How to teach a child to read without syllables. How to teach a child to read: important rules and effective techniques. Let's understand the methods

You will need

  • Cards with letters, syllables and whole words, cubes or dominoes with letters, special puzzles, letter applications, talking ABC, books teaching reading


To begin with, be patient and prepare for the fact that everything may not go as smoothly as you would like. You should not overload your child and expect quick results from him; classes should be carried out in the form of a game, lasting 15-20 minutes. Nowadays there are a huge number of different reading methods, choose at your discretion, the main thing is that it suits your child.

Purchase or make your own educational material. You will need cards with letters, syllables and whole words, cubes or dominoes with letters, special puzzles and the actual puzzle, which you will use to teach your child. A useful purchase is a talking alphabet, the child will independently click on the letters and remember their names. A good option is letter applications; fine motor skills develop and at the same time the baby remembers the letter.

For a 6-year-old child, the method of reading whole words is no longer suitable; it is better to use a syllable-by-syllable version of teaching. First, he will learn to form syllables, visually remember them, and later he will form words from the resulting syllables. Use cards with letters in your work. Write the letters on thick white cardstock with a colored marker. Show your child them every day, spend 3-4 days on each letter. Take your time and be sure to consolidate the result by repeating previously covered material. As an option, print out a coloring book with letters, have your child say out loud the name of the letter (more precisely, the sound), and then color it.

To quickly understand the process, learn sounds, not letters. In this case, it will be much easier for the child to convert them into syllables. The sounds need to be repeated loudly, you can sing them for better memorization. First learn A, O, I, U, E, and only then move on to voiced consonants and finally to hissing ones. Make simple syllables out of them and let the baby try to read them. Leave the complex letters and signs for last: Y, ь, Ъ, E.

Once your child learns to read syllables, make sure he understands what he reads. For example, two syllables “li” and “sa” become the word “fox”. However, it is wrong to immediately demand the meaning of not just a word, but the entire sentence as a whole. Understand that while a child is developing technique, he is not able to understand the entire sentence. Only after some time will he be able to comprehend what he read.

Pay attention to different fonts. If you study from one book, then the child may get used to this particular font, while another will have difficulty understanding it or will not be able to read it at all. Make syllables and words from different magnets on the refrigerator, make cards with letters and syllables typed in different fonts. Show him how to write capital letters, but you don't have to force him to write them.

Be sure to praise your child even for small successes. Support him, encourage him, even if the achievements are very small, and you will see the result of your labors. Endurance and patience are the key to success, and if you get irritated and scold your child, he will lose all desire to learn to read. It is possible to achieve a positive result much faster only in emotionally attractive activities and a friendly atmosphere.

You shouldn’t relax even after your child has successfully mastered reading skills; they need to be regularly supported. Select interesting, age-appropriate children's literature for him and regularly ask your child to read a little to you. Discuss what you read, try to interest your child in the story so that he will want to read the book further.

A simple method of counting the words read per minute - the reading technique - will help you evaluate the results of your studies. Give your child a new, simple text and time it for exactly one minute. The standard for a first-grader at the end of the first half of the year is 25 words, and for a six-year-old a good result is 15-20 words per minute.
The main thing is patience, kindness and the desire to work with the child. A little time will pass and with your help your baby will discover the fascinating world of books.


There are the most common mistakes that parents make when trying to teach their child to read.
1. Teach the child letters, not sounds. For example, you need to say the sound “k” and not the letter “ke”, otherwise it will be difficult for the baby to change his mind and he will begin to read incorrectly: “keote” instead of “cat”.
2. Parents get nervous and scold the child for mistakes. Learning should be fun and enjoyable. Otherwise, the child will form a negative impression, and the desire to learn to read will completely disappear.
3. If a child does not show interest in early reading, you should not force him or try to force him to learn the ABCs. Modern psychologists have found that 30% of children have matured the parts of the brain necessary for reading and are able to safely learn to read by the age of 8, and 70% only by the age of 6-7.
4. Classes should be systematic, but not burdensome for the child. Some parents want to see results quickly, so they torture their child with hour-long lessons; this is fundamentally wrong. Start training with 5 minutes a day, gradually increasing the duration of classes to 30-40 minutes. This way, the child will not be stressed and will be prepared for school.

Helpful advice

Another little trick to help parents is special children's educational cartoons and programs. Let your child watch them and learn to read along with the characters. Just don’t blame all the work on fairy-tale characters; this is just an additional bonus, not a panacea. One episode of such a cartoon per day will be enough.

If previously children went to first grade and learned letters, then syllables, and only then mastered reading words and phrases, today the situation has changed dramatically. First-graders sit at their desks already able to read at least syllable by syllable, and some children can sound out the pages of the primer quite fluently. Indeed, today great attention is paid to the early development of a child, and learning to read is one of the main and most important stages. But many parents are faced with the fact that the baby cannot correctly form letters into syllables. Don’t be upset ahead of time, perhaps the baby is not yet ready to master this science, but he can turn learning into a game process and progress will immediately become visible. What should parents do who want to teach their child to read syllables at home?

