How to make a baby animal protection book. Ecological education of junior schoolchildren. lv. Formation of knowledge

Lesson type: combined


- the formation of a holistic picture of the world and the awareness of the place of a person in it on the basis of the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and emotional-value comprehension by a child personal experience communication with people and nature;

Problem: Why are certain animal species disappearing?

Tasks: teach the rules of behavior in nature; name the factors of the negative impact of man on the animal world.

Subject Results

will learn

To characterize the factors of the negative impact of man on the animal world;

Work with the identification atlas and the electronic application;

Establish relationships in nature;

Rules of conduct in nature.

Get acquainted with measures for the protection of wildlife.

Universally Learning Actions (UUD)

Regulatory: use speech to regulate their actions.

Cognitive: use sign-symbolic means to solve problems; establishment of causal relationships;

usage various ways search, collection, transmission of information.

Communicative: to formulate one's own opinion and position, to ask questions; adequately evaluate their own behavior and the behavior of others.

Personal Outcomes

Formation of the foundations of environmental literacy, rules of conduct in natural environment; pronounced stable educational and cognitive motivation for learning.

Basic concepts and definitions

Red Book; endangered and rare animals; human impact on the animal world; measures for the protection of wildlife.

Checking readiness for mastering new material

Prove that animals need to be protected.

Animals play a huge role in nature. Without them, many plants could not reproduce and settle.

By cutting down a forest or polluting the water in a river, people unwittingly destroy many wild animals, for which a forest or a river is a home. Because of economic activity people and immoderate hunting, some animals disappeared forever, while others became rare

Learning new material

Walrus, tiger, golden eagle, flamingo, beauty beetle... These and many other species are now in danger. They are included in the Red Book of Russia. People have to save them!

Read the descriptions of animals from the Red Book of Russia. Recognize the animals in the photos from the descriptions.

Walrus- a mighty sea animal. Its length is more than 3 meters, and its weight is about one and a half tons. The tusks of walruses are up to 80 centimeters long! They help animals get food from the bottom - sea mollusks, protect themselves from polar bears, and also get out of the water.

Tiger is a close relative of our domestic cat. Its length is over 3 meters. Strong, agile, beautiful animal. Lives in the forests in the east of our country.

golden eagle- a large, majestic bird. Its wingspan is up to 2 meters. The golden eagle can soar beautifully high in the sky for a long time, looking for prey.

Flamingo. These amazingly beautiful birds with pale pink plumage live near the water. They feed on crustaceans, insects, seeds of aquatic plants.

beetle lives in the forests. Its body length is about 3 centimeters. It eats caterpillars dangerous for the forest.

All over the world and in our country, hunting for rare animals is prohibited, and for some species it is limited. Fishing is also limited. Animals are under special protection in nature reserves and national parks. Help protect animals and zoos. When there are a lot of animals of any kind in the reserve or zoo, they are moved to other places. So it was possible to save, for example, beaver, sable

Beavers Sable

It is necessary to protect not only rare animals, but also those of which there are still many, which have not yet been included in the Red Book. Their life often depends on you, on your behavior in nature.

Comprehension and understanding of the acquired knowledge

Rules of friends of nature

According to these conventional signs, formulate the rules of behavior in nature. Compare them with the rules in the textbook.

1. We will feed the birds in the winter, and in the spring, with the help of the elders, we will make houses for them.

2. We will not come close to bird nests. After all, in our footsteps, they can be found and ruined by predators. We will not touch the nest so that the parent birds do not leave it.

3. In spring and early summer in the forest and park we will not let the dog off the leash. After all, she can catch helpless chicks and cubs-necks of animals.

4. We will not catch and take home healthy chicks and cubs of animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them.


Due to the economic activities of people, non-moderate hunting, improper human behavior in nature, many wild animals are becoming rarer, some are listed in the Red Book. Hunting for rare animals is prohibited. It is necessary to protect not only the animals themselves, but also the places where they live.

