The new owner of "211-kzhbi". New owner of "211-kzhbi" Aerated concrete blocks kzhbi 211

Manufacturer's address: St. Petersburg, Oktyabrskaya embankment, 40 lit. A

Aerok plant SPb- the largest enterprise for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete products in the North-West region of Russia. The plant was established in 2004 as part of the LSR Group.

Plant N+N

Manufacturer's address: LO, Volosovsky district, pos. Kikerino, st. Lime, industrial area

Plant N+N represents in Russia the international group of companies H+H international A/S (Denmark), which has been producing autoclaved aerated concrete for more than 70 years and sells it in 10 European countries, including Russia.

Stroykomplekt plant

Manufacturer's address: St. Petersburg, Industrial zone "Obukhovo", Gruzovoy proezd, 13

Stroykomplekt plant a relatively young manufacturer of autoclaved aerated concrete - launched in October 2010.

The plant is part of the Stroykomplekt industrial group, which has been producing materials for road, industrial and civil construction since 1992.

Plant 211 KZhBI

Manufacturer's address: LO, Vsevolozhsk district, Sertolovo, Sertolovo microdistrict 1, st. Industrialnaya, 12.

211 Plant of reinforced concrete products founded in 1991. The main purpose of creating the enterprise was to provide large-panel housing construction in the region with building materials and structures.

The main products of 211 KZhBI are autoclaved aerated concrete products, reinforced concrete products, commercial reinforcement, ready-mixed concrete and dry building mixtures.

EuroAeroConcrete Plant

Manufacturer's address: Leningrad region, Slantsy, Slantsevskoe highway, 30

EuroAeroConcrete Plant has been producing and selling autoclaved aerated concrete products since 2008 under the trademark EAB (EuroAeroConcrete). The enterprise is equipped with high-tech European equipment.

Yutong Plant (YTONG)

Manufacturer's address: Russia, Moscow region, Mozhaysky district, urban settlement Mozhaysk, settlement Stroitel, Ytong

YTONG Aerated Concrete Block Plant- one of several large enterprises of the Xella Company - the leading manufacturer of building materials in Europe.

In Russia, this company is represented by the production of cellular concrete (trademark YTONG®), sand-lime brick (trademark SILKA®) and large-format reinforced panels made of aerated concrete (trademark HEBEL®);

Plant Bonolit

Manufacturer's address: Russia, Moscow region, Noginsky district, city of Staraya Kupavna, Concrete street, 1

Plant Bonolit specializes in the production of blocks of autoclaved aerated concrete of the Bonolit brand, based on the Dutch HESS line.

The technology allows the production of standard blocks of various configurations from autoclaved aerated concrete.

The plant for the production of aerated concrete "211-KZhBI" will go under the hammer as part of the bankruptcy on December 9th. The enterprise is estimated at 940 million rubles. Andrei Molchanov's LSR Group is called the main contender for its purchase. As a result of this transaction, it will be able to take control of a third of the regional aerated concrete market.

Large regional manufacturer of aerated concrete "211-KZHBI ", declared bankrupt in the summer at the request ofBank of Moscow , will be put up for auction in early December. The asset is estimated at 940 million rubles. The main contender for it is "LSR Group"ex-senator Andrey Molchanov . This transaction will change the balance of power in the regional aerated concrete market with a capacity of 4 billion rubles, allowing LSR Group to take control of almost a third of the segment. Meanwhile, the aerated concrete market itself is going through hard times. Its capacity is forecast to fall by 10-20% this year, mainly due to a sharp decline in low-rise construction, which consumes about half of the material produced in the region.

Bargaining is appropriate

The fact that LSR Group intends to buy " 211-KZHBI"," DP "reported several sources in the market. According to them, the parties have been negotiating this deal since the summer.

"In a couple of weeks, LSR Group will begin moving from the site on Oktyabrskaya Embankment, where its own production of aerated concrete is located, in Sertolovo to the 211-KZhBI site. According to my information, the equipment will not be transported - it is old. And on the vacated site housing will be built on the embankment (its area is about 4 hectares)," one of the sources said.

"In Sertolovo, LSR Group will retain only the production of aerated concrete, and they are already looking for a buyer for equipment for the production of other materials, in particular reinforced concrete products," another interlocutor added. DP ".