The time has come: how to determine that a child is physiologically ready to learn to read

Many parents ask the question: at what age can you start learning to read? Child psychologists and teachers do not give a definite answer to this question, because everything depends on the psychological and physiological readiness of the child himself. Some children already at the age of 4 can put letters into syllables without problems, while others only become aware of the process at school. Nevertheless, experts identify several signs by which adults can understand that the baby is ready to move on to learning:

  • coherent and clear speech: the child can speak in sentences, clearly formulate his thoughts and desires, he is understood not only by his parents, but also by the people around him;
  • The baby has no serious speech therapy problems or speech defects. The future student should not burr or lisp in order to clearly and correctly pronounce letters and syllables during the learning process. If a child is five years old and cannot pronounce several sounds, a consultation with a speech therapist is necessary;
  • Coordination is well developed: the baby understands where right and left are, up and down. It would seem, what does this have to do with reading? The most direct: this is necessary so that the baby reads words and syllables correctly. Also, children who have poor coordination often confuse similar letters: P and b, E and E;
  • phonetic hearing is sufficiently developed: the baby should be able to determine which letter a word begins with, which words have the same letters in their composition;
  • patience and perseverance: during the learning process, the child must concentrate for at least 10 minutes in order to understand new material and remember syllables. It is too early to teach a child who does not want to sit still and concentrate on an ABC book or other aids to read;
  • interest in letters and reading in a child: if parents notice that the child often looks at books, asks adults to read what is written on a particular page, and shows interest in letters, then he will be interested in learning to read on his own.

The above skills, in most cases, are formed in a child by the age of five. It is from this age that you can start learning to read. It is advisable that by the time the baby needs to go to first grade, i.e. by age 7, he could read syllables.

Parents must take into account the wishes of the child before starting to teach him to read. If the baby is not interested in letters and books, cries during classes, or does not want to concentrate, it is better to leave attempts for a later time. Even if a child the same age as your baby is already reading words and sentences, and yours has just learned letters, but things are not progressing further, you should not force the baby. This can only aggravate the situation and discourage any desire to exercise. When the time comes, the baby will quickly master letters and syllables.

At what age should you start teaching your child at home?

On this issue, many experts have different opinions:

  • Early childhood educators insist that it is necessary to start teaching children from birth or no later than twelve months. They explain their position by the fact that the baby’s brain develops intensively until the age of three, and at this time it is necessary to have time to introduce him to letters and words. Most often, Glen Doman's method is used to teach early reading, when children are shown words not in syllables, but as a whole, and the child remembers the information in this form;
  • Speech therapists and child psychologists, on the contrary, do not recommend starting training until the child is completely ready according to the signs that we discussed above. Experts recommend starting to teach children to read no earlier than five to six years old. It is at this age that the child will consciously be able to remember, and most importantly, understand the rules of reading.

But first of all, everything depends on the decision of the parents and the desires of the child himself.

When to start teaching your baby to read - video

Where to start: proper preparation for learning to read

This stage is the precursor to learning to read. To master the skills of composing syllables, and then words and sentences, the child must be prepared to learn letters. First of all, the baby must have a well-developed sense of rhythm, coordination and phonemic hearing.

You can start teaching your baby to catch rhythm from a very early age. To do this, teachers recommend playing funny children's songs for the baby and asking the baby to dance or simply move to the sounds of music. Parents need to set an example so that the child tries to repeat the movements of adults. Such exercises have a positive effect on the development of rhythmic hearing.

The development of phonemic hearing is very important so that the child learns to correctly pronounce different sounds, as well as recognize them in words. To do this, experts recommend working with children daily using the following exercises:

  • name words to the baby, and his task is to say what letter they begin with;
  • give your child a task: name words whose first letter is only A, B, P and others;
  • change the rules a little: let the baby tell you the letter with which the word ends;
  • name words, it’s better to start with short ones with one or two syllables. The baby’s task is to find the right sound. For example, the mother says that it is necessary to determine whether the words have the sound “a” and names different words; as soon as a word with the desired sound is encountered, the baby must repeat it. Teachers recommend starting this game with vowel sounds, which are easier for children to identify, and only then moving on to consonants.

Quick and easy ways to teach your child to read syllables

First of all, the child must know all the letters. Experts recommend that parents study not the names of letters, but the sounds immediately. For example, not “er” but the sound<р>etc. You should start with vowel sounds; as soon as the baby masters and remembers them, you can move on to consonants.

It should be clearly understood that for reading it is the sounds that are needed, not the names of the letters. If a child remembers only letters, it will be very difficult for him to relearn and perceive only sounds.

Today there are many methods and ways in which parents can teach a future student to read. Let's look at the most popular of them.

We connect letters into syllables using N. Zhukova’s ABC book

  1. You can learn no more than one sound every day. Before introducing a new one, it is necessary to repeat all the previous ones so that the baby does not forget them.
  2. After successfully memorizing all the sounds, you can try to compose syllables. You need to start with one consonant and one main sound. The first syllables must be composed of sonorant consonants: m, r, n, l and vowels. When the child masters these skills, you can try syllables with hissing sounds.
  3. Don't rush while composing syllables. Children often have difficulty figuring out how to say sounds together rather than separately. To do this, you need to exercise every day for at least 10 minutes to achieve a positive result.
  4. First, the parents read the syllable, then the child repeats it. After some time, the baby will understand the principle of composing syllables from sounds.

