farewell sunsets, landscapes of our native nature;

Slide 4. It fascinates us with its huge, deep and endless oceans and expanses of seas.

Slide 5. She surprises with high mountains, steep cliffs and hills,

Slide 6. Admires the dense, fragrant groves, pine forests, and mighty oak forests.

Slide 7. Earth is a planet of harmony. Everything on it is proportionate and interconnected.

Slide 8. The nature of the planet is perfect.

Our Earth has been called a mysterious planet and mysterious.

Slide 9. However, for sensitive hearts she reveals her deepest secrets. We learn and explain natural phenomena, the secret of the birth of a new day, diverse world living and nonliving things on the planet.

1 competition

Presentation 2.

Slide 1. “What grows in nature’s house?”

Level 1:

Children are asked to go to the tables on which the seeds lie.

1 set: chestnut, pine, cucumber, apple tree;

2 set: oak, spruce, maple, plum.

Exercise. Examine the seeds. Of course you recognized them.

Choose one team member to name all the plant seeds in your kit.

Level 2:

Exercise. Now you need to answer - What is the name of the place where your plant seeds will grow?

Slide 4,5,6,7. Answers from 1 team

Slide 8,9,10,11. Answers 2 teams.

Level 3:

Exercise. Think and say - What do you think will be superfluous in your group of seeds? Why?

Slide 12, 13. Answers of 1 team.

Slide 14,15. – answers of 2 teams.

(announcement of the results of the 1st competition)

Slide 16. Game “Pretend an animal”.

Goal: development of imagination and the ability to show the image of an animal through pantomime.

Exercise. Children of opposing teams show the movements of the animal, and the opponents guess its name.

The correct answer is accompanied by clapping.

2 competition.

Slide 17 . “Inhabitants of our planet” .

Slide 18. Our planet is like a multi-story building. And the residents of this house need to occupy their floors correctly.

Level 1:

The children of the team choose an animal - a model and places it on their floor: underground,

4th tier – herbaceous plants,

3rd tier – bushes,

2nd tier – crown of young trees,

1st tier - the crown of an adult tree.

Set of insects, birds, animals.

Level 2:

What species inhabits all floors of our house?

(jury results)

3 competition. “Forest Theater”

Slide 19. - Once a hare, a fox and a bear met in a forest clearing. And they began to tell each other about their animal lives. Listen to the story and tell what is true and what is false.

Fox: I live well in the forest, every bush is my home. I only like to eat berries and plant roots.

Hare: My house is small and cozy. I keep it clean and tidy. I wash the windows all day, clean them and sweep away the dust.

Bear: I went to the anthill, stuck my paw in and started licking it - it was very tasty. And then he went to the river to catch fish.

Fox: Yes, Mashenka, I love fish myself. I breed it in my pond, feed it and grow it.

Bear: It’s not easy for me in the spring. I’ve lost weight over the winter, and I have a good appetite now. Now I’ll go collect acorns and the first mushrooms in the thawed patches.

Hare: You keep talking to yourself and talking to yourself, but I take care of my bunnies all day. I sit and do not leave the nest, protecting my children with my breasts.

(jury results)

Slide 20. Dance of the Ship Captain.

Children repeat the movements after the captain.

I traveled to many countries and islands. And today my ship dropped anchor near your kindergarten. And I brought you maritime issues with me.

4 competition.

Level 1.

(3 team members go to the captain and shake the water bottles, it turns yellow, red, black, blue, green and white)

Slide 21. – What color of sea is there on our planet?

Test yourself.

Level 2.

Count how many fish are on the screen.

Level 3.

Slide 23. What has changed?

(results are announced by the captain)

Well done, you did all the tasks well. And it's time for me to set sail.

5 competition.

Slide 24. “Fairytale Kingdom”

Like all conservationists, you children will have a lot to prove in life. Forest residents contacted the kindergarten by mail. They ask for help to judge the king and animal world forests.

“One day our king decided to restore order in his kingdom. He issued an order to exterminate some of its living inhabitants. “They are unnecessary creatures!” exclaimed the king. “And our kingdom will be the cleanest and most beautiful, they litter it.”

(demonstration of mosquito and grasshopper)

Do you think they really need to be exterminated? Let one representative from the team express an opinion and explain why this should not be done.

Summing up the results of the competition.

General conclusion of the event.

There are no living superfluous inhabitants on our planet. You already know so much about them and will probably try to keep them alive on our Earth. We all want to see the planet healthy and beautiful.

