Pavel Globa: “21 is a number that gives a lucky chance. Pavel Globa: “21 is a number that gives a lucky chance Denotes the number 21

Meaning of number 21 in Numerology

Among 21, being in tandem with 1, Two is a more main number, therefore, it endows its carrier with such signs as selflessness, desire for partnership, duality. She strives for balance and diplomacy, prone to persuasion and negotiations. The energy of the Unit is more subdued, however, one can note such qualities as leadership, the desire for progress, travel, new business and undertakings. Therefore, when gathered together, 21 becomes incredibly multifaceted. He is characterized by energy and motivation, a sea of ​​​​charm and the ability to convince and negotiate without sacrificing his interests.

If 21 is frequent in your life, then new things portend success. You will certainly go all the way that you have chosen and achieve victory. But there is one indispensable condition that must be observed - you must be positive. Only faith in yourself and your business can ignite and push you to right action and steps. You need to remain calm and demonstrate brilliant endurance even when it is the hardest. Rely on fate, and very soon everything will change, the clouds will dissipate, and the blessed sun will shine in your life again.

The number 21 is reduced to Three, therefore it is considered a symbol of victory and success. Under its influence, you can move to new achievements, relying on luck and luck.

Positive traits of the number 21

These people are good at whatever they take on. They can be called universal masters, they are so well versed in versatile occupations and sciences. The first in physical labor, and where it is required to show intelligence, they also “do not graze the rear”, but show themselves in all their glory. They can succeed in almost any field, and they are also quite easy to find mutual language and you can communicate without stress. They are understanding, they scan the interlocutor like a locator, and sometimes one gets the impression that they can read a person like an open book. They are respected by friends and acquaintances, they are loved and often idolized.

Endowed, thanks to a successful combination of 1 and 2 - with charm and charisma, they can ignite and lead people along. They often become leaders, easily captivate the crowd or associates with their ideas. At the same time, they have a lively and vivid imagination, which makes them doubly persuasive speakers. They set themselves ambitious goals, and achieve them with perseverance. Happy in life like no other.

Negative traits of the number 21

There is also a fly in the ointment in this barrel of honey. It is bad if a person with 21 in his matrix develops according to the worst scenario. Then he becomes a tyrant and a dictator, does not tolerate other people's opinions, tries to stop any attempts to object or disagree.

They can be harsh and cruel, and often change their minds and moods, so you should not rely on them in serious matters - they will let you down.

The magic of numbers is one of the most accessible ordinary people without any gift. Thanks to knowledge and signs, you can turn fate into better side. The number 21 also contributes to this.

The number 21 will help turn fate for the better

Esoteric interpretation

The number 21 in numerology is closely related to the concept of action. Thanks to the patronage of this figure and his determination, a person can reach unprecedented professional heights. It promotes career advancement, endowing a person with a penchant for improvisation, spontaneous moves and a willingness to act without a clear plan.

This number is attached to the masculine Yang energy, light and warm, more focused not on mental, but on physical labor. A person born under the sign of the number 21, especially for men, by default has more stamina in relation to various problems and failures. Among the qualities that the magic of this number brings to life:

  • diligence;
  • sharp mind;
  • out-of-the-box thinking.

It is based on the number 2, the meaning of which is rationality and balance. The number 1 carries passion and emotionality. Because of this, radically opposite character traits are combined in an individual. The numbers 2 and 1 balance each other, and as a result, everything desired is achieved through control and willpower.

The third meaning of the number 21 is spiritual guidance and leadership. This figure means going along the path of self-development and self-knowledge, encountering difficulties that will help you deal with the mission of life. The ultimate goal will be harmony with yourself and the world.

The number in magic

In magic, this number is associated simultaneously with the divine and the earthly: 21 is formed from three sevens or seven triplets. 3 is the number of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and 7 is the urgency: 7 days of the week or the same number of phases of the moon.

21 is often associated with strong magic:

  • love spells;
  • occult rituals;
  • prayers and conspiracies, which are pronounced either three times or seven times.