The press service of LSR Group stated that they would not comment on the negotiations on the asset until the deal was closed.

The directorate of "211-KZhBI" reported that the auction for the sale of the enterprise was scheduled for December 9, but declined to comment further. Employees of "211-KZhBI" know that the owner of the plant will change in the near future. "We hope that the enterprise will continue to operate," they said.

The auction will be organized at the initiative of the BankVTB , since 211-KZHBI was declared bankrupt at the end of August at the request of the Bank of Moscow, which is part of the VTB group. The press service of VTB Bank (PJSC) confirmed the upcoming auction.

In the materials for the auction, which was found by "DP", it is said that the starting price of "211-KZHBI" is 940 million rubles. Meanwhile, it follows from the report of the arbitration manager that the amount of claims included in the register of creditors "211-KZHBI" is 1.4 billion rubles, and the book value of his property is 334 million rubles.

According to the senior partner of the law firm " Duvernoix Legal" Igor Gushchev, the main task of the bankruptcy trustee is to sell the debtor's property in order to pay off the debts.

"Usually, 6 months are allotted for this, so the bankruptcy trustee in this case acts in accordance with established practice," the lawyer says.

History of bankruptcy

The 211-KZhBI plant has been operating in Sertolovo for 24 years. It produces aerated concrete (design capacity 200 thousand m3 per year), reinforced concrete, dry mixes, ready-mixed concrete.

It was built at one time as part of the program for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Germany. Until recently, it was under the control of the Moscow company "UKIS" Sergey Khudyakov and Andrey Muravin.

This year, the Bank of Moscow filed bankruptcy claims against UMKS, 211-KZhBI, as well as several enterprises that Sergey Khudyakov and his partners control through ZAO Investstroy-15. This company was engaged in the construction of housing for the military by order of the Main Directorate for the Arrangement of Troops (GUOV) at a time when the military department was headed by Anatoly Serdyukov .

As a result, a number of large-scale projects in Moscow and the regions with a total funding of about 60 billion rubles were not completed, and the debt of CJSC Investstroy-15 and its structures to the bank, GUOV and other creditors exceeded 30 billion rubles.

All the mentioned enterprises were bankrupt. The auction for the sale of the property of "Investstroy-15" ("211-KZHBI" is only a part of the property complex of this company put up for auction) will be held on 1 day.

Meanwhile, "211-KZhBI" continues to work. True, according to market participants, this year the plant has reduced the production of aerated concrete by 60%. If in 2015 the enterprise produced 140,000 m3 of aerated concrete (22% less than a year earlier), this year it will produce about 100,000 m3.

Interestingly, "211-KZHBI" was also engaged in the construction of low-rise housing in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. In particular, the Sertolovsky DSK structure affiliated with him built 120 thousand m2 in Sertolovo. The project is not completed.

But, as "DP" found out, now the company " Petrostroy". There, the sales department reported that the site and the project were purchased in 2015.

For a place in the sun

Experts estimate the capacity of the regional aerated concrete market at 4 billion rubles. According to the company " Solution", in 2015 it was 1.1 million m3. This year, according to the forecast, it will fall by 10-20%.

The situation is affected primarily by the reduction in demand for material from builders. The fact is that 40–45% of the total consumption of aerated concrete falls on low-rise construction. But during this crisis, sales in the suburban market decreased by 2 times.

Problems with the supply of cement, the main material for the production of aerated concrete, also affect the situation. Last summer, due to interruptions at manufacturing plants, cement output fell by 60%, while its prices rose by 20%. As a result, prices for aerated concrete increased by 10%.

"LSR Group" is now the leader of the aerated concrete market with a share of about 24% (see "The main players in the aerated concrete market and their shares"). "After the purchase of 211-KZHBI, it will theoretically increase its share to 32% (in other segments, LSR Group also seeks to dominate - see the diagram). But the move will take time and money. So it will have to fight to keep this share" , - says one of the manufacturers of aerated concrete. "Competition will intensify," - concluded the head of the company "Decision" Alexander Batushansky .

VI Medvedev, deputy chief engineer for production, honorary builder of Russia, tells about the activities of 211 KZhBI in the Pushkin region and not only, as well as new plans for the future.

