Moving to a guy: 9 tips for a girl

Many people today move in with their partners before marriage. This makes sense for those who are in a long-term relationship, and ever-increasing rental prices are also pushing this step. And while this can be a very good idea for many lovers, it's not always what you expect. Seeing someone (even every day) and living with them are two different things. Moving in with your partner is not a step you can take lightly. Here are tips and things you should keep in mind before you decide on it.

Get rid of the clutter

First of all, you need to get rid of unnecessary things. You might think you don't have one, but once you start packing your bags, you'll quickly realize that you've accumulated a lot over the years. You may have room for things you don't need if you live alone, but now you need to share space with another person who also has things.

common space

Whether you live with your parents or all alone, you are probably used to having your own space, be it a room or an entire apartment, that belongs only to you and no one else. Well, chances are you and your partner aren't moving into a huge house, but into a small apartment, so you'll have to share everything. This space becomes common. Yes, this bathroom is no longer just yours, you only get half of this bed that seemed so huge and comfortable. This may seem like a minor change, but it really is. It will take some time to get used to the changes.

Obvious bonus

Don't just talk about the negative. There are pluses too. One of them is that now your boyfriend is always there. If you have a hard day at work and all you want is to come home and cuddle, you get it. If you need someone to talk to and get advice, he is waiting for you at home. When you need someone just to listen to you, he lives with you. It's great.

Conflicts get tough

Every couple fights from time to time. But when you live together, your battles can take on new dimensions. You no longer have the opportunity to leave and go to your apartment to calm down and then make up. You cannot ignore a person for a couple of days or stop communicating with him. The best you can hope for is to go to another room for some rest, or go for a walk.

Compromise is the key to everything

When you live with your partner, you need to learn how to compromise. Everything cannot be the way you want. You have to talk, find different solutions to problems, or sometimes do things your own way.

We can cook together

There are two sides. On the one hand, cooking for two is more fun than cooking for one. On the other hand, if you have a small kitchen, the second person can be annoying.

Gotta keep leaving the house

When you live with your partner, you may develop the habit of staying at home. In the end, you no longer need to go anywhere to see your loved one, he is always there for you. Sometimes you just want to cook something at home or order pizza and watch a movie in your pajamas. But you need to go out sometimes to keep the fire in your hearts alive.

No more secrets and pretense

This is one of the most important things you need to be aware of before you move. You can no longer pretend, all your secrets, strange habits and quirks will become apparent within the first month. So stop pretending, be yourself, and slowly figure out your partner's habits while you're still living on your own. Because it can be quite a serious shock.

Wanting to be alone with yourself is normal

For a few days you will miss your room, your apartment, your life when you were free. And that's okay. We all want to be alone from time to time. It's okay if you want to leave the house to be alone with your thoughts. Feel free to talk about it, go for a walk or in a cafe. When you return home, you will be able to accept both your partner and the life you created together.