Person's character

In numerology, the number 21 is responsible for communication with the outside world and society and endows the owner with the appropriate character traits:

  1. People born with this number have all the qualities needed to build strong relationships with people and the community in which they are.
  2. Such personalities do not just quickly get along with people, but unite them among themselves, are constantly in ideological inspiration and generate unusual concepts.
  3. In such a person, the magic of the number 21 manifests itself in psychological support and in the desire to smooth out conflicts.
  4. Altruism is inherent in them, despite the fact that they strive for the best.
  5. In personal life, those born under this sign are not faithful and often change partners.
  6. They are constantly looking for someone with whom they will be most comfortable, although, in friendly relations, the situation is radically different - they will disinterestedly help and take care of people who are weaker than themselves.

People with a life number of 21, having had enough of freedom and having found “their” person, no longer rush into the pool of love with their heads.

They find a cozy haven and give all their loyalty to a partner who has managed to accustom them to a quiet life. Such an individual will be a good family man and parent.

Advantages and disadvantages

Any life number has both a mass of advantages and a bunch of disadvantages. The number 21 allows you to develop your intellectual abilities, which are at a high level. An individual quickly adapts to difficult situations and finds solutions, showing himself equally well in the field of logic and in the field of physical labor. The goals set for them are achieved much easier than for a person with a different life figure. Having a wide range of interests, people whose number is 21 quickly make new acquaintances and maintain interest in themselves. They know a lot, try to share their knowledge with others. They are respected by others not only because of their erudition, but also because of timely advice, known for their unobtrusiveness. Personalities with such a life figure will never prove their opinion, but they will always come in handy with their advice and suggestions.

Apart from positive traits, 21 also has many negatives. Its meaning in numerology predicts instability in personal life, which is why a person is constantly in search of something new and does not stop at one partner for a long time.

The second bad quality that this figure gives is a sense of superiority over the rest. This is due to the vastness of knowledge and the achievement of goals without much cost. Excessive ambition, at times, becomes a catalyst for discord between this person and the team: his desire for world fame and influence has a bad effect on all personal relationships. Such people work in low positions, but in their hearts they imagine themselves to be dictators with ideas of world domination. It is very difficult to work with such people, because they do not have pre-planned strategies, and their mood often changes. A person with the number 21 does not perceive criticism, even if it is adequate.

Number 21 people often change partners

21 in everyday life

Astrologers and psychics advise you to pay attention to the numbers that you see during the day: minibus numbers, newspaper headlines, billboards. Each number can help prevent something bad in life.

2 and 1 since ancient times are inextricably linked with the divine principle and influence on human life on earth. In Jewish Kabalistic Himatria, this is the number of God, and a frequent meeting with 21 can mean a quick personal meeting with Him. You need to beware, seeing the repetition of the number 21 or 2 and 1 in life - they mean situations in which you can inevitably harm your health.

The magic of numbers is one of the simplest, it warns of the bad, allows you to see the signs from above and ward off a catastrophe or other trouble. The numbers under which a person was born have a maximum impact on life and character. But only in your hands is the decision whether to follow the prescribed or go your own way, in which your life number will play a far from key role.

