Russia looking to the future. Thematic class hour "Preservation of nature is our concern" Be active defenders of the natural environment!

Goals: fostering a sense of love for nature, respect for all living things; help students realize their moral responsibility for fate native land; formation of ecological culture.

Epigraph: You can't let people

sent to their destruction

the forces of nature that they

managed to open and conquer.

F. Joliot-Curie

1. The value of nature for man.

2. Is there currently a threat to nature and human life?

3. What is the ecological situation in our city?

4. What impact does the environment have on people's health?

5. What can each of us do to save nature?

The briefing is attended by:

- ecologist,

- representative of the Committee for the Protection of Nature,

- medical worker

- economist.

The role of specialists is played by students of grades 9–11, who prepared their reports in advance according to the literature recommended by the teacher.

On the issue of "The ecological situation in our city" during the speech, a video recording is shown.

Class hour progress

I. Introductory speech of the teacher about the significance of nature for man.

The music of I. Strauss "Tales of the Vienna Woods" sounds.

Leading(teacher). Wise men and dreamers of the past tried more than once to list the "wonders of the world" - miracles created by nature and created by human hands. They talked about seven miracles, searched for and found the eighth, but it seems that no one ever mentioned the miracle of miracles - the only one known to us in the Universe. This miracle is our planet itself, together with the atmosphere - the receptacle and custodian of life. And while it continues to be the only one, incomparable, the greatest, mysterious and amazing. The only one, because the rest of our planet solar system, with a high degree of probability, are lifeless, and we have not yet discovered habitable planets around other stars. The greatest, because it concentrates in itself all the mysteries that have long excited humanity - the mysteries of the birth and history of the planet itself, the mysteries of the origin of life, mind, the future destinies of civilization.

This miracle is Nature. Man is a part of it. Nature provides man with nourishment. Wind and sun, forest and water give us a common joy, shape the character, make it softer, more poetic. People are inextricably linked with nature by thousands of threads. Human life depends on the state of nature. "Save nature - save life" briefing topic.

Our briefing is attended by: ecologist (full name), representative of the Committee for Nature Protection (full name), medical worker (full name), economist (full name) .


and aprons,

forests without birds

and land without water...

Less and less - surrounding nature.

More - environment.

There are only four lines of R. Rozhdestvensky's poem, but they contain the very essence of the most serious changes taking place in the nature of the Earth. We, the people of the beginning of the 21st century, almost imperceptibly turned out to be both witnesses and perpetrators of these changes. What can they mean for today's and future generations? Let's give the floor to the leading experts.

II. Speeches of experts.

The host names the issues that need to be considered at the briefing and invites experts to speak.

Is there a threat to nature and human life at present?

An ecologist comes forward with information on this issue.

Ecologist. Far-sighted, caring people at all times were concerned about environmental problems. So, Yaroslav the Wise by law limited the production of swans, beavers and other valuable animals.

The Decree of Peter I of 1718 ordered "the disobedient, who cut down the oak forest and will continue to cut it, as well as those who order to cut, cutting out their nostrils and ears, punishment with batogs, sent to hard labor." By the same decree, Peter I demanded the construction of treatment facilities within St. Petersburg and obliged all citizens to ensure cleanliness around their homes, on their streets.

According to the Decree of 1719 on the protection of water bodies: "... if anyone defiles the Neva with garbage or other sewage, he will be sentenced to be beaten with a whip or to exile in Siberia ...".

For millennia, man's intrusion into nature has expanded. But especially great changes in the environment occurred in the era of the scientific and technological revolution. And they are not always positive.

Scientific and technological progress has brought and continues to bring many conveniences and comfort to people. He facilitated the work, allowed to go into space. It is impossible to stop or even slow it down, just as it is impossible to make a person stop thinking, daring, creating… Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of environmental protection. Nature began to send alarm signals, to change. The culprits of these changes are people and the factories they created, power plants, mines, transport, as well as cities ...

A few decades ago, Academician V. I. Vernadsky, the creator of the science of biogeochemistry, warned against a predatory attitude towards nature and its riches: there can be only one result - its complete destruction.

The expression “necessary as air” did not arise by chance. Man can live weeks without food, days without water, and minutes without air.

Over the past 25–30 years, transport and industry have taken more oxygen from the atmosphere than mankind has consumed for the entire anthropogen, that is, for 2–3 million years. Sulfur, nitrogen, zinc, potassium, and toxic substances are emitted into the atmosphere. Only 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide are emitted annually in the world, which can lead to warming, partial melting polar ice and rising sea levels. Possible negative consequences for humanity in this case is difficult even to imagine.

More than 50 cities in Russia have a level of environmental pollution exceeding sanitary norms.

The problem of sources of clean fresh water is becoming more acute.