Independent application of knowledge

check yourself

1. What role do animals play in nature and human life? 2. Why are many species of wild animals becoming rare? 3. What animals do you know from the Red Book of Russia?

4. How should one behave in nature so as not to harm animals? 5. What do people do to protect animals?

Homework assignments

1.In the book "The Giant in the Field" read the story "Do not catch insects for collections." Pay attention to which insects are included in the Red Book of Russia.

2. Analyze your behavior in nature. Do you always take care of animals and their environment?

3. With the help of adults, design for your younger comrades a baby book “Take care of animals!”. On the first page, write what the animals would say to the children if they could talk.


Protection and protection of animals

The International Fund for Animal Welfare advocates for the conservation of rare species

Tatyana Shcherbinina

Greetings colleagues in my blog!

January 2017 the RMO reviewed and approved the action plan for preschool institutions our area, dedicated to the Year Ecology.

was announced creative family competition"baby book" environmental focus. Contest was carried out in order to improve the quality of work with parents

preschoolers in cognitive - speech and environmental development of children.

Tasks Competition:

Creation of conditions for cognitive-speech and environmental development


attraction families of pupils to creative cooperation and participation in

educational activities of the preschool educational institution.

Raising an emotionally positive, caring, caring

relationship and love for the natural world.

Development of the need for the study of natural objects through

observation and analysis of the surrounding world.

Revealing creative families giving them the opportunity to


Participation in Competition accepted families of pupils of preschool educational institutions of all ages

The results were summed up on 16.03.2017. creative family competition"Book - baby" environmental focus in MBDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten.

The jury was impressed baby books in the production of which the children were directly involved. In addition, the assessment took into account originality, non-standard, artistic design, quality of work and, of course, the educational, developing and educational value of the book.

jury work, which included:

And about. Director of MBDOU TsRR-DS - Kotyshova O.N.

Leading Specialist of the Education Department - Kololeeva O. A.

Teacher MBDOU CRR-DS - Klimontova E.V.

Teacher MBDOU CRR-DS - Ponomareva L.V.

Chairman of the parent council of the Umetsky district - Tolstova T. E.

By decision of the jury, 1st place was taken by two booksin different age categories: "The Red Book of the Umetsky District" and "Indoor Plants".

2nd place books called"Large and small" and "Peculiarities of nature and ecology of the Tambov region".

The nominations were also: "Most original"

And " Book - encyclopedia":

Parents took an active part in competition, showing creativity and fantasy. Children with admiration and pride told about how they helped their father and mother to create a homemade book.

Particularly attractive to both children and adults baby book called"Red Book of the Umetsky District". The Tolstov family did their best, book contains a rich educational material of endangered species of insects, birds, and animals of our region.

illustrated pages books a pupil of the preparatory group Pasha Tolstov. He told his peers interesting stories about rare specimens For example,about common praying mantis:

about the varieties of swans, which are found in the Umetsky district and are listed in the Red Book:

baby book The Zakaschikov family is dedicated to the flora and fauna of the Tambov region.

Ulyana painted animals and birds listed in the Red Book of the Tambov region.

Very interesting compilation book by the Gorshkov family"Medicinal plants of the Tambov region".

Book contains interesting narrative stories as well as specimens of medicinal plants.

There are many birch groves and solitary birches in the Umetsky district. wonderful book of the Kalinichenko family is dedicated to the birch - the symbol of Russia.

Admiring the view of a young birch grove touches the finest strings of the soul, making a person softer, kinder, more merciful. Wherever the Russian birch grows, everywhere it is joy for people, everywhere it is light for people. She stands, the beauty of the Russian forest! And will stand forever! And you won't find her prettier! Take care of these beautiful trees!

wonderful book and the Makarov family!

Collected educational material, interesting pictures depicting animals that are endangered. I would like to give a name - "The Complaint Book of the Nature of the Tambov Region".

Significant last page books!