However, today it looks like this in some places.

(a globe covered with bags and bottles rolls out).

Is she beautiful? Is it good for the inhabitants to live in such garbage?

What can we fix?

Children express their opinions.

The song “Sunny Circle” is performed.

Zelentsova Oksana Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MBDOU "Totemsky kindergarten No. 7 "Sun"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-10 Ecological quiz for older children “Nature Experts” Zelentsova Oksana Vladimirovna MBDOU "Totemsky kindergarten No. 7 "Sun" With the help of game tasks and questions, children’s knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants was tested,

Ecological quiz for older children “Nature Experts”

Target: Improving the environmental culture skills of students;


Expand children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants,

Strengthen children's ability to behave in nature;

Develop speech, attention, the ability to analyze the content of questions and riddles and give a complete meaningful answer to them.

Cultivate a caring attitude and love for them;

Materials:Letters (NATURE), ball, picture (Old Forest Man), tokens, box, medals, easel.

Preliminary work: reading encyclopedias, observations, solving riddles, crosswords, looking at illustrations in albums, books, watching presentations.

Progress of the quiz game.

Presenter: Guys, today I invite you to show your skills and knowledge, and help us with thisQuiz game. And now it’s time to guess the topic of our quiz. Her you you'll find out Having answered my questions, you and I will attach the first letter of each answer to the board and at the end we will get a word.
1. Bright red tomatoes
They are keeping watch on the bushes.
We'll prepare salads
Let's say: “Delicious...!” (Tomato)
2. The sun is shining, the rain is pouring

The ray shines golden

A bridge is thrown across the river

Seven-color painted. (Rainbow)
3. Early morning in the yard

The ice settled on the grass.

And the whole meadow turned light blue.

Sparkles like silver... (Rime)
4. A wet woman runs on the ground -
Great joy for all the children.
People escape from the heat in the summer,
In winter they go ice skating and sledding . (River)
5. There is one such flower,

You can't weave it into a wreath,

Blow on it lightly

There was a flower and there is no flower. (Dandelion) .
6. Who beats on the roof all night,

yes he knocks
And he mumbles and sings, lulls him to sleep. (Rain)
7. Long-legged, long-nosed,
Long-necked, voiceless.
He flies to hunt.

For frogs to the swamp. (Stork)

Well done, the guys completed the task. Keyword we made it - NATURE.

And we begin the quiz game “Nature Experts”.

Everyone should know the rules of our game:

1. Listen to the question or task to the end.

1.During the game you cannot give hints to each other.

2.If someone does not answer the question, the next participant answers.

3.A token (circle) is given for the correct answer

You guys are funny and you won't be bored.

We will answer the quiz questions with you!

You answer unanimously and there is no doubt about it.

Today friendship will be the mistress of victories.

Our guest from the forest will evaluate your knowledge Old man forester. For each correct answer he will be given a token. At the end of the game - quiz we will see the result.

So let's begin! Everyone is ready!

WARM-UP "Name it quickly"
White-sided bird. (Magpie)
What plant can burn us? (Nettle)

Christmas tree. (Christmas tree)
The time of year when nature wakes up. (Spring)
Who is the forest's animal health officer? (Wolf)
What is the name of the hare's domestic relative? (Rabbit)
What is the name of a bear's home? (Den)
Red-breasted bird. (Bullfinch)
What flower blooms without leaves? (Coltsfoot)
Who is the nurse of the bird forest? (Woodpecker)
What is the name of the animal that builds dams on rivers? (Beaver)

Quiz questions:

1. How do you understand what a forest is?

2. What trees grow in our forests?

3. Why do people go to the forest?

4. What does edible mean? Name them.

5. What does it mean - poisonous? Name them.

6. How should we treat forest inhabitants?

7. Why can’t you make noise in the forest?

8. Which tree sap is very useful for people?

9. What benefits does the forest bring to people?

Ball game “I’ll start, you continue”:
- The oak tree has acorns, and the pine tree... (cones)
- The birch is curly, and the pine... (prickly)
- Rowan has leaves, and pine has... (needles)
- In autumn, the birch tree is golden, and the pine tree... (green)
- Aspen stands without leaves in winter, and pine... (in needles)
– Apples grow on an apple tree, and on an oak tree... (acorns)

10. What types of birds are there?

11. What does migratory mean? Name them.

12. What does it mean - wintering? Name them.

13. How can you guys help birds in winter?

14. How does a hare prepare for winter?

15. Where does the squirrel live?

16. What wild animal has horns and hooves?

17. What is the “Red Book”?

Presenter: Guys, you were great today, how much do you know about nature of our region, and now it's time to take stock.

old man -Lesovichok is ready to sum up the results of our quiz. (Counting tokens).

