Black and white taro. The origin and power of the pagan tarot. Druid Tarot - interpretation and gallery

Pagan Tarot also called the Tarot of white and black magic, it was created on the basis of the work of the American Witch and has extraordinary power and occult depth.

The task of white magic is creation, and black magic is destruction. It was created specifically for practical use in the modern world.

The deck, unlike the deck, is not bright, but nothing distracts from his unusual strength.

It combines the knowledge of ancient pagans and modern esotericists, it paints the whole picture modern life, all its complex interactions and relationships with multidimensional space and the unknown.

All cards have their own plot and deep meaning. It is a great tool for self-discovery, meditation, magic and divination.

It is very easy to intersect the real and the other world. The cards will help to reveal the path of the witch in various everyday situations, there is a book translated into Russian with all the layouts and descriptions of the cards, it will help to know this interesting deck and will give the necessary recommendations and tips, explain what is happening.

Deck Pagan Tarot designed to carry out modern pagan practices, it will help and advise in real life.

  • Cards can be used for meditation and reflection, predict and change situations, it will be possible to change your world, it will become cleaner and better.
  • These cards will draw a complete picture of our world, show all its complex relationships.
  • It is known in Russia as the Tarot of White and Black Magic, it is no longer a magical tool, but an assistant for those who want to become a true master and find harmony with the world.

The key here is the Court Cards, these are the change markers. In the manual you can find the semantic and predictive aspects of all the arcana and examples of layouts.

The book is written in the author's style, it has a lot of associations and humor. It will appeal not only to professionals, but also to everyone who is ready to work with Tarot in a new way. The deck easily moves from one plane of being to another, all this is one life and it will help everywhere.

She argues that any life experience is valuable, only the year on the calendar is unimportant, faith does not matter either, what matters is what people endure from everyday bustle, the opening of the soul, those qualities of character that are tempered in trials.

It can be seen as the story of a girl looking for herself in love, career, psychology and mysticism. The deck will appeal to all followers of Wicca and lovers of the synthesis approach.

All cards of the Major and Minor Arcana have their own plot. The main face of the deck is a young girl, there are no special Wiccan motifs in her, most likely, this is just the image of a modern witch.

The general interpretation of this deck is similar to the classic one, but the drawing of some cards is very different from the usual one. It also has a special meaning, it is similar to this, but the depth is much greater here.

The minor arcana are divided into Pentacles, the elements of earth, Swords - symbolizing air, Cups - water and Wands - fire, people are not depicted on Aces, they reflect only the shape of the elements and seasons.

From deuces to tens, all cards of the Minor Arcana tell their own story, mark events that can happen in the life of a person, a pagan, a witch, on the Five of Pentacles you can see a woman standing in line at a pawnshop and looking back at a man standing nearby, holding his hands close to her bag .

On the Four of Wands, a pagan wedding is shown and 4 wands are raised above the heads of the lovers.

  • The palace cards are Elementals, Novices, Initiates, and Elders.
  • Elementals represent pure elemental energy. Other palace cards indicate people of different ages and different degrees of initiation.
  • Cups and Pentacles indicate women, while Swords and Wands indicate men. The symbolism of the deck is very clear and transparent, it is easy and interesting to read.

This is a feminine and soft deck, it is calm and harmonious, it is like communicating with an older and wiser friend, he loves to joke and laugh, and gives all the answers with a half smile.

There is a lot of Earth energy in this deck, it is not bright, because it is designed in brown and green tones. This deck is focused on the inner world of a person, his self-knowledge.

At first, she gives simple answers, they seem to lie on the surface, but then she begins to reveal situations deeply and shifts the focus to the person’s internal problems.

It will help spiritual growth and development. It is great for meditation. There are no unambiguously bad cards in it, even an unsuccessful alignment is the starting point of a new round of life, any death always speaks of a new birth and beginning, the rest are very different from it in this regard.

Pagan tarot is an esoteric and occult item inspired by the work of a witch from America. This gallery has a second name for a reason - tarot of black and white magic, but all because it contains religious and witchcraft teachings, worldviews of different nationalities and continents, spiritual superstitions, secret and explicit beliefs and, of course, ritual practices.