Before you start learning to read, you need to decide on a textbook. N. Zhukova’s primer is perfect for children. Children study using this primer at school, so purchasing it will not be superfluous. Many teachers use Zhukova’s method and achieve excellent results. The principle of teaching reading is based on “running letters”, i.e. on the pages of the book the letters tend to meet each other. This is done so that the child understands: you cannot read by pronouncing sounds separately from each other. The correct reading of syllables is to pronounce the sounds together.

The principle that underlies Zhukova’s technique is the gradual combination of two sounds into a syllable. For example, “MA”: first you need to pronounce the first sound “mmmmmm…” in a drawn-out manner and add “a” at the end. Then we shorten the first sound, and the second, on the contrary, must be extended: “maaaaaaa.” As soon as the child learns to combine both sounds and pronounce them together, you can not stretch out the sounds, but pronounce one syllable.

For parents, at the end of each page there are tips on how to properly work with your child while learning to read. You should definitely pay attention to them.

Reading syllables according to Zhukova's ABC book - video

Learning to read using Zaitsev's cubes

Using this method, children do not study sounds separately, but then compose them into syllables. They immediately remember the whole syllable that is written on one side of the cube. Kids work exclusively with blocks and only in a playful way.

The principle of this technique is that the child remembers visually, memorizes a whole syllable, and then learns to compose a word from the syllables.

But this technique has one drawback: the child may encounter problems learning to read at school. The fact is that according to the school curriculum, children are first taught letters and sounds, then they form syllables from them, and then the syllables are combined into words. A child who memorized and learned two letters at once with the help of cubes does not understand the principle of the classical teaching method.

The principle of Zaitsev's technique - video

What to do if a child does not understand how to put words into syllables

It often happens that the baby simply cannot understand how to pronounce two sounds together without separating them. Experts warn that parents should not allow such pronunciation of syllables. If a child gets used to saying “mea” instead of “ma,” it will be extremely difficult to retrain him; it may take months, and we absolutely do not need this. Teachers offer parents several ways to help their baby quickly understand how to correctly read two sounds together:

  • sing syllables: this method is very effective; children quickly understand how to read a syllable if it is sung. But the task of adults is to prevent the child from getting used to singing. As soon as the baby becomes familiar with the syllable and remembers it well, invite him to simply read this syllable. By alternating activities in this way: the child reads familiar syllables and sings new ones, the baby will quickly learn to pronounce two sounds together;
  • resort to the help of visual aids: educational cartoons are very helpful, where bright syllables appear on the screen and the author’s voice voices them;
  • buy your child a magnetic alphabet: let him make up syllables from familiar sounds;
  • On the wall you can hang a syllabic table, regular or with sound accompaniment. In the first case, the parents pronounce the syllables, and the child repeats them, and in the second, the child himself can click on the desired syllable, and the author will name it.

Do not forget that each child is individual, so the pace of learning to read syllables may differ for each child. Parents should be patient and not rush the baby. The main condition for successfully mastering the skill of reading is regular practice. Let them be short-lived, but daily and a positive result is guaranteed.

Games for learning to read by syllables

Psychologists and teachers unanimously say that better results in the learning process can be achieved if classes are held in a playful way. Every child loves to play, so it will be interesting for him to learn syllables during the game. There are many different games that will surely interest your little student.

  1. Draw or print on cards any transport that your child likes best, for example, a bus or train. Make as many cards as the child knows vowel sounds, and write one vowel letter on each. Invite your little one to ride these letters, but in the company of friends. Now you can substitute one consonant for each vowel to get “BA”, “BO”, “BE”, “BI”, “BYA”, etc. Then the consonant letters need to be changed so that the child remembers other combinations of sounds. Moreover, consonants can be placed both before and after the main ones, forming different syllables.
  2. Let's be friends: children love to make new friends, so you can invite your baby to make friends with different sounds. In order to interest the child, make the image of the beeches a little more interesting: draw a girl and a boy, or a dog and a cat, or other animals, and attach one letter to their clothes. Let the child put two letters together, as if introducing them and pronouncing a syllable so that they become friends. Bright and colorful images are more quickly remembered in the baby’s mind.
  3. Games with cards. You can draw it yourself or buy a ready-made kit. The goal of this game is to form a word so that you also get a picture - an image of an animal or object. But first, you can ask your child to add only individual syllables and pronounce them. A little later, you can move on to composing short words, and then long ones.

Using their imagination and knowing the preferences and interests of the baby, parents can come up with many games that will help the baby quickly master reading syllables. It all depends on the desire of the child and the patience of adults, who should gently guide the future student to regular reading lessons.