Presenter: Let's put all the tokens in the box, close it and I will say the magic words that I told you Old man forester and you listen attentively:

The hero stands rich, treats all the guys.

Vanya - strawberries, Tanya - boneberries,

Mashenka - a nut, Petya - russula.

What kind of hero is this, guys? (FOREST)

After the magic words, open the box and see what kind of gift - a surprise - the FOREST and the Old Forest Man have prepared for you.

Presenter: What a gift - all our tokens turned into medals. Thank you, Lesovichok!

The beauty of the Russian forest is priceless,

Green gold is our forests.

Guard the wealth of forests, guard,

Attentive, vigilant "green patrol"!

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet. (V. Berestov)

View certificate of publication

, . .

C spruce: formation of ecological culture of children of senior preschool age.


1. Systematize knowledge on ecology

2. Formation of a holistic idea of ​​living and inanimate nature.

3. Teaching preschoolers ways to understand the world around them.

4. Develop coherent speech and active vocabulary.

5. Strengthen the ability to work in a team.

6. Formation of initial experience in protecting the natural environment.

Preliminary work: learning poems about nature and the song “Native Land”, getting acquainted with the Red Book, reading the works of M.M. Prishvin, looking at illustrations about nature.

Material: team emblems, cards with riddles, cut-out pictures, leaves of different trees for outdoor games, pine cones, baskets, blindfolds, for experience: filters, colored water, flasks, points - leaves, awards.

Progress of the lesson

The presenter introduces two teams “Ogonki” and “Droplets”.

Leading: There is a wonderful world - it’s all around

And you just have to want it

How nature will suddenly come to life

And everyone will want to fly like a bird

The sound of a curly birch tree in the forest

And I invite you to take a plunge

Into nature, into the wild world and beauty.

First competition "Warm-up"

The presenter announces the first “Warm-up” competition. Children tear off a petal from a chamomile and guess the riddles written in back side petal (Appendix No. 1), for each correct answer the team is awarded one piece of paper (point).

The second competition “Guess who?”

Using facial expressions and plastic movements, the guys show each other the inhabitants of the animal world, the team members must guess who it is.

Third competition "Storytellers"

Children are offered cut-out pictures based on the works of M.M. Prishvina (Appendix No. 2), which they must collect and come up with an environmental fairy tale based on its plot, this competition is evaluated by the audience, and according to their reaction, a point is awarded to the best team.

Dynamic pause: outdoor game “Such a leaf fly to me.”

Fourth competition " Pure water»

The children are offered a set of different items from which they must choose everything they need to purify water; whoever is the first to cope with this task and purify the water receives a piece of paper (point).

Fifth competition “What’s wrong”

The presenter reads the fairy tale “How Petya rested in the forest” (Appendix No. 3). Contestants must find mistakes in the behavior of the hero of the fairy tale; a point is awarded for each correct answer.

Literary pause: children read poems about nature (Appendix No. 4).

Sixth competition “Forest Reserves”

Pine cones are scattered on the floor, the contestants are blindfolded and given baskets; whose team collects the most cones wins.

Conclusion. The jury counts the points and awards the winners. Children perform the song “Native Land” Words by D. Alien, music by D. Kobalevsky.


Appendix No. 1. Puzzles.

In the seas and lives in rivers,

But it often flies across the sky.

How will she get bored of flying?

It falls to the ground again.

Answer: Water

It is unknown where he lives.

It swoops in and bends the trees.

If he whistles, there will be tremors along the river.

You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop.

Answer: Wind

Everyone goes around this place:

Here the earth is like dough;

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses...

No leg support.

Answer: Swamp

Two brothers

They look into the water

They will never meet.

Answer: Shores

Passes through the nose into the chest

And the return is on its way.

He's invisible and yet

We cannot live without him.

Answer: Air

On trees, on bushes

Flowers are falling from the sky.

White, fluffy,

Just not the scented ones.

Answer: Snow

She grows upside down

It grows not in summer, but in winter.

But the sun will bake her -

She will cry and die.