Pagan Tarot - an occult and esoteric item

All that accumulated and grew over the years, that was scattered all over the world, the creators combined all the particles together, into one pile of unusual and mysterious cards.


The pagan tarot, unlike other fortune-telling decks, is not so bright, it does not contain colorful and clearly traced lines, but these cards are fraught with great power, magical meaning, spiritualism and philosophy, supersensible and superintelligent knowledge of being. They help to set up a connection between the world of touch and the world of otherworldly substances that defy logical explanation.

There are legends that this is not a simple deck of cards, as it might seem at first glance. Once you take it in your hands, you will become the master of your destiny, you will be able to foresee significant events, take control of your life. These cards will teach you how to apply esoteric knowledge in real life.

Technical specifications

The pagan tarot is a bit like Waite's tarot in its traditional arrangement of the Arcana. chief actor of the entire deck, and especially of the superior caste, is a mystical girl. The card gallery consists of an even number 78, like any magic deck, of which:

  • 22 cards were given to the Major Arcana - this is the dominant caste, it keeps the entire deck under its control: these cards reflect the depth of the soul, the state of the fortuneteller;
  • 56 cards are assigned to the Minor Arcana - workhorses, they define each new day, a new surge of emotions: they obey the Major Arcana, but in their separate group they are also subject to a hierarchical ladder.

The Minor Arcana are divided into 4 groups, according to the unifying thread. Each of them has 14 cards:

  • brotherhood of cups;
  • brotherhood of pentacles;
  • guild of wands;
  • league of swords.

The cards of the Minor Arcana tarot of white and black magic (pagan tarot) differ from the rooted meanings of the traditional fortune-telling deck:

  • instead of the Page, here you will meet the Elemental;
  • the beloved Knight will be the Rookie;
  • The queen will move to the rank of Initiate;
  • well, the King will be replaced by the Elder.

Pagan Tarot carries a strong and powerful energy

And all this is not just like that! Tarot contains a strong, powerful energy and cards change their name according to esoteric visions. Thanks to this, the Junior castes characterize the energy of their cards much more accurately.

Superior Arcana

The Major Arcana characterize the most characteristic processes of human life, project phenomena and circumstances, read emotions, give advice according to sensory components. inner world, call to curb or throw out energy in order to put the course of life in the right direction.

  • Jester - the card calls to trust your inner intuition, not think narrowly, expand the boundaries of your world, leave the "shell" and move to the heights.
  • Magician - this card falls out when changes are urgently needed in your life. You need to become more decisive, take the reins of government into your own hands. High Priestess - try to disconnect from external stimuli, concentrate on your inner world.
  • Empress - you, like a magician with a magic wand, in the form of positive wishes, have the opportunity to create a heavenly state for yourself and your loved ones. The emperor is like a father who protects his destiny, the patron of his desires, you will achieve your goals. The main thing is to act according to your conscience and heart.
  • Hierophant - Drops at the most important point, hints that now the hour has come when you need to insist on your own, not to bend under the circumstances. You have enough strength for everything. Lovers - you are at a crossroads, only intuition can tell you which way to move on. Set clear goals for yourself.
  • The chariot is a cycle change. If there were any obstacles in front of you, now is the time to leave them in the past and move in a new direction. Strength - courage, courage, endurance - the main objects of strength. You must trust the world, not go ahead, but feel and change with it.
  • Hermit - symbolizes solitude. You are confused, so the card suggests that it is time to stop, to get away from the ordinary into self-awareness. The wheel is a part of life that you would like to change, the wheel gives you a chance to do so. You will be able to start something that you have not dared to do for a long time. Justice - it's time to pay the old bills. Karma will overtake everyone, so do not do stupid things, do not judge people from a worldly point of view, be guided by the highest.
  • The Hanged Man is a call for energy that will help change what is preventing you from moving forward. You need to break the chain that holds you in place. Death is the card of rebirth. Don't be afraid to leave everything long years saved up, even more awaits you ahead, new life, new happiness. Moderation - Don't try to be in two places at the same time. Focus on what is more important, follow the signs that fate gives, concentrate all your energy on one thing, do not listen to others.
  • Devil - look at yourself, do not live to the detriment of your desires and emotions. The devil tempts, suppresses personal desires in order to please society. Break stereotypes, live what is important only for you. Tower - greed, lust, malice, profit have enslaved you too much. It's time to throw off the shackles, otherwise these emotions will pull you into the abyss. The stars are the road with signs that you have to go. Fateful decisions await you, on this path you will not be left without the help of loved ones.
  • The moon is fraught with everything that is hidden from the eyes. It is enough to live in illusions, go to the real world. Fantasies must remain in the shadows, they can never come true. The sun is an internal spiritualization, butterflies in the stomach ask to come out. Open the door for them, let the fears recede. Faith in yourself and your strength will help you overcome everything and restore balance.
  • Judgment - everything that you have done before, karma will overtake you. It's time to reap the fruits of your deeds, it's not the time for you to fight, it's time to accept the reward. The world - you are part of the world, everything exists according to the same laws, intertwined with destinies and dreams. Everything works as one mechanism, and you are an integral part of it.