Forests - the "lungs of the planet", trouble-free filters of the atmosphere - are cut down faster than they grow. Each cubic meter of wood is almost half a ton of carbon dioxide absorbed from the air.

Biologists have already proven that the genetic information transmitted to subsequent generations by a living cell can be distorted and violated under the influence of the so-called "mutants". These include radiation, active chemical substances, pesticides, pesticides, some metals.

For centuries, everything has been dumped into the seas and oceans without any restrictions, including radioactive waste. Numerous accidents of oil tankers lead to the death of fish, crabs, seabirds.

Leading. The facts cited by the ecologist are alarming. They may seem distant to you.

What is the ecological situation in our city?

The floor is given to the representative of the Nature Protection Committee.

R epresentative of the Committee for Nature Protection…

The performance is accompanied by a demonstration of video clips describing the ecological situation in the city, and ends with a poem:

And only gasps Nature ...

Spring! The streams do not stop:

Streams in a rage - here and there.

And flow into our lake

And fertilizers, and fuel oil.

The whole shore became like a landfill -

What, what is not here:

Leftovers, old washcloths,

Scraps of books and newspapers...

Those dumps are growing year by year

Along the banks of lakes and rivers,

And Nature breaks down:

Why all this, man?

I'm going through the taiga valley...

And again - bitter words:

The tops of the pines have dried up,

Leaves fell from the birches

On herbs - black sores -

Trouble wherever you look...

And the huntsman explained to me gloomily:

- And what? Acid rain...

... The forest was crying, as if in bad weather,

The creaking complaint of cripples,

And I heard the groan of Nature:

"What have you done, Man?!"

Once in a tourist voyage

I wanted to take a dip.

But walked by the beach

And, believe me, I did not dare to undress.

Pulled from the water with poison -

The smells came in waves.

Not the sea - a gutter

Splashed silently before me.

Factories smoked in the distance,

Our space age was noisy.

But the crown of Nature was sad -

Her creation is Man.

Our mind has become a yoke to Nature!

Wouldn't it suddenly happen

What do we ourselves care about the Red Book

Is there just one step left?

From thermonuclear reactions

And from chemical innovations

More than once the thread of offspring was torn.

A wave of monstrous mutations

Threaten to flood the planet.

Anything is possible, anything is possible...

The question is blunt: to be or not to be?

No one for us that question

And will not think to solve.

And yet, hour by hour

We continue to do evil.

And now there are no forest reserves,

You can't drink in the river.

Rockets hit the sky

Disturbing our peaceful lodging for the night,

And only gasps Nature:

“Are you my son, Man?

V. Glebov

Leading. The ecological situation in our city is also not encouraging and makes everyone think.

What impact does the environment have on human health?

The information is provided by a health worker.

medical worker . Air pollution is responsible for 43-45% of the deterioration in public health. The quality of drinking water also affects health. In the Amur, Kurgan, Kemerovo, Novgorod regions and the Mordovian Republic, a direct effect of chemical pollution on the occurrence of diseases of the central nervous system, hepatitis, toxicosis during pregnancy, an increase in stillborn children and congenital anomalies.

Bacterial and viral pollution of Russian rivers creates a constant danger of epidemiological outbreaks of intestinal infections. In many regions of our country, there is an excess of the permissible level of pesticides in the soil, which leads to the incidence of anemia and tuberculosis in children.

In the territories subject to radioactive contamination as a result of accidents in Chelyabinsk and Chernobyl, the number of leukemia patients suffering from endocrine diseases has increased. Scientists have registered an increase in overall mortality by 17–24%.

Many plants and animal organisms become accumulators of metals and persistent chemical compounds, their use is dangerous to health.

Leading. Changing the environment most directly affects human health, biology, all living things. The reckless activity of man in relation to nature has put 1000 species of vertebrates on the brink of extinction. The Red Book includes: 115 species of animals, 25% of birds and 44% of animals that are on the verge of extinction. 118 species of mammals and 127 species of birds have already disappeared from the face of the Earth. 35 million people live in the ecological disaster zone in Russia. Huge damage to nature is caused by accidents, natural disasters (drought, floods, earthquakes ...).

What can each of us do to save nature?

The word is given to the economist.

Economist. First of all, it is necessary to create safe technologies, treatment facilities, we also need hospitals with modern equipment ... This requires huge funds. They are not enough yet. It is necessary to learn how to respect natural resources and communities.

For the formation in nature of a layer of soil 5 cm thick, according to scientists, 2000 years are required. For centuries, millennia, this greatest wealth has been created. We must cherish it, protect it from destructive consequences.

What exactly can each student do to preserve nature? (He draws everyone's attention to the poster.)

P a c a t

"Be an active defender of the natural environment!"