Educational cartoon for children: learning syllables - video

  1. Play more with your child, he should perceive activities as a fun pastime, and not a duty.
  2. Never force your child to read, this will negatively affect the learning process. It’s better to show by example that reading is wonderful and exciting. Children repeat a lot after adults.
  3. Always repeat the material you have covered, so your baby will remember the syllables better.
  4. Practice in any free time: while walking down the street, play syllables, etc. The more often you work with your baby, the faster he will remember the syllables and begin to form words.
  5. More variety: don't stop at just the ABC book or syllable chart. Play educational videos and cartoons for your child.
  6. Read together: Develop a ritual of reading aloud to your baby before bed or at lunch. Invite your child to read one word and you finish the sentence. Gradually, the baby will want to read more: phrases, and then sentences.
  7. Don't take breaks from reading: try to study every day for at least a few minutes. If the child is not in the mood to perceive information in a playful way, repeat with him the material already covered, the syllables familiar to him.
  8. Get your child interested: write him a note and let him try to read it, or come up with a quest-style game where the clues are written on cards. If the child reads everything and understands the tasks, a prize awaits him.
  9. You shouldn’t scold children: if they can’t read, just be patient and explain once, twice, three times, as long as it takes. Encourage your child so that he does not lose the desire to move on.
  10. Be sure to encourage the baby: praise him, give him gifts, buy what he has wanted for a long time. The child must know that his efforts bring positive results and he will strive for the next heights. Motivation is the best way to stimulate your child's interest in reading.

Features of learning depending on the age of the child

Although many experts do not recommend teaching children to read before the age of five until they are physically and psychologically ready, a large number of parents prefer to start teaching children at an earlier age, from two to three years old. Some mothers and fathers send their children from the age of one year to children's development centers, where children are taught to read at this age.

The principle of teaching reading to children of different ages - table

Criterion1 – 3 years4 years5 - 6 years
Teaching MethodologyMost often, children are taught using Glen Doman's cards. The principle of this technique is that children are shown cards on which certain words are written. Kids remember visually as a whole, and not individual syllables or letters.At this age, children will find it interesting to study using Zaitsev's cubes. Kids can build words and phrases while playing.The classic method of teaching reading using the ABC book. Children are taught vowel and consonant sounds, then they form syllables from the sounds, and only then words.
Educational aidsLarge cards with words written in red.Wooden or cardboard cubes. You can also include educational cartoons with syllables for children.Primer, flashcards, educational videos and games.
Regularity of classesClasses are held only if the baby wishes; if the baby is capricious, cries and is not in the mood to remember information, it is better to postpone the classes.At least three times a week you need to work with your child using blocks. If the baby has a desire to play more often, parents should not prevent this.It is advisable to study every day and not take breaks in training.
Class time3-5 minutes at a time. Classes can be held up to three to five times a day.If your child likes to read and do exercises, you should not limit him in time. As a rule, children study for no more than 20 minutes and then switch to another activity.Teachers recommend reading at least one page of the ABC book per day. If a child wants to continue studying, parents need to help him with this and praise him for his desire to read.

Possible consequences of too early and incorrect training

Despite the fact that children's early development centers are so popular today, where children are taught to read, write and count from the first months of life, many neurologists and psychologists note negative consequences for babies. Experts base their point of view on the fact that adults interfere with the baby’s brain activity when he is not yet ready for such a load. And the consequences of this can manifest themselves:

  • neuroses, hysterics and aggressive behavior: the unformed nervous system is not ready to perceive the amount of information that early childhood teachers provide. Therefore, as children grow older, they sleep poorly, become nervous, and prone to aggression and inappropriate behavior. These are symptoms of nervous system overload, so this situation requires consultation with a doctor;
  • functional disorders in the functioning of the brain: this manifests itself in the child’s complete lack of interest in learning. Moreover, teachers never tire of repeating that a child can learn, grasps everything from the first minutes, has good memory and logic, but he has no desire or desire to do anything. This is due to early stress on brain activity and with age, the body seems to protect itself from overexertion and overload of information, although it is already ready to perceive it;
  • Some children have significantly reduced chances and opportunities to fully develop their intellectual potential.

Many teachers and psychologists insist that teaching children to read before they are four or five years old is not only undesirable, but also dangerous. At an early age, children are not ready to perceive and differentiate the sounds that they need to know to master reading. If you teach a child to read before the age of four, then he will develop an ineffective reading mechanism, i.e. the baby simply visually remembers words and syllables, but is not able to understand how to put letters into syllables. This mechanism of perception remains at an older age. And it is very difficult to re-teach a child the correct principle of reading.

Neuroscientists confirm that the negative consequences of early learning to read can appear later in life, for example, when it is time for a child to start school. The baby begins to get sick often and develops allergies. In some cases, children may be diagnosed with nervous tension, clumsiness, and lack of coordination. Therefore, experts insist that there is no need to push the time: the child will learn to read when he is ready for it, and you should not overload the baby’s brain in order to avoid negative consequences for his health.