Minor Arcana. Wands

The Minor Arcana, as in the rest of the tarot, predict everyday situations, point out everyday problems, and help solve everyday everyday tasks.

You should not treat them with disdain, because the whole life is built up brick by brick, everything that happens every day has a direct impact on our internal state and feeling.

The Ace of Wands is a symbol of the fact that such a wish will surely come true

  • Ace - personifies powerful energy and strength for the realization of what was conceived. You are waiting for new achievements that you can handle, everything that is planned on this day will come true in the best possible way.
  • Two - open up to the new, accept previously alien ways of life. Look for new relationships, change jobs, or step out of the shadows of an existing one. Trust fresh ideas. Troika - she calls to look for ways to get out of stagnation. Do not keep dreams in your head, start acting, bring material wealth to life, strive towards love. Four - a fateful event awaits you, even a wedding. Gather all your friends for this celebration of life. You will get what you deserve, harmony is breaking into your destiny. Five - the card says that it is worth stopping and taking a detached look at the current situation, and then you will understand who puts spokes in your wheels.
  • Six - personifies the long-awaited success, which will end all undertakings. Maybe you will be offered a tempting deal that will bring income, or an offer to get married. Seven - will mark the difficulties, but your strength and skill will be enough to cope with them. The main thing is to remain unshakable, in a difficult situation they will come to your aid.
  • Eight - the past is knocking on the door, be prepared to be responsible for what you have done earlier. It can be dividends from deposits or you will be punished for "crossing the road." Nine - but now you will be overtaken by unplanned material losses - minor breakdowns, illnesses, bets on the wrong team. Postpone the things you can't do until tomorrow. Ten - you have taken on too heavy a burden, and the quality of life suffers from this. A lot of work, a lot of fans who are hard to carry, but it's a pity to throw them away.
  • Elemental - this card personifies a person, like a salamander, it indicates the fiery passions and high ambitions.
  • Beginner - the card says that your emotions are rushing out, you should learn how to manage them. Curb the ardor so that you do not have to answer for what you have done. It's time to rest.
  • Initiate - potential and energy will find their application. Paranormal abilities will open in you, you can become an example for someone.
  • The elder is a king by vocation, not by appointment. Power loves those who know how to use it, try not to succumb to the cult of personality.

Cups - what do they mean

  • Ace - a new feeling will burst into your life. Happiness, wealth, joy, many privileges await you at work. Wait for the changes, a new feeling of love is rushing to you.
  • Two - the card calls for accepting yourself with all the shortcomings. Rivals may appear at work, in love you will move away from your loved one. Relocation is possible.
  • Troika - make time for your friends, support them in Hard time and they will respond in kind. Meeting old lovers, joint vacations, business plans.
  • Four - self-doubt, dissatisfaction with what you have. Dreams of something unreal. Do not lock yourself in, strive to make your dreams come true.
  • Five - troubles and misfortunes will end soon, the main thing is not to lose heart and try to survive. You will receive a marriage proposal.
  • Six - in this card past and present collide. It's time to let go of everything that doesn't suit you. Spend time with your family, pamper them with their favorite little things.
  • Seven - lucky number, it marks success in all endeavors. Strive for the realization of happiness, rejoice at every step on the way to the goal, do not expect that true bliss will come only at the end.
  • Eight - instills a sense of confidence in everything you do. Hold fast and persevere, you will achieve everything that you have planned. You will throw off everything old and unnecessary, break off sluggish relationships.
  • Nine - out of three possible solutions, it is important to choose one, and no matter how painful and difficult it is, you need to decide, otherwise your strength will not be enough to start all over again. The card promises a lot of boyfriends.
  • Ten is a great period in everything: in the family, at work, in personal life. The card advises to agree to crazy offers, to unite in creative unions.
  • Elemental - a water spirit, Undine, a fabulous mermaid that lures travelers, symbolizes a person who learns new sensations, emotions, experiences.
  • Beginner - the card says that you clearly know what you want, are not devoid of dreaminess, and are working to achieve your goals. Good luck will not leave you.
  • Dedicated - a woman is ready to help you, who can help make your dreams come true. The card symbolizes respect, care, the desire to understand and support.
  • Senior - now you will meet a wise, powerful woman who wants to tell you her knowledge and skills. Try to be humble and respectful.