    Follow the rules of conduct in the forest, on the banks of water bodies ...

    Observe the rules for collecting forest gifts (mushrooms, medicinal plants ...).

    Take care of our smaller brothers (ants, birds, hedgehogs...).

    Decorate cities and villages in green attire.

III. Final part (generalization).

Leading. So, the protection of nature concerns all of us. We all breathe the same air of the Earth, drink water and eat bread, the molecules of which continuously participate in the endless cycle of substances. And we ourselves are the thinking particles of Nature. This imposes a huge responsibility for its safety on each of us, on each without exception. Each of us can and must contribute to the struggle for the preservation of Nature, and consequently, life on Earth.

Listen to the poem:

Take care of the Earth!

take care

Skylark at the blue zenith

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sunshine on the path...

Take care of young seedlings

At the green festival of nature,

Sky in the stars, ocean and land

And a believing soul in immortality, -

All destinies are the connecting threads.

Take care of the Earth!

Take care…

M. Dudin

The song "Birches" performed by N. Rastorguev sounds (recorded).

Quiz Questions:

1. What is a fish kill? (The death of fish under the ice due to a lack of oxygen in the water, so in winter it is necessary to make holes on the rivers so that there is air access to the water.)
2. Name the animal of the water bodies that is a real living filter
(Snail. Passing water through itself, the snail cleans it. That is why snails are placed in aquariums.)
3. How can you help a tree if there is a wound on the trunk?
(Smear with clay so that pathogenic microbes do not get in.)
4. Why can't you pick flowers?
(They don't have time to give seeds.)
5. Name the animal friends of the forest.
(Ants, woodpeckers.)
6. Name the main insidious enemy of the forest.
(Fire in the forest.)
7. Can a mushroom eat a tree?
(Yes, tinder fungi destroy wood, turning it into dust.)
8. Why is hunting for fur-bearing animals strictly prohibited in spring?
(Moulting of animals occurs - the fur is unsuitable, but the main thing is that in the spring the animals give offspring, which must be fed, educated, taught to survive.)
9. Who are fledglings? Why can't you touch them?
(Chicks that fell out of the nest.)
10. Why can't you touch bird eggs in nests?
(Many birds then abandon their nest.)
11. Why do you need to make bird feeders and feed them in winter?
(In winter, birds are not afraid of cold, but hunger: it is difficult to find food under the snow.)
12. What do tits eat in winter when all insects are asleep?
(In winter, tits look for hidden insects, their eggs, larvae in the cracks and cracks in the bark of trees and eat them.)
13. What tree is considered a symbol of Russia?

14. What is "quiet hunting"? (Collecting mushrooms)
15. What bird is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge? (Owl.)
16. Who is called a forest doctor? (Woodpecker.)
17. What wood are matches made of? (Aspens.)
18. Which of the animals is called by patronymic? (Lisu.)
19. What bird can count the years of our life? (Cuckoo.)
20. What animal is the national pride of Russia? (Sable.)
21. Who is called the orderly of the forest? (Wolf.)

IX. Slideshow.


It is time to think: will the future generations of the Earth survive, will the children of the 21st century be able to swim in the river, the sea, walk in the forest, inhale the scent of flowers?

Every day, about 100 species of plants and animals disappear on Earth, the forest area is reduced by 15 million hectares and billions of tons of soil turn into dust.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other in the world!

"Conservation of nature is our concern"

Target: study environmental global problems existing in the world, what impact does economic activity people and how we can help to save the environment


expand knowledge about the environment;

foster respect for the environment;

to form in children a positive attitude towards nature, norms of behavior in nature.

Introductory speech of the teacher:

Our lesson is about ecology. 2013 is the Year of Environmental Protection in Russia, and do you know what impact a person has on the environment? Having studied all the problems, let's think about what we can do to preserve our nature.

Class hour progress

Nature is everything that surrounds a person. Nature is divided into living and non-living. It can be considered as the Universe, as the environment in which we live, as everything that exists. This natural environment, in a variety of its manifestations, has a huge direct impact on a person.

« Environment » is a more scientific concept. It characterizes the natural conditions and the ecological state of a certain area. Even in ancient times, people began to notice patterns in the interaction of animals with each other and with their natural environment.

Relationships "man - nature" should always be harmonious, because only this will ensure the health of a person and the qualitative development of the whole society. The preservation of nature in its original form is a reflection of the culture of each person and society as a whole.

World Environment Day, introduced by the UN General Assembly in 1972, is celebrated around the world on June 5th. This date was chosen to mark the start of the 1972 Stockholm Conference, which considered the problems human environment environment.

This is an appeal of states and organizations annually on this day to hold special events to preserve and restore the environment.

Throughout life, the human body is constantly exposed to the environment. This affects vital activity, health and life expectancy.