At the folklore festival "Vesnyanka" 22.03.2017 the awards ceremony took place creative competition dedicated to the Year Ecology.Prize places were taken: 1st place - Tolstov family ( preparatory group No. 1, the Yanin family (middle group №1) ; 2nd place - the Zakaschikov family (preparatory group No. 1, the Maksakov family (middle group #1); 3rd place - Gorshkov family, Makarov family, Kalinichenko family (preparatory group No. 1).

baby books used by teachers in educational areas for cognitive speech and environmental development of children. Each baby book took its rightful place in the centers speech development all age groups.

Thank you for your attention! Good luck to everyone!

Since 1600, about 150 animal species have become extinct on our planet, more than half of them in the last 150 years. With a few exceptions, all these animals became extinct due to the fault of man. By the beginning of the 20th century, it became obvious that it was necessary to take special measures to save the animal and flora.

1948 Scientists around the world set up the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. IUCN. On the instructions of this union, scientists: biologists, ecologists began to study which representatives of our planet to help in the first place, compiled lists and published them in the form of a book. They called it the "Red Book". It was the first Red Book. This book advises which plants and animals are rare, encourages study and warns of their extinction.

Red Book Red Book - Red Book! So nature is in danger! So, not even a moment can be wasted. All living things are calling to be kept, Let the Red Book not call in vain. And anxiety for life is relentless, so as not to perish in the cosmic darkness! All oceans are exhaustible, Everything on Earth is exhaustible. We offend forests and fields, Rivers groan from bitter insults, And we forgive ourselves, But the future will not forgive us.

How difficult it became for animals to live in the forest. And the reason for this is the man. Why can't people live in harmony with nature? But a person poisons not only nature, the environment, but also his body. The atmosphere contains a lot of carbon dioxide, dust particles and metal. Forests serve as filters on the earth. Having opened its immense wealth before us, generously giving us and reliably protecting, being an integral part of our life, the forest deserves the right to respect and care for it.

Environmental Rules Complaint 1: “Oh, people don't like me. You see, they don't like my voice, and my eyes, they say, are ugly. I think that I bring trouble. Is that so? If it weren't for me, some would have to sit without bread.” -Who is this? - Complaint 2 - “I myself know that I am not a beauty. And if I'm around, many shied away, otherwise they would throw a stone or kick me. For what? I benefit greatly."

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Republic of Kalmykia

MBOU "Privolnenskaya secondary school"

Regional correspondence competition "The best development of the script for a class hour on the topic" Security environment»

Class hour: « Take care of the animals."

Class - 2 national. MBOU "Privolnenskaya secondary school"

Primary school teacher Yalmataeva N.B.


To acquaint children with the Red Book and the animals that are included in it.

Learn to take care of animals.

Consider the environmental rules that people must comply with.

To develop attention, memory, logical thinking, speech of students, observation.

Creating an atmosphere of goodwill between the teacher and students.


1.Exhibition of books on the topic "Environmental Protection".

2. Exhibition of students' drawings “Animals of Kalmykia”

3. Computer, projector, interactive whiteboard.

4. Presentation in ROWERPOINT « Live nature»

Event progress .

1. Organizing time.

Every day - always everywhere

In the classroom, in the game

Feel free to speak clearly

And we sit quietly.

2. Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson . Today we will go on a journey through the pages of the Red Book.

The theme of our lesson Environmental Protection”

3. Introduction to the topic (teacher's speech)

Isn't it true that the creations of nature presented in these drawings and photographs are beautiful. They would only be admired, if not for one painful circumstance: they are all listed in the Red Book and all of them are in danger of disappearing from the face of the Earth.

Beginning with 1600 about a year died out on our planet 150 animal species, with more than half of them in recent 50 years. With a few exceptions, all these animals became extinct due to the fault of man.

People thought that nature is inexhaustible, no matter how much you take from it, everything will be restored by itself. And they miscalculated. Some animals have been completely exterminated, and some are endangered. This means that there are few of them, they can also die if they are not protected, if they are not helped.

(For example: beautiful Amur tiger who lives on Far East, approximately 200 animals. Animals such as bison were almost completely exterminated.