Pentacles and their meanings

The ace will mark the upcoming difficulties, you need to keep your ears sharp, you will take a decisive step towards reconciliation. Try to conclude a truce with opponents. Two - you will face an alternative choice and in order to make the right decision, you need to concentrate on the goal, discarding third-party tips. Expect a blow from the side.

If a triple falls out - an unpleasant card, it promises negativity in everything, from the loss of a job, quarrels in the family, the loss of a business, and ending with the betrayal of a loved one.

The Four of Swords is a card that indicates there is a problem that needs to be solved.

Four - a problem has appeared, but you cannot escape from it, you need to concentrate all your knowledge in order to solve it. Try not to trust anyone right now.

Five - only together you can win. Your friend and you are in a difficult situation, you need to join forces and defend against the offensive actions of enemies. Six - in this card the past and present touch, you need to escape from the pool of troubles to a better life. Take all the most valuable and move.

Seven - when it seems that there is no way out, a saving beacon will appear on the horizon. This card proves that magic exists and sometimes happiness does fall like snow on your head. Other cards also have their own meaning.

  • Eight - you are rushing like a tank, no one will shake your confidence in winning the future business. Keep going towards the goal when it is difficult - loved ones will help you.
  • Nine - hints that you are driven by internal fears. Constant state of stress and depression, expectation of a catch. You need to understand what drives them.
  • Ten - it is time to look fear in the eye, to cope with troubles. Severance of relationships, disassembly with offenders.
  • Elemental - the picture shows a Sylph, a spirit in the form of a woman, personifying the element of air. She speaks of a creative, intellectually developed person.
  • Beginner - you are not restrained by any obstacles, but in order not to break firewood, try to comprehend and plan your actions.
  • Initiate - you've been walking for so long and you've reached the peak, but it's only half way, most of it is still ahead, but you're on the right track.
  • The elder is a gray-haired man, an old man who will become an ideal for you, whom you will focus on, he will give you the necessary advice.

It can be said with confidence that the pagan tarot is not simple, and only those who firmly believe in forces that defy reason, in the supernatural, and feel this fine line between reality and the world of spirits, will be able to understand it.

Tarot of white and black magic (original name Pagan Tarot, meaning - pagan tarot) made in Italy based on the works of the American "Witch" (Gina M. Paice), has extraordinary power and occult depth. The deck was released by Lo Scarabeo in 2005.

Tarot of white and black magic is suitable for both beginners and professionals. At first glance, the plots, the deck is different from the classics, but Gina Paice adheres to the tradition, the basic postulates of Arthur Waite. One of the things that makes this deck different from others is that it's not a standard row of Court cards: Elemental, Novice, Initiate, Elder.

Many call the deck female, because it describes the path of a young witch (from initiation into the world of magic to deep knowledge). In the deck, magic and spirituality go on an equal footing with everyday life. Various scenes can be seen main character both at the computer, or in the supermarket, and in magical rituals. The images on the cards are modern, you can intuitively understand the answer to any question posed. Usually they use this deck for everyday issues (work, relationships, society, card of the day, advice, etc.).

The cards come with a small guide of 20 pages, where a meager, very brief interpretation of each card and two layouts are printed: "Star or Pentagram", "Witch's Cross".

special useful information it doesn't. I recommend purchasing an additional book, or searching the Internet for those who find it difficult to figure out the meanings themselves. For example, this site has a good description (and not only of this deck): [link]

The quality of the deck is pleasant, corresponds to the price, but I would like a little denser, the size is optimal (12 * 6.5 cm.).