Why children should not be taught to read too early - video

Parents are the main helpers of children on the path to learning to read. The baby trusts his mother, because he is used to her reading fairy tales and various stories to him. Many experts and teachers insist that there is no need to rush and try to teach a child to read at one year old who cannot yet speak. The baby must be completely ready to begin to perceive letters and sounds. Gradually, you can introduce the baby to letters, then syllables, and then words. Conduct all classes in a playful way so that the child is interested. And also do not forget to encourage your child and then the success of the learning process is guaranteed to you.

In elementary school, teachers often use reading techniques as a criterion for assessing a child's skills and performance. From time to time, children should read the text for a while. First, an excerpt from a familiar work is selected, and during subsequent checks an unfamiliar text is given.

The reading technique should determine how many words a child reads per minute and whether he understands the text read. This also takes into account the correct pronunciation of words and endings, the presence of errors and repetitions.

Correlation between class and required reading speed:

  • 1st grade – at least 3 words per minute;
  • 2nd grade – more than 50 words per minute;
  • 3rd grade – from 70 words;
  • in 4th – early 5th grade – more than 100 words per minute;
  • in high school - from 120-150 words per minute.

The indicator you need to strive for is 150-180 words per minute. This happens when reading unfamiliar text.

You need to teach your child to read quickly as soon as you start teaching him to read in general. When the child already knows all the letters and can read syllables, you can begin to do exercises to increase attention, expand your vocabulary and improve diction. All this will help you master speed reading in the future.

The more difficult question is when to start learning to read. It is best to do this when the baby can already speak, expressing his thoughts logically and in the form of a short story. This is approximately 4-5 years.

Reading speed affects a child's overall development and school performance. Why you may need the ability to read quickly:

  • increasing vocabulary;
  • development of logical, spatial thinking;
  • reading speed directly affects the amount of information absorbed; at a high reading speed, 80% of the text is perceived, while at a low speed only 60% or less;
  • Reading skills allow you to better master other school subjects.

Reasons for Slow Reading

Slow reading, including reading by syllables, not only acts as an obstacle to the development of any abilities, but also to overall academic performance and getting good grades. Low speed also has its own reasons, the elimination of which will already solve half the problem:

  1. Low memory level. During childhood, a child’s memory is not yet well developed. When the baby reads the 4th-5th word, he no longer remembers which one came first. As a result, he loses his thoughts and does not understand what is being said. This not only affects the assimilation of the material, but also interest in the process.
  2. Distracted attention. The speed of thought processes is high, and when reading slowly, the baby begins to think about something other than the text. He gets distracted, gets bored and loses interest in books and learning.
  3. Low volume of operational vision. When reading a text, the baby sees only a few letters (1-3), and not the whole word.
  4. Recurrent eye movements. When reading, the child begins to return his eyes to the text he has already read and re-reads the word again.
  5. Underdeveloped articulatory apparatus. In this case, children find it difficult to pronounce words and because of this, their speed decreases.
  6. Literature chosen not in accordance with the child’s age and knowledge base.

Where to start learning

To teach your child speed reading, you need:

When reading quickly, a person is able to guess the next words and the continuation of a thought, which significantly increases speed. For the development of this quality, memory, vocabulary, attention, a high level of operational vision, and developed thinking are important.

These are the ones that need to be developed; simply increasing the text read will not help improve performance.

How to teach a preschool child to read quickly

A child of preschool age is just beginning to learn and this process is still difficult for him. Therefore, it is important to constantly maintain his interest in the process and present games in the form of play and entertainment.

Three games that will help develop the skills needed for speed reading:

Methods and exercises for teaching children 6 and 7 years old to read quickly

With children 6-7 years old, you can use more complex exercises. But don't forget to keep things interesting by making your activities fun and competitive.

In addition to different reading techniques, you need to use various exercises:

  1. Improved articulation. Pronounce different tongue twisters, making sure they are performed correctly. You can arrange a competition, and whoever does the best job will receive a small prize.
  2. Development of intelligence. Take a piece of paper and write pairs of words that are similar in spelling and sound, but differ in meaning by one letter, for example, cat - sweat, forest - weight, sleep - tone, etc. Ask your child to find the difference and explain the meaning of each word.
  3. Development of the visual field. Take a table, start with 5 columns and 5 rows. Write a letter or syllable in each cell. Ask your child to read them all to himself, and then, when asked, name their order, find a specific letter, or name the letter adjacent to the given one. To increase difficulty, increase the number of letters or use syllables.

Reading fluency program for children over 8 years old

For example, you can write some long word (diamond, agricultural, etc.) and offer to form 5 other words from its letters. You can gradually complicate the task by increasing the number of words.

But first try to compose them yourself, so as not to demand the impossible from your child.

Other exercises to develop reading fluency:

  1. Development of anticipation (prediction of the next word, semantic guess). You need to write out sentences and omit letters in some words, and then ask the child to read it, inserting the missing parts along the way. Over time, increase the load by removing entire syllables from words.
  2. Deformed sentences. You need to write out sentences with broken word order. For example, instead of “Nikita went to the forest to pick mushrooms,” write “Nikita went to the forest to pick mushrooms.” Make several different cards, and then ask your child to write the sentences correctly.
  3. Writing out loud. The essence of the exercise is that you need to give your child an initial phrase or question and 5-10 minutes to think about it. And then he must express his attitude to the problem or tell an invented story. It is necessary to monitor the harmony and logic of the narrative.