The consumption of the Earth's resources leads to the depletion of natural resources, which has led to the irreversible impoverishment of the lithosphere and biosphere.

The breeding of domestic ungulates has led to the depletion of vegetation, which no longer has time to renew itself. Steppe or savanna are replaced by semi-desert. Due to this impact of pastoralism, there was an increase in the area of ​​​​the Sahara and the neighboring semi-desert zone - the Sahel.

Waste, by-products of production and everyday life pollute the biosphere, cause deformations of ecological systems, disrupt the global cycle of substances and pose a threat to human health. You are probably familiar with such expressions: greenhouse effect, ozone holes, acid rain, smog.

Why is this happening?

The main sources are the burning of fossil fuels, burning forests, emissions from industrial enterprises, the use of aerosols, and vehicle exhaust fumes.

Environmental pollution is one of the most acute problems; the composition of the atmosphere and climate is changing. Smog is very harmful to living organisms.

Acid precipitation falls to the Earth's surface along with rain, fog, snow or dust. Getting into the lakes, acid precipitation often causes the death of fish or the entire animal population.

Changes in the atmosphere are also associated with the destruction of the ozone layer, which is a protective screen against ultraviolet radiation. Especially quickly the process of destruction of the ozone layer occurs over the poles of the planet, where the so-called ozone holes have appeared.

The "greenhouse effect" is formed from the concentration of toxic gases in the atmosphere and become the cause of global warming, the melting of glaciers.

Pollution of natural waters. Humanity is almost entirely dependent on surface water land - rivers and lakes. The water of rivers and lakes covers the needs of mankind in drinking water, is used for irrigation in agriculture, in industry, and is used to cool nuclear and thermal power plants.

Mankind spends 2200 km3 of water per year. Water consumption is constantly growing, and one of the dangers is the depletion of its reserves. For example, the withdrawal of water for irrigation from the rivers of Central Asia led to the shallowing of the Aral Sea, which practically ceased to exist. From the bottom of the dried sea, salt is carried by the wind for hundreds of kilometers, causing soil salinization.

No less formidable phenomenon is the pollution of fresh water bodies.

Pollution of water bodies occurs not only with industrial waste, but also with the ingress of organic matter, mineral fertilizers, and pesticides from fields into water bodies. agriculture. During the decomposition of organic matter, many living organisms die, valuable fish species disappear, harmful substances accumulate in the tissues of organisms, sometimes this leads to a mutation of living organisms.

The most dangerous environmental pollutants are thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants and nuclear power plants, which burn huge amounts of fuel. Millions of cubic meters of harmful and hazardous waste from the operation of thermal power plants almost entirely enter the natural environment.

Soils are another resource that is overexploited and polluted. In case of improper plowing, the fertile soil layer is often washed away by precipitation (water erosion), or scattered by the wind (wind erosion), ravines are formed. Soil erosion in the 20th century has become a worldwide evil.

countries has caused dust storms and the death of millions of hectares of fertile land. Excessive irrigation, especially in hot climates, can cause soil salinization.

A decrease in the area of ​​forests causes a violation of the cycles of oxygen and carbon in the biosphere. Although the catastrophic effects of deforestation are widely known, deforestation continues. Forests on our planet occupy an area of ​​about 42 million km2, but their area is decreasing by 2% annually,

Soil depletion and pollution. The imperfection of agricultural production is the main reason for the reduction in the area of ​​fertile soils. In case of improper plowing, the fertile soil layer is often washed away by precipitation (water erosion), or scattered by the wind (wind erosion), ravines are formed. Soil erosion in the 20th century has become a worldwide evil.

Plowing vast steppe areas in Russia and other
countries has caused dust storms and the death of millions of hectares of fertile land.

Of particular danger are chemical means of protection, especially organic compounds used in agriculture in the fight against pests, diseases and weeds.

Excessive irrigation, in hot climates, can cause soil salinization. Radioactive contamination of the soil is a great danger. Radioactive substances from soils get into plants, then into the organisms of animals and humans, accumulate in them, causing various diseases. Long-lived radioactive elements persist in ecosystems for hundreds of years.

Reducing natural diversity. Extreme exploitation, pollution, and often just barbaric destruction natural communities lead to sharp decline variety of living things. The extinction of large animals is dramatic, and they naturally need to be protected. More species of birds and mammals have disappeared from the face of the Earth in the last 300 years than in the previous 10,000 years.

What measures need to be taken to preserve our environment?

Such measures may be:

· Limitation of emissions into the atmosphere and hydrosphere in order to improve the overall environmental situation;

· Environmental expertise of all types of industries and industrial products;

· Creation of non-waste and low-waste technologies;

Creation of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks in order to preserve natural complexes;

· Restriction of fishing, hunting in order to preserve certain species;

· Restriction of unauthorized waste disposal, construction of special purification plants;

· In agriculture, use organic fertilizers, observe crop rotation;

· Artificially restore cut down forests.