Answer: Icicle

In winter - a star,

In spring - water.

Answer: Snowflake

Transparent like glass

You can't put it in the window.

Answer: Ice

Fluffy cotton wool

Floating somewhere.

The lower the wool,

The closer the rain comes.

Answer: Clouds

Appendix No. 2. Cut pictures. (according to M. Prishvin)

Appendix No. 3. Fairy tale “How Petya walked in the forest”

It was late at night in winter, when the sun had already risen. Birds sang and flowers bloomed. Petya went for a walk in the forest. In order not to get hungry during the walk, he took a basket of food with him. Walking along a forest path, he ate a chocolate bar, candy, and threw candy wrappers at his feet. Then I thought that I should make a fire. He broke branches and took them with him. When he came to the river bank, he swam and began to cook dinner over the fire. He poured water into the pot and threw in everything he had in his backpack: nuts, potatoes, candy and fruit. “Yes,” thought Petya, “This food is not for people, let the fish eat it.” and poured everything into the river, and the water bottle flew there too. After wandering through the forest, Petya got ready to go home, looked at the fire, in which the wood was still burning, and decided that it would go out on its own. On the way home Petya picked a lot different colors not knowing that some of them are rare and listed in the Red Book. in the evening he thought “How nice it is to relax in the forest!” Do you guys agree with him?

Appendix No. 4. Poetry.

What is a forest?

What is a forest?

Pines to the sky

Birches and oaks,

Berries, mushrooms...

animal paths,

Hills and lowlands

soft grass,

Fuck the owl.

Silver lily of the valley,

The air is clean, clean

And a spring with live

Spring water.

What is a meadow?

What is a meadow?

A carpet of grass all around.

Decorative corollas of flowers,

Voiced grasshoppers.

Playful moths

Beetles are leisurely.

With sweet honey bees,

Quail song.

Mint aroma,

Summer's tender look

And up to the white flies

A shepherd with a pipe.

What is a field?

What is a field?

Expanse for horses,

Arable land strip,

Oat panicles.

There are ears of corn in the field

Ripe wheat

And the rye is noisy there,

Prickly, like a hedgehog.

The wind whistles in the field,

The mouse is looking for grain

The lizard scurries

The sun is rising.

Only the bird knows

Where is its border?

Well, you'll go -

You won't find the edge.

What is a river?

What is a river?

Clouds on the water.

There are willows above the water.

Spring floods.

Perch, ruff.

Water lilies, reeds.

Foam on the sand

Boat in the distance.

There's a duckling in the nest,

There is a beaver in the house.

Under the snag there is cancer,

There is a fisherman on the shore.

What is a garden?

What is a garden?

Pink outfit.

Apple trees blooming,

Singing birdhouses.

Blue drops

Swing balls.

Rosehip thickets,


Golden pears,

Fluffy peaches.

The rustling of leaves,

Autumn coolness.

Bullfinch family,

Favorite bench.

What is a vegetable garden?

What is a vegetable garden?

Round dance of vegetables.

Sweet melons,

The tomatoes are smooth.

With strawberry beds,

Rakes and shovels.

Watering can with rain.

Snail under a leaf.

And there's a mole underground

Made a move.

Just for the sake of order

Watchman Vanyatka -

Scarecrow angry

Stuffed with straw.

What is the sea!

What is the sea?

Seagulls in the open air.

Giant rocks,

Cold fogs.

Three-story waves,

The sailors are brave.

Sharks are toothy,

The whales are big-headed.

Lumps of underwater stones,

Outlandish fish.

Corals, octopuses,

Jellyfish and lampreys,

And it's dark at the bottom,

Like in the movies…

What are mountains?

What are mountains?

Talking with the wind.

snowy peaks,

Terrible avalanches.

The paths are rocky,

Antelopes are fast,

Bottomless abysses

And the caves are dark.

thorny bushes,

Snakes and lichens,

Climbing goats,

And there are diamonds underground.

Rivers like crystal

In the blue haze of the distance,

Where the eagle soars -

Guardian of the High Mountains.

Eremina Irina Vasilievna,


MB DOW " Kindergarten No. 221" combined type

Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region, Russia

Final quiz about nature for older preschoolers “Nature around us”

Author: Anna Sergeevna Semenenko, teacher at the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "General Developmental Kindergarten No. 127", Yaroslavl
Description of material: I offer you a summary of the final quiz for children senior group 5-6 years on the topic “Nature around us!” This material will be useful to teachers of the senior group. This summary is aimed at cultivating an interest in nature native land, development of curiosity and cognitive interest in older preschoolers.