21 \u003d 2 + 1 \u003d 3 is a good combination of numbers for a person born on the 21st day. On the one hand, a deuce makes him a dreamer with a rich imagination, increased sensitivity and artistry; on the other hand, one and three carry leadership, strong and ambitious; that is, soft qualities are balanced by hard ones, and dictatorial inclinations are softened.
The vibration of the number 21 (3) indicates that Providence itself showers a person with various gifts as if from a cornucopia: the love of people, a cheerful disposition, excellent health, interesting work and money. And the bearer of this number willingly shares the gifts of fate with others. A person whose birthday number is 21 implicitly feels that he is marked by the hand of the Creator and is under his protection and, due to his spirituality, does not miss the opportunity to thank the Lord for giving him a happy life.
By nature, a person born on the 21st day is a merry fellow and an altruist. He loves when others share his joy. In this sense, he is ready to give up even his own interests for the sake of others. He really does not care about the ability to cheer people up: an irresistible love of life literally infects those around him. Such a person sincerely believes in goodness and respects all people.
The vibration of the number 21 (3) makes him a sociable and charming conversationalist. Born on the 21st has a tenacious mind and a sparkling sense of humor, which makes him a welcome guest in any company. His spontaneity, warmth and sincerity are combined with nobility and openness. It is possible that nature endowed this person with extrasensory abilities, because even at the first meeting with people, he often has premonitions of how relations with them will develop in the future. The owner of the 21st does not like to stay in one place for a long time, because communication with new acquaintances brings variety to his life.
The carrier of the 21st is an ambitious person and, in pursuit of the bird-luck, sets several goals for himself at the same time. His ambitious intentions have a solid foundation: he is energetic, honest and prone to cooperation, so that his plans, as a rule, are always realized, and to the benefit of all participants in the enterprise. The vibration of the number 21 (3) has laid in a person a powerful extraordinary creative potential and the ability to generate new ideas. Often he follows instinctive impulses, and perceives possible mistakes as necessary. life lessons. In other words, he does as he sees fit and accepts life as it is. Congenital optimism helps the bearer of the 21st face troubles without trepidation and get the most out of any situation.
But it happens that the representative of the 21st shows indecision, trying to find the right path by trial and error. Perhaps this is a consequence of a lack of self-confidence or a fear of failure.
However, it happens that the vibration of the number 21 (3) has the exact opposite effect on its carrier. Then a person becomes too self-confident and goes ahead, instead of adapting to the smooth flow of life. Often, such arrogance only leads to the fact that the goals and ideas remain unrealized. Betting on success, who doesn't get upset "that his horse didn't come first"? And the bearer of the 21st is also upset. And sometimes he is overwhelmed by greed, and no matter how much he already has (money, things, partners), he still strives to get more and more. Such a thirst for hoarding is explained by the fear of missing your chance. But this happens only if a person knows firsthand what a need, a lack of something is, and therefore does everything in order not to be once again on the sidelines of life. Over time, having learned to balance his appetite with urgent needs, a person who was born on the 21st understands that life releases blessings in accordance with its own scenario, which should not be adjusted.
It is possible that the owner of the numerical combination 21 (3) gives himself entirely to people, worrying about their needs and leaving no time to solve personal problems. Perhaps he considers taking care of his own person an unseemly and selfish occupation. However, no one should forget that love for people is a derivative of love for oneself. And sometimes, on the contrary, he is seized by a sense of his own superiority over others, since for his loved ones he is indeed both a breadwinner and breadwinner. Involuntarily, he begins to think that he is their only protector and benefactor. And yet it is more customary to perceive him as a holiday person - light, cheerful, open, although certain difficulties sometimes arise in communicating with him. For example, instead of leading a discussion, he resorts to sharp, cheeky methods of sorting out the relationship. As a rule, at such moments he is driven by a strong desire to prove his case by all means. And yet, there may be another goal - to draw attention to yourself. Sometimes the offensive nature of behavior brings undoubted benefits. However, he himself understands that a reasonable compromise is preferable for a productive resolution of the dispute.
Despite outward carelessness, a person who celebrates his birthday on the 21st, keenly feels the mood of other people, and therefore he himself is subject to sudden changes in his state of mind. Periods of enthusiastic contemplation alternate with a state of thoughtfulness or even gloomy despondency. Instinctively, he tries to abstract himself from negative emotions in order to protect his psyche from unnecessary shocks. However, the owner of the 21st is smart enough and able to direct his energy in a constructive direction. He does not allow feelings to subjugate his own "I" and quickly returns to his usual emotional balance.
Joy and happiness, which life usually gives in abundance to the owner of the 21st, become meaningful only when he shares these gifts with others. Such a sunny person does not lack fans, and sometimes it is not easy for him to resist the next temptation. Yes, he does not object to diversity. A person under the influence of the vibration of the 21st, as a rule, stands up for complete freedom of relationships. On the one hand, he needs a strong, long-term connection, like a reliable rear, and on the other hand, he is not at all averse to having fun, without binding himself with any obligations. By nature, he is a windy person, and his partner constantly feels that his other half is again in search of "new pastures."
But a person with the number 21 (3) in his birthday likes to make new friends and fans. To this end, he loves to travel in order to explore fresh places, to get acquainted with the mass of people. It is possible that when he gets tired of the kaleidoscope of impressions and feels his own restlessness, he will meet a person who can keep company on a lifelong journey. After all, the vibration of this numerical combination, in addition to everything, gives a person a strong parental instinct, a desire to have warm family relationships and large friendly relatives. The voice of blood never stops in him, he constantly feels a continuous connection with his loved ones, no matter how far fate throws him from them. So it is possible that the time will come when a person of number 21 (3) will mature and create his own family in order to continue his family, to find new relatives.