Now let's ask ourselves this question: "What can I do to save the environment?"

Do not break trees, bushes;

Plant trees and flowers;

Do not torture animals and birds;

Collect waste paper (to cut down fewer trees).

Save Natural resources(e.g. water, electricity);

Less use of chemicals and plastic;

Do not use substances that destroy the ozone layer;

Do not litter, maintain cleanliness and assist in garbage collection.

Final word from the teacher:

We now know what threatens our environment, if nature perishes, we perish too. To prevent this from happening, a person must change his attitude towards nature. And for this it is necessary that each person takes an active part in the preservation of our natural wealth.

"For the fish you need pure water Let's protect our waterways. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains ... Fish - water, birds - air, beasts - forests, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a home. And to protect nature means to protect the homeland.

MKOU "Novokayakentskaya secondary school"

With. Novokayakent

Kayakentsky district Republic of Dagestan

(Development for the Day of Knowledge for students in grades 5-11)

MKOU "Novokayakentskaya secondary school"

Umalatova Ravganiyat Biybulatovna

v. Novokayakent

Explanatory note

This scenario of the class hour "Nature conservation, science and technology" is recommended as the first lesson for Knowledge Day on September 1. The scenario addresses the environmental problems of nature, recommends the use of new technologies for nature conservation, considers the activities necessary for nature conservation. The script is designed for students in grades 5-11.

Target: consider the environmental problems of nature, propose the use of new technologies for the conservation of nature and propose measures necessary for the conservation of nature.

Equipment: projector and screen, computer, laptop or interactive board to demonstrate the presentation.

Scenario class hour "Conservation of nature, science and technology"

In an immoral society, all inventions that increase man's power over nature are not only not good, but an undeniable and obvious evil.

L. Tolstoy.

Hand cl: Guys, our first Classroom hour in 2017 is called

"Conservation of Nature, Science and Technology". cool watch under this name are held in all schools of our large vast country. The name was not invented in vain. We live with you in the age of great discoveries and technologies. These discoveries and technologies affect nature and humans. Today we will talk about nature, discoveries and new technologies.

Presenter 1: On January 5, 2016, Vladimir Putin signed a Decree on the holding in 2017 of Russian Federation Years of ecology.

Host 2: The head of state ordered to form an organizing committee for the Year of Ecology. Sergei Ivanov, head of the Russian presidential administration, has been appointed chairman. The government was instructed to ensure the development and approval of a plan of main events for the Year of Ecology. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recommended to take the necessary measures within the ongoing Year of the Environment.

Presenter 1: On August 1, 2015, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree that 2017 in Russia will also be declared the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas (PAs). The event is timed to coincide with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the first state nature reserve- Barguzinsky.

Host 2: Holding the Year of Protected Areas will draw public attention to conservation issues natural heritage. specially protected natural areas- is one of the most effective forms nature protection activities, allowing to completely or partially withdraw from economic use land and preserve biological and landscape diversity in Russia and on the planet as a whole.

Cl. hands: Nature is the primary source of satisfaction of the material and spiritual needs of people. Human society is surrounded everywhere by nature. We continuously interact with nature in all possible directions. Nature has a variety of meanings for man: industrial, scientific, health-improving, aesthetic and educational.

We live in a time when science and technology are highly developed. In our computer age, man does great harm to nature.

Presenter 1: Thanks to the centuries-old achievements of science and technology, we now have in our hands powerful tools for influencing nature. Our achievements enable man to invade the macrocosm and the microcosm, influence the life of the biosphere, turn millions of virgin untouched lands into agricultural fields and monocultural gardens, randomly genetically modify many animal breeds and plant varieties, and create urban landscapes. Invading the life of nature, a person often violates the eternal laws of nature, leads to life undesirable changes in the environment for him. Now people are faced with the urgent task of preventing an ecological crisis, strengthening nature protection and competent use of its finite resources.

The progress of mankind is connected with the scientific and technological revolution. It was born slowly and gradually, so that now, in the new millennium, it would give rise to a gigantic ecological collapse.

On the one hand, we are witnessing a qualitative leap in the scientific and technical capabilities of mankind, on the other hand, we are witnessing a qualitative leap in the terrible means of destroying nature, in military affairs, which can wipe out all life from the face of the Earth.

Lead 2: The modern age of informatics and electronics, computers and robots leaves millions of people without work, young and educated are forced to go to the market to trade. Wealth and power are increasingly concentrated in the hands of bankers and oligarchs. Militarism swells in the arms race, which eventually seeks to seize the political levers of control. He really becomes a terribly ugly and extremely dangerous monster of the XXI century. Through the efforts of the arms race, the most advanced scientific and technological achievements are being turned into weapons of mass destruction of people. This affects both the people themselves and the entire environment.