- Viktor Ivanovich, what amount of work under the program "15 + 15" has your company mastered in the Pushkin district?
- Under the terms of the tender won, we had to build a total of 1737 apartments with a total area of ​​109 thousand m2 in two years, including 10 houses in Pushkin - 592 apartments, or 36 thousand m2. By mid-summer, we plan to complete work on this program in Pushkin and Vsevolozhsk.
The large-panel houses of the Kontakt-SP series that we are building have improved architectural and planning solutions, thanks to which you can create apartments that are different in area, in the number of rooms, as well as change the interior layout by moving partitions. The height of the floor in our houses is 3 meters, therefore, in Pushkin, due to the restriction of the height of the buildings being erected by the KGIOP of the administration of St. Petersburg, we are building four-story houses. The step of the bearing walls (transverse axes) is 3.0; 3.6; 4.2; 7.2 meters, which allows you to place offices, trading floors, cafes with an area of ​​more than 50 m2 on the first floors. Each apartment has a balcony or loggia.
In Pushkin, we managed to apply an interesting design solution for the design of loggias. We used metal and colored glass. Glazed loggias look very aesthetically pleasing, because in some houses the glass is filled with green, in others it is dark brown or the color of metal. Relief elements on the facades: sandriks, balusters - give not only expressiveness, but also a unique individuality to each residential building.

– Do you build housing only in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region or in other regions too?
– We are actively building not only in the city and the region: Pushkin, Sestroretsk, Krasnoye Selo, Luga, Yanin, Vyborg, Kuzmolov, Sertolov, Vsevolozhsk, Gorelov, Bugry, but also in the European part of Russia.
In 2003-2004, 211 KZhBI participated in the program to transfer the 76th Pskov Airborne Division to a contract form of service. This was the first experience in the Russian Armed Forces. According to the adopted program, we built 6 soldiers' dormitories in Pskov, re-equipping our own production for this, so that reinforced concrete structures could be produced.
Dormitories are much more comfortable than barracks - there is a cubicle system of accommodation. Each cubicle (room) has 3 people, 2 rooms have a bathroom, shower, dryer. The dormitory project for military personnel turned out to be so successful that we built 2 more dormitories in the village. Kamenka, Leningrad region, we complete hostels in Nizhny Novgorod, Kostroma, Ivanovo.
The program to provide housing for contractors of the Pskov division has not yet been fully implemented, we continue to build 1-2 residential buildings a year. Last year, a house with 108 apartments was built. This year, it is planned to build 2 seven-storey buildings with 84 and 56 apartments - preparatory work is already underway on the site.

– Your production is located in Sertolov, what advantages does the city get from this?
– The enterprise has created jobs for 800 residents of Sertolov and its environs, the taxes that we pay go to the local budget. The creation of 211 KZhBI made it possible to transform the appearance of Sertolov himself, which turned from a provincial military town into a modern locality with developed infrastructure. We built 22 residential buildings with 2,128 apartments in Sertolovo with a total area of ​​more than 125,000 m2 (an increase of 18% of the existing housing stock). We can say that 211 KZhBI is a city-forming enterprise.

- You are not the first year on the market, what heights have you already conquered?
- On November 19, 1991, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR signed a directive on the creation of the Directorate of the enterprise under construction "211 Reinforced Concrete Products Plant" - this is the birthday of KZhBI. It was envisaged that the plant will ensure the annual production of 80 thousand m2 of total living space of industrial products of large-panel housing construction, 50 thousand m2 of reinforced concrete products, 60 thousand m2 of aerated concrete products, as well as ready-mixed concrete and reinforcement, dry building mixtures. Since then, we have significantly increased our production capacity by improving technology and increasing productivity. Now the company is building 125 thousand m2 of housing per year, and we plan to increase this figure to 150 thousand m2. We produce 100 thousand m2 of prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete products. The volume of production of aerated concrete blocks has increased to 130 thousand m2, and since 2007 we plan to ensure the production of 180 thousand m2 per year.
The plant produces about 40 types of dry lime, cement and cement-lime mortars, plasters, putties, adhesives for aerated concrete and tiles under the EuroMix trademark. Their range and quality are constantly being improved. Since 2005, we have mastered the production of waterproofing dry mixes, since last year we have been producing self-leveling floors with the Agio polymer additive.