Final quiz about nature for older preschoolers “Nature is around us!”

Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication".
Target: generalization of children's knowledge about the flora and fauna, nurturing love for their native nature.
Educational: systematize children’s knowledge of ecology;
to form a holistic understanding of living and inanimate nature; teach preschoolers ways to understand the world around them.
Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, animals and flora; to cultivate a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the surrounding world in general, to develop a feeling of love for natural objects;
strengthen the ability to work in a team.
Developmental: develop cognitive interest in the natural world;
develop the ability to compare, cultivate in children the ability to logically
think, correctly forming conclusions.
Speech: develop coherent speech and active vocabulary.
Demo material: pictures of animals, trees, medals, team emblems, ball, hourglass.
Methodical techniques: game situation, looking at illustrations, physical education, summing up. Educator: Dear guys, guests, I invite you to a quiz about nature. “Everyone here knows, you and I,
You can’t offend nature!”
Rich, beautiful and infinitely varied amazing world our nature hometown Yaroslavl. Wherever you are: in the forest, in the meadow, on the bank of the river - the mysteries and mysteries of nature surround you everywhere. Today we will try to open several pages of this world, we will give you a quiz “Nature around us”. Two teams will take part in the quiz.
The first team is “Clever Men”, the second team is “Clever Men”.
Dear participants, today you must show your knowledge, skills and abilities, difficult competitions await you and interesting questions, but you are smart and clever, and we believe that you can handle it, and the fans will help you.
We will also divide them into two teams. The first team helps the “Smart Guys”, and the second team helps the “Smart Guys”. For each additional answer, the team they will be rooting for gets a point.
So are you ready? Then let's begin!
1 Competition “Warm-up”:
It is a quick poll. In one minute (hourglass) you need
answer as many questions as possible.
Questions for the “Clever” team:
What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes?
(migratory) When do the leaves fall from the trees? (autumn)
What do you name a baby horse? (foal)
How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)
Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)
Name the baby hens (chicks)
Questions for the “Umniki” team:
What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)
Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
What do you call a baby cow? (calf)
Which animal has a red coat? (from a squirrel, fox)
How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch)

Is a wild boar a wild or domestic animal? (wild)
When do strawberries ripen? (in summer)
Additional questions (for fans):
What do you name a baby pig? (pig)
What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)
Who weaves a web in the forest? (spider)
What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects)
What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)
Who carries their house on their back? (snail)
What is the word for the birds that spend the winter with us? (wintering)
We've done the warm-up for the mind, and now let's do the warm-up for the body, go out for physical education (the song-game “The Deer Has a Big House”).
2 competition “Who is the odd one out?”
On the board there are pictures with images for the first team: birch, willow, oak, poplar, maple and pine, and for the second team: wild boar, fox, wolf, hare, bear and dog. Children must choose the extra picture and explain.
Our teams - Well done!
Everyone in the world seems to know, and for them now the game is “Guess the melody”.
Children guess the song, and their parents help them (“Once upon a time there was a little gray goat with grandma,” “Grasshopper” and sing it like “Chorus of Frogs”).
How wonderful our teams sang, how musical they are, now
Let's see how smart they are.
Game with fans “I’ll start, you continue”:
- The oak tree has acorns, and the pine tree... (cones)
- The birch is curly, and the pine... (prickly)
- Rowan has leaves, and pine has... (needles)
- In autumn, the birch tree is golden, and the pine tree... (green)
- Aspen stands without leaves in winter, and pine... (in needles)
- Apples grow on an apple tree, and on an oak tree... (acorns)
So, I announce the next competition: “Riddles about nature.” It is necessary not only to ask riddles to the opposing team, but also to guess them (children are given riddles in advance, which they ask to the opposing team).
1: Hid the nuts
And dries the russula -
In winter, in her hollow, whatever you want on the table. (squirrel)
2: The tail is fluffy,
The fur is golden.
Lives in the forest
In the village he steals chickens. (fox)
3: Who is cold in winter,
Is he walking around angry and hungry? (Wolf)
4: Worn on top of head-
Long ears
Changes his fur coat for the winter,
Who knows such an animal? (hare)
5: This predator is talkative,
Thieving, fussy,
White-sided chirper,
And her name is...(magpie).
6: I'm knocking on wood,
I want to get a worm
Although hidden under the bark,
You will still be mine. (woodpecker)
7: Flies all night,
Gets mice
And it will become light
Sleep flies into the hollow. (owl)
8: I'm on the tree for a bitch
I keep count: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku.” (cuckoo)
Ball game for fans: “Name it quickly”
White-sided bird. (Magpie)
What plant can burn us? (Nettle) New Year's tree. (Christmas tree)
The time of year when nature wakes up. (Spring)
Who is the forest's animal health officer? (Wolf)
What is the name of the hare's domestic relative? (Rabbit)
A wild relative of the pig. (Boar)
What is the name of a bear's home? (Den)
Do hares store food? (No)
Red-breasted bird. (Bullfinch)
What flower blooms without leaves? (Coltsfoot)
Who is the nurse of the bird forest? (Woodpecker)
What is the name of the animal that builds dams on rivers? (Beaver)
Our quiz has come to an end, and we ask our distinguished guests to sum up the results of our environmental quiz. (Awarding medals.
Friendship won.)
This is how all people of the Earth should live in friendship, in friendship with plants and animals that also live on our planet.
And to our respected adults we want to say:
To paraphrase a famous writer,
We speak with all our hearts,
Let everything be beautiful in a person:
And thoughts, and actions, and soul,
In harmony with nature and with yourself
In the world, so that children can live,
Bring up your children, take care of them,
Protect the ecology of your soul!
And at the end of our quiz, let's sing the song “Smile” by M. Plyatskovsky, composer V. Shainsky.