Today, one thing is becoming clear - scientific and technological progress must find an answer to the question: how to radically improve the use of non-renewable natural resources of the environment, materials, raw materials, energy and fuel at all stages of production - from extraction and processing of raw materials to production finished products. Protecting the environment must be a top priority. It is time to reduce the energy intensity, material intensity and metal intensity of production. A careful attitude to resources should become an important source of meeting the needs of people in raw materials, fuel and energy.

Cl. hands: Guys, the ecological situation of our region is not in the best condition. Today we have an ecologist of our district as a guest. Let's give him the floor.

Ecologist: Speech by an ecologist on the ecological state of the area.

Cl. hands: Guys, you can ask questions to our guest.

students: Students ask questions to the ecologist.

Cl. hands: Dear children, each of us has Cell phones and smartphones. You can use them to make the world better. Guys, try to answer the question: are mobile technologies popular in our country? How do you think?

Students: (student answers)

Cl. hands: What are our gadgets capable of?

Student 1: With the help of mobile technologies, you can save forests from fires, save animals, save trees, save nature from garbage and much more.

Student 2: Video cameras at base stations help to monitor the forest. They can be used to determine the location of a fire. Also, with the help of cameras, you can monitor rare animals in the reserves. Video cameras are available in many regions of our country.

Student 3: Each student, being at home, can plant a tree,

through the Internet service "Plant a tree". This helps to restore forests damaged by fire.

Cl. hands: Guys, we are surrounded by heaps of garbage everywhere. Lots of trash in the water. It is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The exact size is unknown, it has a lot of plastic.

Scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. How can you make sure this doesn't happen? And what is our position? How can you help?

students: We also have a lot of garbage.

Student 4: Take a picture and send it to the authorities and environmental activists.

Student 5: Spend subbotniks to clean up yards, forests, banks. Do not stand aside, but take an active part with the involvement of comrades.

Cl. hands: How to deal with the collected garbage?

Pupil 6: Sort and give for processing to factories. Get raw materials for new products, i.e. recycling.

Cl. hands: Guys, we all have a lot of unnecessary things at home, but what do you do with them?

Pupil 7: We give to those who need them. We give a second life to things.

Pupil 8: We burn and poison the air with poisonous gases, so you can’t burn garbage. Garbage is not completely burned.

Pupil 9: Throw it in the trash. Under natural conditions, they decompose: food waste - from 2 to 5 weeks, a woolen sock - 1 year, paper from 2 to 10 years, a can - 100 years, a plastic bottle - 500 years, glass - more than 1000 years.

Cl. hands: Guys, many things contain toxic substances, they cannot be thrown away. They must be handed over to special collection points. These things include light bulbs, thermometers, batteries, etc. Recycling things saves natural resources and wastes little water.

Cl. hands: A lot of new inventions to save energy. There are stations operating on environmentally friendly energy sources: solar panels, wind farms.

Pupil 10: In Khabarovsk, a young entrepreneur invented a backpack with built-in solar panels, from which you can charge your smartphone, tablet and laptop.

Pupil 11. Once upon a time in the computer, atomic age
A sensible man was walking through the forest.
He threw his cigarette butt into the grass under a bush,
He did not think at all what would happen next.
But a fire broke out, a fire broke out,
And immediately the whole forest was engulfed in intense heat.
All the animals and birds hurried there,
Where the smartest oak grew by the pond.
The fire rushed after, the fire ate everything,
Here the oak burned with a red flame.
He suddenly groaned, for the first time in a century:
“Oh, what are you, reasonable, doing, man?

student 12. And how much trouble you carry with you!
And how much misfortune is happening to you!
Do you think about the future…”
Words froze in broken sentences.
An ominous fire devoured further the forest,
And the tiny bunny was waiting for miracles from the sky.
He raised his burnt paws to the sky.
Save! Save! he whispered softly.
And the sky heard a thin call,
And sent a cloud with rain and thunder.
Here the cloud opened a retaliatory strike,
The raging fire soon died down.

student 13.
And how much trouble did he cause,
Even though there might not have been a fire.
But just through the woods in the computer age
A smart and strong man walked.
And I want a tree, I want a bird
To you, man, with all my heart to turn.
“The planet is one, for you and for us.

Student 14. It is necessary to protect it not tomorrow - now!
You work miracles with new technology,
And you take out the garbage in the fields and forests.
Making a lot of discoveries in science,

You pour dirty water into the seas.
Stop and think - nature is sick.
She needs your care today
You need to love from childhood, you need to protect from childhood.
To leave a strong planet as a legacy.