Direct position:
0 - Fool (IL MATTO): New movement; trust in what is outside the parameters of our everyday existence; expansion of consciousness to the fullness of the Universe and the achievement of more than we are directly.

© The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.
© Lo Scarabeo. Torino.
© "Avvallon". Moscow. Russian version.

Values ​​according to Ryder White:

ASTROLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Uranus / Mercury in the sense of openness of character, curiosity, spontaneity and a little crazy; in interaction with Neptune - a feeling of a statement from above.

The jester is our inner child. It means the spontaneous beginning of something new, openness, openness. This is a carefree game, the most elementary joy of life, a period when we enter the unknown with cheerful surprise and without any specific expectations. However, it can also mean infantilism with all its attributes - frivolity, naivety, gambling, and simply stupidity. Or - wise simplicity, modesty of requests and humility, to which we usually come only at the end of a long and difficult journey. The jester can also be cunning, mischievous. One way or another, he lives only in the present, he is a frank, sincere, mobile person. Is it good or bad? What this card means: our stubborn unwillingness to become an adult, or vice versa, the simplicity acquired along with long experience - will have to be judged by the whole scenario as a whole. The jester always warns of something completely new that is ready to break into our lives, causing chaos in it, and we ourselves can get a couple of bumps, but there is really nothing dangerous in this.

From the book: Hayo Banzhaf. SELF-TUTORIAL ON TAROT.
Translation from German by E. Kolesov.
Publisher: Center for Astrological Research, 1999

0 - Fool
Zero card FOOL (another name - SHUT) is likened to the material Universe. But she, like the mortal human body, is nothing but a robe, a colorful costume suitable for a jester, under whose clothes, however, there is a divine substance, for which buffoonery is just a shadow. Tarot cards were given away by enlightened priests for safekeeping to stupid ignorant people who made them playing cards, in many ways even an instrument of vice. Man's diabolical habits, therefore, became the unconscious guardian of his philosophical instructions.
If the FOOL is put in the first place in the deck, and the other cards are laid out in a row from left to right, then you can find that the FOOL goes to other characters, as if passing through all the cards. He, like a neophyte who is spiritually blind because of a blindfold, is ready to embark on the most difficult journey leading through the gates of Divine Wisdom.

Uranus - embodies the principle of primordial movement. In TARO, this principle is compared with the concept of "wildlife" and the picture of JOKE, symbolizing divine power before manifestation. This is a divine genius capable of creating the Universe and destroying it, but... The Universe does not yet exist, and therefore JOKE is only zero, nothing, absolute emptiness that can become anything, and the absolute freedom of this becoming: in this there is nothing, in potential, contains everything.
The planet Uranus says that God creates the Universe easily, accidentally and not on purpose - and such is the spontaneous Nature of human genius. Most often, the JOKE is depicted holding a bundle on a stick behind his shoulders and balancing with it (the bundle) on the edge of the abyss. In this bundle - there is "everything" and "nothing" that made the JOKE set off.
In a narrow practical projection on human life this card is interpreted as a warning against dangers and everything unexpected, fundamentally new and unknown. But behind this unknown lies a broader meaning of higher creativity - creation from scratch, from the fullness of one's being.
And even if creation is a violation of the original order of being - and therefore there is an abyss before the Jester - but nevertheless it is dictated by higher moral laws and therefore simply cannot be a creation if it does not carry the beginning in itself.

In the upright position, the position of the SHUT card can mean the beginning of a new cycle of life, any new business. There is energy, optimism, strength and happiness. The card shows unexpected, unplanned circumstances that can turn the current state of affairs. It also indicates the need to make important decisions: - you are free to choose any direction, go anywhere, do whatever you want.

In an inverted position, the position of the JOKE speaks of restless impulsive activity, of rash acts. It symbolizes madness and carelessness, a waste of energy, time and effort. Problems are not solved. You are very careless in something important. Your choice may turn out to be bad, the decision fatal. Sometimes this card symbolizes a person who is tirelessly looking for a change of environment and activities, starting a lot of things, but not finishing anything. In addition, the card can mean thoughtlessness, whims and whims, extravagance, lack of discipline, immaturity, irrationality in thoughts and behavior, exaltation, defenselessness, inability to calculate the consequences, in extreme cases - a frenzy.