Over the years of its existence, the plant has built about 770 thousand m2 of housing, mainly for military personnel, 1150 thousand m2 of aerated concrete blocks and 172 thousand tons of dry mixes have been manufactured at our production.
In 2003, 211 KZhBI received Russian and international certificates for compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard - the first among enterprises of the Russian Ministry of Defense. High quality products that meet European standards, a wide range of products allow us to occupy a leading position in the construction industry in the North-West region of Russia. It is no coincidence that in 2006 211 KZHBI was included in the "Elite of the Russian Construction Complex" and entered the top 25 most successful and reliable enterprises producing high-quality products.

Construction of 211 KZhBI began in June 1994. SUE "211 KZhBI" built by order of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation under the Housing Construction Program for military personnel at the expense of foreign exchange funds allocated by the Federal Republic of Germany, and was accepted into operation by the state commission in March 1997. Well-known companies took part in the construction and supply of equipment to the plant: Kone Cranes, ABB, Yit Corporation, HCE Engineering (Finland), Hebel International GmbH & Co, M-TEC, Suba ArbeitsGemeinschaft (Germany).

211 KZhBI produces building structures and materials. The main activity of the enterprise is the construction of residential buildings based on a flexible system that allows you to create residential ensembles of different functional purpose and architecture with a facade part that is as close as possible to the houses of pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg buildings. The following parameters of the system are assumed to be unchanged: the floor height is 3.0 m, the steps between the transverse load-bearing walls are 7.2 m and 3.6 m. different types finishes.

In addition, 211 KZhBI provides services for the construction of high-rise and low-rise housing on a turnkey basis from its own materials.

Main technological processes at 211 KZhBI provide:

Rational use of raw materials and energy resources (production waste is disposed of, a recycling water supply system and other progressive solutions are used);

The ability of production to readjust for the operational change of manufactured block sections;

Conveyor preparation of molds in molding industries;

Heat treatment automation;

Mechanization of manufacturing reinforcing meshes and frames;

Automated production of concrete, mortar with automated accounting of raw materials;

Targeted supply of concrete to workplaces with automated accounting;

Storage finished products with automated accounting;

Compliance with environmental requirements.

Prefabricated elements and structures 211KZhBI can be used not only in the construction of housing, but also for the construction of multi-storey garages, covered markets, hotels and other facilities. The plant's products were used in the construction of the following facilities: Gillette-SPb (ABK plant on Pulkovskoye highway), Caterpiller Tosno (Tosno), Philip Morris (tobacco factory in the village of Izhora), Sennoy market (reconstruction).

Modern equipment, impeccable technology from Hebel make it possible for 211 KZHBI to produce elements of cellular aerated concrete (blocks for walls and partitions, lintels, light ceilings), which are widely used in the construction of low-rise housing. Their indicators comply with the new SNiP standards, which have been introduced since January 2000. These elements were used to build the three-storey Kolomyagi-retro house.

At the same time, 211 KZhBI produces elements of sewer wells, foundation blocks, curbstones, trays of impassable channels, commercial fittings. The advanced equipment of world famous companies allows to produce dry mixes intended for installation, masonry and finishing works. Mortars from dry mixes "Sertolit" have proven themselves well when laying walls and partitions from aerated concrete blocks with a joint thickness of up to 3 mm. Also, 211 KZhBI produces plastic windows and balcony doors using the technology of the German company Rehau.

Every day, the volumes of products manufactured by the plant are increasing. The most daring design projects are being implemented at the enterprise, the latest technological complexes are successfully used and the most optimal management methods are applied. Chairman of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation recognized

211 KZhBI one of the best plants in the country.

So that the reader does not look for a long time, I want to say right away that aerated concrete D400 vaunted Aeroc Turned out to be NOT very good.

So, let's begin. It was summer. The height of the construction season in 2015. We were brought the long-awaited Aeroc from the factory directly. We ordered the delivery of all aerated concrete from the manufacturer by manipulators, since the scow will not pass to us.

On this moment some aspects of the article are not relevant due to the fact that LSR has already bought up not only Aeroc, but 211 KZhBI.

Almost everything was driven by one driver, only two were different. There are basically no complaints here. So flowers. One of the carriers was rough and he didn’t give a fuck if the pallets were standing or falling at all, if only to dump them faster.