Presenter 1: In Russia, nature conservation is a fairly neglected business. TO environmental students are not involved in the work. Passive work of schoolchildren in circles young ecologists, and the ineffective activity of the "green" and "blue" patrols, which unite a small number of guys. Who now, tell me, monitors the cleanliness of rivers, lakes and ponds, protects fish resources?

Student 15: There are fewer untouched places on the planet.

Lakes of oil are spilled over the tundra.

And hostile whirlwinds curl from the pipes...

Live nature- already half dead.

The man put her on her knees.

We want to make more money.

What about after us?

Lead 2: The most important condition way out of the ecological crisis is the rapprochement of man and nature, the search for ways of their joint residence. This, first of all, is expressed in the desire of many people to leave the city and live on their own land, cultivate it with their own hands, and not with terrible agricultural machinery. This is how it's born real love to nature and friendship with it. This is how a new generation of people is born who are able not only to exploit nature, but also to give themselves, their work, their lives for the good environment for the benefit of nature.

Information sources:

1. Great sayings about nature.

2. 2017 - Year of Ecology in Russia

3. Poems about ecology

4. Encyclopedia of environmental protection

Catan Anastasia

Research work on ecology



Russia. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy.



HEAD: Reimhe Maria Vladimirovna,

primary school teacher,

MBOU secondary school №8

Novy Urengoy

year 2014

  1. Introduction... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3
  2. Ecology. Global environmental problems. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .p. 4
  3. Conclusion. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . page 6
  4. References. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 7


If a person depends on nature, then she also depends on him: she made him - he remakes it.

Anatole France

Relevance of the chosen topic:

MAN IS A UNIT OF NATURE. Look around! What beautiful plants, various animals, insects surround us. Nature soothes, pleases, surprises, excites.

Our tundra is rich in delicious berries and wonderful mushrooms. Who among us does not go to the forest in autumn to enjoy these gifts of nature? We all go to nature, breathe fresh air, enjoy the flight of crimson, purple and green leaves. And here is a gray hare slipped, apparently frightened of the appearance of people. Our nature is unique and charming!

Every year in autumn, we also have a rest in nature with the whole family, pick mushrooms, berries and just enjoy the beauty of the forest. And every year I see the same picture: an abundance of empty bottles, full bags of garbage, packs of cigarettes. All this overshadows my stay in the forest ...

And every year I think about the actions of us humans. There are many questions in my head:

“Is it really difficult to take the garbage with you after the rest and throw it in the trash?”;

“Who, if not us, will save, protect our nature?”;

“Why do we, people, relaxing in nature, inhaling the aroma of flowers and herbs, subsequently destroy it ourselves?”;

“Why are we so cruel to what is given to us, what surrounds us?”.

I have many questions, but there is only one answer: human carelessness, laziness, irresponsibility, ingratitude... After all, what distinguishes a person from all other living beings is that he knows how to notice the beauty of the world around him and enjoy it.

However, with the advent and development of mankind, there is a gradual destruction flora, extermination of many animals. Every living organism, including humans, changes the environment. With the development of society, an increase in the number of factories and enterprises, human impact on the environment begins to harm it, gradually destroy it.

Let us recall the statement of Yevgeny Yevtushenko, which is an appeal, a cry in relation to man to nature:

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small bylinochku loving.

Take care of all the animals inside nature, kill only the animals inside yourself!

Reflecting on all this, I wanted to learn about the situation that is happening in the world around us, in nature, to understand what is the influence of man on nature, when it began, and what threatens this influence to future generations.

In the conditions of the current ecological situation, the interaction between man and nature is very difficult, and each of us must understand that without a change in people's consciousness and attitude to nature, human life can die much earlier.

Technological progress makes human life easier, but factories, cars and power plants pollute the air we breathe.

The aggressive impact of man on nature has led to a change and deterioration of the environment, food quality, and the emergence of diseases. Deforestation, pollution of lakes and water bodies due to environmental disasters, poaching, forest fires, floods… The list goes on. All this is the result of thoughtless human activity. In this regard, many extremely acute problems arise, primarily environmental ones.

Therefore, the mainpurpose of my work:call for respect for the environment, preserve our wonderful nature for the future generation and prove that nature is the main factor in human health.

We will get acquainted with the terms "ecology", "environmental safety", highlight the rules of personal environmental safety and try to prove that the Earth is our home, we will save our home - we will save our health.

Object of study:us and the world around us.

Subject of study:the impact of human activities on the environment.

Hypothesis: if people are taught to take care of the environment, the next generation will not face many of the problems that exist now.

Practical significance:this work will help to interest many people who are not indifferent to nature and will provide an opportunity to think about their attitude to the world around us. After all, everyone can contribute and help preserve our beautiful nature!