By the beginning of the 20th century, it became obvious that it was necessary to take special measures to save animals and flora.

IN 1948 The International Union for Conservation of Nature was founded IUCN. His main task was to identify animal species, and later plants, that were on the verge of extinction and required immediate human care.

At the same time, a special rescue service was created, which compiled a world list with explanations, which included animals and plants that were on the verge of extinction, and rare species. In this list, it was necessary to indicate the reason for such a state. And scientists decided to call this list Red book.

Teacher: What do you need Red Book?

Children's answers: She informs us which plants and animals are in danger. She encourages the study of nature.

Teacher: Why do you think they named it Red Book and not yellow, blue?

Children's answers: Red means attention, stop, do not kill animals, do not destroy plants

Red Book - this is a danger signal. This is not a law on the protection of nature, these are just facts collected by scientists about animals and plants.

Compilation of the first version Red Book it took 14 years. It was later reprinted again.

Teacher: Why do you think?

Children's answers: New species of animals and plants have appeared that are on the verge of extinction.

At the same time, the measures that a person takes give good results, as evidenced by green sheets. Red Book where already saved animals and plants are presented. For example: sable, beaver.

Animals of the Red Book(slides).


We are walking, we are walking

Raise your hands higher

We don't lower our heads

We breathe evenly, deeply.

Suddenly we see: by the bush

The chick fell out of the nest

Quietly we take a chick

And we put it back.

Ahead from behind a bush

Looks sly Fox

We will outwit the fox

Let's run on toes.

Animals .(slides ).

Teacher: become rare polar bear, walrus, eagle, golden eagle, tiger, crane, swan, and many others. Animals play a huge role in nature. Without them, many plants would not be able to reproduce and spread. Animals and people are needed.

What do you think for what?

Children's answers; we eat, some animals have valuable furs.

Teacher: but also because all the animals are very beautiful and interesting. Cutting down forests, polluting rivers, seas, people destroy many animals. And for animals, forests, rivers and lakes are home.

Let's hear a message about animals who need protection. (Children talk about saiga, crane, steppe eagle.)

environmental rules.

Look, our class has received complaints from animals.

Complaint1…(look at the application)

Who is this? (it's an owl). The owl is under state protection. One owl destroys 1000 mice during the summer, which are capable of destroying 1 ton of grain.

Complaint 2…(see Attachment).

This is a frog. One frog saves a whole garden from caterpillars and worms. If there are cockroaches in the house, bring a frog and they will disappear.

Remember, guys, you need to protect those animals that are not listed in the Red Book. These are well-known to you: squirrel, hedgehog, sparrow, ant, frog ...

Their life often depends on you, on your behavior in nature. Let's remember rules of conduct in nature:(students name the rules)

Anchoring .

A lot is being done in the country for the protection of animals, the “Law on the Protection and Use of the Animal World” has been adopted. Under special protection in our Republic are such animals as saiga, steppe eagle, demoiselle crane, bustard. On the territory of Kalmykia there are reserves: "Manych-Gudilo", "Chernye Zemli", "Yashkulsky" nursery.

Help save rare animals National parks and zoos.

But we must protect not only rare plants and rare animals, but also all the rest, because animals and plants are interconnected by the food chain. (For example: by protecting frogs, you save the life of a heron that feeds on them. You should also protect the house of animals.

Outcome. (slide)

Remember what animals we talked about.

Take care and protect nature. How you can and how you can not treat her, you already know a lot and know how. But there is still more to discover and learn. By the way you treat nature, people will say what kind of person you are: kind or evil, caring or indifferent.

Homework. Issue a book - baby "Take care of animals" (about one or two protected animals).

Reading the poem "Take care of nature."

We live in the same family

We sing in one circle

Walk in one line

Fly in one flight.

Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing fate does not suffer.

Let's save

On the rods of sturgeon.

Killer whale in the sky

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's take our souls

Let's save together

Then we are on earth

And let's save ourselves!