Today the world of mysticism occupies many people. Among other interests, angelic numerology is a secret science that allows you to receive messages from the Subtle World. It is important what surrounds us, because anything can become a source useful information. Pay attention to numbers, signs, words. They are the answer to long-awaited questions.

Only an initiate will be able to correctly interpret what he sees on the clock, and this can be very important tips. Each number carries a certain charge of energy. These are tips from the Angels. Hearing them, understanding and following them is a great success for every person.

Learn to recognize such signals, change your life for the better. This will make it easier to make decisions and make important purchases. The Council of Angels is able to save your life in a critical situation. Of interest are paired numbers, such as 12 12, 11 11, 00 00. The most powerful words of support are hidden in them. A whole world of possibilities opens up to the attentive.

Mastic or science?

Numerology - is it a science or a mystical teaching, accessible only to a few? In ancient times, it was believed that incomprehensible calculations, working with a person's date of birth are automatically equated with magic. How else could a stranger tell everything about you by adding up the day and year of birth? There is nothing to say about more complex numerological experiments - these were already the works of the Holy Inquisition.

Many scientists have burned at the stake because of their love of numbers. Of great importance was that which survived even more, taking their faith in numbers as far as possible from the fires of the Church. Today there are more than 100 currents in numerology, but the main ones can always be distinguished from them:

  • classical (science founded by Pythagoras);
  • Kabbalistic (mystical codes, communication with Angels);
  • Vedic (the science of fate, the connection of the Planets and people);
  • Sophian (mystery of a person's name).

Later, Angelov singled out numerology as a separate trend, because it was gaining more and more popularity. It all started in 15th century England, when a renowned mystic discovered Pythagoras's works on the mystery of numbers. Time passed, and his interest in ancient manuscripts led to incredible consequences, which opened up to all of us the opportunity to receive advice from the Angels.

What do angels talk to us about?

The English mystic who first established a strong connection with the world of Angels is John Dee. In his studies, the number and figure occupied a global significance. This is the key to the secrets of the universe, which any enlightened person can turn. Having stepped on this path - there is no way back, you will discover a whole world of mysticism and secrets. One night, after much work, John Dee seemed to be very close to unraveling some mystery.

The numbers surrounded him, but they were not chaotic, they were in a special order. Closer to the mystery, farther away from the laws of physics, everyday life, standards. At this time, an angel appeared to him with a message.

He opened many "doors", now it was necessary to do something important for all mankind - to teach people to receive important messages from the world of Angels. To do this, the Angel began to teach Dee his language - the ancient Enochian dialect. These words have not been heard on earth for many thousands. Each letter has great power. In order not to harm the scientist, the Angel suggested that he write everything down backwards, and then translate it. Thoughtlessly pronouncing words in this language out loud is a terrible mistake. Unfortunately, the language turned out to be difficult, practically inaccessible to humans.

Then the Angel appeared again, after some time. He suggested another option. In the entire universe, the number has power. So let the clues come in the form of numbers. On the clock, on the pages, with a cursory glance on the street, you always find out. Each of the numbers or their combinations has been assigned a value. John Dee has done an incredibly hard job of organizing knowledge. Today we can receive and decipher a wide variety of messages, advice and warnings because of his faith in his work. This is how modern angelic numerology was born.

Important Messages

It can be an answer to a question, praise for a job well done, a warning about danger. Angels send short but precise messages. Each of them means that this moment, now, today it is in your power to change fate. Life consists of crossroads, where sooner or later you will have to make a choice. In order not to be mistaken - listen. Angelic numerology teaches to listen, see, notice. It is very convenient to receive information on an electronic watch. Everyone saw the combinations 21 21, 12 12.22 22. Someone makes wishes, and someone is in a hurry to see the transcript.