In addition to exercises, there are also a number of text reading techniques:

  1. "By the top." You need to take an opaque ruler and cover the bottom of the text. The child should read the text only from the top of the letters. After this activity does not cause any difficulties, close the top part of the text.
  2. Changeling. This technique is performed in three stages. First you just need to read the text, then the book is turned over 90 degrees. After a few sentences, turn the book 180 degrees and the words are perceived “upside down.”
  3. Role reading. Reading with a change in intonation allows you to better understand its essence and remember it. In this case, children concentrate on what is written, and new words are better remembered.

How to quickly teach a child to read English

Three methods that will help you teach your child to read English:

  1. Learn letters. Learn the alphabet before you start reading. You need to know it very well and pronounce individual letters calmly.
  2. Choose words that are short and have a clear pronunciation. In order not to confuse the child at the very beginning and not to “discourage” his interest in learning, find a list of simple words. They should correlate writing and reading, this will allow the child to take the first steps in learning.
    Examples of suitable words to start with are: pot, spot, dog, box, etc. Gradually you need to move on to reading more difficult words in their entirety. Make sure your child remembers the correct pronunciation and does not make mistakes.
  3. Reading with understanding. Once the basic words are learned and easy to read, you can move on to short texts. Ask your child, after reading, to talk about what he read.
    Don't demand a perfect translation, you want to achieve a meaningful reading, not just a mechanical reproduction. Ideally, the child should then read the foreign text, understanding everything as he goes. Just like when studying material in your native language. This will allow him not only to read well, but also to master English.

When teaching a child, you need to constantly maintain interest in the process and not overtire the child.

It is better to do several short classes a day than one long one. This can lead to the child developing aversion to learning and boredom in the process.

A few more important points:

And most importantly, do your classes regularly. Optimally, there will be 3-4 lessons per week in combination with school assignments. You can periodically replace some exercises with others, making the classes more varied and interesting.

For more information on learning to read, watch the following video.

Teachers note that by the time they enter first grade, a fairly large percentage of students not only do not know how to read, but do not even have an idea about letters and the alphabet. Although in fact, teaching a 5-6 year old child to read is quite simple. That is why most of them are inclined to believe that it is advisable to acquire primary reading skills even before children enter school. This will make it much easier for them to master school knowledge.

However, in an effort to “equip” a child with reading skills, it is extremely important for parents to strictly follow the principle of the “golden mean”, without trying to unnecessarily burden the child with developmental activities, for at least two reasons:

  • Firstly, reading is a fairly serious step that only a child who has reached a certain level of psychological maturity is capable of taking.
  • Secondly, given that the school curriculum is designed for the “average” student, a child who can read will not be interested in learning. This will negatively affect his cognitive motivation in the future.

When is the best time to start teaching your child the basics of reading?

How to determine a child's readiness to read?

Some methods require the start of training from the 1st year

First of all, you need to choose the ideal age period for this.

Most modern teachers believe that the optimal age for teaching a child to read is 5 years.

However, taking into account the individual differences inherent in each child, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of criteria that indicate the child’s readiness to perceive these lessons. First of all, these include:

  • Developed phonemic hearing. The level of development of this property is indicated by the child’s ability to distinguish and recognize the first, last and some other sounds in words.
  • Sufficient level of speech development. The child must have a good vocabulary; his speech should consist of common sentences. He must also be able to write coherent stories.
  • Availability of spatial-temporal orientation skills. Having a clear understanding of the concepts of “top”, “bottom”, “right”, “left”.
  • Absence of speech therapy problems in children. Correct pronunciation of sounds, correct rhythm, melody and tempo of speech. The child should be able to easily pronounce words and entire phrases without encountering difficulties in pronunciation.

The more developed a child is, the sooner he will learn to read.

If a child demonstrates the presence of all these qualities and developed skills, we can say that he is ready to learn to read. Today, teachers all over the world are developing and using in practice more and more new methods for developing reading skills. Let's look at just a few of them.

Teaching a child syllabic reading

The ability of the brain to recognize and remember elements of sign systems, including letters of the alphabet, develops in a child by the age of five. That is why at this age you can already try to teach the first lessons of syllabic reading.

Cards for syllabic reading

At the very beginning, the parents’ task will be to form in the child ideas about letters, which he will later be able to combine into syllables, and these, accordingly, into whole words.

How to effectively teach your child to read? To start learning, you won't need much - just an ABC book and cubes or cards with letters. However, you need to take the choice of textbook very seriously. The material in the book should be presented in detail, consistently and logically. Considering that voluntary attention at this age is most often at the stage of formation, it is very desirable that he retain a maximum of pictures and visual aids. They will complement the basic material well, without distracting the child from it.