"The symbol of a blind man who has turned himself into the slavery of matter. His knapsack is overflowing with his delusions and senseless deeds. A broken obelisk is the death of his deeds. The crocodile (in Papus's cards, instead of a dog, a crocodile is depicted) is an emblem of inexorable fatality and ... inevitable redemption and retribution for what he has done , since nothing in life is done "just like that" - and you have to pay for everything.

From the book: Rider White Tarot.
Theory and practice.
Series "Secrets of predictions".
Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

Tarot of White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) is an occult deck that was created based on the works of the American Witch.

The Tarot of White and Black Magic is an incredibly deep deck, although it does not differ in colorful colors and bright drawing of characters. The peculiarity of these cards is that they have extraordinary power, magical signs, which give the deck a mysterious occult depth. Author Gina M. Paice and artists Luca Raimondo and Cristiano Spadoni did an incredible job. They tried to bring together worldviews, teachings and spiritual experience that were disparate by culture, time and location. different cultures and peoples of the world. After all, the beginning of magic is one, and its absolutely different sources invariably converge in one truth. From here came the idea to systematize all the material into one universal carrier of information, which could not only perform the functions of prediction or magic, but also become an excellent tool for self-knowledge and meditation. We always have a desire to feel a connection with other spaces and worlds. And the Tarot of White and Black Magic just provides us with this opportunity.

deck structure

Let's move on to deck structure. Tarot White and Black Magic (Pagan Tarot) adheres to the traditional hierarchy of the Arcana Tarot Waite. The cards are divided into 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana. Arcana Strength and Justice are located under the 8th and 11th numbers, respectively. The Minor Arcana are illustrated and have four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. Court cards in the Tarot of White and Black Magic have a slightly different hierarchy. They are modified according to the occult system and are designated as: Elemental, Novice, Initiate, Elder. Actually, thanks to these changes, the court cards convey the energy inherent in a particular Arcana much more accurately. Thus, the map conveys a certain stage of energy development. For example, the Elemental of Cups in the Tarot of White and Black Magic symbolizes Undine or a person experiencing new emotions, sensations, feelings. The elemental of Wands symbolizes the Salamander or a person with fiery passions and high ambitions. The Elemental of Swords represents the Sylphide, a person with great intellectual potential, artistic and mental abilities. And finally, in the Tarot of White and Black Magic, the meaning of the Elemental of Pentacles is Dwarf, a person who has a deep, strong connection with nature, earth and animals. The main idea of ​​the Major Arcana in the Tarot of White and Black Magic is that the Arcana are energies that affect the main processes in life, as well as shape the events and situations in it. These are the energies that every person must learn to manage in order to change their lives for the better. The idea of ​​the Minor Arcana in the Tarot of White and Black Magic is to apply them to ordinary everyday situations, so to speak, to solving everyday issues. After all, the latter are no less important in life. The everyday situation largely affects the degree of spiritual growth of a person.

The purpose and meaning of the deck

Speaking about the Tarot of White and Black Magic, we can say that this deck makes it possible to become truly Free and at the same time - to have the foresight of important events, to manage one's own life as a whole. It connects together and, at the same time, draws a clear line between White and Black, between creation and destruction. The Tarot of White and Black Magic blends perfectly with ancient traditions and knowledge, as well as with diversity. modern world. The deck was created for foresight, situation management and practical application of occult knowledge in real life. Therefore, the Tarot of White and Black Magic will answer both questions related to everyday, everyday problems, and questions of the multidimensionality of space and everything that has not yet been explored by this world. Tarot layouts of White and Black magic are used mainly standard. To be honest, the Tarot of White and Black Magic is not an easy deck. Therefore, it is not suitable for every beginner. But I can say with confidence that those who understand how to read the Tarot of White and Black Magic, the rest of the decks will be given quite easily. So, to study these cards, it is not necessary to be an Initiate or an Elder of magicians - it is enough to have faith in the supernatural and feel the relationship with the Universe, with its cosmic energy.