Very often you do not know whether to continue the work, start or finish. This is important to you, so - the advice will come in handy. In a difficult situation, rely on the answers of the Universe. They will come to you. Numbers carry an unprecedented power, it is a powerful information flow. They can be perceived as numerical values, but each number carries separate information for you personally.

The path is chosen by a person, this must be remembered

Sometimes the Angels praise us for the work done, making it clear that the work was not in vain. What you have done is pleasing to Heaven. This will be followed by a reward. This means that your path continues, and did not end with the completion of the task. There will be other important things, advice, warnings. There will be new victories. You are on the right path of your life, follow them.

If you refuse to heed the advice, the earth will not open before you. Your choice, your idea, your opinion. All this is better than inaction, even if you go against the Plan of Heaven. Only in this case, the messages no longer mean anything to you, because a person does not affect his fate. Just choose the path, and you will see behind it.

The meaning of the number 21

The number is called in numerology "Crown of Magic". These are three sevens, for a total of three. It is considered mystical and very lucky for someone born on the 21st of any month. If this value appears before your eyes very often, then you have a special mission. Lead people. You need to become a leader if you are not already one. Fate and life will depend on your decisions. Now, today, when you saw 21, your special journey through life begins. Someone will have to lead through difficulties, failures, misunderstanding. you will spend right person through a difficult, thorny path. At the end of the path, happiness awaits both. Reaching it is a real adventure, difficulty, importance. Angel Numerology sent you this warning.

The universe never sends you tests that you are not capable of.

Is it possible to give up your path of leadership now? You can, if you ignore all the signs. Then the situation will go already in its development not as planned by the Universe. The plan will change, your fate, the fate of other people. If you previously knew that after a long journey success awaits you, now nothing depends on you anymore. Missed your chance. This is also a choice, no one says that they must follow it. Angels send only advice to you, but what to do is your right.

The meaning of the number 12

It is not known why, but you are constantly dissatisfied with yourself. Everything seems to be shaping up right. Constant dissatisfaction, the search for approval from others occupy a person’s thoughts. He saw on the clock 12 12, or just the number 12 constantly haunts him. It is worth paying attention to this and looking into yourself. The angels are perplexed, why are you so dissatisfied with yourself, unsure of your decisions? Who told you that you can't? Try to remember your childhood, relatives, communication with friends. Somewhere out there, far hidden is the fear of being worse than others.

Most often, message 12 means that you are moving in the right direction. very uncertain, winding along the road, but right. If you want to change yourself, gain confidence, then drop all doubts now. All the questions “Am I right…?”, “…Can I?” should be left in the past. Surrender to the intuition that tells you to move forward. Very soon you will understand that everything is correct, because you will have followers. Ideas, thoughts will find a response in the hearts of other people. Your plan is gaining momentum. The time for self-doubt is over.

Don't ignore the angels' clues

If you ignore this message now, who knows if there will be another one. Stop in your quest to prove to everyone that you are better. Just be the best. Angels give their advice persistently, but not ad infinitum. In any case, go through life with your own feet, so go boldly. Want to drop this advice? Refuse. Perhaps this choice will lead to an unknown but happy future.

Hints on the clock

Digital clocks show more than just time. Some values ​​that repeat day after day can give you the best advice.

00.00 - the beginning of a new era in your life, discard the old.

01.01 - a distant relative will give the most practical advice.

01.10 - planning something? It's better not to, it will end badly.

02.20 - the number of enemies is growing every day. Beware.

03.03 - true love is near you, look no more.

03.30 - fell in love with the wrong person. He will destroy you.

04.04 - a new friend will be more faithful than all the old ones.

04.40 - stay at home, do not go outside. Dangerous time.

04.44 - all problems at work will end on Tuesday.

05.05 - Enemies have found your weak point.

05.50 - do not burn the candles today, or the fire will harm you.

06.06 - do not discuss personal life with your best friend.

07.07 - rely only on yourself in this matter.

08.08 - you will receive the money.

09.09 - loss of money is inevitable.

10.01 - one more will soon become one of your relatives.

10.10 - you change your destiny, choose.

11.11 - the most beloved person will be able to betray you.

12.12 - this time means that the "white streak" is coming.

13.13 - beware of enemies, but also friends.

13.31 - the dream will dispel the black clouds.