Introduction to letters

As we have already noted, the development of reading skills should begin with the study of letters and sounds, guided by the classic principle of “from simple to complex.” It is best to do this in the following sequence:

  • Open vowels: A, O, U, Y, E
  • Hard voiced consonants: L, M
  • Dull, hissing sounds

In the process of learning letters and sounds, you should not rush children, trying to master the entire ABC book in the shortest possible time. On the contrary: each task should begin by repeating the material already covered. This will allow you to consolidate the acquired skills and knowledge as firmly as possible. And develop the correct reading technique in the child.

After the child has learned most of the letters and sounds, you can move directly to syllabic reading. To make it easier for a child to assimilate unfamiliar and still incomprehensible material, it is convenient to conduct classes in a playful way.

Zaitsev's cubes for syllabic reading

For example, by dividing a syllable into letters, you can imagine how one letter “runs” to another, after which they begin to be pronounced together. The first syllables a child learns should be simple and consist of two sounds. It is desirable that the consonant sound comes before the vowel; syllables in which the vowel sound comes first, as well as syllables with sibilants, are best left for later. Having understood the principle by which syllables are formed, the child will no longer experience difficulties in the future.

Having mastered syllables, the child can move on to reading simple words. These can be words made up of simple or repeated syllables. Over time, words to read may become more difficult.

In the process of teaching a child to read, it is important to strictly monitor his pronunciation at every stage. The child must maintain pauses in words, observe intonation and emphasis.

Lessons should be done daily

Even if learning progresses at a slow pace and the child has difficulties, you should not rush him by accelerating the pace of classes. Let reading be, first of all, an interesting and exciting game for him. Children whose parents are overly concerned about the speed of their learning are more likely than others to have speech therapy problems and difficulties with self-esteem.

Training using the Tyulenev method: advantages and disadvantages of the system

“Learn to read before walking” - this is the main thesis of Tyulenev’s methodology. However, is it easy? Is it possible to master the necessary skills at such an early age? How can such a small child be taught to read at the level of a 5-6 year old preschooler? And, importantly, what are the real advantages and disadvantages of this method?

Speaking about the early development of children, Tyulenev believed that it should begin from birth to the age of one and a half years. That is why the fundamental question he asked in his work was how to teach a child to read whole words independently and as quickly as possible, as well as other units of speech. Average development begins at one and a half years and lasts up to two. And the age period from two to three years as a teacher already belongs to late early development.
It is easier to teach children through play

If after three years a child has not mastered skills that are significant for schooling, Tyulenev’s system recognizes him as pedagogically neglected.

To achieve maximum results, Tyulenev recommended preparing children for reading in accordance with a strict plan, in which classes should be scheduled not just by day, but by hour.

Starting from birth, the child needs to be shown cards with letters or notes. This is the first methodological tool for working with a child - the ABC of MIR (methods of intellectual development). With the help of the alphabet, the child learns letters so that he can then move on to syllabic reading.

The ready-made alphabet MIR Tyulenev is on sale

The study of syllables is easily carried out using the same cards, and then - computer tables or a typewriter. Cubes, recommended by many teachers, are used in Tyulenev’s system at later stages of working with syllables. And in most cases, they are completely replaced by a set of syllables on a computer.

The advantage of Tyulenev’s method is the absence of special exercises and tests, which allows the child to develop independently with the help of properly selected toys. The classes are simple; Parental participation in them is minimal. Taking into account all the rules of early development, according to Tyulenev, makes it possible to speed up learning many times over and achieve amazing results already in the first years of life.

However, Tyulenev’s technique is not without its drawbacks. For example, most teachers note that when trying to learn to read at an early age, a child does not try to grasp the meaning of words: he only collects letter-symbols into the “correct” combinations. The early intellectual development of a child can also significantly slow down his social development, depriving him of the opportunity to acquire communication skills with peers, etc.

Sound-letter method of teaching reading

The sound-letter method is based on a simple thesis: if at the very beginning a child begins to perceive not letters, but sounds, then it is quite logical to begin learning to read with them. This is precisely the advantage of the sound-letter method over syllabic reading. In addition, when learning syllables or entire words, the child hardly thinks about their meaning, which often reduces learning to rote memorization.

Syllable reading has another significant drawback, according to supporters of the sound-letter method. Reading syllable by syllable does not allow the child to perceive the text as a whole, and therefore to grasp the meaning of its content. The principle “from simple to complex” is also not always observed, since the symbol system is quite complex.

Learning toy letters is much more interesting

The first stage of education involves developing the child’s motivation to learn. This is achieved through the inclusion in the lesson process of materials about the history of the appearance of letters, various writing systems adopted in countries around the world.

Then the child begins to learn to consciously perceive sounds. He listens carefully to every sound, trying to remember it. A primary base of sounds is formed in memory, which the child subsequently begins to classify, identifying vowels and consonants, remembering exactly how they differ from each other.

The next stage of learning is alphabetic. In order for the child to assimilate the material offered to him as effectively as possible, bright posters with letters and pictures can be used for classes. However, this method must be used with caution and alternate images so that the child does not associate one specific image with the letter.

It is also important that the child has well-developed phonemic perception of speech and can accurately name the sound that he hears at the beginning or end of each named word.