Ecology. Global environmental problems.

What is ecology?

Ecology is the science of the relationship of living organisms with the environment. These connections are life on Earth. Humanity is also a part of this life. It arose as a result of the development of living nature, is connected with it by all roots, exists at its expense.

Translated from the Greek "oikos" - house, "logos" - science. We can say that ecology is the science of the house, the planet Earth. The term "ecology" was first used in 1866 by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919). Environmental safety - protection from the harmful effects of the environment.

Consider global environmental problems and determine ways to solve them.

Global environmental problems and ways to solve them.

Today, the ecological situation in the world can be described as close to critical.

We are happy to swim in the river, pick mushrooms, berries, breathe the fresh air of the forest after a thunderstorm. But do we like everything in nature? Some animals cause us fear, others are unpleasant for us to look at.

Stop! Remember: every plant, every living being is amazing and needed by nature! There is nothing superfluous in it! To love nature means not to touch it, not to prevent it from living according to its own laws.

Therefore, among the global environmental problems, I would like to note the following:

  1. thousands of species of plants and animals have been destroyed and continue to be destroyed, some of them are listed in the Red Book.

Red Book is a list of rare and endangered plants, animals and fungi;

  1. the forest cover has been largely destroyed due to deforestation and fires;
  2. polluted natural waters;
  3. the atmosphere in many places is polluted to the maximum permissible extent, and fresh air becomes a deficit
  4. surface pollution and disfigurement of natural landscapes: on Earth it is impossible to find a single square meter of the surface, where there are no elements artificially created by man.

The pernicious relation of man to nature becomes quite obvious. Currently, human economic activity is becoming the main source of environmental pollution. Industrial waste is released into the natural environment, which then enters the soil, air or water and, ultimately, into the human body. Getting into the human body, toxic substances cause various diseases that can become chronic, some of them cause mutations, oncological diseases and lead to death.
To protect yourself from the harmful effects of polluting, toxic substances, you must follow the basic rules of personal environmental safety.

Here are the rules of environmental safety. Under the rules is a list of words. Now we will determine what rules we need to follow in order to preserve, keep our health strong.

Now let's find out what measures are needed to solve global environmental problems.

  1. Protect plants and animals living near us;
    2. Protect and restore forests, protect them from fires, pests and diseases;
    3. Use water sparingly, oblige enterprises to use a wastewater treatment system, use garbage collection ships and oil skimmers to clean water bodies.

4. Green cities and industrial centers, replace cars with electric cars, install smoke detectors at plants and factories.

5. The state establishes standards for catching fish, a ban on whaling, public organizations for environmental protection, for example, "GREENPEACE".

Another direction for solving environmental problem, and perhaps in the future - the most important of all, is the formation of ecological consciousness in society, people's understanding of nature as another living being, over which one cannot rule without harming him and himself. Each of us must know the rules of behavior in nature and strictly follow them.(Annex 1)


Nature is the environment of life and the source of human existence. In our country, nature conservation is a matter of national importance. Everyone should take care of all living things, observe the rules of behavior in nature.

Ecological education and upbringing in society should be put on the state level, in schools and kindergartens it is necessary to conduct conversations with children on the topic of caring for nature, to conduct open lessons. After all, each of us can make a significant contribution to the protection and preservation of our nature.And if we, people, do not take care of our nature, our native land, everything that nature gives us, then the future generation simply will not be able to survive in the gradually emerging natural conditions, in the ecology that will be in several generations.

Enjoy the beauty of your native nature, green meadows and forests, the sonorous singing of birds, the fluttering of butterflies and dragonflies. Observe the life of nature, study it and love it!


  1. Illustrated Encyclopedia of Facts / Ed. Dyleyko A.A., Zaritskaya T.A., Maruk V.A., Tikhonovich V.E. - St. Petersburg: Belfax, 1999. - 504 pp.: ill.
  2. The world around: Proc. for class 2 four years. early school / Vinogradova N.F. - 2nd ed., corrected. – M.: Enlightenment, 1997. – 192p.:, ill.
  3. Fundamentals of ecology: Proc. for grade 9 general education institutions / Chernova N.M., Galushin V.M., Konstantinov V.M. – M.: Enlightenment, 1997. – 240p.: ill.
  4. Why/Dietrich A.K., Yurmin G.A., Koshurnikova R.V. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: Pedagogy, 1991. - 384 p.: ill.
  5. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 19. Ecology / Chapter. ed. Volodin V.A., lead. scientific ed. Vilchek G.E., responsible ed. Ananyeva E.G. – M.: Avanta+ , 2003. - 448 pp.: ill.
  6. Link to Internet resources: htt://, http://,

Annex 1

Rules of conduct in nature