14.14 - to get, you need to take a chance.

14.41 - be silent with your relatives, otherwise you will quarrel.

15.15 - everything they say today is true.

15.51 - a new acquaintance will change your life.

16.16 - going on a long journey? Take your loved one with you.

17.17 - take care of your wallet - the time of thieves is coming.

18.18 - walk today, the car will let you down.

19.19 - change by change, and better times ahead.

February 20 - keep your mouth shut, otherwise you will be fired.

20.20 - 3 years of parting with the best friend.

22.22 - the relationship ends, which means that new ones will come.

By learning to work with prompts, you will gain confidence that the Forces support you.

23.23 - the brave and brave get everything, and the coward will lose everything.

Learn to see the signs

Signs are not only on electronic watches, they are everywhere. Angels are looking for new ways to connect with people, to help. You are asking yourself what you think is a question. In fact, it sounds loud to the entire Universe, which seeks to answer. Often we ask:

"When will my troubles end?"

"How can I find a job I like?"

“What is wrong with my personal life, why doesn’t love come?”

"Why can not I get pregnant?"

"Where to look for luck?"

It is not always possible to talk about this even with the most trusted friends and relatives. Whom to ask for advice when there is despair in the soul? Of course, the Angels. The answer will come to you in different forms. A number or a symbol that only you understand, an advertising slogan on a poster, a line from a book. Sometimes, the book falls open to a random page. Read it carefully. Everything is not so accidental if the Angels intervened. They may not always help you, but they always give a hint.

Numerology of Angels is a combination of science and mysticism, faith and attention to detail. This is an ancient science that came to us from Kabbalistic numerology. In addition to believing in numbers, she also believes in magic, a connection with the Angels. The one who tunes in to such a connection will never be alone. Complex problems find simple solutions. Any number matters, and if it catches your eye often, do not miss the advice of the angels.

The number 21 belongs to the category of good numbers. Twenty-one is a really good number that brings good luck. But this is true, mainly, for hardworking people. Or at least for those who are ready to make efforts to achieve specific goals.

The number 21 does not bring good luck to lazy people ... For lazy people, the number of human passivity, human inaction is much more prosperous. In spiritual numerology, the number 20 is the exact opposite of the number 21.

Twenty patronizes those who do not like to overwork at work, preferring a quiet, subordinate position. Let this position be low-paid, but without much responsibility!

21 is the number of human activity

Twenty-one is the number of action, the number of decision-making, including fateful decisions. 21 is an energetically very strong number. This fact is actively used in date numerology. For example, if a person has some important business ahead of him, in which he must make responsible independent decisions, the 21st is very favorable.

But if a person has to fulfill other people's orders and put into practice other people's ideas, then the 20th number is much more favorable. In spiritual numerology, the confrontation between the number 20 and the number 21 occurs in all areas of personal life, including the relationship of spouses in the family, the birth of children, and so on. For family vacation the 20th is more suitable. And for housework on the 21st.

21 is the number of a man

The number 21 is the number of a man. And we are talking here not only about men in the usual sense of the word, that is, not only about physiology. According to the esoteric axiom, a man and a woman live in every person - translated into the language of numbers, the number 21 and the number 20 live in each of us.

So, the number 21 means the male principle inside a person. There are women who are more masculine than feminine. And there are men who are more feminine than masculine. This fact must be taken into account in the numerology of a person's fate and in the numerology of dates.

As for the numerology of dates, a woman born on the 21st often has a stronger will than a man born on the 20th. And if we are talking about the numerology of the compatibility of people by date of birth, then a man and a woman born on the 20th and 21st (it doesn’t matter which of them was born on the 20th and who on the 21st) can create wonderful families.

True, successful unions between such people are obtained if both future spouses are clearly aware of who in their family will perform the functions of a leader. Otherwise, a potentially happy marriage can turn into a completely unhappy one in a matter of months ...

Three-digit numbers formed by the number 21

In three-digit numbers formed by the number 21, the last digit indicates the type of leadership or possible consequences manifestations of leadership qualities of the individual. And the last figure can mean the result of the action in a man of the masculine principle.

This is very important, because the motives of any human actions stem from the activity (or passivity) of the male and female principles in us.