Teaching reading using the G. Doman method

This technique is suitable for both small and older children. Learning to read is simple, if you turn reading into an interesting and exciting game - this is the main task pursued by the method of teaching reading according to the G. Doman method. It is based on five basic steps.

At the first stage, the child learns the first 15 words. For learning, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions conducive to perception: the room should be cozy, the child should not be affected by any extraneous sounds or other irritants. The child himself must be in a good mood.

Demonstration of cards is carried out as follows. The child is shown an image placed at a distance of about 35 centimeters from the face. After which the parent names the object without commenting on anything or forcing him to repeat. A similar procedure is repeated for the other card.

Thematic cards of Doman

It is advisable to sort the cards by thematic categories (“Family”, “Fruits”, “Vegetables”, “Animals”, etc.)

On the first day of training, the cards are shown to the child an average of 4 times. The session is repeated approximately every half hour. The total duration of the lesson, as a rule, does not exceed three minutes. On the second day, the main task is also repeated three times, in addition, the child receives three more demonstrations of a new set of cards.

On the third day, the parent uses three sets of cards, three in each. The number of classes increases to 9.

Thus, the child learns the first 15 words in his life. Selecting them is quite simple: these can be the names of his loved ones, simple fruits, vegetables or food products, or the names of animals.

Educational cards for young children

No matter how much parents would like to speed up the learning process, this should not be done under any circumstances because frequent display of cards will make classes unnecessarily boring and uninteresting for the child. It also makes no sense to increase the duration of classes: already in the first three days the child acquires sign recognition skills, as well as primary reading skills.

Having studied the first group of words, the child can move on to another. You can choose the topic yourself. The second set of words can be divided into five sets of 4 groups each. In the future, for convenience, you can remove one card from the set every 5 days and replace it with another.

At the second stage, when the child already has a certain vocabulary, you can move on to learning phrases. Collocations play the role of a connecting link between words and whole sentences.

If you use the Doman method correctly, your child will learn to read within 2 months.

In order to teach a child to competently and easily read entire word combinations independently, they need to be composed based on those words that are already in his vocabulary. For example, if a child has already learned the names of basic colors, you can add a noun to them: easy phrases obtained in this way will be easily learned by the child. This means that parents can move on to more complex ones: synonyms, antonyms, etc.

The stage following collocations is the study of simple sentences. By that time, the child’s vocabulary has expanded to 75 words.

Doman cards can now be downloaded online

Parents still teach their children using cards, only now they need to write sentences rather than words on them. This set of 5 offers must be shown for 3-5 days, just as before - three times a day. The font size should be such that, on the one hand, it is convenient for the child to perceive the words, and on the other, so that the words can be easily placed on the card. Every few days, on average, two sentences are removed from the set and new ones take their place. Each sentence can also be accompanied by a picture corresponding to its content.

Sets of Doman cards for early child development

After this, the child will be ready for one of the most important steps on the path to reading - he begins to understand the meaning of individual words. How to teach a child to make sentences? Training at this stage follows the same principle as at the previous one; but the number of words gradually increases as you progress.

As children learn new material, it is permissible to reduce the font size and change its color from red to black. If the child wants, he can repeat the words after you, but you should not demand this from him.

The final stage of learning to read involves working with books containing a large amount of finely printed material. At this stage, you can move on to connected texts as easily as possible. However, not every book is suitable for these purposes.

Before proceeding with this method, carefully examine the book.

With the adventitious approach, children can read fluently as early as 4 years old.

The educational book should be between 50 and 100 words. The sentences that make up the book should be familiar to the child. There should be a maximum of one sentence per page. Illustrations in books should be on separate pages.

After carefully studying the methods for developing reading skills, you can choose the one that best suits your child. And then it will become clear how easy it is to teach a child to read competently, opening up to him the wonderful world of literature.

Preparing a child for school is a very responsible and difficult period in the life of both a preschooler and his parents. In the modern world, the requirements for children of this age are very high: they must have an understanding of mathematics, speech, spelling and reading. How to teach a child to read at the age of 5 if he does not know how to do so - some methods for raising and training toddlers will help you understand this issue. Having analyzed many of them, I would like to note a number of factors that successfully influence the process of learning to read.

What should you pay attention to?

Teaching children is always a very labor-intensive process that requires patience not only from teachers or parents, but also from the kids themselves. Everyone knows that learning something new is always more fun and interesting if it is captivating and all the conditions for harmonious learning have been created. Therefore, if a child at 5 years old does not know how to read and does not want to learn it, then there may be several reasons for this:

  • he does not understand the process itself;
  • the little one is not interested;
  • the baby has problems pronouncing sounds;
  • During training, the child is shouted at or scolded.

By eliminating these reasons, you will help your child quickly master this difficult skill and prepare him for school.

How to teach a 5 year old child to read?

The learning process can be divided into several stages, which will gradually explain the reading scheme to the child.

To summarize, I would like to note that the process of teaching a child to read cannot be rushed. Therefore, you should not rush your child and force him to try to read if he has not understood, for example, how to “connect” sounds. You need to understand that the more interesting and “painless” the training is for the child, the faster he will master this skill and will delight his parents with reading a new book.