Final quiz about nature for older preschoolers

"Nature is all around us!"

Target: generalization of children's knowledge about the flora and fauna, nurturing love for their native nature.
Educational: systematize children’s knowledge of ecology;
to form a holistic understanding of living and inanimate nature; teach preschoolers ways to understand the world around them.
Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, flora and fauna; to cultivate a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the surrounding world in general, to develop a feeling of love for natural objects;
strengthen the ability to work in a team.
Developmental: develop cognitive interest in the natural world;
develop the ability to compare, cultivate in children the ability to logically
think, correctly forming conclusions.
Speech: develop coherent speech and active vocabulary.
Demo material: pictures of animals, trees, medals, team emblems, ball, hourglass.
Methodical techniques: game situation, looking at illustrations, physical education, summing up.

Educator: Dear guys, guests, I invite you to a quiz about nature. “Everyone here knows, you and I, that you cannot offend Nature!”

The amazing natural world of our hometown of Kanash is rich, beautiful and infinitely diverse. Wherever you are: in the forest, in the meadow, on the bank of the river - the mysteries and mysteries of nature surround you everywhere.

Today we will try to open several pages of this world, we will give you a quiz “Nature around us”. Two teams will take part in the quiz.
The first team is “Hedgehogs”, the second team is “Leaflets”.
Dear participants, today you must show your knowledge, skills and abilities, difficult competitions and interesting questions await you, but you are smart and clever, and we believe that you can handle it, and the fans will help you.
We will also divide them into two teams. The first team helps the Hedgehogs, and the second team helps the Leaflets. For each additional answer, the team they will be rooting for gets a point.

I found out that I have a huge country

And the path and the forest, every spikelet in the field

The river, the sky - blue - this is all my native

I love everyone in the world

This is my homeland!

So, are you ready? Then let's begin!
1 Competition "Warm-up": This is a blitz survey. In one minute (hourglass) you need to answer as many questions as possible.
Questions for the Leaflets team:

. What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes?(migratory)

When do the leaves fall from the trees? (autumn)
. What do you name a baby horse? (foal)
. How many legs does a spider have? (eight)
. What bird heals trees? (woodpecker)
. Which tree has a white trunk? (near the birch)

Which plant helps heal a wound? (plantain)
. Name the baby hens (chicks)
Questions for the Hedgehogs team:

What tree do acorns grow on? (on oak)

Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (birds)
. What do you call a baby cow? (calf)
. Which animal has a red coat? (from a squirrel, fox)
. How many legs does a beetle have? (six)
. Which bird has a red breast? (at the bullfinch). Is a wild boar a wild or domestic animal? (wild)
. When do strawberries ripen? (in summer)

Additional questions (for fans):
. What do you name a baby pig? (pig)
. What is the name of a birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)
. Who weaves a web in the forest? (spider)
. What is the green cover of the Earth? (grass)
. Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (insects)
. What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)
. Who carries their house on their back? (snail)
. What is the word for the birds that spend the winter with us? (wintering)

We've done the warm-up for the mind, and now let's do the warm-up for the body, go out for physical education (the song-game “The Deer Has a Big House”).