The success or failure of people (especially people born on the 21st or 20th) mainly depends on how the masculine and feminine principles within a person will be able to agree with each other. By the way, in the history of mankind, our inner “men” and “women” sometimes play a grandiose role!

So, the three-digit numbers formed by the number 21:

The number 210 is a calm, quiet, inconspicuous leadership. The number 210 in spiritual numerology means the kind of leadership that is not shouted about on every corner. And yet, the number 210 (together with the number 211) are the most significant and life-affirming types of leadership.

The number 211 is a powerful, defiant, frank leadership. The number 211 can sometimes seem aggressive. However, in fact, 211 does not belong to the category of bad numbers at all. Simply, it releases a huge amount of “blind” energy from a person, which can equally be directed both to destruction and creation.

The number 211 cannot be called smart leadership. But this is one of the strongest manifestations of the masculine principle in the universe and within a person. Do not forget that man is a small copy of the Universe!

The number 212 is leadership aimed at upholding false values, such as: rightness in disputes, authority, "weight" of a person in society. The number 212 is leadership, protective principles and ideals. And our ideals and principles with esoteric point from the point of view (and from the point of view of spiritual numerology) are definitely false values, no matter how beautiful and charitable they may seem to us.

The number 213 is leadership in love. Strictly speaking, there can be no leadership in love. After all, leadership is the triumph of the Ego, the triumph of personality, and in real LOVE personality is completely dissolved.

Therefore, the number 213 implies leadership (or dominance of the masculine) not in love as such, but in what is considered to be love between a man and a woman. Remember the expression “love has passed, the tomatoes have withered”? So LOVE never goes away. LOVE is the most constant quantity in the universe.

The number 214 signifies peaceful leadership. So the political leaders of some countries conduct peace negotiations precisely under the auspices of the number 214. Although, of course, they may not know anything about the meaning of the number 214, or in general about numerology as such.

The number 215 in spiritual numerology has two meanings. One meaning of the number 215 is leadership aimed at war, the capture of new territories, the enslavement of peoples, and so on. The second meaning of the number 215 is leadership in the name of creating something new, progressive, subverting the usual social canons.

Number 216 - leadership for the sake of wealth, fame and money. The number 216, as it were, affirms physical and financial strength. 216 is the number of successful magnates, but not those who make history with huge investments, but those who humiliate and suppress everything around, pursuing their purely narrow, petty usurper interests.

The number 217 is an external, physical initiative in the name of religious beliefs and beliefs. For example, collecting donations for the benefit of the church. The number 217 encourages you to sacrifice very, very much. So many that the expediency of such donations, despite the good intentions, is very doubtful ...

The number 218 is leadership, unable to open new horizons. The number 218 is fixated solely on the same situations, people and principles.
218 allows minor changes in life, but categorically prohibits life-changing innovations.

The number 219 is a remarkable personal will aimed at spiritual perfection. The inconsistency of the number 219 is that spiritual perfection excludes the personal will of the individual, replacing it with the Divine.

The number 219 is also an external expression of invisible spiritual processes in a person. For example, when the family sits down at the table and the head of the family says a prayer.

21 - the number of flowers in the bouquet

21 as the number of flowers in a bouquet necessarily carries a strong-willed, life-affirming note, regardless of the type of flowers. Although, of course, the type of flowers significantly changes the shades of the meaning of the number 21 and the meaning of the bouquet itself.

Take for example a large-leaved hydrangea (this type of hydrangea is most often used in bouquets). Hydrangea carries the mysterious unspoken intimacy of intimacy. Hydrangea delicately, tactfully, a little shyly conveys the subtlest impulses of feelings.

At first glance, hydrangeas do not go very well with the hard and strong-willed meaning of the number 21. However, if the number of flowers in a bouquet of hydrangeas is 21, this also has its own meaning: “Come on, don’t be afraid, be bolder about your feelings!”.

The number 21 seems to strengthen the spirit of hydrangeas, encouraging them and, as it were, pushing them towards the desired intimacy. In general, hydrangeas are best given to women who are sensitive, vulnerable, with a subtle perception of the world. And hydrangeas in the amount of 21 pieces just perfectly complement the amazing essence of these flowers ...


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