And the first flight ruffled my nerves. No, the driver himself turned out to be a great man, a tire burst in his car upon arrival. In the end, he called the office and then was very glad that the tire had burst. There he was promised a new set of wheels.

The problem turned out to be that the pre-paid aerated concrete turned out to be unpaid. More precisely, the data did not reach, they got mixed up, who the hell knows what else. In general, having not received money from me, since I was not going to pay twice for the same thing, the driver received a signal from the manager to dump, and they will sort it out.

Having ruffled our nerves a little, they didn’t bother us with this issue anymore, apparently they figured it out there at their place.

It's time to build the walls. Let me remind you that for this purpose we ordered with a groove-comb system, in general, the best one, as it seemed to us then. For the main building, a D400 brand HB with a groove-groove was purchased, and for auxiliary structures for fixed formwork of floors, an armored belt in front of the roof and lintels of a D500 HB without a tongue-and-groove.

During the construction process, it turned out that there are a lot of D400 blocks with factory defects. They have internal cracks and closed cracks, i.e. the crack goes along the block but does not reach the edges of the block and has a smoother appearance, i.e. formed before the hardening of the material during production. You can also see the cracks in the photo below.

Becoming to find out what kind of garbage, I came across a bunch of similar stories on the Internet and all with Aerochny GB. There, on the well-known Forumhouse forum, a specialist from Aeroc (I won’t point a finger to whoever needs to find it), reassured people that this is all garbage and will not affect the bearing capacity in any way.

Having estimated that he was basically right in this, I calmed down and scored, and the campaign really was the way it was. But when winter came, the situation changed. The marriage may not have affected the bearing capacity, but it greatly affected the frost resistance.

At the end of December, in the harsh St. Petersburg winter at a temperature of +9, I decided to visit the construction site. It rained all the time and the temperature only dropped to -10 a couple of times, and the rest of the time it was in the region of -2 - +6. On one side of the house, in the wettest place, the aerated concrete stratified and fell down.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

Several pieces fell off right in front of my eyes, which drew my attention to the problem. So far, the depth of the fallen off part was 0.5-1.5 cm. At the same time, the problem began from the second row, although the first was the wettest, but aerated concrete was used there without comb grooves from another batch (without marriage) from the same Aeroc.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

The photo also shows defective blocks with cracks.

The D500 above the window openings also coped with this load without any problems. The trick is that both brands have the same frost resistance factor F50.

This means that this material at maximum water absorption (absolutely wet) can be frozen and thawed 50 times without much harm to the material.

The manufacturer tries very hard to shove namely the D400, although there is most of the marriage here(even from the most branded manufacturers), but Aeroc’s D500 is now only produced without a tongue and groove.

Also in the D400, everything is holding up much worse.

To survive the collapsing part until spring, this area was treated with a penetrating water repellent (a water-repellent composition that retains the ability of the material to “breathe”).

Now, in fairness, I would like to say a few words about Sertolovsky aerated concrete from the KZhBI 211 plant.

A small house on the second site was built from Sertolovsky aerated concrete D500 without a tongue-and-groove from KZhBI 211. For the third year, the remains are lying in the rain on the street and he absolutely does not care. On our party, it was indicated in general that he was F100, it is very likely that this is the case.

I did not notice any difference in geometry between Sertolovsky and Aeroc. Especially if you are not going to lay walls yourself, you can ignore this parameter at all, because the builders act much more crookedly and “snub” any factory deviation for you :)

In general, I liked Sertolovsky GB. The price is much lower than competitors. Shipping was also much cheaper.

Poor packaging of Aerated Concrete 211 KZhBI leads to a higher percentage of rejects during delivery and especially unloading. Now his packaging has become a little better, but still far from Aeroc.

They took a partition Aeroc 100. Also some misunderstandings. They took in Petrovich and from the factory. So the one with Petrovich almost perfect geometry, and from the factory the entire curve is almost 5mm beveled geometry and this is Aeroc, praised for its geometry.

Below is a comparative table of the pros and cons of GB of different brands and manufacturers.

  • - bad (or absent)
    + good (or present)
Comparison table. Aeroc
% factory defect + +
Warming (thermal conductivity) ++ + +
Frost resistance in practice + +
tongue and groove +
Package + +
Fastener retention + +
Price +

I think the Aeroc price is too high, there is no high quality in this material, an average GB.