2 competition “Who is the odd one out?”

On the board there are pictures with images for the first team: birch, willow, oak, poplar, maple and pine, and for the second team: wild boar, fox, wolf, hare, bear and dog. Children must choose the extra picture and explain.
Our teams - Well done!
Everyone in the world knows and for them now game "Guess the melody".
Children guess the song (“Once upon a time there lived a gray goat with grandma,” “Grasshopper” and sing it like “Chorus of Frogs”).
How wonderful our teams sang, how musical they are, now
Let's see how smart they are.
Game with fans “I’ll start, you continue”:
- The oak tree has acorns, and the pine tree... (cones)
- The birch is curly, and the pine... (prickly)
- Rowan has leaves, and pine has... (needles)
- In autumn, the birch tree is golden, and the pine tree... (green)
- Aspen stands without leaves in winter, and pine... (in needles)
- Apples grow on an apple tree, and on an oak tree... (acorns)
So, I announce the next competition: “Riddles about nature.” It is necessary not only to ask riddles to the opposing team, but also to guess them (children are given riddles in advance, which they ask to the opposing team).
1: Hid the nuts
And dries the russula -
In winter, in her hollow, whatever you want on the table. (squirrel)
2: The tail is fluffy,
The fur is golden.
Lives in the forest
In the village he steals chickens. (fox)
3: Who is cold in winter,
Is he walking around angry and hungry? (Wolf)
4: Worn on top of head-
Long ears
Changes his fur coat for the winter,
Who knows such an animal? (hare)
5: This predator is talkative,
Thieving, fussy,
White-sided chirper,
And her name is...(magpie).
6: I'm knocking on wood,
I want to get a worm
Although hidden under the bark,
You will still be mine. (woodpecker)
7: Flies all night,
Gets mice
And it will become light
Sleep flies into the hollow. (owl)
8: I'm on the tree for a bitch
I keep count: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku.” (cuckoo)
Ball game for fans: “Name it quickly”
White-sided bird. (Magpie)
What plant can burn us? (Nettle)

Christmas tree. (Christmas tree)
The time of year when nature wakes up. (Spring)
Who is the forest's animal health officer? (Wolf)
What is the name of the hare's domestic relative? (Rabbit)
A wild relative of the pig. (Boar)
What is the name of a bear's home? (Den)
Do hares store food? (No)
Red-breasted bird. (Bullfinch)
What flower blooms without leaves? (Coltsfoot)
Who is the nurse of the bird forest? (Woodpecker)
What is the name of the animal that builds dams on rivers? (Beaver)

Our quiz has come to an end, and we ask our distinguished guests to sum up the results of our environmental quiz

(Awarding medals. Friendship won.)
This is how all people of the Earth should live in friendship, in friendship with plants and animals that also live on our planet.

Wise nature teaches us at any time of the year

Birds teach singing. Spider patience

Bees in the field and in the garden teach us how to work

Snow teaches us purity. The sun teaches kindness

And despite all its enormity, it teaches modesty

We are trees of all species, like a great forest people

Teaches strong friendship!

And to our respected adults we want to say:
To paraphrase a famous writer,
We speak with all our hearts,
Let everything be beautiful in a person:
And thoughts, and actions, and soul,
In harmony with nature and with yourself
In the world, so that children can live,
Bring up your children, take care of them,
Protect the ecology of your soul!
And at the end of our quiz, let's dance and sing a song


Why, why, why,
Curious people!
Why, why
Asks everyone questions:
Why is there sun in the sky?
why is there grass around
Why doesn't the dolphin drown?
And why does a bull need horns?

And why, and why, and why does a bull need horns? (2 times)

Why, why, why
It's interesting to know everything
Why, why
tugging at everyone's sleeves
Why is it hot in the desert?
Is it frosty in the north?
Why does a cat have paws?
And why does a monkey need a tail?

And why, and why, and why does the monkey need a tail? (2 times_

Why, why, why
It's not easy to live in the world.
Why, why, why
You need to have time to ask everything:
Why are the trees noisy?
Why is the water gurgling?
Why do girls cry?
And boys never?